Pass Variables
Aug 8, 2007
I placed a post regarding this issue previously but no success. So I thought I explain everything properly this time in a new post. Thanks
I have created a stored procedure which passes variables to the ssis package and then executes the package.
The two variables inside the ssis package are @FileName and @ConnectionPath
As you can see from the below stored procedure, xp_cmdshell is used to execute the package.
If only the first variable is used in the package and the @connectionPath variable is hardcoded inside the package then package runs fine.
Problem is in this particular call as you see below because @ConnectionPath is included.
The output of print is:
dtexec /f d:sysapplCEMSSISImportsTradesBaseProfiles2.dtsx /set Package.Variables[User::FileName].Properties[Value];"d:ApplDataCEMWorkingTempprofiles.csv"
/set Package.Variables[User::ConnectionPath].Properties[Value];"Data Source=servername1instancename1, 2025;Initial Catalog=CounterpartyExposure;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"
Error is:
Error: 2007-08-08 08:46:01.29
Code: 0xC0202009
Source: BaseProfiles2 Connection manager "CounterpartyExposure"
Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified".
End Error
if only the output is run in the query analyser then the error is:
The identifier that starts with 'Data Source=gblond088sjyMSQL_curves_DEV1, 2025;Initial Catalog=CounterpartyExposure;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI' is too long. Maximum length is 128.
uspCEMTradeExecutePackage2 'd:sysapplCEMSSISImportsTradesStaticMappingOverride.dtsx',
'Data Source=servername1instancename1, 2025;Initial Catalog=CounterpartyExposure;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;'
ALTER procedure [dbo].[uspCEMTradeExecutePackage2]
@FullPackagePath varchar(1000),
@FileName varchar(500),
@ConnectionPath varchar(1000)
declare @returncode int
declare @cmd varchar(1000)
declare @FilePath varchar(1000)
declare @FullFilePath varchar(1000)
set @FilePath = 'd:ApplDataCEMWorkingTemp'
set @FullFilePath = @FilePath + @FileName
print ' ----------- ' + @FileName
set @cmd = 'dtexec /f ' + @FullPackagePath + ' /set Package.Variables[User::FileName].Properties[Value];"' + @FullFilePath + '"'
set @cmd = 'dtexec /f ' + @FullPackagePath +
' /set Package.Variables[User::FileName].Properties[Value];"' + @FullFilePath + '"
/set Package.Variables[User::ConnectionPath].Properties[Value];"' + @ConnectionPath + '"'
print @cmd
set nocount on
begin try
exec @returncode = master..xp_cmdshell @cmd
end try
begin catch
exec @LastGoodVersionSP
DECLARE @msg nvarchar(200)
SET @msg = ('Error during execute package')
EXECUTE uspErrorReporter @msg
end catch
set nocount off
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Mar 2, 2005
iam trying to pass variable to a statement to grab data to from one DB table and pitch it in the same table in another DB base on evaluation like a where clause. but its not working what am i doing rong
here is the code
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ClientComment]')
and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
Declare @BDFR varchar(20), @BDTO varchar(20), @EQID varchar(20), @TABLEDESC varchar(20), @DBO varchar(20)
set @TABLEDESC = 'ClientComment'
set @DBO = '.dbo.'
set @BDFR = 'Commander' + @DBO + @TABLEDESC
set @BDTO = 'Test_Commander'+ @DBO + @TABLEDESC
set @EQID = '80_300_113'
insert into @BDTO
select from @BDFR where Eqid = @EQID
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Jan 26, 2004
Fairly new to triggers and stored procedures and so far I haven't had to pass any variables or even call an SP from a trigger. The problem I have is to pass a 'callid' variable from an insert trigger to a stored procedure.
The SP is to delete any rows that already exist that contain the passed 'callid' and then insert the new inserted data (using variables again hopefully).
Is this at all possible and if so what is the syntax for passing the variable from the trigger and then reading it into the stored procedure ?
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Aug 17, 2006
I have a project that uses GUID's througout and I'm completely stumped.
1) I create a "batch" GUID to batch the records I'm about to process.
2) I call a web service on a remote machine, and reserve the batch records by inserting the batch GUID into a string ---works fine
3)I call another web service that returns the rows that I just reserved as XML objects and insert into a string variable
4)I need to use the "batch"GUID variable which is typed as a string (DT_WSTR) as an added column so in a Data Flow Task I do the following:
a) use the XML string variable as the source of a XML Source Task -- works (now that I'm passing custom objects and not a dataset -- curious as to why I can't consume a dataset but thats a different question)
This is where things get tricky:
I've tried to add the BatchGUID as a derived column, as a datatype of DT_WSTR (unicode string) and convert it to uniqueidentifier in the Data Conversion task --- error, cannot convert unicode to uniqueidentifier (I know I can in C# and SQL Server so why not here).
I've tried to CAST the BatchGUID as a uniqueidentifier and pass that to the datasource -- again conversion error.
I've tried using the type Object and Casting to anything and that doesn't work either.
I've tried to pass the unicode all the way to the SQL Server Destination -- and insert into UniqueIdentifier field... again no go.
All help would be appreciated, at this point I can't see any way of using a UniqueIdentifier as a key field, and maintaining it through the package...
Is this a bug?
Oh and if you want to have some real fun, try returning the type of UniqueIdentifier as an output parameter using a ADO.NET connection.
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Feb 29, 2008
I’ve got the following piece of ASP code, which updated a
table through the standard edit/update command filed options.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionStrings:CAT_SYSTEMConnectionString %>"
PsnQualifications SET quantity=@quantity WHERE rowstatus=1 and
PsnQualifications SET rowStatus=0, lastUpdateOn=getdate(), lastUpdateBy=@createdBy
WHERE rowstatus=1 and qualId=@original_qualId"
<asp:Parameter Name="original_qualId"
<asp:Parameter Name="quantity"
<asp:Parameter Name="original_qualId"
<asp:Parameter Name="createdBy" DefaultValue="TEST"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="masterKey"
My problem is that I need to pass the contents
of the VB variable ‘createdBy’ into the DeleteParameters option.
This is defined in the code as: Dim createdBy As String = getUserLoginName(Me.Page)
How do I pass this into the update and/or delete part
of the command field on the ASP page?
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Jan 14, 2008
Can any one please help me. how to pass the database connection through variables to SSIS.
And also calling SSIS from visual
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Nov 30, 2004
Hey Guys:
--- Not sure if this should be moved to webforms forum, or if it belongs here ---
Alright, I have been dealing with this issue for a few days now, and have found a few solutions but they all seem to throw different errors so I figured I'd ask here.
What i am trying to do is have a webform where user enter data, and have the data passed across forms, then displayed and inserted into a database on another form. THe first for has an asp:rangevalidator control dymamicly built so I cannot simply take of the tags and use the old style.
Eventually the user will be directed to a paypal form, and upon successful completion be redirected to the page with the insert command within it, but for now, passing it to a second page for review, then inserting it will work.
I am not sure how to accomplish this, a tutorial or a code example would be great!! I have though about panels, creating public objects, etc, but all the solutions I have found have one issue or another when I attempt to create them.
I'm using 1.1, and SQL server.
Brian Sierakowski
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Sep 13, 2004
I want to pass a command line values into an osql run stored procedure.
The commandline values should be are the values to put into the insert stored procedure that writes them to a table.
Is it possible to do this.
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Jun 1, 2006
Does anybody know how to pass values from asp dot net to SSIS package variables ?
Currently I have an SSIS package for monitoring windows service... for that...
I have to pass the Server-IP Addrress, UserName, Password, Service Name as Parameter.
I would like to pass these parameters through an Interface from RUN TIME.
Please help this problem
Deepu M.I
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Jan 14, 2008
Can any one please help me. how to pass the database connection through variables to SSIS.
And also calling SSIS from visual
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Nov 26, 2007
I want to pass below given query into a variable
"if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ <POS_MONTH>]]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
SELECT * INTO [dbo].[<POS_DATE>] ]
FROM SG_POS_Template
WHERE 1 = 0;
Where [<POS_DATE>] is a parameter by which value will be assigned dymanically.....anybody please help me out....!!
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Aug 8, 2013
How to pass variable from Parent to child and child to Parent Packages is this possible in SQL SSIS 2012. I need this only in SSIS 2012 ...
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Feb 22, 2006
I am trying to get the contents of the Excel Files dynamically and dumping into the SQL Database using SSIS. Through WMI Event Watcher, I could find when one or more Excel files dumped in a particular folder and using ForEach Loop Container I was able to take all the filenames and pass it through Variables. But at the same time in the Data Flow, I have to pass each Sheet of an Excel File to the Excel Source control and export the data to my SQL Database using OLEDB Destination.
For that I need to get the names of each sheets in an Excel File and pass it to the Excel Source Control through variables. But when I give Data Access Mode as "Table name or view name variable" and provide the variable name in that, then it is giving an error message as "A destination table name has not been provided".
And at the same time, Since I was not able to provide an static Filename (as I am passing through Variables), when I tried to map the columns in the OleDB Destination, it is not allowing me to map the columns.
So all these things I should do at Run-time using Variables in SSIS. I don't want to hard-code any filenames or Sheet names. If any one of you have a solution, please share with me.
Thanks & Regards,
Prakash Srinivasan
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Feb 27, 2008
I'm new to SSIS, but have been programming in SQL and ASP.Net for several years. In Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition I've created an SSIS that imports data from a flat file into the database. The original process worked, but did not check the creation date of the import file. I've been asked to add logic that will check that date and verify that it's more recent than a value stored in the database before the import process executes.
Here are the task steps.
[Execute SQL Task] - Run a stored procedure that checks to see if the import is running. If so, stop execution. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
[Execute SQL Task] - Log an entry to a table indicating that the import has started.
[Script Task] - Get the create date for the current flat file via the reference provided in the file connection manager. Assign that date to a global value (FileCreateDate) and pass it to the next step. This works.
[Execute SQL Task] - Compare this file date with the last file create date in the database. This is where the process breaks. This step depends on 2 variables defined at a global level. The first is FileCreateDate, which gets set in step 3. The second is a global variable named IsNewFile. That variable needs to be set in this step based on what the stored procedure this step calls finds out on the database. Precedence constraints direct behavior to the next proper node according to the TRUE/FALSE setting of IsNewFile.
If IsNewFile is FALSE, direct the process to a step that enters a log entry to a table and conclude execution of the SSIS.
If IsNewFile is TRUE, proceed with the import. There are 5 other subsequent steps that follow this decision, but since those work they are not relevant to this post.
Here is the stored procedure that Step 4 is calling. You can see that I experimented with using and not using the OUTPUT option. I really don't care if it returns the value as an OUTPUT or as a field in a recordset. All I care about is getting that value back from the stored procedure so this node in the decision tree can point the flow in the correct direction.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_CheckImportFileCreateDate]
The SSIS package passes the FileCreateDate parameter to this procedure, which then compares that parameter with the date saved in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate.
If the date is newer (or if there is no date), it updates the field in that table and returns a TRUE IsNewFile bit value in a recordset.
Otherwise it returns a FALSE value in the IsNewFile column.
exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', '2/27/2008 9:24 AM', 0
@ProcessName varchar(50)
, @FileCreateDate datetime
, @IsNewFile bit OUTPUT
--DECLARE @IsNewFile bit
DECLARE @CreateDateInTable datetime
SELECT @CreateDateInTable = FileCreateDate FROM tbl_ImportFileCreateDate WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName
IF EXISTS (SELECT ProcessName FROM tbl_ImportFileCreateDate WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName)
-- The process exists in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate. Compare the create dates.
IF (@FileCreateDate > @CreateDateInTable)
-- This is a newer file date. Update the table and set @IsNewFile to TRUE.
UPDATE tbl_ImportFileCreateDate
SET FileCreateDate = @FileCreateDate
WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName
SET @IsNewFile = 1
-- The file date is the same or older.
SET @IsNewFile = 0
-- This is a new process for tbl_ImportFileCreateDate. Add a record to that table and set @IsNewFile to TRUE.
INSERT INTO tbl_ImportFileCreateDate (ProcessName, FileCreateDate)
VALUES (@ProcessName, @FileCreateDate)
SET @IsNewFile = 1
The relevant Global Variables in the package are defined as follows:
Name : Scope : Date Type : Value
FileCreateDate : (Package Name) : DateType : 1/1/2000
IsNewFile : (Package Name) : Boolean : False
Setting the properties in the "Execute SQL Task Editor" has been the difficult part of this. Here are the settings.
Name = Compare Last File Create Date
Description = Compares the create date of the current file with a value in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate.
TimeOut = 0
CodePage = 1252
ResultSet = None
ConnectionType = OLE DB
Connection = MyServerDataBase
SQLSourceType = Direct input
IsQueryStoredProcedure = False
BypassPrepare = True
I tried several SQL statements, suspecting it's a syntax issue. All of these failed, but with different error messages. These are the 2 most recent attempts based on posts I was able to locate.
SQLStatement = exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output
SQLStatement = exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output
Parameter Mapping
Variable Name = User::FileCreateDate, Direction = Input, DataType = DATE, Parameter Name = 0, Parameter Size = -1
Variable Name = User::IsNewFile, Direction = Output, DataType = BYTE, Parameter Name = 1, Parameter Size = -1
Result Set is empty.
Expressions is empty.
When I run this in debug mode with this SQL statement ...
exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output
... the following error message appears.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Import data from flat file to tbl_GLImport, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Compare Last File Create Date, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output" failed with the following error: "No value given for one or more required parameters.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Task failed: Compare Last File Create Date
Warning: 0x80019002 at GLImport: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" finished: Failure.
When the above is run tbl_ImportFileCreateDate does not get updated, so it's failing at some point when calling the procedure.
When I run this in debug mode with this SQL statement ...
exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output
... the tbl_ImportFileCreateDate table gets updated. So I know that data piece is working, but then it fails with the following message.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Import data from flat file to tbl_GLImport, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC001F009 at GLImport: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::IsNewFile" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Compare Last File Create Date, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output" failed with the following error: "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::IsNewFile" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Task failed: Compare Last File Create Date
Warning: 0x80019002 at GLImport: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" finished: Failure.
The IsNewFile global variable is scoped at the package level and has a Boolean data type, and the Output parameter in the stored procedure is defined as a Bit. So what gives?
The "Possible Failure Reasons" message is so generic that it's been useless to me. And I've been unable to find any examples online that explain how to do what I'm attempting. This would seem to be a very common task. My suspicion is that one or more of the settings in that Execute SQL Task node is bad. Or that there is some cryptic, undocumented reason that this is failing.
Thanks for your help.
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Mar 9, 2007
I have an Execute SQL Task that returns a Full Rowset from a SQL Server table and assigns it to a variable objRecs. I connect that to a foreach container with an ADO enumerator using objRecs variable and Rows in first table mode. I defined variables and mapped them to the columns.
I tested this by placing a Script task inside the foreach container and displaying the variables in a messagebox.
Now, for each row, I want to write a record to an MS Access table and then update a column back in the original SQL Server table where I retreived data in the Execute SQL task (i have the primary key). If I drop a Data Flow Task inside my foreach container, how do I pass the variables as input to an OLE DB Destination on the Data Flow?
Also, how would I update the original source table where =
Thank you for your assistance. I have spent the day trying to figure this out (and thought it would be simple), but I am just not getting SSIS. Sorry if this has been covered.
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Jul 31, 2006
We already used Oracle Datasatage Server the following Query statement for Source and there is parameter maping in the SQl Statement . How can achive in SSIS the Folowing Querystatment?
Query 1: (source View Query)
REPORT_DATE = (select max(report_date) from V_RDP_GOLD_PRICE where source_system_id = 'RM' )
Query 2: (look up )
report_date = TO_DATE(:2,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AND
please anyone give the sample control flow and how to pass the parameter?
Thanks & regards
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Sep 4, 2006
I am not comfortable with DTS 2000 but I need to execute a encapsulated DTS 2000 package from a SSIS package. The real problem is when I need to pass SSIS variables to DTS 2000 package. The DTS 2000 package have 3 global variables that I can identify on " Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor - Inner Variables ". I believe the SSIS variables must be mapped on " Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Editor - OuterVariables ". How can I associate the SSIS variables(OuterVariables ) to "Inner Variables"? How can I do it? Much Thanks.
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Jan 24, 2006
I would like to design a SSIS package, which have couple of variables. It loads a xls file specified in a variable [varExcelFileFullPath] .
I will run it by commands: exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL ....' (pls see an example below).
It seems it does not get the values passed in for those variables. I deployed the package to a sql server.
are there any grammar errors here? I copied it from dtexecui. It worked inside Dtexecui not in dos command.
exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL "LoadExcelDB" /SERVER test /USER *** /PASSWORD ****
/LOGGER "{6AA833A1-E4B2-4431-831B-DE695049DC61}";"Test.SuperBowl"
/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileName].Properties[Value];"TestAdHocLayer"
/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelWorkbookName].Value;"Sheet1$"
/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileFullPath].Value;"D: estshareTestAdHocLayer.xls"
/Set Package.Variables[User::varDestinationTableName].Value;"FeaturesTmp"
/Set Package.Variables[User::varPreSQLAction].Value;"delete from FeaturesTmp"
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Nov 24, 2004
Is it possible from sql to use SAS as an object? And if so how?
I was recently tasked with Data Profiling and sitting next to me is a SAS developer, who just has to run a couple of functions, to do what has taken me days (and I haven't finished!). If I could call out to SAS and run the SAS functions it would be great. I have looked on the net and can see SAS calling out to SQL but not the other way round. Technically I'm probably not up to this but I don't want this to hold me back... so any help would be great.
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Sep 26, 2005
Here is my first post from pass.
I am here on sunday getting ready for the first of 5 days of nothing but SQL Server
Every time i come to this thing i still get excited about the whole community thing.
who else from dbforums is going to be here? i would be interesting to put faces with those names.
in any event i will post interesting tidbits from the event if any come to mind. starting with the microsoft givaway of a copy of std edtion 2005 (when released) to any attendee. you get a coupon and you register a pin on a web site and they will send you a copy upon release. its a nice perk i guess, but msdn and the CTPs kind of take the savoir faire out of it.
oh well.
remember to post your name if you are attending.
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Jul 20, 2005
is it possible to do:(A)declare @numberofitems Int@numberofitems = select max(itemorder)from store, department, etc.and pass the @numberofitems to a #tempStore table, like:(B)(store, department, @numberofitems,...)I got itemorder but not the number of items in each departmentAlex--Sent by 3 from yahoo part from comThis is a spam protected message. Please answer with reference header.Posted via
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Oct 19, 2006
Hey everyone I'm having trouble finding a way to pass a particular paramater, my main goal of this is to create a custom paging and sorting control for the DataList, but we wont worry about all the un-nessesarry code, here is what I am dealing with... Sub Page_Load()
Dim Conn As SqlConnection
Dim Query As String
Dim SqlComm As SqlCommand
Dim myDataReader As SqlDataReader
' Define connection object
Conn = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString)
' Define query to retrieve main category values
Query = "SELECT [productMainCategory] FROM [User_Products] WHERE [productMainCategory] = @productMainCategory"
' Define command object
SqlComm = New SqlCommand(Query, Conn)
' Open connection to database
' Create DataReader
myDataReader = SqlComm.ExecuteReader()
' Iterate through records and add to array list
While myDataReader.Read()
End While
' Close DataReader and connection objects
myDataReader = Nothing
Conn = Nothing
' If page has not been posted back, retrieve first page of records
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
End If
End Sub
The Entire Point to this bit of code is to open a connection to the database find the category productsMainCategory, count all the fields with the Name 3D Art --> and save that number into an Array List where I will be using it later on in my code......The big old problem here is that it counts every single field in the productsMainCategory, Columb.........I need to figure out how to pass it a parameter so that it only counts my 3D Art --> fields, I have tried using this bit of code but nothing SqlComm.Parameters("@productMainCategory").Value = "3D Art -->"Does anyone have any ideas of how I might go about donig this?Thank You..
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Mar 15, 2007
I cannot remember how to pass a value to a stored procedure. I would work this through but I am really running out of time, any help greatly appreciated. This is my stored procedure and I need to pass CompanyID from the code behind page in for the stored procedure @C_ID value.
PROCEDURE dbo.EditCompanyInfo @C_ID int, @CS_CompanyName nchar(100), @CS_City nchar(50) AS UPDATE tblCompanyInfo_Submit SET CS_CompanyName = @CS_CompanyName, CS_City = @CS_City WHERE C_ID = @C_ID RETURN
This is my aspx. page:
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" Runat="Server" > <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"> </asp:TextBox> <br /> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"> </asp:TextBox> <br /> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br /> <asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2" Height="50px" Width="125px"> <Fields> <asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" ShowInsertButton="True" /> </Fields> </asp:DetailsView> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString2 %>" InsertCommand="CompanyInfoSubmit" InsertCommandType="StoredProcedure" OnInserted="SqlDataSource2_Inserted" SelectCommand="SELECT CS_CompanyName, CS_City FROM tblCompanyInfo_Submit WHERE C_ID = @CompanyID " UpdateCommand="EditCompanyInfo" UpdateCommandType="StoredProcedure"> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="CS_CompanyName" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="CS_City" Type="String" /> </UpdateParameters> <InsertParameters> <asp:Parameter Direction="ReturnValue" Name="ReturnValue" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter Name="CS_CompanyName" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="CS_City" Type="String" /> </InsertParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> <br /></asp:Content>
public partial class aaatest : System.Web.UI.Page{ int CompanyID; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { DetailsView1.ChangeMode(DetailsViewMode.Insert); TextBox1.Text = "insert"; TextBox3.Text = Convert.ToString(CompanyID); } } protected void SqlDataSource2_Inserted(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { { foreach (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter param in e.Command.Parameters) { string RValue = Server.HtmlEncode(param.Direction.ToString()); if ( RValue == "ReturnValue" && Page.IsPostBack) { TextBox1.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(param.Value.ToString()); TextBox2.Text = "Return"; CompanyID = Convert.ToInt16(TextBox1.Text); TextBox3.Text = Convert.ToString(CompanyID); } } } }}
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Aug 3, 2007
I have a stored procedure that I want to pass in a number of months and use it in my where caluse. I need to minus the number of months that as passed in by @TaskMonths.
But it is minusing days not months.
@TaskMonths intWHERE (tblTasks.Caller = @Caller) AND (tblTasks.DueDate BETWEEN CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE() - @TaskMonths, 101) AND GETDATE()) I apprecaite any help.
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Oct 31, 2007
I'm trying to pass a comma delimited list of numbers to a parameter to use in an IN of my Where clause.
Dim MySqlParamSelected As New SqlParameter("@Selected", SqlDbType.Int) Cmd.Parameters.Add(MySqlParamSelected) MySqlParamSelected.Value = Session("intSelected")
WHERE tblSelected.Selected_ID IN (@Selected)
It will work if I only pass it one number (e.g. 78), but when I pass it more than one (e.g. 78,79) it fails.
Here is the error:
Msg 119, Level 15, State 1, Line 4Must pass parameter number 7 and subsequent parameters as '@name = value'. After the form '@name = value' has been used, all subsequent parameters must be passed in the form '@name = value'.
Does anyone know how I can correctly pass multiple numbers to use in my IN?
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Jan 29, 2008
How do i pass a parameter to a stored proc using this command:
object SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar (SqlConnection connection, string spName, params object[] parameterValues)
let's say that my parameter name is @ID and the value is IDval ..
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Oct 20, 2000
Good morning one and all,
Does any1 know if when A SQL pass through query is executed in access (to a SQL srv dbase) wether or not access will wait until that call is completed before running other steps (in an macro say). I don't think it does but would appreciate a more definitive answer.
TIA for any and all help
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Oct 3, 2001
Anybody know if the PASS Conference in Orlando is going to happen or not? The website is in a holding pattern saying that the conference is "POSTPONED," but I would have thought a post about the intention to resched or cancel the gathering would be in order.
Anyone know what's up?
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May 19, 2004
Hi Guys: I am trying to get a top parameter dynamically but it does not seem to work
FROM Sales)
FROM Sales
but when I hard code the value it works
FROM Sales
any ideas...Thanks
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Dec 27, 2007
I have created this sp to and i cant figure out how to use the top 3 as a paramter. I want to be able to use any # like top1,2,3,4,5 etc. I not sure how to compose the syntax i have my sp below.
-- =============================================
-- Author:<Author,,Name>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,>
-- Description:<Description,,>
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_moveBackupTables]
@serverName varchar(50) --Parameter
declare @tableName varchar(50) --Variable
--Declare Cursor
select name from adventureworksdw.dbo.sysobjects
where name like 'MyUsers_backup_%' and xtype = 'U'
and name not in(select top 3 name from adventureworksdw.dbo.sysobjects
where name like 'MyUsers_backup_%' and xtype = 'U' order by name desc)
OPEN backup_Cursor
--Move to initial record in the cursor and set variable(s) to result values
FETCH NEXT FROM backup_Cursor
INTO @tableName
--Loop through cursor records
--dynamically build create table
Declare @SQL varchar(2000)
Set @SQL = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @serverName + '.dbo.' + @tableName + '(
[Id] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL,
[Field1] [nchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[Field2] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL,
[Field3] [nchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Field4] [nchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Field5] [nchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[Id] ASC
--Insert values into new dynamically created table
Declare @backupTableRecords varchar(1000)
Set @backupTableRecords = 'Insert into ' + @serverName + '.dbo.' + @tableName + ' SELECT * FROM AdventureWorksDW.dbo.'+ @tableName
--Drop old table
Declare @dropTable varchar(200)
set @dropTable = 'drop table adventureworksdw.dbo.' + @tableName
--Move to the next record in the Cursor and set variable(s) value(s)
FETCH NEXT FROM backup_Cursor INTO @tableName
CLOSE backup_Cursor
DEALLOCATE backup_Cursor
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Nov 7, 2007
HiWe still use SqlServer 2000 and DTSs.My question is: Can I pass a parameter to a DTS and if yes then how ?We would like to plan our screen like this.The user will input a parameter on the screen/form and then the DTS willbe activated using the value inputed.We do have how to work around it if parameters can't be passed but itwould make things a lot easier and straightforward if we could.Thanks !David Greenberg
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Aug 8, 2007
I placed a post regarding this issue previously but no success. So I thought I explain everything properly this time in a new post. Thanks
I have created a stored procedure which passes variables to the ssis package and then executes the package.
The two variables inside the ssis package are @FileName and @ConnectionPath
As you can see from the below stored procedure, xp_cmdshell is used to execute the package.
If only the first variable is used in the package and the @connectionPath variable is hardcoded inside the package then package runs fine.
Problem is in this particular call as you see below because @ConnectionPath is included.
The output of print is:
dtexec /f d:sysapplCEMSSISImportsTradesBaseProfiles2.dtsx /set Package.Variables[User::FileName].Properties[Value];"d:ApplDataCEMWorkingTempprofiles.csv"
/set Package.Variables[User::ConnectionPath].Properties[Value];"Data Source=servername1instancename1, 2025;Initial Catalog=CounterpartyExposure;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"
Error is:
Error: 2007-08-08 08:46:01.29
Code: 0xC0202009
Source: BaseProfiles2 Connection manager "CounterpartyExposure"
Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified".
End Error
if only the output is run in the query analyser then the error is:
The identifier that starts with 'Data Source=gblond088sjyMSQL_curves_DEV1, 2025;Initial Catalog=CounterpartyExposure;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI' is too long. Maximum length is 128.
uspCEMTradeExecutePackage2 'd:sysapplCEMSSISImportsTradesStaticMappingOverride.dtsx',
'Data Source=servername1instancename1, 2025;Initial Catalog=CounterpartyExposure;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;'
ALTER procedure [dbo].[uspCEMTradeExecutePackage2]
@FullPackagePath varchar(1000),
@FileName varchar(500),
@ConnectionPath varchar(1000)
declare @returncode int
declare @cmd varchar(1000)
declare @FilePath varchar(1000)
declare @FullFilePath varchar(1000)
set @FilePath = 'd:ApplDataCEMWorkingTemp'
set @FullFilePath = @FilePath + @FileName
print ' ----------- ' + @FileName
set @cmd = 'dtexec /f ' + @FullPackagePath + ' /set Package.Variables[User::FileName].Properties[Value];"' + @FullFilePath + '"'
set @cmd = 'dtexec /f ' + @FullPackagePath +
' /set Package.Variables[User::FileName].Properties[Value];"' + @FullFilePath + '"
/set Package.Variables[User::ConnectionPath].Properties[Value];"' + @ConnectionPath + '"'
print @cmd
set nocount on
begin try
exec @returncode = master..xp_cmdshell @cmd
end try
begin catch
exec @LastGoodVersionSP
DECLARE @msg nvarchar(200)
SET @msg = ('Error during execute package')
EXECUTE uspErrorReporter @msg
end catch
set nocount off
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Jul 11, 2007
Using SSIS foreach loop I get the files names inside a folder on the network.
How do I pass this variable i.e. file name to a stored procedure?
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