Passing Null Value From Front End Access To SQL Back End

Dec 19, 2007


I'm not sure if this question should be in this thread but anyway...

I have a form (Mricosoft Access front end) in which the user enter a Pending Date in one of the fields. The date is populated into my backend (SQL Server) withouht problems.
Whenever the issue which had the pending date in the field is resolved I'd like to delete this date from this field and also from the back end. At the moment I'm not being able to pass the "value" Null to my back end (probably because it's a datetime type). I've searched the net throughout and I couldn't find a way around it. Only found solution to when the data is not date but numbers/letters, etc... Any ideas on how can I sort this out?

Many thanks

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Front End Access And Back End As SQL Server

Sep 7, 2007

Dear Friends,
We have MS Access database with Forms and Reports, which was started 10 years ago by users and now the data is growing very rapidly.

Did anyone tried by having MS Access as front end and SQL Server 2000/2005 as backend with minimum modifications to the forms and reports in MS Access?

Please let me know, your ideas and if there are any links in the web or in Microsoft please provide here.

Thanks in advance,

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Using SQL Server CE As A Back-end To An MS Access Front-end

Mar 2, 2007

I have a back-end front-end application in MS Access. Instead of using MS Access queries it gets data via recordsets generated from SQL scripts in VBA routines.

I'm planning to upgrade it to use SQL Server as the back-end. However I need to retain the alternative option of using a file based back-end. (It currently has the capacity to be switched between alternative Access .mdb back-end files.) Is there any information available on how to do this and on how to get Access to synchronize between SQL Server and SQL Server CE back-ends? (Eventually the application will be migrated to VB.NET, but that is a long way down the track.)

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SQL Back - Access Front - Replication - Records 'jump'

May 12, 2007

Hi all :

I hope this is an easy one for some of you - this is the scenario :

1) I have an Access Application that has been upsized to SQL

2) We are now replicating it with a second office

3) When we started doing the Merge Replication, the ROWGUID was added to each table

4) When we attempt to add a new record to the table, it allows us to add 3 fields, then the record 'jumps' to the indexed location of the ROWGUID

5) The 'jump' is undesirable as we then have to resort the table by key and finish its input.

5) We have our own primary identity field that SQL seems to be ignoring.

Any help would be really great

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MS Access Front End To SQL Server Problem Passing Form Value To Report

Jul 23, 2005

I just changed my Access 2002 database to a SQL Server ADP project. Ihad a form where the user entered a value into a text box and when acommand button on the form was clicked a Report was opened. The reportsrecord source is a query. The query uses the value from the form textbox to restrict the query.Table name = EggsTableone of the columns in the table is named: EggColorForm name = EggColorFormForm text box name = ColorTextBoxThis sql worked for the query before I converted to SQL:SELECT EggsTable.EggColorFROM EggsTableWHERE (((EggsTable.EggColor)=[Forms]![EggColorForm]![ColorTextBox]));This no longer works. Can I change the syntax somehow to get this towork? I tried dropping the brackets around the word "Forms", I trieddropping all the square brackets, etc., nothing worked.I also tried just opening the report with the report's Server Filterproperty set to:EggColor=N'Forms.EggColorForm.ColorTextBox'I tried using the Report's open event to pass the form value directlyto the report. I tried setting a variable from the text box value onthe form. So far, nothing works. Any ideas?

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Back End Sql 2000 Front End MS Access 2000

Feb 13, 2003

How can I configure a front end Access 2000 Database using Microsoft SQL 2000 as a back end environment? Could anybody help me by telling me what are the steps under SQL? Thanks everyone in advance.

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Need Advice: SQL 2005 Back End, What Front End?

Mar 7, 2008

Hi Guys

We are trying desperately to get away from Access (ADP) and move on to something else. SQL Server 2005 is the engine and Access is the front end. We desperatley need another front end. We torn between FoxPro or going Web Bassed. Can whats a good application tool that will asssit me in making our Databases webbased??

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Is It Related To Front End Or Back End Problem

May 28, 2008

In my procedure have one insert one update
when i run the procedure i am not getting any errors

when i call that procedure from front end i am getting this message

“Implicit conversion from data type ntext to varchar is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.�?

Please help me for this

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How To Setup Front-end IIS And Back-end SQL Server?

Sep 26, 2007


I need some help in setting up a front end IIS box and back end SQL 2005 box. I will be using merge replication.

Front end server will be a 32 bit.

How exactly do you do this? Anyone have any links to articles that walks through the setup?



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Windows 98 Clients Using Java Front End & SQL 2000 Back End

Jun 3, 2002

I have a database being built that has a java front end, a SQL 2000 back end, and most of my clients are win98, will this work ok?? And if not do I need to upgrade to all w2k?

Thanks for any information.


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4 Layered Web Application For Inserting Data Into A Database Using Sql Server As The Back End And A Web Form As The Front End Using C#

Dec 10, 2005

4 Layered Web Application for Inserting data into a database using sql server as the back end and a web form as the front end using C# .
Can someone provide with code as I am new to this architecture and framework.
Better send email.
Thanks In Advance,
A New Bie

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How To Get The Null Values In My Stored Procedure I Am Getting Error Dbnullvalue On Front End Aspx Form

Nov 2, 2004

I have the following stored proc. which i am using on the front end to get all the record from table:

if there are any fields it has anynull values in it i am getting error dbnull value error.
i have null value for ReviewerComment field, can you please tell me how to pass a "" if it is null, in the store proc only, to get all the fresh dat to front end before bnding it to the datagrid control.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_displayrevws]
select r.RevID,
rtrim(f.revwfunction) as revwfunction,
rtrim(u.uname) as uname,
CONVERT(varchar(10),r.Issued,101) as Issued,
rtrim(r.ModuleName) as modulename,
from TAB_ccsNetReviewers r, tabuname u, ccsfunctions f, ccsdisposition d where = r.ReviewerUserID and r.RevFunctionid = and r.Dispositionid = and r.ModuleID = 1 order by r.RevID ASC

Thank you very much.

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Passing A Date Name To A Database Back Up

Oct 10, 2000

I am trying to pass a datename in to a database backup. The date is to be retrieved from the 'monthname' column which is stored in the 'tblbill' table. I have included my ridiculous bit of code below (which funnily enough does not work!!) just so that you can see what I am trying to do. Can anyone help?

DECLARE @name varchar(10)
backup database Bill to Disk ='c:@name.dat' with init

@name =select distinct monthname from tblbill where monthname is not null


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Access Front End

Jan 31, 2005

i am almost finished building the front end for an application to manage restaurants. i am developing the front end with access vba, and intend to use sql server as a back end for the service. i just came across a group of people bashing access developers on a different site. i have several restaurants interested in using the service, and believe that the service should be very successfull (i have a very specific customer base that is currently not being targeted). the access component would not be a multiuser application. before i distribute the app i would appreciate any input. am i getting myself into trouble using access vba? should i run scared and switch to a web service?
thanks in advance for any thoughts.

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SQL 7 Security And Access 97 Front End

Jan 26, 2001

I am using Access 97 as a front end to access SQL 7 server on NT 4.0 server.
I've set up security model based on NT authentication only. Users have login right to login to SQL and they have public & dataread & denydatawrite access. They also have SELECT permission on a table object and have no permission to INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE.
When I use Access 97 to access a database, users are still capable of inserting and deleteing records in tables.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks, Michael.

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VB Vs Access As A Front End To SQL, Oracle, Etc

Jan 18, 1999

Maybe because I have worked mainly with VB as a front end to SQL Server so I am biased, but I now need definite reasons (I am on a committee for potential future directions) for using VB as opposed to Access for front ending SQL/Oracle, etc. I would also like to use ADO as oppose to DAO. Right now we are using Access with DAO.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

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Access Front End Crawls

Oct 10, 2001


We have just moved a largish Access database (180mb, 78 tables, largest
tables have about 250k records) to SQL 2k. The original app had an Access
back end (now loaded to SQL), and an Access front end (on each client) which is using some
local temporary tables, about 600 queries, and several thousand lines of
code using ADO and DAO). The Front end was relinked to SQL back end. When
testing everything seemed to run OK, but under load (15-20 users) the new
app just crawls. Routines that used to take seconds now take 10s of minutes.
ODBC timeouts or blocks are common.

Any idea why should the SQL back end be so much slower than Access. both the
Access back end and SQL2k are on the same server (Win 2k Adv. with RAID 5,
dual 600mhz Pent III, 512Mb RAM).
I realize that Access is not the best front end but that is what we have to work with.

Any help would be appreciated, as I am ready to swith back to Access.


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Front End Options (access)

Oct 27, 2006

My company uses MS SQL Server for the back end and a Retail specific CRM as the front end. I wish to develop some internal peices of software for our use. I was planning on doing this with access.

my options are:

*Use access as front end and backend
*Use access as front end and SQL server as backend (create new DB)
*Use other front end and SQL Server as backend.

My question is, what are some good front ends that are availble for reletively small demands? How does Visual Studio come into play?

*Also, I would prefer to be able to create a .exe. I dont think access alows that. I would not want users to be able to go in (or even see) the tables and queries. They should only be able to see the one main menu form at the very least.


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Access Front-end - Concurrency

Oct 4, 2006

When I build an MS Access front-end for an SQL Server backend, how does it take care of data integrity and concurrency , if it is only a front-end ?
Is Access smart enough to do the job ?


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2 Sql Servers With Access Front-end

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I have an sql server 2000 on the network and one installed locally inmy computer. I use access as front-end.I go through odbc to connect to the sql server on the network.I was wondering if it is possible to setup the access file to link toeither server.I need to do this because I would like to use the local server as testenvironment. I know I could achieve that by creating 2 users on my XPclient and having odbc liking depending of the users.Is any other way to do that without login and logoff everytime I wantto use a different database.thanks,Giovanni

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Passing A Timestamp Datatype Column To A Variable And Back

Aug 10, 2006

After several hours of trying, I trow the towel in the ring and come here to ask a question.

Source system uses a timestamp column in the transaction tables. which is equal to a non-nullable binary(8) datatype (sql 2000 bol).

What I want to do is get the timestamp at the start of the transfer and at the end of the transfer of data. and store these in a controltable

I try to do this in 2 sql execute tasks:

sqltask 1: "select @@DBTS AS SourceTimestamp" and map the resultset to a variable. Here come's the first problem what variable type to take ?

DBNULL works (meaning it doesn't give errors) (BTW: is there a way to put a variable as a watch when debugging sql tasks ?)

INT64 and UINT64 don't work error message that types for column and parameter are different

STRING works

Then I want to store this variable back in a table of a different data source

sqltask2: "insert into controltable values(getdate(), ?)" and make an input parameter that takes the previous timestamp ...

if I took DBNULL as a type for the variable there doesn't seem to be a single parameter type that works ???

if i take STRING as a type for the variable I have to modify the sql to do the explicit conversion from string to binary so I change CAST(? as binary). It doesn't return any error but the value stored in the table is 0x00000000000 and not the actual timestamp.

Any help on this one ? Why are the INT64/Bigint not working here, you can perfectly do a convert(bigint, timestampfield) in sql ?

How came the SQL datatypes, and the variable datatypes, parameter datatypes are so badly alligned to each other (and all seem to use different names) ?

tx for any help


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Passing Status Back From Command Line Application To SQL Job

Jun 4, 2007


I have created a job in SQL Server 2005 in which one of the step executes a .NET console application which is created in .NET to update some status to database before the next step. i need some help in sending some status back to sql job when i come accross any problem in the console application for ex when there is a exception i need to send some status to the job, so the job gets failed permanently. i tried few other methods of updating some temporary status database with this error information and have another intermediate step in the job to check for the status... it worked but i dont like doing it. please let me know if there is any other method to do this.

Thanks in advance


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To Access The Connecton String From Front End

May 20, 2008

HI, i am working on web applicaton , i am using the following connection string in my web.config file. <add name="X_Conn" connectionString="Data Source=XXX;Initial
Catalog=XXX;User ID=XX; Password=XXX;"
How can i get this connectionString attribute value from the front end. 

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Access Front-end/ SQL Backend -- Where Is All The Work Done?

Apr 18, 2001

If I'm using an Access front-end, and the data is on SQL Server being accesses via a linked table, and I create a query in Access, Where is all the work done?

I know access has the option of using a pass-through method, but if I do not use it, is Access processing the query locally? I plan on migrating several tables to SQL because the sizes are getting to large for Access and want to know if their will be a performance increase with out re-writing the queries in Access.

Thanks in advance,

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Access Front End To SQL Server PROBLEM

Apr 19, 2000

Does anyone know how to link (not import) an sql server table to an access
database using script? I tried a few methods but it doesn't seem to be working. Please help.


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Access Front To Sql Server Backend

Mar 12, 2007

how can i do an access frontend to sql server backend

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Open Sessions Using MS Access As Front End

Mar 16, 2004

I'm using SQL server 7 on Win NT. I have Access 97 as a front end, with linked tables though ODBC to SQL Server. Everytime I open a table in Access, a session appears when I type sp_who2. I close that table in Access, but I when I type sp_who2 the table session is still present. Does anyone know a cause for this?

I am researching why sometimes when we close are queries and tables in Access we have sessions in SQL server that becomes orphans/ghost. I try to kill the session but can't, so therefore I have to recycle the database.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Access 2003 Projects As Front-end?

Aug 8, 2005

We use SQL Server 2000 on the back-end of our directory web site and ASP on the front end which works fine. However, for my own uses (since I don't create the asp and have to pay a programmer), would it be better to set up an Access 2003 project for my own data entry forms, standard reports and quick searching?

What would be the negatives of this approach. Remember, this is just for me.

Thanks in advance,

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Migrating From Access To SQL Server With A Web Front End

Jul 20, 2005

Afternoon all,Apologies for cross-posting but as my query covers both Access and SQLServer I thought I'd send it both!I have inherited a project to migrate a fairly complex series ofAccess databases into a single proper SQL database with a web frontend.Its quite a nasty job as people are working on a variety of data setsat several Universities around the world and the data has got verymessy; hence the requirement to put it all on one live web enableddatabase server and provide a web-based front end (particularly assome users insist on using Macs so can't run Access as a front endanyway).If anyone could give me hints on how to perform such a migration or ifanyone knows of any good books or other documents on this I'd begrateful for assistance.Many thanksRich MayMuseum of London

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Amending Data On SQL7 Via Access Front End

Aug 17, 2000


I've got an access front end containing various forms and sub forms, and we have just transferred the data into SQL, for storage, we can use the majority of the forms but, I now have a problem with updating the related data.

We have had problems updating the data, we need to close the form down in order to get amended data to register, just moving onto the next record give an ODBC error message.

Even using this method some details refuse to update, although the changes are initially visible on the form you cannot get them to transfer to the datafile.

the error message we get is

[microsoft][odbc sql server driver][sql server] the text, ntext, and image datatypes cannot be used in the where,having, or on clause, except with the like or is null predicates (#306)

we've checked the structures of the tables and the code in the form (it works in the old access back end).

anybody got any ideas



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Cannot Update Tables Linked To Access Front-end

Sep 26, 2006

I've a bit of a problem that I'm stuck on.

I have a system that has the tables on an SQL Server with the front-end on a Microsoft access database. They are connected via odbc and the tables are linked to the access front-end. The odbc connects to the sql server via a user created for the purpose that only has rights to this database. This user has rights set so that they can access/alter any data in the database.

When my users try to alter data on some of the linked tables they get "The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time." This does not happen to every table only on some of them.

This happens even when there is only one user accessing the system. If I log into the enterprise manager I can alter those tables/ records without any problem (as some articles I’ve read say if the problem is connected to a corrupt record its not possible to then alter that record and sql server should give me an error message instead).

I have tired.
- Compact and repairing the access front-end.
- Deleting the links in the access front-end then re-linking them.
- Copying the objects from the access to a new blank access db.
- I have tried altering the account the odbc uses to login to the SA account.
- I have asked the server admin to do the 'compact and repair' on the s.q.l server, shrink I believe it is, as some articles suggest this could solve the problem.
- The admin has also tried this on the transaction files (so he has told me).

None of this has worked.

I'm stuck. I don't have any training on SQL server (nor will I be able to have any as I gather the training budget may be needed to fill some finance holes). If anyone has any idea of the answer to my problem or could point me in a direction that I could try investigating I would be very grateful. I have asked the admin if it’s anything to do with transactions, he has told me he does not know how to see those but he will try to find out if we can. Am I shooting in the dark or does this sound like a transaction/process locking problem? Is there something I should be looking for?

Thanks in advance.

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Parameterized Pass-through Queries From Access Front-end?

Jul 23, 2005

Is there any easy way to pass (dynamically) parameters to pass-throughqueries,when working with MS Access as front-end for SQL Server ?Thanks.

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Replace Access With A .NET Front End And SQL Backend Solution.

Jul 21, 2006

My company currently has about 20-25 Ms Access Database that they want toreplace the FE with .net and the BE on SQL.This will be done using Visual Studio 2005. Once the FE is converted to .netand the BE is SQL they all will be accessed through our intranet (sharepoint).I work in Ms Access and intermediate at VBA and just learing SQL through theENTERPRISE MANAGER SCREEN.I am just now looking at what Visual Studio 2005 is, but can some one tell mehow this will all connect?What is the typical route for this process?Ms access to SQL - upsizing wizard or SQL importing?????Ms Access FE to .net - summarize how this is done in visual studio (user facerebuilt) then placed on sharepoint?Can anyone sum this up?--Message posted via

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