Passing Session Variable To Html Page.

Apr 17, 2008

Hi Folks,

i am trying to add a connection string value to my client side as follows. i am getting error. any ideas??

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqldsComments2" runat="server" ConnectionString='<% session("sqlConn") %>'

SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM TicketComments Where TicketNo=@TicketNo ">


<asp:Parameter Name="TicketNo" DefaultValue="0" Type="string" />



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Uable To Use Session On Aspx Page.

Sep 3, 2007

Hi all,

I am trying to use session in my in moss but i got the error below, eventhough i have set web.config file to enableSessionState="true" and include €œSystem.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule". Have i miss anything? thanks

Session state can only be used when enableSessionState is set to true, either in a configuration file or in the Page directive. Please also make sure that System.Web.SessionStateModule or a custom session state module is included in the \ section in the application configuration.

this is what i have set.

<pages enableSessionState="true" enableViewState="true" enableViewStateMac="true" validateRequest="false" pageParserFilterType="Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPPageParserFilter, Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" asyncTimeout="7">
<remove namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts" />
<add tagType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSource, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" mappedTagType="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.SPSqlDataSource, Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" />

<clear />
<add name="Session" type="System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule" />

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Getting Value From Database Onto HTML Page

Nov 24, 2013

I am trying to display a price from a table I created in MySQL to a web page. I have created a php form to open and select the home. The data base is simple with a table called homes fields home - size and 4 price fields one being mobile which I am showing here. How to get the information to show up on my index.php page.

php for opening database and file. data2.php
$q = "SELECT * FROM homes WHERE home='solera'";
$result = @mysqli_query ($dbcon, $q);
echo '$result.$row['mobile']';


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Session Variable Help!!!!!

Oct 29, 2004

I'm developing a web app with VS 2005 Beta and I do not know how to include a seasson variable value into my code.

This is my code:

Function GetData() As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim sqlconn As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim SqlCommand1 As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim sqlRdr As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader
sqlconn = New SqlConnection("SERVER=SRVR;UID=USR;Password=PWD;DATABASE=MyDatabase")
SqlCommand1 = New SqlCommand("MyStrProc", sqlconn)
SqlCommand1.CommandTimeout = 1800
sqlRdr = SqlCommand1.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Return sqlRdr
End Function

MyStrProc is:

@MyVar int
......t12.acct_nbr IN (@MyVar)

The variable @MyVar get its value from user log info in login page, and create a session variable.

My Question:

How and where to call seasson variable @MyVar, because now I'm getting this error:
Procedure 'MyStrProc' expects parameter '@MyVar', which was not supplied.

Any help will be great.


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Session Variable

Jun 22, 2007

Can we use session variable in reporting services.. say go to report -> properties and create a VB function that get ans set session variable.. If yes, how. If not, any workaround?

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HTML Page Refresh Using SQL Procedure

Jan 3, 2007

I am trying to find a way to implement a page refresh using an SQL Server procedure for an HTML Page. The user will indicate the time for refresh and this would be genereated using the stored procedure..any ideas?????

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Set Session Variable From SQL Select

May 13, 2007

I try to set a Session variable with the result of a SQL Selec statement. I tried the following, but it is not working.
Session("thisone") = SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT myfield FROM [mytable] WHERE ([username] = @username)"
@username is a value from a textbox. What I am doing wrong?
Thanks for your help, Chris

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Passing A SSIS Global Variable To A Declared Variable In A Query In SQL Task

Mar 6, 2008

I have a SQL Task that updates running totals on a record inserted using a Data Flow Task. The package runs without error, but the actual row does not calculate the running totals. I suspect that the inserted record is not committed until the package completes and the SQL Task is seeing the previous record as the current. Here is the code in the SQL Task:

SET @DV = (SELECT MAX(DateValue) FROM tblTG);
SET @PV = @DV - 1;

I've not been successful in passing a SSIS global variable to a declared parameter, but is it possible to do this:

SET @DV = ?;
SET @PV = @DV - 1;

I have almost 50 references to these parameters in the query so a substitution would be helpful.


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How To Call Database Connection At Html Page

Apr 7, 2008

May I know how to connect a database writing a source code at html page, is it by using javascript?Because I need to use it for <ul> and <li> tag html to display the text from database. Can you please provide me same example by using this tag. Appreciate if anyone can help me to solve this, thanks

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Report Manager Upload Html-page With &&<img&&>

Apr 14, 2008


I have uploaded a html-page to the Report Manager, the html-page has a img-tag with a src="Picture1.png" in it. The image is then uploaded to the same folder as the html-page. When I browse the html-page the image is not found, red cross, does anyone know why this happens?


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Export SQL Database Tables Into HTML Page

Oct 19, 2006


I just want to know how can I create a SSIS package to export a few distinct tables into distinct HTML pages.

If anyone can help.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards...

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Populating An SqlDataSource Using A Session Variable

May 29, 2008

I'm having a real problem populating my SqlDataSource and was wondering if anyone could help.  I'm sure it's something simple
First off, I created a session variable on a previous page like so Dim NewSubscribeID As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(retSubcribeID.Value)
Session("SubcribeID") = NewSubscribeID
I now want to use this session variable on another page to populate a SqlDataSource like so <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionXX %>" SelectCommand="spXX" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">
<asp:SessionParameter Name="SubscribeID" SessionField="SubscribeID" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="0" />
Here is the problem... Only the default value gets used.
I've tried putting the session variable into a label to test that it does actually exist lblTest.Text = Session("SubcribeID")

 and it does...What am I doing wrong?

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Need To Write Value Of Session Variable To SQL Record

Jan 8, 2006

Each user who inserts a new SQL record from the FormView control needs to have their UserID in one of the fields of the record.  I have the user ID stored in the Session("UserID") variable.  I am having trouble finding the right way to get this done.  I have tried using a hidden text box but I can't seem to assign the value.  I have tried the Insert Parameters but that will not accept <%# Session("UserID") %> as a DefaultValue.  Any ideas would be helpful.  Thanks.

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No HTML Page Breaks And Slow Expanding Rows

Jun 18, 2007

I have a report with a single table, single grouping level, single data set and no sub-reports. It has 3 rows for a grouping header and 3 rows per dataset row of detail. The detail rows are initially hidden and can be expanded by clicking on the header +. Its a fairly standard master-detail report.

Regardless of data size, I get NO page breaks in HTML. I have the Interactive size set to 8.5x11, KeepTogether is set to False, and PageBreakAtEnd is set to False. I would like it to break based on the visible grouping rows.

As it is now, everytime you expand any section, it takes forever to reload for a larger recordset.

I know that "HTML renderer and Preview (which are soft page break renderers) will ignore page breaks of conditionally hidden items and their children.", but how do I get this report to page break?? I've seen a lot of posts on this, but none that seem to have an answer.

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Possible To Edit The Actual Html Of A Page In Reporting Services?

Oct 16, 2007

Is it possible to edit the pages generated by the web reporting services interface?

If I wanted to change the color of all the pages, or the folder ICON, or perhaps inside a given folder to display something differently?

Is any of that editable, or is the entire reporting services "site" predefined and it just generates folders and directory views as it needs them (meaning if I had two folders I couldn't have one have black background when opened and the other have orange, etc..)

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Problem With Page Borders When Rendering Report In Html

Dec 28, 2007


I created a report with borders in the page header, the page body, and the page footer. When I preview the report in report viewer it is exactly how I want it and it also prints and exports to pdf perfectly. There's only a problem viewing it in report manager. The borders in the page header and footer show up right but the body of the report's borders don't show up at all. The body of the report also is no longer aligned with the page header and footer because it's borders seem to be unrecognized in the report manager view. Has anyone experienced this problem and/or figured out what to do to fix this? Please let me know.


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Assign Session Variable Value To Update Parameter

Jun 12, 2007

Hi, I'm trying to update a sqlserver database through in an 2.0 project. I'm using a sqldatasource and am trying to code an update parameter with a session variable.
code snippet:   <UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="hrs_credited" />
<asp:Parameter Name="updater_id" DefaultValue="<%$ Session("User_ID")%>" Type="Int32"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="activity_id" />
<asp:Parameter Name="attendee_id" /></UpdateParameters>
The error message that I receive is:
 Error 2 Literal content ('<asp:Parameter Name="updater_id" DefaultValue="" Type="Int32"/>') is not allowed within a 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.ParameterCollection'. C:DevelopmentCMEdataentryattendance.aspx 29 
Does anyone have an idea how to assign the session var value to the parameter?

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Report Layout:- Inconsistencies Between Page Height And HTML Rendered

Aug 22, 2005

I'm having problems with what is displayed in the browser being different to what is defined in the RDL and what is exported to PDF.

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Page Breaks In PDF Don't Match Page Breaks In HTML

Mar 7, 2007

I have several nested sub-total groups that are all coded to "page break at end". I don't know how to tell RS to suppress the page break if one sub-total immediately follows another. The initial HTML output seems to be smart enough to do this suppression on its own, but when I export to PDF, all the page breaks appear. This causes several pages at the end of the report with one line per page. Perhaps, if I could explicitly suppress these page breaks, the PDF would render properly. How can I do this?

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Sql Insert, Capture Scope_Identity Output To Session Variable?

May 24, 2007

What C# code would capture the Scope_Identity value (CoDeptRowID) output by the code below? Do I even need to capture it or is it already available as a C# variable CoDeptRowID ? I can't seem to get my hands on it!
SqlDataSource1.Insert();<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [CompanyDepartment] ([User_Name], [FirstName], [LastName]) VALUES (@User_Name, @FirstName, @LastName);
<asp:sessionparameter Name="User_Name" Type="String" SessionField ="LoginName"/>
<asp:controlparameter Name="FirstName" Type="String" ControlID="TextBox1" PropertyName ="text"/>
<asp:controlparameter Name="LastName" Type="String" ControlID ="TextBox2" PropertyName ="text"/>
<asp:Parameter Direction =Output Name ="CoDeptRowID" Type ="Int32" DefaultValue = "0" />

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SqlDataSource.Update With Session Variable As Input Parameter

May 25, 2007

I'm getting a type mismatch error (currently string, when I think I need Int32 ?) with the code below. I'm having difficultly setting my session variable to type Int32 and having it take up the value of RawCoDeptRowID. When I "Watch" it, it's value remains as "snCoDeptRowID".  Also, not sure if my Update command and it's snCoDeptRowID input parameter is well formed? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Web Page 1:
Session["snCoDeptRowID"] = Convert.ToInt32 (RawCoDeptRowID);
Web Page2:<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource3" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [CompanyDepartment] SET [User_Name] = @User_Name, [FirstName] = @FirstName, [LastName] = @LastName, [Company_Name] = @Company_Name, [Department_Name] = @Department_Name WHERE [User_ID] = @snCoDeptRowID ">
<asp:parameter Name="User_Name" Type="String" />
<asp:parameter Name="FirstName" Type="String" />
<asp:parameter Name="LastName" Type="String" />
<asp:Controlparameter Name="Company_Name" Type="String" ControlID ="ListBox1" PropertyName ="SelectedValue" />
<asp:Controlparameter Name="Department_Name" Type="String" ControlID ="ListBox2" PropertyName ="SelectedValue" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="User_ID" Type="Int32" QueryStringField ="@snCoDeptRowID" DefaultValue ="@snCoDeptRowID" />

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Local Or Global Variable In An Interaction Session Of The SQL Analyzer

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am new to SQL. Please bear with me and allow me to ask a dumbquestion.I am debugging a stored procedure (written in Trans-SQL), and I foundthat the SQL analyzer that I use doesn't have a debugger. All I cando it is execute a block of code and see what is going on in aninteraction seesion of the SQL analyzer. I would need to declare somevariable to hold values of the previous query in the interactivesession.I understand that this can be easily done in a stored procedure viathe Declare command (e.g., Delcare @order_no int). Is similarfunctionality exists in an interaction session of the SQL analyzer?If so, what is the command. Please advise.Thank you very much for the help.Alex

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String Variable From CodeBehind To Html

Dec 3, 2007

Hi Folks,
How can i pass a string variable from code behind page to html page on event fire. i want to pass sql qerry to SelectCommand (SELECT * FROM [Tickets] WHERE ([TicketNo] = @TicketNo)) in some variable from codebehind on some event fire.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqldsTickets" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:IMTicketingConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="" >
<asp:SessionParameter Name="TicketNo" SessionField="test" Type="Int64" />
 Thanks in advance

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Insert A Variable Into HTML Body?

Oct 18, 2013

I have created a .bat file for my sqlcmd

my sqlcmd includes a .sql file that builds up my email with a HTML body.

Is it possible to insert a variable (@customername) into the HTML body?

I am already using @maillist and select statement to create my customer email address's.

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How To Write A SELECT Statement And Store The Result In A Session Variable

Nov 6, 2007

I'm sure this is a very simple piece of code, but I'm having trouble understanding how to do this.
First I have a database with three columns


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Passing Variable Value Through Environment Variable

Feb 15, 2008

Hi All!

I have a parent package that contains two children... The second child depends on the succes of the first child.

THe first child generates a variable value and stores it in an Environment variable ( Visibility - All ) ...After the first succeeds, the second will start executing and will pick up the variable value from environment variable( through package configuration setting )...

Unfortunately, this doesn't work...As the second child picks the stale value of the environment variables...Essentially it assigns variable value not after the first child is finished, but right at the beginning of parent execution...

I tried to execute coth children as Out Of Proc as well as In Proc...The same

Would anybody have an idea how to resolve this problem?

Thanks in advance for any help!


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Passing Values For Variables To An SSIS Package From C#/ ASP.NET Page.

May 30, 2007

I've got an SSIS package that works fine. It does extracts from a foreign ODBC source and moves it to SQL Server. It has 3 variables, a customer ID, a fromDate and a toDate. Those variables are used to complete a SQL statement expression. So far so good.

I now want to provide a web interface in a web page that will enable the user to provide values for those variables. How can I execute my package passing the user's input?

Thanks for any advice.


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Passing Value To A Variable

Aug 9, 2007

This is pretty simple but I am doing somethin really stupid somewhere, I am trying to pass a value to a variable declared in a package using some SQL code, I declared a variable "var1" and assigned the scope to the package , then I dropped a execute SQL task within the package and wrote a simple sql code that would get the maximum id from a table, "select max(id) from table" , now I want to assign the variable this max in the parameter mapping tab I select the variable give it a parameter name of 0 and size of -1 along with direction of "output". everythin looks simple but when I try to use this variable value in my next execute sql task it behaves weirdly, I am trying to update anothet table using this variable value, so I add another task and put this code in there " update table2 set id = ? " , and on the parameter mapping tab I set the direction as input, however when I look at the column it updated th column with a weird number , xomethin like "230072408" which doesnt mean anything. I know that tha max value of ID is 10.
Please help.


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Passing Variable To SqlCommand

May 18, 2007

 Can't seem to pass a variable to the sql statement. I'd appreciate any help. I'm trying to pass pColName to  CommandText = "ALTER TABLE tb_roomInfo ADD @rColName  varchar(50);";Doesn't seem to work though. CODE:  [WebMethod]    public string addCol(string pColName)    {                    SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(connString);        try        {                        cnn.Open();            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();            cmd.Connection = cnn;                       cmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE tb_roomInfo ADD @rColName  varchar(50);";            SqlParameter rColName = new SqlParameter("@rColName", pColName);            cmd.Parameters.Add(rColName);            int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();            cnn.Close();            return "Insert Successful";        }        catch        {                        return "Insert Unsuccessful";        }    }

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SQL WHERE Clause Passing In Variable

Jun 14, 2007

Hi All, Would somebody be able to help me from pulling my hair out!??I have a form with a radiobuttonlist. I would like to change my select statement depending on what radiobutton value is selected.E.g.SELECT * FROM table WHERE <<variable from radiobuttonlist>> LIKE 'Y'So,if radiobutton value selected = 1, it will select * from column A  in the dbif radiobutton value select = 2, it will select from column B in the dband so on...  Am i attempting to do the impossible?Thanks All, 

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Passing Datetime Variable To A SP

Jan 18, 2008

I have a SP that recevies a date value for a users date of birth called "dob".
However when passing it into the class which contains the Stored procedure it gives an error.
 Below is my code
please advice
2 command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@usernames", SqlDbType.Int, 0, "RegionID"));
3 command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@username", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20, "username"));
4 command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@First_Name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, "First_Name"));
5 command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Last_Name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50, "Last_Name"));
6 command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@dob", SqlDbType.Date, 50, "dob"));
8 command.Parameters[0].Value = 4;
9 command.Parameters[1].Value = "username";
10 command.Parameters[2].Value = "First_Name";
11 command.Parameters[3].Value = "Last_Name";
12 command.Parameters[4].Value = DateTime.Parse(dob.Text);

 Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'dob' does not exist in the current context

Source Error:

Line 40: command.Parameters[2].Value = "First_Name";
Line 41: command.Parameters[3].Value = "Last_Name";
Line 42: command.Parameters[4].Value = DateTime.Parse(dob.Text);
Line 43:
Line 44: int i = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

Source File: c:inetpubwwwrootcellulant1App_Codesignup_data-entry.cs Line: 42  

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Passing Value To A Variable From Database

Apr 25, 2008

I am trying to get data from a database through a select statment and I want to pass the return query to a c# string variable. Any idea how can I do this?

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Passing Variable To Sql Statement

Apr 28, 2008

could anyone please help me to resolve this issue?
here's my sql query which retrieve last 3 month data
t.execute(SELECT * tbl1 where nmonth >= datepart(mm,DATEADD(month, -3, getdate())) or nmonth <=datepart(mm,getdate()) and empno='"+emppip+"'")
now instead of passing 3 in this query(datepart(mm,DATEADD(month, -3, getdate())) )
i need to pass a variable to retrieve data based on user requirements.
i tried this way,
dim mno as n
t.execute(SELECT * tbl1 where nmonth >= datepart(mm,DATEADD(month, -'"+mno+"', getdate())) or nmonth <=datepart(mm,getdate()) and empno='"+emppip+"'")
its not working.
can i achieve this using stored procedure? or can i directly pass a variable to sql synatax?
thanks for any help   

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