Password Authentication
May 19, 2006
I am trying to create a new login with a password. I go to Microsoft sql server management. Right-click on security and create a new login with a custom login and password.I use sql authentication. Now after creation if I check the property of the login, the password is the of same length as 'sa'.
The problem is I dont know 'sa' password even. (I use windows authentication to connect to the server.) I need a proper uid and pwd for my .Net application access.
Please help
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May 30, 2005
I have instaled SQL Server2000 in Administrator user login.My OS is Windows Adavance Server2000. It works Fine. If i change my Administrator Password and Login with the new Password then Sql Server dosn't Run.It says Authentication error if i try to run from service.
I belive DBA's in this forum can help me out.
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Jul 30, 2015
We are experiencing authentication/ Kerberos issues after a password for the MSA's has changed. We use MSA for our SQL 2012 and windows 2012 combination Servers. This errors creates issues while backing up and Service Broker connectivity.We had to restart sql services to fix it, but this not seem to be a resolution for me because the next time the password changes on these MSA's we may have to restart sql services.There seems to be a known issue for windows 2008 R2 servers and fix is available and we incorporated it. But the issue we are facing is on windows 2012 Server.
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Apr 29, 2015
This morning I attempted to connect to my local copy of SQL Server (2012) (Win 7) using Windows Authentication. I was unable to do so and per the error log it was due to error 18456 (invalid credentials).
Yesterday I changed my windows password. Is it possible for this to be the cause?
FYI, following is from the error logs:
2015-04-27 10:10:32.98 Backup BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 0 pages in 0.451 seconds (0.000 MB/sec).2015-04-28 00:00:41.90 spid18s This instance of SQL Server has been using a process ID of 2096 since 4/21/2015 9:08:05 AM (local) 4/21/2015 1:08:05 PM (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.2015-04-28 09:58:51.16 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 38.2015-04-28 09:58:51.16 Logon Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'model'. [CLIENT:]2015-04-28 17:09:59.87 Server SQL Server is terminating because of a system shutdown. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
The logs showed the error occurred yesterday (4/28) which is about when I changed my password. The 17:09 log (last one) is when I shut down my computer. Note that I was logged into SQL Server when I changed my Windows password and worked with it several times through out the day.
Also, per the configuration manager SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) (and all other services) is stopped and I was unable to start it ("The request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion).
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Aug 2, 2007
I'm trying to connect to a SQL Server 2005 database engine on a local network server. When I am presented with the Connect to Server dialog box, if I select Windows Authentication from the Authentication drop-down, the User name & Password area is grayed out and unusable. The domain user account I'm authenticated with is visible, but grayed out, and the password field is blank and unusable. I'd like to be able to connect as described in help:
User name
Enter the user name to connect with. This option is only available if you have selected to connect using Windows Authentication.
I can connect with either SQL Server or Windows authentication... but with Windows Authentication I'd love to be able to type a specific user name to select with :-)
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Jul 22, 2015
We need to use SQL Server Authentication for some reason and would like to enforce Password Policy with 90-day expiration period. I found "Change password" dialogue appears when I first logged in with the new user, but don't know
(1)what happens when the user failed to change the password before it's expired or
(2)how a user can change his password in advance of the expiration date with no particular server-level permission.
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Apr 20, 2006
Just like with Access DB, can we set password for database in SQL Server 2005 Express ?
Reason to do so is, user with Login having sysadmin previliage can acess all databases in SQL server.
so just want to restrict database access to only those users who knows the password.
Is there any possible solution ? Pls comment.
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Aug 22, 2007
I folks.I Have installed sql server 2005 express and choosed windowsauthentication on instalation, but i make a mistake and now i needmixed authentication, how can i modify this whithout uninstall andinstall again the application?thanks for the help.
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May 11, 2007
How to give authentication for Send Mail Task component?
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Apr 18, 2007
Hi there,I have installed MS SQL Server 2005 on my machine with windows authentication. But now I want to switch the authentication mode to SQL Authentication. I am unable to switch, I can’t find the proper way to do so here in 2005.Could any one help me in doing this?Thank you,-Ahsan
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Mar 25, 2004
(Using win2k, sqlserver2k, framework 1.1)
I have an fairly data-heavy application that uses Windows authentication (Trusted connection/aspnet account) to connect to Sql Server. The site uses IIS basic authentication.
On the dev server everything works fine but when I move to the live server things get strange and it starts to crawl along. (Pages load OK but then it just crawls as it loads the datagrids etc. Sometimes it brings back incomplete/incorrect data )
BUT When I use Sql Authentication to connect to Sql Server and there is no problem at all!
Ok, there is something obviously wrong with the live server (which is identical setup to dev)but I dont know where to start.
Any ideas??
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May 15, 2006
Hi all,
I've got two applications which both have a database on my MS SQL 2000 server. The problem is, one application must use Windows Integrated Authentication (which it is currently using and cannot be changed) whilst the other application which I'm trying to configure must use a SQL password.
Since the server has already been configured to use Windows Integrated Authentication for the existing database and application, how do I configure the other database to use the SQL password?
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May 12, 2006
Hi all,
My work is using a shared application
which accesses a MSSQL 2000 database. To access the application, the
folder on the Windows 2003 Server is shared and users can access the
folder through a shared drive.
For the application to access the
database, it uses an ODBC connection to the MSSQL server which
originally used the SA password.
We have recently switched to using
Windows Integrated Authentication because we believe it offers a
higher level of security. However the only way in which we have been
able to enable this is to add the windows users to the SQL server.
The problem with this is that the
application sets permissions for individual users on what records
they can see within the database. We have found that by adding the
windows users to the SQL Server, they can bypass the permissions the
set by the application by simply using any application that can use
an ODBC connection, such as Enterprise Manager, and see all the
One way around this would be to set up
domains of users with access privileges to the tables which reflect
the permissions set by the application, and configuring a view of the
data so they may only see the records that they have permissions to.
However to do this would require a high administrative cost to ensure
that changes made in the application are reflected in the privileges
of the SQL server.
Instead, is there a way the SQL server
can authenticate that the ODBC connection is coming from the correct
application using Windows Integrated Authentication?
This would allow the applcation to
determine security, and stop users from connecting to the SQL server
using other applications.
Alternatively, can the SQL server,
using Windows Integrated Authentication, also ask the application to
supply a username and password?
Any help with this matter would be
greatly appreciated.
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Jul 24, 2015
I have connected to Database using my credentials by checking remember password option. After few days I forgot my password. How can I recover the password as SQL remember it. Is there any way to recover my password instead of resetting it.
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Apr 1, 2008
I have a package protected by a password - I am already unhappy that to get it to use the configuration file to change connection strings for the production servers I have had to hardcode the password into the config file - very insecure!
However, the package now deploys correctly to the production server and will run from there OK, but NOT if scheduled as a SQL Server Agent Job. Thus is because however often I edit the command line to include the password after the DECRYPT switch (which it has prompted me for when I click on the command line tab), the Job Step will not retain it.
If I open it up after I have edited it and closed it, the password has disappeared.
I know that if I run dtexec plus the code in the Command Line tab (with the password), the package runs OK.
This is driving me insane!
I have read all the other posts and so I tried replacing the SSIS package step with a CmdExec step and pasting that code into there - then I get an OLEDB error..
The code I use is:
DTEXEC /SQL "ImportRateMonitoringTables" /SERVER servername /DECRYPT password /CONFIGFILE "D:Microsoft SQL ServerSSISDeploymentsRateMonitoringImportTasksDeploymentImportRateMonitoringTables_Production.dtsConfig" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E
and I get
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x8000FFFF
although the same code executes perfectly from a command prompt.
Please does anyone have any experience with a similar problem and if so, how did you get round it?
Thank you
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Jun 18, 2007
I am receiving the following error message when attempting to create a new SQL Authenticated login id.
Password validation failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15119)
I have four servers all running SQL Server 2005 SP2 on Windows 2003 Ent. SP1. Of the four servers, only one received the above error message using the same TSQL below.
All four servers are in the same domain, which if I understand correctly, the password policies are therefore inherited at the OS level by the domain. The password being used is within the password policies of the domain.
Any ideas as to a root cause?
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Jun 30, 2007
I tried to install an ALLDATA database which run with SQL Server 2005 express edition. The data base fails to install becase of the following code that come up which is related to AS password requirement. The error that come up is:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup
The sa password must meet SQL Server password policy requirements. For strong password guidelines, see Authentication Mode, in SQL Server Books Online.
For help, click:
I am trying to install this database in a network server operating under Windows Server 2003 R2 with SP2. If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please let me.
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Aug 25, 2006
Hi,I'm using SQL Server 2005. My Connection String looks like that at the moment: <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=xx;Initial Catalog=xx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xx;Password=xx" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> Now I'd like to change this kind of authentication to Integrated Windows AuthenticationI added the WorkerProcess IIS_WPG to the permitted Users but it didn't help.Changed the Connection String to this:connectionString="Server=xx;Database=xx;Trusted_Connection=True;"All I'm getting is that my NetworkService is not permitted to access DB when I try to connect to the DB in ASP.NET.How can I properly configure that? Thanks!
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May 8, 2003
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between sql authentication and windows authentication.
Examples of each would be very useful
Many thanks in advance
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Oct 16, 2006
Would anyone please help me out here. which of the 2 modes of authentication is better and why??
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Dec 18, 2006
Say, I have configured my SQL to use Mixed Authentication. Now, I have a applicaiton which uses my SQL Server. The application just creates a database in SQL Server and uses the database to store its information.
This application also has a SYSTEM DSN under ODBC through which it accesses the database. For the application to access this database, should I only use SA (as my SQL instance is configured to use Mixed Authentication) or can I use Windows Authentcation too...
If I should only use SA, do we have a documentation which talks about this.
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Mar 12, 2008
For using different services of SQL SERVER 2005 which is better...
Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication?
what are the advantages and disadvantages of both?
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Feb 1, 2008
I wonder if it is possible to set forms authentication for report manager but leave report server "as it is". I need to authenticate users from external LDAP and can't use windows authentication for report manager, but I would also like to leave report server open for anonymous users. In that way authenticated administrators could create reports which anonymous users could read.
I tested the Security Extension Sample and got it working when I rewrote the authentication part with my own LDAP authentication.
If I have understood correctly, the report manager is just application inside report server so is it possible to use forms authentication with one application but still leave the report server with Windows authentication?
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Mar 11, 2008
On the login prompt for Report Server, there is a checkbox option to "Remember my Password." I check this, login successfully... but when returning to the Report Server, I am again prompted for the password, although the user name is saved. No matter how many times I do this, the password will not save in IE7. I have tried this on 3 different computers with IE7. In IE 6, I do not even get the checkbox as an option, just the user name/password prompt. In Firefox, the password saves fine. Any ideas what would be causing this?
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Jun 2, 2014
I put this together to export the user name /password to a csv file to test my SP to output the user name/password.
DECLARE @user_name varchar(50)
DECLARE @psswrd varchar(10)
SELECT @user_name ,@psswrd
FROM ngweb_bulk_enrollments
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'bcp NGDevl.dbo.ngweb_bulk_enrollments out C: est.csv -Sserver1 -T -t, -r
This works but I don't get the headers in the file. How can I include the headers?
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Aug 14, 2001
I need to figure out what kind of Authentication , I need to use for following applicaiton
Product : -
1 ) It resides on a its Domain and has access to Database on that Domain.
2 ) We have a application level login , n based on application login id
display specific pages.
The question that bother me is this
Q ) If i use NT authentication , then a user will be required to
a ) Login to domain (with userid and password) first and then
b ) Then i would require to again login to applicaiton with application
level login and password.(different levels of login as there)
Based on the application level login i will display only specific
asp pages. They have different access rights..and roles.
Requirment is to login only once..and it should authenticate to application display specific pages and authenticate to SQl server database also..
Is there any way thru which i can map my application level login to SQl server.. and what authentication should i use..
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May 31, 2007
I am in the process of rolling out a sql server 2005 enterprise install and had a question regarding authentication. We will be providing sql hosting for a number of groups on our campus, many who are not using our campus-wide active directory, though they all have an AD account.
Windows authentication via the management studio appears to use your AD authentication tokens and will not allow them to enter a username/password combo. Is there any way to configure this?
I would like to use our campus AD for obvious reasons but if there is a requirement for passing tokens this isn't going to work right? It's also going to make database mirroring more of a challenge.
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Mar 3, 2005
I have an internal Project Management and Scheduling app that I wrote internally for my company. It was written to use MySQL running on a Debian server, but I am going to move it to SQL Server 2000 and integrate it with our Accounting software. The part I am having trouble with is the user login portion. I previously used this:
PHP Code:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = "$username" AND user_password = password("$password")";
Apparently the password() function is not available when accessing SQL Server via ODBC. Is there an equivalent function I could use isntead so the passwords arent plaintext in the database? I only have 15 people using the system so a blank pwd reset wouldn't be too much trouble.
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Jun 8, 2001
Hi all,
My SQL Server 7.0 is now running in a mixed mode authentication. I understand
that this method of authentication is not safe. So, Ive planned to change my
server's method of authentication from mixed to NT-only mode.
Kindly tell me what are the points I should consider for doing this, so that,
the existing data and the users are not affected.
Cheers and thanx in advance
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Oct 10, 2001
We recently moved our SQL Server services to a dedicated machine, and things have gone relatively smoothly.
My boss's major concern is that now when he runs some scripts in another application that updates sales data with the newest info from the database, it pops up a login box with the correct information in it already, but they have to hit OK to finish running the script. This was not happening on the old server. I've double-checked the ODBC data sources are correct, and have compared the security for the 2 servers and they appear to be identical still. Has anyone seen this before or knows what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance,
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Feb 28, 2000
My sql server is configured for W NT security.Whenever I am running from program from VB6, & the user name is prompted for, even if I enter a user that is not defined as an NT user, SQL lets it connect to the database. WHY?
Thanks n advance!
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Sep 17, 1999
Hello !
I am having a problem with NT trusted connections. I am running a front-end from Access 97 with linked tables to an SQL Server. Whenever I open a form, I will be prompted for login. Since I am already on an NT domain, I make use of 'trusted connection'. However, whenever the form is refreshed or a requery is sent, I am always prompted for login again. Using an SQL user login does not give me the problem and it's a one time login.
Q : How do I configure SQL such that it doesn't prompt me for login everytime whenever I choose 'trusted connection' ?
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Apr 9, 1999
I am reviewing the requirements for NT Authentication for SQL Server 7.0. I want to take advantage of window NT user security. I also want just a single security point.
My question is that I can make several NT groups for various users (DBA, development, accounting, finance, sales, etc.) but how are SQL Server roles, permissions, and passwords applied to these NT groups? There are no groups in 7.0, right?
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