Password Cannot Be Saved

Apr 10, 2007

Hi, there;
I have a SSIS package which has SQL2005 as its destination. When I setup the connectionmanager, I'd like to use SQL authentication. But I found that the password field cannot be saved (Checkbox "Save password" is selected).Everytime I open the this package's connectionmanager, that password field is cleard. The result is that my C# application that loads that package to execute failed with "Login failed..."

Did I do something wrong or anybody know how to save that password field?


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Why Can't The Password Be Saved??

Mar 3, 2006


I want to modify a package stored on the server from my client machine, and everything goes great.

The only problem I get is that when I try to run it by double-clicking it I have to re-write the password in the connection string, i.e. "pwd=asdasd", because it is not saved by the package itself even though the checkbox in the Connection Manager tab (in the SSIS Designer) is checked. What can I do to save it automatically??


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ODBC Password Not Saved In Configuration File

Apr 19, 2006

I have an SSIS package that pipes data from an iSeries data source to a SQL Server table. The connection manager I am using is the .Net ProvidersOdbc Data Provider
When I run this SSIS package on my developer PC (from inside BIDS or using the Management Studio Execute Package Utility) it works. However when I run the package from within a SQL Server Agent Job it fails.
I have enabled logging and the error message given is:
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [28000] [IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver]Communication link failure. comm rc=8002 - CWBSY0002 - Password for user MALLPRESS on server SMICHC is not correct, Password length = 0, Prompt Mode = Never, System IP Address =  ERROR [28000] [IBM][iSeries Access ODBC Driver]Communication link failure. comm rc=8002 - CWBSY0002 - Password for user MALLPRESS on server SMICHC is not correct, Password length = 0, Prompt Mode = Never, System IP Address =
It gives the message €śPassword length = 0€? despite the fact that I have specified a password in the package.
To try to get around this I have added an XML configuration file to the SSIS package. In this configuration file I€™ve set values for the ConnectionString, UserName, and Password.
I still get the above error about a password length of 0.
I have also tried to execute the package using dtexec, but this gives a similar error.
The SQL used to run this is:
xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /sq "SCSRV-06DTS PackagesStagingStagingBranchImport"'
This has got me stumped, and I€™m not sure where to go from here as these packages need to be programmatically run each morning. At the moment I am manually running them from within BIDS.
All packages that don€™t use an iSeries connection manager run successfully in SQL Agent jobs.
I have also tried using the OLEDB connection manager (ibm db2 udb for iseries ibmda400 ole db provider) without success.
Any help would be very appreciated.
Thanks, Matt

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How To Use ProviderName, User ID, Password, And Connection Saved In Web.config And SqlDataSource

Jun 1, 2008

Just downloaded and installed the VS 2008 Express and created/tested some websites.   I have done several aspx websites using VS 2005 during the last 2 years.  Still I don't quite understand the details of coding the database connection and DataBing.  For example, what does 'providerName',and Integrated Security really mean?Why in the Web.config file these are providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" and Integrated Security=True?  Why in Default.aspxthere are both ntegrated Security=True;and USER ID=WEB; Password=webwebweb1".  I know these may deal with the authentication mode of my SQL Serverdatabase.For the VS 2008 Express and SQL Server 2005 Express, I installed in my XP home PC, I used the file system websites,  If I upgrade to XP Pro and install IIS web server, and use SQL Server 2005, what might be different? Jeffrey Web.config <connectionStrings>        <add name="NorthwindConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=D5MRY6G1SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=True"            providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />    </connectionStrings>Default.aspx <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"         ConnectionString="Data Source=D5MRY6G1SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=True; USER ID=WEB; Password=webwebweb1"         ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString.ProviderName %>"MasterDetail.aspx <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server"         ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthwindConnectionString %>"               

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Where Are The SSI Files Saved When Saved To The Server?

Apr 20, 2006

This is a pretty simple question, but I'm going nuts trying to find the answer. After creating an SSI package, I told it to save to the SQL server... Now where do I go to pull that package up again and make changes and/or execute the package?

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Data Access :: How To Recover Forgotten Password When Remember Password Option Checked

Jul 24, 2015

I have connected to Database using my credentials by checking remember password option. After few days I forgot my password. How can I recover the password as SQL remember it. Is there any way to recover my password instead of resetting it.

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SQL Server Agent Job Will Not Retain Package Password (encrypt Sensitive With Password)

Apr 1, 2008

I have a package protected by a password - I am already unhappy that to get it to use the configuration file to change connection strings for the production servers I have had to hardcode the password into the config file - very insecure!
However, the package now deploys correctly to the production server and will run from there OK, but NOT if scheduled as a SQL Server Agent Job. Thus is because however often I edit the command line to include the password after the DECRYPT switch (which it has prompted me for when I click on the command line tab), the Job Step will not retain it.
If I open it up after I have edited it and closed it, the password has disappeared.

I know that if I run dtexec plus the code in the Command Line tab (with the password), the package runs OK.

This is driving me insane!
I have read all the other posts and so I tried replacing the SSIS package step with a CmdExec step and pasting that code into there - then I get an OLEDB error..

The code I use is:
DTEXEC /SQL "ImportRateMonitoringTables" /SERVER servername /DECRYPT password /CONFIGFILE "D:Microsoft SQL ServerSSISDeploymentsRateMonitoringImportTasksDeploymentImportRateMonitoringTables_Production.dtsConfig" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E

and I get

SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x8000FFFF

although the same code executes perfectly from a command prompt.

Please does anyone have any experience with a similar problem and if so, how did you get round it?

Thank you

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SQL 2005 SP2 - Windows 2003 Ent SP1 - Password Does Not Meet The Password Policy DLL

Jun 18, 2007

I am receiving the following error message when attempting to create a new SQL Authenticated login id.

Password validation failed. The password does not meet the requirements of the password filter DLL. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15119)

I have four servers all running SQL Server 2005 SP2 on Windows 2003 Ent. SP1. Of the four servers, only one received the above error message using the same TSQL below.


All four servers are in the same domain, which if I understand correctly, the password policies are therefore inherited at the OS level by the domain. The password being used is within the password policies of the domain.

Any ideas as to a root cause?

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The Sa Password Must Meet SQL Server Password Policy Requirements.

Jun 30, 2007

I tried to install an ALLDATA database which run with SQL Server 2005 express edition. The data base fails to install becase of the following code that come up which is related to AS password requirement. The error that come up is:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup

The sa password must meet SQL Server password policy requirements. For strong password guidelines, see Authentication Mode, in SQL Server Books Online.

For help, click:



I am trying to install this database in a network server operating under Windows Server 2003 R2 with SP2. If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please let me.



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Where Are DTS Packages Saved?

Jun 3, 1999

Can someone tell me where DTS Packages are saved by default? Is it the MSSQL7/Binn directory?

Thank you,
Michelle Turner

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Saved As Undefined

Oct 12, 2004

When I submit data through my website one particular field which is drop down field and has 4 values (5, 10, Fee, other) saves as "undefined"
I get no errors through the web site.

Field is varchar

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Saved Reports - How Did They Do That?

Jun 2, 2008

I recently viewed an application which included customizable savable reports. In the first step, the user selects from a very large (probably over a hundred) set of variables to include in the report (these would be the columns displayed in the report). In a second step, the user selects (from the same set of variables) which variables they want to set as criteria indicators (these would then be dropdowns and text boxes on the report that would filter the query results).

So, how do they do this? Lets take the AdventureWorks database as an example. Lets say the user can select the following variables to include in their report:


How do you design this in the database? If you have a table that holds all of the possible variables, and a table that connects the user-selected variables to the user – how then do you construct the query that pulls it all together? For example, what if a user wants only these two variables in their report:


Here is the query:

select as ProductName, as VendorName
from Production.Product as p
inner join Purchasing.ProductVendor as pv on pv.ProductID = p.ProductId
inner join Purchasing.Vendor as v on v.VendorId = pv.VendorId

How do you build that query from just getting two variable names?

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Trigger Is Not Saved

Apr 3, 2007

ON countries

insert into country1 values(:deleted.cid,:deleted.cname,getdate(),,system_user,@@servername, host_id(),host_name(),DB_NAME())
--select * from country1
/*insert into country1
select * from deleted*/

i want to store data into country1 table as old data with all information



Malathi Rao

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Where Is The DTS Saved In 2005?

May 3, 2007

I created a DTS by right clicking and exporting the data to a file and I also saved the DTS package. Where will the DTS Package be saved in SQL 2005 in case if I have to do any modifications later.

Thanks !

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Where The Data Saved

Dec 22, 2006

I don€™t understand what
my wrong is. I am trying to save data in to SQL Mobile Database. my Database is included in my project. after saved, i connect that database by VS2005 server explorer to view the data. But I don€™t found any data in Sdf file.
private void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

SqlCeConnection objmycon = new SqlCeConnection(); objmycon.ConnectionString = ("Data Source =" + (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase) + "\SC.sdf;"));

SqlCeCommand objcmd = new SqlCeCommand();

objcmd.Connection = objmycon;

objcmd.CommandText = "Insert Into BenInfo (BenID, BenName, BenDOB, BenRegDate, BenExpDate) " +

" Values(@BenID, @BenName,@BenDOB,@BenRegDate,@BenExpDate)";

objcmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@BenID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 6));
objcmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@BenName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)); objcmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@BenDOB", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8));
objcmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@BenRegDate", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8));
objcmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("@BenExpDate", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8));

objcmd.Parameters["@BenID"].Value = this.txtID.Text;
objcmd.Parameters["@BenName"].Value = this.txtName.Text;
objcmd.Parameters["@BenDOB"].Value = this.dtpDOB.Text;
objcmd.Parameters["@BenRegDate"].Value = this.dtpRegDate.Text; objcmd.Parameters["@BenExpDate"].Value = this.dtpExpDate.Text;



MessageBox.Show("Beneficiary Information Save Successfully.");



please advice me.. how can i over come this situation....

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ASP 3.0 Record Is Getting Saved Twice.

Mar 1, 2007

Hello All,

I am facing this unusual error. In My ASP Page I am submitting the Page and after submitting the form I am calling another ASP page, which contains sql command to insert the record.

My Problem is when I am submitting the Form. Record is getting inserted twice with same values.

What is the cause of this problem as I am facing this problem in every form.

With Regards

Sunil Dutt

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Dates Being Saved Incorrectly

Apr 10, 2006

Hi,I've got a question about saving into datetime fields in a SQL Server table. A form I have create has two fields both for dates as well as other form fields, but the user may or may not fill in all the form fields, so when they click the save link I have a query which saves all the form fields whether they are blank or not. Unfortunately this is causing the two date fields to be saved in the database as "01/01/1900" even thoough they are blank fields.What is a good way to not save blank date fields as "01/01/1900"?ThanksStephen

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Jun 7, 2000

I have a developer using SQL 7.0 Enterprise Manager and the DTS Wizard to create and save simple DTS imports on the SQL Server. The DTS job runs only on his workstation using his NT logon ID. Server is set for mixed security.
Other users can edit the saved DTS job and resave it, then anyone can run the job. I tried having the developer log in with his NT logon ID on another workstation; he can't run the job from there if he was the last person to edit it from his workstation.

Any ideas, anyone? This is the only person having this problem in my shop.


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Long Text Gets Cut Off When Saved

Sep 1, 2006

I was trying to save a long text from application to "text" data type in sql database but it gets cut off at few hundred characters.

Does anyone know what the problem is?

Thanks for any help.

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Date Format Cannot Be Saved

Mar 9, 2005

Hi guys, I was doing some changes on my asp web pages, I added new field expiry date that will be scanned into the system in format ddmmyyyy but it can't save as i am gettting that message that char can't be converted into datetime as date time was out of range.

I have added this into my asp pages <% Session.LCID = 3081 %> and changed the sql server regional setting setting the date to dd/mm/yyyy I can't set it to ddmmyyyy as there is not option without "/".

Could somebody help me as this is quite frustrating.


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Run Saved DTS Package In 2005

Mar 31, 2006

I have saved a DTS Package, in sql serv 2005. How do i run it ? I cant fiqure it out

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Dates Saved As Different Format

Dec 4, 2007

I recently wrote a stored procedure to add the date and time to an existing table. The date is being stored as
Oct 29 2007 5:37PM

Instead of as
10/29/2007 5:37:23 PM

The column is a varchar(24) data type and I use GETDATE() in the stored procedure to supply the date.

What do I need to do to change to get this to save the date as mm/dd/yyyy


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Saved Package Gets Corrupted

Nov 7, 2006


I am facing a problem. I have custom data flow transformation.We have saved a package using component's earlier assembly version. Now when we install later version of the component the saved package fails to open. If I try creating new package it succeeds.

Error message :

Error 1 Validation error. Data Flow Task: DTS.Pipeline: The component metadata for "component "Oracle Destination" (153)" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed. Package.dtsx 0 0

We tried overriding "perform upgrade" method but still I am facing the same issue.


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Feb 17, 2006

I ran the SSIS wizard in Management Studio and saved the file in MSDB. I want to look at the design of the package but even going to BI development studio, I can't seem to find where you can open and work with the packages which were created in Management Studio and saved in MSDB. Anyone find a way to look at them?

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Importing Excel Saved As XML

Jun 19, 2007

Hi guys!

I'm having troubles trying to import an excel file saved as XML.

Tried XML Source, Excel Source, OLEDB Source with no success.

Could someone point me to the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

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Import Wizard, Where Saved?

Apr 25, 2007

I created my first package using the import wizard and saved it to the server. And now I can't find it. In SQL Server Mgt Studio, I've browsed through every imaginable folder in the target database, in MSDB database, and in the global folders.

I read something that suggested there should be an Integration Services folder, but there isn't.

Once I locate the package, I understand that it's not editable. Can it be transferred to BI Studio for editing? TIA.

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How To Execute A Saved Package?

Jul 27, 2006

Sorry for such a simple question -

I ran the Import data wizard and chose to save the package to sql server. Now I would like to execute that package I saved again, but I can't find where to do it in the management studio. Help!

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Error When File Is Saved To PDF

Feb 7, 2007

I am calling a procedure that will save a file to PDF. It runs successfully. When I go to look at the PDF, I get a message, "Acrobat reader could not open 'Doc.pdf' because it is either not a support file or because the file has been damaged."

This is how I'm calling the procedure:

SaveFile(Dts.Variables("varSSRS_URL").Value.ToString() + "?/TestReports/MyReport&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=PDF", "C:" + "MyReport.pdf")

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Can Sql Server Know When The Row In Table Saved

Apr 22, 2008

hi i have question
can sql server know when the row in table Saved
add new field call "date_row_save" date+time
inside the my table in the sql server
i need to know whan the row last Saved
evry row put date time

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Remember My Password Is Forgetting Password

Mar 11, 2008

On the login prompt for Report Server, there is a checkbox option to "Remember my Password." I check this, login successfully... but when returning to the Report Server, I am again prompted for the password, although the user name is saved. No matter how many times I do this, the password will not save in IE7. I have tried this on 3 different computers with IE7. In IE 6, I do not even get the checkbox as an option, just the user name/password prompt. In Firefox, the password saves fine. Any ideas what would be causing this?



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Type Of The Saved File In SQL Server

May 31, 2008

Hi all,
I am not sure this is the right place to post this, but I could find a better place. 
I uploaded a document in the SQL Server (image datatype), but I was not able to save file Type since there is no field for that, and cannot change the database.
Now I download the saved file. Is there any way to extract file Type from the saved file (like from file header?) and open it with an appropriate program such as doc file with MS Word?

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Date Is Not Getting Saved In Propper Manner

Mar 23, 2006

hi friends
In my form i am storing system's date in the database.
4 that i m using a variable of date like:
dim today as new date
but its storing the default date that is '1/1/1900'
how to overcome this problem?

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Arabic Characters Are Not Saved (was A Serious Problem ...- Plz. Help

Jan 15, 2005

Dear all ..
i have a serious problem & all ur comments will be appreciated..

i have bought an ASP .NET publishing tool which i receieved an sql script with it to execute on either Ms sql server or MSDE .

i executed it on MSDE as i don't have Ms sql server on my windows dedicated server .

I wanted the tool for publishing (Arabic Language)content for a highly traffic soccer website..

After executing the sql script i tested the tool but i found arabic characters are not saved when i add articles .. they were saved as question marks (??).

so i re-executed the sql script on a new db after modifying every code containg (varchar) to (nvarchar) to support unicode & thus arabic.

it worked & i succeeded in saving arabic articles

BUT >>>>>>>>>>>>>

i found that only short arabic articles r saved fine while any article that reaches around (1 microsoft word page) is not saved well with arabic characters but saved as question marks ( ??? ) .. !!


so i checked the db tables using ASP.NET Enterprise manager & i found that

the field of article has (ntext) & infront of it number 16 ..

it seems that the (ntext) has a limit to wt it can save ..

so i believe there's a way which i don't know to make the (ntext) accepts long articles entry .


Here's the code in the original sql script i received with the tool & i hope u can guide me in details to any modification to do so that the ntext limit is raise to save any long arabic article.


code :

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[xlaANMarticles] (
[articleid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[posted] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
[lastupdate] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
[headline] [nvarchar] (350) NOT NULL ,
[headlinedate] [nvarchar] (255) NOT NULL ,
[startdate] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
[enddate] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
[source] [nvarchar] (255) NOT NULL ,
[summary] [nvarchar] (3000) NOT NULL ,
[articleurl] [nvarchar] (1000) NOT NULL ,
[article] [ntext] NOT NULL ,
[status] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
[autoformat] [nvarchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
[publisherid] [int] NOT NULL ,
[clicks] [int] NOT NULL ,
[editor] [int] NOT NULL ,
[relatedid] [nvarchar] (2000) NOT NULL ,
[isfeatured] [nvarchar] (10) NULL ,
[keywords] [nvarchar] (255) NULL ,
[description] [nvarchar] (255) NULL

i highlighted the specific column for the article field with red color ..

i tried making it (nvarchar) but the sql manager i use saud it can't be done coz. there has to be a field for TEXTIMAGE coz. it's set to be (on) in the code.

waiting for ur help plz. ... i am desperate .. :confused:

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