Passwords And Usernames

Mar 15, 2006

i have been reading many books

where is a good place to hold user name and password while the user is on your side in a cookie or applicaion user variable?

and if the user closes the navigator..what command removes the log in information ?

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SQL 2005 Passwords, Can It Be Configured To Accept Case-insensitive Passwords???

Jul 7, 2006

Users were able tolog on to our SQL 2000 servers with their passwords being case-insensitive.

Now with SQL 2005 some users can't logon because SQL 2005 passwords are case-sensitive.

Can SQL 2005 be configured so that passwords are NOT case sensitive???


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How To Match Usernames From A SP?

Mar 25, 2008

I am writing a SP, inside the SP i have a select statement.
I also have another SP, when i run it, it sends a list back with all the users that are currently online.
Now in my first SP, i want to construct a select statement that returns a users data, but only for the users that are online.
This is the first SP (GetAllOnlineUsers), that produces a list with users online (just abit rewritten from the membership function total users online):
SELECT u.Username FROM dbo.aspnet_Users u(NOLOCK), dbo.aspnet_Applications a(NOLOCK), dbo.aspnet_Membership m(NOLOCK) WHERE u.ApplicationId = a.ApplicationId AND LastActivityDate > @DateActive AND a.LoweredApplicationName = LOWER(@ApplicationName) AND u.UserId = m.UserId
This is my second SP, in witch i want to get the online users data:
SELECT m.username, d.data1, d.data2 FROM m.userstable INNER JOIN data ON (data.username = m.username) WHERE (m.username IN (EXEC GetAllOnlineUsers))
Is it possible to exec a SP into a select statement?

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Sp_helpuser , Active Usernames For Database Question

Jan 31, 2000

If sp_helpuser showed some Username with (null) LoginName, I believe these must be some obsolete username defined in the database before ,can I have them cleaned up , anyone has this experience ?

Also, I was able to find out from sp_who, or select * from sysprocesses the active login id to the system, is there quick way ,stored procedure etc to find out the usernames for the current active session for a particular database ?? I don't think these usernames are shown up in the current activity under EM..


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Feb 5, 1999

Is there a way I can enable my end users to change
their own passwords within SQL 6.5 every 30 days to
something unique?

Currently, I don't see that they have the option to change
it anywhere.
Any thoughts?

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Passwords In SQL 6.5

Mar 24, 1999

I have to create some type of an sp that will force users to change
their passwords every 30 days. It sounds like I should be able to
create a simple table with the login and the password expiration date.
Then, I should create some type of function to check the expiration, get
the new password and run sp_password. Has anyone done this before?
Where would this table be created? In Master? Would that also be where
I should create this sp? Should this be an xp?

I'm fairly light on creating sp's. Can anyone suggest a starting point
for me or give any suggestions?
I would appreciate any help.
Toni E.

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Sql/nt Passwords

May 28, 1999

Does some one know of a way to use windows passwords in sql w/o having to enter them in? Like a program or sql statement?
As of now, we are having to enter them in ourselves , and would like to make our jobs easier....Thanks!!

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Need Help With Passwords

Feb 6, 2005

hey guyz
in the database, is there anyway to chnage the password field to * instead of showing what is inside?

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Sep 30, 2007


I have SQL Server 2000 and in one of the databases we store the Application passwords as a Clear text. we would like to encrypt
these passwords so that we will pass the auditing.

Can some one please suggest a good way to encrypt these passwords.


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Jan 7, 2007

for example i will set the password as chicken

then i press ok and it seems like it works i open it right away and

^^clearly not chicken......

then,ontop of that when i open the login name is a query script its some 15 character password that everytime u open in script the code changes..

any help would be greatly appreciated

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PGP Files And Passwords

May 2, 2001

I have a pgp file requiring a password that is emailed to me. Is it possible to set up a DTS package that will open the file (using the password), and insert the data into a table, file, etc.

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User Passwords

Oct 8, 2001


Is there a way to pull user id's and passwords from a database?


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Changing Passwords

Dec 5, 2000

I have a problem where our developers would like to change the passwords of the SQL Logins without knowing the users old password.

The only way they can use the below syntax is that they must be a member of the SYSAdmin Server Role.

sp_password NULL, 'newpassword',Max

I need a way to allow them to change the passwords without making a user a member of the SYSAdmin Server Role.

Any thoughts would be greatly apprecitated. Thanks in advance.


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Sqlserver Passwords

Dec 1, 2004

Hello all,

Is there anyway to tell in sqlserver when a users' password has been changed?

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User Passwords

Apr 27, 2004

Is there a way that I can prevent SQL Authenticated users from changing their passwords?

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Passwords For The Logins

Jun 1, 2004

Hi All,
Sql server 7

There are set of logins in sql server some are NT authentication and some are sql server authentication. How can i retrieve the passwords for both these logins.


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Users And Passwords

Apr 11, 2008

How can we change the passwords of users in 2005 and in 2000

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Encrypting Passwords

Feb 22, 2006

A friend of my self asked me how he can save a password not as clear text. He wanted to encrypt the password and save the encrypted string in the database.

How can he do this? Maybe somebody can help me here.

Regards Markus

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Asking For Userid And Passwords On 28

Feb 28, 2008

I have installed Sql Server 2000 Reporting Services.
I desinged report in VS 2003.When press F5 key.Every time it is asking for user id password then only it is giving List of Report Names.

Is there any way to avoid giving user id and pwd every time.

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Update Passwords Every 10days

Apr 22, 2004

I'm looking for a way to upgrade the passwords of all users in a database every 10 days.

What I have is, generating random passwords, md5 encryption etc... but still clueless about how I should update em every 10 days.

Thanks in advance

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Store Encrypted Passwords In SQL

Jan 14, 2005


I have a simple .NET page that asks the user to create a new account. One of the fields on that page is 'Password'. I store the password in a SQL 2000 Database. However, it appears in the database as clear-text.

Is there a way to encrypt this so it doesn't appear as clear-text in the DB?


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Transfer Passwords Between Boxes

Nov 10, 2001

Wondering on how to script over the passwords from one 2000 box to another. We are cutting a box over from dev to production and need to copy userids and passwords from another box.

Any suggestions?



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Moving Logins And Passwords

Feb 5, 2002

WE are moving one of our applications to oracle from sql server.For this migration is there any way I can move passwords from sql server syslogins table to oracle or extract the passwords.
thanks in advance

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Encrypt Stored Passwords

Sep 18, 2001

I'm running SQL 70 SP 3 on Nt4.

We store passwords of users of our website. They need to be autenticated and based on that it gives them access to what they are entitled. But its not like NT or server authentication.

This has been setup so that we have a user table and it stores the password. However, it stores it in plain text. Is there any way I can encrypt this field so it is unreadable? Is there a property or a datatype that I can't find? Is there a way to simulate the encryption?

Any ideas or help are appreciated.


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Case-sensitive Passwords?

Mar 10, 2000

Is it possible in SQL Server 7.0 sp1 to have a
password that is case-sensitive on a case-insensitive
installation of SQL server?


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How To Restore Logins With Passwords

Oct 9, 2002


I want to delete N number of logins today and restore them 5 days later.

What steps should be done beside backup of master.

what whould be the way to restore logins with passwords (with or without permissions )without restoring master?

I gess just running sp_resolve_logins
will not help.

thank you

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How To Script Logins And Passwords

Sep 17, 1999

How do I generate a script of my users logins and passwords?

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Viewing Passwords In Version 6.5

Oct 22, 1998


Can anybody tell me is it possible to view user passwords in SQL Server v6.5 as the syslogins table shows the passwords as encrypted.



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Moving Logins And Passwords

Nov 18, 1998

Does anyone have a script or tip on how to move passwords associated with logins. I am consolidating two 6.5s into one and want to maintain the passwords associated with the logins. Any hints?

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Moving Logins And Passwords

Nov 2, 2001


I am creating a new sql server 2000 machine and was wondering how to get the users and passwords from the sql6.5 box over onto the new machine. I know for sql 6.5 there is a stored proc sp_TransferPasswords that I have used but it will not script over cleanly to the sql 2000 box.



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Help Please...Users Passwords Lost

Jan 15, 2008

Hello, there this is my first post and Iīm desperate seeking for help, I have almost not knowledge of SQL as it is not my usual work.

However, suddenly it has converted in mine....Hopefully I will got help in here.

Well the issue is that our database manager has resigned suddenly and before doing it he has changed the passwords of all the users in

our database of a monitoring web application. So all our users have no access now to the application. After many tryouts I finally got

access to the database and to the users table. However I have the issue that the passwords looks as below showed and I donīt know what

the real password is.

I have tried to decrypt using web decrypting pages as it looks like normal base64 strings, but it returns weird stuff. Also as I donīt

know the real encryption used I canīt change to a know string. So if some could help me getting how it was encrypted or better to find

out the real passwords it will be truly appreciated. If it is needed more info please tell me so I can send it to you, or if you need the

database itself I can send you a backup.

Best Regards to everyone.


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Encrypting Passwords In An Access DB

Sep 23, 2004

I usually work with MySQL where it is able tl encrypt a password in a database (for users /clients etc) is there a way to do somthing similar in access.
Thanking you in advance

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SQL Passwords ARE Case-sensitive, Right?

Oct 27, 2004

I'm a bit flummoxed on this one (doesn't take much these days). We have a test SQL database and a prod SQL database configured with the same user name and a complex password.

The password consists of letters and numbers, mixed upper and lower.

What I am seeing, however, is that SQL will permit access even if the user gets the case wrong on the letters. One letter, two letters, all letters. It doesn't matter.

I thought SQL passwords were case sensitive; was I wrong?



Edit: I should add that I am running SQL 2000, SP3a (hotfix 0818) on Windows 2000 SP4 and that SQL is clustered on two servers in Active/Passive mode (this applies to both Test and Prod).

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