Performing Mathematical Transcations With A Sql Server Database

Feb 20, 2008

I would like to know if its possible to add/subtract/multiply/divide values between a cell in a database and a textbox/label on a web form? how would I go about doing this?
Also, I would like a number from a cell to appear in a label when a page first loads. How can I achieve this?


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SQL Server 2000 Deadlock Concurrent Select Transcations

Oct 14, 2007

There are a series of traces of transactions for essentially the same units of work. Each includes a retrieving the same table "Select" from the database. The first 4 transactions ran concurrently. The last one ran about 7 minutes later with no other concurrent transactions.

The elapsed times for the database accesses for each of the first 4 is significantly higher than the last one.
Can you think of any database optimazation that might improve this?

Are there any utilities available than can be used for stand-alone testing of SQL Server database performance?
E.G. they would measure response time for reading/writing large/small amounts of canned data once/multiple times with concurrent/nonconcurrent access.

SQL Server Database is on 2000.I am not sure about the ISOLATION level in the Java code.

Basically I am new to SQL Sever....Please ans the above questions and provide me the direction to proceed on these questions

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Linked Servers And Transcations

Feb 25, 2004


I'm trying to run an update on data in one SQL Server, based on data from another SQL Server (they're linked). It seemed to take forever, even with just one row in the table, so I tried making a dummy query that just printed some stuff on the screen. This also took forever, so I tried doing the same thing, but not as a transaction. Then it worked perfectly!

What is the problem with linked servers and transactions? Does anybody have an explanation as to why they can't be combined? Or even better, does anybody have a solution for combining them?


Martin N Jensen

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More Questions On Try Catch W/transcations

Apr 10, 2008

Lets say that within a procedure, you start a transaction. Within the transaction there are three blocks of code, each surrounded by try/catch blocks. The first statement succeeds, but the 2nd fails and doesnt enter its catch block because for example it was inserting into a table that didnt exist at the time the procedure ran. So then, the engine will terminate the procedure and return, but there will still be a transaction open. How can you handle this situation?

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Ensuring Database Is Updated In Mobile Device When Performing Merging

Jul 24, 2007


I am using web service to synchronize data between SQL Server 2005 on a desktop and a SQL Server Mobile Edition on a mobile device.

Initially, when i added the data source to my mobile application, my .sdf only has 3 records. I am then supposed to retrieve 97 more records from the desktop server when my mobile application runs. After performing merging, I clicked (on my device emulator) on the .sdf deployed under my mobile application and the query analyzer showed all 100 records.

Does this mean my mobile database has been successfully updated with all 100 records? If not, how do I check that? The reason why I am asking this is that the file size of this .sdf with 100 records is still the same as the initial .sdf with only 3 records. How is this possible?

Am I missing anything or getting some concepts wrong? Please enlighten. Thanks.

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Mathematical Query

Sep 28, 2007

how to round the exponential values.

for example my input is 8.14444367893246e-4

my expected output should be 8.14444367893246

how to achieve this?

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1 Log File Can Contain More Records After Performing Backup Database Statement, 2 Why Can't Insert Data When Is Log Is Not Full

Feb 14, 2008

question 1:

i found that database log file can contain more records after performing backup database statement.

for example:

i create a database and limit the log file to 2mb. then i create a table and insert data.

If i backup the database before i insert data , the database file can contain 192 records unitl the log file is full.

If i don't perform the 'backup database' statement.
The 'dbcc sqlperf(logspace)' indicate the utilization ratio is less than 40% after inserting 192 records


I list my code:

Code Snippet
create database db_test
on primary
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test.mdf'
log on
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test_log.ldf',
backup database db_test to disk='db_test.bak' --- if i don't execute this line, log file can contain a lot of record
create table db_test..table1(col char(8000))
--insert data to fill up the database log
declare @n int
set @n=0
while @n<192
insert into db_test..table1 values(replicate('a',8000))
set @n=@n+1

question 2:
i create a database and limit the log file to 2mb. Then i create a table and insert data in an endless loop.

After the inserting operation executing for a while, the 9002 error occurs, indicate the log file for the database is full.
But the 'dbcc sqlperf(logspace)' command indicate the unilization ratio is low, and log_reuse_wait_desc in sys.database is 'CHECKPOINT'
And I can insert data , and i'm sure the state of log_use_wait_desc is 'CHECKPOINT'.

As i known, the checkpoint can't truncate log under full recovery model. Only the back log operation can truncate the transaction log.
So log is not full, why 9002 error is encounterd. and why the log_reuse_wait_desc return 'CHECKPOINT'?

I list my code:

Code Snippet
create database db_test
on primary
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test.mdf'
log on
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test_log.ldf',
create table db_test..table1(col char(8000))

--insert data to fill up the database log
declare @n int
set @n=0
while @n<>-1
insert into db_test..table1 values(replicate('a',8000))

any suggestions?

thanks in advance.

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How Can Store Mathematical Questions

Jan 10, 2008

hello sir
Thank for ur response to me in such a way.
I m student of cs in final semester & designing a project for online test series for all subject like mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography. Ihave a pb for storing mathematical questions which includes special symbols in organic chemistry structural farmulas etc.How can we store in database. i m sending a test paper for better understanding. plz help me.I will be hioghly obliged to u for this.

Your's sincerely
Avanish Yadav

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Mathematical Computation In Transact SQL

Mar 5, 2008

What is the equivalent in Transact SQL for ^ (Exponent Operator)

I have a following equation in
DotGain = ((1 - 10 ^(D0 - D50)) /(1 - 10 ^ (D0 - D100))) * 100 - 50
where D0, D50 and D100 are decimal variables

Working on creating a SQL UDF where @D0,@D50 and @D100 are transact sql decimal variables

DECLARE @DotGain decimal
DECLARE @D0 decimal
DECLARE @D50 decimal
DECLARE @D100 decimal

SET @D0 = 0.10
SET @D50 = 0.54
SET @D100 = 1.20

SELECT @DotGain = 1 - POWER(10,(@D0 - @D50)) / 1 - POWER(10,(@D0 - @D100)) * 100 - 50

but it is giving me different result in TSQL than VB2005

Can someone correct me?

Thanks in advance.

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Creating Mathematical Formulas And Calculations

Aug 5, 2007

I've created a sql statement that retrieves number data from various table joins. The number data is then grouped according to various categories. What I need to do is to calculate the average of all the number data in a particular group. How do i go about this? Once calculated, the average needs to be displayed under the data.

For example, the report will list say five numbers (some sets may have more, it depends on how much data is returned based on the query), then under the five numbers, the average is given


Average: 5

What technique is best? Do I have to calculate the numbers in sql or do I need to configure the report to calculate the average? If so, how? Can someone show me step by step how to do averages for a set of data in the reporting services?

I am completely new to doing reports, I'm just a hobbyist, and I've only used databases to retrieve basic data, but not make manipulations for reports.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Store Mathematical Equations In A Column

Sep 17, 2006


I would like to is there any way we can store mathematical equations, that can be typed using equations 3.0, in sql server database as a column. What would be the datatype for the same.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Perform Mathematical Formula Without Using Case

Sep 17, 2014

I am having 4 Columns Qty decimal(12,3),CF1 Decimal(12,3),CF2 Decimal(12,3),Flag TinyInt.

I want to perform following without using case if it is possible.

When value of Flag is 0 then Qty*(CF2/CF1)
When value of Flag is 1 then Qty

And i Don't want to use any functions like isnull,NullIf,IIF even not union or union all.How to do this calculation without using any function.

Actually i am having more then 100000 rows in table and if i use functions then my index might not be called.,that why want to avoid cases and functions.

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Query Using Mathematical Function Of Values From 2 Tables Has A Performance Problem

Aug 2, 2007

When I am executing a query that uses a mathematical function on values from 2 tables the query takes much longer than the same query that uses values from 1 table, even though the join remains the same.

Why is this happening?
Is there a way to bypass this problem?

Long query ( values from 2 tables ) :
MAX ( ( SIGN ( attribute.keyValue- ( -2027587559 ) ) *SIGN ( attribute.keyValue- ( -2027587559 ) ) -1 ) *-1*data.val ) AS maxVal
DATA data,
ATTR attribute,
AND attribute.keyValue IN ( 345647222,1569153803,1569146115,-2027587559 )
AND = ‘test’

Short query ( values from 1 table ) :
MAX ( ( SIGN ( data.keyValue- ( -2027587559 ) ) *SIGN ( data.keyValue- ( -2027587559 ) ) -1 ) *-1*data.val ) AS maxVal
DATA data,
ATTR attribute,
AND attribute.keyValue IN ( 345647222,1569153803,1569146115,-2027587559 )
AND = ‘test’

Long query execution plan:
Execution Tree
Stream Aggregate ( DEFINE: ( [Expr1004]=MAX ( ( sign ( [attribute].[keyValue]--2027587559 ) *sign ( [attribute].[keyValue]--2027587559 ) -1 ) * ( -1*[data].[val] ) ) ) )
|--Nested Loops ( Inner Join )
|--Hash Match ( Inner Join, HASH: ( [elm].[id] ) = ( [data].[elmId] ) , RESIDUAL: ( [data].[elmId]=[elm].[id] ) )
| |--Nested Loops ( Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES: ( [subject].[id] ) )
| | |--Index Seek ( OBJECT: ( [TREE_ELEMENT].[TREE_ELEMENT_NAME_IDX] AS [subject] ) ,
SEEK: ( [subject].[name]=’test’ ) ORDERED FORWARD )
| | |--Index Seek ( OBJECT: ( [TREE_ELEMENT].[TREE_ELEMENT_APP_ID_IDX] AS [elm] ) ,
SEEK: ( [elm].[subjectId]=[subject].[id] ) ORDERED FORWARD )
| |--Clustered Index Scan ( OBJECT: ( [DATA].[PK__DATAS_SAMPL__485B9C89] AS [data] ) )
|--Table Spool
|--Index Seek ( OBJECT: ( [ATTR].[TREE_Z_IDX] AS [attribute] ) ,
SEEK: ( [attribute].[keyValue]=-2027587559 OR [attribute].[keyValue]=345647222 OR [attribute].[keyValue]=1569146115 OR [attribute].[keyValue]=1569153803 ) ORDERED FORWARD )

Short query execution plan:
Execution Tree
Stream Aggregate ( DEFINE: ( [Expr1004]=MAX ( [partialagg1005] ) ) )
|--Nested Loops ( Inner Join )
|--Stream Aggregate ( DEFINE: ( [partialagg1005]=MAX ( ( sign ( [data].[keyValue]--2027587559 ) *sign ( [data].[keyValue]--2027587559 ) -1 ) * ( -1*[data].[val] ) ) ) )
| |--Hash Match ( Inner Join, HASH: ( [elm].[id] ) = ( [data].[elmId] ) , RESIDUAL: ( [data].[elmId]=[elm].[id] ) )
| |--Nested Loops ( Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES: ( [subject].[id] ) )
| | |--Index Seek ( OBJECT: ( [TREE_ELEMENT].[TREE_ELEMENT_NAME_IDX] AS [subject] ) ,
SEEK: ( [subject].[name]=’test’ ) ORDERED FORWARD )
| | |--Index Seek ( OBJECT: ( [TREE_ELEMENT].[TREE_ELEMENT_APP_ID_IDX] AS [elm] ) ,
SEEK: ( [elm].[subjectId]=[subject].[id] ) ORDERED FORWARD )
| |--Clustered Index Scan ( OBJECT: ( [DATA].[PK__DATAS_SAMPL__485B9C89] AS [data] ) )
|--Index Seek ( OBJECT: ( [ATTR].[TREE_Z_IDX] AS [attribute] ) ,
SEEK: ( [attribute].[keyValue]=-2027587559 OR [attribute].[keyValue]=345647222 OR [attribute].[keyValue]=1569146115 OR [attribute].[keyValue]=1569153803 ) ORDERED FORWARD )

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The RPC Server Is Unavailable Exception - While Performing Web Farm Installation

Aug 28, 2007


I am trying to create a scale-out deployment of Reporting Services
2005 on a NLB cluster web farm by following the instructions in:

However, when I install and configure Reporting Services on the second
node, and then go back to the first node to join the second node to
the scale-out deployment (as described in step 11 under 'To install
and configure the second report server instance"), I get the following

ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.WMIProviderException: An unexpected
error has occurred. Details:

The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA) ---

> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800706BA): The RPC

server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)
errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
at System.Management.ManagementScope.InitializeGuts(Object o)
at System.Management.ManagementScope.Initialize()
at System.Management.ManagementScope.Connect()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
machineName, String instanceName)
sender, RSReportServerInfo[] rsInfos)

I have spent hours searching for ideas, but so far no success. I have
also tried the following:

1. Enabling DTC access
2. Ensuring RPC service is running on both web and db servers
3. Installing WMI Windows Installer Provider
4. Granting admin rights on both db and web servers to the account
under which Reporting Services is running

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. It looks like
this should be a straight-forward task.

Thank you.

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Access 2000 Queries Performing Slower On More Powerful Server

Jun 27, 2001


We have recently upgraded our production server from a dual pentium II 400mhz server with 384Mb of RAM to a triple 700mhz Pentium III system with 2gb of RAM . However, since switching over, all of our Access queries on the SQL7 databases are either running extremely slowly or not at all despite the DSN's being set up correctly . Does anyone have any ideas why, and more importantly, how I can resolve this???


Pete Burton
(IT Support)
Durham Aged Mineworkers Homes Association

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Proper Way To Truncate Log After Performing Full Backup (SQL Server 2000)

Jan 29, 2007

Hello all - I have a SQL Server 2000 database setup using the Full Recovery Model. Each night, we backup the entire database, and as such would like to truncate the log at this time as well.

Is the best way to do this to also backup the Transaction Log, and then perform a DBCC SHRINKFILE command? It just seems like there should be an easier way...?


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Parameter Error When Performing A Transform Data Task From Access To SQL Server 2K

Dec 21, 2005

I have an Access 2.0 database that holds call data on a mapped drive. I am running MS SQL Server 2000. I can open it and view the records inside. I can even run the query below and get results, if I removed the CallDate and CallTime parameters.

SELECT CallDate, CallTime, Mid(CallRecordData, 68, 3) AS Extension, 'I' AS Direction, Mid(CallRecordData, 34, 11) AS Called,
Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 18, 2)) + Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 21, 2))/ 60 AS Minutes, Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 21, 2)) AS Seconds
FROM CallRecords
WHERE (CallDate = ?) AND (CallTime >= ?) AND (CallTime < ?) AND (Mid(CallRecordData, 30, 1) <> '9')

When I preview in the Transform Data Task, I get:
Package Error
Error Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine
Error Description: No value given for one or more required parameters.

When I look at the parameters, they are listed. I check their values, and they have the appropriate values (DateCalled, String, 07/14/2005) (StartTime, String, 06:30) (EndTime, String, 07:00)

When I run it in the build query or in Access with a linked table to the source, I can enter the values when asked for them and it works.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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DB Engine :: Linked Server - Getting Error When Performing Cross Instance Query With Joins

Apr 26, 2015

I've successfully created a Linked Server that connects a local DB Engine with another DB Engine through an ip over an extranet. I am able to run simple Select statement queries on the Local DB Engine and get results from the linked server. However when attempting to perform more complex queries that join tables from the linked server with tables from the local DB server, I get the following error message after several minutes of execution:

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "<ip of Linked Server>" returned message "Protocol error in TDS stream".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "<ip of Linked Server>" returned message "Communication link failure".

Msg -1, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

Session Provider: Physical connection is not usable [xFFFFFFFF].

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "<ip of Linked Server>" returned message "Communication link failure".

Msg -1, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

Session Provider: Physical connection is not usable [xFFFFFFFF].

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "<ip of Linked Server>" returned message "Communication link failure".

Msg 10054, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

How I can resolve it. I've read on Distributed Transactions but I understand that it only applies to manipulation statements?

Both are SQL servers. Linked Server is SQL2008R2 if not mistaken. Local DB Engine is SQL2014.

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Error When Performing DTS

Nov 30, 2000

Can anyone assist me in solving this problem:

DTSTransformCopy: ValidateSchema failed; see Extended Error Information.
TransformCopy 'DTSTransformation_10' validation error: Source column too narrow to contain a valid value of destination column's datatype for column pair 1 (source column 'Col010'(DBTYPE_STR), destination column 'CHECKDAT' (DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP)).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Performing Math Problem

Nov 19, 2003

I need to perform some division on the results of two alias columns that perform counts in a query. What is the best way to do this?

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Performing A Cascade Delete

Sep 3, 2002

How to delete a record from a parent table, all relating records in the child tables should also delete.
How to do it by MSSQL 7.0


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Performing An Insert Using NOT EXIST

Mar 8, 2005

I have two tables that I have to compare:

123-456 1000 01
123-456 1000 02
123-456 2000 02
567-890 2000 01
567-890 2000 02

1000 00
1000 01
1000 02
2000 00
2000 01
2000 02

After Insert I should have:

wbs1 wbs2 wbs3
123-456 1000 00
123-456 1000 01
123-456 1000 02
123-456 2000 00
123-456 2000 01
123-456 2000 02
567-890 1000 00
567-890 1000 01
567-890 1000 02
567-890 2000 00
567-890 2000 01
567-890 2000 02

Basically, I need to insert the wbs2 and wbs3 where it does not exist in each wbs1.

What I have now will find the values that need to be inserted for a particular project but I don't know how to go through each project and perform the insert:

Select * from PR_template Where Not Exists
(Select Wbs1, Wbs2, Wbs3 from PR where PR.WBS2 = PR_Template.WBS2
And PR.WBS3 = PR_Template.Wbs3 and pr.wbs1 = '123-456')
Order by wbs2, wbs3 asc

Thank You

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Performing A Hierarchical Query...

Mar 26, 2008

Hi. I'm trying to find out which "cases" have a new items added to our database. I have provided a sample layout.

ID ParentID Name CreateDate
358 2 SMITH, JOHN 3/3/2008 11:15:23 am
359 358 Invoice 3/5/2008 4:13:52 pm
360 358 Shipping 3/5/2008 5:11:09 pm
361 358 Receiving 3/6/2008 4:22:01 am

The main ID for this is 358. The invoice, shipping, and receiving items are child items. I would like to run a query that can report which cases have newly added items. This is hierarchical I guess and I'm quite lost. I hope this makes sense. Thanks for any help!

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Using SUM And Performing Subtraction On Columns

Sep 4, 2013

I need to do SUM on a column values and then subtract it from the SUM of values on a column from another table. I am using SQL server Management Studio, but getting the errors on the following Query

SELECT note_id, cap_int_amt)- SUM (ttl_cap_int_amt) as SUM1,
sum(orig_fee_amt)-sum(ttl_qualfyng_fee_amt) as SUM2
FROM [spstrd00_starrpt].[dbo].[rpt23t]
where [rpt20t].note_id =[rpt23t].note_id

ERROR Message
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'dbo.rpt23t'.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 7
The multi-part identifier "rpt20t.note_id" could not be bound.
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 8
Invalid column name 'ttl_qualfyng_fee_amt'.

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Performing A Conditional Join

Oct 10, 2007


I want to write a query that joins data in a different table based on a column value. The table is for a "Playlist" and holds play list items. The items can be video, audio, images, etc. The playlist table looks like this:

ID (int)
MediaType (char)
MediaId (int)

MediaId (int)

MediaId (int)

If the Table_Playlist.[MediaType] column value = "Audio" then I want to join to the Table_Audio table. If the value = "Video" then I need the video table.

Hope that makes sense. Thanks

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Performing String Operation

Mar 29, 2008


I have got a column with the string "I too Love Sql Server". I am trying an output as shown below:

I want to divide this into 4 columns :

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
I too Love Sql Server I.t.L.S.S

The Column 4 contains the first letter of each word. If the string contains only 2 words, Eg: "Sql Server" then Column 2 will be empty and only Column 1,3 and 4 will be filled.

How do I do this?

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Performing A Query Using Two Tables

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Have a database that contains various tables.I need to run a query on two tables.Table A contains a column called TitlesTable B contains a column called Uni_TitlesIn Table B's column it contains multiple titles as shown belowseparated by semi-colons in each row.Table B Uni-Title Column__________________________Row 1: Landlord and tenant; Leases; Rent reviewsRow 2: Acquisitions; Advisers; Appointment; Contract termTable A - Titles Column_________________________Table A's column contains a only one of the words in Table B's columni.e. Landlord and tenantI would like to obtain a count of how many times the same word orphrases appears in the column of Table B.ThanksSteve

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Performing FTP Using Xp_cmdshell In Ms Sql 2005

Feb 27, 2008

I want to copy xls file from remote server to my server.
i want to use xp_cmdshell to perform this operation.
can anybody help me out how to pass parameter to xp_cmdshell.

thanks in advance,

Chetan S. Raut.

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Help Needed While Performing Lookup

Dec 21, 2007

I have to look up a mapping table and add 5 more columns from the mapping table if the look on the first column in the mapping table and corresponding column in source is successful.
But if there is no matching record in then mapping table I still need the record to pass through with NA values.
Please help?

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Performing A Very Peculiar Task

Jun 1, 2007

Hello All,

I am tackling with unique request. I have to download the ".zip" files from the https and uncompress them. Now, the fetch process works fine when I am downloading the files. Using .net and .IO namespaces from system library.

Similarly after downloading I have to uncompress the files as these files are treated by compressed file folders by windows xp. I know it can be achieved by using the IO.compression class form system namespace.
But the only trouble here is IO.compression supports ".gz" and "Gzipstream.Uncompress" and I wonder how I would be able to get the ".zip" and "Zipstream.uncompress" done.

Thanks a million in all your help and advice. Also I appreciate for your time.


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Performing Insert Query With Check

Feb 29, 2008

hii,,i am using 2005 and sql server 2005.i have a web page in which i can enter details and it gets stored in a table in a the table thrs a column called as sme_id,,what i want is when one inserts a new sme_id from the page,,it should check in the table so tht no duplicate sme_id wil b generated..,,this code is workin fine,,i just want to implement the above is the insert code which i have used along with sql datasource:::__________________________
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:sme_trackerConnectionString %>"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO SME_Master(SME_Id, FirstName, LastName, Type_of_SME, Agency_id, Agency_Name, Email, Address, Phone, Mobile, Fax, TimeZone_Id, Experience, City, State, Status, Level_Of_Exam, Other_Comments, Certificate, Expertise)
 VALUES (@SME_Id, @FirstName, @LastName, @Type_of_SME, @Agency_id, @Agency_Name, @Email, @Address, @Phone, @Mobile, @Fax, @TimeZone_Id, @Experience, @City, @State, @Status, @Level_Of_Exam, @Other_Comments, @Certificate, @Expertise)"
OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [SME_Master]">
_______hope u got my problem,,,,,reply asap....thnks in advance

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Software For Performing Mass Design Changes

Jun 28, 2001


I was wondering if anyone knows of any way, including third party tools, to replicate a design change on a table across many different databases. I have written an ASP script that allows me to copy multiple tables to multiple databases in one go but I need something that will allow me to replicate the design of a table by comparing source and destination tables. So far I have scripted most of it but I have no idea on which system table to get the identity information and it seems there must be an easier way!

Any help would be appreciated,


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Performing Backups Using Network Resource

Sep 16, 1998

I`m having difficulty performing a SQL dump using a network drive. I have successfully created a backup device on a network drive but when I go to perform a backup using it I get the following error message: "Can`t open dump device `RSS4DATARSA3_Dump.Dat`, device error or device off line. Please consult the SQL Server error log for more details. (Message 3201)" I can successfully perform a backup using a local drive but not this network drive. I have checked the permissions on the network drive and is seems ok. I use the following command to try to perform the backup: "DUMP DATABASE RSA3 TO DISK = `Rss4DataRSA3_Dump.Dat WITH STATS = 10, INIT". Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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