Permissions To See Design View

Jul 23, 2005

Is there a way to allow users to see the design view of a table without
having dbo permissions?

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Table Permissions Versus View Permissions

Aug 2, 2006

Using SQL Server 2k5 sp1, Is there a way to deny users access to a specific column in a table and deny that same column to all stored procedures and views that use that column? I have a password field in a database in which I do not want anyone to have select permissions on (except one user). I denied access in the table itself, however the views still allow for the user to select that password. I know I can go through and set this on a view by view basis, but I am looking for something a little more global.

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View Permissions

Jun 7, 2007

I followed T-SQL instructions from Steve Gott (Thanks!) to alter the dbo schema and granted create a view permissions for one of my users. She can now create a view, however, she can not save the view she creates such as dbo.view1. Additionally, when she right-clicks on and existing view, it shows the ability to create views, however, greyed out are the options to edit or design the view.

What other steps should I take to ensure she can create, edit, design and save new and existing views?

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How To View All User Permissions?

Mar 14, 2007

I've seriously looked, but this simple concept eludes me. How do I go about viewing all the permissions granted to a database user? Like whether or not they can execute a stored procedure.

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View Permissions Alter

Aug 10, 2000

I have granted a developer the alter view permissions on some views in our production server which now allow him to open the view for modification. When he tries to save his changes he gets an error that he doesn't have create view permission. If seen this behavior before when you modify a table, does SQL Server 7.0 actually drop and recreate the object? If so, would he then need create permissions on views also?

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HELP - View Permissions Not Change In EM

Nov 6, 2000

Is there a way to set it so that a user can view permissions in EM but not change them? I have tried using the SecurityAdmin role on the database, but this lets the user change the permissions. I really need to be able to do this, is there any way or can anyone make any other suggestions about this i.e., can you place the user in this role yet revoke the ability to commit a change?

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View Job History Permissions For Non SA's

Mar 27, 2002

How can I allow non SA accounts access to view completed Job History of certain jobs.

Development application owners may receive notification of a Production SQL job failing and have no way to see step "details" of the failed job.

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Table And View Permissions

Aug 2, 2007

I have a list of users that I want to restrict access to tables in a database. The goal is to allow the users to use select statements on the views instead of the tables. How can this be accomplished?

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Permissions To View INFORMATION_SCHEAM Views

Aug 9, 2002

SQL7, sp3

What specific permissions do you need to be able to view information_schema views? I thought public role had permissions to select on these views, but this is not the case? What do I do?

my developers have db_reader, db_writer, and db_ddladmin. They do not have db_owner. If I make them Sysadmin in sql they can view them, but that doens't fit in our security setup we have. THoughts?


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Selecting From A View, Permissions Issue?

Oct 3, 2001

I have created a view where the data is a subset of the table. When a non dbo user selects only the first column from that view, the query returns the value. However, when the non dbo user selects any of the other columns or a combination of columns I get an invalid column name error. The syntax of my query is correct because it works when I use QA using a login with dbo permissions. Ideas?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Table/View Permissions Snafu

Mar 3, 1999

I am having trouble with permissions on views and tables. I have a set of tables owned by dbo, and then a set of view owed by another user, say User1.
So I have a table dbo.Airports, and then a view User1.Airports. User1 has all permissions on dbo.Airports, and via ISQL I can select and update with no problem. MY VB application is working with User1.Airport, and it will select from User1.Airport fine, but I keep getting an error when I try to Update User1.Airport. I have many other tables set up the same way, and they all work fine - my VB app updates no problem. Any ideas?

I have dropped and recreated the table and all views, assigned all permissions, everything looks good, but...

Another strangev thing is if I use Enterprise Manager, and display permissions by user, and display all tables and views, the permissions are checked off for the view, but not the table, (which is incorrect) but if I don't display permissions for view, the permissions are checked off forv the table, which is correct. So that seems not to be working correctly.

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How To View Permissions Using Management Studio?

Apr 5, 2007

How do you view permissions granted to an id, such as ALTER TRACE permission, using Management Studio? I want to see if ALTER TRACE permission has been granted to an id, but am unable to find this information in the GUI.

Thanks, Dave

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View Stored Procedure Permissions

Jul 20, 2005

We are running SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition. I don't want tomake the developers the sysadmin or even the dbo in the userdatabases. Is there a way to give them access to only view thepermissions for the stored procedures in the user database withoutmaking them dbo?When I take them out of the db_owner role, when they open a storedprocedure they no longer see the permissions tab. I would like forthem to see the permissions tab and be able to view the permissionsbut not change the permissions.Is that doable?

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User Permissions - Read Only With Create View

Jan 11, 2008

I need to create a new login with SELECT rights so the users can view all tables with no UPDATE, DELETE, OR INSERT rights. But this user needs to be able to CREATE VIEWS. I have assigned the user to the Public role and gone in and modified Securables for the Database to be able to CREATE VIEW. When I connect using my new user and try to create a view, I get the error message: CREATE VIEW permissions denied in database 'test01'.

Help Please


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Permissions With Windows Groups And View To Other Databases

Aug 24, 2007

I am having a problem with permissions using Windows groups. I have a database (database1) that has permissions granted via Windows groups. Two groups (group1 and group2) are members of the db_datareader role in database1, and this work fine. Do to the number of tables that get created during our work, using db_datareader is the easiest way to keep up with permissions without creating a maintenance problem. Now I have a table that I want to add to this database, but I only want group2 to have select permission on this one table which is a problem because group1 has the db_datareader role. So I thought I could create a view in this database to the restricted table that I put in database2. Then in database2 I only added group2 as a user with the permission to select from this table. Unfortunately the group membership does not seem to get interpretted correctly in database2 and no one can successfult select from the view in database1.

In other words, user1 who belongs to group1 connects to database1 and cannot select from the restricted view -- this is what I would expect. However, when user2 who belongs to group2 connects to database1 they also cannot select from the restricted view -- not the behvior I would expect. Now, if I make user2 a user in database2 with select on the restricted table then user2 can connect to database1 and successfuly get data from the restricted view. So it looks like the fact that user2 belongs to group2 is never passed to database2 via the select from the view on database1. Is this indeed the way that Windows group security is working or is meant to work in SQL Server?

I realize I could solve this simplified version of the problem by creating my own role in database1 for group1 etc., but I am trying to solve a bigger problem in our environment that has hundreds of databases across numerous servers.


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Permissions To View Stored Procedure Property

Feb 9, 2007

My Production servers are SQL Server 2005 x64. I would like to allow my developers the ability to look at permissions on production stored procedures but not be able to change those permissions or alter the production code. What has to be set to allow this sort of security.

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Design View Of Table

Jul 25, 2001

How do you get the design view of a table in sql server query analyser?
I know in oracle its desc table_name.

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View Design Problem

Nov 22, 2005

suppose that i have 2 tables:
TBCars(Keep information about one car like model,plaqueNo, owner,...)
TBServices(keep service information,like serviceType,serviceDate,..)

in this system, when a car for a first time enter to this system, i insert 1 record for it into TBCar, from second time, every time this car enter to system, one record inserted into TBServices(that refer to 1 record in TBCar,1-& relationship).

now i build a VIEW with these fields:


the expected result from this view, return n record that n is number of records in TBServices. but i want 1 record in result for every car in TBCar.
in this result grid, serviceDate & serviceType is the last record inserted into TBServices.
& i want records in TBCars that dont have any child in TBServices come into my VIEW.

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DB Design :: View Or Trigger

Jun 10, 2015

i have a question about updating views:for example: lets assume we have a table which keep the users score and we have a view which created from so many tables and calculate the sum of the users scores. now if one of the user's score changes all the view created again or just part of the view will update?i ask this to find out how can i design my database? how can calculate users scores?i can wrote a trigger to do it or use the view. which way is faster and better in this case?

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[SQL2000] Permissions To Use View Based On Tables From Many Databases

Feb 21, 2006

HiI have two databases: Customers and Operations. In Customers database I havemade a view based on a few tables from both Customers and Operations (leftjoin - customers without any operations). In the same database (Customers) Ihave created a stored procedure based on the view. Finally I'd like to giveto some users permission only to exec the stored procedure.Have I to add the users to Customers? If yes, please describe me how tolimit the users privileges only to execution the stored procedure (no rightsto open tables or view from Customers).Regards,GrzegorzPs. I had sent the post on, but I had noanswer.

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Conditional Statement In View Design

Apr 10, 2008

Have a View where I need to enter a conditional IF_THEN_ELSE statement in a new field (field has an alias). If this were an Access query I would do following:

IIf([dbo.AR1_CustomerMaster.EmailAddress] Is Null, "A", "B")

How can I accomplish same in View design??

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How To Get Today's Date In View Design

Feb 28, 2008

I need to control DOF (date of order) which data type is datetime for today's date.
I use 1) or 2) but got null.
1) = getdate(),
2) = DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()), 0)
I use
between '2/28/2008' and '2/28/2008'
will get result.
How to get today's date?

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Can Not See Columns In Query Design View

Nov 3, 2006

Even though I select "Column Names" in Design View when creating a query (or view), only "* (All Columns)" appears in the table box.

In InfoPath, when I connect a combo-box, err drop down box, to the database, I am unable to connect directly to a table... no tables are shown. If I select a different database, these problems do not exist.

I can not find any setting to allow these columns to be shown in the design view or any setting that will "expose" the tables in InfoPath.

I tried creating a new database and exporting the data, tables and data, from the troubled DB to the new DB; however, the new DB exhibited the same behaviour. The system tables, Master and Model, have the same behaviour. Please help me with your ideas and suggestions... thank you very much for your time.

This database was upsized from Access 2003 to SQL Server 2000 SP4.


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DB Design :: Alter View To Add Columns

Jun 9, 2015

I would like to alter view to add columns. My base table is populated by application and the base table name is always change. Is there any way to add some extra columns to this view.

One way is to create a sp to add columns and use the view inside the sp. But I would like to know is there any way to alter the view. 

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Analysis :: Cube XML Is Different Than Design View

Aug 4, 2015

I have a cube. Its xml is different at some point than its design view. Suppose for some dimension and its attributes, source table is different than what it showing in the properties window for them..

Is this possible? How to read cube xml because there are repeating tags in it. There are two type if dimension tags.. one has only attributed and other has all properties.

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How Can I Add Pictures To My Database Filed In Design View?

Nov 7, 2007

I have a database called ‘Objects’ which has many field. One of its fields is called ‘Image’ and has a data type image. 
I want to add pictures to each one of my records offline, is this possible?  i.e. by copying the address from my C drive such as C:Documents and SettingsfseyedarabiMy DocumentsMy Pictures

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Can't View Table Design Or Return All Rows

Jul 30, 2000

Help, is something wrong with my SL Server? I am unable to return any rows from all tables in all databases (user and system)on My SQL 7.0 SP2 machine. Whne i right click on the table in E.M and select design or open table i get no results. Does anyone know why this is happening? It did not always happen either.

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SQL Query Analyzer -&> Design View -&>Save

May 14, 2007

in SQL Query analyzer i get the desired result for the following querry succesfull.

But can any one help me in getting the same result in design view so that i can save this view and get the required result on my aspx page.(Web page)

A beginer !!!! not much familiar with MS SQl.....HELP>>>

USE nfxdash SELECT *, DATEDIFF(day, Date_Opened, getdate()) AS no_of_days
FROM nf_Tickets

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How Can I View The Design Of The Ssis Package After Migration

Jun 8, 2007

OK, I was able to successfully migrate all of my DTS packages to SSIS, for SQL 2005. I can log into intergration services and see my packages listed under:

servername --> stored packages --> msdb. Now my question is, how can I open these packages, not run them open them in a design mode like you can in SQL 2000, you can double click on the package name and view the design of the package. how can i do that now that I have them in SQL 2005?

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DB Design :: How To Select NULL Values In A View

Sep 15, 2015

I am creating a view and want to select records where the value of a Customer field (Klant Test Plan) is NULL or has exact the same value as for example customer field 2 (Klant Schedule).

I have already the code below:

                      TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.Product.ERPKey, dbo.TestPlan.CoA, dbo.TestMethod.WorkInstruction, dbo.Customer.Name AS [Klant Testplan],
                      Customer_1.Name AS [Klant Schedule], LEFT(dbo.ShopFloor.ShopFloorNumber, 7) AS Schedule,
                      CASE WHEN Customer_1.Name = 'ItsMe BV' THEN Customer.Name ELSE Customer_1.Name END AS Customer
FROM         dbo.Customer AS Customer_1 INNER JOIN

[Code] ....

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DB Design :: How To Switch Security Context In A View

Jun 5, 2015

I have 2 databases one for datawarehouse and one for reporting.

I created a view in the reporting database joining several tables from datawahourse. The view is meant for a users who uses powerpivot. It will contain a few million of rows.

I set up a role in the reporting database. I assigned select rights to that role on the view.

When the  user wants to access the view, he can see the view but a select gives

The server principal "pp_user" is not able to access the database "datawarehouse" under the current security context.

How can I fix this ? I don't want to give the user select rights on tables in the datawarehouse.

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Permissions In SQL Server 2005 To Allow Users To View The Management Activity Monitor?

Sep 27, 2006

For SQL Server 2000 we have a user login mapped to msdb with database role membership of db_datareader and public checked. This seems to allow the developers to view the Management Activity monitor. For SQL Server 2005 the same mapping is in place but the developers cannot view the Management Activity monitor. Developers are NOT granted the sysadmin role, and should not have that role.

What permissions need to be set for SQL Server 2005 to allow users to view the Management Activity monitor? They should not be allowed to take actions on the activities.

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How To View Permissions Of User-defined Database Roles In Management Studio?

Dec 20, 2005

As part of our security project, I've done the following when logged in as 'sa':

Created database roles 'dbrole1' within dbAccount

Created login and user 'user1' and added user to be a member of 'dbrole1'

Granted execute permissions on sp1 and sp2 to 'dbrole1'

However, I didn't see the above permissions listed in SQL Server Management Studio - Database - Security - Roles - Database Roles - 'dbrole1' properties - securables

Any ideas?  Thanks!

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