Permissions With Sql Server Tables

Jul 20, 2005


I need some help with implenting the following:

I recently migrated from access to sql server and i now i want to use
maintainable permissions on my tables, views, etc. The access database will
serve as a front-end.

I've created for testing purposes an testaccount with only a public role to
access to my database.

Now the hard part is when i want users to select and manipulate the data
through views and stored procedures.I want only permissions set on views and
stored procedures. The reason for this is because i don't want users to get
the data directly from tables by means of linking or importing them to
or other databases. Only views and stored procedures can be used.

Unfortunelately it doesn't work how i wanted to. When i open a view which is
linked in access as a table, i'm getting a message that the underlying table
has not the appropiate permissions.

Now there should be a way to apply a maintainable security, so if i could
have some advice and maybe an example on this matter i would be very

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How To Identify Permissions For SQL Server Tables && Stored Proc. Via VB Code

Jul 20, 2005

I'm writing an application using VB 6.0 as the front-end GUI, and theMSDE version of SQL Server as the back-end (it's a program for areally small # of users --- less then 3-4).I'm trying to determine, through the Visual Basic interface, thepermissions of each user that's using the application on his/hermachine.For example, let's say I'm user "Michael" that's sitting down at mymachine using the app. I've written. The security for logging intoSQL Server will be setup using Windows Security (Trusted Connection)as opposed to Windows & SQL Server security. When Michael accesses aparticular form in the VB 6.0 GUI, I want to run some code thatautomatically checks Michael's permission levels on the underlyingtable (actually, a stored procedure supplying the data from the table)that supplies the data to the form he's looking at and then give himsome feedback on the form as to what type of permissions he has whilehe's browsing through the data shown in the form.For example, Michael opens a particular form, code in the backgroundis run to identify that this is Michael accessing the form, the codereturns a value that identifies what type of permissions he has on thedata in the form, and a text box on the form informs Michael (forexample) that he only has read-only permissions to the data he isviewing and cannot edit any of the data.As another example, user Karen sits down at her computer, logs intothe application, opens the same form that Michael just opened, thecode is run in VB to detect the level of permissions she has on thedata being displayed in the form, and the text box on the form informsher that she has editing permissions on the data in the underlyingtable.Etc...If anyone can post an example of the code they use in accomplishingthis task in an application they've written, I'd really appreciate apoint in the right direction or a real-world example that's beenimplemented by one of you. I've written several apps. thus far usingMSDE as the back-end, but the previous apps. I've written were forclients that didn't care about restricting access to theapplication... everyone could pretty much use the application as theydesired and do anything they desired to the data.The current client I'm writing the app. mentioned here for wants tohave security in place to where various users access the applicationwith various levels of permissions to do stuff (or *not* do stuff) tothe data in the application.Thanks very much in advance for any assistance / code provided!Sincerely,Brad McCollumJoin Bytes!

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Permissions On Views And Tables

Aug 12, 2005

I am using a Microsoft Access ADP to get to data on SQL Server 2000. I would like to protect the base tables from being edited directly, but allow the views and SPs to handle all the work of getting data in and out. From what I have read in numerous articles and boods, I should be able to grant permissions just on the Views and NOT on the tables. However, the ONLY way I can make my views 'updatable' is by graniting UPDATE permissions on the TABLE! Worse yet, if I DENY permissions to UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE in the view, but allow them in the table, the view allows the updates anyway, apparently not looking at the fact that it should be DENIED.

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Granting Permissions On Set Of Tables

Jul 20, 2004

I have 500 tables in my Db.In those some tables name starts with abc (abc_emp,abc_dept) and rest of the tables name start with xyz(xyz_emp,xyz_transactions).I wanted to give select,insert,update and delete permissions for an user on the tables which starts with abc.
How can i do that in a much easier and sophisticated way.


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Permissions With Views And Tables

Jul 23, 2005

We are attempting to implement security on top of a shrink-wrapped softwarepackage and are trying to get row-level security. Here's the scenario:1. Table dbo.BOOK contains all the information about books in everydepartment.2. There are a large number of developed reports that run queries like"select * from BOOK..."3. We wish to have each Department only be able to see their books - withoutchanging the existing reports.Our thought was to create a series of views:create view Dept1.BOOK asselect * from BOOK where Dept=1....and then create Roles for each Dept. We'd then remove rights to dbo.BOOKand grant rights to DeptN.BOOK as appropriate for each role. We startedtesting this and seemed to get it working, but are now having problems. Isthis possible? Is there another, better solution?Thanks!

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Permissions Changed On Tables - Now Errors Appear

Sep 20, 2001

Recently some permissions were changed on the database tables and now the following message appears when a script is run to update the DB.

Msg 547, Level 16, State 1, Server SQL, Line 2
INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint
'fk_educ_id'. The conflict occurred in database '12345', table
'educ_matters', column 'educ_id'.
The statement has been terminated.
(0 rows affected)

Thanks in advance...

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Synonyms Containing Tables From Another Database And Permissions

Jul 17, 2007

When you create a stored procedure and give the user execute permission, you don't need to give the user select permission on the table used in the stored procedure.

If one of the tables in the stored procedure is a synonym referencing a table in another database, and the user is already in the other database, you get a select permission denied on that table and I could only get it to work if I gave the user select permission on that table.

Is there a way around that, since I hate giving select permissions on tables?

Thank you,

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Bulk Insert Permissions For Temp Tables

Feb 21, 2001

Does anyone know what permissions are required to run bulk insert to a temp table?

I've got a procedure that creates a temp table and runs bulk insert on it. Only problem is that it seems that only the dbo can run it. Anyone else gets the following error:
"The current user is not the database or object owner of table '#bulk'. Cannot perform SET operation."

Alternatively, does anyone know how to submit a scheduled job as a different user?

I've got my import system set up to create a scheduled job that kicks off right away. The job runs the 1st step which includes a bulk insert. The second step checks if the first step completely failed or not. Works great except that when the user runs the submission procedure, it comes back with that error.

Microsoft's brain-dead bulk insert command....aaargh. Every method around it's design flaws is blocked by another design flaw.

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Problem With User Permissions On Tables - Not Yet Resolved

Jul 20, 2005

I posted a message regarding a problem I'm having with SQL server 7 nottaking any notice of the permissions that I'm setting up on my databasetables (see thread "SQL Server 7 ignores user permissions" started on10/10/2003). I did get one response to this original message, butunfortunately this did not resolve my problem. Can anyone else shed anylight on this issue for me please?Thanks,Jon Ley.

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SQL Security :: Permissions Disappearing From Tables And Views

Feb 26, 2014

As a CRM person, I sometimes have to update the database to cope with custom reports that I have written. Usually, I will

Go into SQL Server Management Studio 2008Open the database
Locate either the table or the view
Right click on permissions.
Add in the role or user that's needed
Grant them Select permissions

This allows the report in CRM to access the database and this works.

The problem I have is that after a certain amount of time, the user or role will disappear from the permissions meaning that the report will not run. Sometimes, this can be as soon as a couple of days or it can be months. It happens on views more than tables and, whilst it's not too difficult to put the permissions back, it is annoying for the users.

I don't use SQL Server Management Studio very regularly, only to write a few queries and set up these permissions so I'm not sure if there's anything else in there that might be doing this.

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Copy Tables And Permissions From One Database Table To Another

May 4, 2007


I want to know how to copy tables and data from one database to antoher database including table permissions. Presently i am using Integrity security services. Is it having any option in Integration services or sqlserver 2005.


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SQL Security :: Permissions To Create And Drop Tables?

Jul 31, 2015

what are the minimum permissions to allow a user to view, create, & drop tables within a DB (SQL 2008)?

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Revoking Permissions On System Tables To The Public Role.

Oct 14, 2004

We have an audit issue that is requiring me to revoke the select permissions from the public role to the system tables. Has anyone had to do this?? What problems did you experience? Are their any tables that you were not able to change the permissions on? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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[SQL2000] Permissions To Use View Based On Tables From Many Databases

Feb 21, 2006

HiI have two databases: Customers and Operations. In Customers database I havemade a view based on a few tables from both Customers and Operations (leftjoin - customers without any operations). In the same database (Customers) Ihave created a stored procedure based on the view. Finally I'd like to giveto some users permission only to exec the stored procedure.Have I to add the users to Customers? If yes, please describe me how tolimit the users privileges only to execution the stored procedure (no rightsto open tables or view from Customers).Regards,GrzegorzPs. I had sent the post on, but I had noanswer.

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Access Permissions To Bulk Insert On # Temp Tables

Oct 24, 2007

Hi ,

I am a newbie and i need to provide access for developer for him to use bulk insert ... on temp tables.
what permission do i need to provide the developer i cannot provide bulkadmin permission to him what are the other ways to provide him the access.

Please help me with this.

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Table Permissions Versus View Permissions

Aug 2, 2006

Using SQL Server 2k5 sp1, Is there a way to deny users access to a specific column in a table and deny that same column to all stored procedures and views that use that column? I have a password field in a database in which I do not want anyone to have select permissions on (except one user). I denied access in the table itself, however the views still allow for the user to select that password. I know I can go through and set this on a view by view basis, but I am looking for something a little more global.

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Reporting Services :: How To Check Report Server Windows Service Has Send As Permissions On The SMTP Server

Sep 3, 2015

i want to check.. Report Server Windows service has Send As permissions on the SMTP server.

how can i do this..

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SQL Server Permissions

Nov 29, 2001

I connected to SQL Server 7.0 using trusted connection. I have been given permissions in the db_owner group with my NT user id. When I run a query to alter the database for creating a new file group and adding files, there is an error message which says that only members of sysadmin or database owner can alter the database 'xxx'. Can somebody please help ASAP? Thank you in advance.

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SQL Server Permissions

Feb 8, 2006

Hi all,

How do I make SQL Server db table permissions take effect?

I just gave select permissions to a table but still not working.



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SQL Server Permissions....

Dec 21, 2006

What is the lowest level of permissions to see user created stored procedures? Example, it is possible to see "sp_" stored procedures but not yet possible to see "usp_" stored procedures.

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SQL Server Permissions.

May 10, 2008


I'm attempting to set up a database on SQL Server Express using PHP (PhpBB3 install) and ODBC on Windows XP (sp3). Whenever I run the software I get the following error:
A fatal and unrecoverable database error has occurred. This may be because the specified user does not have appropriate permissions to CREATE TABLES or INSERT data, etc. Further information may be given below. Please contact your hosting provider in the first instance or the support forums of phpBB for further assistance.

install_install.php [ 1181 ]

SQL : CREATE TABLE [phpbb_attachments] ( [attach_id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [post_msg_id] [int] DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL , [topic_id] [int] DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL , [in_message] [int] DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL , [poster_id] [int] DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL , [is_orphan] [int] DEFAULT (1) NOT NULL , [physical_filename] [varchar] (255) DEFAULT ('') NOT NULL , [real_filename] [varchar] (255) DEFAULT ('') NOT NULL , [download_count] [int] DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL , [attach_comment] [varchar] (4000) DEFAULT ('') NOT NULL , [extension] [varchar] (100) DEFAULT ('') NOT NULL , [mimetype] [varchar] (100) DEFAULT ('') NOT NULL , [filesize] [int] DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL , [filetime] [int] DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL , [thumbnail] [int] DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]

[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]CREATE TABLE permission denied in database 'master'.

If this were an Oracle database, I'd know what to do. Since this is the first time I've ever messed with MsSQL, I'm not sure exactly where to start.

Any and all clues greatly appreciated.


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Permissions To Write To SQL Server.

Dec 6, 2000


I am migrating my database from Access to SQL Server , The application is in Access too,
I have migrated the application to talk to SQL, I am able to query from database whereas not write to it,
any operation on writing to database gives me ODBC insert on a linked table <tablename> failure.

Can u let me know what needs to be done.

Vinay Dias

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Server Role Permissions

Jan 5, 2005

Where can I find the information about dbcc setcpuweight? I checked books online and couldn't find it. I also went and searched Google with the same results. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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SQL Server Login Permissions

Jun 5, 1999

Question for you. Due to some testing within our environment, I've restored a database a few times
today. Now, when I look at the databases that logins have access to, some have the correct
access to databases and others have no access anymore. This all has happened since I've
restored the database. What happened? It isn't even with the 1 database that I restored that
this is happening. When I look, most users don't have access to any database anymore... All the groups I have
set up and the permissions assigned within the database themselves are fine, just the
login doesn't have access to a database. Did I do something wrong? If so, please let me know
so I can correct it before another restore is necessary.

Thanks so much!
Toni Eibner

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SQL Server And Access Permissions

Aug 6, 2002

I am converting a multitude of Access databases from 2.0/95/97 to xp and at the same time moving to a client/server model using SQL Server.
This is the first time I have used SQL Server and I am having problems that seem to be related to permissions: I am unable to select, go to, update or delete a record via the application I have built. This may be a flaw in my development skills or a problem with permissions. I cannot find how to apply universal permissions to every column in every table (which is what i want at this point) and any changes that I do make are not reflected in Access.
Any ideas are gratefully received.

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SQL Server Object Permissions

Jul 17, 2007

Hi all,My project modules in MS-Access rely heavily on DAO permissions. Now the access front end is being hooked up to a SQL Server 2005 back end, and I'd like to sync the permissions of linked table objects with the corresponding views when they are created/recreated.I'm vaguely aware there are a substantial number of differences between the the SQL Server and Jet security models. Initially, I'd like to create a lookup table to handle this. My problem is that I don't seem to be able to find much info on groups and object permissions in the SQL Server security model - perhaps I'm asking the wrong questions.:confused: Can anyone provide a link to a decent site for SQL Server novices?Ta

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SQL Server Profiler Permissions

Jan 7, 2008

Is the security granularity in SQL Server 2005 good enough that I can allow certain users to have permissions to use Profiler ONLY on their database with out granting them sysadmin privilege? I know that it uses the master database which makes it complex. Thanks in advance.

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Sql Server Login Permissions

May 14, 2008

I had created three users for my centeralized database server.
usernames are

I had given the permissions as follows
for production i given the permissions for each database
dddatawriter,datareader, db_executor,public
for praveen i had given full permissions
for sa I want full permissions so i had given each and every thing

my aim is as follows. i want permissions according to this one.
for production he is not able to change the coloumn name,he is not able to backup database or restore database, and also he is not able to change password of any logins
For this one i got it correctly . but while coming to praveen login
He is able to do anything regarding database . but i don't want to give permissions to chnage passwords of his login and at the same time any login . can you give any idea regarding this permissions.

For sa i want to full permssions he is able to change passwords of any login .

please kindly help me in this

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SQL Server Performance And Permissions

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am running SQL Server 2000 standard in mixed mode security and havetwo problems.1.) I created a database as sa and assigned a login as db_owner,however, the design view is grayed out for all tables. All tables areowned by dbo and no user defined role exists for the database.2.) Any login other than sa will time-out in Enterprise Manager or takeextremely long. The sa login performs acceptably well. Once the nonsa login is connected to a server in EM, the database list shows 'noitems'. F5 refresh takes incredibly long. Accessing the tables undera DB often times out.Any ideas?Mike

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SP Permissions Under SQL Server 2005

Feb 22, 2006

I am just migrating to SQL Server 2005 and I am having difficulty
figuring out how to do some tasks that were easy under SQL Server 2000.
Specifically, I am not sure about object permissions.

(This is
what I did for SQL Server 2000) For database access by my web
application, I added a SQL login for the IIS_WPG group. I then added a
database user (name ASPNET) associated with this database login and
give it only datareader and datawriter privileges. I would then
'double-click' the user, which would bring up the list of securable
objects. I would then click the 'execute' permission for all of the
user-created stored procedures. [done]

For SQL Server 2005, I am
not quite sure what to do. It seems to me (based on what I see after
importing the tables), that a schema should be used, but I do not see
any explicit permissions in the schema. On the other hand, if I select
each stored procedure and look at its properties, I can see that the
ASPNET user has execute permission.

It seems inconceivable that
the only way to configure permissions is to modify each SP by hand.
This would take more than 10 times as long as the SQL Server 2000
method of assigning permissions.

So, my question is this:
can permissions be assigned 'wholesale'? (i.e., some method akin to the
SQL Server 2000 method that does not require setting permissions on
each individual object individually.)

Of course, if you care to suggest a better way to do this, I'd love to hear it!

Thank you.

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Package Permissions In Sql Server

Apr 17, 2007

Hi, first post here. Sorry, I know there are a million threads on this kind of topic, but none of them have helped me (nor anything else on the Internet).

Here's my situation (trying to give as much detail as possible):

I have a package that I made on one computer. The package opens an ODBC connection that requires a password, runs a query, does a few quick transformations, and then finishes with a script task destination.

First off, the package runs fine in BIDS. Then, I recently moved all my development stuff to a new server. Package still runs from from within BIDS.

I'm logged on as Administrator, which is the same user SQL Server, and all its parts are running as (including the Agent, and SSIS).

Now, I want to schedule the package to run in a job (which I already have set up with other steps by the way) in Sql Server. I have tried all of the following, and none work:

1) Set the package to encrypt sensitive with password. Then loaded the package into the job step from the file system, went to the command line tab and was prompted for, and entered the password. Didn't work.

2) Set the package to don't save sensitive, and created a configuration file with the password (also tried it with the entire connection string) saved. Created a job step for the package and added the configuration file. Didn't work.

3) With the package changed back to encrypt sensitive with password (and the config file removed), I imported the package into the SSIS Store from the file system. Then I had it set the imported package's security to encrypt with user key. Right clicked the package in the store, and did "Run Package." It runs perfectly, without prompting me for the password. Then I set up a job step, and point it to the package in the SSIS Store. Doesn't work.

4) Set up the package to create a deployment utility. Deployed the package to the SQL Server, using the option to "rely on server storage for encryption" and entering the password for the package. In SQL Server, I see it (under MSDB), I right click, "Run Package", and it runs perfectly without asking for the password. I set up a job step and point it to that package. Doesn't work.

Currently, I'm running the package by creating a simple batch file which calls dtexec for the package (with /DECRYPT mypasswordhere). Then I have this batch file being run under the windows scheduler. This works fine.

So then I tried using this command in a job step with cmdexec, instead of an SSIS step. This fails as well.

The only thing I have not tried yet is setting up a proxy account, but I don't really want to do that, and I don't see how it could help, considering everything is using the same user.

I know I'm not really being specific here with error messages and logs when I say the steps fail, but that's mostly because I'm not sure how to get good error reporting out of this. Any help with that would also be appreciated.

Please help, this is driving me up a wall.

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Report Server Permissions

Apr 8, 2008

I€™m trying to use Reporting Services for the first time. I€™ve created a couple of reports and loaded them onto the server through Visual Studio 2005. I got all that to work with very few problems.
I can even view the reports by going to:
And that lets me run the run the report, print it out, etc. However, when I try to log into the report server by going to http://servername/reports , I get a SQL Server Reporting Error:
An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help.
I am an administrator on the SQL Server and I have the Content Manager role on report server.
The error log gives me 2 warnings:
Event ID: 1010 Source SQL Dumper
Bucket 51209465, bucket table 5
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Event ID 5001 Source SQL Dumper
Bucket 51209465, bucket table 5, EventType sql90exception, P1 w3wp.exe, P2 6.0.3790.3959, P3 45d6968e, P4, P5 2005.90.3042.0, P6 45cd6edb, P7 0, P8 00005283, P9 00000000, P10 NIL.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
And it also gives me the error:
Event ID 5000 Source SQL Dumper
EventType sql90exception, P1 w3wp.exe, P2 6.0.3790.3959, P3 45d6968e, P4, P5 2005.90.3042.0, P6 45cd6edb, P7 0, P8 00005283, P9 00000000, P10 NIL.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
I€™ve Googled all of the errors and warnings and not gotten anywhere. I€™ve been working on this for a week and half now and not getting anywhere. I€™m running SQL Server 2005 SP2 on a Windows Server 2003 box.
Thanks for any help you can provide,

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Permissions For Linked Server

May 7, 2007

This is a continuation from another thread in the SSIS forum. The broader issue is a Security/Permissions issue.

We are running SQL Server on a Windows 2003 server that is isolated from our main Novell network. The db admin does not want to load the Netware Client on the server for security reasons. As we continue to develop and extend our data access I am finding, as a developer, that I will need to frequently consume data and files store on the Novell network.

I did get the "net use" command working in a Job as a part of an SSIS package. This took a fair amount of research and trial and error to get working but at least it works. Now I am trying to use the same process to open a connection to Novell in the Query editor so I can setup a stored procedure that a Web service can call to open a connection to an access.mdb linked server on the Novell drive. When I try to execute via xp_cmdshell the net use command succeeds but does not make the conncetion availible to any other session. When I ran it in a batch to do a simple file copy the net use command succeeded but the copy failed. It works fine in a dos window opened manually. So I started looking at permissions. Whoami returns Administrator from the manual dos window. Whoami returns nt autority from the batch file. Since I have a valid Novell user/password in the net use command why does if fail? When I used impersonate it did not change the user from NT AUTHORITY/?? I can't a connection open.

My goal is to find a method to connnect and disconnect to the Novell network as needed from SQL Server as well as from IIS Web applications. My Network Admin does not have any answers for me. I have done a ton of research and so far the only thing that has worked, at least partially, is "net use." Does anyone know how to overcome this issue? I know next to nothing about networking and security and certainly not how to get Windows and Novell to play well together without the Netware Client running. I do have the Gateway for Client Services running but not logged in for the net use function. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Cory Bonallo

Retail Services


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