Pivot Table How To Add Day Name Dynamic + In My Language
Jan 17, 2008
hi need help
how to add to pivot table the day name dynamic for all the month(but i need a short name) like instead Sunday =sun, monday=mon
1-sun 2-mon 3-Tue
I know that this is an Excel question, but I guess it is much more likely that an SQL person using dynamic pivot tables had stepped on this, rather than any advanced Excel user.
I am exporting a dynamic pivot table to Excel through a Stored Procedure. If the Stored Procedure that executes the dynamic pivot table returns 7 columns in one run, and 4 columns in the following update, then I have 3 orphaned columns that are still displayed in the spreadsheet. There isn't any content related to them, but the empty columns with their headers are bothering enough.
I've been trying to play with the data connection properties, but nothing deletes unused columns from former data executions.
[Code] ....
I need to pass dynamic values in FOR SCHEDULER_ID COLUMN. Because I have huge data.
I am trying to work on a database with 3 tables. To make it easier I have created a couple of temp tables to work out the syntax.
CREATE TABLE #owner ( [NameId] tinyint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Name] varchar(50) NOT NULL )
INSERT INTO #owner VALUES ('ME'); INSERT INTO #owner VALUES ('Other');
CREATE TABLE #propertyType ( [TypeId] tinyint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Name] varchar(50) NOT NULL )
INSERT INTO #propertyType VALUES ('Home'); INSERT INTO #propertyType VALUES ('Car');
CREATE TABLE #property ( [NameId] tinyint NOT NULL, [TypeId] tinyint NOT NULL, [Value] varchar(50) NOT NULL )
INSERT INTO #property VALUES (1,1, 'Blue'); INSERT INTO #property VALUES (1,2, 'Black'); INSERT INTO #property VALUES (2,1, 'Red'); INSERT INTO #property VALUES (2,2, 'Black');
DROP TABLE #owner; DROP TABLE #propertyType; DROP TABLE #property
| NameId | Name | | 1 | ME| | 2 | other |
| TypeId | Name | | 1 | Home | | 2 | Car |
| NameId | TypeId | Value | | 1 | 1 | Blue | | 1 | 2 | Black | | 2 | 1 | Red | | 2 | 2 | Black |
Where property value is some arbitrary detail. The real propertyType has 50 or 60 rows and not every property has all of the values. I am trying to create a pivot table that would look like so that I can present the data in an easier to understand format:
[Owner | Home | Car ] [ME | Blue | Black ] [Other| Red | Black ]
The propertyTypes are added often, and I don't really have the ability to change them. There is a unique constrant on property on nameid and typeid so there will never be two of the same property with the same owner. Any help would be very helpful.
I am having trouble figuring out why the following code throws an error:
declare @cols nvarchar(50), @stmt nvarchar(max) select @cols = ('[' + W.FKStoreID + ']') from (select distinct FKStoreID from VW_PC_T) as W select @stmt = ' select *
[Code] ...
The issue that I am having is:
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4 Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '[' to data type int.
I know that I have to use the [ ] in order to run the dynamic sql. I am not sure what is failing and why as the syntax seems to be clean to me (obviously it is not).
I would like to use a dynamic pivot table in my data source view. It seems that a named query can be only one sql statement. So, I cannot use my multi-statement procedure that creates a dynamic pivot table output.
What is the best course of action here? I could hard-code my pivot table query. I could maintain a redundant table in the pivot format. Do I have any good options?
I've seem some good posts similair to this, but I haven't been able to find my exact issue.
I have the following table:
ID Name Location Start End
1 Joe NY 2000 2001
1 Joe CA 2002 2004
1 Joe MA 2005 2008
2 Sue NJ 2003 2004
2 Sue FL 2004 2008
3 Bob CA 1999 2000
3 Bob WA 2001 2004
3 Bob OR 2005 2006
3 Bob MI 2007 2008
As you can see, the Location, Start and End dates can vary for each person and I don't know how many rows a single person might have.
The result I want, is a "pivot like" table.
ID Name Location1 Start1 End1 Location2 Start2 End2 Location3 Start3 End3 Location4 Start4 End4
1 Joe NY 2000 2001 CA 2002 2004 MA 2005 2008
2 Sue NJ 2003 2004 FL 2004 2008
3 Bob CA 1999 2000 WA 2001 2004 OR 2005 2006 MI 2007 2008
I assume I can first do a count of the maximum rows for an individual and that is greatest number of columns I would need. But doing that and trying to figure out the rest has really stumped me.
Any thoughts, ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have a pivot table query I am running and wanted to find out if there was a way to pull in the dates like getdate() - 12 months, getdate() - 11 months, etc. instead of hard coding the dates.
Here is my query
SELECT Client, [4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month1, [5/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month2, [6/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month3, [7/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month4, [8/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month5, [9/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month6, [10/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month7, [11/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month8, [12/1/2007 12:00:00 AM] AS Month9, [1/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month10, [2/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month11, [3/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month12, [4/1/2008 12:00:00 AM] AS Month13, Engineer FROM (SELECT Client, DollarsBilled, SlipDates, Engineer FROM dbo.MonthlyClientBillables) p PIVOT (SUM(DollarsBilled) FOR SlipDates IN ([4/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [5/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [6/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [7/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [8/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [9/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [10/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [11/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [12/1/2007 12:00:00 AM], [1/1/2008 12:00:00 AM], [2/1/2008 12:00:00 AM], [3/1/2008 12:00:00 AM], [4/1/2008 12:00:00 AM])) AS pvt
Code written so far. this pivots the column deck and jib_in into rows but thats it only TWO ROWS i.e the one i put inside aggregate function under PIVOT function and one i put inside QUOTENAME()
DECLARE @columns NVARCHAR(MAX), @sql NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @columns = N''; SELECT @columns += N', p.' + QUOTENAME(deck) FROM (SELECT p.deck FROM dbo.report AS p GROUP BY p.deck) AS x;
[Code] ....
I need all the columns to be pivoted and show on the pivoted table. I am very new at dynamic pivot. I tried so many ways to add other columns but no avail!!
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchiseid AS FranchiseId, dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_brandidname AS Brand, dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchisetypename AS [Franchise Type], dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchisenumber AS [Franchise Number], dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_transactiontypename AS [Transaction Type], dbo.Filteredfs_franchise.fs_franchisestatusname AS [Status Code],
[Code] ....
I need to pivot this so I can get one row per franchiseID and multiple columns for [Franchisee Name Entity] and [Franchise Name Individual]. Each [Franchisee Name Entity] and [Franchise Name Individual] has associated percentage of ownership.
This has to be dynamic, because each FranchiseID can have anywhere from 1 to 12 respective owners and those can be any combination of of Entity and Individual. Please, see the attached example for Franchise Number 129 (that one would have 6 additional columns because there are 3 Individual owners with 1 respective Percentage of ownership).
The question is how do I PIVOT and preserve the percentage of ownership?
I have written a script to pivot a table into multiple columns.
The script works when run on its own but gives an error when i try to create a view or aprocedure from the same script. The temporary table #.... does not work so i have converted it to a cte.
Here is a copy of the script below
-- Dynamic PIVOT IF OBJECT_ID('#External_Referrals') IS NULL DROP TABLE #External_Referrals; GO DECLARE @T AS TABLE(y INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY);
I have tried building an Inline TVF, as I assume this is how it would be used on the DB; however, I am receiving the following error on my code, I must be missing a step somewhere, as I've never done this before. I'm lost on how to implement this clr function on my db?
Error: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure clrDynamicPivot, Line 18 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'external'. CREATE FUNCTION clrDynamicPivot ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @query nvarchar(4000), @pivotColumn nvarchar(4000),
Is it possible to generate automatic refresh of excel 2013 table which displays some table of a power pivot model on file open?? I dont want to use pivottable (which supports this ...)
Can I force the following measure to be visible for all rows in a pivot table?
Sales Special Visibility:=IF( Â Â HASONEVALUE(dimSalesCompanies[SalesCompany]) Â Â ;IF( Â Â Â Â VALUES(dimSalesCompanies[SalesCompany]) = "Sales" Â Â Â Â ;CALCULATE([Sales];ALL(dimSalesCompanies[SalesCompany])) Â Â Â Â ;[Sales] Â Â ) Â Â ;BLANK() )
FYI, I also have other measures as well in the pivot table that I don't want to affect.
I have a simple pivot table (screenshot below) that has two variables on it: one for entry year and another for 6 month time intervals. I have very simple DAX functions that count rows to determine the population N (denominator), the number of records in the time intervals (numerator) and the simple percent of those two numbers.
The problem that I am having is that the function for the population N is not overriding the time interval on the pivot table when I use an ALL function to do so. I use ALL in other very simple pivot tables to do the same thing and it works fine.
The formula for all three are below, but the one that is the issue is the population N formula. Why ALL would not work, any other way to override the time period variable on the pivot table.
Population N (denominator): =CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(analyticJudConsist),ALL(analyticJudConsist[CurrentTimeInCare1])) Records in time interval (numerator): =COUNTROWS(analyticJudConsist) Percent: =[countrows]/[denominatorCare]
How can I apply "Min" formula under a "new measure" (calculated field) within a pivot table under Power pivot 2010?Can see that neither does it allow me to apply "min" formula directly "formula box" nor could find any other option.Intent formula: "=Min(1,sum(a:b))" this isn't allowed so all I can do is "=sum(a:b)".
I have simple pivot table (below screenshot with info redacted) that displays a population number ("N" below), this is the denominator, a cumulative numerator number (below "#") and a simple cumulative percent that just divides the numerator by the denominator. It cumulates from top to bottom. The numerator and percent are cumulative using the below functions. There are two problems with the numerator and percent:
1. When there is not a number for the numerator, there is no value displayed for both the numerator and the percent..There should be a zero displayed for both values. 2. When there has been a prior number for the numerator and percent (for a prior month interval) but there is no number for the numerator in the current month interval, the prior month number and percent are not displayed in the current month interval--see the 3rd yellow line, this should display "3" and "16.7%" from the second yellow line.Here is the formula for the numerator:
=CALCULATE(count(s1Perm1[entity_id]),FILTER(ALL(s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory]),s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory] <= MAX(s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory]))) Here is the formula for the percent: =(CALCULATE(countrows(s1Perm1),FILTER(ALL(s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory]),s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory] <= MAX(s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory]))))/(CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(s1Perm1),ALL(s1Perm1[Exit],s1Perm1[ExitMonthCategory])))
Is there a way for using the PIVOT synatx with a dyamic/unknown list of columns? In most PIVOT examples ther columns are "hard" coded but if for example, you are pivoting a sales order table where u don't know which Fiscal Years the orders cover, how could you do this?
I have data in my Powerpivot window which was generated by a sql query. This data includes a field named 'Cost' and every row shows a value for 'Cost' greater than zero. The problem is that when I display this data in the pivot table all entries for Cost display as $0. At first I thought that maybe Cost was set to a bogus data type (such as 'text) but it is set to ''Decimal Number' so that's not the problem.Â
What is happening and how do I fix it so that my pivot table reflects the values for 'Cost'?
I have a data table that contains budget and actual data by month. Â I use the data to create a pivot that shows actual results next to budgeted results. Â I need a column that shows that variance between those columns. Â I think my issue is that the "Type" field contains actual and Budget. Â I sum on "Type". Â I can't seem to create a sum since those items are in the same field or am I missing something?
How to get a list of values to actually display in correct order in either a slicer or when on an axis on a pivot table?
I currently have the below list and have tried to add a preceding numeric (ex. "1. <=0") or preceding blank space, neither of which is visually great. Is there another way?
I am using excel 2010 and creating pivot table from Power Pivot. I created a pivot table with department slicers. All is good, the problem I am having is whilst in an unfiltered position (ALL) of the slicers (departments) I get 200 pages, now when I click on a given department with say 10 pages, I still get the same 200 pages with the first 10 pages showing the data from the clicked department and 190 blank pages.
All I want is to get a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) of what is on the screen as my print, but I am getting extra blank pages right after the data. Â How do I resolve this.
Below are the steps I go thru to printÂ
1. Select slicers in unfiltered position (ALL) 2. Select entire pivot table 3. Select Page layout and select print area. 4. Save 5. Click on Print Preview to preview the print 6. Click on a given department in the slicer and repeat item 5, but this gives me blank pages after the data.
I have a table with 40k terms and I need to map these to a set of objects where each object is represented as a column(tinyint). The object/column name is represented as a guid and columns are added/removed dynamically to support new objects for a set of terms.
I think I need to then convert this set of rows to a table which I can join to the object runtime table to start these objects if the column has a count/sum greater than 0. This is the table I think I need in order to join on guids to the runtime table:
NAME Count =========== guid10 guid22 guid32 guid40 guid51
I don't know how to construct this table for the former table. I think it may be a pivot table, but I don't know. I have the column names:
NAME is a sysname, which doesn't seem to cast into a guid, also a problem when joining the runtime table with this #Temp table.
I also don't want to use a cursor to construct a table.
I need to have a dynamic pivot since i import the table from a csv that could have different amount of columns each time. I can't even get a static pivot to work.
I am having trouble making this DAX formula work. This is my test data including the column "rank" which is a row_number with partition by generated using T-SQL. (The nature of the data is that the "Measure" will always increase cumulatively per month and I want the maximum "measure" to equal a rank of 1).What I need is a second RANK column which updates dynamically so that if I select just some of the Months, they will rank from 1 +. E.g:
I am trying to pivot some data as you would normally however I am trying to also group the pivot into three sub column groups too.
Basically the scenario is that I have three sub groups Budget, Person, RenewalDate for each Service (Service being the pivot point). So for each unique service I want to display the budget person and renewal date for each service by company.
I have created two tables to illustrate the base data and the required output.
How to do this dynamically because the number of Services is unknown, i.e. it could be 4 Services or 20, each with three sub columns, budget, person and renewal date.
Please find code below. It should be quite self explanatory as to what I am trying to do.
1. I really need it to be dynamic 2. the Services are not standardised names, they are numbered for illustration purposes only, they vary in naming convention.
create table #BaseData ( Company nvarchar(100), Person nvarchar(50), [Service] nvarchar(100), Budget int, RenewalDate datetime )
I have the following SQL which i want to convert to a stored procedure having dynamic SQL to generate column numbers (1 to 52) for Sale_Week.Also, I want to call this stored procedure from Excel using VBA, passing 2 parameters to stored procedure in SQL Server e.g,
DECLARE @KPI nvarchar(MAX) = 'Sales Value with Innovation' DECLARE @Country nvarchar(MAX) = 'UK'
I want to grab the resultant pivoted table back into excel. how to do it?
USE [Database_ABC] GO DECLARE @KPI nvarchar(MAX) = 'Sales Value with Innovation' DECLARE @Country nvarchar(MAX) = 'UK'
I am trying to do a PIVOT on a query result, but the column names created by the PIVOT function are dynamic.
For example (modified from the SQL Server 2005 Books Online documentation on the PIVOT operator) :
SELECT Division, [2] AS CurrentPeriod, [1] AS PreviousPeriod FROM ( SELECT Period, Division, Sales_Amount FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE ( Period = @period OR Period = @period - 1 ) ) p PIVOT ( SUM (Sales_Amount) FOR Period IN ( [2], [1] ) ) AS pvt
Let's assume that any value 2 is selected for the @period parameter, and returns the sales by division for periods 2 and 1 (2 minus 1).
Division CurrentPeriod PreviousPeriodA 400 3000 B 400 100 C 470 300 D 800 2500 E 1000 1900
What if the value @period were to be changed, to say period 4 and it should returns the sales for periods 4 and 3 for example, is there a way I can change to code above to still perform the PIVOT while dynamically accepting the period values 4 and 3, applying it to the columns names in the first SELECT statement and the FOR ... IN clause in the PIVOT statement ?
Need a way to represent the following [2] and [1] column names dynamically depending on the value in the @period parameter.
[2] AS CurrentPeriod, [1] AS PreviousPeriod
FOR Period IN ( [2], [1] )
I have tried to use the @period but it doesn't work.
I found this Microsoft article for creating crosstab-like queries in SSMS.Is it possible, however, to create this same query if I do not know what the values for the columns will be? Using their example for my problem, I will not know what the values in the "IN" criteria will be because my query would be for a "rolling" 12 months (thus causing that IN criteria to change every month).I've tried declaring variables to pull in the values, but since this will eventually go into a view, I don't think that I can use declared variables.