Please Help Iain J Unpivoted Pivot Check Each Column Succession-problem X

Apr 20, 2008

hi i need help problem common character "X"or"Z"
the problem is that i must use the character "X"or"Z"
i explain i need to do this
if i put the day1 = "X"or"Z" instead of day1 = 'A' in day1 it be calculated as day1 = 'A'
if i put the day11 ="X"or"Z" instead of day11 = 'B' in day11 it be calculated as day11 = 'B'
if i put the day1 = "X"or"Z" instead of day111 = 'C' in day111 it be calculated as day111 = 'C'
i put example below

Iain J wrote:

Here's a query that will get you the result row you desire

Code Snippet
-- Set up sample data
declare @data table (id int, fname nvarchar(10), val int, day1 nvarchar(1), day11 nvarchar(1), day111 nvarchar(1), day2 nvarchar(1), day22 nvarchar(1), day222 nvarchar(1), day3 nvarchar(1), day33 nvarchar(1), day333 nvarchar(1), day4 nvarchar(1), day44 nvarchar(1), day444 nvarchar(1), day5 nvarchar(1), day55 nvarchar(1), day555 nvarchar(1))

insert into @data
select 111, 'aaaa', 2, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null
union all select 111, 'aaaa', 1, 'A', null, null, 'B', null, null, 'C', null, null, '-', 'C', '-', '-', '-', 'C'
union all select 222, 'bbbb', 2, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null
union all select 222, 'bbbb', 1, 'B', null, null, 'C', null, null, 'B', null, null, 'B', null, null, 'C', null, null
union all select 333, 'cccc', 2, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null
union all select 333, 'cccc', 1, 'C', null, null, '*', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null
union all select 444, 'dddd', 2, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null
union all select 444, 'dddd', 1, '*', null, null, 'A', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'B', null, null
union all select 555, 'eeee', 2, '-', '-', '-', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, '-', null, 'Q'
union all select 555, 'eeee', 1, '*', '*', '*', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 'Q', null, null

-- Query starts here
select null as id, null as fname, 0 as val,
case day1A when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day1A as nvarchar) end + '-A' as day1,
case day1B when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day1B as nvarchar) end + '-B' as day11,
case day1C when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day1C as nvarchar) end + '-C' as day111,
case day2A when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day2A as nvarchar) end + '-A' as day2,
case day2B when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day2B as nvarchar) end + '-B' as day22,
case day2C when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day2C as nvarchar) end + '-C' as day222,
case day3A when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day3A as nvarchar) end + '-A' as day3,
case day3B when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day3B as nvarchar) end + '-B' as day33,
case day3C when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day3C as nvarchar) end + '-C' as day333,
case day4A when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day4A as nvarchar) end + '-A' as day4,
case day4B when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day4B as nvarchar) end + '-B' as day44,
case day4C when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day4C as nvarchar) end + '-C' as day444,
case day5A when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day5A as nvarchar) end + '-A' as day5,
case day5B when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day5B as nvarchar) end + '-B' as day55,
case day5C when 0 then 'NO' when 1 then 'ok' else cast(day5C as nvarchar) end + '-C' as day555
from (select
sum(case when character = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day11 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day111 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) as day1A,
sum(case when day1 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day11 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day111 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end) as day1B,
sum(case when day1 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day11 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day111 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end) as day1C,
sum(case when day2 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day22 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day222 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) as day2A,
sum(case when day2 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day22 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day222 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end) as day2B,
sum(case when day2 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day22 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day222 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end) as day2C,
sum(case when day3 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day33 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day333 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) as day3A,
sum(case when day3 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day33 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day333 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end) as day3B,
sum(case when day3 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day33 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day333 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end) as day3C,
sum(case when day4 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day44 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day444 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) as day4A,
sum(case when day4 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day44 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day444 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end) as day4B,
sum(case when day4 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day44 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day444 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end) as day4C,
sum(case when day5 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day55 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day555 = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) as day5A,
sum(case when day5 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day55 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day555 = 'B' then 1 else 0 end) as day5B,
sum(case when day5 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day55 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end)
+ sum(case when day555 = 'C' then 1 else 0 end) as day5C
from @data) x

Hope that helps


View 8 Replies


Please Help Unpivoted Pivot Check Each Column Succession-and Add Result Row At END

Apr 9, 2008

nedd help from the from the wonderful people here
i am stuck in !
i need to check each column succession
the chacking is for 3 columns (day1+day11+day111) (day2+day22+day222) (day3+day33+day333) (day4+day44+day444) (day5+day55+day555)
and if i don't have the value
than add to a new result row

if not show the missing value in the result row at END

if i have in the fields columns A B C than


if i don't have the value A B C than than show it like this

no-Cif i don't have the value c than than show it like this no-C (on the left )

if i don't have the value a than than show it like this no-A (on middle)

if i don't have the value b than than show it like this no-B (on right)

IF have duplicity a or b or c show in the result row at END 2-C=(thre is tow time the C)

ignore the character '*' and '-' and Q and Y






































i have similar code i send it
TNX for the help

View 23 Replies View Related

Transact SQL :: Get Table And Column Name In Separate Column Using PIVOT

Jul 16, 2015

Is there a way we can get Table and Column name in separate column using PIVOT or something?Right now what i have is:

Text                                                     QueryPlan             Plan_handle  
         Name         Value

select id,name,Address from person     <showPlznXML...   010101                 Table            Person
select id,name,Address from person     <showPlznXML...   010101                 column         id
select id,name,Address from person     <showPlznXML...   010101                 Table            Person


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Column Data To Column Heading By Dynamic Pivot Maybe

Feb 27, 2008

Hi there,
I am a new member of this site and I am not very much aware of T-sql's working.
My question is what if I need to get one column's data to be the heading of another column.
To be very exact I have a school's database. The table I am talking about is of the results of students. The table contains Student ID, Subject ID, Total marks of the subject, Marks obtained in the subject. Now I want to print a report by generating data from this table. Right now the data is something like this
StuID - - - SubID - - - -Tot - - -Obt
1 - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - -50 - - - 38
1 - - - - - - -2 - - - - - - -50 - - - 41
1 - - - - - - -3 - - - - - - -50 - - - 42
1 - - - - - - -4 - - - - - - -50 - - - 40
2 - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - -50 - - - 35
2 - - - - - - -2 - - - - - - -50 - - - 40
2 - - - - - - -3 - - - - - - -50 - - - 42
2 - - - - - - -4 - - - - - - -50 - - - 41

StudentID and SubjectID fields are related to other tables so I can get the names from there but when I need the report I need the data in the form of
StuID - Sub 1 - - - Sub 2 - - - Sub 3 - - - -Sub4
1 - - - - 38 - - - - - - 41 - - - - - - 42 - - - - - - 40
2 - - - - 35 - - - - - - 40 - - - - - - 42 - - - - - - 41

The Subjects can be different for different students so the query should be dynamic instead of hard coding the names of the subjects. I hope I am clear with my question. The subjectIDs or their names will become the headings and they will contain the obtained marks for that subjects in their columns just for the reports. I have also checked the PIVOT function but was not able to do what I wanted.

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How To Pivot Some Rows Into One Column

Mar 4, 2008


I have issue about how to pivot and merge some rows into one column.

I have the table name : tableA with columns and records as below shown:

Cola Colb
------ ------
A A1
A A2
A A3
B B1
B B2

The request is to display the query like this :

Cola Colb
------- -----------------------------
A A1A2A3
B B1B2

I get stuck with my query below :

select Cola, ???
from tableA
group by Cola

Do you have idea how to achive this with TSQL?



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Check If Column Is Substring Of Another Column

May 29, 2008

I have two columns.
policyNumber contains a 12-13 varchar string
AllPolicyNumbersIncluded contains one or more 12-13 varchar strings (policy nums) seperated by commas

I want to check if policyNumber is contained in AllPolicyNumbersIncluded?

I have policyNumber LIKE AllPolicyNumbersIncluded which works when only one policy number is in AllPolicyNumbersIncluded and incidently works switched around AllPolicyNumbersIncluded LIKE policyNumber I assume because they are equal.

Can anyone tell me how to check if one column's value is a substring of another - without going through every possible substring of the second

View 11 Replies View Related

Check For Column Before Adding A Column

Oct 8, 2007

How can I test to see if a column exists before adding a column to a sql mobile table?



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Add Column Total At SELECT Pivot

Feb 23, 2015

This SQL Select below doesn't show the total value. Always shows NULL. Why?

FORMAT((QPivot.[1]),'##,##0.00','pt-BR') As trimestre1,
FORMAT((QPivot.[2]),'##,##0.00','pt-BR') As trimestre2,
FORMAT((QPivot.[3]),'##,##0.00','pt-BR') As trimestre3,
FORMAT((QPivot.[4]),'##,##0.00','pt-BR') As trimestre4,

[Code] ....

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How To Concat/pivot Rows To Column?

Apr 6, 2004


I'm wondering how it's possible to have a select statement resultant rows concatenated into one row and column.
For example:
select letter from alphabet_table
26 rows returned.

Other than a cursor, how would I write a query to return the following:
row1: abcdefghijkl...

thanks in advance!

View 5 Replies View Related

Transact SQL :: Pivot And Invalid Column Name

May 13, 2015

I'm trying to Pivot and I keep getting an "Invalid Column Name" error, which I can't figure out since, if I run the query and exclude the Pivot statement, the query runs fine.

ItemNmbr Char(31) not null
SetupTime_I Numeric(19,5) not null
WCID_I  Char(11) not null
select ItemNmbr,SetupTime_I, WCID_I from RT010130

Now run
select ItemNmbr,SetupTime_I, WCID_I
from RT010130
pivot (sum(SetupTime_I) for WCID_I in ([BLA01],[URE02])) PVT

And I get an Invalid Column Name error for both SetupTime_I and WCID_I - which, as far as I can tell, is demonstrably incorrect.

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Using A Variable In PIVOT Value List As Column Heading

Sep 20, 2007

Hi All,
 I have never used PIVOT before but looks exactly what I want for this scenario:
I have rows of dates associated with ID of Hotels and Room avalability for each Hotel/Date.....  I want to show the sum of the rooms per date as columns I am using something like this:SELECT dbHotelID ,[09/20/2007]as [Today],[09/21/2007]as [Today+1],[09/22/2007]as [Today+2] FROM vwRoomAvailable PIVOT (SUM(dbRoomNumber) FOR AvailableDate IN ([09/20/2007], [09/21/2007], [09/22/2007])) AS pAs you can see I know how may days I want in advance so know how many columsn so its not dynamic.. I just dont know what the dates are:I would like to do something like:
DECLARE @todayDate varchar(255),
DECLARE @todayPlusOne varchar(255),
DECLARE @todayPlusTwo  varchar(255) SET @todayDate = CONVERT(CHAR, GETDATE(),101)SET @todayPlusOne = CONVERT(CHAR, DATEADD(d, 1, GETDATE(),101)SET @todayPlusTwo = CONVERT(CHAR, DATEADD(d, 2, GETDATE(),101) SELECT dbHotelID,@todayDate as Today,@todayPlusOne as [Today+1],@todayPlusTwo as [Today+2] FROM vwRoomAvailable PIVOT (SUM(dbHotelRoomAvailabilityNumber) FOR AvailableDate IN ([@todayDate], [@todayPlusOne], [@todayPlusTwo])) AS pBut I can’t seem to put the variable in the PIVOT value list or GETDATE() Anyone got any ideas or do I just try and do this another way and forgot PIVOT. I am using sql server 2005 express.
Thanks in advance.

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Generate Column Numbers Using Dynamic Pivot

Jul 1, 2014

I have the following SQL which i want to convert to a stored procedure having dynamic SQL to generate column numbers (1 to 52) for Sale_Week.Also, I want to call this stored procedure from Excel using VBA, passing 2 parameters to stored procedure in SQL Server

DECLARE @KPI nvarchar(MAX) = 'Sales Value with Innovation' DECLARE @Country nvarchar(MAX) = 'UK'

I want to grab the resultant pivoted table back into excel. how to do it?

USE [Database_ABC]
DECLARE @KPI nvarchar(MAX) = 'Sales Value with Innovation'
DECLARE @Country nvarchar(MAX) = 'UK'


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PIVOT TABLE Dynamic Column Header?

Nov 14, 2007

I am trying to work on a database with 3 tables. To make it easier I have created a couple of temp tables to work out the syntax.

[NameId] tinyint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] varchar(50) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO #owner VALUES ('Other');

CREATE TABLE #propertyType
[TypeId] tinyint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] varchar(50) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO #propertyType VALUES ('Home');
INSERT INTO #propertyType VALUES ('Car');

CREATE TABLE #property
[NameId] tinyint NOT NULL,
[TypeId] tinyint NOT NULL,
[Value] varchar(50) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO #property VALUES (1,1, 'Blue');
INSERT INTO #property VALUES (1,2, 'Black');
INSERT INTO #property VALUES (2,1, 'Red');
INSERT INTO #property VALUES (2,2, 'Black');

DROP TABLE #owner;
DROP TABLE #propertyType;
DROP TABLE #property

| NameId | Name |
| 1 | ME|
| 2 | other |

| TypeId | Name |
| 1 | Home |
| 2 | Car |

| NameId | TypeId | Value |
| 1 | 1 | Blue |
| 1 | 2 | Black |
| 2 | 1 | Red |
| 2 | 2 | Black |

Where property value is some arbitrary detail. The real propertyType has 50 or 60 rows and not every property has all of the values. I am trying to create a pivot table that would look like so that I can present the data in an easier to understand format:

[Owner | Home | Car ]
[ME | Blue | Black ]
[Other| Red | Black ]

The propertyTypes are added often, and I don't really have the ability to change them. There is a unique constrant on property on nameid and typeid so there will never be two of the same property with the same owner. Any help would be very helpful.

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Pivot Query - Assigning Row Value Based On Column Name

Sep 27, 2007

Hey all,

i have a question for all the SQL Gurus out there. I have tried to think of a way around, it, but i cannot work it out.

I have a set of data: Samples Below:

Item Warehouse FOR1 FOR2 FOR3 FOR4 FOR5 FOR6 FOR7 FOR8 FOR9 FOR10 FOR11 FOR12 FOR13 FOR14

01-0001 010 329 329 335 343 317 331 328 331 31

I have written a Query to Pivot this data like below:



(SELECT ITEM,WAREHOUSE,FOR1,FOR2,for3,for4,for5,for6,for7,for8,for9,for10,
for22,for23,for24 FROM mvxreport.tbldmsForecasttoMovex) p


(QTY FOR tbldmsForecasttoMovex IN (FOR1,FOR2,for3,for4,for5,for6,for7,
for20,for21,for22,for23,for24))AS unpvt

Warehouse Item Qty
010 01-0001 329
010 01-0001 329
010 01-0001 335
010 01-0001 343
010 01-0001 317
010 01-0001 331
010 01-0001 328
010 01-0001 331
010 01-0001 315
010 01-0001 344
010 01-0001 334
010 01-0001 321
010 01-0001 327
010 01-0001 328
010 01-0001 332
010 01-0001 342
010 01-0001 316
010 01-0001 330
010 01-0001 330
010 01-0001 331
010 01-0001 315
010 01-0001 343
010 01-0001 333
010 01-0001 322

I would like to add some more code to the query, so for each FOR% column,
i can put a numeric value in it. The value will be the numbers ,1 - 24 . One for each line as this represents Months Forward.


Warehouse Item Qty Month
010 01-0001 329 1
010 01-0001 329 2
010 01-0001 335 3
010 01-0001 343 4
010 01-0001 317 5
010 01-0001 331 6
010 01-0001 328 7
010 01-0001 331 8
010 01-0001 315 9
010 01-0001 344 10
010 01-0001 334 11
010 01-0001 321 12
010 01-0001 327 13
010 01-0001 328 14
010 01-0001 332 15
010 01-0001 342 16
010 01-0001 316 17
010 01-0001 330 18
010 01-0001 330 19
010 01-0001 331 20
010 01-0001 315 21
010 01-0001 343 22
010 01-0001 333 23
010 01-0001 322 24

Does anyone know how i can do this?

Many Thnank


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Power Pivot :: How To Create Subtotal Column

Nov 20, 2015

Q1-2013 Q2-2013 Q3-2013 Q4-2013 2013 Total
Distinct Count Member Distinct Count Member Distinct Count Member Distinct Count Member Member Months
AMBULANCE - LAND 264 301 355 352 1272

I have the above data, and want to create a column adding up the Distinct count member of each quarter. The number of distinct count member of each quarter is from a measure. The result I want to create is the column of 2013 Total Member Months as   shown above. How to create a dax formula. 

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Power Pivot :: How To Detect New View Column

Aug 24, 2015

Using PowerPivot I created a connection to a view on a SQL Server database. All fields imported correctly.A column has since been added to the view. How do I get this to appear in my PowerPivot?

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Transact SQL :: Sum Time Column After Pivot Query

May 18, 2015

i have a table like below,

Name VARCHAR(20),
AttDate DATE,
PresntTime TIME


and then i pivot table by date as column wise using the below query and also displays total time by rowswise

SELECT t1.*, t2.Total
SELECT  name,[2015-08-01],[2015-08-02]
SELECT  name, AttDate,PresentTime 


now what i need is to display sum of time at last row as well, means total time of against date

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How Count Column In Pivot Table- And Add Result Row

Jan 20, 2008

how count column in pivot table- and add result row
i need to calculate each column
for example
day1 day2 day3 day4 day5
1 2 1 2 3
1 2 3 2 2
2 3 2 1 2
2 3 0 0 0
-----------------------------------------------------------new result row
ok ok 1|2|3 1 3

i need to check each column
if i have twice each number
if not show the missing number

Code Block
DECLARE @WantedDate SMALLDATETIME, -- Should be a parameter for SP
SELECT @WantedDate = '20080301', -- User supplied parameter value
@BaseDate = DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, '19000101', @WantedDate), '19000101'),
@NumDays = DATEDIFF(DAY, @BaseDate, DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @BaseDate))

IF @Numdays > 28
p.[1] , p.[2],p.[3], p.[4], p.[5], p.[6], p.[7], p.[8], p.[9], p.[10], p.[11],
p.[12], p.[13], p.[14], p.[15], p.[16], p.[17], p.[18], p.[19], p.[20], p.[21],
p.[22], p.[23], p.[24], p.[25], p.[26], p.[27], p.[28], p.[29], p.[30], p.[31]
DATEPART(DAY, Date) AS theDay,
FROM v_Employee
WHERE Date >= @BaseDate
AND Date < DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @BaseDate)
) AS y
min(y.ShiftID) FOR y.theDay IN ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7],[8] , [9], [10], [11],
[12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21],
[22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31])
) AS p

View 12 Replies View Related

Power Pivot :: How To Reference A Column Based On Row Value

Sep 4, 2015

I have two tables shown below and I wish to add a calculated column to Table 1.

Table1                                      Table2
ID    Activity                             Activity 1     Activity 2   Activity 3    etc    etc   etc   Total
1    Activity 1                           values         values       values                                  Total value
2    Activity 2                           values         values       values                                  Total value
3    Activity 3                           values         values       values                                  Total value

I want each row in the new column to show the corresponding activity divided by the sum of the total. So in the row with Activity 3 I want the formula SUM(Table2[Activity 3])/SUM(Table2[Total]). Also the number of activities will vary.

I am actually wanting to calculate a more complicated formula which calculates the correlation .

View 2 Replies View Related

T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Change Column Order In Dynamic Pivot?

Sep 17, 2014

I am creating dynamic pivot and my column order is as below

[2015-02],[2015-04] [Prior] ,[2014-08],[2014-11]

but i want to display as below:


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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Pivot Column To Rows Within A Group

Dec 18, 2014

I need to convert the column to rows but within group. example

Group Name Value
p a 1
p b 2
p c 3
p d 4
q a 5
q b 6
q d 7
r a 8
r b 9
r c 10
r d 11

This need to be transposed to :

Group a b c d

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Pivot When Don't Know Amount Of Columns And Column Names

Jan 7, 2015

I am trying to figure out how to pivot a temporary table. I have a table which starts with a date but the number of columns and columns names will vary but will be type INT (Data, col2,col3,col4………….n)

So it could look like

Date , TS-Sales, Budget , Toms sales

Turned to this

01-jan-14, 02-jan-14, 03-jan-14

Or even just the date and a SUM

What I want is to be able to sum al the columns but without knowing the name and the amount columns to start with this is a manually processes. How could I automate this?

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Summing A Column, Using A Pivot Table, Accounting For NULL

Sep 13, 2006

hello, i'm using sql200 and i am attempting to create a table that has an hourly-incrementing 'Date_Time' column, with a corresponding 'Total' column (which keeps a running total of values off of another table) . The code I am using right now is...

declare @date as smalldatetime

set @date = dateadd(yy, -1, cast(convert(char(11), current_timestamp, 101) + '00:00:00' as smalldatetime))

select dateadd(hh, i, @date) as Date_Time, sum(Subtotal) as Total

into #POGtable

from Pivot, OrderGroup


i between 0 and 24 and

CreationDate between @date and dateadd(hh, i, @date)

group by i

select dateadd(hh, i, @date) as Date_Time, 0 as Total

into #Ptable

from Pivot

where i between 0 and 24

group by i

select *

from #POGtable


select * from #Ptable p

where not exists(

select * from #POGtable pog

where p.Date_Time >= pog.Date_Time)

the solution is ugly, but the problem i'm having is that values for 'SubTotal' don't usually appear before 8 or 9 am. what you see above is me getting all the times (hours) that a subtotal present, creating another table with every possible hour in it (and with a 'Total' column as just zero), and then combining the two tables to create one flowing table over a 24-hour period.

there has GOT to be a better way to do this; the main point being that i want the sum( ) function to start adding up values immediately so i don't have to union two tables

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Power Pivot :: DAX Formula Copying Data From Column A To B

Oct 1, 2015

I have a problem copying data from column A to column B in Power Pivot.

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Power Pivot :: DAX Calculated Column Formula Using SEARCH

Oct 30, 2015

I have written a simple DAX calculated column formula using SEARCH and got an error: It tells the text "PWP" cannot be found but as you can see the screen shows this text exsist within "Promotional Claim"The same happens when I try FIND function.

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Power Pivot :: Lookup Inside Calculated Column

Oct 13, 2015

My simplistic data model looks like this: 


Spread Product Sales Channel ..

2 x CB ..
2 y CB …
4 x GFR ..
4 y GFR ..

I need a column with Spread Mapping, which should look like this:

->There are more columns in data model. 
-> Spread for GFR is wrong so it must be mapped to be able to compare with CB

I guess there should be calculated column formula to calculate Spread Mapping. How to do it?

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Power Pivot :: SPC Average Of A Count Of Text Column

Dec 1, 2015

This is an SPC chart controlled by a slicer that operates a powerpivot table. This is then copied (by cell formula) into a "normal" table where the average, UCL, LCL and Erlang are calculated which are just basic calculations involving average and standard deviation. To make it work the values in the Average, UCL,LCL and Erlang must be repeated all the way down the table to create the chart. In the current format it works well and using a standard table keeps the chart range dynamic.

However this is a very clunky solution involving repeating the data tables in excel. I need to create dozens of charts and it will get large and slow.I would like to create the whole thing in a powerpivot table using measures so i can use powerpivot charts and ultimately powerBI. The data column PasID is a text column so I need a measure that calculates the "count of PasID" for each day(the row labels) and then repeats that value down a whole column in the same way the standard table does. I couldn't figure out how to get the correct number repeat down the whole column, which measures to use,Whether to create calculated columns in the data model or any of it. SO I need to be able to get a count of a text column then display the average of that count in a second column all the way down.

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Power Pivot :: Calculate Is Not Recognized When Adding A Column

Nov 3, 2015

I've been trying to use a simple calculate forumla when adding a column
or just a CALCULATE(SUM([Credit])

And I have always the same error

Calculate is not recognized. I've try it on PowerBI and Excel ...

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How To Check If A Column Is Numeric Or Not

Jul 12, 2007

 I want to fin out the number of records that are not numeric on my database, how can I fin that using an SQL query?

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How To Check For A Numeric Value In A Column

May 20, 2004

Hello All,

Can someone pls help me with how to check for a numeric value in a varchar column?

For example I have a column called client_id , it has values "AB" , "CD" , "18", "19" . I need to delete those client_id where the values are 18 and 19. How would I do that?

Thanks in advance!!

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Varchar Column Check

Sep 21, 2004

Can't seem to get my head around this: I'm looking for a way to select only those varchar(10) values that soley consist of numbers. Leading spaces are allowed.

I tried using isnumeric, but it also allows those with periods, comma's etc.
Also tried using like, but the length of the varchar column varies too much to do a like '[0-9][0-9]....'.

As a solution I currently do a combo of isnumeric, not like '%.%', not like '%,%' etc. I need to do a conversion to an int to join another table, but the convert still fails. Not sure where and why.

I'm thinking there should be a better way than create a hughe list of "not like " but it looks like I'm in the woods here...

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Cannot Check Column In Where Clause

Apr 8, 2004

In a stored procedure I have I have dates in the format YYYYMMDD with symbols representing the first 3 digits
e.g. °30903 =20030903, and I have to convert them to proper dates, and then eliminate all old data, so I replace symbols and then convert to int

SELECT af.AccomType, af.AccomRef, af.AccomName,af.address1, af.address2, bf1.RoomCode,
Convert(Int,Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(REPLAC E(Replace(MAX(bf1.EndBook),'°','200'),'´','204'),' 99','1999'),'97','1997'),'47',1947),'98','1998')) AS max_date,

(af.AccomType = 'H' OR af.AccomType = 'O')


order by max_date.

Problem is I get an error saying invalid column max_date. It works in the order by clause when I get rid of the
'max_date>20040721 '.


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Multiple Column Check

Mar 1, 2008

I am trying to query multiple columns for a specific value. I have 8 columns (values are either 1 or 0)and I want to query the table to find out which rows contain zero's in ALL of the 8 columns. Whats the best way to do this? I can create a lenghty select statement where column1 =0 and column2 =0 and column3=0 and column4 =0 and column5 =0 .... etc. I was wondering if there was an easier way to do this?

Thanks in Advance

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