Please, Respond Me!!

Oct 11, 2000

I don't write in english well!!
My pb is the appearance of error 1068 when i want startup the sqlserveragent service,
and the error 1069 when i want startup the Msqlserver service.
If you have a solution for my pb, respond me please...
it's urgent
thank you

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Pls Anyone Respond To Me---Urgent

Jul 27, 2000

we had two tape drives for backup. Data is striping into the two tape drives.
Now i am restoring the database, so i kept database in single user mode, i restoring the data, after sometime tape is saying
restoring from one tapeset is over keep another tape into it.
But we have two tape drives, it is only pointing to one tape drive, it is not pointing to another tape drive. what i have to do.
Pls any one give me the details steps in this.
This is 65 server.
Pls this is very urgent.


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Urgent....please Respond

Dec 11, 2006

I want to create a stored procedure to find if the index exists if noti have to create the index....i use following stored procedure....butdoes'nt seem to be working.......but when i hard code the query it doeswork... can u plz tell me were i am going wrongCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sd_find_create_ind]@tblName varchar(255),@colName varchar(255),@indName varchar(255)ASdeclare @query varchar(1024)select @query = 'IF indexproperty(object_id('+@tblName+'),'+@indName+', ''IsClustered'') IS NULLCREATE INDEX '+@indName+' ON '+@tblName+'('+@colName+')'GOthanks a lot

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Why The Package Did Not Respond At All When I Try To Execute It

Apr 9, 2008

Hi, all experts here,

Please help me out here.

I have no idea why sometimes a package just does not respond at all when you try to execute it? What happened is after I click on the debug button as usual to excute the package, it just hangs around there without any responding (while the whole package is in a debug mode after you click on the debug button)? It was fine sometimes, sometimes not.

I ever tried to restart the machine and it ran through once, but this time it did nto show the luck.

That's a very weird problem and I am looking forward to hearing from you for your advice and suggestions.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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SQL Management Studio Slow To Respond

Mar 14, 2008

I've got a new machine at work here running Vista 64 bit....when I use SQL Management Studio to connect to a server it "Stops Responding" for a period of time and eventually comes back to life.  When I check the server registration properties and click "Test Connection" it takes 13 seconds to succeed. Anyone else have's God awful slow.  Other devs on XP don't have this problem.  What gives? 

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Membership Database Question (Under A Deadline - Please Respond Soon!)

Aug 23, 2007

 So I can't quite understand what's going on here... I've watched the video tutorial on ASP.NET about creating and securing my site using Membership (configuring roles and users), and I noticed that it creates a database in my App_Data folder (ASPNETDB, I think it's called).  And I've got all that working on my local machine, but I'm confused as to how to move it to my server.My hosting provider is, and they've told me that if I want to upload a database to their server, I have to create it using my admin panel, then upload the file and they'll fill it in for me.  My question is this: if I give them the database that's automatically created when I use login controls on my website LOCALLY, will that database still provide the correct membership functionality for my website when it's run from the web server?  Such that I can give them (M6) the ASPNETDB (containing all the usernames/passwords/rules? I've already specified for my local site), have them populate the similarly titled database on the server, and have it still work with my pages?I'm also confused as to why that database doesn't have a connection string specified in the web.config file...can anyone shed some light on that?As I have no direct access to the database server on my hosting provider, I need to create the membership database with all the correct details prior to uploading it to my server - if simply using the locally generated copy won't work, what should I do?Lastly, the video tutorial says to go to the ASP.NET Configuration page to manage users, roles, security settings, etc., but I don't seem to have access to that through M6.  Instead, I have access to a FrontPage configuration page that is strikingly similar in content to that ASP.NET Configuration page featured in the video, in that it also allows user and role management capability - is this the same thing under a different guise?  

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Error 1053 - The Service Did Not Respond To The Start Or Control Request In A Timely Fashion

Aug 6, 2015

"Windows could not start the SQL Server (RETAIL) service on local computer."

"Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion."

I am trying to start my SQL Server service and I get the above error. I am using Windows 7 32 bit. SQL 2008 R2 32bit. SQL has ran successfully for 2 years on this machine until a power outage the other night. Now I have this happening on two computers.

I have read every event viewer message up and down and searched Google for hours trying to find a solution. I have done so many things from changing dll's to reinstalling sql 2008 to trying sql 2012.

I uninstalled SQL2008 and installed SQL2012 and it had the exact same error message. It wont start that one process. I have read this forum and I see many instances of this issue being reported but none of them have been recent. I attempted to do everything the previous posts said to try and nothing has worked. I have tried to roll back using windows restore point, I have tried to change the servicespipetimeline registry edit in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl. I have changed permissions.

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Integration Services :: Failure Sending Mail / Connection Attempt Failed Because Connected Party Did Not Properly Respond

Jul 7, 2015

I recently started working on SSIS packages and I have a package which will Validate a table records and prepare a txt file with all details and sends the email to approriate email ids. The problem i'm facing is I'm getting System.Net.Mail.SmtpException  with inner exception as A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond xx.xx.xx.xx:25. I'm using SMTPConnection and Windows Authentication as credentials.I also add the ISServerExec.exe to the firewall exclusion list still it throws the same error.

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