Please Send Me The Demo Application

Nov 29, 2007


Plesase help me by sending any of demo application and course material for WinCE visaual studio 2005 for development of smart device applications how to connect to atand alone database and for connectivity for Http to mobile .

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Is There Any Sample Code To Demo The SSB Send Messages With Same Sql Instance?

Aug 18, 2007

Is there any sample code to demo the SSB send messages with same sql instance?

my case is very simple:

I want write a stored procedure to send a xml to another database. The stored procedure is called by tables triggers when some data is changed under the specific conditions.

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Send Message To Running .Net [Asp.Net With C#] Application From Sql Server

Apr 25, 2008

Hi Guys,
I have already spent so many days in trying to find a solution to this problem but ..all in vain....
so please help me.

I have to send message to my running .Net [Asp.Net with C#] application from sql server. How can i do it?
We should not use notification services.
Please give me some examples / links.
Thanks in advance!

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Transact SQL :: Send Changed Record Of Online Database To Application

Apr 23, 2015

I am programming an online game (such as chess) which two players can play together online.

Each one of the players should have installed the game application (developed by C#) on their computers.

When a player do some action, a record of a database (SQL Server 2012) which has been placed on the internet will be changed.

My need: when a record of this online database changes, whole the record send to both players' game application immediately.

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SQL Server 7 Demo.

Jun 29, 1998

Can someone direct me where I can get my hands on SQL Server 7. I know it`s a beta but I would like to test it out.

Ted Tirado

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'Demo: Sev. 24 Errors'

Sep 9, 2004

The last 3 mornings when I get to my desk, there is a windows msgbox waiting for with the following information:

<<<<<<<<< Start of Message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
'Demo: Sev. 24 Errors' on //MySQLServerBox

Description: 17550
DBCC TRACEON 208, server process ID (SPID) 52
<<<<<<<<< End of Message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

It seems to be coming from the same machine, but I don't really understand the nature of the error and can't find and info in the Help files or MS Knowledge Base.

Curious if anybody on this forum can provide some insight or point me in the right direction.



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Registering/licensing DEMO SQLserver....

Mar 29, 2004


I am new to SQLserver and have installed the DEMO version of SQLserver 2000 on my system. I got it up and running and verified that it was working properly.

I then purchased two CPU's of the standard edition for my system. The software has arrived, but all that arrived are the CD's. I see no key, nor do I see a way to provide a key even if I had one.

I do not know how to proceeed and need help to figure out how to obtain a key or how to enter it if I ever obtain one.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!!



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Is There A Demo Of SQL Reporting Services And Analysis ??

Nov 9, 2007

We're looking at several tools to do reporting and analysis of our SQL 2005 data.

We want to create canned web based reports
We want internal - non-developers to create canned reports for our customers
We want internal - non-developers to create ad hoc reports
We want to slice and dice the data in various way and produce graphs and trend reports - pretty stuff for management

Tools like Business Objects Edge satisfy many of these requirements but we already have SQL 2005 which I understand can do similar things. I can easily get a demo of a companys products to show me what can and can't be done.

Does anyone know how I can get a SQL demo using these services ? I tried contacting Microsoft but didn't get anywhere

I don't have the luxury of time to learn all the benefits and functionality to understand if SQL is the best way to go. Database wise - yes - but Analysis and Reporting ??


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Demo Performance Penalty Of User Defined Functions

Feb 5, 2007

SQL Server User defined functions can be a powerful tool, but they can also create a substantial performance penalty in a query where they are called a large number of times. Sometimes it is something that must be accepted to get the job done, but there is often an alternative of putting the code from the function “in-line� in a SQL query. That also has a penalty in development time, so judgment about which way to go is called for.

I did some testing on three different methods of converting combinations of integer values of Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second to Datetime values and compared the runtime of each. In the first method, I did the conversion in-line in the query. In the second method, I used a UDF to do the conversion using the same algorithm as the in-line query. In the third method, I used a UDF that called two more UDFs to do the conversion.

To perform the test, I loaded a table with 3,999,969 randomly generated date/times, along with the matching year, month, day, hour, minute, and seconds, in the range of 1753-01-01 to 9999-12-31. I re-indexed the table with fill factor of 100 to make the physical size as small as possible.

For the actual test, I ran queries that converted the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second on each row to a datatime, and compared it to the datetime from that row. I ran the query using the in-line conversion, single UDF (DateTime1), and with the UDF (DateTime2) that called two more UDFs (Date and Time). I ran the tests several times, and saw only minor variations in run time. The single UDF took over 8 times as long to run as the in-line conversion. The test with the UDF that called other UDFs took over 36 times as long to run as the in-line conversion, and took over 4 times as long to run as the single UDF.

These results show that there can be a substantial performance penalty for using a UDF in place of in-line code, and that UDFs that call other UDFs can also have a substantial performance penalty compared to a UDF that does not call other UDFs.

Code to load table with test data. The functions used in the script to load the test data can be found on these links:
Random Datetime Function:
Number Table Function:

create table T_DATE (
[DATE] datetime not null primary key clustered ,
[YEAR]smallint not null ,
[MONTH]tinyint not null ,
[DAY]tinyint not null ,
[HOUR]tinyint not null ,
[MINUTE]tinyint not null ,
[SECOND]tinyint not null

insert into T_DATE
select distinct top 100 percent
[DATE] = dateadd(ms,-datepart(ms,a.[DATE]),a.[DATE]),
[YEAR]= year(a.[DATE]),
[MONTH]= month(a.[DATE]),
[DAY]= day(a.[DATE]),
[HOUR]= datepart(hour,a.[DATE]),
[MINUTE]= datepart(minute,a.[DATE]),
[SECOND]= datepart(second,a.[DATE])
selecttop 100 percent
[DATE] =
[dbo].[F_RANDOM_DATETIME]( '17530101', '99991231',newid() )
f_table_number_range(1,4000000) aa
order by
) a
order by

dbcc dbreindex(T_DATE,'',100)

exec sp_spaceused 'T_DATE','true'

select count(*) from T_DATE

Code to create functions used in the test. These functions are based on functions that Jeff posted in his blog on this link, modified with some suggestions of mine:

create function DateTime1
(@Year int, @Month int, @Day int, @Hour int, @Minute int, @Second int)
-- returns a dateTime value for the date and time specified.
returns datetime
create function Date(@Year int, @Month int, @Day int)
-- returns a datetime value for the specified year, month and day
returns datetime
return dateadd(month,((@Year-1900)*12)+@Month-1,@Day-1)

create function Time(@Hour int, @Minute int, @Second int)
-- Returns a datetime value for the specified time at the "base" date (1/1/1900)
returns datetime
return dateadd(ss,(@Hour*3600)+(@Minute*60)+@Second,0)
create function DateTime2
(@Year int, @Month int, @Day int, @Hour int, @Minute int, @Second int)
-- returns a dateTime value for the date and time specified.
returns datetime
return dbo.Date(@Year,@Month,@Day) + dbo.Time(@Hour, @Minute,@Second)

Test code:

set nocount on
select [T_DATE Rowcount] = count(*) from T_DATE
declare @count int
declare @st datetime
select @st = getdate()

@count = count(*)
a.[DATE] <> 0+a.[DATE]

select [MS No Action] = datediff(ms,0,getdate()-@st)
declare @count int
declare @st datetime
select @st = getdate()

@count = count(*)
a.[DATE] <>

select [MS No Function] = datediff(ms,0,getdate()-@st)
declare @count int
declare @st datetime
select @st = getdate()

@count = count(*)
a.[DATE] <> dbo.DateTime1(a.YEAR,a.MONTH,a.DAY,a.HOUR,a.MINUTE,a.SECOND)

select [MS DateTime1] = datediff(ms,0,getdate()-@st)
declare @count int
declare @st datetime
select @st = getdate()

@count = count(*)
a.[DATE] <> dbo.DateTime2(a.YEAR,a.MONTH,a.DAY,a.HOUR,a.MINUTE,a.SECOND)

select [MS DateTime2] = datediff(ms,0,getdate()-@st)

Sample test results:

T_DATE Rowcount

MS No Action

MS No Function

MS DateTime1

MS DateTime2


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Show Me Demo Of How To Create Foreign Key In SQL Server 2000

Dec 5, 2007

show me demo of how to create foreign key in SQL server 2000

thank you

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Full Feature Demo For SSRS Web Service Rendering (with Interactive Sort)?

Dec 16, 2006

Is there any example I can find a full feature demo of SSRS Web Service Rendering with Interactive Sort and other features enabled?

For MS: Indeed I think ReportViewer Control should be an open source component as we as developer needs the flexibility to customize the report viewer interface as well as can learn directly from the control source so to understand how can we integrate better with SSRS.

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How To Send Long String Using SqlContext.pipe.send(strString)?

Aug 15, 2006


I have a string almost 11006 length.. when i try to send back from SQLCLR procedure

it says cannot send ..

here is Exception Text "Message length 11060 exceeds maximum length supported of 4000."

Max limit to send a string using pipe is 4000

How I can send a string which is large in size than 4000.


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How To Send A Dynamic Files Attachment By Send Mail Task?

Jan 19, 2007

Hello All,

Hopefully someone out there will have an idea as this is driving me nuts.

I want to send a dynamic files in attachment files ny send mail task that file name has change follow datetime.

I try to use the expression but I can't use it.

please tell me for this problem.

Any suggestions appreciated,


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SQL Server 2008 :: 2 Emails Being Send From Job When Only 1 Should Send?

Apr 18, 2012

I have a job that emails out shipment notifications at the end of the day to our customers. The problem I have is I don't understand why the same email is sending out twice within a minute of each other when the job is only scheduled to run once. If I take the code out of the step and run it in management studio it only emails once. I attached the code for one customer for reference. We are running SQL 2008 on a VM sending to an exchange 2010 server.

SET @tableHTML =N'<H1>XYZ Company ASN For ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101) + ' </H1>' +
N'<table border="1">' +
N'<tr><th>Vendor</th><th>Delivery Date</th>' +
N'<th>Purchase Order Number</th><th>Item Number</th><th>Item Description</th>' +
N'<th>Quantity Shipped</th><th>UOM</th><th>BOL Number</th>'


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Distrib.exe Application Error , Application Failed To Initialize Properly(0xx0000142)

Apr 13, 2008

have SQL Server 2005 std edition SP1 installed on Windows 2003 Std edition .Configured Transactional (single Publisher and no clustered environment.)
Replication past two months working fine, Now
1.Distrib.exe application err is coming.

Due to which my job is failing (Distributor to Subscriber).
Iam attaching thw file.

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Integration Services :: Send Excel File From SSIS Using Send Mail Task Without Saving Excel File Locally?

Jul 14, 2015

Is there anyway to  send excel file from ssis using send mail task without saving the excel file locally. I need to automate the process which involves loading the excel file from the database and send it to some people. 

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Send Mail Task - Succeeds But Does Not Send Mail

Nov 28, 2007

I have attempted to report out errors at the end of an ETL process by alerting supporting DBAs of errors using the SSIS "Send Mail Task". Task completes along with the sequenced packages, but does not mail anything out. No logic at this time for trigger, just success from the previous task triggering the task to send mail. I also get no errors in the output, and I get no output indicating the send mail task fired, but it does go "green". Do I have to enable database mail and have privileges?

Component Configuration:

SMTP Connection Manager - SMTP Server: arsocex02

Send Mail Editor -

MessageSourceType: Direct Input
Expression: MessageSource = "Package>>> " + @[System:ackageName] +" was executed at>>> " + (DT_WSTR, 40) @[System:tartTime] + " by user>>> " + @[System::UserName] + " on Machine>>> " + @[System::MachineName] + " Errors reported to ERRORS_COURSE_CLASS_STATUS_T: " + (DT_WSTR, 50) @[User::ErrorCourseClassStatus]


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How Can I Send Many Mail In Send Mail Task ?

Feb 27, 2007

Hello All,

Hopefully someone out there will have an idea as this isdriving me nuts

I have some sample problem.I want to send many email in one send mail task, how can i do it?

what is a signal for separate between email address in send mail task.

please tell me for this event.

any suggesstion appreciated

Thanks you very much.


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What I Need To Run Compiled Application On Another Application?

Sep 11, 2007

don't know if it's the right place for this question but i hope you help me.
I made an application with VS 2005 that connecting to sql server file db.mdf
Now i want this application work on another user computer, and of course i don't want to install vs 2005 there.
I did install .net framework, but what i need to do to make the database work? do i have to install sql server on his computer? or is there something more simple?
I know that if i was using access file than i need to install nothing else.
please help!

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Net Send

May 30, 2001

Is there a way to send a message to all people connected to the sql server at the same time or does this have to be done individually?

Thanks in Advance

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Net Send

Nov 1, 2001

Is there a way to get two or more users to recieve net send messages? Currently we have one user that is receiving the messages and we need another admin to receive them as well.

Thank you in advance,

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Send Email Through SQL

Sep 11, 2006

Hi all, can i send an email through SQL? i don't want to use third party software. Also, i can't configure the customer's db server. It is possible to send an email without much configuration. If configuration needed, is it possible to configure through SQL script? thx 

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NET SEND Notifications

Aug 26, 2002

Is there a way to send a net send notification to more than one user? I can send to one successfully. Thanks.

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Can&#39;t Send Attachment With CDO

Sep 24, 2001

<FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" color=midnightblue size=2>For some reason
this proc doesn't send attachment. Please advise.
<P><PRE id=code><FONT id=code face=courier size=2></pre>
<P></P><P>CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SendCDONTSMail]<BR>@Help [BIT] = 0,<BR>@From [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@To [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Cc [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Bcc [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Subject [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Body [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR> @Filename [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR> @Importance int = 0,<BR>@MailFormat [BIT] = 0,<BR>@BodyFormat [BIT] = 0<BR>AS<BR>DECLARE<BR>@Error [VARCHAR](150),<BR>@object [INT],<BR>@hr [INT]</P><P>IF @Help = 1<BR>BEGIN<BR>PRINT '<BR>Purpose:<BR>This porcedure will send an email using CDONTS.dll.<BR>Use as a replacement to xp_sendmail. It will allow you<BR>to send HTML emails from SQL<BR>'<BR>RETURN 1<BR>END</P><P>IF ((@From IS NULL OR @From = '') OR (@To IS NULL OR @To = '') OR (@Subject IS NULL OR @Subject = '') OR (@Body IS NULL OR @Body = '')) AND @Help = 0<BR>BEGIN<BR>SET @Error = 'sp_SendCDONTSMail requires parameters @From, @To, @Subject, and @Body.' + CHAR(13) + 'Please execute ''sp_SendCDONTSMail 1'' for syntax assistance.'<BR>RAISERROR(@Error, 16, 1)<BR>RETURN -1<BR>END</P><P>EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', @object OUT<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'From', @From<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'To', @To<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'CC', @Cc<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Bcc', @Bcc<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Subject', @Subject<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Body', @Body<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'MailFormat', @MailFormat<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'BodyFormat', @BodyFormat<BR>exec @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Importance', @Importance<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @object, 'AttachFile', @FileName <BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @object, 'Send'<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @object</P></FONT></FONT>

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Net Send Message

Nov 9, 2000


I know that is possible to programmatically send an e-mail with the command xp_sendmail, but i want to know if it's possible to programmatically send a Net Send message.


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How To Send Birthday Greetings

Jan 24, 2005


I have a datetime field in sql database in which dates are stored in format 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
What i want is to send them BD greetings checking with the current date.
How can i acheive this in query ?

Thanks in advance.

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Select Top 15 And Send Top 5 , 5, 5

Jul 24, 2006

I have a requirement to select top 15 from a table

select top 15 from students
now , i want to send first 5 to Class A , Next 5 to Class B , Next 5 to Class C

how can i
select top 5 to 10 from top 15 from table students

select top 10 to 15 from top 15 from table students

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How To Send Email

Mar 27, 2008

I need to select a table from my database and send the table as an email message to a person every 10am because the table changes every day. How to it?

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Net Send Failure

Jul 23, 2005

On a Windows 2000 Server in MYDomain I can do the followingsuccessfully:Net Send JoeUser "test"However on a Windows Server 2003 (Standard Edition) in MyDomain I get:An error occurred while sending a message to JoeUser.The message alias could not be found on the network.More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2273.If I enter: net send /DOMAIN:MyDomain joeuser "test"net send comes back with:The message was successfully sent to domain MyDomainBUT... no popups are received.Is there something common to a Windows Server 2003 server that I needto configure to get this to work?How does this relate to SQL Server 2000? I figure that if I can get itto work via a command prompt that it will work for notification as well-- which at this point it doesn't.Thanks for any help.RBollinger

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Send Alert From Job

Jul 23, 2005

I'm a newby and I have a quick question. I have set up this procedureto run as a job. I can create a block and have it populate the table,but I need to be alerted via email when the table is being populated. Ido not know what step/s am I missing. Here is the scripts I ran:CREATE TABLE BlockMonitorInfo(spid smallint,blocked smallint,waittype binary,InfoTime datetime)go/*********creates a control table that lets you turn the backgroundprocess on and off**********/CREATE TABLE BlockMonitorControl(BlockMonitorOn tinyint)go/**********populates the control table and initially turns on thebackground process******/INSERT INTO BlockMonitorControlVALUES (1)go/*StartBlockMonitor accepts one datetime paramter that controls thesampling delay for capturing blocking information*/drop PROC StartBlockMonitorgoCREATE PROC StartBlockMonitor@DelayTime char(9)ASDECLARE @CurrentInfoTime datetime-- Set the control flag in BlockMonitorControl = Onupdate BlockMonitorControl set BlockMonitorOn = 1-- Capture blocking lock info until the control flag is set = false-- We set it off by running StopBlockMonitor which we'll create soon.WHILE (SELECT BlockMonitorOn from BlockMonitorControl) = 1BEGINSELECT @CurrentInfoTime = getdate()INSERT INTO BlockMonitorInfo (spid, blocked, waittype, InfoTime )SELECTspid, blocked, waittype, @CurrentInfoTimeFROMmaster..sysprocesses (nolock)WHEREblocked <> 0WAITFOR delay @DelayTimeENDgo/*StopBlockMonitor turns off the capture of blocking info by setting thecontrol flag in BlockMonitorControl = off*/DROP PROC StopBlockMonitorgoCREATE PROC StopBlockMonitorASUPDATE BlockMonitorControl SET BlockMonitorOn = 0goSELECTBlockMonitorInfo.*FROMBlockMonitorInfo,(SELECT distinct InfoTime FROM BlockMonitorInfo)BlockChainTimeWHEREBlockMonitorInfo.InfoTime =BlockChainTime.InfoTimeand Blocked not in(SELECT spidFROM BlockMonitorInfoWHERE InfoTime =BlockChainTime.InfoTime)This last query is what I have set up in a job, but I need the job toalert us when the table gets new information added.Thank you for the assistance!

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HELP! - Can't Send Mail

Jul 20, 2005

xp_sendmail has died on our SQL Server, I get error "xp_sendmail:failed with mail error 0x80004005" if I try using it.I believe that the reason that this has happened is because the SQLServer service account is unable to send mail, as follows:If I log on to Outlook Web Access as the SQL Server service account(SVC_SqlServer) I am able to receive mail. However, any mail sent fromthis account simply dissapears.It appears in the Sent items folder (in OWA for the SVC_SqlServeraccount) but the recipient (me, in this case) never receives it!Does anyone know why this account is unable to send mail?Help!eddiec :-)

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Send Mail Help

Jan 3, 2007


How can I Send Mail with the query result having multiple rows. What type of dataflow destination is correct (recordset, datareader). The Send Mail task is working correctly. But, the message is blank without any result set.

Appreciate your help.


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Send Mail

Aug 20, 2007

hi friends

1) sql connection SMTP Connection Manager 1 (windows authenditacaion/smtp both itried i was selected)
2) from/to /cc : i entered som mail ids of yahoo
3) subject : Hi koti how r u ,i am fine here

4) message source type : variable
SMTPSERVER: it is just string with null value i was declare a variable
ok fine then

how to use the send mail in the foreach loop example please send me


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