Possible To Access Postgresql From Sql Server Ce

Oct 12, 2006

I am wondering if it is possible to access a remote postgresql database using the sql server ce access classes. I do not want to run a postgresql server on windows ce, just access one from a mobile device.

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General Advice Needed Regarding MS Access, MS SQL Server, MySQL/PostgreSQL

Nov 15, 2006

I am working on two versions of an application, one of which will be awindows forms application (which will need to be redistributable) andthe other will be a web application.I have MS Visual Studio 2005 (along with the developer's edition of MSSQL Server), but not MS Access. I also have MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sun'sapplication server, Tomcat and Apache web server. I am working onWindows XP Pro, and have installed the .NET 3 SDK and all relevantrelated products I could find (e.g. 2 extensions packages for VisualStudio).I have one MS Access database, to which my users should have read onlyaccess. I have, and have used, a tool for importing MS Accessdatabases into MySQL. I expect that SQL Server has a similar utilityhidden somewhere (where I haven't yet looked, though I HAVE beenlooking - obviously in the wrong places). I have located a similarutility for importing MS Access databases into PostgreSQL. I have notyet decided which servers to use for the web version, but that isanother story, for which I may raise another thread in due course (butI welcome suggestions which may reduce the effort required givenrequired effort for the windows forms app).My problem is for the windows form aplication (intended for use by asingle family). I expect to use ADO.NET. The question is, should Iimport the Access database into MS SQL, and redistribute it, along withMS SQL Server Express (or is that necessary), or distribute it just asan Access database and use the jet engine to access it. A relatedquestion is, "Does ADO.NET support creating new databases for a givenengine?" Imagine a recipe database. It is easy enough to create a SQLscript that creates all the required tables, indices, foreign keys,&c., but can I submit that SQL script to an ADO.NET object, along witha file name, and have it create, e.g., an Access database with thesupplied name. Or do I have to create a database file with nothing init other than the schema?I have more questions, but they'll have to wait.ThanksTed

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SQL Server 2k Migration To PostgreSQL

Mar 4, 2004

Hi all

I hope you can help me in some way.

Basically for the last 5 months i've developed a SQL 2k db for my company.

All of a sudden they quite fancy using Linux on the server, therefore i would be required to use PostgreSQL instead of SQL Server 2k.

I could do with some advice about how PostgreSQL and SQL Server compare? and how much work would be involved in migrating from one to the other.

Points i've found myself and may be an issue are:

I've used some of SQL Servers XML capabilites and as far as i can tell PostgreSQL doesn't support XML.

I've made extensive use of functions that return table variables etc... is there a similar idea i can use in PostgreSQL?

Extensive use of Stored Procedures and T-SQL etc...

DTS packages. Any equivalent or similar idea?

(ps i've also posted this in the PostgreSQL but since no one replyed i was hoping the sql server boffs could help).

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Can SQL Server 2K Connect Directly To PostgreSQL?

May 22, 2001

hello everyone!

I'm currently dumping tables from PostgreSQL 7 to SQL Server 2K and I've been wondering if it's possible to create a trigger between the two databases.
..like if there's an insert to a PostgreSQL table, the trigger inserts the same row to the SQL Server table.

If it is possible, please do send me a sample code.


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SQL Server 9.0 (2005) && PostgreSQL Data Types

Jan 5, 2006


I´m building an aplication with VB.net and SQL Server 9, but in the future it will be compatible with PostgreSQL (by another developer), so my question is, if anyone knows what "data types" in SQL Server 9 i must use to maintain compatibility with PostgreSQL, so that when the time come for the conversion i don t have to chage the "Data Types" on each table.

Any help would be apreciated.

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Import Data From PostgreSQL Into SQL Server 2005

Oct 17, 2007

I am trying to import one table from postgreSQL to SQL Server 2005 using sql server import and export wizard. When i test the connection after providing data source, location, username, password in the Data Link Properties section I get the message "Test Connection Succeeded". As soon as i press next to go onto next step i get the following error.

TITLE: SQL Server Import and Export Wizard

Cannot get string literals from the database connection "Provider=PostgreSQL.1;User ID=sa;Data Source=localhost;Location=TestMasterMap;Extended Properties=".


Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (DTSWizard)



I have tried all sorts of different combinations for these properties but it always fails on this step. Can anybody help me with this?

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Nov 27, 2006

Hi Friends,
I want to know if there are a manner of replication(two-way) between MSSQL SERVER and (postgresql or mysql or ORACLE).


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Jun 27, 2007


First of all, this is my first time using SQL SERVER 2005 express, before that i'm using POSTGRESQL database.

I would like to know how what's the equivalent command for "BEGIN","ROLLBACK","COMMIT", these are the POSTGRESQL COMMAND use to start transaction, rollback transaction and commit transaction.

Example when i use this kind of command is . I need to insert data into 3 table. before insert into table1, i issue "begin", start to insert data into table1, if table1 no error, then i proceed to table 2 and table3. if table2 and table3 no error. then issue "commit" to commit the changes. but if any error happen between table1 and table 2 or table 2 and table3, i will issue "rollback" to roll any changes that i make to table1, table2 and table3.

Maybe some one can teach me how to achieve using SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS.

Thanks and Regards.

Beh Chun Yit

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Saving Picture In PostgreSql

Apr 3, 2004

can ne 1 specify, how to insert a picture into a PostgreSql DB?
pl tell which data type to use and how can i display the picture in my client app

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What So Special About PostgreSQL And Other RDBMS?

Jul 20, 2005

Beside its an opensource and supported by community, what's the fundamentaldifferences between PostgreSQL and those high-price commercial database (andsome are bloated such as Oracle) from software giant such as Microsoft SQLServer, Oracle, and Sybase?Is PostgreSQL reliable enough to be used for high-end commercialapplication? Thanks

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Converting Database To MS-SQLServer From PostGRESQL

Nov 23, 2006

Forgive me if this question is a bit too generic, if it is, feel free tojust not respond.I have a database which has been running in PostgreSQL for a number ofyears at this stage which I want to port into MS SQL server.It seems that the SQL that Postgre outputs when I do a backup is notsyntactically correct within MS-SQL server.My question is, does anyone have any documentation on how to convert adatabase from the Postgre platform to SQL server? Is it possible usingan ODBC connection to import a database structure including tabledefinitions, views etc into SQL Server?Failing this, does anyone have any suggestions on where I might start -I did attempt to go through the SQL code and modify it to suit SQLserver, but it's about 3,500 lines of code excluding the insertstatements (which themselves are also wrong) and almost every line needssomething changed when comparing SQL syntax from Postgre to MSSQL serverThanks in advance for any comments/suggestions.Engada.--Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

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PostgreSQL 7.4 Or SQL Server 2005 Or SQL Server 2005 Express For VB.NET And ASP.NET A

Jan 31, 2007

I am faced with the following dilemma: I have a Windows desktop application developed in Visual Basic .NET, it's a fairly large size, about 100,000 lines of code. I developed it in Visual Studio .NET 2003 and I recently converted it to Visual Studio 2005. My database is PostgreSQL 7.4. I have roughly 500 database objects, i.e. tables, views, sequences, and functions, in it. My biggest table probably has a few hundred thousand records in it.

Another developer in my company will soon be starting work on a Web application that will be pulling its data from the same database as the above mentioned Windows application. So basically we have a situation where two different applications, a Windows and a Web one, have to access the same database.

Currently the plan is to develop the Web application in ColdFusion. However, since I already have a large-scale application in VB.NET that will be accessing the same database I was thinking it might be a better idea to develop the Web application in ASP.NET, seeing as how ASP.NET is VB.NET. That would present more opportunities for the two applications to interact with each other.

And in that vain, my dilemma is this, should I switch my database to SQL Server 2005 or should I stay with PostgreSQL? I am happy with PostgreSQL so far but if I have one VB.NET and one ASP.NET application, doesn't it make more sense to have SQL Server database?

I know that PostgreSQL is free and SQL Sever costs money, but what about SQL Server Express 2005? That's free too, but how much of the functionality of SQL Server 2005 does it support? The organization I work for is small and it would be hard to convince management to spend money on a commercial database like SQL Server 2005 when what we have works just fine.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Export Data From Postgresql On Linux To Ms-sqlserver 2000 On Windows

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all,I have been trying to find some information about exporting data frompostgresql on linux to ms-sqlserver 2000 on windows but have not beenable to get hold of any information. I would really appreciate ifsomeone can point me to some source of information.Thanks in advance,Nishy

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Data Access :: Server Rejected The Connection - Access To Selected Database Has Been Denied

Jun 10, 2015

I have recently upgraded to SQL2014 on Win2012. The Access front end program works fine.

But, previously created Excel reports with built in MS Queries now fail with the above error for users with MS 2013.  The queries still work for users still using MS 2007. 

I also cannot create any new queries and get the same error message. If I log on as myself on the domain to another PC with 2007 installed it works fine, so I don't think it is anything to do with AD groups or permissions.

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Multi-user Access Through A Data-access Layer/remoting Server

Oct 30, 2007

Hi guys,

I've been developing desktop client-server and web apps and have used Access and SQL Server Standard most of the time.
I'm looking into using SQL CE, and had a few questions that I can't seem to get a clear picture on:

- The documentation for CE says that it supports 256 simultaneous connections and offers the Isolation levels, Transactions, Locking, etc with a 4GB DB. But most people say that CE is strictly a single-user DB and should not be used as a DB Server.
Could CE be extended for use as a multi-user DB Server by creating a custom server such as a .NET Remoting Server hosted through a Windows Service (or any other custom host) on a machine whereby the CE DB would run in-process with this server on the machine which would then be accessed by multiple users from multiple machines??
Clients PCs -> Server PC hosting Remoting Service -> ADO.NET -> SQL CE

- and further more can we use Enterprise Services (Serviced Components) to connect to SQL CE and further extend this model to offer a pure high-quality DB Server?
Clients PCs -> Server PC hosting Remoting Service -> Enterprise Services -> ADO.NET -> SQL CE

Seems quite doable to me, but I may be wrong..please let me know either ways


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Can I Access MS Access Table In A Select Query Of SQL Server

Nov 29, 2006

Is there a way to specify a MS Access table (or query object) in the select query of SQL Server.


MSAccessTable (in file.mdb)




SQL query in SQL Server:

SELECT col1, col2 into SqlTable from [file.mdb].MSAccessTable;


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Data Access :: Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Apr 22, 2015

When i am trying to start our hospital software based on SQL server 2000, it shows Following Error.Search Condition is not valid, (DBNETLIB) Connection Open (connect()).  SQL server does not exist or excess denied. Due to Fetch data.I run our software in Windows 8.1, while it smothly runs in previous version of Windows XP and 7.

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Possible To Keep MS Access Interface And Migrate The MS Access To MS SQL Server?

Oct 31, 2005

Hello allWould it be possible to migrate the MS Access 2000 to MS SQL Server2000?My application is using MS Access 2000 as database and as userinterface such as forms. Now, I want to migrate the backend databasefrom MS Access 2000 to MS SQL Server 2000. However, I want to keep theMS Access 2000 interface. Would it be possible?If I migrate the MS Access to SQL Server, would the queries, back-endVBA, macro, tables and forms be affected? Do I need to change the MSAccess data type to SQL server supported data type?Which tool I can use to do the migration? Upsizing wizard or exportingthe Access database and then importing it to the SQL server?Thanks in advanceCheersBon

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Trying To Access SQL SERVER 2005 With Access 2003

Dec 18, 2006

I am trying to connect through ODBC connectivity, but it will not allow me to do so. I have investigated this matter. It leads me back to the server, because as I was configuring my client side database. It kept asking for the DSN(datasource name), but I was unable to choose one because there wasn't one to choose. Which is my current dilemma, How can I do this and have it available to choose from the server to satisfy the Access database?

I went to the domain where the software resides but I don't know what steps to take? I also found an interesting piece on microsoft about Kerberos, but I can't follow along according to the instructions it has. I have Access 2003 & SQL SERVER 2005, HELP...!

Basically, this is right off the heels of the install. I setup the server without the connectivity, but it is running the current configuration.

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Sql Server To Access An Application In MS Access

Dec 6, 2000

Can anyone tell me how i can access an application or open tables in MS sql server that are in MS Access. Its urgent and any help will be appriaciated.

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Server: MSg 17, Level 16, State 1 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Jun 6, 2007


When I am trying to access SQL Server 2000 database from another machine i got this error

Server: MSg 17, Level 16, State 1 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied

but I could access the database on same server and in that server i could access other databases in different server.

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Admin Access To SQL Without Server/domain Admin Access

Sep 6, 2007

We are using Win2k3 R2 with SQL 2000 in a domain environment.

Is it possible to create a domain group to grant admin level and user level access to SQL2000/2005 without giving users server admin or domain admin access?

It has always been my impression that to have admin access to SQL that you had to at least had admin level access on the server.

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.


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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Deni

Sep 29, 2005


when I use MSSQL in local ASP files , it is fine.

But If I try to connect another ASP file that is hosted by another machine, I get the following error!

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

in local I connect to my sql like below


when I connect to mssql from another machine I try that


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Unable To Access Physical Server To Backup Transaction Log

Dec 5, 2014

I've recently started working with a public sector organisation who have 4 clustered sql instances that has 80% of it's db mirrored.

Looking at the transaction log - it seems that a transaction log backup is a good idea as the log is 4x larger than the data file.But I'm not allowed access to the physical server to check onto which drive I can create the trn. No RDP, no vmware - let's be honest I'm not even allowed to launch cmd line Also the Server Manager informs me "We will need to carefully look at database backups if you guys want to start doing these backups on box, as that will break our off box backup routine (it will screw the transaction chain)."

I don't understand how backing up the transaction log could break the "transaction chain"?

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Linked Server 2000 To 2005: Error 17 Sql Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denined.

Aug 30, 2006

I'm trying to link SQL Server 2000 sp3 to SQL 2005 64 bit. I keep getting Error 17 sql server does not exist or access denined. I tried adding remote user mapping and chaning the linked server properties to "Be made using this security context" without any success.
Any help is appreciated.

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ODBC Server Driver Shared Memory / Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Nov 8, 2015

I am receiving the following error when starting a program called ShelbySystems that is supposed to connect to a local database. I don't think this is a security issue but I don't know much about SQL server either so...

  DIAG [08001] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. (17)
  DIAG [01000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()). (2)

System Info:
Windows 10 Home - upgrade from 8 64 bit
SQL server 2012 Express
SQL Backwards compatibility 2005 64 bit
ShelbySystems software v5.4

I am including the trace log in case it is useful.

DBInstall 130c-728ENTER SQLAllocHandle
SQLHANDLE 0x00000000


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1[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied.

Jul 26, 2007


when I was sending 50 simultaneous connections to the web services, I got these 2 errors:
- "1[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. "

- "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.)"

Everything worked fine if I ran 10 simultaneous connections. I am using Microsoft ACT to load test the web service. The database is SQL Server 2000. Any idea about why this is happening?

Appreciate your help! Thanks!

Jason Zhu

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ODBC SQL Server Driver TCP/IP Sockets SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Dec 3, 2004

I am running Windows 2003 Standard edition with IIS and SQL 2000 SP3a installed on it.

The web clients use ASP pages which use DSN to connect to SQL 2000 database. It has been working fine since last 1.5 years except 2 days ago when I faced this error suddenly on server:

In accessing any ASP page, it said:

[Microsoft][ODBC_SQL_Server_Driver][TCP/IP_Sockets_SQL_Server_does_not_exist_or_access_den ied.

On SQL Server error log, this was the entry at that time which I found:

SQLServer Error: 17, SQL Server does not exist or access denied. [SQLSTATE 08001]

The server (including SQL Server and agent service) were last stopped atleast a couple of days before, so it was not the problem about startup.

To troubleshoot, I restarted SQL Server and it worked for some time.

Then again on ASP pages, I found this error:

|80004005|[Microsoft][ODBC_SQL_Server_Driver][TCP/IP_Sockets]General_network_error._Check_your_network_document ation.

I checked the error logs of SQL server and didn't find anything.
Only entries were that the SQL is starting database, ports and IPs on which it is listening etc. The usual stuff. No errors in starting.

The SQL Agent log showed following errors:

2004-11-30 04:45:33 - ! [298] SQLServer Error: 2, ConnectionOpen (Connect()). [SQLSTATE 01000]
2004-11-30 04:45:33 - ! [382] Logon to server '(local)' failed (JobManager)
2004-11-30 04:45:36 - ! [298] SQLServer Error: 17, SQL Server does not exist or access denied. [SQLSTATE

I don't understand what was the problem. It first occured when nothing on server was changed, next it occured 30-32 hours later, and still now it hasn't happened again.

Does anyone know what can be wrong?


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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Import Data To Server From Access Database Using Script

Sep 22, 2015

I want to import the data from specific Access Database and Table to SQL Server, using SQL Script. I am trying to implement the solution as given in this link. URL....Here is the code that I have tried -

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1;


The access database file path is - 'C:SQL ProjectTestDB1001.mdb'.The Table from which I want to import the data is - [Table1001]. but when I run this script, I get this error -9 The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "MSAccessConnect" reported an error. Authentication failed.

Secondly I need to make 2 more changes to the code posted above.

1.If some access database .mdb, has got password protection, then how to include the password in the script, so that one does not have to manually feed in the password during data import work.

2. How to limit the data that is to be imported from the table [Table1001] by including a WHERE Clause, like for example - SELECT * FROM [Table1001] WHERE xdate = '2015-9-16 00:00:00.000')

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How Can I Access SQL Server Compact Edition With SQL Server Management Studio Express?

Jul 26, 2007


I just installed SQL Server Compact Edition, since I am considering using it instead of SQL Server Express for a local database in my application. The documentation mentioned that I could use SQL Server Management Studio Express to connect to the Compact Edition and create and manipulate databases.

To try to connect, I run Management Studio and bring up the "Connect to Server" dialog. Unfortunately, the pull-down list of "Server name"s does not include the SQL Server Compact Edition server. I do not know how to type in the server name manually, so I cannot connect.

To install Compact Edition, I downloaded it and ran "SQLServerCE31-EN.msi". This installed, and I assume registered, a number of DLLs in "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.1".

Is there perhaps an additional step that I left out to complete the installation?

Might I need an upgrade to some other components? My Management Studio Version is:

- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 9.00.2047.00

I would appreciate any help you can provide.

Thank you,


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One User Unable To Access The Reports From SQL Server 2005 Reporting Server.

Jul 6, 2007

I have deployed some reports on the reporting server, i have noticed that every one in the domain in which the reports are published can access the reports, except one user. when he tries to access the report he got the following error message or the blank report.

"An error occured during report processing"

"can no read the next data row for the data set dataset1".

Although this user has all the roles on the reporiting server kike browser,content manager etc.

i tried many things but still problem persists.

Can anyone tell me the exact reason for this ?

I shall be extremely thankfull.

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SQL EXPRESS Reporting Server (Access Denied - Windows 2000 Server Domain Controller)

Apr 4, 2007

Subject problem has me quite vexed.

I am receiving the following error when attempting to access reporting services... to sum things up real nice and tidy-

I get three login prompts - then the access denied response. It is almost as if it is unable to authenticate the user... anyway... here's the actual error response, I'd really appreciate any input/insight/resolution.

Server Error in '/Reports' Application.

Access to the path 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportManagerin' is denied.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportManagerin' is denied.

ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via <identity impersonate="true"/>, the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user.

To grant ASP.NET access to a file, right-click the file in Explorer, choose "Properties" and select the Security tab. Click "Add" to add the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and check the boxes for the desired access.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

[UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportManagerin' is denied.]
System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) +2014163
System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String path, String userPathOriginal, String searchPattern, Boolean includeFiles, Boolean includeDirs, SearchOption searchOption) +1817
System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) +36
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Localization.GetInstalledCultures() +112
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Localization..cctor() +66

[TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Localization' threw an exception.]
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Localization.SetCultureFromPriorityList(String[] localeList) +0
Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.GlobalApp.Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) +157
System.Web.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +92
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +64

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.210

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How To Access Sql Server On Windows Small Businness Server 2003

Jan 8, 2007

Hello,I have windows small business server 2003  premium installed, I can see the server service manager but can not start any service(nothing is listed).How do I set it up?
I can not find the enterprise manager to create a database.Thanks for your help

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