Preappending Zeroes
Apr 13, 2006
Hi ,
Sorry for those that think this is obvious but I have tried for good time and cannot solve this problem in a simple way.
How can I append a 0 in the form of varchar to a 1 with datatype integer
What Im trying to do is add an alternate column to the identity column in my table.
The identityt collumn seeds in 0 all the way up with increments of 1.
ie 0,1,2,...,n
howver, I need that for the values below 10 a zero is preapended
01,02,03,...,09, and then the sequence continues normally, ie 10,11,...,n. I am trying to preapend the zeroes to the mentioned dinumbers in the new calculated column I created without success.
this is what I would like tot do
select IdentityCoulmn,('0'+ IdentityCoulmn) as CalculatedCoulumn
from MyTable
but its not working the result comes out the same ie 1,2..n
thank you
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Oct 4, 2006
I'm trying to write the contents of a csv file to a table, but I am having problems with fields with leading zeroes. Whenever I save as csv I lose the leading zeroes. Does anybody know how to prevent this?
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Jan 18, 2008
I need a simpler way of doing this:
I've a number column which I need to show as a 3 digit field in a string:
number =1; string = 010
number =10; string =100
is there any function that can do this string manipulation?
Currently I'm using a CASE statement to check the length of this number column,
if its single digit I use:
else I use
Is there a better way of doing this?
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Sep 27, 2007
I'm new to sql, currently I am creating sql queries for work, I was wondering if anyone can help me.
Field Name: Telephone
If, for example: abcdefghij was entered in the Telephone field, I want it change into 0000000000 and when an actual telephone# is entered, 4165559999 I want it to be displayed under the Telephone field.
Greatly appreciated.
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Oct 6, 2015
I am having one table with 1 column DCID which is a bigint.
DCID column have data like 1,12,123
My Requirement is to Pad zeroes to
DCID to make 5 characters.
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Sep 27, 2001
I have a char(12) field that was loaded like '000000000101' I need to change the data to be ' 101'. Is there a way to do this and preserve the number and keep the leading spaces?
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Feb 1, 2006
HiI use SqlServer 2000I am doing a select and sending the results, which is a cast() intodecimal (9,3), in an email to various other users of our system.Problem is that a number like 95.2 is display as 95.200. Is there anyway I can trim it so that it will display 95.2 ?David
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Jan 31, 2008
I have a column of type Decimal(14, 4) in my SQL server 2005 database.
When producing the result set on this column, i need to convert the values to varchar datatype and also i do not want the trailing zeroes to be displayed.
For eg:
If the value stored is 98.7500, my select query should provide an output of 98.75.
Similarly if the value stored is 98.0000, my select query should output 98.
I tried converting the value to "float" and then assigning to varchar data, however doing so i am incurring precision loss in some scenarios
See below:
Declare @ele as varchar(25)
Select @ele = Convert(float, 99999.9990)
select @ele
Output I received: 100000
Output I wanted: 99999.999
Are there any in-built functions in SQL to achieve what I need?
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May 5, 2015
In a t-sql 2012 select statement, I have a query that looks like the following:
SELECT CAST(ROUND(SUM([ABSCNT]), 1) AS NUMERIC(24,1)) from table1.
The field called [ABSCNT] is declared as a double. I would like to know how to return a number like 009.99 from the query. I would basically like to have the following:
1. 2 leading zeroes (basically I want 3 numbers displayed before the decimal point)
2. the number before the decimal point to always display even if the value is 0, and
3. 2 digits after the decimal point.
Thus can you show me the sql that I can use to meet my goal?
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May 25, 1999
Hello All,
Can someone tell me how (in SQL) to convert an integer to a fixed length character filled with leading zeros. For example, I have an integer value of '125'. My user wants to see it displayed as '00000125'. How do I get the zeroes to fill in to a char(8) field when the length of the value differs, ie. '1', '125', '3452', etc.
Thanks in advance,
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Mar 16, 2015
Padding leading zeroes for the months in End date
Example: actual data is like
in end date column the following query works fine for 11301998 and converts it as 19981130 which was correct.
But 6222007
fails because month has no leading zero and it converts it as 0076222 which is wrong.
How can i make it as 20070622 with the following code
select (case when replace (ltrim(rtrim(ltrim([end date]))), '|', '') in ('99999999','00000000') then NULL
else substring ([END DATE],5,4)+SUBSTRING([END DATE],1,2)+SUBSTRING([END DATE],3,2) end) as ConvEnd_date
from Mydatabase.dbo.[AccountTable]
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May 5, 2015
In a t-sql 2012 select statement, I have a query that looks like the following:
SELECT CAST(ROUND(SUM([ABSCNT]), 1) AS NUMERIC(24,1)) from table1. The field called [ABSCNT] is declared as a double. I would like to know how to return a number like 009.99 from the query. I would basically like to have the following:
1. 2 leading zeroes (basically I want 3 numbers displayed before the decimal point)
2. the number before the decimal point to always display even if the value is 0, and
3. and 2 digits after the decimal point.
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Aug 7, 2007
I am working on reporting services 2005 and i need to display zeroes in the report preview for the data which is not there in database,So pls help me if u can
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May 29, 2015
I am using SSIS 2012 SP1 to import a comma delimited csv file into a SQL table.
One of the fields carries a time value:
Source = textfile, column=DT_STR(8), value format = "hhmmss", e.g. "011525"
Destination = field in SQL table, data type = time(0)
To get it from the textfile to the SQL table I am:
1.) Creating a derived column called [d_Time of Entry]with the following formula -
SUBSTRING([Time of Entry],1,2) + ":" + SUBSTRING([Time of Entry],3,2) + ":" + SUBSTRING([Time of Entry],5,2)
2.) Performing a data conversion task to convert [d_Time of Entry] from DT_STR(8) to time(0) The upload fails because values that start with a zero, i.e. times before 10am, have their leading 0's stripped before being derived. You can see this because "011525" is derived as "11:52:5" when it should be "01:15:25".
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Apr 23, 2015
I need to create an output from a T-SQL query that picks a numeric variable and uses the print function to output with leading zeroes if it is less than three characters long when converted to string. For example if the variable is 12 the output should be 012 and if the variable is 3 the output should be 003.
Presently the syntax I am using is PRINT STR(@CLUSTER,3) . But if @CLUSTER which is numeric is less than three characters I get spaces in front.
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