Preview Data, It Gives You Incorrect Results
Apr 25, 2007
I am reposting this to a different forum, becasue I got not response...
Using VS05 SP1 Pro SQL Express€¦
Take a simple stored procedure like the following to return a specific column from a specific row in a data table ....
It works fine in Store Procedure, and if you create at table adapter to reference it, that works fine as well.
Here is the issue. In the store procedure (i.e. under Server Explorer), when you execute the command to test it, it gives you the correct results. In Edit with Dataset Designer, Table Adapater, if you highlight it, right click preview data, it gives you incorrect results. In code, the table adapter gives you the correct resutls.
In every case, Preview Results for a table adapter built on a stored procedure will give you the wrong results. This is clearly a bug and can result in a log of wasted time.
Am I missing something? FYI, I realize I don't need to use the Table Adapater to execute the above stored procedure, but we are using table adapters for everything to be consistent.
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Feb 28, 2007
I have come across a problem today when working with data sets/table adapter in vs05 for use in
SELECT ws_Agent.Telephone, ws_Agent.Email, ws_Agent.Name, ws_Agent.AgentId, ws_Agent.forename, ws_Agent.surname, ws_Agent.Acc_PcentreID, ws_ProfitCentre.ShortCode, ws_Branch.Name AS branchname, ws_Branch.ManagerId, ws_Branch.Fax AS branchFax, ws_Branch.Telephone AS branchtelephone, ws_Branch.Address1, ws_Branch.Address4, ws_Branch.Postcode, ws_ProfitCentre.Telephone AS PCentreTelephone, ws_ProfitCentre.Status AS PCentreStatus, ws_ProfitCentre.Fax AS PCentreFax, ws_ProfitCentre.Email AS PCentreEmail, ws_Agent.Status, ws_Agent.DisableAccount, ws_ProfitCentre.PCentreID, ws_Branch.Status AS BranchStatusFROM ws_Agent INNER JOIN ws_ProfitCentre ON ws_Agent.Acc_PcentreID = ws_ProfitCentre.PCentreID INNER JOIN ws_Branch ON ws_ProfitCentre.BranchID = ws_Branch.BranchIdWHERE (ws_Agent.Status <> 3) AND (ws_ProfitCentre.Status = 0) AND (ws_Agent.forename LIKE @forename) AND (ws_Agent.surname LIKE @surname ) AND (ws_ProfitCentre.ShortCode LIKE @profitcentreshortcode) AND (ws_Branch.Name LIKE @branchname )
The wildcard syntax works fine when tested in the query builder when passing in % to the parameters
, but does not work correctly NO RESULTS WHEN using preview data and in the subsequent use of data set in code.
Can anyone please comment on this or is there a setting I have missed?
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Jul 26, 2007
SSRS 2005.
I am having trouble with report results. The dataset(dynamic sql sp ) returns correct results for the parameters passed. But when report is previewed with same parameter values(that were supplied to dataset) the results are wrong. It works for certain results, but fails to display correct results for 2 of the categories. I tried deploying it to srvr. There too it fails for same 2 categories. I have been struggling with it all day.
The independently exceuted the sp with the same data supplied to rpt parameters - that also renders correctly.
Has any one faced this type of issue? Is this some type of caching issue? I am totally baffled!
Please help!
Thanks in Adv
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Feb 9, 2007
I am running the following code in my stored procedure and I am not geting the results I need:
set @dbidstr = 'select @dbid = dbid from dbo.databaseoriginalsize'
execute sp_executesql @dbidstr, N'@dbid int output', @dbid output
print @dbid
'select dbid from dbo.databaseoriginalsize' returns values 1-26 but when I run it as a code shown above I only get one value which is 26, 26 times.
What am I doing wrong?
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Oct 23, 2006
I am/have been having an issue with Data Access from a Sql Server database. I have a class that contains a method called "GetDataReader" which takes in a string for the query. Occasionally, the DataReader returned has completely different columns thus resulting in an error when trying to read the data. Below is a small section of code that actually creates the datareader, opens the connection and executes the reader.SqlCommand cmdReader = new SqlCommand();
SqlDataReader drReturn = null;
try {
// Set the connection for the command object
cmdReader.Connection = new SqlConnection(this._csbGlobal.ConnectionString);
// Set the command type
cmdReader.CommandType = Type;
// Set the command text
cmdReader.CommandText = Sql;
// Set the command timeout
cmdReader.CommandTimeout = _iTimeout;
if (Parameters != null) {
// Set the parameters
for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; i++) {
cmdReader.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + Parameters.GetKey(i), Parameters[i]);
// Get the return value
drReturn = cmdReader.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
// Dispose of the command object
cmdReader = null;
} catch (SqlException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Return the reader
return drReturn;The data access class is created on each page and only used for that page and any usercontrols on that page. I have checked all the datareaders and they are all being closed. I have been fighting with this issue for about a month and a half now. It only seems to happen when there are a lot of people on the site.If anyone has experienced this or konws how to fix it please let me know. Thanks-Jason
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Apr 24, 2006
I'm writing a FTS query which needs to search on two different columns.
E.g. Table contains "Location" and "LocationDescription" columns.
Both columns are FT indexed.
The query also uses AND/OR operators to filter out the results.
I found the following article which gives the solution to the same problem.
Is this problem associated with SQL Server 2005 also?
Making a third column which hold data from first two column is the
only solution or is there any other way to acheive better results?
Shailesh Patel...
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May 15, 2007
I have a smalldatetime column in my sql2000 database table and am sorting ascending on a smalldatetime.
The problem is my results are not in desc order like I want.
Now 5/15/2007 is showing up after 5/9/2007.
I need my dates to sort from the most recent to the latest.
Any help is appreciated.
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Jun 4, 2007
I have three tables:
Category: category id, category name, more…
Topic: topic id, topic name, category id, more…
Post: post id, post text, topic id, more…
I need help with a query to display the following:
Category name, # of topics, # of posts
SQL Stored Procedures.........12........562
It’s coming along but there are some problems, ASP.NET actually has 2 posts not 1. And the java totals are correct but it should be Java, 3, 10 (all in one line)
Overview: use category id to get count of topics then use the topic id to get the count of posts.
SELECT C.CategoryName, T.ThreadCount AS Threads, T.PostCount AS Posts
(SELECT tt.CategoryID, PostID.PostCount, COUNT(tt.ThreadName) AS ThreadCount
(SELECT ThreadID, COUNT(PostID) AS PostCount
ON tt.ThreadID = PostID.ThreadID
GROUP BY tt.CategoryID, PostID.PostCount) AS T
ON C.CategoryID = T.CategoryID
WHERE (C.CategoryID = T.CategoryID)
GROUP BY C.CategoryName, T.ThreadCount, T.PostCount
ORDER BY C.CategoryName
Thanks in advance
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Apr 18, 2006
I'm seeing some change in behavior for a query in SQL Server 2005 (compared to behavior in SQL Server 2000). The query is as follows:
create table #projects (projectid int) insert into #projects select projectid from tblprojects where istemplate = 0 and projecttemplateid = 365
Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID
from tblProjects WITH (NOLOCK)
inner join #projects on #projects.projectid = tblprojects.projectid
Inner join tblMilestones WITH (NOLOCK) ON tblProjects.ProjectID = tblMilestones.ProjectID
and tblProjects.projectID in (
select projectid
from tblMilestones
where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' )
and enabled = 1 )
This is dynamic SQL generated by the application when a user requests a report with variable parameters. It works fine in SQL Server 2000. It outputs 47 records which is correct.
In SQL Server 2005, for some reason, the DISTINCT keyword is behaving as a TOP operator and outputs just 1 record. (Results of Showplan Text at the end of this post).
If I modify the query even the slightest bit by:
1) Changing "where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' )
and enabled = 1 )"
To " where (parent = 683691 AND PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' ) )
and enabled = 1 "
2) Changing " Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID"
To " Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID+''"
3) Removing the Distinct keyword, storing into a Temp table, then performing a distinct on the temp table
5) OR completely fixing the query (remove redundant loops, etc) works fine (outputs 47 records). It also works if I created new tables (eg. tMilestones instead of tblMilestones) and inserted about 10 records into each and ran the query referencing these new tables.
I reindexed the tables, updated stats, updated usage, ran DBCC FREEPROCCACHE, changed MaxDOP settings...nothing makes the query behave the way it does in SQL Server 2000 without modifying the query/adding the query hint.
Have you come across this? Any ideas on what might be causing the "TOP" operation. (Somewhat resembles the bug mentioned in this article: - but this was apparently fixed POST-SQL Server 2000 SP4 - so has it not made it into SQL Server 2005 yet?).
I will appreciate any new insights you might have on this issue.
Thanks much,
P.S. Results of Showplan Text:
(1 row(s) affected)
Select distinct tblProjects.ProjectID from tblProjects WITH (NOLOCK)
inner join #projects on #projects.projectid = tblprojects.projectid
Inner join tblMilestones WITH (NOLOCK) ON tblProjects.ProjectID = tblMilestones.ProjectID
and tblProjects.projectID in (
select tblMilestones.projectid from tblMilestones
where (parent = 683691 AND tblMilestones.PrimaryDate between '4/15/2006' and '4/22/2006' )
and tblMilestones.enabled = 1 )
(1 row(s) affected)
|--Stream Aggregate(DEFINE:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[ProjectID]=ANY([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[ProjectID])))
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]))
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]))
| |--Filter(WHERE:(CONVERT_IMPLICIT(tinyint,[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[Enabled],0)=(1)))
| | |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([Uniq1014], [ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]) OPTIMIZED)
| | |--Merge Join(Inner Join, MERGE:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID], [Uniq1014])=([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID], [Uniq1014]), RESIDUAL:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] = [ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] AND [Uniq1014] = [Uniq1014]))
| | | |--Sort(ORDER BY:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] ASC, [Uniq1014] ASC))
| | | | |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[byPrimaryDate]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[PrimaryDate] >= '2006-04-15 00:00:00.000' AND [ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[PrimaryDate] <= '2006-04-22 00:00:00.000') ORDERED FORWARD)
| | | |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[byParentID]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[Parent]=(683691)) ORDERED FORWARD)
| | |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[projectid]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]=[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID] AND [Uniq1014]=[Uniq1014]) LOOKUP ORDERED FORWARD)
| |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[PK_tblProjects_1]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblProjects].[ProjectID]=[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]) ORDERED FORWARD)
|--Top(TOP EXPRESSION:((1)))
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join)
|--Table Scan(OBJECT:([tempdb].[dbo].[#projects]), WHERE:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]=[tempdb].[dbo].[#projects].[projectid]))
|--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[projectid]), SEEK:([ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]=[ExpesiteProductionCopy].[dbo].[tblMilestones].[ProjectID]) ORDERED FORWARD)
(15 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
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Jul 11, 2015
SQL Version:Â SQL2014
PROBLEM: The SQL insert trigger code below is returning incorrect results. In some cases the results returned are from entirely different fields than those specified as the source field in the SET statement. For instance the value returne for the Price_BeforeAdj field does not = 20000000? It returns a NULL. See code below.
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[xcti_WIPAdjustments_I]
  ON [dbo].[budxcWIPAdjustments]
  UPDATE budxcWIPAdjustments
[Code] ....
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Mar 29, 2008
I have a query written in SQL 2000 which returns incorrect result. The query uses left outer join and a view. I read an issue related to this in one of microsoft bug report in this article
However, there's a slight difference in the sympton second bullet wherein instead of a expression the query returns a fixed string for one of the column value.
Although the issue mentioned in article seems to be fixed. The later one still seems to be reproducible even with Service Pack 4. However, this issue doesn't appear in SQL Server 2005.
Here's the query to reproduce this error.
Code Snippetcreate table t1 (pk1 int not null,primary key (pk1))
create table t2 (pk1 int not null,label1 varchar(10) not null,primary key (pk1))
insert into t1 values (1)
insert into t2 values (2, 'XXXXX')
create view V as
select pk1, 'ZZZZ' as label1 from t2
select A.pk1 as A_pk1, B.pk1 as B_pk1, B.label1 as B_label1
from t1 as A left outer join V as B on A.pk1 = B.pk1
This query is similar to the one mentioned in the article except that in the SELECT clause of CREATE VIEW statement I am passing a fixed value for column "label1".
I just want to confirm that this is an issue and no fix is available for this so far.
Naresh Rohra.
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Mar 6, 2007
I have a problem. I have developed a report. When i see the preview of the report there is no data coming up. On the other hand, when I deploy the report and execute the report from the report manager, I am able to see data for the report. It is pointing to the same database.
I feel i am missing something. Any help in this regard is welcome.
Thanks in Advance.
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Apr 28, 2008
I am using Reporting Services 2005, Visual Studio 2005, and Oracle 8.x client.
I have an issue when previewing the report in Visual Studio. I do not receive any errors€¦.. I just don€™t see any data. The strange thing is when I deploy the report and run the report in Report Manager there is data.
I added the TNS and I set the credentials.
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Oct 4, 2006
In my SSIS package, I connect to an external SQL server database. This external database supports a stored procedure that I need to execute to "retrieve data". So in my package, I set the DataAccess Mode property of my OLEDB datasource to "SQL Command" and I provide the command EXEC <proc_name> <Param>,<output_param>. (The proc has an output parameter). The preview shows all the columns and data, but somehow no columns are when I try to link this data source to a copy column task, I get an error saying the source does not have any columns...any idea why this could be happening. Thanks - Manmeet
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Apr 8, 2008
I've inherited a SSRS project from a former employee. I've gotten the reports moved to the Report Server on my local machine (which runs Sql Server 2005 with SSRS), and other users are having no problems viewing reports.
However, when I try to create a new Report Project using the Business Intelligence Project type in VS 2005, I can't view the RDL files in any way except plain-old XML. I have no Data | Layout | Preview tabs. If I create the RDL using the Report Wizard, I can still take the rdl files and deploy them successfully. But I can never edit them in Layout mode. Is something misconfigured or not installed properly? Thanks for your help.
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Jun 3, 2015
error[42000][mysql][odbc 5.3 (a) driver] mysqld-5.6.21 -log] where preview a data
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Dec 19, 2005
I have a tried two different reports one with table and the other without The last textbox in both reports contains enough text which should fill half of first page and half of second page. In both reports the print preview and export to PDF keeps the first page blank and puts all the data in the second page. It appears that the textbox control doesn't know when to place a pagebreak when in print preview and export to PDF. The rdl file has no pagebreaks defined anywhere. Thanks in advance for your help!
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Nov 10, 2010
I have a package which has an Excel source with the 'Data access mode' set to SQL command and then a sql select statement. Â When I try and hit the 'Preview...' button below the 'SQL command text' window I get the following error:
 "Error at Standard Data Flow Tasks [source tasks name]: No column information was returned by the SQL command"
Ordinarily this would be down to the fact that my SQL is shocking, I hit the 'Preview...' button whilst the workbook the source is pointing at was open and it works fine??
I can't figure this out, but needless to say the package errors with a NEEDSNEWMETADATA when I try and run it.
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Apr 1, 2007
hi, like, if i need to do delete some items with the id = 10000 then also need to update on the remaining items on the with the same idthen i will need to go through all the records to fetch the items with the same id right? so, is there something that i can use to hold those records so that i can do the delete and update just on those records and don't need to query twice? or is there a way to do that in one go ?thanks in advance!
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Oct 29, 2001
I ran this query against the pubs database and it runs successfully
ALTER TABLE publishers ALTER COLUMN state CHAR(25)
I change the table & field names for my db as follows:
ALTER TABLE customquery ALTER COLUMN toclause CHAR(25)
and run against my database and I get the following error - Incorrect syntax near 'COLUMN'.
My column name is correct - I don't know why it would run fine against pubs, but not my db. I do not have quoted identifiers turned on. I have tried using [] around my column name [toclause], but that didn't change anything. Any help would be appreciated.
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May 6, 2015
I am exporting SSRS report to Excel I am aware that excel doesn't show footer , It shows in print preview but my footer has text box which have text disclaimer more than 255 characters, the data getting truncated.
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Apr 27, 2007
I have a very weird and frustrating problem at a customer. Since two months we are busy developing a report model, so users are able to create their own reports using the reportbuilder.
Suddenly the 1:n relations seem to be screwed! If I have a simple relation between entities, like a customer can have optional multiple invoices and a invoice has always one customer..
When in reportbuilder I select the customername, invoicenumber and #Invoices, then I expect there is only one invoice per invoicenumber. (When I select this in a query myself it is the truth...) But, the reportbuilder gives 2 as a result. This suddenly happens to all my 1:n roles.
It's not only in the #invoices fields, even when i select invoice amount this amount is being multiplied by 2.
I opened a backup of my project from one month ago, with the same relation in it and try to make the same report and it gave me the right results. But ofcourse I don't want to waste a month works, so I need to get this model working!
Thanks in advance
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May 24, 2001
I'm working with PivotTable on Excel 2000 which is connected to an OLAP server (from SQL Server 7 installation). The pivot is intended to analyze Sales during April 2001. Yesterday I found out that OLAP/Excel returned/displayed inconsistent data. The 'April Total' value is NOT equal to the 'Quarter 2 Total' (I already inspected the underlying database and sure that there is absolutely NO data for months after April 2001). The value for 'April Total' is the correct one. I'm not sure whether the problem resides on the OLAP Server or Excel (pivot) itself. For ones who like to help me I would be glad to supply you with the screenshots (just email me).
Please help.
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Mar 11, 1999
Thanks for anybody that can help me with this.
When I double click on a database in the Enterprise Manager and the "Database Space Available" (in the Database tab) always shows 0.00 MB even though there is space available. This only happens to one of our database. The data device is 1.8GB and log device is 360MB and I've allocated all the space from device to database.
We're using SQL Server 6.5 sp3 in NT 4.0 sp3.
Anybody knows why is SQL Server reporting 0.00MB when you know there is space avaialble. I need to know the data space available and log space available so that I can expand it when the space runs low. Please help.
Thank you,
Jimmy Jen
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Oct 29, 2007
In several years experience with 50+ SQL Servers I have not seen this message until recently, failing integrity check jobs normally indicate a table corruption due to faulty hard disks. This message however has come up several times in the last month with our SQL 2005 SP2 sites:-
DBCC results for 'DonorReceipts'.
Msg 2508, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The In-row data RSVD page count for object "DonorReceipts", index ID 0, partition ID 49648614572032, alloc unit ID 49648614572032 (type In-row data) is incorrect. Run DBCC UPDATEUSAGE.
There are 6932 rows in 103 pages for object "DonorReceipts".
We have hundreds of tables and the message is normally on different tables each time. Running DBCC UPDATEUSAGE fixes the problem but does anyone know what causes it in the first place? Shouldn't the standard maintenance plans have an option to do this already?
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Feb 5, 2008
I'm getting a strange truncation warning in a data flow, similar to what is posted here:
In my case, I have a column in a pipeline that is DT_STR with a length of 20. I'm trying to insert data from the data flow into a table (via an OLEDB destination) in which the destination column is varchar(50). When I review the metadata throughout the data flow, everything looks correct. However, I get a truncation warning stating that data loss might occur when inserting data into the string column of length 20 from a source column of length 50. Thus, it looks like the data flow is swapping the metadata for the source and destination columns when validating the data flow (and thus, producting the warning).
This is a pretty complex data flow, so I'd rather not have to rebuild it. And changing the metadata of the source column to be DT_STR with a length of 50 is going to wreak minor havoc in the data flow (as lots of things use that column).
Has anyone seen anything similar to this? The post referenced above deals with a package that is constructed programmatically, but the package I'm working with was created the old fashioned way...
Any help would be appreciated.
Dave Fackler
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Mar 8, 2008
I keep getting this error whenever I try to run my query: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near '>'.
I'm just trying to fill a dataset with three tables that contain the past few days headlines...what am I doing wrong?? Private Sub fishHeadlines()
Dim dateNow As DateTime = DateTime.Now()Dim dateThen As DateTime = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-2)
'create the table array so we can create the sql statement in a moment
Dim table() As Stringtable = New String() {"Snapper", "Scissor", "MahiMahi"}
Dim strSelect As String
'Create a dataset to hold the tables containing the headlinesDim headlinesDS As New DataSet()
'create the connection string - SnapshotConnectionString is in web.config file
Dim strConnect As StringstrConnect = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("fishConnectionString").ConnectionString
'create a connection object to the databaseDim objConnect As New SqlConnection(strConnect)
Dim i As Integer
'fill the datatablesFor i = 0 To table.Length
strSelect = "SELECT Event FROM " & table(i) & "WHERE (DateOfEntry > '" & dateThen & "')"
'create a data adapter object using connection and sql statementsDim objDA1 As New SqlDataAdapter(strSelect, objConnect)
'fill the dataset
objDA1.Fill(headlinesDS, table(i))
Dim strTable As StringDim dr As DataRow
strTable = "<table>"For i = 0 To table.Length
For Each dr In headlinesDS.Tables(table(i)).Rows
strTable += "<tr><td>" & dr(0).ToString() & "</td></tr>"
strTable += "</table>"
'display the data
lblHeadlines.Text = strTable
End Sub
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Dec 1, 2007
Hi everyone,
If I have a table with some indexes on the foriegn keys and these indexes are heavily fragmented (80%+), is it normal for queries to return incorrect results?
For example if I had a table called Customer( CustID, Name) and Orders (OrderID, CustID, Product, Date).
Lets say I have a non clustered index on CustID in Orders table, and the clustered indexes are Customer.CustID and Orders.OrderID
If the non clusterd index on Orders.CustID becomes heavily fragmented and I am querying the Orders table with TSQL "SELECT * FROM Orders where CustID = @CustID" I sometimes get missing data or incorrect results. In one case all orders for a particular year were missing, but if I queried using OderID they were returned. Rebuilding the index fixed the problem.
I know the index should be rebuilt or reorganized depending on the fragmentation but if one happened to become this fragmented should it start returning incorrect data?
- Using SQL Server Express 2005
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May 2, 2005
I'm having Some Problem with my code....Whenever i try to insert from using a Insert button page gives me this error
"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Plan'."
Can somebody help me What's the Problem...for your convenience i'm giving my code
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
End If
End Sub
Sub doInsert(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)
Dim myConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(strConn)Dim MySQL as string = "Insert into Activities (ActDate, Activity, Plan, Completed) values (@ActDate, @Activity, @Plan, @Completed);"
Dim Cmd as New SQLCommand(MySQL, MyConn)
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SQLParameter("@ActDate", Textbox2.Text)) cmd.Parameters.Add(New SQLParameter("@Activity", Label5.TExt)) cmd.Parameters.Add(New SQLParameter("@Plan", Textbox3.text)) cmd.Parameters.Add(New SQLParameter("@Completed", Textbox4.text)) ' cmd.Parameters.Add(New SQLParameter("@Comments", Text11.text)) MyConn.Open() cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
BindData() MyConn.Close() label12.text = "Your data has been received!" ' else ' label12.text = "Data Already Enter For This Item-Name for This Date"
' end ifEnd Sub
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Sep 6, 2011
I have a Fact table that contains several degenerate string values that I have pulled into a Fact Dimension.
When I browse the cube and cut one of the measures by an attribute from the Fact Dimension, I am getting incorrect data.
In other words, when I query the fact table directly via SQL and apply the same filters, I see the data I am expecting to see. But cube browse with same filters yields different results.
How can this happen since the fact dimension has a 1:1 relationship with the fact table.
I do have the Dimension Usage configured properly.
Is this an aggregation thing? Attribute key thing? What am I missing?
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Aug 26, 2015
Every time i open table to edit data with SSDT and filter some column to find row to edit, when i try to do the edit i get the error
 "Incorrect syntax near keyworld 'WHERE'",
But then if i give ok and esc, refreshing data the value i entered is stored.
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May 7, 2008
Hi all,I want to preview my local report(.rdlc) in PDF Format.
I found some code,but i am getting following error
An error occurred during local report processing.
At the Following Location.
bytes = ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Render("PDF", Nothing, mimeType, encoding, extension, streamids, warnings)
Pls Help me.
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Nov 7, 2007
Hello. First of all sorry for my english (I'm from Spain).
I'm using Sql server reporting services and I made a report. But when I print it, it isn't like I see in preview.
In header I have this line to display content of a textbox that is in detail:
I can see OK this value in preview, but when I print it this value isn't visible.
And in printed version there is one page more than in preview. Page is configured (A4) and preview is OK, but printed version is not like preview!!??
Can anybody helpme please?
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