Is there a way to print the source code from the local package. I know you can go in the source and cut and paste it into a word document. I was wondering if there was a way to do it when you are in designing the package so that it would print all the source codes of SQL statments/queries.
I am printing my reports from my local report viewr, and the margins are off by just a little bit. It looks like printing shifts the contents of the report 1/8 inch to the right, borking the margins.
Report body is 7" wide Margins are .75" inch on all sides Print Preview mode displays the report properly, centered Output is similarly skewed on all printers (tried 4) This is using the VS SP1 version of the RS dll's. However, when I print the report I get it shifted to the right by 1/8 inch. This leaves me with a 7/8" margin on the left, and a 5/8" margin on the right.
Setting the margins to Left: 0.625, Right: 0.875 (5/8&7/8) actually causes it to print centered, so I know it is paying attention. When I do this, the print layout mode shows the contents shifted to the left 1/8", as expected.
I assume that people print using this control, or at least it was tested, so has anyone else seen this or is it a confirmed bug?
I have a local report for which i am binding the Dataset dynamically. I am trying to print this report using a seperate button on the page. I saw in the forums saying that the reportviewer can be converted to an EMF file, bind this to an image control and can Print this image using Javascript.
Can anyone help me with the sample code to print local report from the reportviewer (it may be in any approach.)
I am in need of a format string or simple vb code that can add the local time zone to the end of a time field.. Something like: 9:36 AM EST 9:36 AM PST
This timezone will just come from the machine that the reporting server is on. I don't see this listed as a standard format, and I have come up empty so far in my research - anyone got a solution for this?
I used a non-printing character (hex 97) in one of my derived column transformations which made my data flow task comopnents disappear, and throw the error during execution:
"Warning: The DataFlow task has no components. Add components or remove the task."
In order to fix the package, I thought I could open the .dtsx file in code/raw form, find the misbehaving character, remove it, and I'd be good to go.
But I can't figure out how to read the .dtsx code to find the character (despite my best efforts with a hex editor).
Anyone have any ideas? Fixing this package could save me days of rework...
While Creating a script task in Control Flow, I am getting "Package Validation Error". Here is the complete message:
Error at Validate File and Load Data: The task is configured to pre-compile the script, but binary code is not found. Please visit the IDE in Script Task Editor by clicking Design Script button to cause binary code to be generated. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.VsIntegration)
As mentioned in the message, I opened the script IDE and added the code I need. When I close the VSA IDE, package designer displays the same error message.
The worst part of whole story is that if I close the package designer and reopen it, I find that all the code I wrote in the script task has been deleted by the package designer. This is not at all acceptable as I saved the package the and still lost all my work. I did all the coding from scratch for that task.
Please respond if anyone faced similar problem.
Thanks in advance!
PS: If any one from Microsoft is reading this, please see what you guys are coding there. Due to the buggy software you deliver, I am loosing my credibility.<P< P>
I have an automation project to review the software. The software is using MSVS2012 and uses DBs from MSSQL2012. Is it possible to restore the DB files on my local laptop to review the code completed thus far? If so what other software would I need besides MSQLserver 2012 on my local laptop.  I'm able to use MSSQL server 2012 on my local laptop, but the DBs are on servers.Â
For example, executing a DTSX stored in a server, execution is fine and successfully but the log file attached to that DTSX is not created at all after the execution. Otherwise if I'm going to execute from the server everything is fine: log file is created and gathering the usual information.
Let me know if exists any option for to enable this from the own DTSX.
If I run local packages log files are created without problems.
, Hi In this code how can I create a new data source and new data source view and model and structure that it run dynamic. In this code I have a lot of errors, that they are about server and database don€™t have in current code, In this code, first I should definition server or no?
How can I create data source and data source view and model and structure? Please say code of that, and guide me. databasename and srv is unknown. Do I add other reference with analysis services? Please explain about these codes: ************************************************************************ 1) RelationalDataSource dsNew = new RelationalDataSource( datasourceName, Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID( datasourceName, typeof(RelationalDataSource)));
So I have been asked by our sustainability person to create report from our printing data that actually shows the number of pieces of paper used. This is easy enough for single-sided printing, but when printing in duplex the software does not take into account that 3 printing pages actually equates to 2 pieces of paper. I know this sounds simple, but say I have a print job record that looks like this:
Submitted printed total_pages duplex 8/10/2015 8/10/2015 42 1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
This is a print jobs that if done correctly is actually 21 pages( duplex printing). If the job is say total_pages =5 I cant just divide by 2 because its actually using 3 pieces of paper ( yes they are wanting this data don't ask why). How can I adjust some sql to accurately depict 5 pages, front and back, as 3 pieces of paper?
I have deployed a report that is configured for landscape printing. It does print in landscape, however, only the first seven columns appear on the first page and the other five columns appear on the next page. Is there a method, like in print preview setup in MS Excel, where we can scale down the print (like to 80%) so all columns appear on each page?
Hello,I'm struggling a giant fight with my webprovider ( 2.0) in the following case:I'm using the default connectionstring which automatic is provided when I create an webstarterskit. This connectionstring is working fine when i deployed that kit to a W2003 server testenvironment and is also running on my laptop. But when I tried to deploy the website to my (new) hostingserver, also a W2003 server, I landed in ERROR-land. The last error I received was:Cannot open database "Club" requested by the login. The login failed.> Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.NB: I gave that user the right privileges and roles. My provider is not willing in sending me an example of a good working connectionstring and is directing me to their FAQ-site in which the right connectionstring is mentioned. That string looks like this (for a MS SQL database):strConnectie = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _ "Data Source=(local)SQLEXPRESS;" & _ "Initial Catalog=[GEBRUIKERSNAAM];" & _ "User Id=[GEBRUIKERSNAAM];" & _ "Password=[WACHTWOORD]"My connectionstring in web.config looks like this:<connectionStrings><clear/><add name="ClubSiteDB" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLExpress;Integrated Security=true;AttachDBFileName=|DataDirectory|Club.mdf;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/><remove name="LocalSqlServer"/><add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf" /></connectionStrings>Is there anybody in this forum that can help me out and explain to me how to use the string, as provided by the host, in the default connectionstring i use in web.config ??Any help is welcome and appreciated.NB: I'm using VWD 2005 Express Edition and SQL Server Management Studio ExpressHarry Elzinga
Hi,I'm developing an application to crypt SQL databases and i need toread SP and Views source code from VB6, if you know how to do thisplease answer me.Greetings.
I am trying to get source code of a view (SELECT part) into an TSQL variable, but I have no idea, where to find this source code and how to proceede the assignment ? Any idea ? thanks
Hi, We use a lot of stored procedures within our project and I am looking for a source code/versioning control software that can be used with SQL Server 7.0 to track any changes to these stored procedures. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Look for recommendations for the best product out there to facilitate both source control and code deployment. Typical features I would be looking for are bullet below:
Control object versions Tracking History Automated feature Capture database changes Roll-back feature (should such a thing exist)
Hi am trying without luck to load a package which contains a ScriptTask and read the source code of that task.
I can load the package and get the ScriptTask no problem. However i am not sure how to get the source code. I know i have to use the ScriptTaskCodeProvider and i assume the GetSourceCode() method.
This is what i have so far
ScriptTask scriptTask = taskHost.InnerObject as ScriptTask; ScriptTaskCodeProvider codeProvider = new ScriptTaskCodeProvider(); codeProvider.LoadFromTask(scriptTask); string sourceCode = codeProvider.GetSourceCode(scriptTask.VsaProjectName);
I have the following problem with a local dts package which I created with a domain adminuser (domainadmdba) and runs ms oledb for oracle to execute access for a oracle database. thereafter the data fills up into a sqlserver table, this runs as local package perfectly. if i place the package into the scheduler and run the dts-job with an another domain user (domainsrv_sql=service account) i get connecting problems. the service account (domainsrv_sql) has sysadmin right in sqlserver and local administrator right on the operating system. which right must the service account possess, so that he has the necessary right to execute this dts package?
single dump from the log file:
with admdba:
The execution of the following DTS Package succeeded:
Step 'Delete from Table [HELPDESK].[dbo].[cuspers] Step' succeeded Step 'Copy Data from Results to [HELPDESK].[dbo].[cuspers] Step' failed
Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Step Error Description:Unspecified error (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle (80004005): The Oracle(tm) client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3.3 (or greater) client software installation.
You will be unable to use this provider until these components have been installed.) Step Error code: 80074005 Step Error Help File:sqldts.hlp Step Error Help Context ID:1100
I have a fairly large DTS package which processes a large amount of data and outputs it to a series of tables. Currently I am saving the package as a local package, but I want to save it as a file to make migrating to different servers easier for the people who will be moving it. My question is, Can I run the package as a file without saving it as a local package on the server? And if so, are there any good examples of how to do it out there?
I'm looking to create a table in SQL using data from the as/400. I need some code that extracts it from as/400 using odbc and I need it to loop and create that table every minute. The file its retrieving is a live file but not very large.. I need to basically poll the data. Does anyone have code for something like this.. thanks
Hi all, I am in a situation where some reports were developed by a colleague who left the company. The reports were published on the server but since the code behind the reports was deleted inadvertently. We don't have documentation about them.
My questions are:
is there a way to recover the source code?
is there a way to produce a report showing a list of the reports and the underlying data straucture/stored procedure, even in cases where the RDL is missing (i.e. from the published report)? Many thanks in advance Massimo
Hello, I'm not up to speed on the IBM database and provider technologies, and I have an issue that I'm not clear on. I am using the .Net ODBC Data Provider in a connection mananger. The DSN uses the iSeries Access ODBC Driver. I have iSeries Access for Windows version 5 release 4 installed on laptop where I have built the package.
I have a sql command configured in a DataReader source that uses the connection manager. Between the source and sql server table destination, I have a Derived Column transform that converts the columns from Unicode to non unicode data.
When I run the package, I get an error that states that the package failed because a particular column, 'ADDR1' is set to fail if truncation occurs. I set up error output to a text file so that I could look at the failing row(s). The text file had to be set up using UTF-8 before it would accept data. The ADDR1 column at the destination will accept 30 characters. The data in the ADDR1 column of the failing row is 19 characters long, but I think there is a carriage return character present. I have tried TRIM in the exression for the column, but no luck. I have tried code pages 65001, and 37 in the Derived Column transform, but that has not worked. I remembered to set up DefaultCodePage and AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage for the OLE DB destination for each code page change.
Am I not using the correct code page, or do I need to do something else to clean up the data?
i have a number of interfaces in which i have used oledb source.
the problem i am facing is oledb source components code page is not configurable now if i want to deploy the interface in a different environment which has a database with a different collation it gives a error that oledb source needs new metadata.
has anybody faced this problem earlier.please give me a solution to this problem ..