Problem To Retrieve Data From SQL Server 7.0 Via Stored Procedure
Jun 16, 2001
I'm writing VB 6.0 codes to retrieve data from SQL Server 7.0. if the sql code is embedded in VB, everything works fine. But when I tried to use stored procedure, one error called "invalid object name 'author'" occurs. author is a table in my database and obviously is in the database. what's wrong?
Hello Group I am new to stored procedures and I have been fighting this for a while and I hope someone can help. In my sp it checks username and password and returns an integer value. I would like to retrieve some data from the same database about the user (the users first and last name and the password of the user). I can’t retrieve the data. Here is my code. CREATE PROCEDURE stpMyAuthentication ( @fldUsername varchar( 50 ), @fldPassword Char( 25 )--, --@fldFirstName char( 30 ) OUTPUT, --@fldLastName char( 30 ) OUTPUT ) As DECLARE @actualPassword Char( 25 ) SELECT @actualPassword = fldPassword FROM tbMembUsers Where fldUsername = @fldUsername IF @actualPassword IS NOT NULL IF @fldPassword = @actualPassword RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN -2 ELSE RETURN -1
SELECT fldFirstName, fldLastName, fldPassword FROM tbMembUsers Where fldUsername = @fldUsername GO ############### login page ################ Sub Login_Click(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) If IsValid Then If MyAuthentication(Trim(txtuserID.Text), Trim(txtpaswrd.Text)) > 0 Then FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(Trim(txtuserID.Text), False) End If End If End Sub
Function MyAuthentication(ByVal strUsername As String, ByVal strPassword As String) As Integer Dim myConn As SqlConnection Dim myCmd As SqlCommand Dim myReturn As SqlParameter Dim intResult As Integer Dim sqlConn As String Dim strFirstName, strLastName As String
sqlConn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("sqlConnStr") myConn = New SqlConnection(sqlConn)
myCmd = New SqlCommand("stpMyAuthentication", myConn) myCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
If intResult < 0 Then If intResult = -1 Then lblMessage.Text = "Username Not Registered!<br><br>" Else lblMessage.Text = "Invalid Password!<br><br>" End If End If
Return intResult End FunctionAt this time I am not getting any errors. How can I retrieve the data that I am after? Michael
I'm trying to re-write my database to de-couple the interface (MS Access) from the SQL Backend. As a result, I'm going to write a number of Stored Procedures to replace the MS Access code. My first attempt worked on a small sample, however, trying to move this on to a real table hasn't worked (I've amended the SP and code to try and get it to work on 2 fields, rather than the full 20 plus).It works in SQL Management console (supply a Client ID, it returns all the client details), but does not return anything (recordset closed) when trying to access via VBA code.The Stored procedure is:-
USE [VMSProd] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [Clients].[vms_Get_Specified_Client] Script Date: 22/09/2015 16:29:59 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON
I need some help retrieving the stored procedure listed below. I would like to use a drop list to select the variable "UserName" and textboxes to send the variables "StartingDate" and "EndingDate". How do I pass these variables and then have the results show up in a gridview? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[aspnet_starterkits_GetTimeEntryUserReportByUserNameAndDates] @UserName NVARCHAR(256), @StartingDate datetime, @EndDate datetimeASDECLARE @UserId AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIERSET NOCOUNT ONSELECT @UserId=UserId FROM aspnet_users WHERE UserName=@UserNameSELECT @UserName as UserName, SUM (timeentryDuration) AS TotalDuration,SUM (timeentryOvertime) AS TotalOvertimeHoursFROM aspnet_starterkits_TimeEntryWHERE aspnet_starterkits_TimeEntry.TimeEntryUserId=@UserId AND TimeEntryDate between @StartingDate and @EndDate
Hi, Can anyone please help me solve this problem. My functions works well with this stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE proc_curCourseID@studentID int ASSELECT * FROM StudentCourse WHERE mark IS NULL AND studentID = @studentID AND archived IS NULLGO But when I applied the same function to the following stored procedure CREATE PROCEDURE proc_memberDetails@memberID int ASSELECT * FROM member WHERE id = @memberIDGO I received this message Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure or function proc_memberDetails has too many arguments specified.Source Error:
Line 33: SqlDataAdapter sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter(); Line 34: sqlDA.SelectCommand = sqlComm; Line 35: sqlDA.Fill(dataSet); Line 36: Line 37: return dataSet; The function I am using is returning a DataSet as below: public DataSet ExecuteStoredProcSelect (string sqlProcedure, ArrayList paramName, ArrayList paramValue) { DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); SqlConnection sqlConnect = new SqlConnection(GetDBConnectionString()); SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand (sqlProcedure, sqlConnect); sqlComm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
for (int n=0; n<paramName.Count; n++) { sqlComm.Parameters.Add(paramName[n].ToString(),Convert.ToInt32(paramValue[n])); }
SqlDataAdapter sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter(); sqlDA.SelectCommand = sqlComm; sqlDA.Fill(dataSet); return dataSet; } If this is not the correct way, is there any other way to write a function to return a dataset as the result of the stored procedure? Thanks.
I have a stored procedure that return either 1 or -1 : IF EXISTS( ) BEGIN return 1 ENDELSE BEGIN return -1 ENDAnd then I try to retrieve the returned value by doing this:int value = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());But the value I get is always 0. Anyone see what is wrong?
Hi to all! Is there a system stored procedure that retrieve info or name about an object? I must know if a database contains a specific table and i must know if there is a specific DTS.. before execute it.. someone could help me??
Hi, I'm having problems retrieving the output parameter from my stored procedure, i'm getting the following error An SqlParameter with ParameterName '@slideshowid' is not contained by this SqlParameterCollection code as follows: int publicationId = (int) Session["PublicationId"];string title = txtTitle.Text;int categoryid = Convert.ToInt32(dlCategory.SelectedItem.Value);SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"]);SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("sp_be_addSlideshow", myConnection);myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;myCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@publicationid", SqlDbType.Int));myCommand.Parameters["@publicationid"].Value = publicationId;myCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@title", SqlDbType.NVarChar));myCommand.Parameters["@title"].Value = title;myCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@categoryid", SqlDbType.Int));myCommand.Parameters["@categoryid"].Value = categoryid;myConnection.Open();myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();string slideshowId = myCommand.Parameters["@slideshowid"].Value.ToString();myConnection.Close(); my stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE sp_be_addSlideshow( @publicationid int, @title nvarchar(50), @categoryid int, @slideshowid int = NULL OUTPUT)AS INSERT INTO Slideshow(publicationid,title,slideshowcategoryid,deleted) VALUES (@publicationid,@title,@categoryid,0) SELECT @slideshowid = SCOPE_IDENTITY()GO
Im a bit confused on my programming skills. I know how to add a user and password using the Membership.CreateUser class. ' Define database connection Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Server=localhostSqlExpress;" & _ "Database=lnp;Integrated Security=True") ' Create command Dim comm As New SqlCommand( _ "SELECT oldLogId, oldPassword FROM userDetails WHERE (oldLogId = N'chuck') OR (oldLogId = N'top_dawg')", conn) ' Open connection conn.Open() ' Execute the command Dim reader As SqlDataReader = comm.ExecuteReader() ' Do something with the data While reader.Read() Dim partPassword = reader.Item("oldPassword") ' Adds underscore character and first 3 letters of password for distinct USER ID Dim newUserID = reader.Item("oldLogId") & "_" & partPassword.SubString(0, 3) ' Create User if Valid Try Membership.CreateUser(newUserID, partPassword) Catch ex As MembershipCreateUserException ' Code that is executed when an exception is generated ' The exception's details are accessible through the ex object usersLabel.Text &= "<p><strong>Exception: " & newUserID & "</strong><br />" & ex.ToString() & "<br /><strong>Message: </strong><br />" & ex.Message & "</p>" End Try End While usersLabel.Text &= "<p><strong>END OF RECORDS</strong></p>" ' Close the reader and the connection reader.Close() conn.Close() But now I want to do something in a Stored Procedure USE [lnp]GOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_createPortingDetailsWithUsers]-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @passUserId NVarChar(50), @passPassword NVarChar(50)ASBEGIN-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from-- interfering with SELECT statements.SET NOCOUNT ON;Membership.CreateUser(@passUserId, @passPassword)Select SCOPE_IDENTITY()ENDBut when I try to execute this in SQL SERVER MANAGEMENT STUDIO EXPRESS, I get an error near the line MEMBERSHIP.CREATEUSER(@passUserId,@passPassword)Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_createPortingDetailsWithUsers, Line 11Incorrect syntax near 'Membership'. What I want to do is create a user with a UserID and Password that I am passing from a table and then retrieve the USERID (unique identifier) when I create the new user. Can anyone suggest or show a tutorial on what I am doing wrong? I appreciate any assistance in advance,Chuck
I am trying to return the id of the newly added row after the insert statement in my stored procedure. I was told to "RETURN SCOPE_IDENTITY()", which i did. The problem is i do not know how to get this value in
I added this code below in my business layer. myDAL refers to an object of my DAL layer. In my DAL layer, i have a addPara() method which will help me dynamically add as many parameters. Someone please advise me on what to do. Thanks
-- Now return the InventoryID of the newly inserted record RETURN SCOPE_IDENTITY() GO
Development - Visual Studio 2005 Database - MS SQL 2005
I have written a stored procedure that has a output parameter whose type is NVARCHAR(MAX). Then I use C# to wrap this stored procedure in OLEDB way. That means the OleDbType for that parameter is VarWChar.
This works fine if the string size is less than 4000. If more than 4000, the remaining part will be chopped off. The situation gets worst if I replace VarWChar with LongVarWChar. There is no error nor warning at compiling time. But there is an exception at run time.
So... Does anyone here can help me out? Thanks in advance.
Hi Guys, I have a sql procedure that returns the following result when I execute it in query builder: CountE ProjStatus 6 In Progress 3 Complete 4 On Hold The stored procedure is as follow: SELECT COUNT(*) AS countE, ProjStatusFROM PROJ_ProjectsGROUP BY ProjStatus This is the result I want but when I try to output the result on my page I get the following error: DataBinder.Eval: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name Count. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: DataBinder.Eval: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name Count.Source Error:
Line 271: </asp:TemplateColumn> Line 272: <asp:TemplateColumn> Line 273: <itemtemplate> <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Count" )%> </itemtemplate> Line 274: </asp:TemplateColumn> Line 275: </columns> My page is as follows: <script runat="server"> Dim myCommandPS As New SqlCommand("PROJ_GetProjStatus")
' Mark the Command as a SPROC myCommandPS.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure Dim num as integer num = CInt(myCommand.ExecuteScalar) 'Set the datagrid's datasource to the DataSet and databind Dim myAdapterPS As New SqlDataAdapter(myCommandPS) Dim dsPS As New DataSet() myAdapter.Fill(dsPS)
Hi All, Does anyone have a Stored Procedure that works perfectly to retrieve all zipcodes within a specified zipcode and distance radius - a zipcode and radius is passed and the Store Procedure result shows all zipcodes that falls within that range.
In my application on click of Delete button, actually I am not deleting the record. I am just updating the flag. But before updating the record I just want to know the dependency of the record ie. if the record I am deleting(internally updating) exists any where in the dependent tables, it should warn the user with message that it is available in the child table, so it can not be deleted. I want to check the dependency dynamically. For that I have written the following procedure. But it is updating in both cases.
CREATE proc SProc_DeleteRecord @TableName varchar(50), @DeleteCondition nVarchar(200) As Begin Begin Transaction Declare @DelString nvarchar(4000) set @DelString = 'Delete from ' + @TableName + ' where ' + @DeleteCondition execute sp_executeSql @DelString RollBack Transaction --because i donot want to delete the record in any case If @@Error <> 0 Begin select '1' End Else Begin Declare @SQLString nvarchar(4000) set @SQLString = 'Update ' + @TableName + ' set DeletedFlag=1 where ' + @DeleteCondition execute sp_executeSql @SQLString select '0' End
I'm trying to figure this out I have a store procedure that return the userId if a user exists in my table, return 0 otherwise ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Create Procedure spUpdatePasswordByUserId @userName varchar(20), @password varchar(20) AS Begin Declare @userId int Select @userId = (Select userId from userInfo Where userName = @userName and password = @password) if (@userId > 0) return @userId else return 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ I create a function called UpdatePasswordByUserId in my dataset with the above stored procedure that returns a scalar value. When I preview the data from the table adapter in my dataset, it spits out the right value. But when I call this UpdatepasswordByUserId from an page, it returns null/blank/0 passport.UserInfoTableAdapters oUserInfo = new UserInfoTableAdapters(); Response.Write("userId: " + oUserInfo.UpdatePasswordByUserId(txtUserName.text, txtPassword.text) ); Do you guys have any idea why?
We have a sort of complex user structure in the sense that depending on the type of user the data resides in different tables. Therefor I needed a stored procedure that finds out what table to look for a certain column in. Below is such a stored procedure and it works like it should but my problem is that I don't know how to retrieve the result (which should be a string so can't use RETURN).
I've tried using an OUTPUT variable but since I just run EXEC (@statement) in the end I can't really set an output variable the common way (as in EXEC @outputVariable = PMC_User_GetUserValue(arg1, arg2..)) or can I?
I have also tried to use SELECT to catch the result somehow but no luck and Google didn't help either so now I'm hoping for one of you... Notice that you don't have to bother about much of the code except for the end of it where I want it to return somehow or figure out a way to call this stored procedure and retrieve the result.
Thanks in advance ripern
-- Retrieves the value of column @columnName for credential id @credID ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PMC_User_GetUserValue] @credID int, @columnName nvarchar(50) AS
DECLARE @userDataTable nvarchar(50) DECLARE @userDataID int DECLARE @statement nvarchar(500) SET @statement = ' '
SET @userDataID = (SELECT PMC_UserMapping.fk_userDataID FROM PMC_UserMapping INNER JOIN PMC_User ON PMC_UserMapping.fk_user_id = WHERE PMC_User.fk_credentials_id = @credID)
SET @userDataTable = (SELECT PMC_UserType.userDataTable FROM PMC_UserType INNER JOIN PMC_UserMapping ON = PMC_UserMapping.fk_usertype_id INNER JOIN PMC_User ON PMC_UserMapping.fk_user_id = WHERE PMC_User.fk_credentials_id = @credID)
SET @statement = 'SELECT ' + @columnName + ' AS columnValue FROM ' + @userDataTable + ' WHERE id=' + convert(nvarchar, @userDataID)
-- Checks whether the given column name exists in the user data table for the given credential id. IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME=@userDataTable AND COLUMN_NAME=@columnName ) BEGIN EXEC (@statement) END
hi, i am a nubie, and struggling with the where clause in my stored procedure. here is what i need to do: i have a gridview that displays records of monthly view of data. i want the user to be able to page through any selected month to view its corresponding data. the way i wanted to do this was to set up three link buttons above my gridview: [<<Prev] [Selected Month] [Next>>] the text for 'selected month' would change to correspond to which month of data was currently being displayed in the gridview (and default to the current month when the application first loads). i am having trouble writing the 'where' clause in my stored procedure to retrieve the selected month and year. i am using sql server 2000. i read this article (, but was not able to adapt it to what i am doing. i am open to other suggestions of how to do this if you know of a cleaner or more efficient way. thanks!
I need to call a stored procedure to insert data into a table in SQL Server from SSIS data flow task. I am currently trying to use OLe Db Destination, but I am not sure how to map inputs to OLE DB Destination to my stored procedure insert. Thanks
I want to retrieve SQL 2000 Encrypted Column Data From SQL 2005 strored proc. My Stored Procedure was on SQL 2000 and it works fine....Then I restore Database From SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. The Following Statement is on my store proce.
select user_id , Encrypt(user_pass) from OpenRowset('SQLOLEDB','myserver';'sa';'mypass',databasename.dbo.users) as a
The Following Error I get When I execute the above statement.
Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 1
'Encrypt' is not a recognized built-in function name.
I have two database SOP and CRM. Both supports windows authentication and SOP suports sql authentication too. Now i have to write a SP in SOP database with identity impersonation (with superadmin authentication) which will do some work with this impersonated id on SOP database but needs to fetch some values from CRM with the current user account - not impersonated account.Lets clear... I want to show the orders generated by all users and in the display grid there is a column like "IsMyCustomer?" which will show the order is to a customer which i have access. In CRM (MS) if i select from FilteredCustomer view i will get the customersid of those under me. And if i left outer join with FilteredOrder view in SOP (with Super Admin windows credentials) which returns orders by current user i will get the desired result.Now the problem is i can't sent two connection credentials to a SP. So what i want is to connect SOP with user's windows credentials (not with impersonation) and from the SP we will Select data with Admin's account. But i don't know is there any way to connect to a linked server with a different credentials. Like when i am selecting from CRM server it will use different credentials.Remember i am using SQL server 2000 and everything should be done through a single SP.I know i can do this easily with two different select from Data access layer. But i am looking for some performance effectinve way. My PM wants this idea to be implemented. I have no chice guys....
I want to use a stored procedure inside Sql Server from my aspx page so that the data entered in the form goes to the database after submit.
My stored procedure (inside the SQL Server) inserts several fields in a table and it returns two variables. What code I need to write in order to pass the data from the form to the stored procedure inside the Sql Server? And to store the two returned values?
I need to export data, from within a MSSql stored procedure to excel. Right now we use DTS, but its cumbersome and the users always screw it up.
I would usually just send the tabel to a .csv fiel and pick it up in excel, but I have a field that has preceding zeros and excel truncates them and uses a general fromat.
I have a stored procedure which loops thru about 180 tables and inserts the data into one table used for reporting purposes. One field is a ntext field. If I execute the stored procedure from query analyzer the entire contents of the ntext field is available. When I run as scheduled task (every 1/2 hour) from sql server agent, the data in the ntext field is truncated.
Can u please tell me how to copy data from table A(database A) to table B(databaseB) which table A contain 10 fields but table B consist of 11 fields. I have to insert current date and time into another field in Table B (which has extra field compare to tableA) automatically every hour or so. Please help. Thanx
Hi anyone can help me? i would like to retrieve an image stored in my SQL server from my VB project using ADO... anyone familiarise in it? pls help me... i need it urgently..... tks...
isn't there an automatic log of some sort to check and see what exactly was changed by a given SQL command? A stored proc was ran and I need to figure out what exactly it changed in the underlying table.
I have some code that I need to run every quarter. I have many that are similar to this one so I wanted to input two parameters rather than searching and replacing the values. I have another stored procedure that's executed from this one that I will also parameter-ize. The problem I'm having is in embedding a parameter in the name of the called procedure (exec statement at the end of the code). I tried it as I'm showing and it errored. I tried googling but I couldn't find anything related to this. Maybe I just don't have the right keywords. what is the syntax?
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[runDMQ3_2014LDLComplete] @QQ_YYYY char(7), @YYYYQQ char(8) AS begin SET NOCOUNT ON; select [provider group],provider, NPI, [01-Total Patients with DM], [02-Total DM Patients with LDL],