Problem With Insert Into In Scheduled Job Pleas Help ASAP

Sep 26, 2007

Hello MSDN

I am using SQL 2005 and trying to INSTERT data in to a table
When I am using my command from SQL query windows it works fine,

FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Data Source="G:DATAEDItoDB";Extended properties=Text')...uploaded#txt

But when I am trying to put that command in to a scheduled job I get this error

Executed as user: GWfmnlasa. Incorrect syntax near 'tbl.FTPuploads'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 102). The step failed.

I have changed the command to this, I have removed the quotes from the table name.

FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Data Source="G:DATAEDItoDB";Extended properties=Text')...uploaded#txt

And now I get this error

Executed as user: GWfmnlasa. Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15274). The step failed.

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Pleas Help With Simple Sql Statement Question

Apr 24, 2006

Hello and thanks for looking! I have this sql stament:

Dim strInsertCommand As String = "INSERT INTO CurrentDrawVar (Username, GamesBought, DateLastBuy) VALUES ('" & UserID & "', '" & gamestobuy & "', '" & Now & "')"

It works great and inserts into a database like it should. My question is where can I insert a WHERE stament into it so that I can insert this data over information that already exists in the database. FOr instance. I have a user grogo21 and in this row I want to insert gamestobuy and now. Where can i put this and is the stament below right:

WHERE Username = 'grogo21'

I tried putting it after the parenthases after the values but it doesnt work. Thanks alot!!

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There Is Always An Error When I Want To Hardcode With SqlConnection. Pleas Help Me Check It.

Feb 14, 2006

I am currently using VWD. I only run my web applications with the Cassini. However, as long as I want to hardcode with SqlConnection object, an error occurs. I did a little bit modification to the following codes which use SqlConnection and was quoted from the book "Professional ASP.NET 2.0", Wrox. <%@ Page Language="VB" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Configuration" %> <script runat="server">         Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)         If Not Page.IsPostBack Then             Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection             Dim MyCommand As SqlCommand             Dim MyReader As SqlDataReader             MyConnection = New SqlConnection()            MyConnection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDB").ConnectionString             MyCommand = New SqlCommand()            MyCommand.CommandText = "SELECT TOP 3 * FROM Paspnet_Users"             MyCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text             MyCommand.Connection = MyConnection             MyCommand.Connection.Open()            MyReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)            gvCustomers.DataSource = MyReader             gvCustomers.DataBind()            MyCommand.Dispose()            MyConnection.Dispose()         End If     End Sub     </script> <html> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:GridView ID="gvCustomers" runat="server"> </asp:GridView> </div> </form> </body> </html> The error: System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code   Message="Object reference not set to an instance of an object."   Source="App_Web_v1u8yf_l"   StackTrace:        at ASP.sqlconnectiontest_aspx.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in F:My DocumentMy StudySITMT4Introduction to ASP.NetMeowMeowShoppingCartSQLconnectionTest.aspx:line 13        at System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e)        at System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e)        at System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)        at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()        at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)
Please help me find out what's the problem. Thanks beforehand.

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Scheduled Job Can&#39;t Insert Date

Aug 30, 2001

A user has created a scheduled job with the following command:

insert into tblHoursWorked ([DATE], STORE_ID, EMP_ID, HOURS, START_TIME, END_TIME)
values ('01-jan-2000', '4321', '9999999999', 5, '09:00', '14:00')

This can be run correctly from Query Analyser, but the job itself fails with the following error: Incorrect syntax near '20010830'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 170). The step failed.

How do I get this to run as a sheduled task?? All the users and the server itself run under US English if it is relevant.



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Need Help Asap

Jun 30, 2004

Hi Folks,

I'm having a bit of trouble updating my script. I have a
script used for MS Access and I need to transfer it to be
compatible with MS SQL Server. When I run the script it
gives the error
''ODBC driver does not support the requested
This is the line of the script
that I have to change to work with sql:
''oRS.Open SqlTxt , oConn'' and the sql text is:
''Sqltxt = "SELECT MasterServer, Max(JobId) AS MaxJobId
FROM Jobs GROUP BY MasterServer ORDER BY MasterServer;".
Could anybody please help me out in solving this problem?


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A2k To Sql Server 7.0!! Help ASAP..

Apr 4, 2001

Hello All,

I've created access project using upsizing wizard. Project is created ok on slq server 7.0(ie tables, stored proc, views etc.) but when i open tables or forms in A2k it doesn't allow me to enter or modify data. Though all permissions are Ok.

Could anyone please let me know what could be wrong?

Thanks in advance!!

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Error :40 Pls Help ASAP

Aug 1, 2007

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
I am using SQL server Express 2005 on my local machine. And 2.0 with C#.

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Query Question, Need Help ASAP!

Jul 21, 2007

Hello Fellow Members,
Hopefully someone out there can help me. Here is the situation. I have a documents table which stores "documents". A document can either be a folder or a actually document(word, excel ...). This is determined by a field in the table called 'Type' which is either a '0' or '1'The table stores the following data for each 'document'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------DocID - intDocument - Actual document in bytesLeafName - Actual document nameType - Determines type of document (0 - document, 1- folder)DirName - Which folder the document resides in (can be null)
Problem:I want to create a query which navigates through the entire table and deletes all documents. For example, if a user has a folder called (Temp) and that folder has 30 documents and another folder called (Temp2) that also has documents. Now the user wants to delete (Temp). So what I want the query to do is go through the database and delete then entire folder (Temp) and all of its contents associated with it.
Question:How can I traverse through the table to delete the documents?All of your help would be greatfull.

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Named Pipes...ASAP Please

May 21, 2001


How do I find out on which path is the SQl server lisytening to on named pipes when I look at the registry?


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SQL Licensing - Help Needed ASAP

Mar 31, 2000

Hi all,
Does anyone knows a trick to change the licensing of a SQL server 7 from a Per server to a Per seat Licensing without re-installing SQL.


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Replication Help Needed ASAP

Mar 30, 2007

SQL Server 2000

Ran sp_removedbreplication @dbname = 'FooDatabase'
Did NOT want to do that!
Have the replication scripted out
but getting errors when trying to run the script to recreate.
All Push

I tried
sp_droppublication 'Foopubname'

Error 21776: [SQL-DMO] the 'publication name' was not found in the
TransPublications collection. I cannot create a new publication of the same

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HELP!!! ASAP!! Procedures And Triggers

Oct 16, 2005

I need to create a procedure to output mean and deviation AND then I also need to create a trigger. Below is the table 'Account' I made.. but the procedure and trigger I made below that is not correct. Can someone revise this for me? I just can't figure it out.

Here is the 'Account' table I made earlier:

create table Account(Account_Number varchar(6)NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Branch_Name varchar(12)NOT NULL REFERENCES Branch (Branch_Name), Balance money)

insert into Account values(10101, 'First Bank', 5500)

insert into Account values(20202, 'US Bank', 3550)

insert into Account values(30303, 'Commerce', 7550)


Now I need to output the Mean and Standard Deviation of the above Account. So I tried this code but I'm not sure if its right since when I Analyze it, some values come out as 'null'.

CREATE PROCEDURE project2question2 AS



SET @Mean = (SELECT avg(cast(Balance as float)) as mean from Account)

SET @Deviation = (SELECT Balance, STDEV(Balance) st_deviation

FROM Account

GROUP BY Balance)


The second question was to create a Trigger that would output the name "Account" and the time of change/update to it. So I had this so far, but I KNOW its not right, so can anyone revise this for me? I basically need to create a trigger named ActionHistory that would have two columns: TableName and ActionTime. They should tie to my Account table so that when it was changed/updated then the name 'Account' would appear under TableName in my trigger, and the datetime of update would appear under ActionTime. But I just can't figure this one out.

Create table ActionHistory(TableName varchar(12) NOT NULL, ActionTime datetime NOT NULL)

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_ex2

ON ActionHistory




UPDATE ActionHistory

SET Account = UPPER(LName) WHERE TableName in (SELECT TableName FROM ActionHistory)

SET Loan = UPPER(LName) WHERE IDN in (SELECT TableName FROM ActionHistory)


If someone could give me these codes I would be very grateful. I know you guys are the SQL wizzards. Thanks. (by the way, I use SQL 2000 edition)

- SOnia

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Design Advice - Need ASAP

Nov 27, 2007

Hello Everyone. Im sorry for this urgent post, but have critical issue that needs a solution quick. So for my issue. I am adjusting our sales order tables to handle a couple different scenarios. Currently we have 2 tables for sales orders

{ Addtl Header Columns... }

PN varchar,
SN varchar(25),
{ Addtl Detail Columns ... }

Currently the sales order line item is serial number specific. I need to change the tables to be able to handle different requests like :

Line Item Request ( PN, QTY )
Line Item Request ( SN )
Line Item Request ( PN, GRADE, QTY )

I am thinking i need to create a new table to hold the specifics for a particular line item. Maybe like this :

SPECTYPE varchar, IE : SN, PN, GRADE. { one value per row }

Im thinking i would need to rename the SALESORDERDETAILS table to SALESORDERITEMS. SALESORDERITEMS would just contain header info like


Anyone understand what im trying to do? If you need more info please ask. You can also get a hold of me through IM.



JP Boodhoo is my idol.

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Question About Installation. Please Help. ASAP

Apr 11, 2007

My computer install SQL server express, when i try to develop my project, I found out there are some tools missing from this edition. So i try to upgrade to enterprise edition. I setup the enterprise edition, it saying i already have exist copy of SQL server. It does not allow to upgrade. So i try to uninstall the SQL server express and install the enterprise edition. After i install the enterprise edition, it missing all the server service. That's mean the program installed, but the service part is missing. Is there any way to get back those service?. Please help.

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Neebie Needing Help Asap Restoring Sql

Jun 25, 2007

I am having  problem which is getting worst by the moment. I had a power failure which my battery backup fail while running a large report in my SSRS all of a sudden I started getting reportservertempdb.dbo.persistedstream error. I could not get my reports to run through the iis webservice. I could get them to run from within my reportbuilder. I was told to reload my sql and restore it but I can not get my sql to successfully reinstall I am using the sql2005 dev ed. It either gives me a name instance issue or fails the database, report server and notifaction portion of the reload. I am not sure why it will not reload. any assistance would be great.

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Getting Newly Created Id Number(asap)

Nov 8, 2007

 hello, i have a problem in my sql. im using a stored procedure and i want to get the newly created id number to be used to insert in the other works like:insert into table() values()select @id = (newly created id number)  from tableinsert into table1() values(@id) something like that.    

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Need Help ASAP... Stored Procedures And SQLDataSource

Apr 16, 2008

Hello all, I am working on a tight deadline with a massive project. This project uses stored procedures for the database work. All help is insanely appreciated!
 There are 5 different SP's for writing to the database, all separate sections.
 The problem is when I try to write with 5 sets of Insert parameters in my SQL data source it throws back  "Procedure or function has too many arguments specified."
 When I remove them all and just leave the ones that procedure will use, it works fine. Examples below. There is a stored procedure for all number sets such as (SP1 - @Num1, @MaxBS1, @MinBS1) (SP2 - @Num2, @MinBS2, @MaxBS2)
 This works fine because its the "1's" that are being written (Num1, MinBS1, MaxBS1, Etc.):1 <InsertParameters>
3 <asp:SessionParameter SessionField="Jackalope" Name="Jackalope" />
5 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Textbox1" PropertyName="Text" Name="Num1" />
7 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox1" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBS1" />
9 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox2" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBS1" />
11 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="RadioButtonList1" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Name="Bonus1" />
13 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox151" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBonus1" />
15 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox152" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBonus1" />
17 <asp:SessionParameter SessionField="UserId" Name="UserId" />
19 </InsertParameters>

This on the other hand will not work.. im guessing even though the stored procedure only contains the parameters it needs, it still try's to force them all in?
1      <InsertParameters>2             <asp:SessionParameter SessionField="Jackalope" Name="Jackalope" />3             <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Textbox1" PropertyName="Text" Name="Num1" />4             <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Textbox2" PropertyName="Text" Name="Num2" />5             <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Textbox3" PropertyName="Text" Name="Num3" />6             <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Textbox4" PropertyName="Text" Name="Num4" />7             <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Textbox5" PropertyName="Text" Name="Num5" />8             <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox1" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBS1" />9             <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox3" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBS2" />10            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox5" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBS3" />11            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox7" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBS4" />12            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox9" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBS5" />13            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox2" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBS1" />14            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox4" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBS2" />15            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox6" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBS3" />16            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox8" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBS4" />17            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox10" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBS5" />18            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="RadioButtonList1" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Name="Bonus1" />19            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="RadioButtonList2" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Name="Bonus2" />20            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="RadioButtonList3" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Name="Bonus3" />21            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="RadioButtonList4" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Name="Bonus4" />22            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="RadioButtonList5" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Name="Bonus5" />23            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox151" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBonus1" />24            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox153" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBonus2" />25            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox155" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBonus3" />26            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox157" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBonus4" />27            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox159" PropertyName="Text" Name="MinBonus5" />28            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox152" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBonus1" />29            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox154" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBonus2" />30            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox156" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBonus3" />31            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox158" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBonus4" />32            <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="MaskedTextbox160" PropertyName="Text" Name="MaxBonus5" />33            <asp:SessionParameter SessionField="UserId" Name="UserId" />34            </InsertParameters>
Which is being called by:
1       If Val(TextBox1.Text) >= 1 Then2                    Session("Jackalope") = "Environmental Engineer"3                    SqlDataSource1.InsertCommand = "ScreenD1"4                    SqlDataSource1.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure5                    SqlDataSource1.Insert()6                End If 
Is there a way to keep all of my controls parameters centralized in one SQLDataSource and still call my Stored Procedures? 

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Select Statement Question - ASAP

Oct 19, 2001


I want to write a query that returns the following
sum(cola) sum(colb) pct_change = A/B

How do I write the query such that the %_change handles the case
where B is zero?


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Help With Stored Procedure Needed ASAP!

Oct 12, 2004

I'm new to SQL. I wrote this Stored Procedure but it does not work. When I'm executing it I get these errors:

Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 12
Line 12: Incorrect syntax near '='.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 15
Line 15: Incorrect syntax near ')'.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 19
Line 19: Incorrect syntax near '='.
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 24
Line 24: Incorrect syntax near '='

Can anyone please help me with that?
Thank you in advance.

From PVDM_DOCS_1_5, TableTest


AND (TableTest.DOCINDEX2 Is NULL or TableTest.DOCINDEX2 ='' OR TableTEst.DOCINDEX3 Is NULL or TableTest.DOCINDEX3 ='' or TableTest.DOCINDEX4 is NULL or TableTEst.DOCINDEX4 = '');

IF TableTest.DOCINDEX2 is NULL or TableTest.DOCINDEX2 = ''

If TableTest.DOCINDEX3 is NULL or TableTest.DOCINDEX3 = ''

If TableTest.DOCINDEX4 is NULL or TableTest.DOCINDEX4 = ''


IF (@@ERROR <> 0) GOTO on_error

-- return 0 to signal success

-- return 1 to signal failure

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Permission Levels For MSDE, ASAP

Dec 17, 2004

We seem to have a problem with permission levels and connecting to an MSDE (MSSQL) server. If the user is under the Domain Admins group, the the access projet (front end) will open correctly and connect to the data server. If they are not part of that group then the front end can ever establish a file to the database server. We do not want to make all the users Domain Admins, so is there a way to make MSDE let them trough even though they are on a lower level.

I've done many tests, and also tried many things. I've even went to the extent to give Full Control to the whole MSSQL folder in program files for Everyone. I have made sure that the database file itself inherieted it's parents security settings, which were what I had just described.

Any ideas how how to make MSDE let anyone connect? Thanks in advance!

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Question About Installation. Please Help. ASAP Urgent~!

Apr 13, 2007

My computer install SQL server express, when i try to develop my project, I found out there are some tools missing from this edition. So i try to upgrade to enterprise edition. I setup the enterprise edition, it saying i already have exist copy of SQL server. It does not allow to upgrade. So i try to uninstall the SQL server express and install the enterprise edition. After i install the enterprise edition, it missing all the server service. In Surface Area Conforuration missing all the service. That's mean the program installed, but the service part is missing. Is there any way to get back those service?. I already try to install those package, no matter how i try to install those service package, it keep saying i didn't install any of them. Please help.

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PLEASE REPLY ASAP -- Importing Data Into SQL Server 7.0

Aug 11, 2000

I'm trying to import data into an SQL Server (7.0) and I'm wondering which Source (Microsoft Data Link, Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle, Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server, etc.) -- I THINK we would use the SQL Server driver but I'm not sure... to use AND WHERE TO GO FROM THERE? So far, I get seem to get things to work in my favor. I appreciate any help :) The data I'm trying to import is from Microsoft Excell. If there is anything else you need to know, please email me at Please provide email/forum-based technical support.

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DTS Execution Error In SQL Server 2000..please Help Asap

Sep 19, 2007


when i execute a dts to copy one database from one server to another i am getting the following error:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]OLE DB 'SQL OLEDB' reported an error.Authentication Failed.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]OLE/DB provider returned message: Invalid authorization specification]
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' IDB Initialize: Initiliaze returned 0x80040e4d: Authentication failed.].

Please help me solve it.

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ASAP Help Needed Need Sql Guru To Help With Massive Script Issue

May 3, 2007

I need some help I have this massive sql script the problem is I tried to put it in to the query string box in my sql reports and it will not take it this script will run if I break it up but I think it is to large is there a sql guru out there that can show me how to reduce the size of this script maybe by using an out parameter to a stored proceedure. I just dont know what to do and need to produce the report from this script.  Below is the entire script
SELECT  'Prior Year All ' as 'qtr', COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'transcount',  COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'patientcount',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) AS 'tcost',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'dtcost',  AVG(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgTDisc',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) + SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'TGrossAmtBilled',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'PatAvgT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgPercentDiscT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'RefAvgT',  JOB.JURISDICTION,                        PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME,                         PAYER.PAY_COMPANY,                         PAYER.PAY_CITY,                         PAYER.PAY_STATE,                         PAYER.PAY_SALES_STAFF_ID,                         JOB.PATIENTID,                         JOB.INVOICE_DATE,                        JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID,                        JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME,                        INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO,                         INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE AS Expr1,                         INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE,                        INVOICE_AR.CLAIMNUMBER,                        PATIENT.LASTNAME,                        PATIENT.FIRSTNAME,                        PATIENT.EMPLOYERNAME,                        JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION,                        SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION,                        PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.TRANSPORT_TYPE,
            (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed Successfully') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS  'CompletedSuccessfullyItems',
             (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with complaint') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithComplaintItems',                                                  (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Show') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoShowItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Charge') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoChargeItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with Situation') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithSituationItems',
                        (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Not Completed') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'NotCompletedItems',
                        (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Cancelled Prior to service') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CancelledPriorToServiceItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Cancelled During Service') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CancelledDuringServiceItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed Successfully') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'AwaitingforcompletionItems',
                        (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Pending for review') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like'%T ')) AS 'PendingforreviewItems'
FROM JOB                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR                                  ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER                                 ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                  LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES                                 ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT                                ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME                                ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE                                ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME               LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY                                ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID
WHERE                 (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0)AND                 (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (year,0,@startate) and DATEADD(year,0,@endate)) AND                 (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12))AND                (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%')AND                (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')  
GROUP BY                         JOB.JURISDICTION,                        PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME,                        PAYER.PAY_COMPANY,                         PAYER.PAY_CITY,                         PAYER.PAY_STATE,                         PAYER.PAY_SALES_STAFF_ID,                        JOB.PATIENTID,                         JOB.INVOICE_DATE,                        JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID,                        JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME,                        INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO,                         INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE,                        INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE,                        INVOICE_AR.CLAIMNUMBER,                        PATIENT.LASTNAME,                        PATIENT.FIRSTNAME,                        PATIENT.EMPLOYERNAME,                        JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION,                        SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION,                        PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.TRANSPORT_TYPE
SELECT  'Current Year 2007 All ' as 'qtr', COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'transcount',  COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'patientcount',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) AS 'tcost',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'dtcost',  AVG(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgTDisc',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) + SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC_COST) AS 'TGrossAmtBilled',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(DISTINCT JOB.PATIENTID) AS 'PatAvgT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_DISC) AS 'avgPercentDiscT',  SUM(JOB.TRANSPORTATION_TCOST) / COUNT(JOB.JOBID) AS 'RefAvgT',  JOB.JURISDICTION,                        PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME,                         PAYER.PAY_COMPANY,                         PAYER.PAY_CITY,                         PAYER.PAY_STATE,                         PAYER.PAY_SALES_STAFF_ID,                         JOB.PATIENTID,                         JOB.INVOICE_DATE,                        JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID,                        JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME,                        INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO,                         INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE AS Expr1,                         INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE,                        INVOICE_AR.CLAIMNUMBER,                        PATIENT.LASTNAME,                        PATIENT.FIRSTNAME,                        PATIENT.EMPLOYERNAME,                        JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION,                        SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION,                        PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.TRANSPORT_TYPE,
            (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed Successfully') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (@startDate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS  'CompletedSuccessfullyItems',
             (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with complaint') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (@startdate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithComplaintItems',                                                  (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                         FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Show') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (startdate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoShowItems',
                         (SELECT COUNT(JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID)                          FROM JOB                                   INNER JOIN INVOICE_AR ON JOB.JOBID = INVOICE_AR.JOBID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN PAYER ON PAYER.PAYERID = JOB.PAYERID                                   LEFT OUTER JOIN STATES ON JOB.JURISDICTION = STATES.INITIALS                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PATIENT ON PATIENT.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN JOB_OUTCOME ON JOB_OUTCOME.JOB_OUTCOME_ID = JOB.JOBOUTCOMEID                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN SERVICE_TYPE ON SERVICE_TYPE.DESCRIPTION = JOB.SERVICEOUTCOME                                  LEFT OUTER JOIN PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY ON PAT_SERVICES_HISTORY.PATIENTID = JOB.PATIENTID                         WHERE (JOB_OUTCOME.DESCRIPTION = 'Completed with No Charge') AND (INVOICE_AR.AMOUNT_DUE > 0) AND                                      (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE BETWEEN DATEADD (@startdate) and DATEADD(@enddate)) AND                                     (MONTH(INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_DATE) in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)) AND                                     (PAYER.PAY_GROUPNAME like '%' + @Company + '%') AND                                     (INVOICE_AR.INVOICE_NO like '%T')) AS 'CompletedWithNoChargeItems',

View 8 Replies View Related

Need Help ASAP 3414 Error SQL 2005 Developer Edition

Jun 15, 2007

 Hello ,
This morning I was running a report in my ssrs and I had a power failure. My Machine rebooted and I can not connect to my database below is the error log can some one tell me what I need to do to recover I really do not want to have to reinstall everything if possible.
2007-06-15 07:59:49.88 Server      Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86)  Oct 14 2005 00:33:37  Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
2007-06-15 07:59:49.88 Server      (c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation.2007-06-15 07:59:49.88 Server      All rights reserved.2007-06-15 07:59:49.88 Server      Server process ID is 1600.2007-06-15 07:59:49.88 Server      Logging SQL Server messages in file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGERRORLOG'.2007-06-15 07:59:49.90 Server      This instance of SQL Server last reported using a process ID of 880 at 6/14/2007 5:36:25 PM (local) 6/14/2007 9:36:25 PM (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.2007-06-15 07:59:49.90 Server      Registry startup parameters:2007-06-15 07:59:49.90 Server        -d C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATAmaster.mdf2007-06-15 07:59:49.90 Server        -e C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGERRORLOG2007-06-15 07:59:49.90 Server        -l C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATAmastlog.ldf2007-06-15 07:59:50.01 Server      SQL Server is starting at normal priority base (=7). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.2007-06-15 07:59:50.01 Server      Detected 1 CPUs. This is an informational message; no user action is required.2007-06-15 07:59:50.36 Server      Using dynamic lock allocation.  Initial allocation of 2500 Lock blocks and 5000 Lock Owner blocks per node.  This is an informational message only.  No user action is required.2007-06-15 07:59:50.46 Server      Attempting to initialize Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.2007-06-15 07:59:51.16 Server      The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) service could not be contacted.  If you would like distributed transaction functionality, please start this service.2007-06-15 07:59:51.25 Server      Database Mirroring Transport is disabled in the endpoint configuration.2007-06-15 07:59:51.29 spid5s      Starting up database 'master'.2007-06-15 07:59:51.70 spid5s      WARNING: did not see LOP_CKPT_END.2007-06-15 07:59:51.70 spid5s      Error: 3414, Severity: 21, State: 2.2007-06-15 07:59:51.70 spid5s      An error occurred during recovery, preventing the database 'master' (database ID 1) from restarting. Diagnose the recovery errors and fix them, or restore from a known good backup. If errors are not corrected or expected, contact Technical Support.2007-06-15 07:59:51.70 spid5s      Cannot recover the master database. SQL Server is unable to run. Restore master from a full backup, repair it, or rebuild it. For more information about how to rebuild the master database, see SQL Server Books Online.

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Scheduled DTS

Jul 23, 2005

Hi!I scheduled a DTS-Import from MySQL, whenever I run it manually(Right-Click on the DTS package) it runs through without any problems.But firing it by a schedule doesn't work!?Just to exclude any issues regarding users/roles, I created a DTS toexport files to my desktop to an EXCEL-sheet. Manually export as wellas scheduled export works fine.My Application Log shows me following error message:Event Type:WarningEvent Source:SQLSERVERAGENTEvent Category:Job EngineEvent ID:208Date:6/8/2005Time:10:05:02 AMUser:N/AComputer:*****Description:SQL Server Scheduled Job 'ImportFromMySQL'(0xC89612CE034F6642BD585B048DBC0F06) - Status: Failed - Invoked on:2005-06-08 10:05:02 - Message: The job failed. The Job was invoked bySchedule 22 (ImportFromMySQL). The last step to run was step 1(ImportFromMySQL).Anybody know what's wrong!?

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Insertion Scheduled Job In SQL

Jun 19, 2005

Hi guys,i want to make a scheduled job that inserts 10 user defined row each minute continously in enterprise manager

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DTS Failure When Scheduled As A Job

Dec 27, 2001

I have designed a DTS Package and it can be run successfully from Enterprise Manager. However, when I schedule the DTS package to run as a job then it fails with an error message of "Error string: The system cannot find the file specified.".

Anyone any idea as to why the job cannot find the DTS package?

Can it be something to do with SQL Server 7 and 2000 tools as 2000 Client tools have recently been installed onto my PC and the package and job ran fine when I had designed everything in SQL Server 7.

Thanks in advance

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Scheduled Backup

Mar 1, 2002

I am trying to do an automatic backup of my database and for some reason it does not do it.
I have it set to backup daily at 4:00 pm.
Please let me know if you know why it is not backing up on it's own.
The Server manager is on always and a manual backup is not a problem for me,
only the automatic.
Thanks very much.

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Scheduled DTS Failures

Mar 12, 2002


I have a number of DTS packages which when run manually complete successfully however, when run as scheduled tasks they always fail. Can anyone offer any advice?

Many thanks

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Scheduled Jobs-Can You Have Too Many?

Jul 27, 2001

I'm thinking of using the SQL Agent Job Scheduler as part of a larger application and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a limit on how many schedules or jobs that can exist on a SQL Server at one time.


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Error In Scheduled Job

Aug 9, 2000

I have many dts packages scheduled as jobs . job always fails when executed. It runs fine if i execute the dts package.
the follwing is the error message
Error: -2147217887 (80040E21); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: Errors occurred Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0 DTSRun OnFinish: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1 DTSRun: Package execution complete. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.
any help would be welcome
thenk you

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Scheduled DTS Failing

Mar 6, 2000

When I create a DTS to import data from Visual FoxPro it will work if I run immeadiately, but when I schedule it to run at a specific time it will Fail.
Any ideas why??

Thanks for any input,

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