Problem With Saving Data To SQL Server Mobile ?
Aug 29, 2007
Hi everybody there
i have a small problem with this code, it cann't save changes on Datatable to the database SQL Server Mobile ..
the execution work succesfully but without changes in the database !
here is the code, please try to help :
Code Snippet
#Region " << Declarations >> "
Dim objCon As New SqlCeConnection("Data source=Storage CardFull_Database.sdf")
Dim objDA As SqlCeDataAdapter
Dim objCmdBldr As SqlCeCommandBuilder
Dim objTB As New DataTable("MyTB")
Dim objBS As New BindingSource
#End Region
Private Sub frmDatabase_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
objDA = New SqlCeDataAdapter("Select * From MyTB", objCon)
objDA.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
objBS.DataSource = objTB
End Sub
' Add New Record for example
Private Sub mnuAddNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuAddNew.Click
If Not CType(objBS.Current, DataRowView).IsNew Then
Dim dRowView As DataRowView = objBS.Current
dRowView("id") = 10
dRowView("name") = "Someone"
End If
' Calling Save Methode
mnuSave_Click(sender, e)
End Sub
' Save Values
Private Sub mnuSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuSave.Click
objCmdBldr = New SqlCeCommandBuilder(objDA)
End Sub
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May 7, 2006
I have been trying to place a binary byte array into the sql server mobile 2005 database and continually get an error "The Identifier cannot be an empty string." when attempting to save this sql to the database:
"INSERT INTO KHZ_Company_Permissions ( PermissionID, CompanyID, StatusID, PluginTypeName, PermissionLevel, ChangeStamp, RecordState ) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 'Plugins.Approval.ApprovalList', 2, System.Byte[], 0)"
the byte array ChangeStamp is a timestamp datatype in the Sql Server Database and is pulled into a custom business object as the .net datatype Byte()
in the debugger, the byte array looks like it should as a timestamp comprised of 8 bytes with the values: 0,0,0,0,0,0,63,181 . but when i attempt to execute the sql statement, i get the sqlceexception "The Identifier cannot be an empty string." if i change the byte to a string and save it as an nvarchar, the value is preserved and i can then pass it back to compare it to the timestamp when synching up to the Sql Server Database later, but i would prefer to maintain the type as a binary datatype, and avoid the string conversion...
When i am creating the sqlstring (which i then run using a sqlcommand/nonquery) i add the binary data to the sqlstring by referencing the .tostring character ... do you think this may be what is causing the error, and if so, is the only way to insert binary data to a sql ce db by using sqlcecommand parameters?
i have found no information to assist with this error, any ideas are much appreciated
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Feb 12, 2008
I am wondering what conversion rules apply, when a string, which contains a number, is saved to a SQL Server 2005 into a column of type decimal.
This is the code I€™m using (C++):
CString cValue = "0.75"
_variant_t vtFieldValue;
vtFieldValue = _variant_t(cValue)
pRecordSet->Fields->Item["MyColumn"]->Value = vtFieldValue;
"pRecordSet" is an ADO recordset. The database column "MyColumn" is of type "decimal(19,10)".
The most important question for me is, if the regional settings of the database server or the regional settings of the client PC are considered during the conversion from the string to the decimal value. For example in standard French regional settings the "." would not be recognized as decimal separator.
I am also wondering if the language of the database instance, in which this data is saved, is considered during this conversion or any other settings of this database instance.
So my general question is: Does anybody know exactly what rules apply during the above mentioned conversion?
Thank you for your help.
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Jun 4, 2007
I have only read ( select access) in a sql server database(2000). I am able to scripts the database.
Can any ony have any idea how to extract the data from database?
not the backup of db, i don't have the access.
No DTS to extract data into text file.
some thing like save the table with data?
I have more than 300 tables.
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Nov 6, 2007
I have a problem. The thing is that when I enter the values in a text boxes like evendate.text = "02/11/07" and desc.text="hello how r u" then I click on Save Button and its save in the SQL DATABASE but after this if I click on Refresh Button every time from the internet Explorer its automatically again save the data in the database although I have empty the textboxes.
The code is below:
<script runat="server"> sub SaveEvent(sender as object, e as EventArgs) dim con as new SQLConnection("server=london-home; Database=tony; uid=rashid2; pwd=test; ")
dim cmd as new SQLCommand("insert into events values('" & desc.text & "','" & DateTime.Parse(eventdate.text) & "')",con) cmd.executenonquery() con.close() clearform() display() end sub sub display() dim con as new SQLConnection("server=london-home; Database=tony; uid=rashid2; pwd=test; ") dim cmd as new SQLCommand("select * from events",con) dim SDR as SQLDataReader SDR = cmd.ExecuteReader() if SDR.HasRows = true then ViewEvents.DataSource = SDR ViewEvents.DataBind() end if con.close() end sub sub clearform() eventdate.text="" desc.text="" end sub sub Reset(sender as object, e as EventArgs) clearform() end sub</script>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
<table border="1" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tr><td valign="top">
<form id="prod" runat="server" enctype="multipart/form-data"><table id="display_prod" width="554" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left" height="400"> <tr valign="top" height="20"> <td> </td> <td> <table border="1" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td>PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lbl"></asp:Label></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> <table align="left" id="menu" width="150" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr align="center"> <td><a href="home.aspx">Main</a></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td><a href="Events.aspx">Change Password</a></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td><a href="events.aspx">Events</a></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td align="left"> <table width="390" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="100" >Enter Date :</td> <td width="243" ><asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="eventdate" BackColor="#FFFFFF" Width="100"></asp:TextBox> mm/dd/yy</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Description :</td> <td><asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="desc" TextMode="MultiLine" Columns="20" Rows="3" BackColor="#FFFFFF" MaxLength="200"></asp:TextBox> max 200</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnsubmit" Text="Save" OnClick="SaveEvent"></asp:Button> <asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnreset" Text="Reset"></asp:Button> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="390" border="1" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <asp:DataGrid runat="server" ID="ViewEvents" AutoGenerateColumns="false"> <columns> <asp:TemplateColumn> <itemtemplate> <table id="tt" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><asp:Label runat="server" ID="eventname" Text='<%#container.DataItem("event_name")%>' ></asp:Label></td> <td><asp:Label runat="server" ID="pdesc" Text='<%# trim(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"event_date","{0:MM/dd/yyyy}")) %>' ></asp:Label></td> </tr> </table> </itemtemplate> </asp:TemplateColumn> </columns> </asp:DataGrid> </td> </tr></table> </td> </tr> </table>
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Feb 20, 2008
Hi all, I have an requirement that, I want to save data getting from text boxes etc..,on button click the data should be saved in database and also the data must be saved as word document with a file name with in the same database table which i am saving the data..i hope it's clear... I reached upto saving the data under button click..but I stuck up in converting the data to word and saving the same data in server ..??how to convert page data into word and at the same time i want that doc file to save in a table in serverThanks & Regards,Vamsee.
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Nov 24, 2006
Hi, all here,
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
I am wondering if it is possible to use SSIS to sample data set to training set and test set directly to my data mining models without saving them somewhere as occupying too much space? Really need guidance for that.
Thank you very much in advance for any help.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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May 12, 2015
We saved huge log data from user behaviour in our site .
But In data mining time , we saw that most of them cant use for data mining
What is the best practice about data gathering from user movement in site?
is there any best practice Template for this ?
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Aug 8, 2006
Dear ppl,
I am writing an application for a device (MDA Pro T-Mobile) having Windows Mobile 5.0 using
-MS .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP-1
-SQL Mobile 2005.
-VS 2005 .NET
The application uses Merge Replication. The error occurs in the Synchronise() Method of the SqlCeReplication object.
"SQL Server Mobile encountered problems when opening the database."
I don't understand why I am having this error. It does create the database on AddSubscription() method but it is failing opening the database on Synchronise(). I have also tried uninstalling and then reinstalling all the SQL Mobile components in the following order.
However, when i run this application on a device(Dell X50 AXIM) with Pocket PC 2003, it runs fine creating the database and sysnchronising it.
The target platform for the project is Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK.
Does any one have any clue what could be the problem ?
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Jan 8, 2007
I'm developing an application that need to create everyday information to be stored in a SQL Mobile Database.
The SQL Mobile database will have:
Last schema from tables (in SQL Server database);
Last information in the tables;
I don't want to copy all the tables from SQL Server database than this mecanism should give me the way to choose the tables.
I have been reading about the SqlCeReplication but I don't undestand what is InternetUrl property. The SQL Mobile database is created in the PC and after is copy to the the Mobile Device.
How can I avoid the InternetURL property?
tkx in advance
Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal
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Mar 23, 2006
I am developping a non-managed C++ application for PocketPC using a SQL Server mobile database.
The application is compiled for PocketPC 2003 and uses SQL Server Mobile v2. I use Visual Studio 2005. But I need to compile the application for Windows Mobile 5.0 devices. So I installed the WM5 SDK and had the WM5 into my project configuration.
The "ssceoledb.h" which I include incluses the "transact.h" file. But my problem is that this file is only provided with the PocketPC 2003 SDK and not in the WM5 SDK.
So I cannot use the WM5 configuration project with SQL Server. I also tried with the last SQL Server Mobile 2005 (ie v3.0) and the "ssceoledb30.h" also includes "transact.h".
Did I miss something to install ?
Do you know how I can resolve the problem ?
By advance, thank you for any answer.
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May 18, 2006
Using MS VS 2005 (incl SQL Server Mobile)
MS Pocket PC 2005 SDK
I am working on a project that builds for Pocket PC on both Mobile 2003 and Mobile 5. The project uses/will use SQL Server Mobile to store local data.
Project created from new with support for both platforms. I include required header files ssceerr30.h and ssceoledb30.h.
Project builds fine in WM2003 configuration, release and debug.
When I build for WM5 the compiler cannot find the header file transact.h. This is included from within ssceoledb30.h. Same as under WM2003.
In WM2003 configuration if I highlight the ssceoledb30.h include in Visual Studio and open the header, it takes me to <Visual Studio dir>SmartDevicesSDKSQL ServerMobilev3.0. I then locate the include for transact.h and do the same, which takes me <Visual Studio dir>SDKPocketPC2003include. The file exists.
If I repeat the above 'browsing' under the WM5 configuration, ssceoledb30.h takes me to a different copy in the WM5 SDK directory. There is no diff between the file here and the other copy used by WM2003. If I attempt to open transact.h - file does not exist.
Fix (which I'm not too sure about, i.e. is it OK?) - If I copy transact.h to the WM5 SDK directory, the project builds.
Why has transact.h disappeared from WM5 SDK?
I can find no ref's to this problem anywhere. Is my installation of the WM5 SDK corrupt? What else could I be missing?
Is there a sample for SQL Server mobile (like the NorthwindOLEDB sample) that comes configured to build for WM5?
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Apr 24, 2006
Hi folks, I'm new to Windows Mobile progamming, and new to this forum. Apologies in advance if I'm asking a boneheaded question, but I've done searches and can't find anything directly applicable to my problem.
I'm currently walking through the published MS tutorial in setting up an SQL Server 2005 Mobile application that subscribes to a publication on SQL Server 2005 to exchange information.
I've gotten almost all the way through... successfully set up the server components, creating the publication, etc. On the mobile side, I've been able run the cab files to install the SQL Mobile components and to create the project, add the reference to the dll, and instantiate an engine object. It compiles.
The step in the tutorial after that, though, where you specify the data source from the "data" menu, I've got a problem. When I try to use the "new connection" dialog from choosing the data connection, "MS SQL Server Mobile Edition" doesn't show up as a choice. I've tried choosing any of the other combinations, and in teh subsequent "Connection properties" section my database, SQLMobile (as in their sample) is available, but I get an error when I choose it and click OK. Clicking on "Test Connection" gives me a connection successful message.
My guess is that something about the Mobile server side components is not installed correctly on my development machine, but honestly I have no idea how to begin to fix it. Has anyone seen this problem before and know how to resolve it?
Your time and any knowledge sharing is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
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Jan 19, 2008
Hi all,
Thanks in advance,
I have to transfer data from sql express 2005 to sql mobile(.sdf).
Actually i have a sql server express 2005 (sqlee) in laptop...
and the .sdf (sqlce) handheld device (ppc) that has been connected by activesync.
Can you please make it clear for my following questions?
1. Is it possible to write a query like " insert into ....sdf select from...sqlexp...." between 2 servers...?
2. Is there any copy command like a BULKCOPY .. to insert all records to .sdf (sqlce) from sql server express?
3. Is it correct to create a smart device application (CF 2.0) to transfer data between sql express and .sdf by using active sync...?
I would appreciate your comments..
Kumaran A
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May 30, 2008
I don't know if this question belong to sql forum or smart device forum.
So far i was able to sync data between pda and the sql server pc, over a wi-fi LAN using Remote Data Access.
Now i want to do the same but without using the wifi LAN, i mean, i want to be able to over a gprs connection, do the same data synchronization.
My main question is how to get access to the sql server database ? My connection string (obviously) only works in LAN.
My doubt is how can i access my sql server database data ?
I need some help over here, i really don't know how can i overcome my current problem.
Thank you
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Oct 6, 2006
Hi Everyone,
I have tried the Sync the data from sql server mobile (.SDF) to Sql server 2005 (.mdf).In push command, i am getting the error "Sql Server Everywhere encountered problems when opening the database".
string rdaOleDbConnectString = @"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=master;Data Source=PRASSANAPRASANNA;Password=master";
qlCeRemoteDataAccess rda = null;
rda = new SqlCeRemoteDataAccess();
rda.LocalConnectionString = "Data Source=D:/DATABASE/test.sdf";
rda.InternetUrl = http://localhost/Dataset/sqlcesa30.dll;
rda.Push("company", rdaOleDbConnectString, RdaBatchOption.BatchingOn);
catch (SqlCeException)
please guide me any one ours guys to solve this problem .
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Mar 7, 2006
i just installed a copy of microsoft sql server 2005 in my pc and decided to follow the newbie's guide:
anyway, on the 5th exercise wherein i'm supposed to add a new data
connection through the server explorer.. when i chose the option of
adding a new data source and was prompted to select a data source i
couldnt find the Microsoft SQL Server Mobile Edition data source..
is there anything else that i need to download in order to have that data source?
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Aug 6, 2007
I am using SQLCE and VS 2005 to create a database named "student.sdf" (inside my projects folder, of course). When click on the button, it will test for connection of database.
Everytimes I run the program, it will pop up an error message "The database file cannot be found. Check the path to the database. [File name = .student.sdf]". How do I fix it?
Code Snippet
Imports System.Data.SqlServerCe
Public Class loginForm
Private _conn As SqlCeConnection
Private Sub ButtonLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonLogin.Click
_conn = New SqlCeConnection("Data Source =.student.sdf")
Catch ex As SqlCeException
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)
End Try
End Sub
End Class
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Sep 16, 2007
When I try and connecto to SQL CE I always get an invalid operation exception. I"m afraid that I did not follow the proper install for Orcas Beta 2. I can't remember if I was supposed to uninstall SQL Mobile 2005 first or not.
All I know is when I try and use my SQL CE I can't connecto to a DB / sdf file ?
Any help would be appreciated I"m just starting to use SQL CE.
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Jul 21, 2006
This is a great tutorial and it's a shame one of the more important steps was missed.
In the €œCreate the snapshot user€? section you you find the steps to create the snapshot_agent account. Then in the €œCreate the snapshot folder€? section you find the share and folder permissions. However, at no point do the instructions advise you about adding the snapshot_agent to the SQL Server Logins. The result is that agent cannot perform the initial snapshot but you won't find this out until 50 steps later after Step 10 in the section €œCreate a new subscription".
To get back on track, openthe Object Explorer's Security section and add the snapshot_agent to your logins. Then using the "User Mappings", set an appropriate level for the SQLMobile database role. Once completed you then need to run the agent.
Right-click the SQLMobile publication you created and select "View Snapshot Agent status". From that dialog you can select "Start" to run the agent. When it completes, you can return to the tutorial section "Create a new subscription" and continue with the tutorial.
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Nov 3, 2007
I am studying the tutorial in SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition Books Online, and the topic is Creating a Mobile Application with SQL Server Mobile. I have got a problem when creating a new subscription after created a new SQL Server Mobile database. And the problem is shown below:
New Subscription Wizard
- Beginning Synchronization (Success)
- Synchronizing Data (100%) (Error)
* Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect.
HRESULT 0x80004005 (29061)
* 無法完æˆ?作æ¥ã€‚
- Finalizing Synchronization (Stopped)
- Saving Subscription Properties (Stopped)
Before I have met this problem, I have finished all the task. And I can browse the localhost web site by using anonymous account even I use internet explorer or browse the directly in IIS.
Does anyone can solve it?? Thank you very much~~~
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Mar 2, 2006
Hello (sorry my bad english, im brazilian)
I was using Visual Studio 2003 and SQL Server CE 2.0 for C# mobile applications. The .sdf database were created in the emulator or in the mobile device itself using Query Analizer.
The application developed need some initial data to run, and this data is obtained executing one service that reads a postgree database, and insert the data in the SQL CE database of the mobile device. But, given the size of the database (maybe 10.000 rows), it tooks too much time (sometimes 6 hours).
Now we are migrating to Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition.
I want to know if its possible to create the .sdf database and load the data into this database on the desktop. Maybe through the execution of a .sql script, or through a service executed on the desktop.
After this, its just upload de .sdf file to the mobile device.
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Jan 5, 2007
There are any import/export utilities for SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition database? Which edition of SQL Server 2005 can do this?
Or we must use publication/subscription to transfer data to the mobile database?
Thank you for your help!
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Feb 17, 2006
After creating mobile database into sql server 2005 management studio, how to insert the records from sql server 2005 management studio into and mobile database from excel file?
Thank you
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Mar 31, 2006
We are in need of some help around the use of SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition.
The problem comes in when we have to import a large list of equipment ID€™s into the database.
The way that things work today is that the database only runs on the handheld computer, so we are having to process a large amount of data on the handheld therefore taking a lot of time.
If there were a way to have a €œseed€? database on the server side (running on Windows Server 2003 or similar) and import all of this data on the server side it would be more efficient and require less time.
Once the data was imported on the server side we can simply transfer this seed database down to the handheld
Could you please throw some light on the above queries.
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 13, 2007
Hi Guys,
I am trying to automate a basic task using SQL Server 2005 Express.
Currently I have a query script that I run and then save the results as a CSV file. I need to do this on a daily basis and so I am looking to find out how best to go about this. There are a multitude of third party tools that claim to be able to do this - can anyone recommend this or enlighten me of the best way to set up this automation.
All ideas gratefully received!
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Jul 26, 2007
I have a central database server that is runnning on SQL 2005 standard edition and Windows server 2003 standard as OS.
I realise that I can use SQL statements to encrypt and decrypt the data inside the standard SQL.
However, how do I read and write the data via an web application coded in and is also running on the same machine?
Another issue is, I need to replicate some of the data in this SQL standard over to a SQL mobile running on a mobile device running on Windows CE 5.0.
The mobile device also needs to read and write data to the encrypted data via a application.
Question is, with all these requirements to be met, can I use AES? I know that AES is not available on Windows XP and Windows Server 2000 and I cant find AES in the .net compact framework.
how do i go about ensuring security? how do I ensure that the symmetric key is the same both on the SQL standard and SQL mobile?
thank you.
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May 4, 2007
Hi,There are 3 tablesTable,TableDetails,TableDaily.With structureTABLE:TableID UserID Money---------- ---------- ----------(int) (int) (money)TABLEDETAILS:TableDetailsID TableID ItemID PaidForItem DayID---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------(int) (int) (int) (money) (int)TABLEDAILY:TableDailyID TableID PaidForItem Money Total Change---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------(int) (int) (money) (money) (PaidForItem + Money) (money)"Table" holds id for user and his money amount, which changes during time. "TableDetails" holds data about items user bought, amount paid for them and dayid which relates to one particular day."TableDaily" holds history. I do not know how to update this table.I created job whish runs stored procedure. This procedure sums "PaidForItem" using group by TableID and WHERE DAYID = '11'.Problem is with Change column. This column sould hold difference between today's Total and previous one etc.Current procedure looks like this:INSERT INTO TableDaily (TableID, PaidForItem, Money, DayID)SELECT TableDetails.TableID, SUM(PaidForItem) AS PaidForItem, Table.Money, (SELECT DayID FROM Days WHERE (Aktive = 1)) AS DayIDFROM TableDetails INNER JOIN Table ON TableDetails.TableID = Table.TableID GROUP BY TableDetails.TableID, Table.Money
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Jun 14, 2007
I’m making a very primitive shopping cart. I’ve created a table containing a list of products and using an SQLdataSource with a GridView I’ve got the products displayed – simple.
What I now need is to add a button with an Insert command, but the SQL needs to add a row of data to a different table – tblShoppingBasket. I’ve tried adding in the insert command and changing the SQL but it doesn’t add a new record, although is also doesn’t through and error.
The second part of the problem is need to pass the productID from the row they selected (pressed the button that triggered the insert command) and add this to the shoppingBasket table via the insert SQL.
I’d really be grateful for any help (code below).
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource_GenralProducts" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:AquilaConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [tblProducts] WHERE ([productAgeGroup] = @productAgeGroup)"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [tblShoppingBasket] ([userID], [productID]) VALUES (@userID, @productID)">
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="3" Name="productAgeGroup" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="userID" Type="Object" DefaultValue="123"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="productID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:GridView ID="GridView3" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="productsID"
<asp:ImageField DataImageUrlField="productThumbNail" DataImageUrlFormatString="../images/shop/thumbNails/{0}">
<asp:BoundField DataField="productLabel" HeaderText="Product:" SortExpression="productLabel" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="productDescription" HeaderText="Description:" SortExpression="productDescription" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="productCost" HeaderText="Cost:" SortExpression="productCost" />
<asp:ButtonField ButtonType="Button" CommandName="insert" Text="Add to Shopping Basket" />
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Aug 8, 2007
Im using MS visual web developer. I have created a website and used the database they set up by using admin tools. One page requires the take the users comment and to save it into the database. I've tried a formview and connected it to the database which worked. the problem is i cannot save whatever the user types into the textbox. {insert query didnt work with this set up }INSERT INTO aspnet_Membership(Comment) VALUES ('CommentTextBox.Text') Error: cannot set userId or to null. and if i make it allow nulls its going to move on to the next column. I would appreciate some help please. Thank you in advance.
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Nov 6, 2007
Here is a structure of my table
create table events( event_id integer primary key identity(1,1), event_name varchar(200), event_date datetime,)
Note: The event_id is a automacally and we don't need to insert record in this field.
for example
i have inserted 10 records in a table
then i deleted all records manually from sql server
but when again I save the record the event_id field shows started from 11 even the table was empty,
although it should be start from 1?
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Jan 12, 2008
Hello all ...
I am facing a problem in the evaluation form that I am working on ...
I have 3 textboxes which are
Trainee ID, Trainee Name and Trainee Department
I want the Trainee ID to be saved in the Evauaiton form , The trainee id is a foregin key in the Evaluation table in my SQL table, it is coming from the trainee table where the Trainee ID is primary key and it is incremneting ...
I want the same Trainee Id to be sent to both Trainee and evaluation table , but at the same time , i want whenever a user open the evaualtion form an id will be shown and it will be inccremented ...
Hope that is clear ...
How I can solve this problem?
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