Problem With Select All On 2 Multi-value Cascading Parameters

Aug 27, 2007

since some hours I'm struggling with 2 multi-value cascading parameters which default values should be always "Select ALL"

First Parameter:
available vlaues: From query
dataSetsGetCountry (defined as select from tblCountries)
DefaultValues: from Query

available vlaues: From query
dataSetsGetAreas (stored procedure which parameter is the list of the selected countries)
DefaultValues: from Query

First time I open the report
the first and the second parameters are properly filled and for both parameters "select all" is checked.

I select one option from the first parameter, the second parameter's content change dinamically and "Select All" option is still selected !Cool

Now I change the selection on the first Parameter, by checking AN ANOTHER item from the list , the second parameter list refresh dinamically but "Select all" IS NOT selected and only the item that were previously checked kept the selection !!!NO!!

Is this a bug in Reporting services and I have to say to ther user that is not possible to develop what they would like to have or there is , even programmatically, a way to solve it?

Thankx for any helps!
Marina B

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Reporting Services :: Multi Value Cascading Parameters Not Working

Apr 23, 2015

I have created two report parameters and want them as Cascading. District Parameter depends on Region Parameter which should allow Multi selection. When I select single value in Region it works perfectly. But when I choose multiple values, District turns out to be a blank text box. I have used the In clause in my code :


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(Select All) In Multi-select Enabled Drop Down Parameters Doesn't Work

Apr 29, 2008

Hello all,
I have two mult-value parameters in my report. Both of them working with selecting one or more values. But, when I test using "(Select All)" values for both parameters , only one parameter works. The "available values" for these two parameters are both from the data set.

select distinct ProductType
from Product
order by ProductType

Any suggestion? thx

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(Select All) In Multi-select Enabled Drop Down Parameters

Feb 27, 2008

There are several parameters on a report. One of the parameter is a multi-select enabled parameter and I suppressed the value "All" showing as one of the item in the drop down list, simply by filter out the [bha].[bha].CURRENTMEMBER.LEVEL.ORDINAL to 1, as "(Select All)" is pre-assigned to the drop list when multi-select is enabled and it is confusing to show "(Select All)" and "All" in the drop list. However I have another report which is linked to this report and the value which is required to pass to this report for this parameter is "All". Can I pass the "Select All" as a parameter from the other report? If so, how? Thanks.

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Reporting Services :: Multi-value Parameters - How To Not Select One Of Options

May 14, 2015

I have a multivalue parameter that has X options. Is it possible to implement a solution that when I go into the report through an action, to have one option (in this case is the first) not selected all all the others are checked?

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Select All Checkbox For Multi-value Parameters Not Available After Applying Visual Studio Sp1

Mar 2, 2007

after i applied sp1 to visual studio i no longer have the select all checkbox option in multi-value parameters when previewing the report.

anyone having the same issue?


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Reporting Services :: Cascading Multi-Value Parameter

Sep 30, 2015

So this is my first time posting on MSDN but I am running into an issue I don't know how to circumvent. This issue isn't causing my report not to run but it makes it very confusing for end users.  I am building a report for a user and he was cascading parameters. The parameters are Department (the Parent), Site (the Child) and Vehicle Class (the grandchild).

Here is my issue: If I select 2 Departments named Dept1 and Dept2, the Site parameter populates. If Dept1 and Dept2 have sites named the same, example fleet, Fleet shows up in the site parameter twice. 

Then the Vehicle Class parameter populates. Now if at those sites they have the same vehicle class, lets say 1/2 ton pickup, 1/2 ton pickup is in the vehicle class parameter twice. 

All three of these parameters are populated by a query and all of the queries are using SELECT DISTINCT. I know I could manually input values for the parameters but there are to many departments and sites and they all vary to much depending on the department. 

Is there a way to to only have distinct values populate the parameter even if the parents have the same child?

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Cascading Parameters

Dec 15, 2005

I have three params p1 , p2 and p3.
All 3 are non queried with values Yes and NO .
if p1 is yes only i have to enable the remaining twp params otherwise disable them.
Can some one suggest as to how this can be achieved.

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Cascading Parameters

Mar 28, 2006

Hi All

I am using RS 2000. I used 2 input parameters for one of the report. The 2nd parameter is based on the 1st parameter. i.e. First Parameter is Country and 2nd Parameter is State. Based on the Country selection the list of states for the selected country will get displayed. This is working fine in Reporting services as well as report server. When deploying into the application it doesn't work.

If you have solution for this I would like to share.


Venkataraman M

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Cascading Parameters In MDX

Apr 15, 2008


I am doing report development against cube (OLAP) and I have several parameters. My second parameter is to be filtered based on the first parameter (kinda like cascading), but how do we achieve this in a cube environment? Lets say I have param1 and param2 in a dataset. I want Param2 to show the locations only based on what I select in Param1. Hope this helps. If you have questions, please let me know.

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Cascading Parameters

Mar 21, 2007

hi all,

In my report I want to make certain parameters to depend on the previous parameters. I think we can use those as cascading parameters. How to make a parameter a cascading parameter? and how to use those cascading parameter ? It would be nice of you if you can help me.

Thanking you,

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Cascading Parameters

Jun 1, 2007

I have a report that is based on 2 listboxes, the second one's values dependent on the value selected in the first box. How would I display all values in both list boxes on the report if I so decided?


The Rook

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Cascading(?) Parameters Help

Sep 24, 2007

I have 2 parameters that are of type string. The user can enter anything they want in them. The third parameter is query based and uses the first 2 parameters to get a list of people. Is there a way I can prevent the third parameter from propigating until the first 2 are both filled in? The first 2 cannot be drop downs however, they are used in a wild card fashion.


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Cascading Parameters

Apr 25, 2007


I have a listbox which selects distinct brands from the products table.

Then another list box which lists all the orders with order description. Each order has a unique system generated ORDERID and the user provides the orderdescription which could be duplicate.

Depending on the Brand selected by the user in the earlier list box, only those orders containing the the brands in order details files should be available for selection in the list box.

e.g. BRands Lisbox shows: Cream A, Cream B and Cream C

If the user selects 'Cream A', then the next list box shows orderdescription as 'Cream A order for regular sale','Cream A order for exhinition sale', 'Cream A order for exhibition sale'

The problem here is that if the user selects a description which is duplicate (could be the case), then the system brings back the wrong order details.

How is it possible to allow a user to select a order description but search on the OrderID?

Thanks for the help


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Cascading Parameters

Mar 20, 2007


I am using SQL Server 2005 reporting services. I am having a problem with Cascading Parameters. In my report there are 4 parameter . (Product Class, Product Type, Product SubType and Activites). when user open the report page he/she will have to select a value for product class depending on the selection Product Type and Sub type will be populated. So far its good, but Activities also depends on the Product Class. My question is can we have 2 parameters depend on same parameter. Here in this case Product Type and Activities both depend on the Product Class. I want only those activies in the dropdown which belongs to the Product Class that is selected.

Can anyone please give an ideas?



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Cascading Multivalued Parameters

Apr 1, 2008


I have the folowing problem with RS2005.
I have 2 parameters in my report. Firs one is a list of projects which is a single select. The second one allows to select multiple employees.
When I select a project from the first parameter, the list in second parameter gets narrowed to list of employees that are assigned to this project.

The unexpected behaviour:
1. I select "Proj1" from first parameter
2. The second parameter gets narrowed. I select "Select All" employees
3. I generate my report. OK

4. I change the selection in first param to "Proj2"
5. The second parameter gets narrowed, but employees that are common for "Proj1" and "Proj2" are still selected, which is unwanted. ERR

The users of this report gets confused as they generate the report just after point 4. and they think all employees are still selected.

What I want to do is uncheck all employees from second parameter every time the first one is changed. That would cause the user to get a prompt for selecting second parameter.

Is there a way I can do this? Any clue would be nice.

Best Regards.

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Cascading Parameters Problem

Jan 17, 2007


I have a problem with cascading parameters. I have 10 parameters in my report.

Parameters 1, 2, 9 and 10 are independant. Parameters 3 to 5 are cascading parameters as well as parameters 6 to 8.

Parameters 3 to 5 have no relationship with 6 to 8. But when I change the value for parameter 3 the values for parameters 4 to 10 are reset ???! I don't understand why, only parameters 4 to 5 should be reset.

Can someone please tell me how to avoid parameters 6 to 10 being reset ?

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Cascading Parameters Too Slow...

Jul 9, 2007


I have 3 parameters in a report related with each other, but using them makes the report go extremly slow... is this a known bug? I have been reading about the problem with postbacks and stuff is this the problem?

Any workaround or fix for this?

Best Regards,

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Cascading Parameters Problem

Mar 7, 2007

I have the following conundrum:
I have a report that utilises 3 cascading report parameters: region, area manager and business manager. They are in the correct order in the list of report parameters i.e. region then area manager then business manager.
When I select the region, then an area manager within that region, after having made the selection the area manager dropdown list changes to some arbitrary choice.
I also have a textbox equal to the label value of the area manager report parameter and this label displays something entirely different from my choice and the one that seems to be the "default".
Please note that I don't have any actual defaults for the parameters.

My question is why does the area manager dropdown change after the postback from my choice to something other?

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Cascading Parameters - Same Hierarchy

May 19, 2008

Hi all,
did any of you had the same issue ? how can I add cascading parameters to my report from the SAME hierarchy?
If I have 4 levels in hierarchy- according to level 1 - filter level2 (param2), then according to level 2 - filter level 3 (param3).

any ideas ?
Thanks in advance

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A Zillion Reports When Using Cascading Parameters?

Nov 17, 2007

I need the ability to choose between quite a few cascading olap time query parameters for a report without my creating a report or subreport for every combination of these parameters. If the recordset were smaller perhaps I could filter it when it's passed back to the report but it's a few million. Will switching to expression-based command text and building the mdx queries in code work? I would like to be able to tell rs to remove the parameter from the query if no selections are made.

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Cascading Parameters Causing Slowdown

Feb 1, 2008


I am currently working on a report with 3 cascading parameters. These three parameters depend on the datasets whose data are retrieved from a large table with SELECT DISTINCT. As the table grows larger, selecting values for these parameters cause postback, and slow in performance from user perspective. I am looking for a way to reduce postback. Can anyone suggest the way to retrieve the dataset all once and filter the dataset without causing postback? Or any other way to improve the performance will be greatly appreciated.


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Problem With Cascading Parameters After CTP2

Dec 4, 2006

In the standard report manager I'm running a report with 5 parameter choices. The first 3 are determinants of the 4th, and the combined 1-4 determine the 5th.

Although this works fine in my VS BIDS (sp1) with SQL 2005 sp2 CTP, when I deploy it to my sp2 CTP Report server, it throws an error as soon as I select the 3rd parameter.

One or more data sources is missing credentials

I found this answer from MS in another thread ( and since it deals with my problem, wanted to pass it along to anyone else that is dealing with this problem.

" This is a known regression with CTP2 that will be fixed before SP2 is released. The problem is not specific to multivalue parameters. It has to do with dependencies between parameters.

In some cases, you can work around the issue if you give the dependent parameter a default value. You can also work around the issue by removing the valid values dependency between the parameters, though this may not be possible for a given report."

The suggested workaround does work! I can get beyond the 3rd parameter now because I applied a default value!

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Cascading Parameters Based Off Analysis Services

Jun 6, 2007


I was trying to do cascading parameters based off my cube and I wasn't able to do this. Is it possible?

For example, I have a dimension that has Products so I first select the parameter for product type (Dairy, Frozen, Candy) and then I have another dropdown listbox that has the name of each product (Milk, Ice Cream, Lemon Drops). The second dropdown listbox should only contain the products that match what parameter was selected in the first dropdown.

When I couldn't get that to work, I went to the source system containing the Dimension tables and just did nice and easy SQL statements from there. It worked but I, for some reason that I can't explain, think this is not the proper way to do it.

Also, is there a way to have a default on the second parameter based on the first parameter selected? I would assume that default would be [All].

Thank you.


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Problems Displaying Default Value Of First Cascading Parameters.

Mar 3, 2007

I have 5 cascading parameters.  They all have default values.  I would like the default value of each of these to be selected when the report opens.

It currently works correctly when I preview the report, however when I deploy the report to the server it does not.  In the deployed report, the default value of the first parameter is not selected.  However, when I select a value for this one, on postback the rest of these parameters get set to their default value.  They're all configured the same.  I'm confused as to why the first one doesn't default to its default value while the others do.

Got any ideas?

Here's how I have it configured:

Allow null value CHECKED

Allow blank value CHECKED

The rest are unchecked.

Available values: From query

Default Values: Non-queried with a value supplied that exists in the dataset.

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Cascading Parameters With Values Supplied By Query

Feb 11, 2008


I would like to set up cascading report parameters but need to supply the list of values in my dataset query as they are not being pulled from a table or stored procedure.

I would like to set up something like

select 'LS' Source
select 'RH' Source
select 'UK' Source

as the value list for my first parameter, then, I would like the second parameter to default to '1' if the first parameter has 'RH' or 'UK' selected but default to blank if the first parameter has 'LS' selected. I can get all to default to blank or 1 but can not seem to make it dependent.



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Reporting Services :: SSRS Cascading Parameters

Jun 26, 2015

I am using SSRS 2008 with a SQL Server 2008 R2. It's been many years since i have used SSRS but i have used this and some other reporting tools in the past.I have created a cascading parameters where upon selecting 'ALL' or one of the other values in parameter A , the other values gets displayed in paramter B which is working in the Report builder. i am handling this in the dataset  query where i handle that through a case statement ( something like WHERE 1 = (CASE WHEN @Prm_A = 'ALL' THEN 1 END) OR  column_X= ( CASE WHEN  @Prm_A <>'ALL' THEN   @Prm_A END ).Also tried WHERE @Prm_A = 'ALL' OR column_X=  @Prm_A

This seems to work in the report builder on my machine or when i run it by editing the report on the web, but when i publish it on the report server, i don't see that behavior, meaning it does not cascade. I also tried to simplify it by making the query simple(WHERE column_X=  @Prm_A ),  but it still would not cascade on the web. 

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Cascading Parameters In Report Builder Reports!

Mar 15, 2007

Is it possible to create cascading parameters with in Report Builder? I have done this with Report Designer but i need a solution with Report Builder.

(I need the structure: First the user selects the state, afer the postpack the cirties of the state are listed in another dropdownlist for selection).

Thanks in advance

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Reporting Services On Cube: Stop Parameters From Cascading

Aug 27, 2007


I'm using a SSIS cube as source for reporting services. In my DataSet I have 3 parameters: Year, ProductGroup, Product. By default all parameters are cascading when defined on the DataSet. This is great for ProductGroup -> Product, but I don't want it for Year -> ProductGroup (I want to avoid the roundtrip). I removed the link in the generated MDX, I removed the parameters on the DataSet, but when I run the report, ProductGroup is still grayed out until I choose a year.

Suggestions are very welcome...

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Cascading Parameters In SQL Server Reporting Services 2005

May 29, 2007

I have a Reporting Services 2005 report which uses cascading parameter multi-select drop-down boxes. The report runs perfect after making initial selections. However, each subsequent parameter selection causes the page to refresh to a blank page until the View Report button is clicked. What I would like to happen (which should be the norm) is for the user to be able to make all necessary selections without the page auto-refreshing after each selection. The user would then click the View Report button to regenerate the report. We are currently using reports which contain up to 5 cascading parameters. This becomes very time-consuming when the page refreshes after each selection.

Has anyone come across a solution or code alternative to this problem??

Any help would be most appreciated.

Thank you.


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How To Create Cascading Parameters In A Report With Cube As Datasource

Mar 11, 2008

I'm trying to create report with datasource as a cube. I'm able to connect to datasource to pull data with a single parameter. But, I'm unable to succeed in creating a cascading parameter.
The following scenario:
I have a dimension "Period" as Paremeter.
The Period dimension is cascaded to year- quarter- month.
So, I would like to create a cascading parameter for period as year - quarter - month.

Please let me know, how to acheive this.


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Reporting Services :: Report Not Running After Adding Cascading Parameters

Sep 2, 2015

After adding cascading parameters my report which was running earlier is failing. I'm using Report builder 3.0, windows 2008r2, am running the report from the server

Error message "An error has occurred during report processing.(rsProcessingAborted)

Query execution failed for dataset 'LastName' (rsErrorExecutinGcOMMAND)
Incorrect Syntax near ','."

Is there a way where i can look up the code in xml using report builder or some other way so that i can delete the extra '','.

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Reporting Services :: Passing Cascading Parameters In Drill Through Subreport

Nov 10, 2015

I have two reports.

1. Main Report
2. Sub Report.

I have cascading parameters in 'Main Report'. When i try to pass cascading parameters in to sub-report, I could pass only 'first parameter' value to sub-report.Is there a way that i can pass cascading parameters to the child report?

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