Prompt User For Data

Oct 20, 2006

I need to prompt a user for start and end dates as well
as start and end times using a specific format for the
date and time.

I am having difficulty constructing the query.

So far I have...


SELECT I.IncidentId,

FROM dbo.IncidentExtensionBase I
INNER JOIN dbo.IncidentBase E on I.IncidentId = E.IncidentId

WHERE E.createdon >= @StartDate AND
E.createdon <= @EndDate AND
E.createdon >= @StartTime AND
E.createdon <= @EndTime;

Could someone please let me know how I prompt the user for this data.

Thank you very much.

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Prompt User For User Name And Password

Apr 14, 2008

Hi guys,

My users are unable to view reports on server A. When trying to access it shows up as users have no access to the reports.
We have another server B which also deploys the same set of reports,to the same set of users as Server A.Users are able to view the reports on Server B.
Both server B & A are used for deploying reports that are created on another development server.I am very new to the concepts of IIS and report administration.Could someone tell me what I can start checking on? What are the settings that I can compare on both server ?

If I am not very clear on the problem explained above.Do let me know I would be glad to explain futher.

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User Report Prompt

Oct 15, 2007

I'm a very basic user to VSS 2005 and I've created a simple report to display our customer master table. The problem is that we have 1000's of customers, but the report must scroll page by page.

I'd like to prompt the user with:

"Customer code starts with:"

Can you tell me how to do this using the field:


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Prompt For User Credentials For Database

Jun 18, 2007

Hello friends,
In my web application I have saved my connection string into web.config file. Now I have to send this web application to the client in the form of web set up. The issue is that on the client side, user credentials for the database will be different. So can we do some setings that the web application whenever will run should ask for the server name, username & Password. If this can be done then the application can be run anywhere considering all compatibilities.
Please let me know how this can be done.
Thanks & RegardsGirish Nehte

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Prompt User From Stored Procedure?

Feb 7, 2006

I have a stored procedure that moves specific data from several tables from a database on one server to several others (using a bunch of openrowset queries). I don't have an app to call this procedure - it's usually runs from the query analyzer and the parameter values for the procedure are passed in from there.

The procedure currently skips over recipient tables that are already populated with the data that's being moved. I want the ability to either skip the table or delete the existing records from the recpient table data based on the user's response. Therefore, I somehow need to prompt the user to get a response when the data already exists in the existing table.

Is there any way to prompt the user from a stored procedure, or do I have to re-develop the procedure in DTS or write and application?

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Prompt For User Input In Criteria Field Of View

Apr 12, 2006

In Access, I use [Enter Date] in the Criteria field of the Query. I tried the same thing in SQL Server in the Criteria field of the View and it does not recognize this. Is there a comparable command in SQL to get user input into the Criteria field of a view?

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DB Engine :: How To Restrict A User Do Not Connect To Server From Command Prompt

Jul 20, 2015

How to restrict a user do not connect sql server from command prompt.

I want to restrict my sql server do not connect from command prompt i.e providing server ip address and server credential.

How to secure my server data base do not connect from dos command.

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Waiting For User Prompt When Running Report Builder Reports

Jan 2, 2007

I have created some reports using Report Builder however they autorun with default values when selected in report manager, cant think many people would want this to happen. Is there a way of getting rid of the default values in RB or preventing auto execute in RM?

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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path. Please Make Sure The User Has A Local User Profile On The Computer. The Connection Will Be Closed

Dec 7, 2006

This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database)
Help pleaseee

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Custom Data Flow Task Throwing Error When Run From Command Prompt

Jan 17, 2007


I developed a custom data flow task in .net 2.0 using Visual Studio 2005. I installed it into GAC using GACUTIL and also copied it into the pipeline directory. This task runs absolutely fine when I run it on my local machine both in BIDS and using the script in windows 2000 environment. However, when I deployed this package into a windows 2003 server, the package fails at the custom task level. I checked the GAC in windowsassembly directory and it is present. Also I copied the file into the PipeLine directory and verified that I copied it into the correct pipeline directory by checking the registry. The version of the assembly is still Debug. I looked up documentation in MSDN but there is very little information about the errors I am seeing.

The error I get is pasted below, Can somebody please help me as I am currently stuck and running out of ideas to fix this problem.

Code: 0xC0047067

Source: DFT Raw File DFT Raw File (DTS.Pipeline)

Description: The "component "_" (2546)" failed to cache the component metadata object and returned error code 0x80131600.

Code: 0xC004706C

Source: DFT Raw File DFT Raw File (DTS.Pipeline)

Description: Component "component "_" (2546)" could not be created and returned error code 0xC0047067. Make sure that the component is registered correctly.

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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login Failed For User ''. The User Is Not Associated With A Trusted SQL Server Connection.

May 17, 2006

Hi all,
Can someone explain it to me  why I am getting the following error when I try to connect SQL server express with .NET 2.0?
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.Here is my code and i am using windows authentication:
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %><%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
        Dim connAkaki As SqlConnection    Dim cmdSelectAuthers As SqlCommand    Dim dtrAuthers As SqlDataReader        connAkaki = New SqlConnection("Server=.SQLEXPRESS;database=akaki")             connAkaki.Open()        cmdSelectAuthers = New SqlCommand("select Firstname from UserTableTest",  connAkaki)    dtrAuthers= cmdSelectAuthers.ExecuteReader()            While dtrAuthers.Read()          Response.Write("<li>")          Response.Write(dtrAuthers("Firstname"))              End While        dtrAuthers.Close()    connAkaki.Close()    %>

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Please Help *** Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path

Apr 28, 2008

Hi all hope some one can help - please bear with me new to this
Basically I have had to change pc's so I copied and pasted my ASPNET.MDF and LDF from my old pc to new PC including webpages/apps etc.. created.
However now all I get is "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path """"
Just don't understand what permissions the db should have, does it need to match the SQL Express owner...
any help would be most appreciated

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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path

Jun 21, 2005

I installed my 2.0 web application  and sql express june editon on my windows 2003 server.When the application tries to reach the database i am getting the following error"Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed."I can understand that it has something to do with user right but more than that I am pretty lost. Can anyone translate this error for me and give me some tips on what do to.I checked first the user running the sql express service and saw it was the NETWORK SERVICE user. I changed it to be the local system account but that did not make any difference. The application is running just fine on my local computer(Win XP sp2). This one has SQL express April edition though.

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How Should I Render Appropriate User-Entry For Getting User Data Dynamically?

Sep 20, 2007

Hi all
Recently i was asked to design and implement an On-line WebSite for a Shop Store.I decided to define some Category for this Shop's Products such as MP3-Players,Mobiles,Televisions,Monitors and so on....and then Assign each product to a certain Category.Something like Amazon.Com , So i designed my Category and Product Table as follow:
Category Table----------------CatID    int Primary-KeyCatDesc  varchar(50)
Product Table-------------ProductIDProductDescCatID
After that i noticed that each category has its own Fields and Property and sometimes somecategories have common Fields for example , Price ,Color are two Common Property or Fieldsfor all Categories that i mentioned earlier But , Size is a special property for only[Monitor] or [Television] Categories and isn't useable for [Mice] or [KeyBoard] categories for example. So i Added a table for Keeping each category's Fields as follow:
Category Fields Table---------------------FieldID     intCatID       intFieldDesc   varchar(50)FieldType   tinyint --> 0=Numeric 1=String 2=Boolean...
After that i should save each Field's Value somewhere for each product so i added thefollowing Table(Product-Field-Value Table) for this purpose:
Product-Field-Value Table-------------------------ProductIDFieldIDValue
So far every thing is ok But i've faced with a new issue!!!.As you have realized so far , each productbelongs to certain category and each category has its own Fields List , in the other hand one category maybe has only 3 to 6 Fields but another Category might has 10 or more fields,So my problem here is when user wants to Add new product to Databse ,how should i get the Field's value for each product in an ASPX page ?in the other hand i'm dealing with a dynamic structure as you can see, so how should i Render the appropriate User Entries for getting Values of each product dynamically and then Saving these values in the Database? what Asp.Net Components should i use for this purpose? Could anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.Kind Regards.

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Data Access :: Remote Data Object In VB5 To Get Current Login User?

Jul 13, 2015

I'm using a legacy application built using VB5 and SQL Server 7. After recompiling it, and putting the database in SQL Server 2012. I want to access the current login user using the SQL function SUSER_SNAME().

This is the code.

Set rdoRes = goDatabase.Connection.OpenResultset("select suser_sname()")

But I'm unable to get the current user login in the application. If I write any other SQL statement instead of this, then it runs. But only this statement is not running. Is there any security reasons for this?

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Master Data Services :: User Friendly Way To Manage Data With Many-to-many Relationship

Sep 28, 2015

I've been quite excited about SQL Server MDS that should allow non-IT staff to easily maintain data. However maintaining data that have many-to-many relationships seems to be quite a pain. I believe the best way is:

Open up your MDS web interfaceGo to entities > product (for example)Add a new member and fill the details Click "product parts" in the bottom right "Related Entities" partAdd a new memberTry and find the product you just created from the dropdownlistSelect the first part and click OKAgain try and find the product you have created from the dropdownlistSelect the second part and click OKRepeat...Close the tab on your browser and finish your product entity.How I wish it worked:

Open up your MDS web interfaceGo to entities > product (for example)Add a new member and fill the detailsCheck a checkbox for each part visible under "product parts" in the bottom right "Related Entities" partFinish your product entity.

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Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed. Login Failed For User 'DOMAINUser'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

Apr 16, 2008

Hi when i try and open a database in sql server management studio i get the error "Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'DOMAINUser'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)", what can i do to rectify this, i have googled around and still havent found no answers.

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Prompt For Value

Jun 21, 2004

What is the sql code to prompt for a value?

Can I do this in query analyzer or do I have to send the value from some other application?

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Prompt In SQL Server 7

Mar 6, 2002

I have a need where SQL Server should prompt me for a value when I run a Select statement.

If I need the name of an employee by id number, SQL server should prompt me to enter a value for the ID when I run the statement like:

SELECT name FROM employee WHERE id=[Enter ID]

In oracle, it is possible by using "&" operator but I am not sure how it can be done in SQL Server. Is there any other way to get the prompts if not by the above method.

Thank you for your help in advance.


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What's Sql Prompt Tool

Feb 26, 2008

can anyone tell me what's sql prompt tool and how can it help in sql script? it finds error or what?

is it useful? its like visual studio?

thanks. pls reply.

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SQL Bundle Pro And Sql Prompt

Sep 24, 2007


we are using a development environment. what is the cost saving licence to buy sql bundle pro and sql prompt.
Please guide. we have eight programmers , do we need to buy licence for every one, for both the tools, and what is the cost
i saw the link in the internet, but not so clear.


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Parameter Prompt RTL

May 9, 2007

How i can display parameter prompt in other language like arabic

(right to left)



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Prompt When New Message Is Submitted

Jul 31, 2006

Hey everyone I dont know if this is the right area to post this but here it goesAn easy expamle of this that everyone is really fimaler with is myspace. When a new database entry is submitted then on the admin page it will say like new message(s).. how can I do this. It doesnt have to be per member. It is only going to be on the admin page.

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BCP Utility & Command Prompt

Dec 7, 2000

Can anyone tell me how to enable bcp utility. Because anytime I try to run BCP I get the following error messages: (BCP not enable). Also how can I get to SQL Server command prompt? I look forward to hearing from anyone.

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Running DTS From Dos Prompt.....URGENT!!

Oct 17, 2000

How to run a DTS job from command prompt? Any help is appreciated!

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Running A DTS Job From Command Prompt

Oct 17, 2000

Sorry for the new thread.
How to run a DTS job from command prompt? Any help is appreciated!

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XP_CMDSHELL From DOS Prompt And SQL Mail!

Dec 3, 1999

I have a problem like this.

I have a Folder on our NT4.0 server gets filled with different files with extensions(For ex. .bak, .new, .old, etc). These files with those extensions gets build up on a daily basis.

What I am looking for is,
a)I would like to do a count on those files with those extenstion
b)Send an email to the user and their boss if I have letz say more than 15 files of .bak or 15 files of .new files in that folder.
c) Also like to schedule this program to to run every day.

We have SQL Server6.5. Can some one assist me in coding this problem. Thanks
for your time.

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Start Job From The Command Prompt?

Feb 23, 2006

I have a Microsoft SQL server that is setup, and inside it is a job. Inside the job is a bunch of lines of transact sql statements.

I would like to be able to start the job from the command prompt. Moreover, I do not want to have to create new files or modify anything that is existing. I just want to be able to have it set up so that a new user who installs the server and all of the job on their machine fresh, can just punch in the command to run the job.

I know I can copy the transact sql statements from the job, and run them through the command prompt, but that would be a poor way to do it, because if the statements in the job were ever modified, with this task being automated, the command prompt statements would be out of date.

So I just need a way to start the existing job from the command prompt. Is this possible? Maybe with OSQL?

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Sql Install From Command Prompt

Jun 18, 2008

Please let me know how to install sql server by using command prompt.

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Prompt In Query Analyser

Feb 5, 2007

Is there antway I can get the Query Analyser to prompt me with a message saying '234 records will be updated' and then give me the option to continue or not.

I want to run an update query but want to see how many records it will update first.

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BCP Problem Using Command Prompt

Mar 26, 2008

I am have trouble configuring developer edition when trying to run a Bulk Copy through Command Prompt. I have configured remote connections within the surface area configuration and have created a firewall exception

I enter and run

bcp FileImportDB..Exam in "c:FileImportPracticeExamImportFile.txt" -T -c

then i get the following error message

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:UsersDineen>bcp FileImportDB.Exam in "c:FileImportPracticeExamImportFile.t
xt" -T -c
SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 2
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
SQLState = HYT00, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Login timeout expired
SQLState = 08001, NativeError = 2
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]An error has occurred while establishing a
connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may
be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.

I am running developer edition on vista and Service pack 2, iam connecting to my instance with no problem.

Can someone please help

Kind regards


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Stop Replication In Cmd Prompt

Feb 8, 2006

is it possible to stop replication in cmd prompt for MSSQL2005? Thanks in advance!

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Getting A Report To Prompt For A Date

Apr 22, 2008

I am trying to get add a parameter to my code so that when the report is run, a dialog box pops up and asks for the date.

The tutorial only seems to talk about parameters as filters, rather than variables. Is there a way to do this?

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