Put Delimited Data In Unconventional Format In Dataset
Aug 15, 2004
Im interfacing with an app that imports/exports data in a very specific hash-delimited format
like this:
#column1=Value1#column2=Value2#column3=Value3 etc.
How do i import this into a dataset so i can in my db.
Obviously ideal way would be to use the Jet text provider, but im not sure if the schema.ini can be setup to deal with this kind of data.
If anyone has ANY way of me getting this data into dataset please help.
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Jan 15, 2001
Hi. Im new to SQL and I need to export a SQL table as a comma delimited text file which is straight forward. However two of the fields are integers and I need these to be right justified with zero's.
In Access I would use something like format(columnname, "00000000") to get it to work, but SQL Server doesn't like this.
How can I do this?
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Jan 17, 2007
In exporting from a OLEDB connection to a flat file.
In the originating table the field for DOB is in a varchar(10) format ex. 01/17/2007. The flat file connection destination is setup as a DT_STR. When you look at the OLEDB connection table preview you see it as 01/17/2007. When it is export to the delimited <CR><LF> <|> pipe delimited the format looks like this 01/17/2007 00:00:00. The issue would be resolved with a right ragged fixed width file. But this is not the requirement for the project format fot the file. I have tried delete and recreating the connections, and even tried doing a data conversation from the OLEDB connection to a char(10). Also, thourgh the transformation services with out any luck. On the flat file data connection I am using expressions to map to a declared variable path and variable name and I listed the expression language below also:
@[User::varPATH]+ @[User::varFileName]+ RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR, 2) MONTH( GETDATE() ), 2) + RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR, 2) DAY( GETDATE() ), 2) +RIGHT("0" + (DT_WSTR, 4) YEAR( GETDATE() ), 4) + ".txt"
If you can give some help in getting the file to export to a delimited "|" file in the format of "01/17/2007" this would be greatly aprreciated. I also forgot to mention that I have also tried putting a text qualifier in like" on the flat file destination column layout and get the other format still.
Thanks in advance.
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Jan 23, 2007
Hello everyone:
I am new with SSIS and I have a problem that I don€™t know solving it.
I have a simple package with a delimited flat file source which is loaded into a table in a SQL Server database.
Below is the import format:
- Row delimiter: carriage return and line feed {CR/LF}
- Column delimiter: Comma {,}
- Text qualifier: €œ
In the source file, the data looks like this:
€œstring1 €?, 34, €œ€?, , ,€? string2 €œtext1€? string2€? , €œ €œ,
This package with DTS works, but now with SSIS does not, when I see the €œprevious rows€? in the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, the last column has incorrect information and when I create a new file without spaces and without twice €œ€? in the same string, it works. I don€™t know what I am missing with SSIS.
Fanny Tejera
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Sep 21, 2015
What is wrong with this???
=Format(First(Fields!startdate.Value, "DataSet2"), "MM/dd/yyyy")
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Apr 11, 2008
i have two datasets.one dataset have old data from some other database.second dataset have original data from sql server 2005 database.both database have same field having id as a primary key.i want to transfer all the data from first dataset to new dataset retaining the previous data but if old dataset have the same id(primary key) as in the new one then that row will not transfer.
but if the id(primary key) have changed values then the fields updated with that data.how can i do that.
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Jan 21, 2004
I posted this originally in the incorrect forum I believe so I am reposting this in here which I believe is the proper place.
I need to move essentially a flat file from one server to another one and export it into a database on the second server. Does anyone have an easy process to accomplish this? I am currently at a loss. Any advice would be much appreciated.
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Mar 11, 2008
I'd need to have a function that allows me to extract 'fields' fromwithin the stringI.E. (kinda pseudo code)declare @foo as varchar(100)set @foo = "Robert*Camarda*123 Main Street"select EXTRACT(@foo, '*', 2) ; -- would return 'Camarda'select EXTRACT(@foo, '*', 3) ;-- returns '123 Main Street'select EXTRACT(@foo, '*', 0) ;-- would return entire stringselect EXTRACT(@foo,'*' , 9) ;-- would return nullExtract( string, text delimiter, occurance)Anyone have something like this as a user defined function in SQL?TIARob
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Jan 8, 2008
First of all I am a novice here. I am working on a table with a column of URL. I want to seperate the data in the URL delimited by '/'.
Here I want aopen as manufacturer, s661fxm as model_number and intelp4 as submodel_number.
I solved this problem in Oracle using substring and instring. But I have no ides how to achieve this in SQL server.
Please..advice me.
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 29, 2015
I have a database that has a table with a lot of delimited data. I need to extract some of this data, preferably into a sql view, that I can name the fields. The data looks like this:
|7700|6|0|work center|24|8|XLT
What I need is:
field name 1= 7700  field name 2= 6  field name 3= 0 field name 4= work center  field name 5=24, ETC
I'm not sure how to count the delimiter | and get the data between | & |. Or maybe that isn't the way to do this.
Here is a sample of what I did in Crystal Reports but I need a view to make this usable.Â
Split ({usrc1.application_data}, "|") [22] Â This gives me the data between delimiters 22 & 23.
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Jun 9, 2006
hi siri have table hh .it has two columnsone is hhno is integer datatype another hhdoc is xml data type likehh tablehhno hhdoc---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100<suresh>sfjfjfjfjf</suresh>....................................101<ramesh>hhfhfhf</ramesh>..................................how to convert the xml data format into the general data format plshelp me with examples
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Feb 15, 2007
I'm trying to figure out if it's good design practice to have several pieces of data in a one column. I explain by example. Let's say you build a movie site. Each movie can belong to several categories. A movie can be Action, Adventure, Fantasy and Drama all at once. Assume a database table with all the movies and another table with all the categories. Now how would I associate one movie with several categories? Would it be OK if I add a Category field in the movie table and then add several categories in that, delimited by commas? Sort of like below:
movie_title | movie_rating | category_name--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pirates of the Carribean | PG-13 | Action,Adventure,FantasyEvil Dead | Unrated | Horrorand so on ...I can then query the database with a LIKE query if I want to select all movies of a certain category. Personally, I don't like this approach to much, but I can't think of another way to achieve this. Well, there is one other, but I like that one even less. I could create another table that links each movie to a category, but his way each movie with several categories would get a new row. Using the table above, Pirates would get three rows in that table. One with Action, one with Adventure and one with Fantasy. Get my drift? It all seems counter-intuitive. Thoughts?
Thanks :o)
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Mar 29, 2001
I have a table in which I want to create a delimited list of values from one field which I will be using for validation.
How can I do this without using a cursor to build the string. The SQL would be something like:
FROM myCrossRefTable
WHERE SourceTable = 'FieldValueList'
I'm looking to return on string like -
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Sep 8, 2005
I need to export data from SQL server 2000 database into text file uisng ç Delimited. Because my destination database will be teradata. Could you let me know if you have any method for this.
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Oct 19, 2007
I was wondering if anyone might be able to say how I could export data captured via a view into a comma delimited csv file.
So far I have tried using BCP to access my view and export to a CSV file, but the CSV file isn't comma delimited. I tried finding examples but couldn't see what I should do to have a comma delimited file. (I'm getting a bit tired now, so I might be missing something!)
I have created a bat file containing the following code:
bcp "TestDB..GA_FSM_DCSF_Extract" out "C:GA_FSM_DCSF_Extract.csv" -fexport.fmt -e "C:error.log" -c -T -S srckvzg2j -r
Any help / pointers would be much appreciated.
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Feb 29, 2004
Hello, i need to load some data from a long comma delimited text file, How can a i do that, using t-sql?, thanks for your help!!!!!
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Jun 13, 2008
I'm working on a sales commission report that will show commissions for up to 5 sales reps for each invoice. The invoice detail table contains separate columns for the commission rates payable to each rep, but for some reason the sale srep IDs are combined into one column. The salesrep column may contain null, a single sales rep id, or up to five slaes rep IDs separated by the '~' character.
So I'd like to parse the rep IDs from a single column (salesreplist) in my invoice detail table (below) to multiple columns (RepID1, RepID2, RepID3, RepID4,RepID5) in a temp table so I can more easily calculate the commission amounts for each invoice and sales rep.
Here is my table:
invoicenum int,
salesreplist [text] NULL,
reprate1 int NULL,
reprate2 int NULL,
reprate3 int NULL,
reprate4 int NULL,
reprate5 int NULL,
Here is some sample data:
1 A 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 I~~~~ 15 0 0 0 0
4 A~B 5 5 0 0 0
5 I~F~T~K~G 5 5 2 2 2
6 A~B
As you can see, some records have trailing delimiters but some don't. This may be a result of the application's behavior when multiple reps are entered then removed from an invoice. One thing for sure is that when there are multiple reps, the IDs are always separated by '~'
Can anyone suggest a solution?
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May 21, 2007
I have 2 Tables
Table 1, Row 1
1. Id = 1
2. GraphPoints = 023, 045, 078 (text - data type)
I need to move data to Table 2.
Table 2 should have
1st row
1. Id = 1
2. GraphPoint = 023 (float data type)
2nd row
1. Id = 1
2. GraphPoint = 045 (float data type)
and so on
How do I do that?
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May 10, 2007
As part of xml parsing, I use multicast to direct output of nodes to their corresponding relational tables and I do have a comma-delimited list for some nodes which basically needs to be converted into rows as illustrated below
ID Products
1 12, 45
2 10, 20
and I would like to have results as
ID Products
1 12
1 45
2 10
2 20
I would appreciate if someone could offer me some guidance here.
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May 13, 2015
I have a problem with a PIPE "|" delimited flat file. I have a column "Description" in which we get a string in which we have PIPE "|" as data. How we can skip this and load it as a data into the column Description.
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Sep 3, 2015
I am struggling on using bcp to import data. Here is my steps:
1. I created a Test database on my localhost
2. In the Test database, I created a Test table, the query is here for your convenience:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[network_group_name] [varchar](128) NULL,
[IP] [varchar](15) NULL,
[OS] [varchar](128) NULL,
[Code] ....
I then create the format file used in bcp:
bcp Test.dbo.Test format nul -c -t, -f C:RXieSQLTest.fmt –T
Here is the format file:
1 SQLCHAR 0 12 "," 1 id ""
2 SQLCHAR 0 128 "," 2 network_group_name SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
3 SQLCHAR 0 15 "," 3 IP SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
[Code] ...
The data file is called 20150902FullTest.rpt and the first couple lines (first line is the header and followed by two rows) are posted here:
Domestic,,Windows XP SP3,Adobe / Macromedia Flash Player,APSB14-17: Adobe Flash Player CVE-2014-0537 Vulnerability,4350,2015-09-01 09:55:07.720
Domestic,,Windows XP SP3,Adobe / Macromedia Flash Player,APSB14-17: Adobe Flash Player CVE-2014-0539 Vulnerability,4350,2015-09-01 09:55:07.720
With the format file and the data file, I use the following bcp command:
bcp Test.dbo.Test in C:RxieSQL20150902FullTest.rpt -f C:RxieSQLTest.fmt -T
I got the following error messages:
Starting copy...
SQLState = 22005, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid character value for cast specification
SQLState = 22005, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid character value for cast specification
[Code] ...
I do want to mention here is the rpt file contains three BOM characters EF BB BF at the beginning of the file.
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Aug 9, 2007
The problem is that I have (for example) following data
in space delimited file and i want to populate a database using SSIS and it is not working. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
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Feb 26, 2007
I am writing a package that will process delimited flat files that will come in one of a few different versions. Within each flat file, the number of delimited columns will be the same, but each version of the file has a different number of columns. I have tried configuring the flat file data source to expect the version with the largest number of columns, but it will then throw away rows that have less than this number of columns (warning: There is a partial row at the end of the file).
Is it possible to use a single flat file data source that will work with all of the different width files?
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Jun 19, 2007
Hi, all experts here,
I am wondering is there any way to select only a portion of a data set to train the mining model? In this case, I mean we dont need to split the dataset in advance, what I want to do is being able to select any random portion of a selected dataset to train a mining model. Any advices?
I am looking forward to hearing from you and thanks a lot in advance for your advices and help.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Apr 11, 2007
I'm trying to figure this out
I have a store procedure that return the userId if a user exists in my table, return 0 otherwise
Create Procedure spUpdatePasswordByUserId
@userName varchar(20),
@password varchar(20)
Declare @userId int
Select @userId = (Select userId from userInfo Where userName = @userName and password = @password)
if (@userId > 0)
return @userId
return 0
I create a function called UpdatePasswordByUserId in my dataset with the above stored procedure that returns a scalar value. When I preview the data from the table adapter in my dataset, it spits out the right value.
But when I call this UpdatepasswordByUserId from an asp.net page, it returns null/blank/0
passport.UserInfoTableAdapters oUserInfo = new UserInfoTableAdapters();
Response.Write("userId: " + oUserInfo.UpdatePasswordByUserId(txtUserName.text, txtPassword.text) );
Do you guys have any idea why?
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Jun 5, 2008
I upsized some database tables for use in Visual Studio. When I add these data sources I see the data in all the tables except one. Any suggestion on why I can see data in all the other tables except tis one?
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Feb 20, 2008
Is it possible to display fields from 2 datasets in one table?
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May 14, 2007
The stored procedure returns 2 datasets. Is there any way to use the second dataset in SSRS2005?
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May 26, 2015
I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters. I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.
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Oct 1, 2015
I have a small number of rows in a dataset, Table 1. There is a CLOB on a large dataset, Table 2. They join on a PK. I would like to retrieve this CLOB and add it to the data flow for Table1. In short I want to emulate the following:
Table 1:Â Small table without CLOB, 10 rows.Â
Table 2: Large table with CLOB, 10,000,000 rows
select CLOB
from table2
where pk = (select pk from table1)
I want this to return the CLOBs for the small number of rows in Table 1. The PK is indexed obviously so it should be a fast look up.
Table 1 and Table 2 live on different Oracle databases. How do I perform this operation efficiently in SSIS? It seems the Lookup and Merge Join wont do this.
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May 27, 2015
I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters.
I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.
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May 21, 2007
I found out the data I need for my SQL Report is already defined in a dynamic dataset on another web service. Is there a way to use web services to call another web service to get the dataset I need to generate a report? Examples would help if you have any, thanks for looking
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Feb 2, 2007
is there a way to copy a SqlDataSource Data into a dataset?
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