Querry About Drivers For My Laptop.

Mar 6, 2008

i lost my laptop driver's cd,right now i am using windows XP professional.and laptop is of compaq v3000.
so from where i get my laptops driver,can you help me out .?

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Querry Help!!!

Aug 25, 2005

Is there a way I can frame the querry for the following scenario??


Querry: Select datediff(month,item1,item2) and next for item2 and item3...


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I Need Help With A New Querry Again

Nov 12, 2007

Hello. I know, you think I'm totally clueless, and you're right. SQL is the most confusing thing for me but I must learn it.
So, I am running a query to find out the name of the person who sold the most stoves with the least color purchased. I have ran that query and it works . My problem is that I have to add to that query another column that counts the number of stoves sold, instead of having them displayed one by one. My query is as follows:

AND EMPLOYEE.Name IN (Select CAST(MAX(Name) AS CHAR(15)) 'Employee Name' FROM EMPLOYEE)

Thank you

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Sql Sub Querry

Feb 18, 2008

I have a single table and I want to check for the duplicates. On the bases of two column.
Namley HiNum, Procode.

so if there are duplicates I want to print out those records
How I can do that in a script.

I tried the following codes but I am getting an error. how I can fix it. Or this is completly wrong?

Select * from Claims Where HiNum in (Select HiNum,Procode,Count(*) as NumberOfRows

From Claims

Group by HiNumber, Procode

Having Count(*) > 1)

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Insert Querry

Mar 16, 2007

          Can anyone give me the code to insert date from textbox to database(SQL Server 2000). The date fromat in SQL is dd-mm-yyyy.

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2 Updates In The Same Querry!

Oct 29, 2007

Hi! I 'd like to update the database..I 'd like to update the same field, the first update would set all to 'No' and the second update woyuld set specific records to 'Yes':
1)  "Update tblDept SET IsTop ='No'
2) "Update tblDept  SET IsTop = 'Yes'  WHERE id = 200 "

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How To Build My SQL Querry.

Nov 12, 2003

I know this querry:


will give the top 10 rows.

But how can I build a querry that can get the rows from 40-50 (ie).

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Need Help To Build Querry

Jan 21, 2005

I have two tables linked with the colunm name systemId and I need to get all the systems responding to the condition (t1.software & 0000000001) = 1 and if they have any contacts I would like to see them.
Here is what I have for the moment however my querry do not return the system info if no contact exist and that is wrong.

select customers.customerId,customers.systemId,customers.country
from customers,contacts
where (customers.software & 0000000001) = 1
and customers.SystemId = contacts.SystemId
order by customerid



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Querry Question

Aug 29, 2005

I have created a small querry and for some reason my container (datalist) is not reconizing the company name This is also the first time that i have created a querry with two select statements in the sproc.... Does it make a difference if there is two select statements in a querry?? When populating a datalist?Not sure if i need to seperate the two statements some kind of way..
Is this ok to use with datalist? Erik.. ALTER PROCEDURE Get_Information_For_Datalist_Global_ @IDProduct AS INT, @IDCompany  AS INT AS SELECT  Product.ProductName,                              Product.ProductID,Product.ProductImage,                                   Product.ProductDescription, SprocsTable.*                              FROM              Product                         INNER JOIN                           SprocsTable ON Product.ProductID = SprocsTable.ProductID                        WHERE Product.ProductID = @IDProduct SELECT   Company.CompanyID, Company.CompanyName FROM COMPANY WHERE COMPANY.COMPANYID = @IDCompany

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Get Time Of Querry??

Dec 7, 2006

is there a way to get the time that it takes a querry to run like down to the millsecond

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Search Querry

Jan 26, 2008

i want to have a text box and command button. i will be entering the clients id in the text box and press the command button to search the clients record. this will be search query. i have done that previously in vb6. but dont know what query to write in vb08. Any help. thks.

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Displaying My Querry Horizontally

Feb 22, 2008

Is there a way to display my querry horizontally? 

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Enterprise Mgr Querry Error

Dec 29, 1999

There are 3 servers in our group which the Local Enterprise Manager Tool is giving us an error when we try to view local DB table data by right-clicking on the table and selecting return all rows... we get this error I thought this was a permissions error but as far as I know we haven't played with the permissions. This seems to be a common ailment here... does anyone have a fix for the EM tool.

An unexpected error happened during this operation.
[Query] - Query Designer encountered a Query error:
Unspecified error

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Problem With Select Into Querry

Jun 18, 2006

I have two database on same server. I want write a querry, witch qering the data from 1st database, than create a new table on the 2nd database.
But the in clause after the into clause permanently generate error.

Here is the query€™s little part:
Select €¦..
into Backup in €™Test.mdb€™ from €¦

I try wrote other ways
in €™Test€™
in €™dbo.Test€™
in dbo.Test
but none of them work

its only work, when i not want pass for the second database

How can i pass the result for the 2nd Database

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Running DTS From Querry Analyzer

Sep 21, 2007

Hi,How to run a DTS from query analyzer using some t-sql commands??? Is it possible?? What is the command to run a DTS from QA???and What are the possible ways of running a DTS?? from how many types we can execute a DTS like 2 of it i know from EM directly and from the help of Schedule jobs.

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Simple Querry Question ??

Nov 8, 2007

Dear all,

I have 2 SQL store procedure which are suppose to return similar number of data.
For an unknown reason one of the procedure is returning lasse data than the other.
in order to dig out the reason for that I need to compare the two set of data return by both procedure.

one by one is a huge woek has I have more than 1000 records.

So my question is that what is the easy way to extract data which has been forget or miss ?

For example

my procA return 500 rows
my procB return 400 rows

I would like to identify the 100 records which are in ProcA results but not in ProcB results
In other words extr^ct the difference between A and B

thnaks for your help

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Editing In Querry Analyzer Not In EM

Nov 24, 2006


In SQL if we want to edit a row in a table then we have two ways to do the same,

1. Execute a command to Update the records in sql through querry analyzer.

2. Go to enterprise manager and then open the table and update a new row.

But can't we do the editing in the querry analyzer is there any way to do this.

That means i select all the records from my table using the following querry.

Select * from MyTable

and then performs editing in the querry analyzer without executing any update command and without using the Enterprise manager.

Can we do this????????

Bye and TC

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Date Picker And Querry

Feb 3, 2008

i have created a database with a table called customer. hav a field which displays the date. how can i add a query on the date picker so that when i choose a date on the calendar i can view the customers details. in other display the record by choosing a particular date.


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Generating A Querry Parameters

Nov 22, 2006


Need a bit of help here. In one table i have my production data on some wheels. Each time the wheel is touched, it gets smaller. Then in another table I have the primary data of that wheel, ie price vendor, make model and scrap diameter.

What I'd like to figure out is, In one month, what was the wheel size to start off, what is the end size to give me a total size used during that month. If i could get that, then I think I would be able to figure out what the price cost for useage of that wheel was for the month.

Any help?

Thanks Brian

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Best Way To Download DBs To Laptop

Mar 27, 2007

What's a good way to download five SQL Server 2005 databases from production to my laptop for development work with Visual Studio?

Our application code is under source control, but to have a current development environment I must keep downloading these databases. Four databases are small, but one will need to be trimmed to about 10% of actual size to fit on my laptop's hard drive.

Looking at options in the Management Studio by right-clicking on each database, I see options to export the data, create a backup. Or, am I making this too hard and the easiest way would be to download some backups of the database created by the maintenance plan and use those to restore them on my laptop?

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Sep 27, 2006


I want to jumpstart my learning of SQL Server so I downloaded the Express edition onto my desktop in the office and also onto my laptop. I usually connect the two machines (through a LAN) to update whatever I was able to do at home while in the office.

What should I do in order to view or edit whatever I started on the laptop from the desktop? Would the databases I create on one be accessible through the other machine for editing and the likes?


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How To Write The Result Of A Querry To A File

Aug 15, 2000


can somebody tell me how i can redirect the result of my
select statement to a file.


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Querry 2 Detect Doubles In A Table

Jul 6, 1999


I have a table which contain a field called 'company' of type 'int'.
I want to make a querry which returns all doubles ... for example:

I have: after querry the return must be:

company company:
1 1
3 3
3 3
11 3
7 2
3 1
2 2

Thank you,

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Select +replace Querry Problem..

Dec 20, 2006

Hi.every one. I have a problem when I use this querry
select replace(Title,'.','')AS Title1, ID from tbl_Sim Where Title1 LIKE '%377%'

And here is my record
Title : 0988.613.775
ID : 2

and here is the error: Invalid column name 'Title1'.
Can any one show me how to run this querry, I want to TRIM the 'Title' before it can be compared with another condition
I am a beginner. Thanks alots!

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Use The Reference Column Name In The Same SELECT Querry

Sep 17, 2007

I am writing the following querry.

Code Snippet

Select dbo.fn_EnGiftId(116) AS 'EnGiftId', dbo.fn_DeGiftId(''+ EnGiftId +'') AS 'DeGiftId'
But the above querry giving me the following error When i am executing the querry:

Code Snippet

Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
Invalid column name 'EnGiftId'.
The scenario is I have created two functions 1st is for encryption of GiftId and 2nd is for Decryption of the Encrypted Giftid.
But in the same select querry i want to use the name of column which i have given to the encrypted data in the selct querry i want to use that same column name in the decryption function uin the same querry.

When i am executing the below querry it gives me the required output. So Why not above querry.

Code Snippet

Select dbo.fn_EnGiftId(116) AS 'EnGiftId', dbo.fn_DeGiftId(''+ dbo.fn_EnGiftId(116) +'') AS 'DeGiftId'
i d't want to write the encryption function again and again. Is theer any way to avoid this.?????

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Problem With Ative Directory Querry

Apr 2, 2008


I linked my Active Directory catalog on my local machine as linked server. Next I querry this server, and it works pretty.

I have problem in similar situation when I linked AD as linked server on other machine and when I querry AD it yields error:

Msg 7321, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
An error occurred while preparing the query "
SELECT cn, mail, sn, co, distinguishedName, displayName FROM 'LDAP://DC=<domain>,DC=com'
WHERE objectClass = 'user' AND objectCategory = 'Person'
" for execution against OLE DB provider "ADSDSOObject" for linked server "(null)".

What is wrong?

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I Have Transferred To A Server From Laptop

May 14, 2004

I have transferred my program to a 2000 server and while programming it was automatically using the local ASPNET login and when transferring it to the server it says that it is having problems logging into the sql server using an anonymous login. How do i change the program so that it can use the sa login or some other assigned login?

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Create A Copy Of A SQL Db On A Laptop

Jun 29, 2001

We have a laptop that has SQL 7 installed on it, and we would like to copy an existing database to the laptop. The laptop does not have any connectivity to our network. I did backup the database on the network, and place the backup copy on a CD. I then was hoping that I could create a new DB on the laptop and restore the copy from the CD. But, I have not been able to figure this out. Can anyone help?

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Installing SQL Server 7.0 And 6.5 On A Laptop

Oct 26, 2000

i have a toshiba Satellite Pro 4300 laptop (15 GB and 64mb Ram and NT Server 4.0 service pack 6)...in other words enough space to install the two..
i installed SQL Server 7.0 (server)..it runs fine..but after this, when i install 6.5 on it, it goes thru the installation process and comes back with an error message saying 'access denied'...i have logged in as administrator so access rights should not be a problem...the CD is fine because i have done the same process on a desktop without errors...if someone can throw some light on this problem, it will be highly appreciated

thanks in advance,

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Cant Install Sql Serverr On My Laptop

Jan 26, 2007

i unistalled sql server and try to install it but its giving an error.
anyone knowhow to fix it?

i restarted the laptop already too'

also im able to install analysis services.

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Creating A Database On A Laptop

May 30, 2008

I am trying to learn SQL and in order to do so i need to have a test database to test and practice my queries, unfortunately i dont have a server to hold a database on so im trying to create a new database on my laptop. I have the SQL statements that will create and populate a table, but everytime i try to create a new database i appempt to connect to localhost?? and try to create a database, but it says i dont have permission or the object doesnt exist...im confused. any help will be greatly appriciated.

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Installing SQL Express In Laptop

Jul 31, 2006

I am trying to install MS SQL Express Advanced in my Laptop to be used in conjunction with ColdFusion programming environment. Abs newbe with MSSQL.

It looks like the Management Studio Express has not been installed. I have tried to install the 64bits stand alone from msdn.microsoft. but my processor does not support it.

Please please advise.
ThankYou very much


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How To Creat A Database Via SQL Querry Analyzer To A Web Server

Nov 20, 2003

I am new to ASP.NET and met a problem about access a database on a Web Server (www.myserver.com). My meaning here that I created a .sql from my localhost to test, but when to upload to my web server on the internet, an error occured: "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied".
Anyone here can help me to solve my problem. Waiting for your reply soon. Thanks

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