Query Completed With Errors ?

Nov 19, 2007

hello friends,

i am runing stored procedure which runs for around 20 min. as it is filtering data from lacks of record. after completion it shows above message i.e."query completed with errors" with 466814 records affected why this happining as it does not display any errror in message window . Does it is because of size of data . plz guide me how to debug it.

sp is containing 3 cursors

Thanx in advance

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Query Completed With Errors But No Error Message

May 11, 2012

I execute a script that someone else wrote and I get Query Completed with Errors but there is not an error message.If I highlight and execute parts of the script, it completes successfully.

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SQL 2012 :: Capturing Errors And RPC Completed With Extended Events

Jun 17, 2014

I have an existing EE setup that captures all failing queries (see code below). The problem is that I also want to somehow capture RPC_starting so that I can see which parameters are passed in whenever a query fails. Is there a way to somehow capture those two events (error_reported & rpc_starting), but only capture rpc_starting when there is actually an error reported?Or maybe just an event on rpc_starting and somehow filter to only capture when there is an error?

Existing error_reported EE code:
CREATE EVENT SESSION [what_queries_are_failing] ON SERVER ADD EVENT sqlserver.error_reported (
ACTION(sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.tsql_stack, sqlserver.database_id, sqlserver.session_id,
package0.collect_system_time, sqlserver.transaction_id, sqlserver.username, sqlserver.client_hostname)


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SQL:Stmt Completed V SQL:Batch Completed

Apr 29, 2008

I'm troubleshooting a performance issue , Looking at Profiler - for the given statement, I'm getting the following figures , why would there be such a disparity between the figures. ? How can I go about finding out why there is such difference?

SQL:Stmt Completed:CPU = 31, Reads = 129 , Duration = 32
SQL:Batch Completed: CPU = 2531, Reads = 6087 , Duration = 2593

Jack Vamvas
Search IT jobs from multiple sources- http://www.ITjobfeed.com

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Write Query To Get Steps In Custom Job That Have Not Completed?

Mar 11, 2014

I have the following:

create table testdata
StepName varchar(25)
,StepStatus char(25)
,EntryDate datetime)
insert testdata values ('Step1','Starting',getdate())
insert testdata values ('Step2','Starting',getdate())
insert testdata values ('Step3','Starting',getdate())
insert testdata values ('Step4','Starting',getdate())
insert testdata values ('Step1','Finished',getdate())
insert testdata values ('Step2','Finished',getdate())
insert testdata values ('Step3','Finished',getdate())

I need a query that will basically return Step 4 hasn't finished.

I have tried a few ways but can't get it to work...

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Returning Completed When Status = 1 And Not Completed When Status = 0

May 3, 2005

Returning "completed" when status = 1 and "not completed when status = 0

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Query Errors When Going From 2k5 To 2k8

Mar 1, 2012

I recently upgraded to SQL Server 2008 r2 from a 2k5 server. My SQL Reports Server generates a report with the following code.



This code still works on old report server no problem but I get a couple of errors on the new one.

*Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Column 'SV00100.CPRCSTNM' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

*Second is the multi part identifier could not be found

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Help With A SQL Union Query Please. Conversion Errors!

Aug 29, 2007

Hi, I've created a SQL union query that grabs the top three values of a test and puts the results together on one line item by a recordnumber.
The only problem is, one value is generating the error: " Syntax error converting the varchar value '=' to a column of data type int."
This field is an operator field, so it will only display operator values ( <, >, = ).  Everything seems to work BUT the union join on that column, which is a varchar data type.  I need this union to work, and Im frustrated that I can't seem to figure out why I can't get the logic to work.  Can someone take a look at this and help me with it?
The union query looks like this:

RecordNumber,Sum(rank1) as HbA1CRank1,max(Operator1) as HbA1COperator1,sum(contentValue1) as HbA1CContentvalue1,max(dos1) as HbA1CDOS1,Sum(rank2) as HbA1CRank2,max(Operator2) as HbA1COperator2,sum(contentValue2) as HbA1CContentvalue2,max(dos2) as HbA1CDOS2,Sum(rank3) as HbA1CRank3,max(Operator3) as HbA1COperator3,sum(contentValue3) as HbA1CContentvalue3,max(dos3) as HbA1CDOS3
(SELECT DISTINCT                       TOP 100 PERCENT recordnumber, Rank AS rank1, cast(Operator as varchar) as Operator1, contentValue AS contentvalue1, DOS AS DOS1, 0 AS rank2, 0 as Operator2,  0 AS contentvalue2, 0 AS DOS2,                       0 AS rank3, 0 as Operator3, 0 AS contentvalue3, 0 AS DOS3FROM         (SELECT     (SELECT     COUNT(*)                                               FROM         tblDiabetic_HgbA1C_Total vw1                                               WHERE     vw1.rECORDnUMBER = vw2.rECORDnUMBER AND vw1.ItemCode = vw2.ItemCode AND vw1.Operator = vw2.Operator AND vw1.DOS > vw2.DOS) AS Rank, *                       FROM          tblDiabetic_HgbA1C_Total vw2) vw3WHERE     (Rank = 0)ORDER BY RecordNumber
SELECT DISTINCT                       TOP 100 PERCENT recordnumber, 0 AS rank1, 0 as Operator1, 0 AS contentvalue1, 0 AS DOS1, Rank AS rank2, cast(Operator as varchar) as Operator2, contentValue AS contentvalue2, DOS AS DOS2,                       0 AS rank3, 0 as operator3, 0 AS contentvalue3, 0 AS DOS3FROM         (SELECT     (SELECT     COUNT(*)                                               FROM         tblDiabetic_HgbA1C_Total vw1                                               WHERE     vw1.rECORDnUMBER = vw2.rECORDnUMBER AND vw1.ItemCode = vw2.ItemCode AND vw1.Operator = vw2.Operator AND vw1.DOS > vw2.DOS) AS Rank, *                       FROM          tblDiabetic_HgbA1C_Total vw2) vw3WHERE     (Rank = 1)ORDER BY RecordNumber
SELECT DISTINCT                       TOP 100 PERCENT recordnumber, 0 AS rank1, 0 as Operator1,  0 AS contentvalue1, 0 AS DOS1, 0 AS rank2, 0 as operator2, 0 AS contentvalue2, 0 AS DOS2, rank AS rank3,  cast(Operator as varchar) as operator3,                      contentvalue AS contentvalue3, DOS AS DOS3FROM         (SELECT     (SELECT     COUNT(*)                                               FROM         tblDiabetic_HgbA1C_Total vw1                                               WHERE     vw1.rECORDnUMBER = vw2.rECORDnUMBER AND vw1.ItemCode = vw2.ItemCode AND vw1.Operator = vw2.Operator AND vw1.DOS > vw2.DOS) AS Rank, *                       FROM          tblDiabetic_HgbA1C_Total vw2) vw3WHERE     (Rank = 2)ORDER BY RecordNumber )tblHgA1C
group by RecordNumber
Can anyone help?  It looks right to me, I just can't figure out why the error keeps coming up =
Thank you!

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IF Statement Errors In Huge SQL Query

May 23, 2006

I've not gotten the If statement to work.

Before: http://www.webfound.net/sqlbefore.txt

After (with IF statement):

I don't want to include the deletedpdcs if the month is today in my SUM for PDCs_IL basically is what I'm trying to accomplish here

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Operation Can't Be Completed?

Jan 18, 2008

Why do I get the message "Operation can't be completed?" when I try to save a stored procedure!!!  When I create a new stored procedure and copy the code into it it works fine! 

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How To Tell If Report Was Completed

Dec 1, 2007

Is there a way to tell if a report actually got sent? I have a report with an email subscription. As a test, I changed the data source credentials to something invalid. Then I ran the subscription using this:

exec ReportServer.dbo.AddEvent @EventType='TimedSubscription', @EventData='13baba1e-dce0-4d99-a9f5-9c3da02a0615'

The system gave me no indication that the report failed and was never sent by email. Is there a way to tell if a report worked or not?

Is there a way to run a stored procedure at the end of a report with a success or failure flag?


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SQL Server CE Update Query Causing Errors

Jan 14, 2005

Hello all,

Thought I would post here in case anybody can give some information.

Here is the background information:

I have 2 tables (stores and sales) from the Pubs database in Sql Server 2000 copied down to a SQL Server CE database. There is no foreign key/primary key relationship between the 2 tables in the CE database.

Here are the update queries that cause the error:

SET st.zip = 66668
FROM stores st
INNER JOIN sales sa ON st.stor_id = sa.stor_id
AND st.stor_id = 6380

Update stores SET stores.zip = 55555
FROM sales, stores
WHERE stores.stor_id = 6380
AND stores.stor_id = sales.stor_id

Here is the error message that is generated when I run the query (Param 0 and Param 1 change according to what column and line the FROM clause is in):

Error: 0x80040e14 DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND
Native Error: (25501)
Description: There was an error parsing the query. [Token line number,Token line offset,,Token in error,,]
Interface defining error: IID_ICommand
Param. 0: 2
Param. 1: 1
Param. 2: 0
Param. 3: FROM
Param. 4:
Param. 5:

I ran the 2 queries in SQL Query Analyzer in SQL Server 2000 and they worked just fine. I also created 2 new tables (stores1 and sales1) in SQL Server 2000 using the Select Into clause. The new tables were created from the sales table and stores table in the Pubs database. The new tables had no foreign key/primary key relationship.

I ran the queries again in Query Analyzer against the new tables and the queries produced no errors.

Any suggestions?

Thank you,
Aaron B

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Changing Query To Point To DB Table But Has Errors

Aug 5, 2014

CoID nvarchar(255),
Company varchar(255),
FirstName varchar(255),
LastName varchar(255),
JobLevel varchar(255))

[Code] ....

I am trying to make changes to the above query. This query will select 2 records per Company with top down priority on JobLevel. For example: This query will select 2 records from "123 Inc", where they have 2 Managers and 3 Staff contacts. The return results selects (2) managers and no staff records and FirstName and LastName are not duplicate. Then for "A Small Co.", they have 1 VP, 1 Director, 1 Manager and 3 Staff contacts. the return results chooses 1 VP and 1 Director and no managers or staff level people. And so on and so forth for the remainder of the companies.

What I was trying to accomplish is having this same query point to the database tables instead creating a table each and every time. I have this data residing in our database. I tried to make the change so it would point to the database tables but it kept giving me errors. This is way more complex than I thought.

My failed attempt:

Select *
From CampServ.dbo.SampleFakeCustomerData
//This is where I am getting stuck
WITH Priorities(Priority, JobLevel) AS(
SELECT 2, 'Director' UNION ALL

[Code] ....

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Force To Complete Query, Ignore Errors

Nov 9, 2006


I have a big table and want to make a plausibility check of it´s data.

Problem is, that my query stops, if there is an unexpected datatype in one of the rows. But that is it, what i want to filter out of my table with that query and save the result as new correct table.

How can i write a parameter to my query SQL Code, that if a error occurs, the querry resumes and the error line will not displayed in my final querry overview?

In my books and on the net, i don´t found something to this theme ;-(.

Thx in advance.

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Error: Service Broker &&amp; SQL Query Notification Errors

Apr 13, 2006

My database is logging frequent errors and I am unable to determine the cause. These errors appear to be related to the Service Broker. Below is the database log file after a database restart and attempted access to the database through a web application. The first error (bottom of the logfile) is error 28054. I have searched on this error code and have found nothing helpful. Any assistance or direction would be greatly appreciated.

Database Log:

04/13/2006 12:26:05,spid22s,Unknown,An error occurred in the service broker message dispatcher<c/> Error: 15517 State: 1.
04/13/2006 12:26:05,spid22s,Unknown,Error: 9644<c/> Severity: 16<c/> State: 14.
04/13/2006 12:26:04,spid57s,Unknown,The activated proc [dbo].[SqlQueryNotificationStoredProcedure-aa148e0f-2980-4a23-b9cf-b44dbfddf783] running on queue CDR.dbo.SqlQueryNotificationService-aa148e0f-2980-4a23-b9cf-b44dbfddf783 output the following: 'Cannot execute as the database principal because the principal "dbo" does not exist<c/> this type of principal cannot be impersonated<c/> or you do not have permission.'
04/13/2006 12:26:01,spid22s,Unknown,An error occurred in the service broker message dispatcher<c/> Error: 15517 State: 1.
04/13/2006 12:26:01,spid22s,Unknown,Error: 9644<c/> Severity: 16<c/> State: 14.
04/13/2006 12:26:01,spid56s,Unknown,The activated proc [dbo].[SqlQueryNotificationStoredProcedure-aa148e0f-2980-4a23-b9cf-b44dbfddf783] running on queue CDR.dbo.SqlQueryNotificationService-aa148e0f-2980-4a23-b9cf-b44dbfddf783 output the following: 'Cannot execute as the database principal because the principal "dbo" does not exist<c/> this type of principal cannot be impersonated<c/> or you do not have permission.'
04/13/2006 12:26:01,spid56s,Unknown,The activated proc [dbo].[SqlQueryNotificationStoredProcedure-aa148e0f-2980-4a23-b9cf-b44dbfddf783] running on queue CDR.dbo.SqlQueryNotificationService-aa148e0f-2980-4a23-b9cf-b44dbfddf783 output the following: 'Cannot execute as the database principal because the principal "dbo" does not exist<c/> this type of principal cannot be impersonated<c/> or you do not have permission.'
04/13/2006 12:26:01,spid56s,Unknown,The activated proc [dbo].[SqlQueryNotificationStoredProcedure-aa148e0f-2980-4a23-b9cf-b44dbfddf783] running on queue CDR.dbo.SqlQueryNotificationService-aa148e0f-2980-4a23-b9cf-b44dbfddf783 output the following: 'Cannot execute as the database principal because the principal "dbo" does not exist<c/> this type of principal cannot be impersonated<c/> or you do not have permission.'
04/13/2006 12:26:01,spid52,Unknown,Service Broker needs to access the master key in the database 'CDR'. Error code:25. The master key has to exist and the service master key encryption is required.
04/13/2006 12:26:01,spid52,Unknown,Error: 28054<c/> Severity: 11<c/> State: 1.

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Error Explaination SqlTransaction Has Completed

Apr 4, 2008

can anyone tell me what is the origin of this error "This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable".

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Verifying That A Task Completed Successfully

Oct 4, 1999

How can a tell if a tak completed succesfully from a stored procedure?

I have a task which is executed from a stored procedure. The sp_runtask only returns whether the task started successfully. How can I tell if it completed successfully?


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How To Verify Database Backup Completed?

Jul 31, 2004

Hello, everyone:

Does any baby offer command to verify if database backup is completed? In backup wazard, there is an option "Verify backup upon completion" . Is there the SQL command? Thanks.


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Merge Is Completed Correctly But With No Updates

May 15, 2007


I have 2 tables one is filtered and the other not. I am trying to do merge between them and everthing appears to work fine and I reacht he end where it says 'Applied the snapshot and merged 1 data change' but nothing really is changed or updated on either end.

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Merge Is Completed Correctly But With No Updates

May 15, 2007


I have 2 tables one is filtered and the other not. I am trying to do merge between them and everthing appears to work fine and I reacht he end where it says 'Applied the snapshot and merged 1 data change' but nothing really is changed or updated on either end.

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Completed Successfully, But Not Sending And No Error.

Sep 6, 2006

hi, i have a message queue system using sql 2005 service broker.
the code and setup is the same on both dev and live database. but
soon after i restored a live backup to dev. the queue stopped
working on dev, live is ok thou. after some trouble shooting, i
found that the server is not sending the message at all, but it says
"Command(s) completed successfully" without any error messages.



create message type TestQueryMessage validation = none

create contract TestQueryContract (TestQueryMessage sent by initiator)

create queue TestSenderQueue

create service TestSenderService on queue TestSenderQueue

create queue TestQueueReceiver

create service TestServiceReceiver on queue TestQueueReceiver (TestQueryContract)

send message:


declare @conversationhandle uniqueidentifier;

begin dialog @conversationhandle

from service [TestSenderService]

to service 'TestServiceReceiver'

on contract [TestQueryContract]

with encryption = off;

send on conversation @conversationhandle

message type [TestQueryMessage] ('blah blah blah');



Command(s) completed successfully.

but when i do "select * from TestQueueReceiver", there's nothing. and i sure nothing else had picked up the messages.

please advise. thanks a lot.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Make Sproc Return Errors For Underlying Table Errors

Jul 1, 2015

I recently updated the datatype of a sproc parameter from bit to tinyint. When I executed the sproc with the updated parameters the sproc appeared to succeed and returned "1 row(s) affected" in the console. However, the update triggered by the sproc did not actually work.

The table column was a bit which only allows 0 or 1 and the sproc was passing a value of 2 so the table was rejecting this value. However, the sproc did not return an error and appeared to return success. So is there a way to configure the database or sproc to return an error message when this type of error occurs?

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Completed(?) And Urgent Triggers And Transactions Question

Mar 21, 2007

I use the VB.NET transaction to update an sql server 2000 database. I call a number of stored procedures within this transaction.The stored procedures will update tables. These tables use triggers..My question is, when does the trigger get called? Is it after the each stored procedure, or is it after the whole transaction? Jag 

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2 Disturbing Questions After SQL Express Setup Is Completed.

Mar 28, 2006

I got 2 questions to ask:
1. I choose Windows and SQL authentication during setup. Will this have any impact on my connection string in Dot net?
2. If I want to host my db on my computer, what other protocols do I need to enable? Currently I got shared memory on.

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Auto Create Trigger After Re-initialization Completed

Jan 5, 2006

Hi all,

Is it possible to create a trigger after creation of table during reinitialization?  if so, how can I do that?  Thanks in advance!

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How To Ensure All The Process In A Batch File Is Completed?

May 7, 2008

I have a SSIS package with the last three tasks in the control flow are stopping the SSAS, then "on success" the second last task is execute a batch file to copy a bunch of files to a remote server using the robocopy command, then "on success" the last task is to start the SSAS. I test all three tasks individually and they are all working fine. The problem is in-between the second last task and the last task, the second last task is to execute a batch file and then forward to the last task. The task just moved to the last task once the batch file is executed and it did not wait until the actual robocopy job is completed. Therefore it caused a problem in the robocopy process. Thanks.

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The Statement Could Not Be Parsed. Deferred Prepare Could Not Be Completed.

Feb 13, 2008

I am trying to use the export wizard to export to a MS Access file, using the provide source query option. I get the error below when pasting the query in. The query does run successfully in SSMS, it is a long running query. About 8 minutes to complete.

TITLE: SQL Server Import and Export Wizard
The statement could not be parsed.
Deferred prepare could not be completed.
Query timeout expired (Microsoft SQL Native Client)

Any ideas?


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OLE/DB Provider Returned Message: Deferred Prepare Could Not Be Completed

Apr 11, 2006

I have 2 SQL servers. And in the first one I have added the second SQL as a Link Server. When I run an SQL statement on the linked server I get the following message.
Server: Msg 7202, Level 11, State 1, Line 1Could not find server 'PROD' in sysservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers.[OLE/DB provider returned message: Deferred prepare could not be completed.]
The SQL statement that I am runnins is
Select * from openquery(PROD,'Select * from PROD.GMS.dbo.qryDispCL')
But when I run only the SQL statement "Select * from PROD.GMS.dbo.qryDispCL" it works perfect. But I need to have the first statement running.
Please help. Your valuable feedback is greatly appriciated.

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SSIS Pacakge Error:'Deferred Prepare Could Not Be Completed'

Aug 4, 2006

I am trying to use the Import export wizard to created a package,
using the provide source query option. If i just copy the query from a text file
and try to paste , sql only accepts it partially. so i saved it as a sql file
and then opened it in the window. However, when i click on 'next' or 'parse' , i
get the below error.

TITLE: SQL Server Import and Export Wizard

The statement could not be parsed.

prepare could not be completed.
Query timeout expired (Microsoft SQL Native Client)

The query is pretty big, but it executes successfully in the Management Studion Query Explorer window. I had no problem creating a package using DTS with the same query in Sql 2000. I also tried to migrate the package already existing in Sql 2000, but even though i can migrate it successfully , the package does not execute in Sql 2005. Also i tried other queries which are as big as this one, again the query source window during import/export does not seem to accept large queries??? I depend heavily on large queries for my packages, which i run daily. I have not had any issues with this is sql 2000. Can someone help me with this???

Thanks in advance.


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Analysis :: Annualized Amount Based On Completed Quarters

Aug 26, 2015

I would like to add a calculation to provide an annualized Gross Amount value.  Most solutions I have seen are for annualizing down to the day.  For instance, if today is the 123rd day of the year, the calculation would be Amount / 123 * 365.  What I want to do is annualize the amount based only on completed periods.  Today is 8/26.  

The last completed quarter ended on 6/30.  Therefore I want to basically take the sum of Q1 and Q2, divide by two, and multiply by four to get an annualized amount based on completed quarters.  Eventually I want to do something similar with months.

So here's what I have so far.  In my DSV my DimDate is actually based on a view.  The view has a Date column with the actual date, all of the normal fields you would expect in a DimDate table, and two columns that look like this:


[Code] ....

Note that for dates between 1/1 and 3/31 the CompletedQuarterCount will be 0.  I want any annualized amount to be 0 in that case because I only want to use completed quarters in my calculation.

I added both to my Pay Date dimension (which uses vwDimDate from the DSV) in the cube.  I have tried the calculation below and in my Excel pivot table I'm getting blanks for the calculated field.

CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Gross Amount Annualized by Pay Date Quarter]
IIF([Pay Date].[Pay Date Completed Quarter Count] > 0,
[Gross Amount] / [Pay Date].[Pay Date Completed Quarter Count] * 4,
FORMAT_STRING = "Currency",

So, is my calculation correct?

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Parent Package Reports Failure On Errors, But No Errors In Log

Jul 31, 2006

I have a parent package that calls child packages inside a For Each container. When I debug/run the parent package (from VS), I get the following error message: Warning: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

It appears to be failing while executing the child package. However, the logs (via the "progress" tab) for both the parent package and the child package show no errors other than the one listed above (and that shows in the parent package log). The child package appears to validate completely without error (all components are green and no error messages in the log). I turned on SSIS logging to a text file and see nothing in there either.

If I bump up the MaximumErrorCount in the parent package and in the Execute Package Task that calls the child package to 4 (to go one above the error count indicated in the message above), the whole thing executes sucessfully. I don't want to leave the Max Error Count set like this. Is there something I am missing? For example are there errors that do not get logged by default? I get some warnings, do a certain number of warnings equal an error?



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SQL 2012 :: Error 1237 - The Operating Could Not Be Completed - Retry Should Be Performed

Oct 19, 2015

One of our dba's runs a process every night to update the database with a daily data file received from an external source. He was testing on a new SQL Server 2012/Windows 2012 R2 cluster that has an Availability Group. While trying to process INSERTs, the process failed with a error: "could not allocate a new page for database X because of insufficient disk space in filegroup PRIMARY."

The log also contains "Operating System Error 1237 (The operating could not be completed. A retry should be performed) encountered".

However, there is 300 GB free on the data drive (E:) where the .mdf file is located. The SQL Server service account has the "Perform Volume Maintenance Tasks" permission (instant file initialization).

All of the disks are VMware 5.1 or 5.5 VM's and the E: disk has thick/eager zero provisioning.

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Getting The Operation Could Not Be Completed. (WinMgmt) Error Suddenly In SSMS For RS Connection

Feb 7, 2008

suddenly I'm getting a connect to server error dialogue box that says...

Cannot connect to serverinstance name
Additional information
The operation could not be completed. (WinMgmt)

...when trying to connect to RS2005 Server in Management Studio. I can reach Reporting Manager thru IE and run my reports.

Is it possible that my setting IIS to basic authentication (and turning off Windows Integrated) might be preventing me from connecting in MS, perhaps because MS has to go thru the RS service and doesnt know what basic auth is?

I'm temporarily unable to set IIS back to Windows Auth cuz the server is being used by users to test reports.

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