Query Optimization Help For Very Large Tables

Nov 1, 2007

I have the following table structure:
tableA (~85,000 rows) primary key = [colA,colB]
tableB (~850,000 rows) primary key = [colA,colC]
tableC (~120,000,000 rows) primary key = [colA,colB,colC]


For a SET of rows in tableA (about 50,000) I need to pull the MOST RECENT (given a date) corresponding values from tables B and C. The only way I can think of doing this is the following:

SELECT tableA.colA
,(SELECT TOP 1 colX FROM tableB WHERE colA = tableA.colA AND colC <= @INPUTDATE ORDER BY colC desc)
,(SELECT TOP 1 colY FROM tableB WHERE colA = tableA.colA AND colC <= @INPUTDATE ORDER BY colC desc)
,... --some more columns from tableB
,(SELECT TOP 1 colX FROM tableC WHERE colA = tableA.colA AND colB = tableA.colB AND colC <= @INPUTDATE ORDER BY colC desc)
,(SELECT TOP 1 colY FROM tableC WHERE colA = tableA.colA AND colB = tableA.colB AND colC <= @INPUTDATE ORDER BY colC desc)
,... --some more columns from tableC
FROM tableA
WHERE tableA.colX = 'some criteria'

Is there any other way anyone can suggest? Unfortunately, because tableC is so large, the disk IO (I think) causes this query to take over an hour. (If I had monster RAM and super fast disk this wouldn't be as big an issue, but that's not an option right now )

Thanks in advance!

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Stored Procedure Query Optimization - Query TimeOut Error

Nov 23, 2004

How to optimize the following Stored procedure running on MSSQL server 2000 sp4 :

@Franchise ObjectId
, @dtmStart DATETIME
, @dtmEnd DATETIME


SELECT p.Product
, c.Currency
, c.Minor
, a.ACDef
, e.Event
, t.Dec
, count(1) "Count"
, sum(Amount) "Total"
FROM tb_Event t
JOIN tb_Prod p
ON ( t.ProdId = p.ProdId )
JOIN tb_ACDef a
ON ( t.ACDefId = a.ACDefId )
JOIN tb_Curr c
ON ( t.CurrId = c.CurrId )
JOIN tb_Event e
ON ( t.EventId = e.EventId )
JOIN tb_Setl s
ON ( s.BUId = t.BUId
and s.SetlD = t.SetlD )
WHERE Fran = @Franchise
AND t.CDate >= @dtmStart
AND t.CDate <= @dtmEnd
AND s.Status = 1
GROUP BY p.Product
, c.Currency
, c.Minor
, a.ACDef
, e.Event
, t.Dec



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Query Optimization - Please Help

Aug 15, 2007

Can anyone help me optimize the SELECT statement in the 3rd step? I am actually writing a monthly report. So for each employee (500 employees) in a row, his attendance totals for all days in a month are displayed. The problem is that in the 3rd step, there are actually 31 SELECT statements which are assigned to 31 variables. After I assign these variable, I insert them in a Table (4th step) and display it. The troublesome part is the 3rd step. As there are 500 employees, then 500x31 times the variables are assigned and inserted in the table. This is taking more than 4 minutes which I know is not required :). Can anyone help me optimize the SELECT statements I have in the 3rd step or give a better suggestion.
                DECLARE @EmpID, @DateFrom, @Total1 .... // Declaring different variables
               SELECT   @DateFrom = // Set to start of any month e.g. 2007-06-01            ...... 1st
               Loop (condition -- Get all employees, working fine)
                        SELECT         @EmpID = // Get EmployeeID                                      ...... 2nd      
                        SELECT         @Total1 = SUM (Abences)                                           ...... 3rd
                        FROM            Attendance
                        WHERE         employee_id_fk = @EmpID  (from 2nd step)
                        AND              Date_Absent = DATEADD ("day", 0, Convert (varchar, @DateFrom)) (from 1st step)
                        SELECT        @Total2 ........................... same as above
                        SELECT        @Total3 ........................... same as above
                         INSERT IN @TABLE (@EmpID, @Total1, ...... @Total31)                 ...... 4th
                         Iterate (condition) to next employee                                                ...... 5th
It's only the loop which consumes the 4 minutes. If I can somehow optimize this part, I will be most satisfied. Thanks for anyone helping me....

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Query Optimization

Feb 19, 2001

Trying to optimize a query, and having problems interpreting the data. We have a query that queries 5 tables with 4 INNER JOINS. When I use INNER HASH JOIN, this is the result:

(Using SQL Programmer)

SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 40 ms, elapsed time = 80 ms.

Table 'Table1'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Table2'. Scan count 1, logical reads 40, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Table3Category'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Table4'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Table5'. Scan count 1, logical reads 17, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.

When I use INNER JOIN, this is the result:

SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 10 ms, elapsed time = 34 ms.

Table 'Table1'. Scan count 4, logical reads 10, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Table2'. Scan count 311, logical reads 670, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Table3'. Scan count 69, logical reads 102, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Table4'. Scan count 69, logical reads 98, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.
Table 'Table5'. Scan count 1, logical reads 17, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.

Now, when timing the code execution on my ASP page, it's "faster" not using the HASH. Using HASH, there are a few Hash Match/Inner Joins reported in the Execution Plan. Not using HASH, there are Bookmark Lookups/Nested Loops.

My question is which is better to "see": Boomark Lookups/Nested Loops or Hash Match/Inner Joins for the CPU/Server?


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Query Optimization

Mar 14, 2003

IS there any way to rewrite this Query in optimized way?

SELECT dbo.Table1.EmpId E from dbo.Table1
where EmpId in(
SELECT dbo.Table1.EmpId
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT PersonID, MAX(dtmStatusDate) AS dtmStatusDate
FROM dbo.Table1
GROUP BY PersonID) derived_table INNER JOIN
dbo.Table1 ON derived_table.PersonID = dbo.Table1.PersonID AND
derived_table.dtmStatusDate = dbo.Table1.dtmStatusDate))


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Query Optimization

Mar 7, 2006

How can I optimized the following query:
FROMStudents s
JOINTable1e ON e.SID= s.SID
JOINTable2 ed ON ed.Enrollment = e.Enrollment
JOINTable3 t ON t.TNum = e.TNum
JOINTable4 bt ON bt.TNum = t.TNum
JOINTable5 b ON b.Batch = bt.Batch
JOIN IPlans i ON i.IPlan = ed.IPlan
JOINPGroups g ON g.PGroup= i.PGroup

WHERE t.TStatus= 'ACP'
ANDed.EStatus= 'APR'
ANDe.SID=(select distinct SID from Table1 where Enrollment=@DpEnrollment))
(SELECT EffectiveDate
FROM Table2 ed JOIN Table1 e
ON e.enrollment=ed.enrollment
WHERE IPlan = @DpIPlan
ANDTCoord = @DpTCoord
ANDAGCoord= @DpAGCoord
ANDDCoord=@DpDCoord )
ANDDSeq= @DpDSeq)
(select distinct SID from Table1 where Enrollment=@DpEnrollment))
(SELECT TerminationDate
FROM Table2 ed JOIN Table1 e
ON e.enrollment=ed.enrollment
WHERE IPlan = @DpIPlan
ANDTCoord = @DpTCoord
ANDAGCoord= @DpAGCoord
ANDDCoord= @DpDCoord )
ANDDSeq= @DpDSeq)
(select distinct SID from Table1 where Enrollment=@DpEnrollment))

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Query Optimization

Mar 20, 2006

SELECT @PTEffDate_tmp = DateAdd(day, -1, PDate)
FROM PDates pd WHERE iplan = @DIPlan and pd.TCoord = @DTCoord and DType = 'EF'

DECLARE @PTCoord_tmp as char(3)
SELECT @PTCoord_tmp = tc.TCoord
FROM PDates pd JOIN TCoords tc ON (pd.TCoord = tc.TCoord)
WHERE pd.Iplan = @DIPlan and tc.TGroup = @TGroup_tmp
and PDate = @PTEffDate_tmp and DateType = 'TR1'

DECLARE @EStatus_tmp as char(3)
SELECT @EStatus_tmp = EDStatus From EDetails ed
JOIN ENR e ON (ed.enr = e.enr)
JOIN Trans t ON (e.transID = t.TransID)
WHERE iplan = @DIPlan
and ed.TCoord = @PTCoord_tmp
and t.TransS= 'ACP'
and DCoord = @DCoord
and CEnr is null

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Query Optimization

Aug 17, 2006

How can I optimazed my query. Since my DB is more then 1 mln it takes a while to do all those join?
select *
FROM EEMaster eem
JOIN NHistory nh
ON eem.SNumber = nh.SNumber
OR eem.OldNumber = nh.SNumber
OR eem.CID = (Replicate ('0',12-len( nh.SNumber))+ nh.SNumber )

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Query Optimization

Apr 23, 2008

I work on tables containing 10 million plus records.
What are the general steps needed to ensure that my queries run faster?
I know a few:
- The join fields should be indexed
-Selecting only needed fields
-Using CTE or derived tables as much as I can
-Using good table reference
select a.x , b.y
from TableA a inner join TableB b
on a.id = b.id

I will be happy if somebody could share or add more to my list.

Regards to all

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Query Optimization

May 1, 2008

Dear all,
The below query take 7 min to execute so i want optimize the query.please any suggestions..........

VB.code S_Code,VB.Name S_Name, mt12.COLUMN003 M_D_Code,
mt12.COLUMN004 M_D_Name,CQ.COLUMN004 R_Code,
CQ.COLUMN005 R_Date, CQ.COLUMN006 Ser,CQ.COLUMN008 R_Nature,
CQ.COLUMN011 E_Date,mt26.COLUMN003 W_Code, mt26.COLUMN004 W_Name,
mt17.COLUMN005 V_Code,mt17.COLUMN006 V_Name, mt19.column002 I_Code,
mt19.column003 I_Name, mt19.COLUMN0001 R_I_No,mt92.COLUMN001 B_Id,
mt92.COLUMN005 B_No, CASE mt92.COLUMN006 WHEN '0' THEN 'Ser'
WHEN '1' THEN 'Un-Ser' WHEN '2' THEN 'Ret' WHEN '3' THEN 'Retd'
WHEN '4' THEN 'Rep' WHEN '5' THEN 'Repd' WHEN '6' THEN 'Con'
WHEN '7' THEN 'Cond' ELSE mt92.COLUMN006 END S_C_Type,
mt20.COLUMN003 T_G_Code,mt20.COLUMN004 T_G_Name, V.U_Code,V.U_Name,
mt19.column005 I_Quantity,mt20.COLUMN003 T_Code, mt20.COLUMN004 T_Name,
mt59.COLUMN005 T_Price,VR.code C_L_Code,
VR.Name C_L_Name
FROM tab90 CQ
INNER JOIN tab91 mt19 ON mt19.COLUMN002 = CQ.COLUMN001
LEFT JOIN tab92 mt92 ON mt92.COLUMN002 = CQ.COLUMN001
LEFT JOIN tab93 mt93 ON mt93.COLUMN004 = CQ.COLUMN001
INNER JOIN tab12 mt12 ON mt12.COLUMN001 = CQ.COLUMN003
LEFT JOIN tab26 mt26 ON mt26.COLUMN001 = CQ.COLUMN009
LEFT JOIN tab20 mt20 ON mt20.COLUMN001 = mt93.COLUMN005
LEFT JOIN tab59 mt59 ON mt59.COLUMN002=mt20.COLUMN001
LEFT JOIN tab17 mt17 ON mt17.COLUMN001 = CQ.COLUMN010
INNER JOIN tab19 mt19 ON mt19.COLUMN001 = mt19.COLUMN003
INNER JOIN vOr VC ON VB.Top_Parent = VC.Org_Id
WHERE CQ.COLUMN005 Between '02/01/2007' and '08/25/2008' And VC.O_Id in ('fb243e92-ee74-4278-a2fe-8395214ed54b')



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SQL Query Optimization

Jun 18, 2008

Hi All,

table with initial data:
Primary key (COL1 + COL2)

1241 1 1
125 0 1 1

by default, NEW and LATEST columns will have values 1, 1.

Now, one row is inserted with values (124,2)
Table data should be:

1241 1 0
125 0 1 1
1242 0 1

LATEST column value changes for Row 1 since there is a repetition of value 124, meaning this row is no longer the latest.

NEW COLUMN value changes for ROW 2 since there it is no longer new; we already have an occurrence of 124 in the first row.

I m not sure if i can solve this query using any option other than cursor. it will be like taking first row --> comparing it with all the other rows and then moving further.

Plz. suggest me if there is a better approach for doing this

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Query Optimization

Mar 12, 2007

Okay guys, this will probably be messy. Just throw out some thoughts and I'll deal with it. How do I make this query smaller and more efficient?

Query deleted and link posted: http://theninjalist.com/

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Query Optimization

Oct 16, 2007

Dear all,

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Query Optimization

Nov 2, 2007

Dear all,

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Query Optimization

Apr 9, 2008


I have a query:


(SELECT add_house
FROM hs_address
WHERE add_id = do_address_registration_id) as add_house,
(SELECT add_flat
FROM hs_address
WHERE add_id = do_address_registration_id) as add_house,

FROM hs_donor
WHERE do_id = 400

Fields add_flat and add_house belong to one table. How one may optimize this query?

P.S. do_address_registration_id can be equal NULL


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Query Optimization

Mar 11, 2008

I am writing a query which will display employee details who is handling maximum number of projects.
Here I am joining 2 tables. one is LUP_EmpProject, which contain employee id and project id and project date, in this table I have used a composite primary key of employee id, project id and project date. The other table is

EmployeeDetails which contain employee names and employee id.

I want to display the details of the employee who is handling maximum projects.
Below given is the code which is working fine. But the query is taking time to execute it. Any body know how to optimize the code so that I can get the result quickly.

Code Snippet
SELECT EmployeeDetails.FirstName+' '+EmployeeDetails.LastName AS EmpName,
COUNT(LUP_EmpProject.Empid) AS Number_Of_Projects
FROM LUP_EmpProject
INNER JOIN EmployeeDetails
ON LUP_EmpProject.Empid=EmployeeDetails.Empid
GROUP BY EmployeeDetails.FirstName+' '+EmployeeDetails.LastName,
HAVING COUNT(LUP_EmpProject.Empid)>0
FROM (SELECT COUNT(LUP_EmpProject.Empid) Number_Of_Projects
FROM LUP_EmpProject
GROUP BY LUP_EmpProject.Empid)AS sub)

Please help!!!!!!!!!!

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Optimization Of Query

Aug 14, 2007

My Query is like this..

set @Grouptitle = @GroupPFR

set @GroupOrder = 5

set @Unittype = 2

set @MetricName = 'Product to Net Revenue %'

set @MetricOrder = 6

insert into @FinalData (Grouptitle,MetricName,UnitTypeID,WeekDate,WeekValue,GroupOrder,metricOrder)

select @GroupTitle,@MetricName,@UnitType,f1.weekdate,

max(f1.WeekValue)/case when max(f2.WeekValue) = 0 then NULL else max(f2.WeekValue) end,

@GroupOrder,@MetricOrder --from @temptable

from @FinalData f1 inner join @FinalData f2 on f1.weekdate = f2.weekdate

where (f1.Grouptitle = @GroupPFR and f1.MetricName = '$ Products')

and ( f2.Grouptitle = @GroupRevenue and f2.MetricName = 'Net Revenue')

group by f1.weekdate

There are many calculations like this in my procedure.
and It takes like 3 min to run whole procedure
now as I am doing group by..
So In Execution plan it show me that 60% of the query time is take n by SORT operation..
can any one give me any other option to do this.


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Need Help On Query Optimization

Dec 5, 2007

Hi all,
I have the following query to be optimized. It just takes too long to complete the execution.

FROM Tbl_A a
ON a.AID = b.AID
ON a.AID = c.AID
ON d.DID = a.DID
ON e.DID = d.DID
ON e.EID = f.EID
WHERE a.Col_1 = 1
AND (a.Col_2 LIKE N'%abc%')
AND a.Col_3 <>
WHEN d.Col_1 ='ABC' THEN 'BR'
AND c.Col_1 =
AND f.Col_1 = 'val1'

here is the estimated records for the tables.
Tbl_A has over 150,000 records
Tbl_B has over 150,000 records
Tbl_C has over 450,000 records
Tbl_D has over 33 records
Tbl_E has over 4000 records
Tbl_F has over 5000 records

Thanks in advance,
Soe Moe

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Table Data Retrieval And Optimization Optimization Help

Apr 10, 2008

Hello Everybody,

I have a small tricky problem here...need help of all you experts.

Let me explain in detail. I have three tables

1. Emp Table: Columns-> EMPID and DeptID
2. Dept Table: Columns-> DeptName and DeptID
3. Team table : Columns -> Date, EmpID1, EmpID2, DeptNo.

There is a stored procedure which runs every day, and for "EVERY" deptID that exists in the dept table, selects two employee from emp table and puts them in the team table. Now assuming that there are several thousands of departments in the dept table, the amount of data entered in Team table is tremendous every day.

If I continue to run the stored proc for 1 month, the team table will have lots of rows in it and I have to retain all the records.

The real problem is when I want to retrive data for a employee(empid1 or empid2) from Team table and view the related details like date, deptno and empid1 or empid2 from emp table.
HOw do we optimise the data retrieval and storage for the table Team. I cannot use partitions as I have SQL server 2005 standard edition.

Please help me to optimize the query and data retrieval time from Team table.


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Sql Query Optimization Help Needed

Feb 5, 2007

I need help in optimizing this query. The major time takes in calling a remote database. Thanks in advance.ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.myAccountGetCallLogsTest@directorynumber as varchar(10),@CallType as tinyint ASdeclare @dt as intSELECT     TOP 1 @dt=datediff(day,C.EstablishDate,getdate())FROM         ALBHM01CGSERVER.Core.dbo.Customer C INNER JOIN                      ALBHM01CGSERVER.Core.dbo.UsgSvc U ON C.CustID = U.CustIDWHERE     (U.ServiceNumber = @directoryNumber)ORDER BY C.EstablishDate DESCIF @dt>90select DN as Number, Remote_DN as [Remote Number], City, StartTime as [Start Time], EndTime as [End Time] from vw_Call_Logs where DN = '1' + @directoryNumber and call_type = @CallType and datediff(day,starttime,getdate())<90order by starttime descELSE select DN as Number, Remote_DN as [Remote Number], City, StartTime as [Start Time], EndTime as [End Time] from vw_Call_Logs where DN = '1' + @directoryNumber and call_type = @CallType and datediff(day,starttime,getdate())< @dtorder by starttime desc

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Query Optimization In Sql 2005

Mar 28, 2008

 Hi ,        How to optimize sql query in sql server 2005, any idea 

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Query Optimization - Confused!

May 2, 2002

i have query similar to this:

select count(a.callid) from tbl1 as a
inner join tbl2 as b on a.calldefid=b.calldefid
where a.programid=175

select count(a.callid) from tbl1 as a
inner join tbl2 as b on a.calldefid=b.calldefid
where b.programid=175

callid - pk on tbl1
calldefid - nonclustered index on both tbl1 and tbl2
programid - nonclustered index on both tbl1 and tbl2
tbl2 is the smaller table

from my understanding, the second query will run faster because you reduce the records in the smaller table, then join to the larger table (tbl1).

but can you explain to me why limiting the rows on tbl1 first, then joining to tbl2 would take longer?

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Urgently Need The Query Optimization

Apr 11, 2008

hi guys

i have a query which will take lot of load on the sql server and it need to optimized.

can any one suggest in optimizing the below query.

SELECT TOP 1 p.store_purchase_id

FROM valid_purchase p WITH (NOLOCK)

INNER JOIN purchase_item pitm WITH (NOLOCK)

ON p.purchase_id = pitm.purchase_id

INNER JOIN customer_phone c WITH (NOLOCK)

ON p.customer_brand_id = c.customer_brand_id


ON c.phone_id = ph.phone_id


p.last_name = ''

AND pitm.item_datetime > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

AND pitm.item_datetime <= DATEADD(d, 12, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)

AND REPLACE(ph.number, '-', '' ) = ''


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Optimization Of A Select Query

Jul 23, 2005

Hello Eveybody,I have just joined as DBA.My problem will be simple for you allgurus.I have a table with 50 lakh row,when i am writing a selectstatement for this table it takes around 7 minute to display result.Iused DBCC REINDEX for this table but it was not effective.So please pass ur suggestion that i should follw to reduce myexecution time.As its effecting my server performance.Thank u in advancevv

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Is Not Null And Query Optimization

Jun 28, 2007

How does the phrase "Is Not Null" in the where clause effect theeffectiveness of a query?If it is a determent to the effectiveness of the query, how do youwork around it?Thanks,

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Query Optimization Question...

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to optimize some queries on an existing system, and I'mnoticing some odd behavior. I'm performing a join between severaltables, the final table being joined by the optimizer has a clusteredindex on the field that it is using to join to the rest of the query,but for some reason SQL Server doesn't seem to actually use this index(it's doing an index scan instead of an index seek). Is there somereason why SQL Server would not use a valid Clustered Index? I'vedropped and readded the index, but that doesn't seem to help. I don'tknow if it would be relevant, but the tables I'm working on are fairlyfat (2 to 7K bytes/row).This is happening for several tables. I've been able to get around itfor some of the tables by creating a non-clustered index on all thefields that are being queried so that the leaf pages don't need to beloaded, but this isn't a valid solution for all of the tables I'mstruggling with.Any ideas? (and no, they aren't willing to redesign any of thetables).

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A Range Query Optimization

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Need help in optimizing a query in SQL Server.Following is the problem statement.There are two tables;1st table (t1) has a KEY ( char(8) ) column, with a clustered index.this is not the primary key. The table can have billions of records;in test environment, we are having 3,000,000 records2nd table (t2) has two columns a from_Range and to_Range, bothchar(8). this table has lesser number of records, in thousands.Clustered index is on the primary key.However there is no relation whatsoever between the KEY and thefrom/to range.We need to find matching records where Key is found between the fromand to range :select t1.id, t2.id from t1, t2where t1.KEY between t2.from_range and t2.to_range( The ids form part of primary keys in both tables. )The plan shows a loop, with t1 using clustered index of KEY and t2using clustered index of the primary key.This query is taking around 14 seconds on SQL server 2000 in win2kprowith P4 and 512 MB RAM.Is there any way this can be reducd to a subsecond performance ? Thisquery forms the core of most of the processing, and any reduction herewill have recursive effect all over.Thanks in advance,roy.

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Query Optimization Needed

Mar 28, 2008

I need to write query wherein i want to order records by a multi valued atrribute and select distinct ids but in the same order. It can be explained better by follwing example:

Selecting distinct Departments in the alphabetical order of their Heads:
Quer 1:

select dept, headfrom deptHead

order by head

This query gives me Departments in sorted order but duplicate records come because Head is a multi-valued attribute.

Query 2:

select distinct dept from

(select top 100 percent dept from deptHead

order by head


This query gives me distinct Departments but the Order is lost. The order of inner query is lost in the outer query result.

Query 3:

select top 100 percent ROWNUM = IDENTITY(int,1,1) , dept into #temp from deptHead

order by head

select distinct dept, min(ROWNUM) from #temp

group by dept

order by min(ROWNUM)

drop table #temp

This query does the job but it involves the use of a Temporary Table since ROWNUM can't be without a "select into" clause. And since this is a simplified version of my actual query wherein tables have large number of rows its affecting the performance very badly.

Can someone suggest a better way to do the same?

Thanks in advance.

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View And Query Optimization

Mar 23, 2006

I'm have made a series of tables and views to create some reports. I have included boiled-down versions of them below. The report query that I want to run (at the bottom) takes a long time to execute and sometimes times out. Creating a rank within the query is doing the most damage, but it can still take a long time to execute without it. The usage table has almost 70k records and there are over 10k users. Does anyone have suggestions for making these views/queries more efficient?


TABLE TGroupAudit
AuditID, intOldGroupID, intNewGroupID, strUserID, dtJoinDate


TABLE people
strUserID, name


TABLE usage
UsageID, strUserID, cost, seconds, gmttime, accesstype


CREATE VIEW VUsageSubtotals AS
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT VUserGroupDates.strUserID, people.name, VUserGroupDates.intGroupID, usage.accesstype, SUM(usage.cost) AS subtotal, MONTH(usage.gmttime) AS [month], VUsageTotals.total
people ON VUserGroupDates.strUserID = people.strUserID INNER JOIN
usage ON people.strUserID = usage.strUserID INNER JOIN
VUsageTotals ON VUserGroupDates.strUserID = VUsageTotals.strUserID AND
VUserGroupDates.intGroupID = VUsageTotals.intGroupID AND MONTH(usage.gmttime) = VUsageTotals.[month]
WHERE (usage.gmttime BETWEEN VUserGroupDates.dtJoinDate AND VUserGroupDates.dtLeaveDate)
GROUP BY VUserGroupDates.strUserID, VUserGroupDates.intGroupID, usage.accesstype, MONTH(usage.gmttime), VUsageTotals.total


SELECT VUserGroupDates.strUserID, people.name, VUserGroupDates.intGroupID, SUM(usage.seconds) AS totaltime, SUM(usage.cost) AS totalcost, MONTH(usage.gmttime) AS [month]
people ON VUserGroupDates.strUserID = people.strUserID INNER JOIN
usage ON people.strUserID = usage.userid
WHERE (usage.gmttime BETWEEN VUserGroupDates.dtJoinDate AND VUserGroupDates.dtLeaveDate)
GROUP BY VUserGroupDates.strUserID, people.name, VUserGroupDates.intGroupID, MONTH(usage.gmttime)


SELECT strUserID, intNewGroupID AS intGroupID, dtJoinDate,
WHERE TGA2.dtJoinDate < TGA1.dtJoinDate AND TGA2.strUserID = TGA1.strUserID), GETDATE()) AS dtLeaveDate
FROM TGroupAudit TGA1


Here's a sample query that gets run for a report:

FROM VUsageSubtotals V2 WHERE V1.subtotal <= V2.subtotal
AND V1.intGroupID = V2.intGroupID
AND V2.month = 3) AS rank
FROM VUsageSubtotals V1
WHERE strUserID IN ('a1, a2, b5, b7, b9, d12')
AND V1.month = 3
AND accesstype = 'STANDARD'
GROUP BY strUserID, intGroupID, subtotal, month, total, accesstype

The purpose of the report is an accounting one. It is desired to know how much each user used each accesstype during a month. Usage is further split up by the user's groups (which may never change or could several times during a month) for billing purposes.

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Query Optimization - Suggestion Needed

May 7, 2007

I need an advice from some SQL Guru. I have a Cursor (SQL Server 2005) which calculates the monthly employee wages. The outer query selects all the employees and the inner query computes the monthly salary day by day in a loop. For each day in a month, i insert a record in a temporary table. So for 2 employees, there can be 2 x 31 records (31 are the maximum days in a month). Later i rotate the temporary table to convert the 31 rows for each employee into one record so at the end there are only 2 employee records but with 31 columns. The problem is that the rotation is taking a huge performance hit and almost takes 5 minutes to convert rows to columns. I have even tried the PIVOT statement but that too almost takes the same time.
Could anyone suggest me how can i nail down a performance efficient query for a monthly report. As far as i know, even on Mainframes, monthly/annual reports takes a long time to compile. So if any GURU has a better idea, i would really appreciate it.
I am only asking about how would any Guru/Expert handle monthly/annual reports with huge amount of data in the tables efficiently.

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Where Can I Get Materials About Query Optimization In SQL Server?

Aug 16, 2006

It is said that, aimed at the same task, different SQL Select Statements maybe have different efficiency. Microsoft Corp. has provided the tool,Query Analyzer, but I have not any idea.


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Query Optimization Having 10 Million Rows

Feb 27, 2015

i have a following table

table name : emp_master

empid efname emname elamane efathername emothername deptno edob edoj createdby updateby lastupdatedatetime lastactionperformed

empid is primarykey.

this table contains 20million of records and i want to fire following query on this to get employye all data where eployee is more than 10 year old

select empid ,efname, emname, elamane, efathername, emothername, deptno ,edob ,edoj ,createdby, updateby, lastupdatedatetime ,lastactionperformed
from emp_master
where year(doj)+10 > year(getadate())

this will return approx 10 million rows and taking 18 mins. tune this query what approaches should i take to reduce the time of execution.

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Query Optimization Via Table Properties?

Jul 26, 2006

Query #1:select <list of fields>from Cjoin B on C.b_key = B.b_keyjoin A on B.a_key = A.a_keywhere A.o_key = <some value>Query #2:select <list of fields>from Cwhere b_key in (select b_keyfrom Bwhere a_key in (select a_keyfrom Awhere o_key = <some value>))#1 (and other things with the same general pattern) are used inliterally thousands of places in this one client's system, and ismuch nicer to write, but seems to be rather slower than #2. Isthere any way to tweak the tables to tell the system somethinglike "hey, B, whenever you're joined to A, you should seriouslyconsider waiting for A to be filtered down to a manageable levelfirst"? And similarly for C/B.MS SQL 2000, SP3, 6.5 compat mode. These are set in stone untilwe upgrade the accounting software (highly non-trivial).

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