Query String Is Being Truncated

Aug 16, 2004


I have hit a brick wall with this. My code is as below

public void fillCustomer()


string connectionString = "server='local'; trusted_connection= true; integrated security=sspi; database='Mrbob'";

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection dbConnection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString);

string queryString = "SELECT * FROM [Customer] WHERE ([CustomerID] = @CustomerID)";

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand dbCommand= new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand();

dbCommand.CommandText = queryString;

dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection;

System.Data.IDataParameter param_CustomerID = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter();

param_CustomerID.ParameterName ="@CustomerID";

param_CustomerID.Value = customerID;dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@CustomerID", SqlDbType.Int);


System.Data.IDataReader dataReader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader();




customerID = dataReader.GetInt32(0);

date = dataReader.GetDateTime(1);

eposCode = dataReader.GetInt32(2);




The error I am getting is

Prepared statement '(@CustomerID int)SELECT * FROM [Customer] WHERE ([CustomerID] = ' expects parameter @CustomerID, which was not supplied.

As you can see from my queryString the @CustomerID parameter is passed in. It seems as if the string is being truncated at 64 characters long. If I remove the paramter to pass the relevant infomration and pass in a customerID I know exists it works.

I am really stumped on this and would really appreciate any pointers

View 1 Replies


String Truncated When Query

Feb 7, 2005

Hi! When I run a select statement, it would retrieve a product description. In some rows, it is long. Consequently, the product description was truncated. Did anybody have resulotion for this issue?

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated. (only For 1700 Character String?)

Nov 2, 2006

I am trying to insert a row into a table of Microsoft SQL Server 2000.

There are various columns.

[SNO] [numeric](3, 0) NOT NULL ,
[DATT] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL
[DATTA] [char] (3000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL
[CODECS] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL

The [DATTA] column is causing a problem. Even if I am trying to put only 1700 character string into [DATTA], the java code throws the following exception:-

StaleConnecti A CONM7007I: Mapping the following
SQLException, with ErrorCode 0 and SQLState 08S01, to a
StaleConnectionException: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000
Driver for JDBC]Connection reset

com.microsoft.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.createException(Unknown Source)

Why is it throwing an exception even though the sum-total of this row doesn't exceed 8000 characters?

Can anyone please tell me what's wrong?

View 6 Replies View Related

String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Aug 9, 2006

Hi Folks,
After I inserted a row in my Database (row 27) I started getting this error when I try to insert, update or delete the record in the database.
I've searched about the error on google and it says that I should have a field that crossed the limit of characters.
I have only the autoincrement field, two varchar fields and a text field, neither one of the varchar fields crossed the limit, they arent even close. I found in google that one solution would be turn the field that is having problems in a text field, but the only field that actually can be causing the problem already is of the text type.
The exact error I get on VS 2005 when trying to change something in the row 27 is:
"No row was updated.
The data in row 27 was not committed.Error Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider.Error Message: String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated.
Corret the errors and retry or press ESC to cancel the change(s)."
I need some help guyz, see ya, hugs.

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated.

Jan 21, 2007

Hi Guys, I'm trying to save the data into 2 table when i click the button. But it pops out this error: String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been
terminated. Description:
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and
where it originated in the code. Exception Details:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be
truncated. The statement has been terminated.Source Error:

Line 116:Line 117: Sqlinsert.Connection.Open()Line 118: Sqlinsert.ExecuteNonQuery()Line 119:Line 120: Sqlinsert.Connection.Close()  I Don't know what it means so i paste my codes regarding the button & the redline   Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
'add the data into shopper

Dim strsqlcmd As String

Dim strName, straddress As String
Dim strContact, strEmail, strPw As String
Dim strIC As String

strName = txtName.Text
straddress = txtAdd.Text
strEmail = txtEmail.Text
strContact = txtboxContact.Text
strIC = txtIC.Text

strsqlcmd = "Insert Into Shopper (Name, Address, Contact, Email, IC) Values (@Name, @Address, @Contact, @Email, @IC)"

SqlCommand1.CommandText = strsqlcmd
With SqlCommand1.Parameters
.Add("@Name", strName)
.Add("@Address", straddress)
.Add("@Contact", strContact)
.Add("@Email", strEmail)
.Add("@IC", strIC)
End With



'add the data into the presc

strsqlcmd = "Insert Into Prescription (Name, Address, Contact, Email, IC) Values (@Name, @Address, @Contact, @Email, @IC)"

Sqlinsert.CommandText = strsqlcmd
With Sqlinsert.Parameters
.Add("@Name", strName)
.Add("@Address", straddress)
.Add("@Contact", strContact)
.Add("@Email", strEmail)
.Add("@IC", strIC)
End With



' go the add item
Response.Redirect("NewPrescItem.aspx")  why my sqlinsert.excutenonquery will have this error? and what is this error really means? Thanks in advance 

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Sep 12, 2007

I am currently developing a simple program that will upload ms-word documents to a database so users can view them within the department.
The program worked prefectly while using sql 2005 with the these fields:
FormId            intFileName        nvarchar(50)FileBytes        varbinary(Max)
This was done in unit testing, now in system testing there is a difference.
A slight downgrade in the database and server software!
We are using sql 2000 on a 2000 server and the FileBytes datatype had to change to the following:
FormId           intFileName       nvarchar       50 FileBytes       varbinary      8000
There is no 'Max' option in sql 2000 for the datatype varbinary. 
So when the insert is perform, we get this error message:
 String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated.
I am guessing it has something to do with FileBytes, because this is the only thing that changed.
I just don't know how to solve the problem.P.S.The application is in ASP.NET 2.0

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated.

Oct 8, 2007

I keep getting the error "String or binary data would be truncated." when I try to insert data into SQL Sever 2005 from an ASP.net page.  Having searched thoughout the web, I know this is generally caused because one of the values being inserted is bigger than the size of the field it's going into.  But, I have tested this out in many different ways, and this is not what's causing the problem.
I have tried doing the insert as a SQL statement and using the "ExecuteNonQuery" command.  I have also tried running this through a stored procedure.  Neither works.  In both situations, I have captured the TSQL statements via SQL Profiler and run them in a query window.  In both cases, the statements work just fine in a query window.
When I try to do the insert via a stored procedure, all of the statements in the stored procedure show up in SQL Profiler, including the final SELECT statement I have the indicates a successful result.  But, the data does not end up in the table and the ASP.net page returns an error.
Also, I have run both the Stored Proceure and the SQL insert statement making all of the fields blank as a way of ensuring that no value can be longer than a field's size.  But, in both cases I still get the same error.
Here's the line I use when doing a regular insert:
Dim Command4 = New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("INSERT INTO ResourceCenter(UserEmail, UserPassword, Region, FirstName, LastName, Company, JobTitle, Address1, Address2, City, StateProvince, ZipPostalCode, Country, BusinessPhone, WebSiteURL, HowDidYouFind, Industry, WhatTypeOfSolution, CompanySize, NumLogins, LastLogin) VALUES ('" & UserEmail & "', '" & UserPassword & "', '" & Region & "', '" & FirstName & "', '" & LastName & "', '" & Company & "', '" & JobTitle & "', '" & Address1 & "', '" & Address2 & "', '" & City & "', '" & StateProvince & "', '" & ZipPostalCode & "', '" & Country & "', '" & BusinessPhone & "', '" & WebSiteURL & "', '" & HowDidYouFind & "', '" & Industry & "', '', '', 1, " & Now & ")", conn2)
Dim NumRowsUpdated2 = Command4.ExecuteNonQuery()
Here's my code when I call a stored procedure:
Dim dsSignup As New Data.DataSet()Dim Command4 As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("ap_ResourceCenterModify", conn2)Command4.SelectCommand.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedureCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserID", Data.SqlDbType.Int, 0).Value = 0Command4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserEmail", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = UserEmailCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserPassword", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 20).Value = UserPasswordCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Region", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = RegionCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = FirstNameCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@LastName", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = LastNameCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Company", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = CompanyCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@JobTitle", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = JobTitleCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Address1", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = Address1Command4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Address2", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = Address2Command4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@City", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = CityCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@StateProvince", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = StateProvinceCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@ZipPostalCode", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = ZipPostalCodeCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Country", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 200).Value = CountryCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@BusinessPhone", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = BusinessPhoneCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@WebSiteURL", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 200).Value = WebSiteURLCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@HowDidYouFind", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = HowDidYouFindCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Industry", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = IndustryCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@WhatTypeOfSolution", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 250).Value = WhatTypeOfSolutionCommand4.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@CompanySize", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = CompanySizeCommand4.Fill(dsSignup)Any ideas of what else I can try?  Thanks in advance.

View 4 Replies View Related

String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated.

Jan 19, 2008

 Hi,I am getting the following error:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be
truncated.The statement has been terminated.Can someone tell me what it means?Thanks,Jon 

View 2 Replies View Related

String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Jan 7, 2004

I am trying to pass a multi lined text field into my SQL Server database. I tried varchar and set the length to 1000 but I still can only pass upto 50 charcters. I also have tried to use other data types like nvarchar, text, and ntext but the text and ntext won't allow me to chenge the length of the field and n varchar will only allow up to 50 charcters no matter how big I make the length. Any help you can give me would be great.


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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Jun 21, 2004

I have a stored proc that inserts binary data into an image field.

I am getting a "String or binary data would be truncated" error when trying to insert large data, but this is *no where* near the maximum size of the image datatype.

Should I be declaring the size of the image parameter in my SQLCommand or something?


Code example:
The sproc:

ALTER PROCEDURE sproc_Content_Insert
@ContentName varchar(250),
@ContentDesc varchar(500),
@ContentType varchar(25),
@Content image,
@LocationID int
INSERT INTO tbl_Content (ContentName, ContentDesc, ContentType, Content, LocationID)
VALUES (@ContentName, @ContentDesc, @ContentType, @Content, @LocationID)

The method:

Public Sub SaveBinaryContent(ByRef ContentName As String, ByRef ContentDesc As String, ByRef ContentType As String, ByRef Content As String, ByRef LocationID As Integer)

'convert the content to a binary stream.
Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream
Dim bf As New BinaryFormatter
bf.Serialize(ms, Content)
ms.Position = 0

Dim oConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString"))
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("sproc_Content_Insert", oConn)
With cmd
.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
.Parameters.Add("@ContentName", ContentName)
.Parameters.Add("@ContentDesc", ContentDesc)
.Parameters.Add("@ContentType", ContentType)
.Parameters.Add("@Content", ms.ToArray)
.Parameters.Add("@LocationID", LocationID)
End With

bf = Nothing
ms = Nothing

End Sub

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated. :((

May 2, 2005

Hi all,
when ever i try uploadin the file to the database, i am facing this weird probs :(
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.Source Error:

Line 124:
Line 125:// Update data source
Line 126:dbAdapt.Update(dbSet,"tblFile1");
Line 127:
Line 128:// Get newFileID
i donno what this means :(
well the code is like this
private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
HttpPostedFile myFile = filMyFile.PostedFile;
// Get size of uploaded file
nFileLen = myFile.ContentLength;
nFiletype = myFile.ContentType;
// Allocate a buffer for reading of the file
myData = new byte[nFileLen];
// Read uploaded file from the Stream
myFile.InputStream.Read(myData, 0, nFileLen);
strFilename = Path.GetFileName(myFile.FileName);
if( myData.Length != 0)
WriteToDB(strFilename,nFiletype,ref myData);
private int WriteToDB(string strName, string strType, ref byte[] Buffer)
int nFileID = 0;
// Create connection
SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=D3BKIRAN; Database=ooc;UID=sa;Password=*****");
// Create Adapter
SqlDataAdapter dbAdapt = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tblFile1", dbConn);

// Create and initialize CommandBuilder
SqlCommandBuilder dbCB = new SqlCommandBuilder(dbAdapt);
// Open Connection

// New DataSet
DataSet dbSet = new DataSet();

// Populate DataSet with data
dbAdapt.Fill(dbSet, "tblFile1");
// Get reference to our table
DataTable dbTable = dbSet.Tables["tblFile1"];
// Create new row
DataRow dbRow = dbTable.NewRow();
// Store data in the row
dbRow["FileName"] = strName;
dbRow["FileSize"] = Buffer.Length;
dbRow["ContentType"] = strType;
dbRow["FileData"] = Buffer;
// Add row back to table
// Update data source
// Get newFileID
if( !dbRow.IsNull("FileID") )
nFileID = (int)dbRow["FileID"];

// Close connection
// Return FileID
return nFileID;
plz any one give me an soln for the same
thanks in advance

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String Truncated When Outputed To File From Dts

Oct 15, 2004

I need output string to file using DTS data
transformation,this string will be used to import data to IBM db2

source sql server ,destination text
file with column x qutable with size 326

source string

'IMPORT FROM ' + rtrim('REPLACED_WITH_SOME_VALUE ')+ rtrim('REPLACED_WITH_SOME_VALUE ') +' OF DEL MODIFIED BY chardel"" coldel, decpt. COMMITCOUNT 1000'+char(13) + char(10)+
+ 'TERMINATE;'+ char(13) + char(10)
as x

string get truncated when outputed to file by DTS

Same string fully outputed to screen when run from QA

Any idea
thank you


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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated ?

Dec 26, 2001

Hi, I appreciate your help. I used to run a script to populate a table then send a message notification to a user via email. Lately, I am getting this error message. I have not changed any of the code in the procedure that run.
What could be wrong.

Thanks a gain for your help


Server: Msg 8152, Level 16, State 9, Line 12
String or binary data would be truncated.

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated.

May 21, 2002

Hi ...I am getting this error and the column that I am insertig into is of varchar type with max length of 4000.

Can I change this to nvarchar type of 8000 in the table design.

I wanted to be sure that it wont affect the data in any way.

Can anyone help me with this ....

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Jul 20, 2005

Is there anything I can put in a stored procedure so instead of proc fallingover because of "String or binary data would be truncated" the offendingrecords are just truncated?Thanks for any help!

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated????

Apr 16, 2008

String or binary data would be truncated.

The statement has been terminated.

I recieved this error messege after trying to do an insert on a memory table. Here's part of the stored proc:
I know im getting the error from the Bill_Customer_code, but dont know why! it has varchar 20, and when i run the query on its own, most of the values are about 5 characters. Any ideas?

Code Snippet

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PROC_RPT_Breeder_Sales_Distributor]

Declare @ReportingTbl TABLE (
Source_Id int,
Territory_Code varchar(20),
Territory_Description varchar (30),
Sort_Id int,
Column_Text varchar(20),
Bill_Customer_Code varchar(20),
Customer_Name varchar (50),
Subbrand_Key int,
SubBrand_Description varchar (30),
Period_1 Decimal(18,0),
Period_2 Decimal(18,0),
Period_3 Decimal(18,0),
Period_4 Decimal(18,0),
Period_5 Decimal(18,0),
Period_6 Decimal(18,0),
Period_7 Decimal(18,0),
Period_8 Decimal(18,0),
Period_9 Decimal(18,0),
Period_10 Decimal(18,0),
Period_11 Decimal(18,0),
Period_12 Decimal(18,0),
Period_13 Decimal(18,0),
YTD Decimal (18,0),
Total_Amount decimal (18,0))
--Distributor Goals
INSERT INTO @ReportingTbl
4 AS Source_Id,
4 AS Sort_Id,
'Goal' AS Column_Text,
999 AS Sub_Brand_ID,
'Distributor_Goal' AS Sub_Brand_Description,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 1 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_1,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 2 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_2,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 3 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_3,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 4 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_4,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 5 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_5,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 6 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_6,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 7 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_7,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 8 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_8,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 9 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_9,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 10 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_10,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 11 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_11,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 12 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_12,
SUM(CASE cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Period WHEN 13 THEN cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Period_13,
SUM(cusSales.Customer_Sales_Summary_Amount) AS Total
FROM RC_DWDB_INSTANCE_1.dbo.Qry_Sales_Group_Dimension
INNER JOIN Tbv_Customer
ON RC_DWDB_INSTANCE_1.dbo.Qry_Sales_Group_Dimension.Territory_Code = dbo.Tbv_Customer.Breeder_Territory_Code
INNER JOIN RC_DWDB_INSTANCE_1.dbo.Tbl_Customer_Sales_Summary_Fiscal AS cusSales
ON Tbv_Customer.Customer_Code = cusSales.Customer_Code
INNER JOIN Tbv_Customer AS Tbv_Customer_1
ON cusSales.Bill_Customer_Code = Tbv_Customer_1.Customer_Code
WHERE (cusSales.Bill_Customer_Code NOT IN ('RNPROC', 'RNPROF','11825', '11990', '11971', '12013', '08105'))
AND (cusSales.Sub_Brand_Id <> 65) AND (cusSales.Report_Level_Id = 85)
AND (cusSales.Consolidated_Sales_Tables_Id = 32)
GROUP BY Tbv_Customer.Breeder_Territory_Code,

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Feb 13, 2008


In MS SQL Server 2005, we currently have a stored procedure which creates a table where one of the fields Client ID is declared as a VARCHAR(8).

Then there is an INSERT INTO table statement but it returns the following error:

"String or binary data would be truncated."

We have checked the values to be inserted into the table and none of them exceed the limit.

The Client ID column currently contains values less than or equal to 8 characters in length and null values.

To debug, we have already done the following:

1. Insert the values seperately into the table

e.g. WHERE Client ID = 8
OR Client ID < 8
OR Client ID is null

There were no errors returned and all values were inserted into the table

2. (a) Selected all distinct values to be inserted and pasted it into Excel
(b) Then set the ANSI WARNINGS OFF - so it will select all distinct values and truncate the offending Client ID
(c) Pasted the result set returned in step (b) into Excel
(d) Compared the two columns to look for any differences and there were none!!

3. There are Client IDs like "0", "01", "11" - so thought that it may be something to do with SQL treating it like a binary....but we tried eliminating these values and performing the INSERT and the still get the error.

We are out of ideas and would greatly appreciate your help!!


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Sql. String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Feb 17, 2008

use pubs

Insert Into stores
(stor_id, stor_name, stor_address, city, state, zip)
('Test3', 'test store2', '1234', 'here', 'ny', '00319')

this query doesnt work and I get this error message

Msg 8152, Level 16, State 14, Line 1
String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.

while following one works fine , why.
Select * from stores where stor_id='test'

Insert INTO Stores
(stor_id, stor_name, city, state, zip)
('TST2','Test store', 'here','ny', '00319')

View 4 Replies View Related

String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated.

Jan 13, 2008

I have created and when I attempt to perform the following INSERT statement I am receiving an error. Any suggestions?

Msg 8152, Level 16, State 14, Line 1

String or binary data would be truncated.

The statement has been terminated.

INSERT INTO jobTitle (job_title,




VALUES ('Director of Finance & Accounting',

'Officials & Managers',

'Plans and directs the finance and accounting activities.',


Table Code:
ee01_Class VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
job_description VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,
exempt_status VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL)

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated.

May 1, 2008

Hi all

I am passing a string to a variable. That variable is input to a function. When I execute that i am getting an error message

"String or binary data would be truncated."

When i pass a string with a length upto 12 char then it works fine but for more that 12 char it is throwing that error.

My all declared variables are of VARCHAR(MAX) type

Please anyone tell me how to solve this problem.


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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated. So Weird!

Jan 22, 2008

I know what it means.  The problem is that I can't see where it's happening.  Looking at SQL Profiler shows the info correct. Front end code only allows max of 50 characters for the title, 2000 for the announcement. Expiration date is picked from a date picker,  subgroupID and who are both 12 characters and are session info (this is correct as it's used else where and they are working). 
This is from SQL Profiler:
exec ws_Admin_Announcements_AddlAnnouncement @subgroupid = 'D4F4CB571A09', @title = N'over 12 characters', @announcement = N'<p>test</p>', @expiration = 'Jan 22 2008 11:41AM', @who = 'D05B47F2CFB1'
Class:1 public int insertNewAnnouncement(string subgroupid, string title, string announcement, DateTime expiration,string who, string connectionString)
2 {
3 try
4 {
5 dbConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
6 dbCommand = new SqlCommand("ws_Admin_Announcements_AddlAnnouncement", dbConnection);
7 dbCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
8 dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@subgroupid", SqlDbType.VarChar, 12);
9 dbCommand.Parameters[0].Value = subgroupid;
10 dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100);
11 dbCommand.Parameters[1].Value = title;
12 dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@announcement", SqlDbType.NText);
13 dbCommand.Parameters[2].Value = announcement;
14 dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@expiration", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime);
15 dbCommand.Parameters[3].Value = expiration;
16 dbCommand.Parameters.Add("@who", SqlDbType.VarChar, 12);
17 dbCommand.Parameters[4].Value = who;
19 dbConnection.Open();
20 intRowsAffected = dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
21 }
22 finally
23 {
24 dbCommand.Dispose();
25 dbConnection.Dispose();
26 }
28 return intRowsAffected;
29 }

SP1 CREATE PROCEDURE ws_Admin_Announcements_AddlAnnouncement
3 @subgroupid varchar(12),
4 @title nvarchar (100),
5 @announcement ntext,
6 @expiration smalldatetime,
7 @who varchar(12)
9 AS
11 insert into tblannouncements (fk_strsubgroupid,strtitle,strannouncement,dteexpires,dtecreated)
12 values (@subgroupid,@title,@announcement,@expiration,getdate())
Table Layout
fk_strSubGroupID varchar 12strTitle nvarchar 200strAnnouncement ntext 16dteExpires smalldatetime 4dteCreated smalldatetime 4
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks ^_^

View 17 Replies View Related

String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated When Deleting Row

Apr 8, 2008

Hey everyone, Im using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express to connect to our SQL Server 2005 (think its 2005, its version 9.000 something something). I have a table with one column that saves a lot of text. I have set the column type to text. When i have a row with lots of text in this column i cannot delete it. I get the message "string or binary data would be truncated" when i try to delete it. If i try to edit the row i get the same message. What do i do? 

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated (from Xml File)

Apr 13, 2005

Hello all,
I am exporting data from AS/400 into an xml file and then importing the data from the xml file into an SQL database. I am getting the error: "The statement has been terminated. String or binary data would be truncated" when there are characters like "," or "&" in the xml. How can i solve this problem? Almost all my records have characters like that because they include comments and i can't disallow the users from entering these characters (especially ",").

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Error:String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated.

Apr 11, 2000

Hello there...
I am trying to insert Data into the table but I got the "Error:String or binary data would be truncated." I did several things to avoid this error but it seems like just stay there... I need help.....
I created the same datatype and size to avoid this problem but I couldn't get away from it... Basically I pull the data from several tables and make one table for holding all info that I need to insert into the new table...I also did SELECT INTO statement to create the table & BCP but it did not work.. Any idea????

Thanks in advance..

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String Data, Right Truncated Error In Parameter 1

Feb 28, 2008

Hi all,
i want to connect my db use ODBC on Delphi, was program run turn back error General SQL error ODBC string data, right truncated error in parameter 1 any idea pls.
procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
while not query2.eof do


QUERY1.Active:=true;// Error this command run

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Weird: String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated.

Feb 14, 2008

My SQL script: -

(LEGAL_ENTITY varchar(3) ,
DESCRIPTION varchar(25)

@select varchar(2000),
@from varchar(2000),
@where varchar(4000),
@final varchar(8000)

SELECT @from = ' FROM table_1 WITH (NOLOCK)'
SELECT @final = @select+@from



EXEC (@final)

From #temp_1

drop table #temp_1

By using above scrript, I will get a error message in SQL2005 database:-
Server: Msg 8152, Level 16, State 14, Line 1
String or binary data would be truncated.

I will not error in SQL2000
I comment exec(@final) and directly put in the SELECT statement, th

There is some SELECT statement modification in between that force me must use the variables to construct the SELECT statement. So can anyone advice, how to avoid the error?

Please advice, Thank you.

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated Error

Jul 20, 2005

How can I find which record(s) cause this error:Server: Msg 8152, Level 16, State 9, Line 1String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated.I have tried Profiler but I can't get it to tell me which records arecausing the error.Here's the script I'm running:EXEC sp_executesql N'UPDATE IMDISFIL_SQLSET ITEM_NO = ITEM_NO + ITEM_FILLER WHERE ITEM_FILLER IS NOT NULL'This table has almost 2 million records so a manual search is not a verygood option.Thanks in advance.

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Transact SQL :: String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated

Aug 23, 2015

I am running an INSERT form one tables into another. I am getting below error;

Msg 8152, Level 16, State 10, Line 10

String or binary data would be truncated.

As I have a whole bunch of columns how do I figure which column is involved in error?

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated Error Message

Aug 9, 2006

    I am getting the message ("string or binary data would be truncated") when trying to update a field in a table in my database, but am unclear as to why. I understand that the error usually occurs when the length of a string exceeds the limit allowed for a field in the database, but in this situation, that constraint should not apply. The length of the field for which I am trying to make the update is a varchar field of length 100. The value for which I am attempting to update is an e-mail address of length 42 of the format xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com. The initial insertion of the value (via my website) succeeded in inserting the first 40 characters of the address, but cut off the "om" at the end. It doesn't seem to matter how large I make the field in the database as it always gives me this error when I try to make the update. I have tried to change the value in both Query Analyzer and Enterprise Manager, but I invariably receive the same error.Any ideas?

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated.The Statement Has Been Terminated.

Jul 13, 2007

i am showing one field from database which is varchar and has length 1000, in the text box. i apend some text in the texbox and click update button.  on update button's click i UPDATE whole text again to database.
so when the 1000 limit crosses it stops appending text to datafield.
if i execute the query in query analyzer it shows error "String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been terminated."
 on my web form how can i catch this sql exception so that i can give error message on the form?
thanks in advance

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated.The Statement Has Been Terminated.

Oct 5, 2007

hi i am successfully uploading a image and that path is stored in label Now what i want is to store that label path(image path) in database not image only path
 while i executing this programe i got this error.This is code.I got error at sqlcmd.ExecuteNonQuery().
labelRes1.Text = RadUploadContext.Current.UploadedFiles [File1.UniqueID].FileName;
 string imgpath = labelRes1.Text; SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection("Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=DiskEra;Data Source=MAINSERVER");
 SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand("insert into tblCategories(ImagePath ) values (@ImagePath)", sqlcon);
sqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ImagePath",imgpath );
 priority: very very high

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated. The Statement Has Been Terminated.

Jan 10, 2008

The code below the error produces the error, please help. String or binary data would be truncated.The statement has been
terminated. Description:
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and
where it originated in the code. Exception Details:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be
truncated.The statement has been terminated.Source Error:

Line 236: ins.Parameters(i).Value = r(i)Line 237: NextLine 238: ins.ExecuteNonQuery()Line 239: 'If System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(rowscopied) Mod 10000 = 0 ThenLine 240: 'Console.WriteLine("-- copied {0} rows.", rowscopied)Source
File: C:Inetpubwwwrootsitesmarketingappsdispositiondefault.aspx.vb
   Line: 238  -------------  Private Shared Sub InsertData(ByVal sourceTable As System.Data.DataTable, ByVal destConnection As SqlConnection)        ' old method: Lots of INSERT statements         Dim rowscopied As Integer = 0        ' first, create the insert command that we will call over and over:         destConnection.Open()        Using ins As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [tblAppointmentDisposition] ([contactdate], [dnbnumber], [prospectname], [businessofficer], [phonemeeting], [followupcalldate2], [phonemeetingappt], [followupcalldate3], [appointmentdate], [appointmentlocation], [appointmentkept], [applicationgenerated], [applicationgenerated2], [applicationgenerated3], [comments], [newaccount], [futureopportunity]) VALUES (@contactdate, @dnbnumber, @prospectname, @businessofficer, @phonemeeting, @followupcalldate2, @phonemeetingappt, @followupcalldate3, @appointmentdate, @appointmentlocation, @appointmentkept, @applicationgenerated, @applicationgenerated2, @applicationgenerated3, @comments, @newaccount, @futureopportunity)", destConnection)            ins.CommandType = CommandType.Text            ins.Parameters.Add("@contactdate", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@dnbnumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@prospectname", SqlDbType.Text)            ins.Parameters.Add("@businessofficer", SqlDbType.NChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@phonemeeting", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@followupcalldate2", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@phonemeetingappt", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@followupcalldate3", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@appointmentdate", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@appointmentlocation", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@appointmentkept", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@applicationgenerated", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@applicationgenerated2", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@applicationgenerated3", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@comments", SqlDbType.Text)            ins.Parameters.Add("@newaccount", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ins.Parameters.Add("@futureopportunity", SqlDbType.NVarChar)            ' and now, do the work:             For Each r As DataRow In sourceTable.Rows                For i As Integer = 0 To 16                    ins.Parameters(i).Value = r(i)                Next                ins.ExecuteNonQuery()                'If System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(rowscopied) Mod 10000 = 0 Then                'Console.WriteLine("-- copied {0} rows.", rowscopied)                'End If            Next        End Using        destConnection.Close()    End Sub

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String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated. The Statement Has Been Terminated.

Sep 30, 2004

I am working on Updating information from a table using Sql Server, but I keep receiving the error "String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated."
I have changed my maxlength of each textbox to equal the columns of my table but keep receiving the same answer. I also increased the lengths to make sure there was enough space, but no successful ending. Can anyone help? Here is my code and error message.

Sub btnSubmit_Click( s As Object, e As EventArgs )
Dim strUpdate As String
Dim cmdSelectData3 As SqlCommand
Dim conMyData As SqlConnection

conMyData = New SqlConnection("Server=helpdesk01; UID=sa;
PWD=****; database=ASPState" )

cmdSelectData3 = New SqlCommand("MemberUpdate", conMyData)
cmdSelectData3.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmdSelectData3.Parameters.Add("@MTitle", radMr.Text)
cmdSelectData3.Parameters.Add("@First", trim(txtFirstname.text))
cmdSelectData3.Parameters.Add("@Middle", trim(txtMiddlename.Text))
cmdSelectData3.Parameters.Add("@Last", trim(txtLastname.text))
cmdSelectData3.Parameters.Add("@Country", trim(dropCountry.SelectedItem.text))
cmdSelectData3.Parameters.Add("@Email", trim(txtEmail.text))
cmdSelectData3.Parameters.Add("@Promo", chkPromoUpdate.text)
cmdSelectData3.Parameters.Add("@Genre", trim(dropGenre.SelectedItem.text))


cmdSelectData3.ExecuteNonQuery() (**error in Red**)

End Sub


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