Re:- Auto-incrementing An Alphanumeric Field

Jul 13, 2001



I have a problem my table structure is like this

book_id varchar2(30)
book_name varchar2(30)

Now i want to enter the data into the fields like this

B001 Java Unleashed
B002 ASp Unleashed

and so on

So my Problemis how i will auto increment the book_id field though that is an alphanumeric field.

PLease help me that how i will insert and select from this table

Waiting for your help


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SQL Server 2012 :: Auto Incrementing Alphanumeric Field In Table

Oct 1, 2014

I need to auto increment an alphanumeric field in a table.

The process is as follows:

1. First position is static letter C for contact or static letter A for account - field contact_id
2. The following 6 positions are numeric - example of the string would be C004658
3. When new contact is entered, it should look up the highest numeric value (in this case 004658) and increment it by one - resulting in C004659

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How To Set Up Auto Incrementing For A Field

Aug 10, 2006

I have a database table. I need to set a particular data field to allow for Auto Incrementing. Basically I need to set up the initial integer value to start at. Then to specify the amount to increment by.
What I have done so far is to right click on the field name in SQL Server 2005. Then, on the pop-up menu I select the menu option for properties.
When the properties are displayed I see some fields listed in dark grey but I am not able to edit these fields. In other words, if I try to type text in this field, nothing happens. The fields I am talking about are:
Identity Increment
Identity Seed
Is Identity
Does anyone know what the problem is? What do I have to do to edit these fields.

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Auto-incrementing A Field

Nov 9, 2006

I am porting a database from Informix to SQL Server 2000. Several fields in the informix database are specified as SERIAL, which means that they auto-increment auto-magically if you insert a 0 into them. Well...I was looking for an equivalent in SQL Server 2000, and thought I had found it in the IDENTITY column concept.

With further investigation into IDENTITY columns, however, I discovered that only one column per table can be given the IDENTITY property. Why is this? Is there a way around that? If not, is there another way to achieve this feature in SQL Server 2000? If not, any suggestions on how I can do it?



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Replication In Database Having Auto Incrementing Field

Aug 31, 2007


If i were to replicate a database with another where in both the databases have an auto incrementing field. What could be the problems that's goin to arise out of it. How to deal with such a scenario...?????

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Incrementing And Concatentating Non-Auto Incrementing Fields

Mar 11, 2008

My SQL table has the
following columns:

ID – Auto IncrementingNumber_of_Records – IntAccount_Number – Varchar
(Format 1234)Account_Number_Instance  – Varchar 
(Format e.g. 1234-01)Other_Field1Other_Field2…etc.

When the Account_Number was
initially inserted into the table, a Stored procedure (not written be me)  was used to concatenate the Account_Number
and Number_of_Records.  As a result
the  Account_Number_Instance became,
e.g. 1234-01, etc.

From the ASPX form we
retrieve each of the fields above, and based on the Number_of_Records an
appropriate number of records were inserted for the Account_Number. 


For Example:


Account_Number = 12345Number_of_Records = 4

The result inserted into the
table were as follows:

ID        # of Records            Acct_Number  
New_Num            Acct_Number_Instance   â€¦

1          4                                              12345                                     12345-01

2          4                                              12345                                     12345-02

3          4                                              12345                                     12345-03

4          4                                              12345                                     12345-04


Now, I would like to UPDATE
this table, and based on the original Number_of_ Records (4) I want to ADD, for
Account_Number (1234) add an appropriate Number_of_Instances, beginning with
the next incremental number and adding what the New Number of Records input is…

For Example:

            Account_Number = 12345            New_Num(ber_Of Records) = 3

ID        # of Records              Acct_Number    New_Num             Acct_Number_Instance   …

1          4                                              12345                                     12345-01

2          4                                              12345                                     12345-02

3          4                                              12345                                     12345-03

4          4                                              12345                                     12345-04

5                                                         12345             3                      12345-05

6                                                         12345             3                      12345-06

7                                                         12345             3                      12345-07


do realize that the next time I have to update this Account_Number I am also
going to have to somehow ADD only one of the #_of_Records and New_Num for the
Acct_Number instances to obtain the next starting number, which in the example
above would be (8)…

and all suggestions on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated!


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Auto Increment Alphanumeric ID

Nov 27, 2014

I'm using SQL 2008 with table [AgentDetails] and fields [IDCode],[FirstName],[LastName],..etc. [IDCode] is alphanumeric [AAA001].

Is it possible to increment both alpha & numeric when new record is inserted. e.g.

AAA001,AAA002......AAA999,AAB000,AAB001,...AAB999,AAC000,AAC001...etc. with a user function or some stored procedure.

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Auto Incrementing

Nov 14, 2007


I'm using a insert into fuction kind of like below




FROM ...............

I'd like to auto-increment col1 so it counts how many rows are being added

any help is very appreciated

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How To Auto Increment An Alphanumeric Primary Key In SQL? :(

Aug 6, 2007

 How to auto increment an alphanumeric Primary Key in SQL? :( Because I want to add something like this in the Primary Key, for example i'll add a new data with an alphanumeric value of ABC-0001, then I'll add another 1, and it auto increments to ABC-0002 and so on.. How can I do it? And if I'll add a new alpha character in the Primary Key field, for example DEF-0001, then I'll add another and it auto increments to 002, and so on, and it will go back to 0001 if i'll use another combination of alpha characters. for example, i'll add a new alpha character AAA, will it go back to 0001 or it will continue? T___T I hope u get my point.. I want my table to look like this if i have added the dataABC-0001ABC-0002DEF-0001DEF-0002AAA-0001then if il add a new 1, for example ABCit will auto increment to 0003 in the same field, it will look like this after addingABC-0001ABC-0002ABC-0003DEF-0001DEF-0002AAA-0001Will it be possible? :( 

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Unwanted Auto-incrementing

Aug 17, 2006

Here is a simplified version of my problem:
I am inserting data into a table using a stored procedure. The table has an identity column that increments with each insert. When I use erroneous data in the other fields the insert fails….no surprises there! But when the next insert occurs with valid data I find that my identity field has increased even with those inserts that failed, so my sequence has jumped a few numbers. How do I get the identity inserts to roll back if the rest of the data in a row doesn’t insert successfully?
Marcha x

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Identity Value Not Auto Incrementing

Feb 19, 2008

My Identity value column is not autoincrementing, its seed is set to 1, and increment set to 1.
yet when i click the auto generated 'Add New Record' button in the BindingNavigator control set (in a form where it is populated with databound text boxes), this Identity column is not auto incremented?

And if i try to write a value to this column, i get the error telling me this column cannot be written to. Yet if i do not write to it, then i get "This column does not allow nulls"

To load my data i am using:

Code Snippet
'clear dataset
'fill the datagrid with data from tblQuoteID

and to save data im using:

Code Snippet
'end data edit
'update the dataset with table data

anything im doing wrong? this data is being viewed in a datagrid btw.


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Identity / Auto Incrementing Column

Feb 16, 2006

I have an auto incrementing int column setup which serves as my unique primary key.  Just wondering what happens when the auto increment reaches the limit?  Will it recycle numbers from the begining (who's rows have obviously been deleted by this stage)?

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Generating Auto Incrementing No Using SQL Query

Sep 22, 2004

Hi everyone,

I am having a table with which i generate a report. Now how to using a SQL query i can generate a auto incrementing no.

Say i am executing this query



Now how can i make it come out like this


See the first column is a auto incrementing number 1,2,3.

How can I write a SQL QUERY that outputs a auto incrementing number.

Thank you
Have nice day

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Auto-incrementing With Leading Zeros

Aug 10, 2006

Hi All,
I need to set up a kind of identity insert that gives an output in the format: 00001, 00002, 00003 etc. Is there a formatting option for this sort of output using normal identity insert features or do I need to write a function to insert these values (perhaps as text) each time a new record is created?
Sorry if this is really simple but it's only my 4th day in this job!

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Transact SQL :: Primary Key Auto Incrementing By 1000 Instead Of 1

Jul 13, 2012

We have upgraded our SQL 2008 server to 2012 last month.  i've noted since then that many tables that have auto increment primary key bigint field increases by 1 like it should, then for some reason it jumps up by 1000 or even 10000?  i have seed adn auto increment set to 1 but doesnt effect it.  Is there anything that could be causing the next value to jump that much?

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Auto Incrementing-&>Updating Values In Two Related Tables :Help!!!

Nov 11, 2005

hi there,
 i am new to sql server database.i am doing small projects right
now using and sql to create webpages (very basic webpages)
My problem is:

Problem :
   i have two tables .....table 1 and table 2.
    Table 1 has following fields: studentid,student name,student address.
Table 2 has following fields:studentid and course .
  table1 student id is the primary key refrencing table 2 student id.
Now i delete a record in table 1 which will in turn also get deleted in
table 2 . so for eg  if i have three records 1 ,2 and 3 ....then i
delete 2 in table 1 ...i will have 1 and 3 in both table 1 and table i want 3 to become 2 in both table 1 and table that i
dont have empty space between two student id's 1 and 3. so this is my
problem....if any one can help me out with suggestions please
thank you all........

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Add Auto Incrementing Column To SELECT Statement

Apr 1, 2013

Along with the data that I am pulling back from query, I also need to provide an ImportID column with the following requirements:

YYMMDDGP0001, YYMMDDGP0002, YYMMDDGP0003, and so on. The 0001, 0002, and 0003 part could get big into the hundreds of thousands.

I have the YYMMDDGP part down with the following expression:


Now I need to get the Auto Incrementing number part of this. I have been researching this trying SELECT INTO a temp table using the Identity Function and declaring different variables all with no luck.

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Set Custom Identity Keys For Master Tables(auto-incrementing):

Jun 17, 2007

I need some help for designing the IDs / Primary keys for some master tables in my database. Following are master tables. Client_Master, Buyer_Master & Seller_Master; I want to set Client_Id, Buyer_Id & Seller_Id as their respective primary keys and they should have following properties

Client_Id :- a) should be auto-incrementing value, b) unique & c)should be of the format – CLXXXXXX, where “CL” {Constant start characters} & “X” {any number 0-9}
Buyer_Id :- BYXXXXXX
Seller_Id :- SLXXXXXX

We are implementing the database in MS-SQL 2005 & MySQL

Can anyone help me find a solution to this, especially in MS-SQL.

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Incrementing Id Field

Mar 21, 2004


Does anyone know why an error occurs (constraints violated) when I try to have a table with an automated id incrementing by 1. I am uploading the data into the table from dts, so ignore the id field in the dts transformation.

Any ideas or help would really be appreciated, do I need to reference the id field in an activeX script?


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Incrementing A Field In SQL

Jun 29, 2004

I am making adjustments to a table in my SQL Server Database.
I'm adding a collumn to my database of numeric type.
I wish to write a SQL script that will go through every record in the database and give it a unique number (key) by simply incrementing each number by 1.
I've inherited this database and as you have probably guessed i'm trying to add a primary key to this table as currently there isn't one!

I have no experience what so ever with T-SQL (which I presume i will need to use) as my expertise lie in web development with fairly simple SQL so go easy on me :)

Thanks in advance for your help

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Incrementing An Id Field

Mar 21, 2004


Does anyone know why an error occurs (constraints violated) when I try to have a table with an automated id incrementing by 1. I am uploading the data into the table from dts, so ignore the id field in the dts transformation.

Any ideas or help would really be appreciated, do I need to reference the id field in an activeX script?


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Question About Incrementing A Field

Jul 17, 2005

Hi everyone. I'm a new user to ASP.NET using VB.NET and SQL Server.

I have one question.

I am currently creating a website for my dissertation whereby whenever a
customer purchases a product, a number is incremented within the
'Product' table. The column that needs to be incremented is called

I have got an Insert query to store the orders in the 'Orders' table
already within my webpage. Is there a SQL Query that I could use to
increment the number in the 'Product' Table straight after my Insert

I really appreciate if anyone could help me in this matter!

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ID Field Not Incrementing Correctly

Sep 14, 2001

I have a field called contact_id in a table. Datatype is integer and has an identity seed of 1 and an identity increment of 1. When new records are created, the increment sometimes skips numbers. (ex. 12,13,18,21). What's going on here? Am I losing records somewhere?

Also, this is a cold fusion application. Thanks!!

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ID Field Not Incrementing Correctly (again)

Sep 17, 2001

I have a field called contact_id in a table. Datatype is integer and has an identity seed of 1 and an identity increment of 1. When new records are created, the increment sometimes skips numbers. (ex. 12,13,18,21). There is absolutely no deletion of any kind going on. (i.e. My application (cold fusion) has no code whatsoever that is deleting records.) What's going on here? Am I losing records somewhere?

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Incrementing Or Updating A TIMESTAMP Field.

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I'm in the process of implementing a multi-user system containing anadjacency list (tree structure). I'm using a TIMESTAMP field on eachrecord in the adjacency list in order to tell when a node has been changedsince the last read. Sometimes though, it is useful to flag a "parent" (orall ancestors or a node) as being changed if any of its children have. Isthere any way I can force an update to the parent TIMESTAMP field withoutactually modifying any of the other fields in the record? Something likethis (assuming I have a field called [Timestamp]):UPDATE Adjacency SET [Timestamp] = [Timestamp] + 1 WHERE ID = @_In_IDNow, will the timestamp be incremented here by 1, or will SQL server getconfused as in theory it must "update the timestamp after updating thetimestamp" for this record?Thanks,Robin

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Auto Increment Auto Non-identity Field

Jan 23, 2004

I have an MS SQL Server table with a Job Number field I need this field to start at a certain number then auto increment from there. Is there a way to do this programatically or within MSDE?

Thanks, Justin.

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[*-)] About Auto Increment Field

Nov 27, 2007

I have one Auto increment field in the table.
I have a problem that suppose I have 10 Records in the table, Now If someone delete record no 3 and 5 then it has 8 records.
But The field will give 11 no to new record I want it first fill 3 and 5 then give 11 to the new record.
Is it possible with the auto increment field in sql server 2005.

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Auto Increment Field

Apr 5, 2008

Im building a site within Visual Studio 2005 and im using the SQL database system it provides. I currently have a number of tables each with a primary key that is set to the 'int' field type and also set to auto increment 1, 2, 3 etc etc. My question is it there a way to make this field increment automatically, providing a unique value but also automatically placing a couple of pre-defined letters before the number? Obviously it can't be an 'int' anymore because it'll be holding something like MEM1, MEM2 etc. Is there a way to do this is Visual Studio?
 Many Thanks!

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How To Auto Increment A Primary ID Field?

Oct 8, 2006

I was just wondering on a very simple database table with lets say a primary key set to columb ID and another columb lets say products, can you make the primary key automaticly increment its self whenever a new entry has been put in?For instance say I have this table set up with ID Being the primary KEY, Columb 1 = ID( INT ), Columb 2 = Products ( VarChar(50) ), and have the fields ID = 1, and products = my product.....and if a user inserts a new record say from a gridview or some sort of data entry the second ID Feild will automaticly be  2 and the products gets updated per user input.......I'm very sorry but I'm having a hard time putting this into words for some reason..umm basicly user adds something into the products feild and the ID field automaticly increments one number higher from the last one?ThanksAdam.

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Auto Populate A Field With A Value From Previous..

Mar 15, 2008


For example. I have a table with fields named "From" and "To" which track drill hole measurements. When I add a new record I would like it to autopopulate the "To" field with the "From" value from the previous record.

Example Recordset
Record 1, From=0, To=500, Lithcode=AB1
Record 2, From=500, To=1000, Lithcode=CR4
Record 3, From=1000<- trying to figure out how to auto populate previous record's from value here



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Auto Increment RecordID Field Value

Apr 25, 2008

Hi All,

I am trying to write a query that takes the max recordID on table A, and increment it by 1 for every record that is inserted into table A. The recordID field does not identity field property turned on.

Can you give me some help in getting this done? Is what I am trying to do even possible?

Thanks in Advance for your help.

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Is There An Auto Date Datatype For A Field In The Table

Sep 29, 2004

Is there an AutoType Datatype for Date field. just like the Identity property for an ID field.

It increments by 1 for each new record.

The same way if i add a record to the table can it automatically put todays date or date and time for the field date created in my table.

The reason is i am uploading the record from xml file(Using SQLXMLBULKLOAD) so i dont have a chance to mention on the front end code or in the XSD file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Expiry Date Auto Change Field

Feb 2, 2008


My table has more columns than this but I will just use the ones here tht are important.
I have two columns in a table these are "ExpiryDate" and "Archived".
When the row is created the "Archived" field will be null but the user will have entered a expiry date. When this date is reached I would like the "Archived" data to change to "1". Is this possible? Would I have to do it through some kind of script or can I set the database to do this automatically?

Thank you, Mark

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