Reading A Text File

May 2, 2007

Guys, need help! I know this is not area for VBScript question, but possible I will find someone to help. Here is my question.

How can I read a text file of product IDs (ProductID contain only the first three character at the bigining of each line -- for example 220)and retrieve just those lines that meet a specified pattern?


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Reading In A Text File

Sep 25, 2007

I need to know how to import a text file into a stored procedure as one big varchar.  I don’t want to import the data straight into my tables.  I need to be able to work with it in the stored proc.

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Reading A Text File

Jan 18, 2005


I need to read a hex file, the file path is in the database, and I need to read the file from sql.

Any help would be appresiated

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Reading Text File

Oct 16, 2006

does anyone here have a sample to how mssql can read a comma delimeted textfile...

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Reading Tab Delimited Text File

Mar 28, 2008

Is there anyway Sql Server reads a "Tab Delimited Text File" and Compare each record with the Column in a table..

my question is..

I've a Country_Code table which has 3 letter Country Code and the Actual Country names are listed in a Tab Delimited Text File "Country Data" with Country Code and Country Name, how do i read each record and compare to get the Actual Country Name for Display.

any ideas/suggestions.


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Reading Data From A Text File

Apr 21, 2007

I have text output files which are semi-structured.(Headers + irregular length tables below)

Is there a simple method of getting them into sql format(line by line) to try and extract data from them?

I know this won't be easy but its been worrying me for a long time. I have a method of importing the data into excel, but although difficult, it must be possible to get a system to get it into sql server. This must be a fairly common issue.


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Reading Data From Text File Database

Jun 6, 2007

 Hi everyone I have a directory that contains a lot of text files that have data I need to draw from.  I want to know if it is possible to write a program that will read all of the text files in the directory and pull out data and save it to a new textfile. For example: Each text file is formatted this wayColumn1, Column2, Column3"1","xxxx","yyyy""2", "xxxx", "yyyy""3", "XXXX", "yyyy" I want to put all lines that begin with 1 in one text file, all the lines that begin with two in another text file, and the same with all lines that begin with 3. my problem is I want to be able to point at the folder that contains those files and have it read every text file in the folder and perform the operation.  If this is possible can someone point me in the right direction on how to get started.Thank you for any help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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Reading Text File Into SQl SERVER 2005

Mar 25, 2008

Hi All,
I Need to load the text(CSV) files into sql server using text reader. Please can any one give me the code for that.
I want read that file in web page only. I can't use Bulk Insert.
First I will read the file into data set. Then i wanna update that in sql server table.
 Thank you,

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Output And Reading Data From A Text File??

Sep 1, 1999


How would I be able to query a table (ie. all people with last name 'Smith'), have that set of data outputted to a regular text file (in a formatted way)

And what's the best way to manipulate that set of data to let's say update a Yes/No field in that table to mark that that those individuals('Smith') which were outputted in that text file?

What about the reverse? If I got a regular text file with Last Name, Social Security(delimited by tab), etc is there a way I can get SQL Server to read that text file and make an update to the database based on the Social security in that text file.

Any help would be immensely appreciated!

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Reading Past CR-LF In Flat File Text Input

Jul 13, 2007


I'm wondering if there is any way to get SSIS to notice, in the Flat File Source, that a "Ragged right" text input file has a record that is too short to populate all the specified columns.

I am reading data from a file that is supposed to be fixed length records, but record 193,591 (out of approx. 500,000) is 20 bytes short of the fixed length (60 bytes). So I changed the input to "ragged right" and found that I can thereby continue to read the file, and load the data (after setting the "maximum errors" to a number greater than the initial "1"). (Without this change to "ragged right", every record after the bad one was "out of synch" with the column arrangement -- so they never made it into the database table destination.)

But the "failures" I am now getting are during the Data Conversion step, when I try to convert some columns to integers (from text, in the input stream). And by looking at the data with a "Redirect Row" setting for the Data Conversion step, I am able to see that the Flat File Source is reading "right past the end of the row."

Is there a way to get the Flat File Source to honor the CR-LF record terminator, and decide that some text columns should contain "nothing" (NULL or zero-length strings), rather than the bytes that contain the CR-LF and the initial text from the next record? Can this somehow be noticed as an error condition?


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Integration Services :: Reading Text File After First Record

Nov 17, 2015

I'm trying to read in a text file, fixed width, very long records (over 7000 characters) in an ssis package. The first record appears ok in the 'preview' in the connection manager setup, but each record after that is offset by 2 characters (record 2 offset by 2, record 3 offset by 4, record 4 offset by 6 and so on), like it's inserting special characters.

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Reading A Text File With Fixed Length Column

May 11, 2008


I would like to read from a Text File using SSIS Integration Package.

The file has a fixed number of columns, let's say 3 columns.
There is no row header and each columns length is fixed. There is no delimiter as well.

Here is the sample of the file contents:
John Doe USA
Mary Monroe UK
Andy Archibald Singapore

Here is the hints to read the file contents
John Doe USA
Mary Monroe UK
Andy Archibald Singapore

If you notice, from the 1st column until the 9th column, it's reserved for the first name.
The 10-th column until the 19th column, it's reserved for the last name. Finally the 20-th column until the 29th column is reserved for the Origin Country.

Since there's no delimiter inside the flat file contents, i have difficulty in parsing this text using SSIS Package.

Please let me know if you need any necessary information.

Thanks for all your help.


Hadi Teo.

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NULL Values Returned When Reading Values From A Text File Using Data Reader.

Feb 23, 2007

I have a DTSX package which reads values from a fixed-length text file using a data reader and writes some of the column values from the file to an Oracle table. We have used this DTSX several times without incident but recently the process started inserting NULL values for some of the columns when there was a valid value in the source file. If we extract some of the rows from the source file into a smaller file (i.e 10 rows which incorrectly returned NULLs) and run them through the same package they write the correct values to the table, but running the complete file again results in the NULL values error. As well, if we rerun the same file multiple times the incidence of NULL values varies slightly and does not always seem to impact the same rows. I tried outputting data to a log file to see if I can determine what happens and no error messages are returned but it seems to be the case that the NULL values occur after pulling in the data via a Data Reader. Has anyone seen anything like this before or does anyone have a suggestion on how to try and get some additional debugging information around this error?

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Oct 24, 2001


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Reading Text Into Varchar

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I have a column (text datatype) and has to send an email as a text(not attachment) using cdonts. I am reading the data from text columnstoring in a varchar field and saying cdonts.body = [data].This way I can send email to as a text format. Now, my problem is whenlength of data is greater than the 8000 chars it truncates the rest ofthe data.......and email I send is a truncated email.......loosingimporatnt data.How should I resolve this situation.......I am trying some differentideas but not worked yet. Finally, I am writting the entire content ina file and sending it as attachment but the reaquirement is to send itas a body text.Any ideas?Let me know if you need more details!Thanks,

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Integration Services :: Reading Data File Present In A File System From A Package Deployed In SSIS DB?

Dec 4, 2014

I am trying to create and later read a data file from a package deployed in SSISDB, but it is not reading it while it is successfully creating the file. The same package when run from the file system package, runs successfully. Generating ispac and deploying in SSISDB is running for infinite time. Is it a permission issue?

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How To Change Text On Web Automatically From Reading A SQL Server?

Jun 17, 2004

A section of this company's intranet site where I just started interning at has little company anniversary and birthday sections that look like (for the anniversary section.. in the birthday section, it looks the same, except it doesn't say how old the comployee is):

-Steve Cunningham 6/1 - 6 yrs
-Andrew Brown 6/3 - 11yrs
-Lisa Stone 6/4 - 3 yrs

How can I get it so instead of manually changing that text every month, it will look at a SQL database and automatically change that text every month? I'm guessing the pseudocode would be if the b-day or anniv. month matches the current month, display the first and last name, the date, and number of years (which would have to be calculated maybe?) Any help would be GREAT! Thanks!!


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Reading Large Text Files With 2005 CE?

Dec 19, 2007

During my web search looking for a solution I ran across SQL CE 3.5 articles. My questions about SQL CE 3.5 are:
1) Can SQL CE 3.5 handle a 4 €“ 6 GB file
- Read
- Parse (SQL)
2) Can SQL CE 3.5 act as a standalone client that a user can view a large (4-6 GB) text file?
- Will I need a .NET (small) client to read the large (4-6 GB) text file?
More info:
The text file will reside on the machine where the SQL CE 3.5 is installed. There is no pull to get the data.

Thank you (in advance)€¦

SQL CE 3.5

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Transact SQL :: Reading Text From BLOB / Varbinary Objects

Aug 26, 2015

We have an interface where we receive data from an external supplier. One of the fields in the interface is of type BLOB (the source is an Oracle database), which would be read into our MSSQL database as image. This can also be converted to varbinary, and a typical field value looks something like:

0x70697A5F8F000000789C0DCCBD0DC2301....etc. etc.

However, we know that the origin only contains text, and we even know the text from the GUI they supply us with. The text could typically be "Delayed by 3 minutes because of water damage" or something like that.

What I want to do, is to extract that text from the field.

First, I have stored the incoming data stream in a table, where one column is of type varbinary(max). It looks like this goes swell. But I don't know which command to use in order to get the text extracted.

I have tried these:

1) select master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(Myfield) from Mytable
-> Returns just the text "0x70697A5F8...." which I have no interest in

2) select cast(Myfield as varchar(max)) from Mytable
-> Returns just Chinese signs.

3) select cast(Myfield as nvarchar(max)) from Mytable
-> Returns just Chinese signs.

4) declare @ptrval varbinary(16)
select @ptrval = TEXTPTR(MyField) from MyTable   -- with MyField defined as image
READTEXT MyTable.MyField @ptrval 1 30
-> Returns just the text "0x697A5F8...." which I have no interest in

Of course, since only text is stored in this field, the field should never have been defined as BLOB in the first place. But the source system is external, and it's a standard system, so we may not alter it in any way.

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Reading Log File

Feb 9, 2000

I have some records that have been deleted. I need to find out who did it and to do that I need to read the logs. Are there any utilities that will allow me to read login 7.0? How about 6.5?


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Reading A Ini File In DTS

Jun 10, 2002


How can I read an ini file entry and pass this parameter to a stored procedure which will be run in a DTS Package?

Thanks for the input


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Reading Log File

Jun 22, 2008

How do I view the SQL 2005 transaction log file(.ldf)?

Is there a built-in utility?

Thank you

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Reading A File

Jun 24, 2008

I am storing one text file on the server.This text file contains some mobile numbers.The file look like

Here I need to read this text file row by row mobile number and then insert these mobile numbers into a table by using sql procedure or sql trigger or any other method or coding. Is it is possible or not?
If so then anybody can help me!


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Reading ID From XML File???

Jul 13, 2006

Hello friends...

We have sql server 2000 and i need to read one perticular xml and from that i want ID field stored in one it possible by query analyzer to read xml and stored ID in table...I have only path of that xml file...


select ID from ("D:XMLFolder*.xml)

that i want

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Reading In An XML File From A URL

Oct 17, 2006


I have a problem with SSIS in that I need to read an XML file in from a URL,which brings me back the below XML. What I need to be able to do is essentially create a single record, including the nested XML <image> into the same record. This information then needs to be entered into a database table.

What I found is that if I use a data flow component, and have an XML source pointing to this URL, it essentially creates a different output for every level of nesting. This causes me serious issues because I would then have to somehow get to the information in the <image> tag, and then get everything below that, etc, to be able to get the images related to each <stock> record. This is a pain.

I also looked at using an XML task, where I could use an XSLT to transform to the required output, however, I can't point this XML task to a URL to retrieve the XML.

If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it



XML Format


<feed date="2006-10-17 17:08:46">


<stock id="SFU22991">



<description>Peugeot 206 1.4 X-Line, 5 door Hatchback Tiptronic Auto 4Spd</description>


<spec>Air Conditioning, Power Steering, Central Locking, Electric Windows, Alloy Wheels, CD Player</spec>








<transmission>Tiptronic Auto 4Spd</transmission>



















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ASP.NET: Reading A CSV File With C#

Jan 22, 2008

I am trying to read from a datasource that is a CSV file using C#, but for some reason I keep getting an error that says:

System.Exception: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Syntax error in FROM clause.

My code looks like this:

String sql = " SELECT IDnumber FROM report.csv WHERE username = @Username ";

ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList();

parameters.Add(new OleDbParameter("@Username", Username));

DataTable dt = OleDbUtility.getDataTable(sql, parameters, OleDbUtility.GetCNetIDConnectionString());

It worked with an Excel file, so any ideas on this one?
It seems like the connection string is fine...

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Reading A File Name That Changes

Mar 13, 2007

Brand new to SSIS so bear with me, if something is obvious.

I want to be able to read a file from a certain directory. But the file name changes every day. So today its File20061203 tomorrow File20061304 or the next day it could be FileNB4434. The format in the file will always be the same though. I just want for a user to be able to drop a file in a directory and the package pick it up once a day.

Would I have to to create a script task or could I use a variable. I have been trying to use the variable but have not been able to get them to work. This calls for only looking for 1 text file in a folder but any additional links that show some good variable examples would be appreciated. One where only part of the variable changes File(Variable)Division.txt

Thanks in advance

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Reading XML File

Jul 21, 2007

I'm trying to read data from xml file (i want to use this file as enviornment config file). i tried 2 methods and failed in both of them:
1.a. I loaded the XML file to the report server
1.b. I wrote a custom code for reading the XML. i got #Error

2.a. I loaded the XML file to the report server
2.b. I used XML dataset for reading the XML file.

thank you all

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Reading From An Excel File

Feb 7, 2002

I need to select a list of rows from excel file.
I formed my query in this way :
FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Data Source="MOC02c:empest/xls";Extended properties=Excel 97-2000')...xactions
This gives an error

Error is
Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Could not find installable ISAM.]

If anybody knows how to read from an excel file to a query analyser , pelase reply.

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Reading Data From File

May 25, 1999

Is there any way to read a text file with one value in it and load that value into a variable?

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Reading Sql From A Disk File

Feb 20, 2004

It's probably a really easy thing to do, but I can't find out how to do it, so hopefully somebody can spare the time to help.

I want to read in T-SQL contained in a file held on disk and execute it in a stored procedure.

Anybody know how to get the contents of the text file into a variable so I can exec it ?

Thanks for your time.

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Reading Sql From A Disk File

Feb 20, 2004

It's probably a really easy thing to do, but I can't find out how to do it, so hopefully somebody can spare the time to help.

I want to read in T-SQL contained in a file held on disk and execute it in a stored procedure.

Anybody know how to get the contents of the text file into a variable so I can exec it ?

Thanks for your time.

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Reading XML File SQL Server

Feb 27, 2004

hi to all
I have been trying to read XML file in SQL Server with Stored Procedure. but i coud't get any solution.

can any one Help me.

I have XML file with List Of Countryes each Country has Id.

I need to read all Country Id,CountryName and need to be insert into DataBase or Return as String (output parameter).

How do I achive this? please Help me.


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