Recover Just One Table From Backup
Sep 6, 2007I work on sql server 2000.
Is it possble to recover just one table from the database backup ???
I am new to this.
Please let me know.
I work on sql server 2000.
Is it possble to recover just one table from the database backup ???
I am new to this.
Please let me know.
Hi all:
In order to test database restore, I create a backup driver and puporse delete one table, then I try to restore my databse use backup, but the delete table donot show up.
Thank you
I am facing the Database recovery problems sicne I have lost my MSDB db , only i have the Complete db backup and transactional backup.
How do i can recover the database since i don't have the MSDB database
I have a question concerning backup / restore / recover of a MS-SQL-Server-Database.
Following configuration exists:
MS-SQL-Server running on NT
OS, Server located on a mirrored Raid 0 Disk -> C:
Transactionlog-Files (.ldf) on the same physical mirrored Disk -> E:
Database-Files (.mdf) located on a separate pyhisical Disk (Disk-Set, Raid 5) -> D:
I take a full backup every night of all databases, no Transaction-Log backup is made during a day (never)
Assuming following situation:
During a day one Database became corrupt. The physical-file (.ldf) of corrupted database is still accessible
on Drive E:
1. Step: I make a copy of the .ldf-File and put it on a secure place or in an other directory
2. Step: I restore the DB from the last full backup
3. Step: ???? How is it now possible to recover from the physical available .ldf-File? I know it should be
possible but I don't now how.
Has anybody tips or suggestion or has someone ever had a similar situation? Feedback would be appreciated.
Kind regards
Hello, everyone:
Does any body have the experience to execute data warehouse backup/recover? What I want to know is how to backup/recover database in data warehouse and cubes.
I ran into a problem today where I had to pull a backup file from an older tape. The file was originally is a backup that was stored in a device like :
EXEC sp_addumpdevice
'disk', --type
'c2000_BackupDevice', --logical name
'\UNCPathackupFile.bak' --physical location
I put the file from the tape on a File Server and then tried to create a new backup device pointing to the file. That's easy enough, but when I try to restore from it I get an device error saying it's offline.
How can I get that device attached to my server and then extract the backup files stored inside it?
Please advise b/c this is an interesting problem I hadn't anticipated and it argues that I should change my backup strategy .
Thanks for any advice/experience you can provide,
I created a new database and want to recover data from a backup this script
use master
restore database new
from disk='D:
but get an error
Message 3141, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The database to be restored was named 'ats342'. Reissue the statement using the WITH REPLACE option to overwrite the 'new' database.
Message 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
I asked this question before but never received a decent answer. When a restore fails, what are the steps to re-start the restore? This should be a very common issue and for the life of me I have been unable to find it in BOL or the MS site! Please let me in on the secret!!
Hi All,
Accidentally I have dropped a table and that is the main table for my application.
I dont have a backup of it. Is there any way to recover it.Please help me guys.
Unfortunately I dropped my table in sqlserver. How to I recover that table?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt happened accidently that we deleted records from a table in SQL server 2005 DB. We never took a full backup of the DB till then. Is there any way that we can recover the deleted records. Logs files are still present. ( *mdf and *ldf ).
View 3 Replies View RelatedHi all, I am working with SQL Server2000 and I have done a horrible thing here.
We here have an script that delete all data from all user tables of a database, and I run it in the master DATABASE.
As we don't made backups of this database, now somethings of the database aren't working.
Here is the script:
declare @table_name sysname
declare @alter_table_statement varchar(256)
declare @delete_statement varchar(256)
-- definindo o cursor...
declare table_name_cursor cursor local fast_forward for
xtype = 'U'
name <> 'dtproperties'
-- desligando os vínculos...
open table_name_cursor
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' nocheck constraint all'
while @@Fetch_Status = 0
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' nocheck constraint all'
close table_name_cursor
open table_name_cursor
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @delete_statement = 'delete from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name))
while @@Fetch_Status = 0
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @delete_statement = 'delete from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name))
close table_name_cursor
open table_name_cursor
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' check constraint all'
while @@Fetch_Status = 0
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' check constraint all'
close table_name_cursor
deallocate table_name_cursor
I have tried to restore master table with the restore function, but it doesn't work. When I try to do this I received a message informing that it can't copy the data because one file was in use. The server was in a single user mode.
Is there anyway to recover the data that I have lost?
I have deleted some data from some table. I dont have any backups and the database in simple recovery Mode. How to recover that data ...
View 15 Replies View RelatedI need to recover some data in a table but i'm not 100% sure the right way to do this safely.
I'll need to query the two tables to compare the before and after but how do i go about restoring/attaching the backup database to SQL without causing conflicts?
If I restore, I assume this would just overwrite which is obviously the worst thing that can happen. if i attach the backup, how does this affect the current live DB? how do i make sure that it's not getting accessed and mistaken for the live DB?
The SQL server is 2008 R2 running as a VM.
Hi there
I'm getting this message on my third automated backup of the transaction logs of the day. Both databases are in full recovery mode, both successfully backed up at 01.00. The transaction logs backed up perfectly happily at 01:30 and 05:30, but failed at 09:30.
The only difference between 05:30 and 09:30's backups is that the log files were shrunk at 08:15 (the databases in question are the ones that sit under ILM2007, and keeping the log files small keeps the system running better).
Is it possible that shrinking the log files causes the database to think that there hasn't been a full database backup?
I have a table called Lab_results and I have backed it up to "lab_results_backup032215". how do I restore the back up to the original table. I tried :
select * into Lab_results from lab_results_backup032215
But get error saying the table already exist?
Is there a way to recover the database without defining a device to restore from?
Restore Database TestDB With Recovery
By mistake i've damaged my .mdf file and i have no backup on this database . However i have the transaction log intact and an older version of the database .
Is it possible to recover the database using the transaction log? How can it be done?
I do not have the transaction log backup, just the .ldf file.
Thanks to anyone who can help me.
How to export a specific table ?
Export feature is allowing to export the whole database but not table. But i need to take the backup of a specific table to import on a remote server.
I have a giant DB that I want to backup. One of it's table is taking a lot of space, and I don't need it in the backup, so I am searching for a way to backup everything but that table in particular.
Does any of you know of a way?
BTW, it's a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2040 (Intel X86)
i have a backup from yesterday
is there any easy way to restore just one table from the backup?
I have a large table that I need to play with a devise a solution. I want to make a back up copy of it so that if I crash it I can easily restore. What is the best way to backup/restore a single table?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhihow can i create a bak file of single table .And one more doubt ,whether its restorationprocess will be same as its for usual backup(ie full,transactinalbackup).ThanksTV
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I begin? I had previously installed the SQL Server 7.0 with NT Authentication and everything was fine until I Rename domain Name and Computer name. I decided to uninstall SQL Server, and then reinstall it.
From this action unable to see my database in enterprise manager. I Rename old domain and computer name again. and reinstall with Upgrade Version. but still same effect. Can anyone help? What do I need to do to get my database to work again? Any input on this will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I had MS SQL installed on my comp.I had to reformat my hard drive due to some problems.There was a db in the sql server which i needed.So i saved the .mdf & .sdf files.Then i installed sql server in the formatted hard drive & pasted the .mdf & .ldf files in the Data forlder in MSSQL folder.But the problem is that even after doing this the enterprise manager doesnt show that database.Can anyone help me with this?Is there any way to recover the database?
Thanks a lot
P.S.- I also have whole of the earlier MSSQL folder present in the earlier program files backed up.Would that help in anyway.
Hello, everyone:
A guy think that the DTS packages can be recoved by restore MSDB database. Is that true? Does anyone have experience on that? Thanks.
I've had a powerfailure, that resulted in I had to scratch my DB server, I've managed to get all the .mdf and .ldf files from the server. On the new server I get a "Error 823: I/O error (torn page)" when I'm trying to attach the .mdf file to the New server.
Both the new and the old server is a win2003 with SQL 2000 SP3
Is there anybody who knows how I can recover the DB?
Is it possible to restore a SQL 2000 database with data from a transaction log?
I am not sure what happened to my database, all the data in the tables is gone. I generated a db script to create a duplicate database. I saved the .sql file on my local machine, separate from the db server, renamed the database name in the .sql file to a new database. Tested script in query analyzer for syntax, all was fine. Running it at this point would have created a new database with a different name, right?
Now my original database is empty. Can someone please provide me with information on getting my data back. Is there a way of using the transaction log to recover the data.
I have changed the roles of primary and secondary servers due to server failure.
Can anyone advise how to revert back to previous main server? Are these any links available?
I need help to recover database from its MDF & ldf files as my server crahsed today .
BTW i installed afresh copy of MS SQL 7.0
I need to be able to restore the database. Pls reply if
you can help. It would be greatly appreciated.
:( :confused:
is there any way to recover a database? I accidently drop my database .I don't have any backup.
View 5 Replies View RelatedPaul,
Having read your useful insight into the sorts of issues around the corruptions that folk have posted in this forum I'm interested in preparing for the day when one of our servers gets corrupted :-(
Should I expect to be able to:
Restore FULL backup from Before the corruption first happened
Restore all Tranaction log backups since
and would get me back to ground zero?
I'm thinking:
if I do a DBCC CHECKDB once a week, say, immediately after a FULL backup - then if that gives me some error messages I've got last weeks Full backup and a weeks worth of Trans Log Backups to restore - which is OK for a rare disaster.
I apprecaite that the thing that caused the corruption might be a memory or disk fault, which might also have broken the creation of the backup files too - in which case I'm fairly stuffed!
Does a RESTORE do a checksum of somesort that would detect a corruption caused by, say, a memory fault or a disk controller that wrote the block faultily [twiddled some bits, but did not report error]?
In which case continuous restores of backup files to A.N.Other server would discover the moment at which a backup was "known bad"
Am I close?
I am using sql server7.0
I want to know how to recover pubs and northwind data bases in case they are deleted.
Gajanan Kulkarni