Recover With MDF File Only Due To Hard Disk Failure
Nov 10, 2006
catcat writes "Hi All,
Our MSSQL 2000 server crashed yesterday and one database cannot be restored. the latest backup we have is june. We can only recover the MDF file from the harddisk and according to our admin, it cannot be restored anymore because no proper shutdown was made.
Hello,I am trying to recover a SQL Server 7 database from another hard diskdrive that has a corrupted Windows 2000 Advanced Server installation. Iam not able to repair the corrupted Windows 2000 Advanced Serverinstallation but the file system is intact. I have installed a new copyof SQL Server 7 onto a new hard disk and have used the sp_attach_dbsystem stored procedure to attach the database from the old hard driveinto the new installation of SQL Server 7 on the new hard drive. Thedatabase shows up in the Enterprise Manager View and all the data andstructure are there, but when I try to run a Web site that uses ODBCconnections to the database I get the following error:ODBC Error Code = 08001 (Unable to connect to data source)[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Specified SQL servernot found.I have double-checked that all the NTFS permissions, ODBC DSNs, and WebServer settings are correct and when I run the SQL Server ODBC drivertest at the completion of each ODBC DSN setup, it is successfull.1) Why am I getting this ODBC error?2) What steps have I missed in the recovery process?3) If I have done something wrong recovering my database, can I stillrecover it since I still have: a) The old master database file and logfile; b) The old database (non-master) file and log file; c)A backed-up(Enterprise Manager -> Right Click A Database -> All Tasks -> BackupDatabase) copy of the old database (non-master) file; ?My System Specifications:-Windows 2000 Advanced Server-SQL Server 7-IIS 5.0-Cold Fusion Server 4.5 Professional Full EditionThanks For Your Time,Nathan
Dear group:I have removed my hard drive from my laptop (which is now toast) andhave managed to recover nearly all the data from it by installing thedrive into my desktop. I was hoping to reboot the dektop to see if Icould load the operating system on the laptop's hard drive so I coulddo a manual backup of the SQL database on it. This does not work.Does anyone know of a way to recover my SQL database and all its tablesgiven the circumstances above?TIAISZ
I have 2 harddisk in my computer and I have SQL 2005 Express on 1 of them (let's say C:), however, my C: is going to be full soon! Once it is full, is it possible to create a table on my other harddisk which the server can recognise?
I monitor a few "perfmon" counters which includes under the "system" object, "bytes transmitted/sec" and "file read bytes/sec". Every once in awhile, these counters will skyrocket, which can also be verified by the hard drive lights flickering like mad.
The only software installed on the machine is SQL Server 2K.
I was wondering if anyone knew how I could monitor within SQL 2K what process or user is using all of these cycles. If anyone could shed some light on this it would be greatly appreciated. Specifically, I would like to find out which database/query is doing this to minimize in the future as this affects all of the other connections.
We have here a WinForms Application on laptops that uses SQL Express as its database. Initially all was going well, then it was decided that the laptop Hard Drive should be encrypted. Thats when the fun started.
It is now very hit and miss as to whether we can connect to SQL and service pack 2 will not install.
So now to the question :-
Does anyone know if there are any compatablity issues with SQL 2005 Express and hard disk encryption (particularly BeCrypt).
I have a situation where I would like to set up one DB server instance for US and anther one for AUStralia. The Instance should share the same data base/hardsisk. One of the instances will be running in using US time zone and anothe one in Australia time zone. There will be 2 Application instaces one poinint to each SQL Server instance. This applications does write into the database
So the underlying requirment is to have 2 database server running in differnet time zones but accessing the same disk/set of data What is the best way to do this? Is it linked servers?Girish
After experiencing a hard drive failure i have reinstaled MSSQL7 on one drive and have a database which I need to recover on separate physical drive. How can I go about doing this?
Cristiano writes "hi everybody. A customer of mine has had a disk "crash" few days ago. I wrote for him a dwh application and of course the backup was not working...
now some "hardware guys" said that it is possible to recover most of the files.
what I need to restore would be: 1- the sql server db 2- the sql server dts and jobs 3- the analysis service cube and dimensions
to do so is it enough for me to have: 1- the .mdf and .ldf files 2- the master.mdl /.ldf file 3- the .odb file and .dim* and .role .map ... files
right? is it enough to recover everything? if it is so, what would be the right processes to recover everything? "
It was difficult to enter a subject that coveres what I want to ask and also the explanation isn't trivial.
The question is for SQL server 2000 (I can't upgrade so solutions should be feasable on 2000). If patch level is an issue it chouldn't be a problem to patch to the level needed if it isn't there already.
The database has in full logged recovery mode and its .mdf filel and .ldf files are on 2 seperate disk locations (lets name these M: for the .mdf files and L: for the .ldf files).
Now whenever I read something about media failure it's allways about a failure of M: and how you then can backup you latest log file and have an 'up to the time of distaster' recovery. And that works fine. I played around a bit by putting M: and L: on a test machine on USB sticks, so that I could simulate media failures.
When I yank L: and simulate a media failure of the .ldf files the problem starts. You can't handle that database anymore since it becomes suspect and making a backup is not possible anymore (neither dbf nor ldf backup)
What I was able to do to get as close as possible to the time of failure was this:
1. Detach the database 2. Move the current .mdf file to a different location (3. here I do whatever is needed to get the physical system working again) 4. Restore the database from the last full backup 5. Change the database to simple recovery model (needed to perform step 8) 6. Detach the database 7. change the restored .mdf file with the one set asside in step 2 8. attach the database 9. return to full logged
I then have a (and thats the main question actually) seemingly working database again with more data in it then I would have when doing the recovery by restoring the last full backup and all transaction log backups. To emphasis this: if I would have a weekly full and daily transaction log backups, if could lose up to a day of data, with the outlined method I would have much more data.
Now I know that the data are firstly written to the .ldf files and then to the .mdf files whenever the server has time for it (at least that is how I understand it) and so I should get more data then doing it the 'traditional' way.
How correct is that assumption and if so: how consistent are the data in that 'recovered' .mdf file?
Hi, My server went dead(problems with the hard disk), but I have a copy of the whole sql server directory including the database in a external hard disk. I have a new server now and I would like to copy this database (with the reports from reporting services too) from the external hard disk to my new server. can anybody help me please? Thanks.
Note : I have a plain copy of all the sql server directory with all the files including the database not a SQLServer backup done with the wizards.
I am writing up a general purpose document regarding Disaster Recovery and Backup and Restore, etc. I have a question that I've been unable to find any definitive answer on, and I was hoping that someone might have an answer.
Here is the scenario and what I have so far, and my question:
Scenario - A simple database, with one MDF and one LDF, each on it's own disk, with no mirroring or filegroups etc.
Disaster - the LOG disk fails.
To simulate the disaster, I shut down SQL Server, and delete the LDF manually.
When I restart SQL Server, the database is marked as suspect. As expected :)
So, now the recovery begins..... I've read that in this case there is no data loss, but I find that hard to believe. Can anyone confirm?
Anyway, how to restore the database to usable status? Here is what I've come up with so far:
1) Do a backup of "the tail of the log." This works even though there is no log. I have no idea why really, but I can't proceed otherwise.
2) Detach the database.
3) Reattach the database. This auto-creates a new log file (albeit not in the location I want, which makes for more work after).
At this point the database appears to be fine. I have not seen any lost data or problems, but of course I'm working on a test database, not with live users hitting it constantly. If the database were under heavy use, I expect that there might indeed be data lost?
Is this the recommended way to recover from a disaster of this type? Or, would it be better to just go back to your last good backups and forget about "up to the minute" recovery in this case? Or is there yet another means?
I have started getting this error since a week now when I try to schedule a report or change a schedule of a report. An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database. (rsReportServerDatabaseError) Get Online support For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors..
We have SQL Server 2008 installed along with SSRS running on the server. I have never seen this happening before for almost a year now but suddenly it appeared. Along with this, report subscription is also messed up and some report are not been emailed as they have a error like..Failure sending mail: An error occurred within the report server database. This may be due to a connection failure, timeout or low disk condition within the database.Mail will not be resent.
Recently, one of our database's mdf and ldf was corrupted. We were able tobring back the database with the capability of importing and querying thedata. However, the data is not the full list. Some of the data are stillmissing because the tables we want still has sone 'chain mis linkage' errorwhen we did a DBCC checkdb/checktable. DBCC couldn't fix those errorseither. We're pretty sure that there are some data still burry under thecorruption. Then we thought of the life LDF file. This file should haverecorded every transaction up to the point of failure. So we trying torecover that file, but there are 2 problems. First is we don't have back upof that file and 2nd, that file is also corrupted. I couldn't backup thecorrupted ldf file at its current state. It's giving me some unrelated errormessage like disk space is out. All I know now is the only hope to recoverthose missing data are in this LDF file. We tried to use this software fromLimingent Log Explorer to recover it. So far no such luck with that. SoI'm asking anyone who has similar experience or problem. Please let me know.I need to know anyway to recover this LDF file, either by using sql server'snative tools or 3rd party tools. Any input is helpfull. thanks in advance.Wei
i have SQL 2000 server with SP3, yesterday my database was suddenly goes to suspect mode. then i found log in sql server log. and it shows following text:
I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read at offset 0x00000000030000 in file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataMFS_Data.MDF'..
kindly, do needful for recover data from this file...
I am working on SQL Server 2008 R2 and unfortunately I have lost my .mdf file after detaching it from my database, but the .ldf is still in my system. Is there a way to recover my database from .ldf file?
Hopefully someone can help me with the following (potentially huge) problem:
We've got a simple database application running on microsoft sql desktop engine. This database contains two tables. Up until now all worked fine, but probably due to a programma that crashed part of the database seems to be corrupted or broken while today only one table contains/returns data and the other table does not return any values!
When I open the .ldf and .mdf files in notepad I see that there is data belonging to both the tables. But how do I recover it??
The max. size of the database has not been reached by far (it's only 9Mbs), the sql queries are correct.
This .ldf file is a log file (?) I can't find detailed info about the principles of these .ldf and .mdf files on the internet, is it possible to trace back what has happened en recover the database that way?
hello,all I am new to Sql 2000,I installed sql 2000 database in C disk,but Now I found my C disk space is smaller than before,So I want to move my databse(include data and structure) from C Disk to D Disk(its space is very large) . is it possible to do it ? if its can be done ,do I need to change my program source code (exp: chaneg my crystal report connectstring ) ? thanks in advanced!
Hi All, By mistake i delete database from sql server. Due to which the the mdf and ldf file of the datbase are removed from my system. Then i used file recover utility and retrived my mdf and ldf files.But now i am not able to attach those files into databse. These mdf and ldf files has been corrupted. Now how can i recover my data from those mdf and ldf files.Please answer me if you have any solution on this problem.
Recently i got task from Senior DBA, as : Recover a database without LOG file Currently Data File is available.
Log file is also available, but shows size as 0 KB. Means Log file is corrupted.
Currently existing DB is shown as Offline Mode in SSMS.
So i got below link:
When i tried 1st/2nd solution from above link, i got below message:The log cannot be rebuilt because there were open transactions/users when the database was shutdown, no checkpoint occurred to the database, or the database was read-only. This error could occur if the transaction log file was manually deleted or lost due to a hardware or environment failure.
To try that 3rd solution, I had to DELETE/Remove existing DB from SSMS, so i can create New DB with same name.
When i tried to delete Log file from Command Prompt, using below command, Windows replied that File is corrupted, so it cannot be deleted.
DEL /F /Q /A C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL11.SQLEXPRESS2012MSSQLDATAMyDB.ldf
Meanwhile my Senior DBA brought DB in Recovery Pending mode.
So if i want to go for 3rd solution,then i need to DELETE file, But Windows is not allowing me.
Dear All,SOS Please Help.I have a MS-SQL DB with 4 .ndf files. One (first) .ndf file is missing.somehow got deleted??. Is there any way can rebuild my DB.The .MDF and .LDF files are in tact.Please help asap.Dhumbak*** Sent via Developersdex ***
My database corrupted because when I was running an update query, there is a power failure. After the computer booted, I cannot open the database anymore, it just not responding. Then I stop the sql server service, and tried to rename the .mdf and .ldf. After that it worked normally, but I need the data from the corrupted mdf file, I tried to attach the database but it just hanged. I even tried to attach without the .ldf file but it didn't work either, so I concluded that the problem is with the mdf file.
I got problem in production server at client place(No backup copy & not replicated,it's a SQL SERVER 2000 Enterprise server),by mistake client updated the data without using where condition then updated lakhs of rows (in SQL server autocommited),Now I need to recover this data from LOG file(.ldf).I tried with LOG EXPLORER(Third party tool) Trail version recovered from default database(Northwind,Pubs).But client not willing purchase this S/W for simple cause,How can we recover the data from LOG file.
1.Can we write the Program in C# to read the SQL Server Log and show the past transactions? 2.Is There any Stored procedures exist in SQL Server to read the day transactions in log file and take the backup? 3. How to read Transactions Log file in SQL Server 2000?
It's very Urgent,I am not expert in SQL Server 2000.
Our SQL database log file got physically deleted. Now the database is in suspect mode. Is it possible to recover / restore the database just with the data file.
I run MSDE on a Windows XP Server and my database was marked as "suspect" by Enterprise Manager and its icon become gray. I detach that database and try to re-attach it but there is an error as the following:
After that, I uninstall the MSDE and re-install new MSDE SP4 and try to re-attach the database file again and there is still an error. Is there anyway i can recover the data from that database?
SQL server. By-mistake I updated values of a column in a database hosted online, is there any way undo the transaction. I didn't created any backup of the database. I read that still it can be recoverd through the .ldf (log file) but unable to access it. Is there anyway to get access of the Log file or is there any way to recover the data.
I have SQL server 2000 which recently crashed. I try to recover it andfound out that the Master database is corrupt. I never backup myserver using inline sql backup nor any third party backup program thataware to SQL server. But I have full system backup of volume c on tape(using NTBackup), which includes old version of Master database. Myquestions are:1. How can I recover this file into SQL server?2. If so, it is not risky to recover Master database from two weeksago?Thanks in advance!