Redirect Bad 'good' Data To A File

Nov 23, 2007

I have a table that among other holds volume data. I need to calculate something called Intelligent Volume based on set of rules.
After all rules were followed and I still find data that does not belong to any of the rules this data is bad and needs to be reported on (can not be discarded)
I wanted to do this is sql task (insert intel. volume) and I am using Cursor to loop through all the data and all rules.
How do I redirect this data to a file so we can report on those records?


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Redirect Rows Move Good And Bad Recs To Bad Table.

Feb 28, 2007

I use a redirect row method for error of OLE DB Destination For sqlServer2005.

For some resone even though only 1 record has error and should be redirect, all the record in the current batch (I think depending on the "maximum insert commit size") are redirect. the only way for me to get the exact bad record is to set the above parameter to 1, but then it takes hours to run the package.

also I always get the same error in the errorCode column - " -1071607685"


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Redirect Bad Data From Flat File Source

Apr 17, 2008

Hi, all,

I have this SSIS data flow ( Flat file to sql server) that I want to add a step to redirect any "bad" data instead of fail out.

I had the red arrow hocked up to a sql new table to dump the bad data, but the flow still failed.

Here is the first error, and I knew what was wrong. A description field in that line has pipe(|) character in it, which also happen to be the column delimiter in this case.

[Flat File Source [1]] Error: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Column 22" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".

I knew if I fixed the data, every thing will be fine, but I just want to use this redirect feature of SSIS. Is there a place where I can turn off validation, or do something to make it work?


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How To Redirect The Flat File's Data Into Another Table ?

Aug 28, 2007

If the system not able to convert the data from one data type(string,int) to another data type then i need to move the reocord into my error_table.

How to redirect the bad data into another table, while extracting the flat file data ?

Bad Data means if the system not able to convert the data from one data type to another data type.

Say €œX2R322€? data can€™t convert as DATE data type but "070899" can be converted as DATE data type.

Thank you very much.

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Data Load: Want To Redirect Extant Rows In Table To A File

Sep 29, 2006

We are working on a DataWarehouse app. The DW has been loaded wiith transactional data from the start of September. and we want refresh the DW with a full load from the original source. This full load wil consist largely of the same records that we loaded initially in the DW but some records will be new and others will have changed.

During the load I want to direct input records NOT already in the DW to a "mods" table and ignore those input records that alreayd exist in the DW. Can SSIS help out with this task?



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Attempt FASTLOAD If Error Perform Regular Data Flow Transfer And Redirect Errors To Text File

Feb 15, 2008

I'm having problems designing a package to attempt to execute a fast load data transfer but failback to regular speed with error redirection in the event of an error.

The way I designed this was to add one data flow task to my package called "DFT FASTLOAD". The data flow copies a table SRC to another table DEST in the same SQL Server database. In the error handler for the data flow task I copied the original data flow task and changed the name to "DFT REGULARLOAD with Error redirection". In this data flow task I did not use fast load and addtionally redirected errors to a text file.

In the Data Flow Task "DFT FASTLOAD". I am copying from a varchar source field(with non-date strings) to a datetime destination field to force errors. However the Data Flow Task "DFT REGULARLOAD with Error redirection" never seems to start transferring data from source to destination. The data Flow Task "DFT REGULARLOAD with Error redirection" turns yellow (after the error occurs in "DFT FASTLOAD"), but no data is being transferred). It seems like it hangs.

Do I need to increase the MaximumError Count or something? The data flow task "DFT FASTLOAD" does not turn red when the error occurs it just remains yellow, so i assume I'm on the right track since it seems the error is caught.

I have added screenshots ... hopefully these screenshots will clarify my problem.



I can provide more details if needed... but really this is just a basic test.
Any assistance would be appreciated!

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Error Redirect To One File

Jul 13, 2007


I have several lookups in my data flow task and for each of these I want to redirect error to one file (append data)
I created Flat File connection manager and first lookup goes fine with errors redirected to the file.
However, second error redirect that I am sending to the same file is failing.
Error I get is:
"[Flat File Destination 1 [14851]] Warning: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.€?

So my goal is to have one central file where I would redirect all records that fail.


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Hot To Redirect Output To A Text File?

Jan 22, 2002

I have to write a sp which takes in a input and redirect the result to a text file?
Any idea how to write it?

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Redirect Output To A File In MS SQL 2000

Jun 8, 2007


Does someone know how to spool output of a query/procedure to a file? I'm running MS SQL 2000 and will have to set up an automated job which will email this file to interested parties. Here is the procedure that I'm executing:

IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE [name] = 'sp_db_stats' AND type = 'P')
DROP PROC sp_db_stats


@DBName sysname = '*'
DECLARE @DBStatus int,
@dbid int

SELECT name, dbid, status
FROM master..sysdatabases

FETCH NEXT FROM DBs INTO @DBName, @dbid, @DBStatus

exec master..sp_helpdb @DBName

FETCH NEXT FROM DBs INTO @DBName, @dbid, @DBStatus



Thanks in advance!

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How To Redirect The Error Of A Source Flat File To The Destination Flat File?

Nov 10, 2006

Hi all,

I m using SSIS and i am transfering the data from Flat File Source to the OLE DB destination File. The source file contain some corrupt data which i am transfering to the other Flat file destination file.

Debugging is succesful but i am not getting any error output in the Flat file destination file.

i had done exactly which is written in the msdn tutorial of SSIS.

Plz tell me why i am not getting the error output in the destination flat file?


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Execute Process Task -- Redirect Standard Output To A File, Not A Variable

May 29, 2007

I'm trying to use "findstr.exe" to extract some lines of interest from a data file, which I will later load to a table. I'd like to issue this form of a command:

findstr.exe "^SEARCHSTRING" "srcfile" > "dstfile"

I build the arguments using expressions, and both the search string and source file get correctly set. However, the ">" seems to be ignored--I can see the lines spitting out to the temporary window when I run under VS.

QUESTION: how do you redirect the output of a command run under an Execute Process Task?

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Redirect Data To Different Tables On The Fly

Sep 4, 2007

Are there methods to redirect incoming data to different tables on the fly in the situation when application feeds data to the table via ODBC and I'm unable to alter ODBC or application settings? Somthing on the server side?

Kind regards,

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Redirect Incoming Data To Different Tables On The Fly

Sep 4, 2007

Are there methods to redirect incoming data to different tables on the fly in the situation when application feeds data to the table via ODBC and I'm unable to alter ODBC or application settings?
Kind regards,

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SQL Server 2008 :: Redirect Insert Data Into Another Column

Feb 10, 2015

I was wondering if there was a way to redirect an insert to another column...

Original Insert Statement:
INSERT INTO [table] ([columnA], [columnB])
SELECT '2015-01-01 00:00:00', 99.99

We have changed [columnB] from a decimal(19,9) to a computed column. So instead, we added another column [ColumnC] to take [ColumnB]'s insert data. I thought we could've used a trigger instead of insert, but that fails with the message "cannot be modified because it is either a computed column or is the result of a UNION operator".

This is the trigger I was using:
CREATE TRIGGER [Trigger] ON [table]
INSERT INTO [table] ([columnA], [columnC])
SELECT [dataA], [dataB]
FROM Inserted

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Log File Auto Shrink (Yes) Is Good Option?

Feb 22, 2012

Is Auto shrink is good option where database is very critical and there is no down time?

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Looking For A Good Example Of A Script Task In The Dataflow That Writes To A File

Jul 4, 2006

I need to write back to a legacy system in the form of flat file --the first row would be a header and the remaining rows would be the actuals rows of data--each field would have a column delimiter of , and a row delimter of CRLF.

The source is a SQL Server 2005 table.

Im looking for a good example of a script task in the dataflow section that writes to a file.

Can anyone show me the code how to do this or point me to a link.

thanks in advance


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Whats A Good Data Type For These

Jun 9, 2007

Yes/No - i think bitE-Mail/MSNURLImages - should i use links to the image or can i store the image directly(like in Access)?Password - is there encryption? like in MySQL? Whats the Data Type and the length i should use. i don't need entering unicode chars so VARCHARs should be good for most?

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Any Good Webcast For Data Cleansing

May 11, 2007

I have sql server 2005 developer edition and vs2005 team system.
I want's to use data cleansing feature.i.e.
Integration Services Advanced Transforms Includes data mining, text mining, and data cleansing

Can please some body points me to any good webcast about using this feature

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Looking For A Good Data Migration Solution

Oct 24, 2006


I am trying to create a process that will take data source that has been output from a proprietary ISAM database to import into a SQL database. This particular ISAM system cannot be accessed via OleDB or ODBC. The thing is I want the process to be able to create the required tables based on data structure information that has been somehow encoded into the data source.

Currently the solution I am going with is to spit out a CSV file that has a header with table and data format information followed by rows of actual data that gets parsed by a SQL script however I am sure that Microsoft must have some kind of preferred solution to this kind of problem but I have not been able to find it. I have looked at the the tools that are available when creating a SQL Server DTS package as well as what seems to be available using the new Integration Services but nothing seems to be any better than the solution I just mentioned.

Anyone have any ideas, I am willing to bet there is a much better way of doing this.

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Known Good Data Connection In VWDEE Fails...

Mar 3, 2008

Hi All: Not sure what's causing this problem...
I have a win2k webserver running FPSE and .NET 2.0 on a private subnet (192.168.x.x). The webserver connects to a separate SQL 2005 server running win2003 on the same subnet.
I have an alias on the webserver pointing to the dB server, and in web.config I'd have a connection string like: 
<add name="webConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=sql2005serveralias;Initial Catalog=webdB;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=webUser;Password=webPWD;Network Library=dbmssocn"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
 That connection string, as is, works...pages on the website connect to the server fine.
If, however, I open the website in VWD2005 from a remote location (using FPSE over HTTP), and try to create a new page with a sql data connector, using the existing connection string in the web.config, I can't connect to the database. I get a  "TCP Provider, error: 0 ...database is not accessible" type of error.
Is this because I'm outside the subnet, and my local copy of VWD is trying to connect to the server on "192.168.x.x" and of course can't? If so, is the only way to work off the server is to VPN into the firewall and thereby get a local IP address assigned to my computer?

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Need Advice - A Delay Timer In Retrieving Remote Data, A Good Idea?

May 21, 2008

I have an application that automatically reads a lot of data from a third-party application into my database, via XML. For example, I might read a couple thousand rows-worth of XML data, one row at a time in a foreach loop.
To reduce the load on their server and database, I thought about putting a 2 second delay in between each of my automatic requests. Would this really help much, or is there enough overhead (setting up/tearing down connections, etc) with each request that it wouldn't reduce server load much anyway?
Is 2 seconds enough? Too little or too much? 

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General Network Error Even Good Connection And Small Amount Of Data

Nov 5, 2006

Hy everyone,

I have a problem at pulling data on PDA using Sql Mobile 5 from Sql Server 2000.

It work s for most tables, except for two . Every table of those two has about 1000 records and every record about 150 bytes, so all data is about 150 kbytes.

When I connect to the Sql Server 2000 through LAN, no problem. But when I connect through GPRS - VPN, the error occurs. But, the PDA- phone connection is via Bluetooth and at ping no TimeOut appears, the replies are about 600-700 ms. When connecting with a desktop computer through GPRS no such problem occurs.

So , I don't know what could be the cause: the connection or the Sql Mobile which doesn't retry enough in case of error to transfer all data .

A specialist from the GPRS provider told me to use 3G phone , but , because the GPRS phones have already been bought, this would be a too big investment. So, I don't think this is a good idea in this moment .

I found similar problem on the net and a solution was to use Pooling = False. But , in Sql Mobile there is no pulling parameter available when making the connection string .

Any help is very precious to me ,

Mihai .

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Redirect Bad Rows

May 16, 2007

I have a package that works fine when taking data from Oracle and loading it into SQL Server using Ole DB source and Ole DB destination tasks.

However I have a bad record in my source now. Date value for a specific field is less than year 1753. So everytime I run with that record present in the source, the load fails when it hits that record.

Whats the best to deal with this? I tried redirecting the bad record to a file but it doesnt work as SSIS doesnt let you create error output for ole db destination task, so it can sent the record into a flat file or something else for later review.

suggestions on how to trap the bad record and redirect it to a text file? and what would the dataflow look like?


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Redirect The Output To A Variable

Mar 26, 2008

This is my stored procedure .It is working fine .I want to capture the output in a print statement .Can anyone help me please .

alter proc r (@id INT)




DECLARE @c_input INT


DECLARE @input_left VARCHAR(800)

DECLARE @delimiter CHAR(1)

select @delimiter = ','



declare @list2 VARCHAR(800)

SET @input = 'db2,oracle,sybase'

select @c_input = (select dbo.Fx_CharCount(@delimiter,@input))

set @c_input = @c_input + 1

while @c_input > 0


select @i_input = charindex(@Delimiter,@input)

if @i_input != 0


select @input_left = left(@input, @i_input - 1)



select @input_left = @input

select @in = '''' + @input_left + ''''

select @list = ISNULL(@list + ',', '') + @in

select @input = right(@input ,(len(@input) - @i_input))

SET @c_input = @c_input -1

if @c_input = 0 or @input = @input_left



Print @list

EXECUTE ('SELECT Label FROM systemtype WHERE Label Not IN (' + @list + ')')


my actual task is like this
My input is a list of values seperated by commas
now my output should be list of values not in the table joined by comma

eg : if my table consists of list of all databases like


myinput would be like this db2,sybase,oracle
my output should be mssql,mysql
how to get that

Any suggestions

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Redirect URI Cannot Contain Newline Characters

Apr 25, 2005

Hi i get the above error when moving from one page to another. the following code is used. Can u help

Response.Redirect("Applicationform2.aspx?Id="+StudentID.Text+"&nam="+Name.Text+"&surNa="+ SrName.Text +"&DOB="+Ddate+ "&addr="+address.Text+"&pCode="+postal.Text+"&Cntry="+country.Text+"&email="+email.Text+"&ph="+phone.Text);

i dont understand the problem, can u help resolve the problem

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Redirect The Queries Output

Sep 7, 2004

Hello friends

i m using Sqlserver 2000 and i wish to know that ,
Can i redirect the output of the query into a text/xls/html file !
If possible then please help me !!!!!


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How To Redirect A DTS Package And Connections

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have a DTS package (SQL2k, sp3) that I can to execute agains a newdatabase in the same server. I don't see how to easily redirect. If youchange the connection properties and clear the transformations you have toredo them one at a time (too long).If you don't data still goes to the old database.What to do?Sd

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Getting Column Name On Error Redirect

Aug 2, 2006

In SSIS packages, records which do not get processed successfully can be re-directed to different destination for logging or correcting purposes. With 2 additional fields ERROR_CODE and ERROR_COLUMN appended to the dirty row values. To indicate the specific error that has occurred and on which column the error has occurred, I have certain doubts on this error reporting mechanism in SSIS packages.

The ERROR_COLUMN that is reported is not the column name but a number identifying that column uniquely. how can we at run time remap this column number to the exact column name?

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.

S Suresh

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Redirect The Output To A Variable

Apr 17, 2008

create procedure usp_test (@AccountID INT)asbegin
SET @getAccountID = CURSOR FOR
FROM Accounts
OPEN @getAccountID
FROM @getAccountID INTO @AccountID
PRINT @AccountID
FROM @getAccountID INTO @AccountID
CLOSE @getAccountID
DEALLOCATE @getAccountIDend i get nearly ten rows in the print statement how can i assign the output to a out variable where i get all ten rows.

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Redirect The Complete Row To Output

Apr 26, 2008

My requirement is something like this

I get department ,salary as input from a stored procedure .
now i have to select all the employee no's from the department table.
and based on that i have to select all the employee details from employee table whose salary is greater than given salary.

and the complete row should be passed as output parameter.

This cursor is fine

create procedure usp_proc (@dept char(10),@sal decimal (10,2),@emplist cursor varying output)
declare @empid int
SET @getempid = CURSOR FOR
SELECT emp_id
FROM department where dname = @dept
OPEN @getAempid
FROM @getempid INTO @empid
select ename,dept,dob,doj,status,pos,sal from employee where empno = @emp_id
FROM @getempid INTO @empid
CLOSE @getempid
DEALLOCATE @getempid

I am getting the complete row displayed as output .
How do i redirect the output to the declared output is my concern.

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Is It Possible To Do A Redirect In The Custom Code?

Jun 11, 2007

Is it possible to do a redirect to an arbitrary page in by using custom code?


Public sub myRedirect()


End sub


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Response.Redirect && Request.QueryString

Apr 12, 2007

I have 2 pages. ( i want to pass information from a text box to the "certificate.aspx" database query)
page 1 certsearch.aspx
this is my script i have a label, commnad button, & textbox
If txtSearchCert.Text = "" Then
lblMsg.Text = "Please enter a certificate #"
Response.Redirect("certificate.aspx" & txtSearchCert.Text)
End If
page 2 certificate.aspx
i am not sure what goes here.this is what i am trying
Request.QueryString = (txtSearchCert.text)
This is my database query on certificate.aspx page
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:imacsConn %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [SummaryBlue] WHERE REPORTNUMBER = ?"></asp:SqlDataSource>

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How Can I Redirect To Another Page After The PDF Report Downloaded?

Feb 21, 2008

When I click the link to download the report in web page, it can pop up a window so that let me "open" or "save". After I open or save this (.pdf) file, I want to auto redirect to another web page. Can I do that? Here is my code:

Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment;filename="" + getExportFilename() + """);
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
byte[] result = rs.Render(TLOWebRptFunc.GetSaveReportPath(this.Context), TLOWebRptFunc.GetReportType(this.Context), null, "<DeviceInfo><Toolbar>False</Toolbar></DeviceInfo>", wparam, credentials, null, out encoding, out mineType, out wparam, out warnings, out streamIDs);

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