Remote Permissions

Jan 21, 2006

I have a few users (user1, user2...) I want give user1 remote acces
possibility , and deny remote access users: user2 & su. May I also give
acces ony one ip - How may I do it?


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Remote Access To Sql Database...permissions

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,I need some help to access an SQL db on another machine. I am using VB.NETand remoting to make a client/server connection...although I don't thinkthis is relevant to the question.I have been asked to help with a small db project that will reside on ouroffice server and have approx. 5 users.I have installed a copy of MSDE on my development machine and plan on doingthe same on my office 'server' fact it may well already be on there. Ialso have another testbed to act as the client.Because I don't really know what I'm doing...........I have copied the dbcreated on my client to the server. I have done this by 'cheating'. I usethe VB.NET IDE to create the correctly named db under the sql server. I thengo to this file in windows explorer and write over it (and the .LDF) withthe file from the client.When I try to connect to this db remotely I get a fail to connect errorabout not recognising 'localmachinenameguest'...sorry, not the exact errorwording. I can provide this if it will be helpful.Can anyone point me in the right direct?I don't have any sql/db tools other than anything that is included with MSDE(which I don't think is much).I will be posting other Q's for any experts out there!Thanks in advance.Phil

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How To Create Access Permissions For Remote Server

Jun 13, 2008

where can check for SQL Server service account write access permissions ??????

and if it don't has permission How can i set the write access permissin.

Thanks & Best Regards

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Permissions Used To Connect To SSIS On Remote Machine

Jun 27, 2006

We are trying to take advantage of the new Security Context for SSIS but users are unable to connect remotely to the SSIS Service unless they have been added to the Administrators Users Group on the server. I have tried adding them to Guests, Power Users, Remote Desktop Users, Users and SQLServer2005DTSUser$machine but the user is unable to connect.

The message received when the user is unable to connect is:

Cannot connect to 192.x.x.x
Additional Information
-> Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)
-> Connect to SSIS Service on machine "192.x.x.x" failed:
Access is denied

What is the list of permissions and privileges that a user that does not belong to the server's Administrator group and have sysadmin server role, must have to allow them to create and run a package through SSIS.

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Permissions Sql Express And Remote Connection Problems TIA

Feb 2, 2006

posted to the forums a few weeks ago, followed the suggestion but the problem has not been squared, the link for my original post is at the bottom of this message.

have tried most of the suggestions in the forums, again see the link for details on steps i have tried, kept poking around and came up with a few more possibilities for the problem,

the error message is the one that says sql server express remote connnections are not enabled by default during the install of sql express,

backed up a little and it seems i can not even connect to the local machine, i ran the sqlcmd -s -e sqlexpress and the login timesouts and says that sql express refused the connection, have shared memory protocal and tcp/ip running also tried it with named pipes,

so that left me wonderin if maybe permission for sql express need to be adjusted, brought up SQL server Studio Mangement Express console and went to the only express instance on the local machine, brought up properties for sqlexpress and went to the permission section and noticed the following:

for the BuiltInadministrator and builtInUser account the only permission that is checked off is the "Conect SQL" which has only the Grant checkbox checked, also the grantor is sa, btw what does the checkbox With Grant do?? this was the same for the both accounts,

for the public account the only permission that is enabled is the View any database,

are there other permission which need to be granted or "with granted", also i assume i should not be using the sa account or should i?

other things going on include include Visual Studio 2005, i am able to get to the database thru Server Explorer, and can bring up the tables and see them, sometimes thos their is a red x on the mdf, but when i click it brings them up.

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Table Permissions Versus View Permissions

Aug 2, 2006

Using SQL Server 2k5 sp1, Is there a way to deny users access to a specific column in a table and deny that same column to all stored procedures and views that use that column? I have a password field in a database in which I do not want anyone to have select permissions on (except one user). I denied access in the table itself, however the views still allow for the user to select that password. I know I can go through and set this on a view by view basis, but I am looking for something a little more global.

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Remote Access Server Configuration Option And Remote Query Timeout?

Jun 2, 2015

- When I disable "allow remote connections to this server" from server properties>connection page, I can still remotely connect to the server from what is the impact of enable/disabling it?

- what is the impact of changing the remote query timeout (on the same page) from default value?

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Remote Connections Enabled, But I Still Get Error That Remote Is Not Configured - Sql 2005

Aug 23, 2006

Fellow Devs,
I have an instance of SQL Server Express 2005 running on another box and I have Remote Connections enabled over both TCP/IP and Named Pipes, but on my other box I keep getting the error that the server does not accept Remote Connections.
Any ideas why this might be happening? Is there some other configuration?

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SQL Remote Connection Not Being Seen, Though Remote Connections Allowed

Oct 11, 2007

HiI'm going insane.I have a club starter kit on my local server which is working fine.I have migrated the database to my remote host and seems to have transfered ok.For a brief period I was able to connect to the database remotely, but now I cannot I get the following, even though SQL Server Surface Area Config is set to accept remote connections.An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.)This is my connection string;<add name="ClubSiteDB" connectionString="Data,xxxx; Network Library=DBMSSOCN; Initial Catalog=tets; User ID=sqladminbob;Password=sqlbob4398;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient="/>I hav also tried to use  aspnet_regsql.exe to add the remote provider but I get the same message. Thanks 

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Error 15185: There Is No Remote User 'sa' Mapped To Local User '(null)' From The Remote Server 'DTS_FSERVER'.

Nov 10, 2006

I am trying to add a linked server from a AMD x64 server (Windows 2003) with SQL Server 2005 64 bit to a Server running SQL 2000. These are not in the same domain.

I can create a linked server using the option "Be made using the login's current security context" but can not when trying to specify the security context, i.e. sa and the sa password. When I try I get the following message:

Msg 15185, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_addlinkedsrvlogin, Line 98
There is no remote user 'sa' mapped to local user '(null)' from the remote server 'DTS_FSERVER'.

I have several other x64 server that I have no problem creating a linked server and specifying sa and the sa password.

The problem with using "the login's current security context" option is that I get an error when trying to run any Jobs against the linked server. The job fails withe the following error:

Executed as user: NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7416). The step failed.

I'm sure the two errors are related. Any ideas what is going on?

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Difference Between Remote Login Timeout And Remote Query Timeout?

Mar 28, 2008

I just want to find out what the difference between a remote login and a remote query is. I'd have thought that a remote query inherently requires a remote login.

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Remote Tables Are Not Updatable. Updatable Keyset-driven Cursors On Remote Tables Require A Transaction With The REPEATABLE_READ

May 16, 2008

Has anyone seen this error? It comes up when my app executes a select statement via linked server (from MSSQL 2000 to 2005) the second time it runs. It's basically a timed poll of tables in the remote database. It works once but the second time it executes I get the error from the remote db, it's just a select but I guess the cursor is still open so it can't run again. After the exception the select will run again, once and it just repeats. I have researched it a little and it looks like it mostly has to do with the isolation level of the transaction. Unfortunately based on the componet being used to access the database I don't beleive I have the ability to use transact SQL to call the isolation level (s) listed.

Here's the weird part though, at another site the same scenario is running fine. Same primary and remote db versions of MSSQL as well as the application and it runs fine. I guess my question is what type of setup parameters that may be defined in MSSQL 2005 for the remote database might make it behave in this manner in one instance and not the other? TIA in advance for any thoughts/assistance.


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Apr 11, 2007

I am working http location and using sql server 2005 ,it is showing an error as " DELETE permission denied on object 'CourseDetails', database 'LOGIN', schema 'dbo'." CourseDetails is my table name and LOGIN is  my database name.

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BCP Permissions I Think

Feb 26, 2002

I am trying to setup a BCP command in a stored procedure it workds for me an administrator. i'm using a user's account in the username and password in the BCP command of a user that has DBO rights on the database i'm extracting the dat from. I can execute the stored procedure from my workstation and the server using my login account in QA. Using the username of the dbo account in QA i can get it to work at the server but not at my workstation orher workstation. my thoughts were that it was network permission related but i bumped her account to that of a domain admin and it still will only work on the server. it generates the following error.
The name specified is not recognized as an
internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

this is what i'm executing with the names changed to protect the innocent

EXEC MASTER..XP_CMDSHELL 'bcp file_test..table_out out C:filej.txt -U username -P password -c'
the environment is SQL7 on a 2000 Advanced server and we are running active directory.

i'm guessing it's something i'm just overlooking. i hope.
any help would be most appreciated.

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Jul 17, 2002

I have a user who needs only access SQL Server to see jobs in the job folder.
What permissions should be granted to this user?


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Not Getting SA Permissions

May 11, 2000

Hi ,
MY sysadministrator gave a sysadmin permissions to my login..,but i am not getting those permissions... when i check syspermissions system table it is showing my login id is having sysadming permissions...
when we checked his machine , in
sysadministrators---properties--there it is showing my login-id..
but when i trying to click properties of servers it showing
why it is happening pls let me know..

thank u

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Jun 22, 2000

When I restore a database, I lose login permission and role permissions. I end up going
into the login and unselect and reselect the database to make sure that the login works
with the database. Is there a way to get around this??

One other question:: I have added 65 new tables to a database and want to give select
only to all logins to those specific table -- is there an easy way of doing this???

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May 16, 2000

WHat kind of permissions do you need to create a new job?
It looks like I am the only one that can since I have full administator rights. So I created the job and then changed ownership to another user,
but he cannot add a new step. WHen he tried to created a job he received message
ERROR 229 EXECUTE permission denied on object 'sp_enum-Sqlagent_subsystem'
database 'MSDB' owner DBO
I gave the user access to MSDB as DBO but it didn't make any difference.

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May 17, 2000

Can anyone help me with this problem?
Is it possible for a user that runs one application against database A to update a table via a stored procedure i database B during runtime without beeing entered as a user in that database, i.e execute that stored procedure with a default or given user.
The reason is that we don't want to administrate an unknown number of users that will have no access to that database except via that stored procedure.


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Mar 9, 2001

what does it meant if I go and look at the permissions on a user and in one item (say a stored procedure) there is a green check giving permissions but the check cannot be removed. How can I remove that?

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Nov 1, 2004

What are the minimum permissions required to be able to read the application log in the event viewer &
run perfformance monitor? Do you have to have NT admin rights on the server?

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SQL Permissions

Jun 17, 1999

To all,
I need some help understanding some things about SQL permissions. Login ID A is a login mapped to the dbo of database A and B. Login ID B is aliased to dbo. Why when running a transfer from database A to B, it runs OK when run by Login A, but fails as Login B. In the failure situation, I get error 15244, only sa or dbo can set database permissions. I thought by virtue of the aliasing I had dbo permissions.
This SQL stuff is more confusing than any TCP/IP or Cisco stuff I have ever done.

Thanks in advance,

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Apr 1, 1999

Good Morning,

I have a problem with SQL Server permissions.

My Database has +/- 70 tables. A user has select permissions to +/- 10.
But I found a table where he has update permission to one table.

I tried to revoke this several times and I couldnīt revoke it.

What I have to do?

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SQL Permissions

Jun 24, 2002

My SQLAdmins are asking for the following:

1) Administrator access to the local box on running SQL
2) The ability to access the SQLData directory directly through drive mappings

We are attempting to create as secure an environment as possible and keep everything locked down. In my opinion, they do not need these type of accesses. They do have sa priviliges to the SQL server but I see no reason to give them Windows 2000 administrator priviliges. Also, to further the security on the servers (they are publicly accessible), we are trying to eliminate all shares including admin shares. Seems to me they should be able to accomplish everything using the SQL tools. Am I off base on this?

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Dec 7, 1998

Is there a "SP_" stored procedure that will report what permissions a group and or user has?

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Jul 16, 2004

I have a database with sql as the engine and access is on the client side. my problem is that when more then one person gets into the database it comes up read only. They are on sql as a users, not sure whats going on

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Feb 28, 2007

How can I tell what permisisions a user or role has for a specific database?
I've queried the syspermissions table but it's not very helpful.

I've granted a user "create view" permission and would like to verify that it's in effect.


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DTS And Permissions

Feb 20, 2004

I'm developing a DTS package which will be scheduled and will write files out to a LAN share. When I execute the package manually from enterprise manager it works just fine. But when scheduled..fails with a access denied. Can someone point me towards the area I need to fix this? I'm running the SQL server under the System account.


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May 22, 2008

I have a vendor that needs to remote in to our SQL 2005 Enterprise server and connect to their database. I have created them a username and password in SQL and they can VPN into our network and connect to their database using Management Studio just fine. So far so good! The issue is this: They need to be able to see the processes of an application that connects to their database. When they run 'sp_who2' all they can see is themselves running 'Management Studio'.

What else do I need to give them permission to in order for them to see all processes that are tied to their database? I need to do this without giving them permissions to other databases. I have several databases on this server.

Thanks in advance!

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May 19, 2006

Yogesh writes "1. A user is member of public role and sales role.Public role has the permissions to select on all the table,and sales role,which doesn't have a select permissions on some of the tables.Will that user be able to select from all tables ?

Q 2
Describe application role and explain a scenario when you will use it ?

Q 3

I have a SP names YourSP and have the a select stmt inside the SP. I also have a user named YourUser.What permissions i have give him for accessing the SP ?"

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Add Permissions

Oct 21, 2006

I have a bunch of sp's I need to push out to the server. I need to grant permissions to each so that the calling application will be able to execute them. I currently open each one, and manually add the user permission. Is there a script that i can run that will do this (there are over 100 sp's)

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May 1, 2007

hi all
how cani view all permissions given to particular useris theie any query
do we have any sql command 4 this

Thanks in advance

Malathi Rao

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Dec 15, 2006

hi all

my computer = NZ3 (sql Server)
my computer = the report server

I can design / view / publish to local host (myserver)
others in domain can only view local host (myserver) and no content

so to test added one person - as content manager
he can now see all reports - but when he goes to run
gets the error cannot create a connection to the datasource?

I am using sql server 2005 standard

where else should I be changing or setting permissions


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