Remote Sql Server Login Fails
Aug 4, 2004
I'm about googled out on this one. I did find one post that looked almost like mine but the thread was never finished. I'm sure this problem has been solved and I'm just having trouble finding it. Can someone help me?
I'm running sql server 2000 on a small workgroup network of winxp machines.
If sql server machine is the same as webserver machine, my app works. If sql server and webserver are different, the app fails because of sql server login failure.
I am able to explore the database remotely through server explorer in VStudio2003. However, when I try to access the database with the application, the login fails. I have tried several connection strings. Authentication on the server is 'mixed', the server runs in the system account, and the password for sa is "" (blank password).
I've tried (for instance)
Application["DBConnectString"] = "server=machinename;uid=sa;pwd=;database=Resume";
Application["DBConnectString"] = "server=machinename;integrated security=true;database=Resume";
When "machinename" is the same as the machine on which the app is running. both of those connection strings work, and the application runs correctly.
When "machinename" is different (that is, sql server on a different machine from the webserver), depending on the connection string I get either
"Login failed for user 'sa'."
"Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection."
Obviously VStudio is using some mechanism to add the remote server to it's list of servers and then to allow me manually to explore the databases on that server. Why am I too stoopid to figure it out?
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May 30, 2000
I am trying to use a confirmed and valid account over a WAN (US to Europe)
to register and access a SQL server database. The protocol being used is
TCP/IP and it has been confirmed that port 1433 is open.
The data is going through a frame relay line and pining the remote
SQL Server does return a valid response. Unfortunately, I am getting the
following error:
Error 18456
Severity Level 14
Message Text
Login failed for user 'TestUser'.
You do not have permission to log in to the server.
Contact a member of the sysadmin fixed server role to request login permission.
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May 30, 2000
I am using TCP/IP net library as far as I know. Just in case though, how
can I ensure that TCP/IP is being used? both on the local and
remote servers?
Thanks for your help
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Apr 19, 2008
but i am able to login to the same remote sql server through SQL server managment studio express using the details i am using in the connection string in the "test.aspx" page. ERROR:An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.
When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the
fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote
connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not
open a connection to SQL Server)When this page is run, i want all the user's UserName and Password to be dispalyed.However, i am getting the above mentioned error.what could be the problem? This is the code i am using in my test.aspx page to connect to "Login" table in my database. 1 Imports System.Data2 Imports System.Data.SqlClient3
4 Private Sub GetAllTheComments()5
6 Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection7
8 Dim MyCommand As SqlDataAdapter9
10 MyConnection = New SqlConnection("server=XXX.X.XXX.X;uid=X;pwd=X;database=X")11
12 MyCommand = New SqlDataAdapter("select UserName, Password from Login", MyConnection)13
14 ds = New DataSet15
16 MyCommand.Fill(ds)17
18 DataList1.DataSource = ds19
20 DataList1.DataBind()21
22 End Sub
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Oct 27, 2004
Im getting this error when attempting to retrieve data from an sql database.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database requested in login 'projectAllocations'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'sa'.
Source Error:
Line 13: objConn = New SqlConnection( "Server=LAB303-066NETSDK; Database=projectAllocations; User ID=sa;Password=mypassword")
Line 14: objCmd = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM project_descriptions", objConn)
Line 15: objConn.Open()
Line 16: objRdr = objCmd.ExecuteReader()
Line 17: While objRdr.Read()
Source File: C:finalyearproject2sample.aspx Line: 15
Please Help!! Im a beginner to this, so if anyone knows the answer, take baby steps when explaining. Thanks
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Jul 27, 2005
Been looking through the forums for a solution to this problem.I already tried granting access through statements such as:exec sp_grantloginaccess N1'machineNameASPNET'But they don't seem to work.. i vaguely remember seeing somewhere a DOS command line statement that grants access to the ASPNET_WP and that fixed my problem before on another computer.. but this is a new computer and i forgot to write down the command.Can anyone help explain and propose a solution to my problem. Many thanxs.
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Dec 19, 2003
I am using the MSDE to connect to my ASP.NET application. I get this error after clicking the login button of my login page. Anyone know why this would happen?
Thanks for any help,
Cannot open database requested in login 'DataSQL'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'serverASPNET'.
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Aug 14, 2006
I work with a newbie sql server programer (I didn't know that when I first worked
with him) in developing a website with CMS, he finished the work and he showed me that every
thing in the local host (on the pc) work just fine, when we tried to upload the files to the
server using ftp, we got this error:
This is his first project to be online, so I'm not sure (so is he) what should be done to
solve this issue, I'm trying to do my part to try to solve this problem as I'm on strict
He told me that the connection in the code is:
"public void get_con(){con.ConnectionString="Server=local;database=Radiorient_db;User
ID=gyonis_radiorient;Password=xxx";if(con.State==ConnectionState.Closed) con.Open();}"
Host Name: ( name: gyonis_Radiorient_dbDatabase Login: gyonis_radiorientDatabase Password: xxx
Control panel: H-SPHERE sql server
Can any body please help me ASAP... Thanx
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Jul 20, 2005
I get the following error when trying to create an Access Data Project:Login failed for user 'myname'. Reason: Not associated with a trustedSQL Server connection.I'm using a specific username and password. The sQL Server (actually, MSDE)is installed on \server1, and I'm working on my laptop.I get the error whenI try and click the dropdown for "Select the database on the server". Anyhints on what I've donw wrong?Thanks, in advance.
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Feb 29, 2008
Hi All
I am getting below error while
Error string: Cannot open database requested in login 'XXXXXXXXXXX'. Login fails.
what is possible casue for above problem.
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Jun 30, 2004
I got a problem a system administrator can not log on to sql remote server so he can back up the system tables. Hes doing it through active directory, not sure what the problem is. can anyone help please. reason says not associated with a trusted sql connection?
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Nov 27, 2007
We have a SQL Server 2005. I am able to remote login into the server using my desktop user/password. But when I am unable to login using sa/password. It says , check the username , domain etc.
what chagnes do I have to make so , that I can remote login into the server from my desktop using the SA/password.
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Jul 18, 2005
I have an ASP.NET webform:This connection works: "Server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=;database=pubs"but this connection DOES NOT work: "Server=dnrsqlt1;uid=sa;pwd=;database=pubs"dnrsqlt1 is a sql server my network.Do I have to do something to users ASPNET or IUSER_Machinename on the remote machine
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Aug 23, 2006
I am currently trying to use the Login control in an ASP.NET website with IIS. The control works fine when I am running the website in debug mode within Visual Studio 2005. However, when I create the Virtual Directory in IIS, and try to log in from there, I get an error message as follows:
Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'machinenameASPNET'
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'machinenameASPNET'.
The application is very simple. I created a Login.aspx page with a login control on it, and I have the default.aspx page. I used theASP.NET administration tool to change the authentication mode to AspNetSqlProvider (forms authentication), and to create one user (no roles). I am using the default provider with the aspnetdb.mdf database. I have been working on this for a few days now, and have searched this site but have not found a solution that works for me. Any suggestions?
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Apr 11, 2008
I have seen alot of comments posted about an Issue in SQL2005 that no one at microsoft could really answer. If a user would try to alter his own login, it would fail stating a permissions error.
This is what I did to get it to work .
USE my_dataBase
Alter Login [my_login] WITH PASSWORD = 'newpassword' OLD_PASSWORD = 'oldpassword'
In previous examples, people were trying to do an alter login without first narrowing it to the database.
If you do not include the USE statement it will fail.
Another thing to note is that they can only change certain things....they cannot turn off check_policy or check_expiration.
Happy Coding
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Oct 7, 2014
Is there any way to find out the password for the remote login of the Linked server
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Nov 16, 2006
I have the following problem:
I can't connect with the Management Studio Express to my remote server, which is located in the internet. All firewalls are shutdowned and I can connect to the server via telnet and get an error in the event log on the server when I type some random characters.
The connection to another remote server in my LAN does not fail. Only TCP/IP and shared memory is activated.
Servername: mydomain.deSQLEXPRESS or 217.X.X.XSQLEXPRESS
Username: sa
Password: [password]
I get the following error message:
'Es kann keine Verbindung zum Server hergestellt werden.
Additional information:
Fehler beim Herstellen einer Verbindung mit dem Server. [...] error: 26'
'No connection could be established.
Additional information:
Error during connection establishment to the server. The reason for the problem could be, that no remote connections are allowed in the default configuration. Error 26'
Do you need more information or do you have any idea about the reason causing the problems? A local connection via remote desktop and the management studio works perfectly.
Greetings and thanks
Martin Brenn
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Feb 16, 2015
Is it possible to view the Connection String information of a remote login/session? I want to know if the login is looking-up the database server via IP address, servername (NetBIOS name) or fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).
Using these DMVs I can get a lot of relevant information:
Program Name (eg. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio),
Client Interface Name (eg. .Net SqlClient Data Provider)
Net Transport (eg. TCP),
Client Net Address and TCP Port
but not how the server's IP address was resolved. Is the connection string ever sent by the client to the server, or just used for DNS lookup?
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Feb 13, 2006
i created a SSIS package to import data to a remote sql server, using the following connection string:
"Data Source=My-SQL;User ID=PortalUser;Password=Password;Initial Catalog=TestOMIWarehouse;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Auto Translate=True;";
and got an error "Login failed".
When i give PortalUser a sysadmin server role, it works. But i don't want to give PortalUser a sysadmin role. Any suggestions? Is sysadmin role required to access a remote server using Sql server authentication?
thanks! Any help would be appreciated.
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May 14, 2015
I have dw schema in the database, owned by user dw.The login name is dw. The login had db_owner right in the database. The default schema for the login on the database is dw.Now Once I assign 'sysadmin' serverrole to dw login, I started seeing stored proc not found error, if try to execute stored proc without mentioning dw.spname...Also I am seeing table not found error while quering tables under dw schema, after the change.
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Oct 26, 2007
I am trying to use a linked server and it works as long as I do not specify the sp_addlinkedserver @provstr parameter. If I specify that parameter I always get a 7416 "Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists" error. I have tried adding the logins various ways but it's very specific to the @provstr parameter, and it doesn't even matter what I put in that parameter. As soon as I put something in there whether it is valid or invalid, I get the error.
Anyone else seen this? There is an amazing lack of any discussion about the error when I search for it.
If I do this it works fine,
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server= 'linkedname', @srvproduct='', @provider='SQLNCLI', @datasrc='servername', @catalog='mydatabase'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'linkedname', 'true', 'AppUser'
But as soon as I add the @provstr parameter, then I get the error if I try to use linkedserver,
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server= 'linkedname', @srvproduct='', @provider='SQLNCLI', @datasrc='servername', @catalog='mydatabase', @provstr='Failover Partner=otherservername'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname='linkedname', @useself='true', @locallogin='AppUser'
It doesn't even make any difference what I put in the @provstr parameter - the sp_addlinkedserver statement always executes without an error, but running a query that uses the linked server generates the error.
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Jan 11, 2005
Hi all;
I am getting the following error when I try to connect to my local SQL server from my ASP.NET application
Server Error in '/pelin' Application.
Cannot open database requested in login 'pelin'. Login fails. Login failed for user 'sa'.
for other users also
my connection string is in web.config file:
<add key="constr" value="server=ARGE057VSDOTNET2003;UID=sa;pwd=sa;database=Test;"></add>
can you help me please thanks..
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Aug 16, 2007
Hi all,
I have created one new database in sql 2000 with name Test. But when I access this DB through classical ASP page it showing some error:-
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database requested in login 'Test'. Login fails.
Here I am trying to connect DB by ASP page by entering user name and password. Anybody can tell the reason please?
With regards
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Aug 18, 2007
Hi all,
I have a database with name 'RHC'. And its working in my localmachine. But When I uploaded it to the server, it showing some connection error-
It is
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database requested in login 'RHC'. Login fails.
Anybody have any Idea regarding this issue.
Please advice me@
By Shaji
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Mar 28, 2008
I just want to find out what the difference between a remote login and a remote query is. I'd have thought that a remote query inherently requires a remote login.
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Jun 3, 2008
I am trying to correctly configure a very small replication - one table - between two test machines. Publisher is Windows server 2000. Subscriber is Windows server 2003. Both machines run SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, SP 2 has been applied. I have created an alias from Publisher to Subscriber. In SSMS, I am able to connect to both pub and sub databases (sub is Northwind, by the way).
I was receiving Error 18456, State 11; now I'm reverting back to state 5, which indicates an invalid userid.
HOW do I set appropriate userid for replication? I have established identical id and password on both machines - the only difference between the IDs is the machine name. However, the ID I wish to use is NOT the ID that I use to log onto the publisher computer. This userid is inserted because I'm using Windows Authentication, and I cannot find any means to override it. So I set up the same ID on the publisher, but it doesn't matter what ID I use. I only have TCP/IP turned on because these machines are on different networks, and neither machine is joined to a domain. The alias uses the IP address (but we know that works because I have connectivity under SSMS).
Where can I turn and how do I get this done? I've been struggling with this for 3 weeks, and I'm still not convinced I'm asking the right question.
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Mar 6, 2007
This is the connectionstring I use to get to sql server 2000
Data Source=GBLOND0MSQL_COMDEV_DEV1;Initial Catalog=testDB;Persist Security Info=True;User Id=Webspeople;Password=something;
Now on another server I installed sql server 2005.
Restored a backup of sql server 2000 databse into sql server 2005.
So now I have sql server 2005 with the database that I was using in sql 2000.
The question is to do with login.
In sql 2000, connecting to sql query analyser using the above credentails, works fine. But not in sql 2005
The error is:
Login failed for user webspeople. The user is not associated with a trusted sql server connection.
Any guidance to solve this issue please?
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Jun 28, 2006
I can logon to my Sql server using the SSMS management tool, I am using Windows Authentication to logon to SSMS. Create a database OK, with all the necessary tables.
However when I start a VB Express app and try to connect to this database I get an error that login filed for user AMDLarry, AMD is my PC name and my login (Larry) is the computer Administrator logon. The PC is a standalone ie not part of a domain etc.
Can anyone help?
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Aug 18, 2006
Hi everyone,
This is my snippet of code. It works fine with remote DTSX but when they have got connections against Sql Server 2005, ending given the following error:
Event: (On error)
12:21:52,-1071611876,0x,Error de la llamada del método AcquireConnection al administrador de conexión "LOCALHOST.BDAplis"
That means more or less "Error on calling method AcquireConnection to Connection Manager localhost...
It's curious. I've got other packages which are using Sql Server 2000 connections without errors.
Thanks for your help,
pkgResults = pkg.Validate(Nothing, Nothing, EventsSSIS, Nothing)
If pkgResults = DTSExecResult.Success Then
pkg = app.LoadPackage(ActObject.packageName, Nothing, True)
pkg.InteractiveMode = False
pkgResults = pkg.Execute()
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Mar 11, 2006
I have two FTP Tasks configured in my SSIS package. One is for "Receive files" and the other is set for "Delete remote files." Both use variables for the source/destination paths. My remote path variable contains a wild card in the name field such as /usr/this/is/my/path/*.ext and it is working to FTP all the .ext files to my working directory. I then rename the files and want to remove the original files from the FTP server. I use the same variable as the remote path variable in the delete as I do in the receive.
Using the same FTP connection manager for both tasks I am always getting a failure on the delete. The FTP connection manger is setup to use the root user. Using a terminal I am able to open an FTP connection to the server and remove the files manually. There doesn't seem to be any detailed documentation on the FTP Task configured for Delete remote files so I'm hoping someone might have some insight to the problem.
I receive the same message for each of the files that was downloaded:
Error: 0xC001602A at MyPackage, Connection manager "FTP Connection Manager": An error occurred in the requested FTP operation. Detailed error description: 550 usr hisismypathdatafile1.ext: No such file or directory.
The attempt to delete file "usr hisismypathdatafile1.ext" failed. This may occur when the file does not exist, the file name was spelled incorrectly, or you do not have permissions to delete the file.
With the root user/working manually I'm not understanding the permission reason, the file does exist and is spelled correctly.
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Jun 21, 2004
I have messed around with some remote login stuff and really screwed things up, now all of my jobs that execute prcedures on the remote server all fail saying the login failed for user 'sa'.
I need to get this working again and could really do with some help.
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Apr 28, 2008
Hi, I have installed SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 in my machine.
I got an error when I tried an example.
"An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.
When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the
fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote
connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error
Locating Server/Instance Specified)" .
I have enable TCP/IP protocol in the sql server configuration manager.
Services of SQL Server Browser is on.
I have kept on one machine and from another i am trying to connect
Firewall services - i have added Sql application in the exception
I am using Windows XP service pack 2 as OS
With Windows authentication and Sql Authentucation I am able to login in the local machine but when I try to login from another machine it gives me above mentioned error Kindly do help me... Can this be doen with Windows XP Service pack 2 or I need to change theOS
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May 24, 2007
I'm new to SSIS and I'm having problems getting a remote connection to the SSIS service using Management Studio on my workstation. If I terminal Service onto the Server I have no problems connecting to SSIS, but if I try to connect remotely I get the "Access is denied" error message. I have completed the following steps:
To configure rights for remote users on Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP
1. If the user is not a member of the local Administrators group, add the user to the Distributed COM Users group. You can do this in the Computer Management MMC snap-in accessed from the Administrative Tools menu.
2. Open Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Component Services to start the Component Services MMC snap-in.
3. Expand the Component Services node in the left pane of the console. Expand the Computers node, expand My Computer, and then click the DCOM Config node.
4. Select the DCOM Config node, and then select MsDtsServer in the list of applications that can be configured.
5. Right-click on MsDtsServer and select Properties.
6. In the MsDtsServer Properties dialog box, select the Security tab.
7. Under Launch and Activation Permissions, select Customize, then click Edit to open the Launch Permission dialog box.
8. In the Launch Permission dialog box, add or delete users, and assign the appropriate permissions to the appropriate users and groups. The available permissions are Local Launch, Remote Launch, Local Activation, and Remote Activation. The Launch rights grant or deny permission to start and stop the service; the Activation rights grant or deny permission to connect to the service.
9. Click OK to close the dialog box. Close the MMC snap-in.
10. Restart the Integration Services service.
But I still get the Access is denied error from my workstation??
I have Power User rights on the server and I'm a sysadmin in the database instance. The SSIS packages I am trying to access are stored in the database. If I add myself to the local administrators group on the server I CAN get remote access, but this is not an acceptable solution in our production environment.
Thanks for any help
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