Remove Automated Task?

Sep 20, 2002

I have been playing around with the enterprise manager and selected Backup Database from the action menu and schedule this task for an odd time for testing.

How do I go about removing this task?

Whenever I go to the same menu item again, it just starts over .. like I don't have the task already setup.

In general, how do you remove automated tasks?


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Sql Automated Task Stuff

Jan 14, 2008

Where can i learn about making the sql server execute task when a certain situation happens. Like lets say make the server delete all entrys older than 40 days? Or have a entry deleted automatically when a certain situation happens like lets say it take 4 votes and a entry get deleted how do i make it do that automatically

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Remove ROOT Tags From SQL Task XML Results

Dec 19, 2007

Hi All,

I'm currently using an Execute SQL Task to return XML data from a query into an SSIS string variable. In my FOR XML clause in SQL I'm specifying a certain name for my root tag, called "Accounts". This works great in Management Studio, however, the Execute SQL Task appends a <ROOT> and </ROOT> tag to the start and end of the string, so now it looks like:

<ROOT><Accounts>...all my elements...</Accounts></ROOT>

I'd like to remove the ROOT tags so that the <Accounts> tags are actually the root for this doc. What would be the best way to remove the ROOT tags from the SSIS string variable?


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Remove Old Backup And Tran Logs Thru Maintenance Plan Cleanup Task

Mar 27, 2007

Has anyone been able to successfully delete old backup files(*.bak) and tran logs (*.trn) TOGETHER using maintenance plan cleanup task in SQL 2005 SP2.

this is transact sql running in the back ground.
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'F:MSSQL.2MSSQLBackupibmdir',N'"bak" & "trn"',N'2007-03-26T22:21:14',1


It works if I just try to delete only one of the things ie trn or bak files.

EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'F:MSSQL.2MSSQLBackupibmdir',N'bak',N'2007-03-26T22:21:14',1

But is there a way to delete both bak and trn files using one task ?

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Integration Services :: 2008 - Script Task Break Points Not Removed When Choose To Remove All In Package

Jun 11, 2015

On the main BIDS menubar, there is a menu for Debug.  If I select Debug > Delete All Breakpoints, any breakpoint in a script task is still there afterwards.  Is there a way other than opening the script task and removing it there?

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SQL Server Management Studio: Can Not Remove AdventureWorksDB In Add Or Remove Programs Of Control Panel

Nov 30, 2006

Hi all,

I tried to remove AdventureWorksDB in the "Add or Remove Programs" of Contol Panel and I got the following errors: (1) AdventureWorksDB     Error 1326: Error getting file security: CProgram FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL1MSSQLGetLastError: 5.      |OK|   and (2) Add or Remove Programs   Fatal Error during installation (after I clicked the |OK| button).   Please help and tell me how I can solve this problem.

Thanks in advance,

Scott  Chang 

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How Do I Clean Up The SQL Server (ctp) From ADD/REMOVE Program Without The Change/remove Button

Oct 12, 2006

I have uninstalled the CTP version of the SQL Server express so that I can install the released version but CTP version is still listed in the add/remove program list but without the change/remove button. I have been to different sites to find information on cleaning this up and I have ran all the uninstall tool I can find but the problem still prevails. I cannot install the released version without completely getting rid of the CTP version. Please help anyone.



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Unable To Remove SQL Instance In Add/Remove Program

Mar 8, 2007

I need help,

I am having a hard time removing my SQL instance inside the Add/Remove program. After i select the SQL Instance name and then I tried to remove it but it won't allow me to delete it. There isn't any error message or whatsoever. Actually, when i try to log it in my SQL Management studio, that certain sql instance name is not existing according to the message box. Is there any way to remove the Sql Instance in my system?

I appreciate your help, Thanks

IS Support

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Automated Dataimport

Oct 28, 2005

Hi everyone,i'm new to and need some help. My problem:got one DB with real bad tablestructureand one new DB (structured!)i need do do an automated import from the old to the new DB, with check if the data row is new or updated.I try to do it this way-> 2 datasets merged together  ->Problem: new entries in destination dataset have row state unchangedother way  i tryed  add rows from source to destination with add funktion -> problem no check if data exist and maybe is changedSo how can i get the merge working or how can i implemt an effective funktion to solve this problem. Thanks in advance!

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SQL Automated Backup Help

Apr 3, 2000

Hi, looking for some paths to take on this one. I have to backup the database to a LS120 floppy
drive. It has to be automated so the user can just click on a desktop icon and away it goes. Probably
an easy script buy i sure would appreciete some help on this one.


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Automated Export?

Oct 19, 1999

Hi. I am using SQL 7.0.

Here is the situation... there are random (.csv) files being dropped into a specific directory on a daily basis. Is it possible to have SQL server automatically pick up this file and run it through the Import/Export data option so that it creates a SQL table from the original data? I need this whole sequence to be automated. Is this possible? Somebody please help... I will appreciate it greatly. Thanks a lot!


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Automated Installation Of SQL 6.5

Aug 28, 1998

I am trying to automate the installation process of our Help
Desk software `Expert Advisor`. It uses a MS SQL Server 6.5
database. I can figure out the automation of Expert Advisor,
but is it possible to automate the installation of the
SQL drivers for each workstation? I don`t want or need any of the
utilities such as ISQL/w installed along with the driver--just the
SQL driver itself. Is there a runtime version of the database I should
use? I`m fairly new to SQL so please forgive me if I seem naive.

Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.

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Automated .txt Import Pt. 2

Jun 29, 2005

I don't know what happened on that first thread, but here it is again.

Thanks for your help.

I have set up a .bat file to automatically export all of my server logs to a directory on my SQL server. From there I am trying to import those files into an event_log table that I have set up. (from there I am going to use Cold Fusion to parse the table each day and e-mail me with anything I should look at) The estimated ROI for my company is roughly $14.5k, it's easy so if you don't already have an error log monitoring solution, check this out!

Anyway I tried to use BCP in my .bat file but it keeps coming back with an unexpected end of file error.

Can I get some help with either:
1. Find a command line tool to import these .txt files with
2. Help me with the BCP issue?

Thanks in advance.

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Automated SQL Documenation?

Jul 2, 2004

I am an intern at a university and we are looking for a way to automatically document tables, queries, etc. ColdFusion is the platform used, and SQL Server 2000. Is there a way to have the documentation performed that will capture tables, constraints, etc.? I have found some, but so far, none are working. Please help if you can!!! :confused:

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Automated Restore

Oct 17, 2005


I have 2 databases, one called "ManagementDB" and the other called "ManagementDBYesterday".

Basically I get asked very frequently to look at yesterdays data for various reasons and I thought it'd be a good idea to always have yesterdays data to hand instead of restoring all the time.

I have tried DTS but this takes too long, I've also thought of replication however the database is modified too frequently for this to be easliy implemented.

Restoring from a backup is quite quick so I thought if I could somehow automate this, I'd have a readily available copy of yesterdays data to hand.

I have a mon-sun daily backup so I need to write some SQL script to restore from the correct backup to the "yesterday" database.

I've only used restore via the enterprise manager and I was wondering if anyone here could help.

kind regards,


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Automated Import Of XLS To SQL

Jan 6, 2004

I have a customer who insists on emailing an excel spreadsheet to me to be uploaded to a sql database. I came across a script at one point that laid out how I would script this out. Basically it was in parts, 1. open email program and get attachment. 2.After saving attachment closing email program in order to be used the next day or next time an attachment was sent. 3. import the attached spreadsheet into SQL database. I would also like to be able to schedule this to run with the built in Windows 2000 scheduler.

Can anyone help me out on this one??


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Automated Service

Apr 11, 2006

I'm working on a program that is some kind of organizer for all the tasks that employees have to carry out. A part of this program should check the deadline from the tasks, and send a mail if the deadline is in less than 5 days.
I'm using asp .net 2.0 & sql server 2000
Can anyone tell me how I can do that, or put me on track with some key words to google for?

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Automated CSV Import

Oct 21, 2007

Hi guys,

I'm pretty new in SQL Server and trying to build up a BI Solution for my firm. We have got monthly data about revenue headcounts and so, which should be integrated into a DW.

I was wondering whether there is an automated way to import this csv data in SQL like in a batch, because the users are not familiar with SQL Server at all. The structure of the data will be the same all the time, since it comes from legacy systems.

YOur help would be highly appriciated:)

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Automated Script

Nov 8, 2007

Hi All,

I have around 80 databases in my one of sql server instance.
we hve to regularly send the database wise health report to the client.
The following fields mentioned by the client in excel sheet

Name of database
Logical file name of .MDF
.Mdf File location drive
Size of the file in MB
Physical file location(full path of .mdf file)

Now a days we have to check databases one by one.
Could anyone provide me the script which automatically fetch all of required fields information from all of the databases.

Urgent help will be appreciable.


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Automated Backup

Jan 28, 2008

Was unsure where to place this post.
Windows Server 2003R2 w/ Sp2
MS SQL 2005

I currently use MS SQL 2005 to host my Citrix Datastore DB. I manually run a daily back up (Tasks>Backup).
How difficult would this be to automated? I have googled this without luck.

Any insight appreciated.


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How To Insert An Automated ID?

Jun 12, 2007

Unfortunately don't I know, how I can adjust this or whether SQL code is needed and if, where?? I do not know myself unfortunately yet so well with the subject out, from therefore am grateful I for each assistance. Many greetings M-l-g


I have a problem with an integration services project of SQL server 2005. I have a text file with various data, which can be read out easily with a dataflow task and a flat file source. The data shall be transferred into a target database which I developed according to a star pattern. The fact table can be generated automatically if and only if all data belonging to a dimension table is inserted by myself. Of course, this procedure is not reasonable while having a vast amount of data. That is the reason why I want to generate the dimension tables automatically, too. A dimension is build e.g. like this: ApplicationID | ApplicationName. So, only two columns are available. But I don't know how to insert an automated ID.

I would be thankful for any help.M-l-G

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Automated Unzip

Apr 15, 2008


how would i unzip a password protected file after downloading it from sftp server.


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Send Mail Task Problem Using A Combination Of ForEach Loop, Recordset Destination, Execute SQL Task And Script Task

Jun 21, 2007

OK. I give up and need help. Hopefully it's something minor ...

I have a dataflow which returns email addresses to a recordset.

I pass this recordset into a ForEachLoop configuring the enumerator as (Foreach ADO Enumerator). I also map the email address as a variable with index 0.

I then have a Execute SQL task which receives this email address as a varchar variable (parameter 0) which I then use in my SQL command to limit the rows returned. I have commented out the where clause and returned all rows regardless of email address to try to troubleshoot this problem. In either event, I then use a resultset to store the query result of type object and result name 0.

I then pass this resultset into a script variable to start parsing the sql rows returned as type object. ( I assume this is the correct way to do this from other prior posts ...).

The script appears to throw an exception at the following line. I assume it's because I'm either not passing in the values properly or the query doesn't return anything. However, I am certain the query works as it executes just fine at the command prompt.


ds = CType(Dts.Variables("VP_EMAIL_RESULTS_RS").Value, DataSet)

My intent is to email the query results to each email address with the following type of data by passing the parsed data from the script to a send mail task. Email works fine and sends out messages but the content is empty. I pass the parsed data as string values to the messagesource and define the messagesourcetype as a variable in the mail task.

part number leadtime

x 5

y 9


Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?



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Stop Automated Restore

Aug 3, 2006

We have automated the process of backing up and restoring the databases. But the problem is One database is restoring from several hrs ..though it is supposed to take only a few mins. So there is some issue with it and I want to find out how I can stop the restoring process.
Its not a command am running in query analyser or Enterprise manager, but its automated so i cant see the command to stop it.
 Any ideas?

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Sending Automated Sql Emails

Mar 12, 2007

I am using framwork 2 with sql 2005 express edition. Can anyone please provide me any sample of sending automated emails (like welcoming people when they register to my website, or if their personal details have been updated....). or any e-book/website ref will do. I am not very expert in sql/db and smtp (or other email) stuffs. So please help me.
With thanks

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Automated DTS Package Problem

Jan 27, 2004

I need to create an Automated DTS package. At present I am running it manually each morning to import our phone switch data to an SQL table. The reason I had to go this route is this.

Because the Access tables are locked, I have a System DSN that connects to the System.mda file, this in turn gives me access to the locked tables to extract the data I need into Excel. I then drop the existing SQL table and run the DTS package recreating the SQL table with the data from the Excel file. I do not want to use OLEDB to connect to the Access table from within my application because it changes each month and of course the traffic load, I have as many 150 clients hitting the DB at one time.

I actually need the DTS package to update the SQL table with the latest data.

I'm no DTS guru, so how can I do this automagically?

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Automated Data Export

Feb 12, 2004

Here's my process:
1. I have a form where someone enters certain criteria for some data…
2. The form than populates a record in a table with all the criteria…
3. I create a query based on the selected criteria for exporting…

How can I automate the process (maybe using DTS) where SQL server will automatically export the data for me using a stor proc? Create a file, populate the file etc…. or will I need to create an external App to do this?

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Automated Birthday Email

Apr 13, 2006

I have a SQL server 2005 database. I want to send a user an email when it's his birthday. His birthdate is stored in the "birthdate" column...How can I automate this?

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Automated Killing Of Processes

Aug 30, 1999

I wish to select processes from sysprocess that are SLEEPING and more than a certain time old (say 10 minutes) so that I may KILL them. I can get the query to do the select, but how do I KILL the process? I have tried selecting the SPID into a local variable and then trying KILL @var_name, but I get "Incorrect syntax near '@var_name'".

I have tried all of the resources that I can find, but without success. Is this possible? If so, how do I go about doing it?

Thanks in advance.


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Remote, Automated MS SQL Backups.... ?

May 9, 2005


I'm looking for a bit of advice about the best way to make automatic remote backups of a MS SQL server.

I currently run a dedicated windows 2003 standard server that i have complete control over, but my databases are hosted on a shared machine that i have no control on.

Is there a way to automate backups from the SQL database onto the windows machine?

Any suggestions on how to do this would be appreciated!

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Automated Generate SQL Scripts

Apr 11, 2002

Is there a way to automate the generation of sql scripts. I addition to backing up the database I like to have a backup schema. Just wondering if this can be done.

Thanks !!!


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Automated Sql Injection Detectors

May 20, 2007

anybody ever use any of these... ?

thoughts? preferences?

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Problems With Automated Jobs

Feb 10, 2004

Hi guys

I have setup a sequence of jobs to run maintenance on one of our SQL Servers.

The sequence of jobs is as follows:

Backup database
Archive database
Recreate indexes
Shrink database
Update statistics
Backup database

There is also another step which is Restore Database. This step is only called if the Archive, Re-index or Shrink jobs fail.

I made a slight script error and so when the job ran on Sunday it deemed the job a failure and attempted to restore the database, that wasn't a problem as the error was deliberate to test the restore process.

The restore process failed and logged the following message:

Job 'Sunday Maintenance - Full' : Step 8, 'Restore Database' : Began Executing 08/02/04 22:58:40

Msg 3101, Sev 16: Database in use. The system administrator must have exclusive use of the database to run the restore operation. [SQLSTATE 42000]
Msg 3013, Sev 16: Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000]

The syntax I used to do the restore was:

FROM DISK = 'H:DbdataBackupEmvolve_Full_Before.BAK'

How do I get around this error message to complete the restore automatically? Any services that access this database are stopped prior to this process running so nothign should be accessing SQL.

Any ideas would be appreciated as I am only a learner as far as SQl goes.




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