INSERT@Sample SELECT'a', 1, 'new', 1,'1/1/2003' UNION ALL SELECT'a', 2, 'renewal',2,'8/2/2003' UNION ALL SELECT'a', 3, 'renewal', 3, '2/1/2004'UNION ALL SELECT'a', 4, 'renewal', 4,'11/1/2004' UNion ALL SELECT'a', 5, 'renewal' ,5, '3/8/2006'UNION ALL SELECT'a', 6, 'new', 1, '3/1/2004' UNION ALL SELECT'a', 7, 'new', 1,'12/3/2005' UNION ALL SELECT'a', 8, 'renewal',2, '8/2/2005'UNION ALL SELECT'a', 9, 'renewal', 3,'9/2/2006'UNION ALL SELECT'a', 10, 'renewal',4, '10/2/2006'UNION ALL SELECT'a', 11, 'renewal', 5, '11/2/2006' UNION ALL SELECT'b', 1, 'new', 1,'8/2/2003'UNION ALL SELECT'b', 2, 'new', 1,'9/2/2003'UNION ALL SELECT'b', 3, 'new', 1,'8/2/2005'UNION ALL SELECT'c', 1, 'new', 1,'8/2/2004'UNION ALL SELECT'c', 2, 'renewal',2,'8/2/2005' UNION ALL SELECT'c', 3, 'renewal',3,'9/2/2005' UNION ALL SELECT'd', 2, 'new',1 ,'8/2/2005'UNION ALL SELECT'd', 3, 'renewal',2, '4/2/2006'UNION ALL SELECT'd', 4, 'renewal',3, '6/2/2006'UNION ALL SELECT'd', 4, 'renewal',4,'9/2/2006'
I want to remve all records serials startign with type 'new' (neworder 1) which is later than ,1/1/2005' and subsquncial renewals The desire result should be:
I'm encountering a strange problem in all the applications I'm working on and am totally dumbfounded as to why it's occuring:From a standard web form I'm inserting a record using a stored procedure. (I'm writing this to a SQL 2000 db - where the column types and variables are all consistant) No matter what I do, the columns are padded with extra characters maxing out the field length (if it's nchar or nvarchar or char) after insert or update. I've tried Trim - ing the field.text values that I'm feeding to the @variables used in my stored procedure. I've even RTRIM() - ed the @variables within the stored procedure. No matter what I do I get extra spaces padding the end of the intended column input. Ideas anyone???Thanks in advance. - Abe
SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT table1.column5, table2.column9 FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.column4 = table2.column4 AND table1.column1 != "NULL" ORDER BY table1.column5
All of the columns are cast as char up to 50 characters.
Even if only a field has a few characters, I get a lot of extra white space in my output. I want to get rid of those trailing spaces. I've tried SET ANSI_PADDING OFF, RTRIM(), and CAST(x AS VARCHAR(y)). I still get the same output. What am I doing wrong, what am I missing?
Here's a tricky SQL question that has definitely driven me to the end ofmy rope. I'm using Oracle 9i and I need to perform some simplemultiplication on a field and then display it with a percent sign usingthe COLUMN command. Here's the code thus far:COLUMN price format 9,999.99 HEADING 'Charged%'SELECT pricecharged * .231 as priceFROM VT_examdetailThe output from this reads:Charged%---------23.1034.6534.65....The kicker here is that I need to add a percent sign to the right of theoutput, so that it reads:Charged%---------23.10%34.65%34.65%....I thought I could do this by just adding "|| ('%')" into the SELECTstatement, but when I do this the decimal position defined in the COLUMNcommand is lost. Does anyone know another way around this?Thanks,Alex
How do I remove the first 5 characters from a column?
I have a list of id's - 9999925173 9999924037 9999924063 9999924053 9999924053 0 0 9999924053 9999924049 9999924037 9999944659 9999924053 0 9999924032 9999924037 9999924053
For some reason, we add a 99999 to our ID's and in order to compare to the customers data, I need to remove the 99999 (if they exist) from the column. How would I do that? LEN?
Hi all, I have a stored procedure that generates the following SQL WHERE clause UserName LIKE 'Adi234%' AND Fname LIKE 'David%' AND LName LIKE 'Justin%' AND It is good except that it i can not remove the last AND which is not neccessary at the end of the clause. I want to remove the last AND that come up at the end, my code places AND after each data field(UserName, Fname, Lname) .
Hi I have a table with a few hundred emailadresses. How can I delete all quotes (') from the addresses, so that '' is replaced as Thank you zipfeli
I have built a SSIS package that reads in data from a SQL Server 2005 source database into a flat file destination. The Row Delimiter is {CR}{LF}. The Column Delimiter is Tab {t}.
The data being read from the SQL Server database contains both {CR}{LF} and Tab {t} characters in various fields on several rows.
How can I process the input data from the SQL Server to remove these characters before passing it to the destination output file?
Sorry if this is obvious to all, but I am only just starting with SSIS...
I have a table that is riddled with weird characters. So far I have found an escape character for PDF files and a trademark sign. These characters are crashing my SSIS packages. I am able to remove these characters with an update script...
Update TABLE set LEAD_NOTES__C = Replace(LEAD_NOTES__C, nchar(65533) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, '!');
Update TABLE set LEAD_NOTES__C = Replace(LEAD_NOTES__C, nchar(1671) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2, '!');
This works fine, but my question is...
I would like to write a script that removes all foreign characters with the exception of the normal characters like (@,#,$,%,etc). I need a dynamic process that handles this so I am not losing time sifting through over 20,000 rows of data and changing my update script to remove a specific column. Although this method works, I would prefer a dynamic query. I intend to wrap this in a stored procedure that loops through all columns in a table (as parameter).
Hi to all, I am having a string like (234) 522-4342. i have to remove the non numeric characters from the above string. Please help me in this regards. Thanks in advance. M.ArulMani
Hi to all, I am having a string like (234) 522-4342. i have to remove the non numeric characters from the above string. Please help me in this regards. Thanks in advance. M.ArulMani
I have an Address column that I need to Substring. I want to remove part of the string after either, or both of the following characters i.e ',' OR '*'
Example Record 1. Elland **REQUIRES BOOKING IN*** Example Record 2. Theale, Nr Reading, Berkshire Example Record 3. Stockport
How do I achieve this in a CASE Statement?
The following two case statements return the correct results, but I some how need to combine them into a single Statement?
,LEFT(Address ,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(',',Address) =0 THEN LEN(Address ) ELSE CHARINDEX(',' ,Address ) -1 END) AS 'Town Test'
,LEFT(Address ,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('*',Address ) =0 THEN LEN(Address) ELSE CHARINDEX('*' ,Address ) -1 END) AS 'Town Test2'
I'm presented with a problem where I have a database table which must be migrated via a "custom tool", moving the data into a new table which has special character requirements that didn't exist in the source database. My data resides in an SQL Server 2008R2 instance.
I envision a one-time query which will loop through selected records and replace the offending characters with --, however I'm having trouble understanding how this works.
There are roughly 2500 records which meet the criteria of "contains bad characters", frequently containing multiple separate bad chars, and the table contains roughly 100000 rows.
Special Characters are defined as #%&*:<>?/{}|~ and ..
While the field is called "Filename" it isn't always so, it is a parent/child table where foldernames are also stored.
The examples I'm finding are all oriented around SELECT statements, to change the output of what I see returned, however I'd rather just fix the entire column using an UPDATE. Initial testing using REPLACE fails because I don't always have a single character as the bad thing in a string.
In a better solution, I found an example using a User Defined Function to modify the output of a select, but I cannot use that UDF in an UPDATE.
My alternative is to learn enough C# to modify the "migration tool" to do this in-transit, but I know even less about C# than I do of SQL.
I gather I want to use @@ROWCOUNT to loop through the rows but I really can't put it all together in a cohesive way.
In my application I must store over 16000 character in a sql table field . When I split into more than 1 field it gives "unclosed quotation mark" message. How can I store over 16000 characters to sql table field (only one field) with language specific characters?
I tried to remove AdventureWorksDB in the "Add or Remove Programs" of Contol Panel and I got the following errors: (1) AdventureWorksDB Error 1326: Error getting file security: CProgram FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL1MSSQLGetLastError: 5. |OK| and (2) Add or Remove Programs Fatal Error during installation (after I clicked the |OK| button). Please help and tell me how I can solve this problem.
I have uninstalled the CTP version of the SQL Server express so that I can install the released version but CTP version is still listed in the add/remove program list but without the change/remove button. I have been to different sites to find information on cleaning this up and I have ran all the uninstall tool I can find but the problem still prevails. I cannot install the released version without completely getting rid of the CTP version. Please help anyone.
Hi everybody, I would like to know if there is any property in sql2000 database to separate lowercase characters from uppercase characters. I mean not to take the values child and Child as to be the same. We are transferring our ingres database into sqlserver. In ingres we have these values but we consider them as different values. Can we have it in sqlserver too?
I am having a hard time removing my SQL instance inside the Add/Remove program. After i select the SQL Instance name and then I tried to remove it but it won't allow me to delete it. There isn't any error message or whatsoever. Actually, when i try to log it in my SQL Management studio, that certain sql instance name is not existing according to the message box. Is there any way to remove the Sql Instance in my system?
HI When I'v click in Visual Web Developer 2008 to build web site it has made a new MDB file name ASPNETDB. MDF So now I have 2 mdb file (MyFileName.mdf and ASPNETDB. MDF) What is that extra (ASPNETDB. MDF) file and do I need it and why? Thanks assaf
I used excel to import data to my database, I found out a problem, my program is linked with the database, when the program show data from the database, it has an extra '@' symbol, In order to remove it, I need to go to the database to press space bar and backspace at the field. How could I use SQL instead of using space bar and backspace?
select classid, count(*) as [COUNT], dtmready from unit where rmpropid = '123' and classid = 'A1' group by rmpropid, classid, dtmready order by dtmready;
If you notice, the earliest dtmready is 7/1/2006. What I need is to return an additional row when the earliest dtmready is after today. The desired row would be:
A1 0 (today's date)
Background: I am running SQL Server 2000 SP4 and the results of the query are returned to a java program at a level where I do not have the ability to create a new row. So, it would be ideal if I could create the sql that returns a row with a dtmready of today with a count of 0.
I have a strange SQL statement Select * from TableName WH
Basicly I have a code that creates a Dynamic SQL statement in this case I thought that I will get an error on the above statement but infact I did not I tested it on the Enterprise Manager and it works fine I changed the WH to WHER it works as long as its not a reserved word so if I put my name or what ever after that sql it still works unless I use two words with a space between them it will give an error on the second one not the first
Can anyone tell me why is that I do not know if its a feature or what
Our company wants to run web based application in folowing way.
Browser --> WebServer -->Sql Server
Sql server is part part of corporation domain and has about 25 more databases
Should we dedicate extra SQL server to run Web apps , or it would be safe to run web apps on corporation Sql Server? or If any one can point on links on this subject?. Thank you