Rename Column At Runtime

Oct 20, 2007

I am have this problem, that would not go away, can some please help me.
I want to rename or delete column that is bound to a tableadapter using SQL Express at runtime. is it possibleI have no idea on what to do.

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How To Rename A Column?

Dec 1, 2004


Please let me know which query we will to rename a column in a table. I am using MS-SQL 2000.

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Rename Column?

Jul 20, 2006


Is there a way to rename column like below?

ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME COLUMN from_column TO to_column

the statement above i found it from a web site, did not worked...

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How To Rename Column Name

Feb 29, 2008


XYZ (Table name)
a (column name)

Now I have to rename column name a to abc.

alter table xyz
RENAME column a to abc

With this statement, I'm not getting. Its throwing an error

Error : Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'column'.

Can anyone solve this

Thanks in Advance.

Suresh Kumar

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Rename The Column By Using The Dynamic Value

Feb 5, 2008

Hi All
I want to rename the column name by using the dynamic value as like
declare @name as varchar(12) set @name='ss'
sp_rename 'dbo.employees.id3',@name, 'COLUMN';
but it shows the error
Incorrect syntax near 'sp_rename'.
any idea?

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Rename Primary Key Column?

Jul 22, 2014

will there be any issues if i rename a primary key column name,which is already beging referenced as a foreign key by other tables.

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How To Rename A Column In SqlCE?

Apr 25, 2007

When I execute EXEC sp_rename 'PATHSPECIMEN.PVVALUE', 'PVPROC', 'COLUMN', I am getting the following error:
Major Error 0x80004005, Minor Error 25621
The specified argument value for the procedure is not valid. [ Argument # = 3,Name of procedure(if known) = sp_rename ]

Could some one guide me where I am wrong?
I am executing this query against SqlCE in Sql Server 2005 Management Studio.

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Unconditionally Select Column And Rename

Oct 7, 2004

I would like to select the second column from a table reguardless of what it is named and rename it AS Description. Is there a way to do that without knowing the name of that Column?

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Rename A Column And Its Data Type

Feb 27, 2008

What is the way to rename a column in a table along with its datatype.


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How To Rename A Column Or Table On The Desktop?

Feb 28, 2007

I am using the compact edition on a desktop using VS2005 as well as SQL Server Management Studio. None of those tools allow me to rename a column or rename a table. Can someone point me a tool the runs on the desktop (as opposed to running on a CE device) that allows me to do the renaming?


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Transact SQL :: Bulk Column Names Rename

Aug 4, 2015

Is there a way to bulk remove spaces from column names from all tables in a db? 

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Replication :: Rename A Column In Replicated Table

Jan 29, 2010

I tried to run this(below) the table is replicated(transactional).

sp_rename N'dbo.Tablename.Columnname, N'New_Columnname', 'COLUMN'But getting this error message:
Msg 15051, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_rename, Line 227

Cannot rename the table because it is published for replication.

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How To Add Column In Database At Runtime.

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all,I m trying to add a column in my database (it is a csv file)but it is giving me following exception.------exception------------{System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException}ErrorCode: -2147467259Errors: {System.Data.OleDb.OleDbErrorCollection}HelpLink: NothingInnerException: NothingMessage: "Operation not supported on a table that contains data."Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine"StackTrace: " atSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextE rrorHandling(Int32 hr)atSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextF orSingleResult(tagDBPARAMSdbParams, Object& executeResult)at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandText( Object& executeResult)at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommand(Comm andBehavior behavior,Object& executeResult)at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderIntern al(CommandBehaviorbehavior, String method)at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()Here is my code for this.--------Code--------------Dim ConnectString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DataSource=c:;Extended Properties=""text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited"""Dim myCon As New OleDbConnection(ConnectString)TrymyCon.Open()'Debug.WriteLine("Connection Opened")Dim cmd As New OleDbCommandcmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE [sample.csv] ADD mycol VARCHAR(50) NULL"cmd.Connection = myConcmd.ExecuteNonQuery()Catch ex As OleDbExceptiondebug.WriteLine(ex.Message)FinallymyCon.Close()End TryAny known reasons and workarounds????Thanks & Regards.

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Transact SQL :: Alter Table To Rename Column Name With No Space

Oct 27, 2015

I want to alter my all tables to change the name of all columns.
I need this because all column names were created with space and I want to remove the space for future work .

For example – In Table Customer there is a column name [Cust_Id ] and I want to change it with [Cust_Id]

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Add IDENTITY Column In Runtime In A View...

Jul 20, 2005

Dear All,I'm facing a problem with creating a view.I have a table withfollowing descriptionTab1------------------------------------Col1 col2---- -----Val1 TomVal2 CatVal3 JackVal4 JimNow I'm trying to create a view with following information fromTab1.The output should beTab1View--------------------------------------Col1 Col2 Col3---- ---- -----1 Val1 Tom2 Val2 Cat3 Val3 Jack4 Val4 Jim---------------------------------------So the create view statement add this column dynamically in thisresult set.If any body has any doubt on this query please let me inform.RegardsArijit Chatterjee

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How To Hide A Dynamic Column During Runtime?.. Help Please...

Mar 2, 2007

im working on a report which shows the data based on the users input. I have used a matrix because I have no control on how many fields the users want, so practically we have a dynamic column here. My problem is that they require me to able the user to hide the columns he/she wishes to during runtime. We have a previous report that enables the user to hide it during runtime but it has static column. Any idea on how I could do it?... Thank you so much...

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Data Source Column Discovery At Runtime? Help Much Appreciated

May 10, 2006

Hi -- I am fairly new to SSIS development, although I am starting to appreciate it more an more, especially since I have started getting into extending the object model. Here's my question:

I have a data flow that pulls data from any number of different delimited files with different numbers of columns. I have had no problem dealing with setting up run-time file locations and file names by using the expressions of a flat file data source, and i have been able to pretty easily deal with varying file delimiters by standardizing the files before they get into the data flow. however, I have not been able to come up with a solution that will allow my data source to discover its column info at run time, and then pass that information on to the data flow task. all i really care about is being able to properly parse the individual rows into individual column data by the flat file data source because the data flow itself is able to discover the actual data that the columns hold at run-time.

i would very much appreciate any feedback from anyone on possible solutions for this.


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DTS RunTime Error "received Invalid Column Length From BCP Client"

Jul 26, 2002

when i tried to run a DTS which transfer bulk data between 2 SQL servers, i got following error message:
================================================== ============
Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 4815 (12CF)
Error string: Received invalid column length from bcp client.
Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Help file:
Help context: 0
================================================== ===========

if anybody has encounter the same problem before? after testing, i think it's
must related with network traffic problem. but i can not figure out how to solve it.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Add A New Column To Dataset At Runtime That Tallies Whenever Condition Arises

Nov 3, 2014

I am trying to find a way to provide three metrics for a table that only provides 2 of them. I need to derive a third column which tallies based on conditions that can be found in the dataset.

The table I'm querying shows

(1) total referrals
(2) total moves

but it is missing a column that tallies whenever the referral moved into the same property_id that it was referred to.

create table dimFacts
(date_value datetime
, month_name varchar(9)
, year_number varchar(4)
, month_number tinyint

[Code] ....

How can I use sql to create one additional column for the above data set, ie. let's call it 'property_conversion' such that on the fifth row there will be a '1' showing that on 2012-12-30 lead_id 10038655 moved into the property it was referred to back on 2012-10-15 ?

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How To Configure A Dataflow Task Having A Runtime Source Table Name And A Runtime Destination Table Name

Apr 18, 2008


I am having a Data flow task in For each loop which will gets 100 sourcetable names and 100 target table names...

am having a simpleData flow task which trasferes from OLEDBSource to OLEDBDestination.
I am repeating the Dataflow task which transfers from sourcetablename extracted from for loop to a destination table var.

The problem am gettting is for the first table it is able to transfer correcly because I did mapping for those tables at design time...but for the next coming sourcetable-desttable (which r having different no of cols,datatypes) its giving Validation failed...and...needs to refresh metadata....

is there any way to refresh the metadata of Data flow task (I set the property of OLEDBSource validate external meta to false then also same error is coming)


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Determine Table Names And Column Names At Runtime?

Jan 22, 2004


I was wondering if anyone has an idea of how we could find the table names and column names of the tables in our Sql server database at runtime/dynamically given our connection string? Please let me know.


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Jun 6, 2008

i am trying to set up a way of renaming a table in a sp.

ive been using

exec sp_rename 'old table', 'new table'

however if i try and specify to database and owner i end up with a weired db.owm.db.own.table name in the outcome. ive tried putting using it without specifying a db name in a sp and then sched job to exec the sp but it doesnt rename, probably because it doesn know which db to look for the ld table name in. however the sched job doesnt fail?

any ideas?

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Rename SP

Nov 5, 2007

Hello All,

Does anyone know how to rename SP using Transact SQL ?

Thanks in advance


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Rename Aspnetdb ?

Jun 4, 2007

 Hello,I have a shared hosting plan which already has aspnetdb.mdf on the server so of course I cannot use that db name for my site...I have renamed the db and now I get an error Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion My question is, how can I make this thing work?  All help is greatly appreciated! 

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SQL Server Rename

Aug 12, 2007

Can anybody please tell me how to rename an sql server express.
I have an SQL server instance named 'PC075/Sqlexpress'. I have to change it to 'PC075'.

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How To Rename A DTS Package

Dec 4, 2001

Hello every one

Does someone know how a DTS package can be renamed ?


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Rename Sql Server

Jul 16, 2002

if my computer name is x and sql server was installed and therefore took on the default name of x, can I change the sql server name to y at a later date while the computer name remains as x? If so how do I do it?

The sp_addserver is internal recognition. But I want to connect to sql server using the new name y.
I am assuming setup needs to be run only if computer name also changes to y and this is not the case.

Any help is appreciated.

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Rename Object

Apr 19, 2001

Is there a way to rename a object across server using the sp_rename sp. I have a job running across server and I one of the steps requires me to rename a object on a different server.

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Rename DB Files

Oct 22, 2001

In EM, when you right click a database and go to properties you can see on the general tab the file name,the location,the space allocated in MB and the file group.
Is it possible to change the file name and how you achieve it?
Where are these names stored?
I really appeciate any suggestions.
Thank you very much!

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Rename SQL Server

Jul 14, 2000

To all,

I would like to rename my SQL server. Someone suggested SQLServer and we went with it, but after some discussions with other developers we thought that this name would be a hackers delight. So now I need to rename it to something that wouldn't put a "bulls eye" on its back. Any suggestions? :-)

This machine is not in production just yet, so if I had to reinstall SQL it wouldnt' be that bad of an option.


Michael Fanara

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Rename Server With Sql 7

Nov 20, 2000

Hello, I want to rename a server NT4 on whom is bases sql server sql 7 sp 2, who is the precautions to set and can you indicate me the procedure. Thank you in advance.

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Rename DTS Package

Aug 17, 2000

How can we rename a dts package programmatically? (Without using EM save as option)

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Rename Sql Server

Mar 2, 2001

How can I change the name of an SQLServer to have a name different than
the machine it is runnning on?

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