Replication Hangs On One Table

Feb 24, 2007

publisher - sql2000 sp4 distributor - sql 2005 sp1 subscribers - mix of sql2005 sp1 and sql 2000 sp4 we have a database with around 300 tables and replicate it to around 10 different subscribers. some in the same datacenter and others in different offices. We have around 50-60 different publications for this. Some have 20 or so tables others have only one table if they are large tables. Tables range in size from a few hundred rows to over 20 million. Some tables replicate a few commands, others 100000 or more commands on a daily basis. Around 6 weeks ago we started having problems with one table. It's 1.4 million rows and replicates around a few thousand commands on a daily basis. We saw a backlog of around 150000 to 400000 commands. We had some replication issues at this time with this distributor and we traced these problems to memory errors and the replication job would not start or stop. After restarting the job it pushed all the commands through to the subscribers. A few weeks ago we started noticing another backlog again and this time it wouldn't clear. A few times we just ran another snapshot at night but then we started to investigate. We noticed that some people were doing mass updates of 30000 or more rows and this time they weren't going through. It would just build up and cause blocking on the subscribers along with spiking the CPU to 50% or more on a constant basis. As soon as we turn off the replication for this publication everything goes back to normal. Meanwhile all the other publications are happily replicating tens of thousands of rows with no problems. One thing I noticed is that these updates cause a command to transaction ratio of thousands to one where everything else is less than 10 to 1. I thought this was the cause but then the senior DBA updated around 20000 rows in another publication in one update and it went through within a few minutes. Microsoft is absolutely no help. They are looking through logs and they tried to tell us to upgrade our hardware but we have some ancient subscribers for other busy publications with no issues. Right now we are thinking that it might be corruption on the publisher table and we'll be creating a new one this weekend. Any other ideas?

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One Conflict &&> All Other Replication Hangs

Jun 12, 2007

hi all

let's say i have three publications running on a network of one central server and four shops.

- a merge replication that keeps the price-table up to date between all shops and the central server

- a transactional replication of the arrived_orders-table from the central server to the shop in case

- a transactional replication of the sold_products-table fromt he shops to the central server.

the whole replication network runs on a distribution database that is located on the central server.

now, i've noticed already a few times, when a conflict occurs in one of the replications, also all other replications stop working. (for example when the transactional replication can not insert a line in the sold_products table because of a violation against a UNIQUE constraint in the central server).

Is it normal that also the merge replication and the other transactional replication don't do their inserts, updates etc any more????


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Alter View Hangs - Merge Replication SQL 2005

Dec 18, 2006

Background - I have a publication that propigates schema changes. I have a view in which I want to remove a column.

Error - Going by what the BOL says, I use Alter View and delete the column from my select statement. I issue the alter view command against the Publication database and it just "churns". I do not get any locking errors or any other type of error, but the statement never completes execution. I watched it run for 10 minutes and cancelled the query. Executing the same statement against a copy of the database that is not being published executes in 1, 2 seconds.

Here is what I am doing:

Old View: Select table1.record_number, table1.record_date, table1.status_code, table2.status_desc,


FROM table1 join table2 on table1.status_code = table2.status_code

The query I am executing:







Select table1.record_number, table1.record_date, table1.status_code, table2.status_desc

FROM table1 join table2 on table1.status_code = table2.status_code

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DB2 To X64 SQL Server Table DataFlow Hangs

Oct 9, 2007

I have an SSIS package that contains a source to DB2 using the Native OLE DBIBM OLE DB Provider for DB2 in the connection mananger. The connection requires a specific user name and password. 'Test Connection' passes, and I am able to preview data in the OLE DB Source Editor.

The data then goes through a Data Conversion transform. The OLE DB Destination editor uses a Native OLE DBSql Native Client connection manager. 'Test Connection' passes. The SQL Server edition is 2005 Enterprise x64.

When the package is executed within Visual Studio Professional on a Windows XP (sp2) machine, The package hangs at this dataflow. I set up a data viewer between the DB2 source and the conversion transform, but no data appears(DefaultBufferMaxRows is set to 100). In the 'Execution Results', validation completes, but nothing happens beyond that. There are no errors or messages in the error list. In the Control Flow, the dataflow control appears yellow, and stays that way.

I have noticed that when this package runs, a command window flashes up for a brief second.

How do I troubleshoot this? Why is there no data in the data viewer between the source and the data conversion transform?

Thanks for your help!


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Data Deletion On MS Access Table Hangs

Jan 18, 2008

I have not been able to locate information on the following problem. The first step I have in a packge (Execute SQL Command) is to delete the data from an MS Access database table. The package hangs at this step after all validation is complete. In the package, once the table data is deleted, it is repopulated in a later step. The deletion step and the repopulation step use the same connection manager.

There is no information in the log about an error. At the time the package ran, there was a lock file on the database with about six users connected. I'm not sure what version of Access the database was created in, but I have 2003 on my machine, and I cannot open the database.

Any ideas?

Thank you for your help!


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Updating A Single Column On A Table SQL Server 2005 (45 Records), The Session Hangs...

May 12, 2007

Hello, I am pretty new with SQL Server 2005.

I have installed SQL Server Express Edition. I have migrated a set of tables from Oracl10g (by using Microsoft's Migration Tool Kit).While I am trying the following simple update command, the session hangs and it never finishes !!!!!!!!!!!!


select pos_key from pos_station where staff_key = 1105


update pos_station set pos_key = 1 where staff_key = 1105


The table has a few constraints and a couple of indices in place.

Then I create another table (but no contraints or indices), just copy the data from the problematic one and the update WORKS (in msecs) :

update pos_station_new set pos_key = 1 where staff_key = 1105


Is there any way to tell if the table (any table in SQL Server) is corrupted or not ?

How can I tell if a session is waiting for something and what is that something ?

Thank you very much for your help.


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Adding New Table In Replication And Changing One Column Replication Database

Jan 17, 2002


In my production box is running on SQL7.0 with Merge replication and i want add one more table and i want add one more column existing replication table. Any body guide me how to add .This is very urgent

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DB Replication Or Table Replication Via Triggers?

Apr 17, 2007

Hello everyone,I am involved in a scenario where there is a huge (SQL Server 2005)production database containing tables that are updated multiple timesper second. End-user reports need to be generated against the data inthis database, and so the powers-that-be came to the conclusion that areporting database is necessary in order to offload report processingfrom production; of course, this means that data will have to bereplicated to the reporting database. However, we do not need all ofthe data in the production database, and perhaps a filtering criteriacan be established where only certain rows are replicated over to thereporting database as they're inserted (and possibly updated/deleted).The current though process is that the programmers designing thequeries/reports will know exactly what data they need from productionand be able to modify the replication criteria as needed. For example,programmer A might write a report where the data he needs can beexpressed in a simple replication criteria for table T where column X= "WOOD" and column Y = "MAHOGANY". Programmer B might come along amonth later and write a report whose relies on the same table T wherecolumn X = "METAL" and column Z in (12, 24, 36). Programmer B willhave to modify Programmer A's replication criteria in such a way as toaccomodate both reports, in this case something like "Copy rows fromtable T where (col X = "WOOD" and col Y = "MAHOGANY") or (col X ="METAL" and col Z in (12, 24, 36))". The example I gave is reallytrivial of course but is sufficient to give you an idea of what thecurrent thought-process is.I assume that this is a requirement that many of you may haveencountered in the past and I am wondering what solutions you wereable to come up with. Personally, I believe that the above method isprone to error (in this case the use of triggers to specifyreplication criteria) and I'd much rather use replication services tocopy tables in their entirety. However, this does not seem to be anoption in my case due to the sheer size of certain tables. Is thereanything out there that performs replication based on complexprogrammer defined criteria? Are triggers a viable alternative? Anyalternative out-of-the-box solutions?Any feedback would be appreciated.Regards!Anthony

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Table Changes And Replication

May 4, 2004

I have an ASP.Net Application that connects to a SQL DB. I also have a backup of the application and the db on a second server.

I have a snapshot replication setup between the two servers. Every night the snapshot is taken at 3:00am and distribution happens at 4:00am

Everything works perfectly.

However, whenever I want to make a change to a table it won't let me make the change because the table is part of a replication. So I do the following; I delete the replication, make the table change, and then rebuild the replication.

I have to believe there is an easier way to do this.

Is there a way to make table changes without deleting and rebuiling my replication?

Thanks a lot,


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New Table For Replication

Sep 20, 2007

I use Transactional publication with updatable subscriptions for replication. Just what to know whenever I want to add new table to replication, do I need to regenerate the new snapshot again. However, once I do it, i found that the subscriber will recreate all table and bulk copy data all over again.. Is there any option or way that I can avoid it. THX

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Replication - Cannot Drop Table

Mar 15, 2001

I need some help with Merge Replication. After successfully defining a publisher, distributor and subscriber to perform merge replication, we decided to test Merge Replication to see what we can and can't do.

What we found is that you can't add new fields or change the nullable/null attributes of tables whilst the replication settings are still defined to the databases. ie you get the following error

'tblProducts' table
- Unable to modify table.
ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot drop the table 'dbo.tblProducts' because it is published for replication.

So we thought, fair enough. We decided to uninstall replication using the wizards provided to see whether we can make schema changes. What we found is that we can make schema changes to the publisher database(on Server1), BUT not to the subscriber (Server2).

Does anyone know why? We are running SQL7 SP2.
Email me on

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Replication - Dropping A Table

Nov 22, 2002

I'm new to replication and would like to know how to drop an article published for replication. I believe I need to follow these steps, but I am unsure.

Step (1)
exec sp_dropsubscription @publication = N'db name',
@article = N'article name',
@subscriber = 'subscriber name',
@destination_db = N'db name'

Step (2)
exec sp_droparticle @publication = N'db name',
@article = N'article name'

Step (3)
drop the article on the publisher

Step (4)
drop the article on the subscriber

Is this the correct sequence or am I missing something.

Thanks, Dave

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Replication: Table Order

May 22, 2002

SQL Trasnsactional Replication.

I've set up a transactional replication, but I need to specify in which order the tables are to be replicated (tables with foreign keys last).
How/where do set table order ?


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SQL 2k Replication - View To Table

Sep 20, 2005

We would like to copy sensitive prod data into a devleopment environment and use a view to alter some of the sensitive rows. (incl. ssn's)

We have views that will "scrub" the data and substitute ssn's with an alternate key for R.I.

Some would like us to use replication to copy from our scrubbed views to our dev tables. Anyone have suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Only ops has access to distributors on-site, including my laptop :( so I can't do much experimenting and have to back-seat drive.

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Replication Table Permissions

Apr 19, 2004

Is there a way to replicate the table permissions from publisher to
subscriber? I noticed that when replication takes place, the permissions
that were set up on tables on the subscriber are wiped out. I need the permissions to be send to the subscriber automatically.

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Replication With Truncate Table

Mar 13, 2007


I am trying to find a replication solution. It does not have to be real-time, but snapshot will not work since the database is too big. I was trying to configure Transactional replication. The replication itself worked good, but the Truncate table is not allowed in the transactional replication and merge replication. We have to use "Truncate table" in another processes during replication. Is there any other option or third party application I can use to do the replication with truncate table working. I tried Replication Exec, but it does not support 64bit system, which we have.

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[ms Sql] How To Add New Table To Merge Replication ?

Jul 13, 2007

Hi,How to add new table to merge replication ?When I do this in Enterpriise Manager i got an error:Server: Msg 2758, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_addmergearticle,Line 466RAISERROR could not locate entry for error 20085 in sysmessages.What is wrong ?Thank for any helpLuk

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Table Replication Question

Feb 20, 2008

Hi, I'm using MS SQL server 2005.I have two identical databases - with one exception: they have differentnames (etc database1 and databse2), but their structure is completely same.Is it possible to replicate one table between those databases?Regards

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How To Remove A Table From Replication

Mar 17, 2015

Version: SQL 2008 R2

Problem: I have a user who wants to remove table, but when she tries to remove it ( drop the table), she gets an error:
MSG 3724, Level 16, State 2, Line 6: Cannot drop the table, 'dbo.<table name>' because it is being used for replication.
MSG 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 2
There is already an object named '<table name>' in the database.

To investigate, I saw the following:

In the SSMS---> Replcation---> Local Publication--> [XYZ].Pub_XYZ
[SERVER Name].[XYZ_Replication]
Local Subscriptions:
[Reference DB].[ServerInstance].[Instance Name]:ABC.ABC_TO_XYZ.Reference DB).

How do I remove that table? Do I need to edit Replication? How? Which one?

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Removing Replication Table

Oct 12, 2005

Hi all,

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Replication With Truncate Table

Mar 13, 2007

I am trying to find a replication solution. It does not have to be real-time, but snapshot will not work since the database is too big. I was trying to configure Transactional replication. The replication itself worked good, but the Truncate table is not allowed in the transactional replication and merge replication. We have to use "Truncate table" in another processes during replication. Is there any other option or third party application I can use to do the replication with truncate table working. I tried Replication Exec, but it does not support 64bit system, which we have.


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Can't Drop Table In Replication

Aug 30, 2006

Dear friends

I restore one database in two database servers which is running on SQL server 2000.I replicated these two through snapshot relication.Snapshot agent is creating snapshot.But when I am starting to synchronize it's telling can't drop table because that table is in replication. Backup I taken from a replicated it's having rowguid both the servers.Another thing the table which it is telling not able to drop it's having primary key.please tell me what may be the problem.In replication why it is going to drop table it's only what to transport data na


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May 5, 2000

Good morning folks,
I'm getting the above error message when trying to drop a table. I'm not to familiar with the setup of this SQL server, so I not sure if the replication is enabled. I have never had to use replication so I don't know to much about it. Does anyone know how I guess to remove this table from the replication list so that it could be dropped?

Thanks much


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Replication Field Limit Per Table ??

Oct 26, 2000

Does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of fields you can replicate from one table ??

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Replication And One Row Updates On Partitioned Table

Jul 27, 1998


Has anyone had any problems on one row updates on a table where you have defined horizontal and vertical partitioning of the data to be replicated?
When I execute an update clause that modifies just one row the log reader misses the modification and it does not get replicated to the other databases.

If I do the same update clause but on several rows then all the modifications are read by the log reader and the replication task goes ok.

What might be wrong?


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Changing Datatype In A Table Used For Replication ?

Feb 28, 2002

Changing datatype in a table used for merge replication ?

I'm trying to change the data type on a column in a table that is used for a merge-replication with another (identical) DB.

I get this error:
Cannot alter the table '[Tablename]' because it is being published for replication.

I've tried to remove that specific table from the publication (Publication properties -> Articles tab) so I can change the data type and then put the table back into the publication, but I can't (probably because it's a MERGE rep.)

Any ideas ?


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Simulate A Row Change In The Replication Table

Dec 17, 2007

I have a merge where the subscriber can do changes to its tables ... But as I found out the changes are made only if publisher simulate an row change or changes something effectively
I'm not sure that at every replication the publisher table would be changed so i need something to simulate a change in the publisher table
Can anyone please help me with this ?

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Refresh Destination Table (Replication)

Dec 25, 2012

I have two program (App1 And App2) on two separate system.on App1 there is a database named DB1 and on App2 there is a database named DB2.on DB1 i create a table named Table_1 .i define replication for DB1 to push publication (for table_1) .

I define DB2 as a subscriber to receive all changes on [DB1].[Table_1]. every thing is ok but just one thing. when App1 and App2 both are running if i change the contents of [DB1].[Table_1] this change only shown if one time i exit from App2 and rerun it . how can i refresh App2 without rerun it?

A friend said to me it is possible with trigger, but how? I don't know how can i define a trigger for this reason . or any way that exist for this reason.

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Parent/Child Table Replication

Apr 4, 2008

Hello all gurus out there.

I'm an entre level junior programmer. My question is kind of confusing but I'll try to put it as simple as I can.

First we have a main table called "job1". This table consists the order information. The file_id is the unique id and the primary key for this table. This table also pertains other information such as customer data (max limit 5), job data etc. This table is actively (non-stop) used throughout the day.

We have a non-interactive process which will take customers information from the main table and insert into the child table table "jobcust". Jobcust would have file_id, cust, cust_type. For example, if Job1 table had fiel_id=100 and cust1="Tom" and Cust2="David", now Jobcust will have two records file_id, cust1 and file_id,cust2. The main problem is the child table needs to be updated right away and our non-interactive process is good at doing that.. but it is causing a major DATA LATENCY. I would like to ask you all, if you know any better way of doing this without any process.. like in the back end with a trigger/procedure or something like that.

All you help is appreciated.

Thanks much.

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How To Add New Column In Table : Merge Replication

Sep 27, 2007


I have a table used in Merge Replication. If i add a new column in that table it gives me an error for tables in which either this table is a key or this table has key from other tables "Error validating the default for column 'rowguid'." Also for views i'm getting an error
"View 'dbo.vw_TestCaseBasic': indexes and schema binding will be removed."

If i proceed further i get an error and m not able to add the column.
"It is invalid to drop the default constraint on the rowguid column that is used by merge replication.
The schema change failed during execution of an internal replication procedure. For corrective action, see the other error messages that accompany this error message.
The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted."

Is there any solution for the same?

Ruchir Jain

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Altering Table && Trans. Replication

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,How can I modify table with publication (change of one column length)without completely breaking replication.Thanks in advance

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Cannot Alter Table Being Published For Replication

Jun 8, 2006

Hi all,I'm using SQL Server 2000 SP3 to store data for real time transactionprocessing.I have set up replication to another server using a push subscription togive me immediate backup.I need to alter the data type of one of the columns and am using thefollowing basic sql:alter table Voucheralter column SerialNumber varchar(20) NOT NULLHowever I keep getting this error message:Server: Msg 4929, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Cannot alter the table 'Terminals' because it is being published forreplication.Is there anything I can do to allow this update taking place, short ofdeleting the subscription and recreating it. (I want to try and avoidthis as the same update needs to be applied to about 10 databases thatare also replicated in the same way).All help is appreciated.Brian.*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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Replication Target Table Shrinks To Zero

Jul 20, 2005

I want to replicate a database to a subscriber that will be used as a readonly copy. The data has to be replicated as close to instantly as possible.To do this I set up a database export of objects and data to populate thesubscriber, then I set up transactional replication. To verify thatreplication is working successfully, I count the rows in each table, thereare 3 tables in total. For one of the tables, the replication completes butalmost immediately afterward, the table starts to shrink, and after severalhours the record count is zero. This isn't happening to the other twotables, and I can't figure out why.If you have no idea what might be causing this, perhaps you can suggestsome places to start looking. This is Win2k SP4 with SQL 2000 SP3.Thanks much.

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