I am in the process of developing a custom component. During that time I went through many versions of my custom component, including various DLL names and signatures, different code etc.
The problem is that now I have old versions of my custom components stuck in the default settings of the toolbox. When I reset the toolbox, even if I manually deleted the old items, it appears again.
I tried to delete all the DLLs I previously copied to the SQL Server directories, and also uninstalled all the DLLs from GAC.
The result was that the new components didn't appear, and I don't have the option to choose them in the "choose items" menu, but they still appear on the toolbox.
It is not something I can't live with, but it's really annoying seeing old and irrelevant versions right in your face...
I'm having a problem with my database, can any of you sql gurus out there help me? after I use sp_resetstatus to unmark the database as suspect I get this: error: 602, Severity: 21, State: 15 Could not find the row in sysindexes for dbid '6', object '9', index '2'. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE on Sysindexes
then this one: error: 3414, Severity: 21, State: 1 Database 'maillist' (dbid 6): Recovery failed. Please contact Technical Support for further instructions.
I can't do checktable because it's suspect, and I can't reset it's suspect status, any ideas?
I ran the following query in Query Analyzer on a machine running SQL Server 2000. I'm attempting to delete from a linked server running SQL Server 2005:
DELETE FROM sql2005.production.dbo.products WHERE vendor='Foo' AND productId NOT IN ( SELECT productId FROM sql2000.staging.dbo.fooProductList )
The status message (and @@ROWCOUNT) told me 8 rows were affected, but nothing was actually deleted; when I ran a SELECT with the same criteria as the DELETE, all 8 rows are still there. So, once more I tried the DELETE command. This time it told me 7 rows were affected; when I ran the SELECT again, 5 of the rows were still there. Finally, after running this exact same DELETE query 5 times, I was able to remove all 8 rows. Each time it would tell me that a different number of rows had been deleted, and in no case was that number accurate.
I've never seen anything like this before. Neither of the tables involved were undergoing any other changes. There's no replication going on, or anything else that should introduce any delays. And I run queries like this all day, involving every thinkable combination of 2000 and 2005 servers, that don't give me any trouble.
Does anyone have suggestions on what might cause this sort of behavior?
Hi, i defined a sqldatasource in VWD manually (option specify sql statement) because several tables are involved. I also need a Delete statement, so i defined it also manually. The select and delete statement are : <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:test %>" SelectCommand="SELECT aspnet_Users.UserName as lid, aspnet_Roles.RoleName as categorie, aspnet_Users.beheerder as beheerder, aspnet_Membership.Email as emailadres FROM aspnet_Users INNER JOIN aspnet_Membership ON aspnet_Users.UserId = aspnet_Membership.UserId INNER JOIN aspnet_UsersInRoles ON aspnet_Users.UserId = aspnet_UsersInRoles.UserId inner JOIN aspnet_Roles ON aspnet_UsersInRoles.RoleId = aspnet_Roles.RoleId order by username" DeleteCommand="delete from aspnet_users where userid=@userid"> <DeleteParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="userid" /> </DeleteParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> My problem is that the Select works, but not the Delete. Any idea why? Thanks tartuffe
Everything I've read says that custom data flow components are built by inheriting from the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.PipelineComponent class.
But the stock components such as the Derived Column data flow transformation must each be implemented by their own class. So how do I base my custom components on those classes? The documentation for the PipelineComponent class doesn't list any such subclasses.
In another thread Jamie Thomson very informatively said "The components in SSIS are deliberately atomic (i.e. they do something very specific) so that its easy to put them together to build something greater than the sum of the parts". Which does make a lot of sense. However, I've been finding that I end up having to create exactly the same "pattern" of combined transform components again and again in order to solve the same problem but in different dataflows (or even within the same dataflow). Cut-and-paste-tastic! In order to obtain real re-use, it seems to me like SSIS is crying out for an easy way to create new components by using composition - i.e. the ability to take commonly-used combinations of existing components and create new "super" components (without having to write Custom Transform Components in C#/VB.Net and handle everything in code).
Does anyone know if this sort of functionality is likely to make it into SSIS in the forseeable future?
I have developed a renderer that renders the xml to paint a rectangle with textboxes in all the right places based on the data retrieved off the database. When i render the a complete report to the reportviewer i have no problem.
I need however to render the rectangle into a custom report item for reusability and different scenarios. This just seem to be impossible since it seems like I cant use anything other than an imagemap to render custom report items. Is this true?
To make sure you understand....in other words....
Is there a way to develop a Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.IRenderingExtension that renders the required xml like rectangles/textboxes etc. and then migrate this to a custom toolbox item. It just seems like this should be a very easy thing to do and something regularly needed. For example when you want to use textboxes in certain positions within a rectangle to draw a organisational chart.
I just installed sql2005 and bi dev studio on a vista box. Then VS 2005 and all svc packs. I create a new SSIS package but don't see any Data Flow Destinations in the toolbox while on the dataflow tab. I choose "show all" and don't see any data flow destinations anywhere. I can use the wizard to create packages, and it adds destinations just fine. Anyone have any idea what may be wrong?
I've created a custom data flow tranformation and it isn't showing up in the Tool Box Items to be added under the Data Flow Items tab (right click on tool box, 'Choose Items...', then clicked Data Flow Items).
I have done the following:
signed the assembly, added to GAC, copied the dll to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSPipelineComponents.
It worked previously when I was just starting out, however now I cannot see it. What would cause it to not show up? Everything compiles fine. How would I determine how to fix it so that it shows up?
I am interested in adding custom buttons to the parameters toolbox (under "View Report"). I'm trying to provde a way for users viewing the report to go "Back" or up a level (in the drill through reports). Does anyone have any information on this topic, or know if it's even possible?
Every time I try to edit a Control flow or Data flow task I am getting the following error. My toolbox options are all grayed out also.
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio ------------------------------
The service System.Windows.Forms.Design.IUIService could not be located.
For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft%u00ae+Visual+Studio%u00ae+2005&ProdVer=8.0.50727.42&EvtSrc=Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.SR&EvtID=UnableToLocateService&LinkId=20476
I need to extract data from tables in a database that I can only access via ODBC.
I have successfully created a connection in Connection Manager (ConnectionManagerType = ODBC) for this database.
However I€™m unable to add this connection as a Data Flow Source. There is no ODBC Source option in the Toolbox.
This is a major because we have been using the system dsn Microsoft Visual Foxpro Driver to access free table directory .dbf files under ODBC with DTS for years. To install a new Microsoft OLEDB driver for foxpro is out of the question on a production system as it would cost many thousands of dollars to go through our BAT testing process
How do I extract data from tables in a database via ODBC?
I just finish my first basic report using Reporting Services and now I have to design a very complicated report.
I would like to know the purpose of tow Report Items : Subreport and Matrix. If somebody can explain me the purpose and if he/she can point me to an example, it would be great.
Select Integration Services Project from Templates
Project opens with default package.dtsx
Open Toolbox but I am missing all but a few of my items
Only items available are MAINTENANCE PLAN TASKS and GENERAL(which is totally empty)
I've changed the view from List View to Show All but which will display all the groups but all the options in those groups are grayed out.
I'm running on Windows Vista Business edition with SQL server 2005(9.0.3054) with SSIS installed. If someone could help me figure out why I don't have any avaible options it would be greatly appreciated.
I am using SSIS 2014 and installed adapter for sharepoint list source and destination and when I refresh the toolbox I don't see them. Is there a way to manually add them?
I have a table in my db that has an identity column as the primary key. I have deleted all the data and have tried to use truncate table on it to reset the identity column. The table has a number of foreign key constraints so it will not truncate. Is there any way to reset the indentity column without removing the constraints?
FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_concat_boxes](@item varchar(10), @week int, @type char(1)) RETURNS VARCHAR(100) AS BEGIN
DECLARE @Output varchar(100)
SELECT @Output = COALESCE(@Output + '/', '') + CAST(quantity AS varchar(5)) FROM flexing_stock_transactions WHERE item = @item AND week = @week AND firm_or_commission = @type GROUP BY quantity ORDER BY quantity
RETURN @Output
gives the same output every time it is called, despite different parameters passed. @Output does not change as expected.
Hi, consider my table, s.no priority status 1 2 pending 2 3 pending 3 0 completed 4 1 pending 5 0 completed Now, if I insert a record as, 6 1 pending the priority must be reset as follows, s.no priority status 1 3 pending 2 4 pending 3 0 completed 4 2 pending 5 0 completed 6 1 pending Im using c# and sql server. How can i do it? Thanks, Jasmeeta.
I have a few SQL tables that use an auto incrementing integer key field, ie it has 'is identify' set to yes The tables have been used for testing while the application was developed. I plan to delete all data from these tables when the application goes live. Is there a way to start SQL counting from 1 again without deleting and re-creating thr tables?
Hi Forum, I have a .mdf that I have used to test SQL data app. I want to reuse the .mdf; delete all added data and reset Customer_ID primary colomn back to 1. All good info appreciated thanks Paul
I have a SQL data source triggered with this code: string searchstring = TextBox2.Text; SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "mod_search_all_sel"; SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("search_str", searchstring); SqlDataSource1.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure; The second time this fires however, the SelectParameters.Add function creates another paramter and the stored procedure blows up. How do I do a reset like in old Classic ASP where you would set the DS = Nothing?
In my application , DB has a large table. I write a small program to clear the table whenever the size of table is over 50 MB. At that time , I want to reset identity as 1. How can I do that? Currently , my program delete old table and generate a new one with the same schema when the table is too large.But this is kind of ugly.
How do reset identity seed on table, for example I have table that has gap in the identity such as (1,2,3,5,6, etc..) and I want reset the entire table.
This morning I made a change to two tables in my live system. All I did was add a new column in each called 'suspense' with a data type of bit and a default value of '0'.
When the users started using the system they noticed that the record ID numbers had reset and were starting from 1 and going up 2, 3, 4 etc. The last good id number was about 20500. The id columns are set as primary key with identity and increment of 1.
This shouldn't happen should it? Is it a bug? I never touched the ID column, just added the new one.
I have a DTS package that deletes all the records in a table and repopulates from an ACCESS table. All's well except the primary key of the target table doesn't go back to 1.
What's the syntax in T-SQL to accomplish that?
I imagine it's dropping the column and adding it back - but since it's a primary key field, regular drop/add syntax isn't working for me.
I have build an application on top of SQL Server 2005 and i am using microsoft driver. My application stops periodically becoz of Database Connection Loss and I get the following exception
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: An exception occurred during the DBComms.transmit operation. Exception:Socket closed. Context:(5) [Thread[Thread-55,5,main], IO:7e2dc, Dbc:null]. 10:06:14:703 AM at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.ma keFromDriverError(Unknown Source) 10:06:14:703 AM at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.DBComms.transmit(Unkn own Source) 10:06:14:703 AM at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.IOBuffer.sendCommand( Unknown Source) 10:06:14:703 AM at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerStatement.se ndExecute(Unknown Source) 10:06:14:703 AM at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerStatement.do ExecuteQuery(Unknown Source) 10:06:14:703 AM at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerPreparedStat ement.executeQuery(Unknown Source)
Unable to find the exact reason for the above problem. Pl advice
I'm trying to create a trigger that will clear the "checked" field when all items with the same classification have been checked.
The purpose of this is to do cycle counting of inventory, which is when you count the stock levels of a proportion of stock that have the same classification.
The checked field will be used to record the date it was lasted checked and will cleared once all stock have counted, putting back into the pool of stock to be counted.
Therefore, the trigger is suppose to count the number of rows that share the same classification as the amended row, and compare that with the number of rows in that classification, that have a date in the checked date field. When the two values are the same, reset all the checked dates to blank.
But when I tested it, nothing happened ...
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[UDEF_Last_Checked_Reset] ON [dbo].[ASC_PMA_TBL] AFTER INSERT AS BEGIN DECLARE @PartOnly varchar(16) -- Part Number DECLARE @Rev varchar(4) -- Part Revision DECLARE @PartCode as varchar(2) -- Part Classification DECLARE @Last_Checked as datetime -- Checked Date