Restore Sql2000 Db Onto Sql7 ???

Jun 19, 2002

Hi there,
I need to create a copy of a SQL 2000 database in another server which has SQL 7.0 installed. When I do a backup and restore, it gives me the following error :

Server: Msg 3154, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'inventmast' database.
Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

It seems to be like a downward compatability issue. Is there any other way to restore a sql2000 db onto sql 7 ??

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Restore A SQL2000 Db To A SQL7.0 Server

Jul 20, 2005

How to restore a database dump file (.BAK) that backed up from SQL2000 server to a SQL 7.0 server?Please help.Saiyou

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Sql7 And Sql2000

Aug 26, 2002

Does a script that run with sql7 automatically run with sql2000?
I would like to know if my script will run if I change version.

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Sql7 And Sql2000 On Same Box

Sep 13, 2001

Does anyone know of any reasons(or implications) why sql7 and sql2000 databases SHOULD NOT be on the same box???

Please advise.


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Getting SQL2000 Data Into SQL7

Jun 18, 2002

Can anyone point me to a white paper/discussion on the issues of gaining access to SQL2000 data from a SQL7 installation? I'm about to upgrade servers from 7 to 2000, but a few of the servers exchange data bi-directionally and the upgrade to both servers at the same time would be problematic; thus the need at some point to get at the SQL2000 data from the SQL7 server.



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Restoring A SQL7 DB On SQL2000

May 21, 2001

Somebody knows how to restore a database backup from SQL 7 in a Server with SQL 2000 Installed?

If somebody knows how to do it will save me a lot of work?

Thanks a lot.

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Moving To SQL2000 From SQL7

Nov 2, 2001

Hi folks,

I'm currently on a project that'll move all my SQL7 databases into SQL2000. This is from a SQL7 production box to a new Windows2k SQL2000 box. I'm confused as to the proper way of moving all the objects over. What should i do? Any information. Thank You!

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SQL7 & SQL2000 Administration

Dec 1, 2000

Is it possible to administer both SQL7 & SQL2000 databases from the same console ?? It's fine administering SQL 6.5 & SQL7, as 6.5 had no MMC, but it seems that SQL7 & SQL2000 have the same MMC.


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Upgrading From SQL7 To SQL2000

Jun 28, 2002

I'm upgrading a set of databases from SQL7 on one server (A) to SQL2000 on another server (B). I'd like input on the best method for moving the databases over (BCP, restore from BAK, etc), and in particular on moving the list of valid users (with default databases, permissions to databases, etc) and the DTS packages and Agent jobs.

When moving the databases, which are currently in code page 850, I might want to have them convert to the standard Latin-1 of SQL2000, though this isn't critical.



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SQL7 / SQL2000 Compatibility

Jan 8, 1999

I have table with about 2 million rows. Everyday about 18000 rows are inserted. The table contain events for site security system so archiving is neccessary. I would appreicate any help or ideas. Thanks in advance.

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Migrating SQL2000 Db To SQL7.0

Jul 26, 2001

I have a SQL Server 2000 box running two databases which was upgraded in error from SQL7.0 Basically we are no longer being given support as SQL2000 is not supported by the suppliers.

I therefore need to downgrade the box to SQL7.0 and was wondering if anyone had any opinions on the best method for doing this. Note that I do have a spare server to host the databases while I rebuild this server ( I am having to do a complete rebuild from scratch for other reasons ).

My thought is to transfer the databases to the spare server, rebuild the first box to SQL 7.0 and then perform a snapshot replication to transfer the data back.

Any thoughts on this would be gratefully received.

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Moving A SQL7 DB To SQL2000

Feb 25, 2004

I have a backup of a SQL7 DB that i need to restore into SQL 2000. I only have the backup of the DB , i don't have access to the SQL7 server. When ever I try to restore the DB into SQL2000 nothing works, the tables and properties all restore properly and the data is there but i can't retrieve info from it. I'm trying to move a website DB from SQL7 to SQL 2000 for use with Cold Fusion. I know they're is issues with going from 7 to 2000 but i don't know what they are. If anyone could help me with this i would greatly appreciate it. I know I need to do some special steps or changes before it will work in 2000, does anyone know what these are?

Thanks in advance,

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SQL7 To SQL2000 Migration

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, guys - looking for a bit of help/advice on moving a database fromSQL 7 to SQL 2000.We've a third party application which currently uses a SQL7 database.This database has a number of views which are owned by userINFORMATION_SCHEMA and are set as system tables. This user doesn'tactually have a login on the SQL server.We've tried the following to recreate the database on SQL2000, butwhatever we try, the views owned by INFORMATION_SCHEMA won't copy overfrom SQL7:(1) We tried the "Copy Database" wizard in SQL2000, but were gettingerrors when trying to actually copy the database (other steps workedfine).(2) We tried a restore to SQL2000 from our Legato Networker backup ofthe SQL7 database, but the views didn't come across.(3) We tried a backup from SQL7 and restore to SQL2000, but got themessage that the backup file contained a database other than the onewe wanted (it didn't - we checked the backup file several times byrestoring it to another SQL7 server).(4) We tried to import/export data from SQL7 to SQL2000, but the viewsowned by INFORMATION_SCHEMA weren't showing to add to the list ofobjects to take across.(5) We created the INFORMATION_SCHEMA login on SQL2000, and tried allrestores again, but still the views wouldn't go across.(6) We generated the SQL for all views in SQL7 and ran these onSQL2000, setting the owner to INFORMATION_SCHEMA, but wasn't surewhere to set the type to "system" (as opposed to "user).We're having problems running the third party application with aconnection to SQL2000, and want to rule out the lack of views, or viewownership, as the problem. Our third party vendor isn't coming upwith any solution in a hurry. Can anyone think of any reason why theviews are coming across when the database is restored to SQL2000?Thanks for your help.

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SQL2000 PE Cannot Connect To SQL7 Server

Nov 13, 2000

I have setup SQL2000 Personal edition on my notebook.

I cannot connect to an existing SQL7 server on the network anymore. I
used to run SQL7 Desktop edition which ran just fine.
I also noticed that when I start my machine it take about 2 minutes
until the SQL service is started.

Any ideas why this is not working anymore?

Thomas Schoch
Elephant Software AG

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Moving A SQL7 Database To SQL2000

Dec 27, 2002

Can anyone tell me of an EASY way to migrate a a database from a SQL 7 server to a SQL 2000 server (two different machines)?

Everything that I have found is only for upgrading SQL 7 to SQL 2000 and this isn't what I need.

Two groups in our company merged into one. The first group has a SQL 7 server that the lease is about to expire on and the second group (mine) has a newer SQL 2000 server that we need to move all of the databases to.

I have tried DTS. It failed. I tried backing up the 7 server and restoring to the new server. It failed.

Are there any other suggestions?


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SQL7 To SQL2000 Upgrade Whitepaper

Jun 17, 2002

Does anyone know of a good whitepaper detailing SQL7 to SQL2000 migration?

Thanks, I really appreciate your help.


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Restoring SQL7 Database To SQL2000

Feb 17, 2004

Hi all

just a quick question for you. has anyone had any problems restoring a SQL7 database to a SQL server 2000?

is there anything special you have to do to get it working?

thanks for your time.


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SQL7/SQL2000 Replication. Auth Error

Aug 12, 2002

I'm attemting to replicate from a SQL7 box to SQL2000.

The snapshot works fine, but it fails when it tries to push the subscription to the SQL2000 box with a trust error (I don't recall the exact message). I noticed that it fails when Enterprise Mgr is configured as: "Tools/Replication/Configure Publishing, Subscribers and Distribution", Subscriber Tab, "Impersonating SQL Service Agent". It works if I change to "SA".

This is only the case when we replicate from SQL7 to SQL2K. SQL7 to SQL7 works fine with "Impersonating". Has anybody seen this behavior? Any workarounds, other than using SA?

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Any Affect With Database If I Upgrade MS SQL7 To SQL2000 ?

Mar 17, 2001

Im using MS SQL7 as database software ,but now I plan to upgrate SQL7 to SQL2000 . I would like to know that are there any affect on the old database that already use with sql7 after I upgrade to MSSQL2000 ?


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SQL7/SQL2000 Replication. Auth Error

Aug 12, 2002

I'm attemting to replicate from a SQL7 box to SQL2000.

The snapshot works fine, but it fails when it tries to push the subscription to the SQL2000 box with a trust error (I don't recall the exact message). I noticed that it fails when Enterprise Mgr is configured as: "Tools/Replication/Configure Publishing, Subscribers and Distribution", Subscriber Tab, "Impersonating SQL Service Agent". It works if I change to "SA".

This is only the case when we replicate from SQL7 to SQL2K. SQL7 to SQL7 works fine with "Impersonating". Has anybody seen this behavior? Any workarounds, other than using SA?

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Loading A SQL2000 Database To A SQL7 Server

May 30, 2001

Is there a way I can load a SQL2000 DB backup onto a SQL 7 server? Thanks.

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Query Runs On Sql7.0 But Keeps Running On Sql2000 Without Output

Aug 15, 2001

The following query runs fine on sql 7.0 but it kind of hangs/keeps running without any output on sql server 2000
Set @cmd = 'Update ABCD Set
'+@day+'_LB = IsNull(LB,0),
'+@day+'_UT = IsNull(UNIT,0)
From tempData as T
execute (@cmd)
But if we hard code the @day parameter and run the query like this it runs very fast on sql 2000....

Update ABCD Set THIRD_LB = IsNull(LB,0),
From tempData as T

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Restore 6.5 DB To SQL7.0

Nov 3, 1998


I'm evaluating SQL 7.0 on a Win95 machine. I have a dump file of my 6.5 databases which I would like to port to my 7.0 machine, unfortunately when I tried to run the restore command on SQL 7.0's EM, I got an error saying that the directory which I am restoring from is already existing.

Is there a workaround to directly restore my 6.5 dump to 7.0?

Any help will be grately appreciated!



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Restore SQL6.5 'master' To SQL7.0

May 3, 2000

Can it be done?

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Restore Sql 7db To Sql2000

Feb 28, 2006

Hi there, we tried to restore a sql 7 DB to sql2000, somehow some ofthe varchar filed become nvarchar, why is this?thanks,-sarah

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Can I Restore SQL2000 Database To SQL 7.0?

Mar 8, 2002

many thanks!

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Restore From SQL2000 Database

Aug 2, 2007

Hi all

We have a lot of SQL2000 databases and would like just backup and restore to SQL2005.

Is there anything that I need to look/aware at it apart of DTS stuff (we are not using much DTS).

Does the Level80 sets on SQL2005 for each database will have backward compatibility with SQL2000?


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Restore Sql2005 Db In Sql2000

Oct 23, 2007


Restoring a DB from sql 2005 (which is located on my local computer) into sql 2000 (which is located on the server) and I am getting this type of message:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Too many backup devices specified for backup or restore; only 64 are allowed.
RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3205)

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Cannot Restore SQL2000 Backup To 2005 (Msg #601)

Jun 5, 2008


In the process of migrating a logshipped database (in non recovery mode) from SQL2000 SP4 to SQL2005 SP2, I got the following error (sorry for the french translation!):
Conversion de la base de données 'AdStatistiques' de la version 539 � la version actuelle 611.
Base de données 'AdStatistiques' exécutant l'étape de mise � jour de la version 539 � la version 551.
Msg 601, Niveau 12, État 3, Ligne 1
Impossible de poursuivre l'analyse avec NOLOCK car les données ont été déplacées.
Msg 3167, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
RESTORE n'a pas pu démarrer la base de données 'adstatistiques'.
Msg 3013, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
RESTORE DATABASE s'est terminé anormalement.

Of course, the restore operation performs well when the destination is SQL2000. I suspect the integrity checker of SQL2005 to be less permissive, hence I run a checkdb on the original DB, which raise several errors, which are quite difficult for me to analyse:
[Sorry, it's in french again]
Serveur : Msg 8929, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Objet ID = 2 : Erreurs trouvées dans le texte ID = 15620702208 possédé par l'enregistrement de données identifié par RID = (1:1385:13) id = 1902629821 and indid = 1.
Serveur : Msg 8929, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Objet ID = 2 : Erreurs trouvées dans le texte ID = 15620767744 possédé par l'enregistrement de données identifié par RID = (1:1385:14) id = 1902629821 and indid = 2.
Serveur : Msg 8929, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Objet ID = 2 : Erreurs trouvées dans le texte ID = 15620833280 possédé par l'enregistrement de données identifié par RID = (1:1385:15) id = 1902629821 and indid = 3.
Serveur : Msg 8929, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Objet ID = 2 : Erreurs trouvées dans le texte ID = 15620898816 possédé par l'enregistrement de données identifié par RID = (1:1385:16) id = 1902629821 and indid = 4.
Serveur : Msg 8929, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Objet ID = 2 : Erreurs trouvées dans le texte ID = 26594574336 possédé par l'enregistrement de données identifié par RID = (1:7153632:27) id = 1031010754 and indid = 5.
Serveur : Msg 8961, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Erreur de table : Objet ID = 2. Le nœud text, ntext ou image � la page (1:1974), slot 0, texte ID = 26594574336 ne correspond pas � sa référence dans la page (1:191177), slot 10.
Serveur : Msg 8974, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Nœud texte référencé par plusieurs nœuds. L'objet ID = 2, page de nœud text, ntext ou image (1:1974), slot 0, texte ID = 26594574336 est pointé par la page (1:191177), slot 10 et par la page (1:38504), slot 0.
Serveur : Msg 8965, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Erreur de table : Objet ID = 2. Le nœud text, ntext ou image � la page (1:1111184), slot 0, texte ID = 15620767744 est référencé par la page (1:191177), slot 11, mais n'a pas été vu � l'analyse.
Serveur : Msg 8965, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Erreur de table : Objet ID = 2. Le nœud text, ntext ou image � la page (1:1111185), slot 0, texte ID = 15620833280 est référencé par la page (1:191177), slot 12, mais n'a pas été vu � l'analyse.
Résultats DBCC pour 'AdStatistiques'.
Résultats DBCC pour 'sysobjects'.
Il y a 388 lignes dans 9 pages pour l'objet 'sysobjects'.
Résultats DBCC pour 'sysindexes'.
Serveur : Msg 8965, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Erreur de table : Objet ID = 2. Le nœud text, ntext ou image � la page (1:1111186), slot 1, texte ID = 15620898816 est référencé par la page (1:1385), slot 16, mais n'a pas été vu � l'analyse.
Il y a 437 lignes dans 26 pages pour l'objet 'sysindexes'.
CHECKDB a trouvé 0 erreurs d'allocation et 10 erreurs de cohérence dans la table 'sysindexes' (objet ID = 2).
Résultats DBCC pour 'AdStatPageHeure_OLD'.
Serveur : Msg 8977, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Erreur de table : Objet ID = 1902629821, index ID = 1. Le nœud parent pour la page (1:1043307) n'a pas été rencontré.
Serveur : Msg 8977, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Erreur de table : Objet ID = 1902629821, index ID = 1. Le nœud parent pour la page (1:1043308) n'a pas été rencontré.
Serveur : Msg 8977, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
Erreur de table : Objet ID = 1902629821, index ID = 1. Le nœud parent pour la page (1:1043309) n'a pas été rencontré.
Serveur : Msg 8977, Niveau 16, État 1, Ligne 1
[SNIP, several errors pretty similar here]

-Trop d'erreurs trouvées (201) pour l'objet ID = 1902629821. Pour voir tous les messages d'erreurs, relancez l'instruction avec 'WITH ALL_ERRORMSGS'.
Il y a 21062117 lignes dans 72062 pages pour l'objet 'AdStatPageHeure_OLD'.
CHECKDB a trouvé 0 erreurs d'allocation et 72063 erreurs de cohérence dans la table 'AdStatPageHeure_OLD' (objet ID = 1902629821).

Of course, I'd like to delete the AdStatPageHeure_OLD table but I get a cryptic error message when doing that, and I can't remove the indexes that, according to some other posts I browsed, could explain the behavior:

La page (1:1111186), slot 1 pour le noeud text, ntext ou image n'existe pas.
Page (1:1111186), slot 1 for text, ntext, or image node does not exist. (Microsoft SQL Server, Erreur : 7105)

Pour obtenir de l'aide, cliquez sur :

Is there any easy option you can see to operate the transfer, since the backups I have from the DB already contain the data corruption?

Thanks a lot for any hint you could provide,

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Can I Restore SQL 2005 Backup On SQL2000

May 10, 2007

Hi all

i have taken backup of a database from SQL Server2005
can i Restore it on SQL Server2000 server?

Please help me


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Restore A SQL2K5 DB Into SQL2000 Environment

Nov 8, 2007

I want to copy a SQL2005 database to a SQL2000 environment? I created a backup from the DB in SQL2005 and moved the file to the other server but SQL2000 says the BAK file is invalid since the backup has structure version 611 while the server supports version 539. Any solution?

Canada DBA

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Restore A Set Of Databases From A SQL2000 Server To A SQL2005 Server

Nov 3, 2006

I can restore databases one by one, setting .mdf and .ldf destination paths.

How can I restore all my Databases at the same time?


G. Zanghi

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Copy SQL7 To SQL7

Dec 5, 1998

How can I copy a SQL 7 database from one server to another? Please tell me all the ways because I've tried the obvious and it doesn't work. (backup and restore - won't go from one server to another, DTS transfer object Wizard - does a whole pile of errors and doesn't do stored proceedures and trigures). Thanks for help in advance. Also, what is the email address to post to the listserv and where is the FAQ for SQL7? Most of my listserv's tell you where to post right at the bottom of the digest I get - any chance you guys would do that with this list? Thanks again.

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