I have a table with orders and customer info. I want to retrieve only customers with new orders only. These are the available fields: customer Id, Order Id, Order Date, and Order Subtotal. I need help with the "where" section of the query.
I am trying to link my ORDERS table to my CUSTOMERS table. The Primary key in the CUSTOMERS table is a UNIQUEIDENT. The foreign key it is linking to is an INT.
When I run a query in ACCESS, it says type mismatch....
I want to refer in a table quotes to customers and itemes from another table.
here is my table list in database: "Customers" "PriceList"
I want to create another table which through it I can create qoutes for customers suing a collection of items in PriceList table.
for example I want to be able to create something like this:
Title: my quote example QuoteID: 46543 Items (retrieved from PriceList table): 370 474 456 belongsTo (a relation to CustomerID in Cstomers table): 6234876 Discount, Date, WrittenBy, etc.
how many tables do I have to use for it, and what queries I have to write, and do I have to create any special relationships?
I am trying to pick up the customers invoiced twice or more within a month. In the case below Pepsi Cola and Jack Daniel were invoiced twice in October. The query need to pickup the previous month, se being in October I need to pick up the invoice of September.
I have a list of customers in my Customers table. What I am looking to do is to create QR codes for each customer in Reporting Services. I need to include the customer name, address, postcode, telephone number and contact name.
I want to calculate how many number of people have got loans. In my report, there is one column called customerName. I can use count(CustomerName). But sometimes cutomers name appears twise or thrise. count(customerName) does not give the write nu of customers. How do I write T-SQL expression to get the rite no of customer?
I deployed a clustering project. As a result, I got 10 clusters. Is there an automatic way to create a table with the customer ID and the cluster # that each customer was assigned to?
Hello all, have a temp table where I put data from a shopping cart. I need to take the data from this temp table and put it into an orders table and an orderItems table. The table structure is as follows: The cstb_orders.orderId has a one to many relationship with the cstb_orderItems.orderId cstb_orderItemsTemp id --pk invtId descr location quantity username shiptoaddress shiptocity shiptostate shiptozip shiptophone shiptofax cstb_orders orderId --pk username shiptoaddress shiptocity shiptostate shiptozip shiptocity shiptostate shiptozip shiptophone orderdate --auto date shipdate --null cstb_orderItems id --pk orderId --fk invtId descr location quantity What is the best way to accomplish this?
Hi There i have two windows 2000 servers which are both running SQL and i would like to restore a backup from one server to the other. Which in my opinion should be an easy task but when i go into the restore option and point it at the file i would like to restore i get the follwoing error
"The database you are attempting to restore was backed up under a different sort order ID (52) than the one you are currently using on this server (50) and at least one of them is a non binary sort order. Backup or restore operation operation terminating abnormally."
The server that i am trying to restore to already has databases on this so i cannot just reinstall SQL and change the sort order not that id know how to do that but this is what i have read.
Is htere anyway that i can put insome script for the database to fix this ???
Hi, I'm trying to create a resultset with the top 100 customers for the year (based on this year's sales) and for each of these customers, to return 5 top items and their corresponding sales dollars, as well as percentage of total sales achieved by each item. What I'm struggling with is how to return specifically 5 sales items per customer. If I use a temp table or a correlated subquery, what is the exact syntax to use? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks all :)
I have a large table that tells me customers and mailings (~4 million rows). So for each customer, I see what mailing(s) they received. It is at the mailing level so if a customer received 2 mailings, their will be 2 records for that customer number, one for each mailing they received. There are 3 different mailings.I am trying to calculate the count of customers that received all 3, as well as those that received 1&2 only, 1&3 only, and 2&3 only. For example:
CustNo Mailing Tim 1 Tim 3 Dan 1 Dan 3 Jane 1 Max 1 Max 2 Max 3 Lauren 2 Lauren 3
All 3 - 1 1&2 only - 0 1&3 only - 2 2&3 only - 1
I have tried doing some funky table joining and EXISTS, but the query runs and runs because of how much data it has to sift through. Here is the code I am using to find Mailing 1&2 only customers, but I am not even sure it is getting me the right numbers. There are 2 different types of customers as well which is why I have custtype in there.
Code: select a.custtype,count(distinct a.custno) from myTable a inner join (select distinct custno from mytable where [mailing]=2) b on a.custno=b.custno where a.[mailing]=1 and not exists(select * from myTable c where a.custno=c.custno and c.[mailing]=3) group by a.custtype
Hello All,I do not know if this is the proper group to ask my question. Please dodirect me to the proper place.I have a database server and would like to store data for multiplegroups of customers. The data is not shared amongst the groups but areshared only amongst individuals composing a group.One solution would be to lump all data from all groups into a singleinstance of the database server accompanied with a tag that wouldidentify to which group each piece of information belongs.Is there a better method to achieve what I want to do. Would mysolution present any difficulties in the future in terms of performance,maintenance, scalability.Are there other solutions that may be available to address my needs.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Thanks
I'm trying to write a query which would bring back customers who are returning within a certain timeframe after their initial contact. Query 1 would be something like:
Select CustomerID, OrderID, StartDate, EndDate FROM tblOrders
I would then like to bring back a recordset which showed any follow up orders within a timescale. Query 2:
Select CustomerID, OrderID, StartDate, EndDate where EndDate is less than 6 months after Query1.EndDate Joined by Query1.CustomerID = Query2.CustomerID
I haven't got as far as writing the T-SQL yet. I'm trying to think of a way to do it.
Am new in SQL server. i use SQL server 2003 ans am trying to retieve the last three orders made. Can you please help me with my Select statement so that it will only select the last three coz @ the moment it selects everything
CODE: SELECT dbo.Invoice.InvoiceNo, dbo.Sales.UnitsSold, dbo.Sales.QuantitySold, dbo.Sales.CostAmount, dbo.Item.ItemCode, dbo.Item.ItemDescription, dbo.Item.Item, dbo.PurchaseOrder.OrderNumber, dbo.PurchaseOrder.OrderDate, dbo.PurchaseOrder.OrderStatus, dbo.PurchaseOrder.QuantityOrdered, dbo.PurchaseOrder.QuantityReceived, dbo.Customer.CustomerCode FROM dbo.Invoice INNER JOIN dbo.Sales ON dbo.Invoice.InvoiceKey = dbo.Sales.InvoiceKey INNER JOIN dbo.Item ON dbo.Sales.ItemKey = dbo.Item.ItemKey INNER JOIN dbo.PurchaseOrder ON dbo.Sales.VendorKey = dbo.PurchaseOrder.VendorKey INNER JOIN dbo.Customer ON dbo.Sales.CustomerKey = dbo.Customer.CustomerKey
I'm suppose to List all orders where there is no shippedDate (just give their orderNumbers).
I have this: select orderNumber from orders where shippedDate= null;
I'm not sure what to put in place of the "= null" as that is clearly wrong
(Note: If I use "select orderNumber from orders where shippedDate;" it prints out all the orders, but I only want the orders where there are no ShippedDate...
I am trying to Invoice all of the records in my 'Orders' table. After each of the records has been invoiced I would like SQL to flag that record as having been completed so that when I run my query the next day it will ignore those having been completed already. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
This is the query I wrote to invoice one Order at a time by specifying each Order_Num seperately. As you can tell...I'm a n00b. Thanks all.
select convert(varchar, getdate(), 107) as Date select order_num as 'Invoice No.' from orders where order_num = '20009' select c.cust_name as Customer, c.cust_address as 'Street Address', c.cust_city as City, c.cust_state as State, c.cust_zip as 'Zip Code' from customers as c, orders as o where c.cust_id = o.cust_id and order_num = '20009' select oi.order_item as 'Line Item', oi.quantity as QTY, p.prod_name as 'Product Name', oi.item_price as 'Sale Price', oi.quantity*oi.item_price as Total from orderitems as oi, products as p where oi.prod_id = p.prod_id and order_num = '20009' order by oi.order_item select sum(quantity*item_price) as Subtotal, sum(quantity*item_price*.089) as 'Tax 8.9%', sum(quantity*item_price)+ sum(quantity*item_price*.089) as Total from orderitems where order_num = '20009'
I have two tables customers and orders. customerID is the foreign key for order table. If I pass customername I need to get information about each customer how many orders holding?
Hello all- Maybe someone has some insight on this... I currently have some hash values (SHA512 through Enterprise Library) that I'm trying to compare to data in our database. When I sort the values on the pipeline (DT_STR, 1252) with a Sort and compare them against values coming out of an OLE DB Source (SQL_Latin_1_General_CP1_CI_AS) with a Merge Join, any hash that has a '/' in it is treated as inequal to the one in the database.
For even more fun, when I change the sort/merge join to a Lookup, everything (seems) to check out. Is the 1252 code page not the same as SQL_Latin_1_General_CP1_CI_AS? Any other reasons this might be happening?
I am using a stored procedure that is databound to a dropdownlist. The stored procedure works fine, aside from the fact that the ORDER BY only sorts the list of items using the first character in the cell. E.g. The numbers 1, 20, 100 and 200 would be ordered as follows:
clearly i am doing something wrong and i apologise if it is a stupid question, but could anyone please offer me some help?
I have an Access 2000 database which lists customers by name, and howmuch (in dollars) they have purchased of various products. How do Iwrite a SQL statement to select customers who make up the top 60% oftotal sales dollars? I need to have a list of customers returned.The list of customers that get returned will be used to select otherdata from the same database. (I mention this in case there are multipleways of getting the customer list).Thank you for any advice.
I have created an order form for my business. I placed a submit button at the bottom. I wanted all the clients information to go into my emailbox. Someone told me about MS SQL Server. I got excited and downloaded the 2005 Express version with all the trimmings. Now I am more confused than I was before. Someone please explain to me what I should do first. Redo the form with the studio then work with the server? I think I may have deleted something important from the server trying to figure it out. Help!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, I'm fairley new to SQL Server 2005. I've started to work with the tutorials to get a grip of it all... but when I'm running the wizard to create a packade I cannot find the folder Samples in the 90-folder... and the file Customers.xls is nowhere to find in any of the folders in MS SQL Server 2005 folder...
I downloaded and ran BOL from april2006 and also SP1 for SQL Server 2005...
Where can I find the right material to run the tutorials?
I am trying to write a RANKX Function as a calculated field instead of a measure, so I can used rank as a report filter but it is not working.I have customers that I can rank by sum of sales amount and then bucket their ranks within categories such as Top 10, 50, 100. The goal is then to use this Top Customers list as a filter on the Power BI report.So far I have the following as a calculated column.Â
I am using a business management software application that uses SQL Server 2012 for data storage. The application is one that stores data about the customer, and then displays as requested. On certain customers, once saved, no save of future edits will work. Once the save button is clicked, there is a momentary hula hoop, followed by nothing. You have to cancel to get out, and then going back you see that the data was not saved. This only happens on certain customers (however, once the problem develops for a certain customer, it is consistent) and newly created customers seem to work fine. I am thinking that the software app is fine since the save process would be the same each time the button was clicked, so I am thinking its a database problem.