Retrieve Store Procedure Name
Apr 11, 2008
Is possible to get the name of the store procedure that i'm executing ?
I need to get the name of the procedure inside the procedure being executed, to insert this value on a log file...
Is possible to get the name of the store procedure that i'm executing ?
I need to get the name of the procedure inside the procedure being executed, to insert this value on a log file...
I'm trying to use a store procedure to add an item into the database and retrieve the id of such item within and output parameter but this is not happening.
The item is added into the db but the output param is not modified.
Here is the code:
CREATE procedure dbo.AddItem(@Desc nvarchar(100),@intItemID int output)as insert into RR_Item ( desc ) values ( @Desc )
select @intItemID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()GO
I have tried in the last line of the SP
select @intItemID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
select @intItemID = @@IDENTITY
select @intItemID = max(itemid) from RR_Item
but nothing seems to work.
I'm calling the store procedure as follows from
Dim intItemID As New SqlParameter("@intItemID", SqlDbType.Int)
intItemID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(objConn.ConnectionString, "AddItem", desc, intItemID)
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm trying to figure this out
I have a store procedure that return the userId if a user exists in my table, return 0 otherwise
Create Procedure spUpdatePasswordByUserId
@userName varchar(20),
@password varchar(20)
Declare @userId int
Select @userId = (Select userId from userInfo Where userName = @userName and password = @password)
if (@userId > 0)
return @userId
return 0
I create a function called UpdatePasswordByUserId in my dataset with the above stored procedure that returns a scalar value. When I preview the data from the table adapter in my dataset, it spits out the right value.
But when I call this UpdatepasswordByUserId from an page, it returns null/blank/0
passport.UserInfoTableAdapters oUserInfo = new UserInfoTableAdapters();
Response.Write("userId: " + oUserInfo.UpdatePasswordByUserId(txtUserName.text, txtPassword.text) );
Do you guys have any idea why?
hello all, I have a multi line textbox and want to store the content of the textbox to a database. I want to preserve the linefeeds so that I display the message as it is typed by retrieving it. Can anyone please explain how to store the linefeeds to the database. Once i store the linefeeds to the database, I can restore them using the Replace("","<br/>) method. But I can't figure out how to store the 's in the database in the first place. Thanx in advance
View 2 Replies View Relatedhi,
i would like to store images in my database and retirve them aswell. i have looked at examples on the net but i am finding it hard to follow and undertsand them, can anyone please give me adivse on how i can do this. i have alrady created my table in my database which has 4 fields pictureID, pictureContent, pictureType and pictureSize but i dont know where to go on from here. i want to do it in vb aswell.
please any help and advise would be much appreciated as i am stuck,
thank you
I want to store unicode data and retrieve them using C#.
How can I do so?
Data is saved but can not retrive. The data displayed as (??????).
Could Anybody Help me.
Basically i make use of FormView in Web Developer Express Edition to create and store information to the database .... what i want to do further is to capture the value within the primary key of the newly created recordset that I set it become auto increament .....this value would be stored within a session string in global condition that allowed any page able to access it .....
View 3 Replies View RelatedI€™ve inherited a project from one of the guys on our team who will be out sick for a while. He developed two for marshaling data between System.Drawing.Image and System.Byte(). He€™s storing the byte array data in a database image field.
I€™ve retrieved the byte array data from his database image fields and have successfully converted them to images using his ConvertByteArrayToImage method below. I have also converted and image to a byte array with his ConvertImageToByteArray method below and succfully stored the data in a database image field. However, when I retrieve the byte array data that I stored in the database the last line in his ConvertByteArrayToImage method throws an exception (Parameter is not valid). I€™ve not been able to find a working copy of his code that€™s storing the byte array data. Does anyone see anything I€™m overlooking?
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO
Public Sub InsertImage(ByVal pFilename As String)
Dim lImage As Image
Dim lBA() As Byte
Dim lSQL As String
Dim lQuery As Alcon.SQLServer.Database.clsQuery
Dim lParameters As New Alcon.SQLServer.Database.clsParameters
lImage = Image.FromFile(pFilename)
ConvertImageToByteArray(lImage, lBA)
' Initialization
lQuery = New Alcon.SQLServer.Database.clsQuery(mConnection)
lSQL = ""
lSQL += "[SerialNumber], "
lSQL += "[ProcessedDate], "
lSQL += "[CartonLabelImage]) "
lSQL += "VALUES ("
lSQL += "@SerialNumber, "
lSQL += "@ProcessedDate, "
lSQL += "@CartonLabelImage "
lSQL += ")"
lParameters.Add("@SerialNumber", SqlDbType.VarChar, ParameterDirection.Input, mSerialNumber)
lParameters.Add("@ProcessedDate", SqlDbType.DateTime, ParameterDirection.Input, Now)
lParameters.Add("@CartonLabelImage", SqlDbType.Image, ParameterDirection.Input, lBA)
' Execute query
lQuery.Execute(lSQL, lParameters)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
ConvertByteArrayToImage(ByVal pBA() As Byte, ByRef pImage As Image)
' Declaration
Dim lMS As MemoryStream
' Initialization
lMS = New MemoryStream(pBA, 0, pBA.Length)
lMS.Write(pBA, 0, pBA.Length)
lMS.Position = 0
' Create image
pImage = Image.FromStream(lMS, True)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
ConvertImageToByteArray(ByVal pImage As Image, ByRef pBA() As Byte)
' Declaration
Dim lBM As Bitmap
Dim lBR As BinaryReader
Dim lMS As New MemoryStream
' Initialization
lBM = New Bitmap(pImage)
lBM.Save(lMS, Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
lBR = New BinaryReader(lMS)
' Create byte array
pBA = lBR.ReadBytes(lMS.Length)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
I know I can call store procedure from store procedure but i want to take the value that the store procedure returned and to use it:
I want to create a table and to insert the result of the store procedure to it.
This is the code: Pay attention to the underlined sentence!
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[test]
CREATE TABLE tbl1 (first_name int ,last_name nvarchar(10) )
INSERT INTO tbl1 (first_name,last_name)
VALUES (exec total_cash '8/12/2006 12:00:00 AM' '8/12/2006 12:00:00 AM' 'gilad' ,'cohen')
PLEASE HELP!!!! and God will repay you in kind!
My store Procedure is not save in Strore Procedure folder at the time of saving it give me option to save in Project folder and file name default is SQLQuery6.sql when i save it after saving when i run my store procedure
exec [dbo].[SP_GetOrdersForCustomer] 'ALFKI'
I am getting below error :
Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1
Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.SP_GetOrdersForCustomer'.
I need some help retrieving the stored procedure listed below. I would like to use a drop list to select the variable "UserName" and textboxes to send the variables "StartingDate" and "EndingDate". How do I pass these variables and then have the results show up in a gridview? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[aspnet_starterkits_GetTimeEntryUserReportByUserNameAndDates] @UserName NVARCHAR(256), @StartingDate datetime, @EndDate datetimeASDECLARE @UserId AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIERSET NOCOUNT ONSELECT @UserId=UserId FROM aspnet_users WHERE UserName=@UserNameSELECT @UserName as UserName, SUM (timeentryDuration) AS TotalDuration,SUM (timeentryOvertime) AS TotalOvertimeHoursFROM aspnet_starterkits_TimeEntryWHERE aspnet_starterkits_TimeEntry.TimeEntryUserId=@UserId AND TimeEntryDate between @StartingDate and @EndDate
View 1 Replies View RelatedHello!
I want to write a stored procedure, that will insert new row into a table and return the key of newly inserted row.
Hello Group
I am new to stored procedures and I have been fighting this for a while and I hope someone can help. In my sp it checks username and password and returns an integer value. I would like to retrieve some data from the same database about the user (the users first and last name and the password of the user). I can’t retrieve the data. Here is my code.
CREATE PROCEDURE stpMyAuthentication
@fldUsername varchar( 50 ),
@fldPassword Char( 25 )--,
--@fldFirstName char( 30 ) OUTPUT,
--@fldLastName char( 30 ) OUTPUT
DECLARE @actualPassword Char( 25 )
@actualPassword = fldPassword
fldUsername = @fldUsername
IF @actualPassword IS NOT NULL
IF @fldPassword = @actualPassword
fldUsername = @fldUsername
############### login page ################
Sub Login_Click(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If IsValid Then
If MyAuthentication(Trim(txtuserID.Text), Trim(txtpaswrd.Text)) > 0 Then
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(Trim(txtuserID.Text), False)
End If
End If
End Sub
Function MyAuthentication(ByVal strUsername As String, ByVal strPassword As String) As Integer
Dim myConn As SqlConnection
Dim myCmd As SqlCommand
Dim myReturn As SqlParameter
Dim intResult As Integer
Dim sqlConn As String
Dim strFirstName, strLastName As String
sqlConn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("sqlConnStr")
myConn = New SqlConnection(sqlConn)
myCmd = New SqlCommand("stpMyAuthentication", myConn)
myCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
myReturn = myCmd.Parameters.Add("RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.Int)
myReturn.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
myCmd.Parameters.Add(Trim("@fldUsername"), Trim(strUsername))
myCmd.Parameters.Add(Trim("@fldPassword"), Trim(strPassword))
myCmd.Parameters.Add("@fldFirstName", strFirstName)
myCmd.Parameters.Add("@fldLastName", strLastName)
myCmd.Parameters.Add("@fldPassword", strPassword)
intResult = myCmd.Parameters("RETURN_VALUE").Value
'If strPassword = 55555555 Then
' Session("intDefaultPass") = 1
'End If
Session("strFullName") = strFirstName & " " & strLastName
Session("strPassword") = strPassword
If intResult < 0 Then
If intResult = -1 Then
lblMessage.Text = "Username Not Registered!<br><br>"
lblMessage.Text = "Invalid Password!<br><br>"
End If
End If
Return intResult
End FunctionAt this time I am not getting any errors. How can I retrieve the data that I am after?
Hi, Can anyone please help me solve this problem.
My functions works well with this stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE proc_curCourseID@studentID int ASSELECT * FROM StudentCourse WHERE mark IS NULL AND studentID = @studentID AND archived IS NULLGO
But when I applied the same function to the following stored procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE proc_memberDetails@memberID int ASSELECT * FROM member WHERE id = @memberIDGO
I received this message
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure or function proc_memberDetails has too many arguments specified.Source Error:
Line 33: SqlDataAdapter sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter();
Line 34: sqlDA.SelectCommand = sqlComm;
Line 35: sqlDA.Fill(dataSet);
Line 36:
Line 37: return dataSet;
The function I am using is returning a DataSet as below:
public DataSet ExecuteStoredProcSelect (string sqlProcedure, ArrayList paramName, ArrayList paramValue)
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
SqlConnection sqlConnect = new SqlConnection(GetDBConnectionString());
SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand (sqlProcedure, sqlConnect);
sqlComm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
for (int n=0; n<paramName.Count; n++)
SqlDataAdapter sqlDA = new SqlDataAdapter();
sqlDA.SelectCommand = sqlComm;
return dataSet;
If this is not the correct way, is there any other way to write a function to return a dataset as the result of the stored procedure?
I have a stored procedure that return either 1 or -1 : IF EXISTS( ) BEGIN return 1 ENDELSE BEGIN return -1 ENDAnd then I try to retrieve the returned value by doing this:int value = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());But the value I get is always 0. Anyone see what is wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi to all!
Is there a system stored procedure that retrieve info or name about an object?
I must know if a database contains a specific table and i must know if there is a specific DTS.. before execute it..
someone could help me??
thx a lot!
Sorry for my poor english!!
bye! =)
I'm having problems retrieving the output parameter from my stored procedure, i'm getting the following error
An SqlParameter with ParameterName '@slideshowid' is not contained by this SqlParameterCollection code as follows:
int publicationId = (int) Session["PublicationId"];string title = txtTitle.Text;int categoryid = Convert.ToInt32(dlCategory.SelectedItem.Value);SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"]);SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("sp_be_addSlideshow", myConnection);myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;myCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@publicationid", SqlDbType.Int));myCommand.Parameters["@publicationid"].Value = publicationId;myCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@title", SqlDbType.NVarChar));myCommand.Parameters["@title"].Value = title;myCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@categoryid", SqlDbType.Int));myCommand.Parameters["@categoryid"].Value = categoryid;myConnection.Open();myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();string slideshowId = myCommand.Parameters["@slideshowid"].Value.ToString();myConnection.Close();
my stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_be_addSlideshow( @publicationid int, @title nvarchar(50), @categoryid int, @slideshowid int = NULL OUTPUT)AS
INSERT INTO Slideshow(publicationid,title,slideshowcategoryid,deleted)
VALUES (@publicationid,@title,@categoryid,0)
Im a bit confused on my programming skills. I know how to add a user and password using the Membership.CreateUser class. ' Define database connection
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Server=localhostSqlExpress;" & _ "Database=lnp;Integrated Security=True") ' Create command
Dim comm As New SqlCommand( _ "SELECT oldLogId, oldPassword FROM userDetails WHERE (oldLogId = N'chuck') OR (oldLogId = N'top_dawg')", conn) ' Open connection
' Execute the command
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = comm.ExecuteReader()
' Do something with the data
While reader.Read()
Dim partPassword = reader.Item("oldPassword") ' Adds underscore character and first 3 letters of password for distinct USER ID
Dim newUserID = reader.Item("oldLogId") & "_" & partPassword.SubString(0, 3) ' Create User if Valid
Membership.CreateUser(newUserID, partPassword)
Catch ex As MembershipCreateUserException
' Code that is executed when an exception is generated ' The exception's details are accessible through the ex object
usersLabel.Text &= "<p><strong>Exception: " & newUserID & "</strong><br />" & ex.ToString() & "<br /><strong>Message: </strong><br />" & ex.Message & "</p>" End Try End While usersLabel.Text &= "<p><strong>END OF RECORDS</strong></p>" ' Close the reader and the connection
conn.Close() But now I want to do something in a Stored Procedure USE [lnp]GOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_createPortingDetailsWithUsers]-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @passUserId NVarChar(50), @passPassword NVarChar(50)ASBEGIN-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from-- interfering with SELECT statements.SET NOCOUNT ON;Membership.CreateUser(@passUserId, @passPassword)Select SCOPE_IDENTITY()ENDBut when I try to execute this in SQL SERVER MANAGEMENT STUDIO EXPRESS, I get an error near the line MEMBERSHIP.CREATEUSER(@passUserId,@passPassword)Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure sp_createPortingDetailsWithUsers, Line 11Incorrect syntax near 'Membership'. What I want to do is create a user with a UserID and Password that I am passing from a table and then retrieve the USERID (unique identifier) when I create the new user. Can anyone suggest or show a tutorial on what I am doing wrong? I appreciate any assistance in advance,Chuck
I am trying to return the id of the newly added row after the insert
statement in my stored procedure. I was told to "RETURN
SCOPE_IDENTITY()", which i did. The problem is i do not know how to get
this value in
I added this code below in my business layer. myDAL refers to an object
of my DAL layer. In my DAL layer, i have a addPara() method which will
help me dynamically add as many parameters. Someone please advise me on
what to do. Thanks
myDAL.addPara("@RETURN_VALUE", , SqlDbType.Int, , ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)
Stored Procedure:
-- INSERT the new record
-- Now return the InventoryID of the newly inserted record
Hello! This is my scenario...
Development - Visual Studio 2005
Database - MS SQL 2005
I have written a stored procedure that has a output parameter whose type is NVARCHAR(MAX). Then I use C# to wrap this stored procedure in OLEDB way. That means the OleDbType for that parameter is VarWChar.
This works fine if the string size is less than 4000. If more than 4000, the remaining part will be chopped off. The situation gets worst if I replace VarWChar with LongVarWChar. There is no error nor warning at compiling time. But there is an exception at run time.
So... Does anyone here can help me out? Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
I am using SQLHelper to run a Stored Procedure.
The Stored Procedure returns 3 variables:
The SP is currently called as below:
SqlParameter[] sqlParams = new SqlParameter[]
new SqlParameter("@FromDate", Request["FromDate"]),
new SqlParameter("@ToDate", Request["ToDate"]),
My question is this: How do I retrieve these variables?
I know I need to declare a new SqlParameter and change it's Direction to Output but I am unsure of the exact syntax required to do this.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Guys,
I have a sql procedure that returns the following result when I execute it in query builder:
CountE ProjStatus
6 In Progress
3 Complete
4 On Hold
The stored procedure is as follow:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS countE, ProjStatusFROM PROJ_ProjectsGROUP BY ProjStatus
This is the result I want but when I try to output the result on my page I get the following error:
DataBinder.Eval: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name Count.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: DataBinder.Eval: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name Count.Source Error:
Line 271: </asp:TemplateColumn>
Line 272: <asp:TemplateColumn>
Line 273: <itemtemplate> <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Count" )%> </itemtemplate>
Line 274: </asp:TemplateColumn>
Line 275: </columns>
My page is as follows:
<script runat="server">
Dim myCommandPS As New SqlCommand("PROJ_GetProjStatus")
' Mark the Command as a SPROC
myCommandPS.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim num as integer
num = CInt(myCommand.ExecuteScalar)
'Set the datagrid's datasource to the DataSet and databind
Dim myAdapterPS As New SqlDataAdapter(myCommandPS)
Dim dsPS As New DataSet()
dgProjSumm.DataSource = dsPS
<asp:datagrid id="dgProjSumm" runat="server"
Font-Names="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; font-size: xx-small"
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Project Summary" HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="true" >
<itemtemplate> <%# BgColor(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProjStatus" ))%> </itemtemplate>
<itemtemplate> <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Count" )%> </itemtemplate>
Please help if you can Im havin real trouble here.
I'm writing VB 6.0 codes to retrieve data from SQL Server 7.0. if the sql code is embedded in VB, everything works fine. But when I tried to use stored procedure, one error called "invalid object name 'author'" occurs. author is a table in my database and obviously is in the database. what's wrong?
appreciate for any suggestion!
Hi All,
Does anyone have a Stored Procedure that works perfectly to retrieve all zipcodes within a specified zipcode and distance radius - a zipcode and radius is passed and the Store Procedure result shows all zipcodes that falls within that range.
Thanks in advance
Hi All,
In my application on click of Delete button, actually I am not deleting the record. I am just updating the flag. But before updating the record I just want to know the dependency of the record ie. if the record I am deleting(internally updating) exists any where in the dependent tables, it should warn the user with message that it is available in the child table, so it can not be deleted. I want to check the dependency dynamically. For that I have written the following procedure. But it is updating in both cases.
CREATE proc SProc_DeleteRecord
@TableName varchar(50),
@DeleteCondition nVarchar(200)
Begin Transaction
Declare @DelString nvarchar(4000)
set @DelString = 'Delete from ' + @TableName + ' where ' + @DeleteCondition
execute sp_executeSql @DelString
RollBack Transaction --because i donot want to delete the record in any case
If @@Error <> 0
select '1'
Declare @SQLString nvarchar(4000)
set @SQLString = 'Update ' + @TableName + ' set DeletedFlag=1 where ' + @DeleteCondition
execute sp_executeSql @SQLString
select '0'
Thanks & Regards
in my java application I've made a call to this stored procedureCREATE procedure pruebaICM@pANI varchar(20),@pTABLA varchar(20),@pInsert varchar(500),@pUpdate varchar(1000),@pFLAG varchar(1),@pResultado int OUTPUTasbeginDECLARE @ani varchar(20)declare @cliente intDECLARE @sentencia nvarchar(1000)DECLARE @tabla nvarchar(20)DECLARE @sentencia_where nvarchar(50)DECLARE @sql nvarchar(1050)SET NOCOUNT ONset @tabla = @pTABLAset @ani = @pANISELECT @sql= N'select @cliente=count(ani) from '+ @tabla + N' whereani = ' + @aniexec sp_executesql @sql, N'@Cliente INT OUTPUT', @Cliente OUTPUTSELECT @Clienteif (@pFLAG = 'A') or (@pFLAG = 'Actualizar') or (@pFLAG = 'I')beginif (@cliente = 0)beginset @sentencia = N'insert into ' +@pTABLA + N' values (' + @pInsert + N')'EXEC sp_executesql @sentenciaset @pResultado = 1SELECT @pResultadoreturn @pResultadoendif (@cliente = 1)beginset @sentencia = N'update ' + @pTABLA +N' set ' + @pUpdateset @sentencia_where = N' where ANI =' + @pANIset @sql = @sentencia +@sentencia_whereEXEC sp_executesql @sqlset @pResultado = 2SELECT @pResultadoreturn @pResultadoendendelse if (@pFLAG = 'B') or (@pFLAG = 'Borrar')beginif (@cliente = 0)beginset @pResultado = 0SELECT @pResultadoreturn @pResultadoendelse if (@cliente = 1)beginset @sentencia = N'delete from '+@pTABLA + N' where ANI = ' + @pANIEXEC sp_executesql @sentenciaset @pResultado = 3SELECT @pResultadoreturn @pResultadoendendEXEC sp_cursorcloseendMy problem is that the ouutput param @pResultado haven't got any valueand don't return anything to the java application. How can I fix thisproblem?Thanka very much for helping me!!!!
View 2 Replies View RelatedHi guysi would really appreciate your help here. what am i doing wrong with this stored procedure ALTER PROCEDURE usp_CreateNewCustomer( @LName as varchar(50), @FName as varchar(50), @Dept as varchar(50)=NULL, @PhoneType as varchar(50)=NULL, @Complete as Bit=NULL, @CustomerID as Int OUTPUT, @FaxModel as varchar(50)=NULL, @FaxNumber as varchar(50)=NULL, )ASINSERT INTO [CustomerInfo] ([LName], [FName], [Dept], [PhoneType], [Complete]) VALUES (@LName, @FName, @Dept, @PhoneType, @Complete)SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()INSERT INTO Extras (CustomerID, FaxModel, FaxNumber) VALUES (@CustomerID, @FaxModel, @FaxNumber)RETURN It keeps on complaning "'usp_CreateNewCustomer' expects parameter '@CustomerID', which was not supplied."thanks
View 4 Replies View RelatedHi all,
I have a few question regarding SPROC. Firstly, I want to create a sp, that will return a multiple column of data, how do you achieve that. Secondly, I want to create a store procedure that will return a multiple columns in a cursor as an output variable. Any help will be much appreciated. Can you have more then 1 return parameters???
I have web application which interface with SQL server,
I want to run store procedure query of SQL using my application.
How to declare connectons strings, dataset, adapter etc to run my store procedure resides in sql server.
for Instance Dim connections as string,
Dim da as dataset, Dim adpt as dataadapter. etc
if possible , then show me completely code so I can run store procedure using my button click event in my application
thank you
I am not sure if it is right place to ask the question. I have a store procedure in which funcitons are called and several temp tables are created. When I use sql analyzer, it runs fast. But when I called it from app, it runs slow and it waits and waits to get data and insert into temp tables and return. Though I have used with (nolock), it still not imprvoed. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Hello, I am very new to ASP.NET and SQL Server. I am a college student and just working on some project to self teaching myself them both. I am having a issue. I was wondering if anyone could help me.
Ok, I am creating a web app that will help a company to help with inventory. The employee's have cretin equipment assign to them (more then one equipment can be assigned). I have a search by equipment and employee, to search by equipment the entire database even then equipment that isn't assigned with the employee's it shows only that employees and if they have any equipment. They can select a recorded to edit or see the details of the record. The problem i am having is that the Info page will not load right. I am redirected the Serial Number and EmployeeID to the info page. I got everything working except one thing. If a person has more then one equipment when i click on the select it redirect and only shows the first record not the one I selected. and when i change it, a employee that doesn't have equipment will not show up totally.
SELECT E.FirstName AS UserFirstName, E.LastName AS UserLastName, eqtype.Description AS UserEquipType, empeq.UserEquipID, E.EmployeeID, E.cwopa_id, eq.IPAddress, eq.Location, eq.DataLine3, eq.DataLine2, eq.Voice, eq.DataLine1, eq.FloorBox, eq.Comments, eq.SerialNo, eq.Model, eq.Brand, eq.TagNo, eq.PurchaseLease, eq.WarrantyExpDate, eq.PhoneType, eq.PhoneNum, eq.CellNumber, eq.DataNumber, eq.SIDNumber, eq.Carrier
FROM dbo.EMPLOYEES AS E LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EMPLOYEES_EQUIP AS empeq ON empeq.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIPMENT AS eq ON eq.EquipID = empeq.EquipID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIP_TYPE AS eqtype ON eqtype.EquipTypeID = eq.EquipTypeID WHERE E.EmployeeID = @EmployeeID and eq.SerialNo=@SerialNo
EmployeeID and SerialNo are primary keys.
I was thinking maybe create a store procedures, but I have no idea how to do it. I created this and no syntax error came up but it doesn't work
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.inventoryinfo AS
DECLARE @EmployeeID int DECLARE @SerialNo varchar(50)
IF( @SerialNo is NULL)
SELECT E.FirstName AS UserFirstName, E.LastName AS UserLastName, eqtype.Description AS UserEquipType, empeq.UserEquipID, E.EmployeeID, E.cwopa_id, eq.IPAddress, eq.Location, eq.DataLine3, eq.DataLine2, eq.Voice, eq.DataLine1, eq.FloorBox, eq.Comments, eq.SerialNo, eq.Model, eq.Brand, eq.TagNo, eq.PurchaseLease, eq.WarrantyExpDate, eq.PhoneType, eq.PhoneNum, eq.CellNumber, eq.DataNumber, eq.SIDNumber, eq.Carrier
FROM dbo.EMPLOYEES AS E LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EMPLOYEES_EQUIP AS empeq ON empeq.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIPMENT AS eq ON eq.EquipID = empeq.EquipID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIP_TYPE AS eqtype ON eqtype.EquipTypeID = eq.EquipTypeID WHERE E.EmployeeID = @EmployeeID
SELECT E.FirstName AS UserFirstName, E.LastName AS UserLastName, eqtype.Description AS UserEquipType, empeq.UserEquipID, E.EmployeeID, E.cwopa_id, eq.IPAddress, eq.Location, eq.DataLine3, eq.DataLine2, eq.Voice, eq.DataLine1, eq.FloorBox, eq.Comments, eq.SerialNo, eq.Model, eq.Brand, eq.TagNo, eq.PurchaseLease, eq.WarrantyExpDate, eq.PhoneType, eq.PhoneNum, eq.CellNumber, eq.DataNumber, eq.SIDNumber, eq.Carrier
FROM dbo.EMPLOYEES AS E LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EMPLOYEES_EQUIP AS empeq ON empeq.EmployeeID = E.EmployeeID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIPMENT AS eq ON eq.EquipID = empeq.EquipID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.EQUIP_TYPE AS eqtype ON eqtype.EquipTypeID = eq.EquipTypeID WHERE E.EmployeeID = @EmployeeID and eq.SerialNo=@SerialNoGO
Also, when a user selects the select button in either Employee search or Equipment search it redirects them to info.aspx. Should I create a different aspx page for both? But I don't believe I should do that. I don't know if I gave you enough information or not. But if you could give examples that would be wonderful! Thanks so much Nickie
I want to know when does SQL flushes Store Procedure from the cache.
Thank You,
Piyush Patel
Hi, All,
I need to write a sales report which needs to seperate total from direct sale and agentsale. The report looks like this( in the table of query,we have agentnumber, productname, sales, month
Month salefromagent directsale total
Jan 1100 2300 3400
Feb 800 500 1300
I know we can handle this in the program use two queries.
But is there a way to do it use store procedure and then pass the result of store procedure to the ASP program. I am trying to write my first store procedure, thanks for any clue.