I'm generating a list of parameters needed by stored procedures, and I'd like to know which ones have default values assigned to them. To retrieve the parameter information I use:
sp_sproc_columns @Procedure_Name='InsertUser''
However, the column that is supposed to give the default value, 'COLUMN_DEF' always returns as NULL, even when that column has a default value assigned to it. i.e. CREATE PROCEDURE InsertUser@UserID INT = 10,.....
And then if I do a sp_sproc_columns @Procedure_Name='InsertUser'', the COLUMN_DEF value for the @UserID column is still NULL.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong and how I can retrieve the default value?
I am having trouble returning the correct record with my stored procedure. my problem is that i don't know how to structure the sql statement to do the following: given a set of records that have the same loankey, i need to 1. find the record that has most recent date (lockExprDt) 2. for all records with that date, find the highest Lock Number (LockNo) 3. for the all the records with that date and that LockNo, find the highest extension number (Ext) currently my sql statement returns a record that has the most recent date. i don't now how to write the sql to further define my query to return the record that has the most recent date with highest lock number, and finally the highest extension number. any suggestions as to what i am doing wrong. below is my slq statement. please note that i need to add the sql that will query for the max LockNo, and max Ext. Any help is greatly appreciated. thx! select a.loankey, a.lockrate, a.investor, a.price, a.ext, a.cost, a.lockno, a.lockstatus , CASE WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.lockdate,10)='12:00:00 AM' THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.lockdate,10) END as 'LockDate' , CASE WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)='12:00:00 AM' THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10) END as 'LockExprDt' , Case WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)>= CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),10) THEN datediff(day, CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),10), CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)) ELSE NULL END as 'Days' from cfcdb..locktable ainner join (select loankey, max(lockExprDt) as lockExprDtfrom cfcdb..locktablegroup by loankey) bON a.loankey = b.loankey AND a.lockExprDt = b.lockExprDt where a.loankey = @LoanKey
I can retrieve "host" name of the current connection from "sysprocesses" system table(select host from sysprocesses). But is it possible to get the IP address of the client connection instead of host?
I could not find any stored procedures or extended procedures that would let me retrieve such information.
I have 2 servers; 1 in the head office and the 2nd at a remote location connected over a satellite. The satellite connection has typical latency and bandwidth. 2 mb down and 128kb up. Latency is average of 700ms.
Both servers have plenty of processing power and RAM and are very underutilized.
I have 1 push publication at the publisher at the remote location. The publication has 1 article. The table that is contained in the article only grows; ie inserts are the only statements applied, no updates or deletes. The table grows by 5 inserts every second(approximate). the table has 5 columns. none of the columns are blobs etc. An ID field, 1 datetime, 2 integers and 1 float column.
I have the agents set for continuous with a 2 second polling interval.
I am aware of the following command parameters for the agents but not sure which way to go to maximize the throughput of the data.
The subscriber table also has an insert after trigger to update another small table with the current value. Under normal network conditions, the trigger works great. Over the sat connection with high latency, the smaller target table seems to get a lock placed on it. I can only guess that the lock is from the inserts and perhaps a large number of inserts per transaction?
Under normal network conditions, the latency between publisher - distribution - subsciber is about 4 seconds.
What would be good command parameter settings for the agents to compensate for the latency?
I am a bit confused by an issue that I am having with executing an Oracle stored procedure (with an output parameter) using an ADO.NET connection object. I am able to get this working using an OLEDB connection, but I have no idea why the ADO.NET connection doesn't work. (Bug, by design, or my ignorance?) Actually, I can even get this to work if I use the .NET Providers for OLE DBMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for ORACLE if we set the connectionType to ADO.NET. This is the error that I am receiving:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "pkg_utility_read.test_out_var " failed with the following error: "The OracleParameterCollection only accepts non-null OracleParameter type objects, not SqlParameter objects.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
It is also worth mentioning that the ORACLE stored procedure has an out parameter with a NUMBER datatype which I think maps to the ADO.NET Int32 datatype. I guess OLE DB datatypes are more closely mapped to ORACLE datatypes. In OLE DB you can set the parameter to double and the ORACLE stored procedure to NUMBER and it works.
I am using SSIS 2008 and I am trying to remove all parameters from my Connection manager so that the package will execute without errors. How do I do this?
In VS2008 SSRS, when creating a dataset, only the name of the stored procedure was required. When populating the dataset, VS prompted for the parameters, whether or not there were any. In VS2010, the name of the stored procedure is not enough if there are parameters.When creating a dataset in Visual Studio 2010 for databases and stored procedures in SQL 2012, I must provide (what should be) run-time parameters to obtain a field list and then to preview the report.
So the embedded dataset looks like this (wherein the only parameter is a password): exec dbo.spu_procedure1 @PW='999'.This works well and as expected during report design and development. But 999 must be provided at run-time by the requester, and not in the dataset definition. If I remove the parameter in the dataset's exec string before deploying the report, the field list is cleared and the report is unusable. So I cannot overcome what seems a contradiction: necessary to obtain a field list, but "yet-to-be-provided" when the user selects the report.
By keeping @PW='999' in the dataset specification, the user cannot override the parameter and automatically has a password to view the report.
I created a SSIS package to import an excel spreadsheet into my data warehouse. When I run the package it runs fine. When I created a SQL Job to run the package I get the following error:
Option "Source=D:HelpDeskImportBook2.xls;Extended" is not valid. The command line parameters are invalid.
Now if I look at my source connection string in the job it looks like the following:
I haven't been able to successfully use the ADO.NET connection type to use both input and output parameters in an execute sql task containing just tsql statements (no stored procedure calls). I have successfully used input parameters on their own but when i combine it with output parameters it fails on the simplest of tasks.
I would really find it beneficial if you could use the flexibility of an ADO.NET connection type as the parameter marker and parameter name can be referenced anywhere throughout the sql statement in no particular order. The addition of an output parameter would really make it great!!
This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database) Help pleaseee
Insert Into Table2 Select * From Table1 Where Column1Val = '4'
As you can see, I don't need any parameters so I havent configured any. Also, there should not be any result set so I shouldnt need to configure a resultset parameter.
Why is the above query failing with
Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly
Hi all, From the "How to Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic.NET" in http://support.microsft.com/kb/308049, I copied the following code to a project "pubsTestProc1.vb" of my VB 2005 Express Windows Application:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlDbType
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim PubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=sspi;" & "initial Catalog=pubs;")
Dim testCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("TestProcedure", PubsConn)
testCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim RetValue As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("RetValue", SqlDbType.Int)
Console.WriteLine("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value))
End Sub
End Class
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The original article uses the code statements in pink for the Console Applcation of VB.NET. I do not know how to print out the output of ("Book Titles for this Author:"), ("{0}", myReader.GetString(2)), ("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value)) and ("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value)) in the Windows Application Form1 of my VB 2005 Express. Please help and advise.
I have a SSRS report with four parameters,and I want to be able to enter information for two of the parameters and run the report opposed to all four of them. However, when I select allow blanks and only select the parameters that I want to run the report by, the report come back blank..Essentially, I want to be able to the run report by different parameters without having to enter information for all parameters at the same time.
I added a connection (ADO.NET) object by name testCon in the connection manager - I wanted to programmatically supply the connection string. So I used the "Expressions" property of the connection object and set the connectionstring to one DTS variable. The idea is to supply the connection string value to the variable - so that the connection object uses my connection string.
Then I added a "Backup Database Task" to my package with the name BkpTask. Now whenever I try to set the connection property of BkpTask to the testCon connection object, by typing testCon, it automatically gets cleared. I am not able to set the connection value.
Then after spending several hours I found that this is because I have customized the connection string in testCon. If I don't customize the connection string, I am able to enter the "testCon" value in the connection property of the BkpTask.
Hi, I have an app in C# that executes a query using SQLCommand and parameters and is taking too much time to execute.
I open a SQLProfiler and this is what I have :
exec sp_executesql N' SELECT TranDateTime ... WHERE CustomerId = @CustomerId', N'@CustomerId nvarchar(4000)', @CustomerId = N'11111
I ran the same query directly from Query Analyzer and take the same amount of time to execute (about 8 seconds)
I decided to take the parameters out and concatenate the value and it takes less than 2 second to execute.
Here it comes the first question... Why does using parameters takes way too much time more than not using parameters?
Then, I decided to move the query to a Stored Procedure and it executes in a snap too. The only problem I have using a SP is that the query can receive more than 1 parameter and up to 5 parameters, which is easy to build in the application but not in the SP
I usually do it something like (@CustomerId is null or CustomerId = @CustomerId) but it generate a table scan and with a table with a few mills of records is not a good idea to have such scan.
Is there a way to handle "dynamic parameters" in a efficient way???
When I query the ReportServices WS and scan the parameter dependencies for SalesRep it says there are four dependencies: FromDate, ToDate, DivisionalOffice and Manager!!!
If I change "dsSalesRep" to use "DivisionalOffice.Value" the ReportingServices WS parameter dependency scan returns only one dependency for "SalesRep" parameter!!!( This is the correct behavior )
Has anybody seen this behavior and more importantly, is there a work around?
I have a package that uses a for loop to iterate through an unknown amount of excel files and pull their data into a table. However, there will be cases when the file is corrupted or has some sort of problem so that either the transformation will fail or the excel data source will fail with an oledb connection error. Could anyone suggest a clean way to trap these errors? Specifically, the "Cannot Aquire Connection from Connection Manager", which is the excel connection.
How can I efficiently retrieve the top x managers within the top y regions within the top z states within the top q countries? The only way I have been able to do this is to first find the top q countries, and store the list in an IN clause. Then for each of those, find the top z states and create another IN clause that contains the country+state concatenated. Then for each of those, find the top y regions and concatenate country+state+region. Then finally find the top x managers within this IN clause. This works fine for a few hundred records, but once it reaches the thousands, it takes much too long. The final IN clause contains thousands of entries. Isn't there a simpler way to approach this, especially with SQL Server 2005?
i am using a stored procedure, lets say spTemp, that calls sp_executesql within it. in the sp_executesql procedure i am passing parameters from the stored procedure 'spTemp'. i want to retrieve the result of the sp_executesql statement so as to perform further calculations in spTemp. is there a way of doing this?
create procedure spTemp ( @abc int ) as declare @temp int exec sp_executesql 'select @temp = Id from Product where @abc > 10' ...
I am now retrieving the PDF from the database and I am getting an error: Error 1 'GetImages.GetImage(int)': not all code paths return a value I have: int imageid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ACTUAL_IMAGE_PDF"]); And... private SqlDataReader GetImage(int imageid) { Sql Statement... } Could someone help please??
I have records in a table and 1 column is in the smalldatetime format which stores the date in the format "2004-09-22",2004-09-20",2004-09-12",2004-08-04" etc etc.
Can anyone tell me how to craft an SQL statement so that i can retrieve records for a certain month.For example,if i want to retrieve records for the month of September,i would get "2004-09-22",2004-09-20",2004-09-12" in results.
i have a table in MS SQL Server,i need to show two results at a time,and on click of a button nxt two results have to b shown,how do i accomplish this (i mean retrieving the results two at a time)thanx in advance
"I meant to delete just one assignment, doing which was giving me difficulty.
I deleted a whole category by accident which had most of my daily grades in it for a course with quite a few of them. I was negligent in backing them up, so I cannot restore them. I have an XLS file from the midterm, but am missing about 6 grades after that.
Is there any way to recover the grades I had in the deleted category. It has been a couple of days since I entered any new grades. HELP!"
My current backup strategy is to do a full backup 5 pm, differentials every 2 hours, logs every 30 min, all so they arenot simultaneous. Backing these all to same backup device via three different jobs.
Then the server is backed up to tape shortly after the 5 pm full backup.
Obviously, I can't restore from the backup for this situation because it would hurt other data.
But - is there a way I can take last night's backup from tape and restore it to a different database than our production database? (Such a database doesn't at this time exist. Would I detach, copy over the files, and then reattach on prod and attach on the devl side, and then restore from the backup device to the devl copy?)
I've never had to perform this kind of rescue and am wondering if my backup strategy is flawed since it isn't immediately evident how I can easily do this.
I needed a similar thing from our Oracle DBA yesterday, and he went to tape, copied out a table and put it on the Oracle database under a different owner, and I easily fixed the few records that I had botched.
That's exactly what I need to do now with MS SQL 2000.
I was hoping someone would be able to help me, I trying to go through several databases, 111 to be exact, and get the data out of a particular table which is present in all the databases on the same server.
I know how to get the names of the databases from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, but how can use the name for it to cycle through all the databases and get data out of the one particular table.
I have a giant SQL query that retrieves a bunch of information from a couple of tables for use on a page, and I would like some help on constructing the SQL to get exactly what I have in mind. I have a table - called scContacts - that contains a list of contacts with detailed information. The contacts in the table are regular sales contacts, sales reps, and sales managers. Another table - called scCompany - contains a list of companies with detailed information.
For each company, we have a certain sales manager (or user) pertaining to that company as well as potentially a certain rep. The problem is that the contact tied to the company, the sales manager tied to the company, and the rep tied to the company all come from the same table. Here is the base SQL code I've used to get everything but the sales rep's name and sales manager's name:
scCompany.ID AS companyID, scCompany.companyName, scCompany.companyURL, scCompany.billToAddress1 AS companyAddress1, scCompany.billToAddress2 AS companyAddress2, scCompany.billToCity AS companyCity, scCompany.billToState AS companyState, scCompany.billToZip AS companyZip, scCompany.billToCounty AS companyCounty, scCompany.billToCountry AS companyCountry, scCompany.businessType, scCompany.phoneExt, scCompany.phoneNum, scCompany.faxNum, scCompany.minEmployees, scCompany.maxEmployees, scCompany.actionTypeMAX, scCompany.actionDateMAX, scCompany.actionTimeMAX, scCompany.statusID, scCompany.userID, scCompany.repID
FROM scCompany, scContacts
INNER JOIN scStatus ON scStatus.ID = scCompany.statusID
WHERE scgroupContacts.contactID = [insert cookie value] AND scgroups.ID = [insert cookie value] AND scCompany.ID = scContacts.companyID AND scCompany.groupID = scgroups.ID ----- END SQL CODE -----
As indicated right now, this SQL code will retrieve all of the contact and company information for a certain contact ID which comes from a cookie value (inserted in ASP). I want to get the [fName] and [lName] fields from scContacts table where the scContacts.ID = scCompany.userID, and I also want those same fields from scContacts table again where the scContacts.ID = scCompany.repID. It would be simplest and most efficient if I could do this all at once (and I'm sure it's possible). How would I change the SQL to bring in that information from the same table two more times, tying their ID's to ID's in the company table?
bobby writes "I have a Table from which i get the ID of customers(Customers are people who have written an online exam).The date of completion of the exams are stored in the corresponding table with the name of the exam.There are more than one exams and the names of the exams are stored in an other table.Now my question is how to get the date of cpletion with the given Id from the first table?"
Hi, I need some help. I have this query where i need to pull up students that have more than or equal to 3 absences in a row. Now I am getting all those students that are absent but not in a row. But i was wondering if there is a way to tell if a student was absent three days in a row . There is a date field that is being used to identify the day of the class and a status field that identifies if the student was absent or present. Please help someone.
i lost a table with lots of data - there's around 10,000 records inserted daily.
my problem was i only realized this morning (and i lost it last night) and i have the backups backing up each day every hour - so the backup had already overwritten it seems the db that was missing the table) my backup type is set to append - so i though i could retrieve by date time but it only let me retrieve the backup at 11pm(tune if last backup) and no earlier time. is there anyway of getting the data from the 7 pm backup -- again it backsup each hour to the same file - set to append so i thought that meant i could choose a time but it doesn't seem to be working.
insert into newTABLE(newCOLUMN) Select Case When [Column 11] like '%DOB%' Then SubString( [Column 11], CharIndex('DOB',[Column 11],1)+3, Case When CharIndex(';',[Column 11],1)= 0 Then CharIndex('.',[Column 11],1) Else CharIndex(';',[Column 11],1) End-(CharIndex('DOB',[Column 11],1)+3)) Else '' End,[column 11] from table
Following is da example of return result
through the image, we can found that some of them got ddmmyy and some got only year.Currently, i want to insert those record to newtable newcolumn with only those got propal date(unwanted for only year).What should i do following?
Hi AllBit of a situation so hopefully someone can advise.I've a client who has a sql 2000 database that *unfortunately* hasn'thad a backup procedure in place. Its been running for just over a yearand on Monday it got, well, screwed. They have a 50 gig ldf file.Yes, 50 gig. Is it possible to put in place a database maintenanceplan that will allow me to roll back to, say, last friday just from theldf file?Thoughts? Any advice would be welcome.MTIAMark