Retrieving User Names Through SQL Query

Feb 20, 2000

I am trying to retrieve the user names of all users within a database. The problem is, that I have only created a login within SQL 7.0 for the NT group that the users belong to.

As such, when I try to query the syslogins table I only get the NT group.

Is there any way of retrieving the users that belong to this NT group.

Any help or suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.



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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path. Please Make Sure The User Has A Local User Profile On The Computer. The Connection Will Be Closed

Dec 7, 2006

This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database)
Help pleaseee

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Please Help *** Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path

Apr 28, 2008

Hi all hope some one can help - please bear with me new to this
Basically I have had to change pc's so I copied and pasted my ASPNET.MDF and LDF from my old pc to new PC including webpages/apps etc.. created.
However now all I get is "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path """"
Just don't understand what permissions the db should have, does it need to match the SQL Express owner...
any help would be most appreciated

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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path

Jun 21, 2005

I installed my 2.0 web application  and sql express june editon on my windows 2003 server.When the application tries to reach the database i am getting the following error"Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed."I can understand that it has something to do with user right but more than that I am pretty lost. Can anyone translate this error for me and give me some tips on what do to.I checked first the user running the sql express service and saw it was the NETWORK SERVICE user. I changed it to be the local system account but that did not make any difference. The application is running just fine on my local computer(Win XP sp2). This one has SQL express April edition though.

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Retrieving User/Role Privileges - How ?

Jul 7, 2004


I need to read and subsequently modify the privileges (rights) of a certain SQL Server user / role from within a Visual Basic Program.

Modifying seems to be easy using standard statements like GRANT/REVOKE. But what about reading all the rights a user has ?

I have researched SQL-DMO, but didn't find what I'm looking for.

Any idea ?


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Retrieving User Defined Role Name

May 4, 2004

Is there a System stored procedure that gives me the Role in which a user is in. For example I execute this procedure, give the user as parameter an that gives me back the Role the user is in. It has to be said that this is a user defined role, I got three of them, HR, Employee, Approver.


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Retrieving Rights Of An User On All The Tables In A Database

Aug 8, 2001

How to ennumerate the Rights of an User for all the tables [Select/Insert/Update/Delete] in a database or how to ennumerate/list all the Table rights for a particular user in a database? By User, i mean the Login names [like bill, sam, sa] and not dbowner, public, etc. thanx in advance.

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NT User Names

Feb 7, 2005

Hi Is it possible to obtain an NT username (with T-SQL) from a user connecting to SQL Server with a SQL log in via ODBC? Thanks in advance

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User Can View All Database Names

Apr 17, 2008

I create a user then I create a database and assign my newly created user as owner

When I login as this new user everything works fine BUT my newly created user can still see other database names even though he is not allowed to use them.

How can I prevent him from seeing other database names.

P.S. I use the GUI

Thank you

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Database Tables And User Names

Jan 26, 2007

We have recently copied a database from one machine to another. On the old machine, when we access the tables we do not need to use the username.tablename convention to query them. On the new box we do.

For example, to query a table called Page we would nee to do this on the new box.


unfortunately all the code is written, without the username prefix. Is there a way to not use the username prefix?

Thank you for your help...sorry for the newbie type question.

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Win NT Integrated Logging: User Names Have Underscore(_)

Jan 8, 1999

I want to establish logging using NT Security. The problem is that user names in NT have underscore(_). When I establish NT Scurity in SQL security manager, SQL Server tries to add blank names as login id and they will not go through. Is it manadatory to remove underscore from username?

Because of structrual hierarchy, I have different groups in NT to be mapped to SQL Server groups and each group has different permission on SQL tables. In some cases we might have same users in more than one group. I read that it is not possible if you use NT integrated security. Is there any thing that can be worked around this and is this problem still exists in SQL 7.

Thank you in advance
Ali Malekshahi

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SQL Server 2012 :: Find Names Of Tables For A Particular User

Feb 18, 2015

how to find the names of the tables owned by the particular user in sql server and how to display the distinct object types owned by the particular user.

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How To Use User Defined Variables As Table Names In SSIS

Dec 4, 2007

I am a SSIS novice, and need help to do the following:

Every day a Table is generated by the system of format XR+present Year + present month + present day. My task is pretty simple. I am to devise a SSIS package that will import this table on to a different server.

I have defined the variable as user defined variable. I am also able to specify the variable in OLE db source editor -> Data Access Mode : Table name or view name variable. When I am click the 'Columns' feature, I get the following error

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37.
Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [1]]: Opening a rowset for "xr+ convert(char(8),getdate(), 112)" failed. Check that the object exists in the database.
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC02020E8 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

In short can any one tell me a correct way of using a table name as variable in
Data Access Mode : Table name or view name variable ?

One other question: can I make use of a dynamic SQL in Execute SQL Task? If yes, how do I write the query

exec( 'select * from ' + @table)

or just

select * from @table

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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Sending User Defined Column Names To A View

Oct 19, 2006

I want to pass user-defined column names to views or procedures

I am using SQL Server 2005 Express.

I tried this.

CREATE PROCEDURE @userDefinedColumn varChar(10) = 'My_Column'

select @userDefinedColumn, count(ID) as [Total Records] from My_Table

GROUP BY @userDefinedColumn

This was not accepted. It won't allow a user defined parameter in the group by.

But I need to pass user defined parameters to views as well.

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Problem In Retrieving Query Results

May 14, 2008

 HI y'all, I have a problem in my query I hope you dudes can help. Ya see I have this query:SELECT CustId,CustName,CustAddress,CreditLimit,dateStart,DateUpdated From AR_Customer And this is the resultsCustId       CustName         CustAddress                CreditLimit              dateStart                                    DateUpdated-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CS0201    Reena                Mayfield Str.                300000.000            2006-08-01 00:00:00.000              2006-08-01 00:00:00.000 CS0202    Bryant                Bringfield 202               50000.000             2006-08-01 00:00:00.000              2006-08-01 00:00:00.000CS0203    Jack                   Marjory 22                   3000000.000         2006-08-01 00:00:00.000              2007-05-18 17:30:23.000CS0204    Alan                   Orchard 25                   4500000.000        2006-10-02 00:00:00.000              2006-08-01 00:00:00.000Then I add Where clause to the query, like this  SELECT CustId,CustName,CustAddress,CreditLimit,dateStart,DateUpdated From AR_Customer WHERE DateUpdated = '08/01/2006'And the  result is just as I expected:CustId       CustName         CustAddress               
CreditLimit              dateStart                                   
Reena                Mayfield Str.                300000.000           
2006-08-01 00:00:00.000              2006-08-01 00:00:00.000 CS0202
   Bryant                Bringfield 202               50000.000       
     2006-08-01 00:00:00.000              2006-08-01 00:00:00.000CS0204    Alan                   Orchard 25                  
4500000.000        2006-10-02 00:00:00.000              2006-08-01
00:00:00.000But when I changed the date parameter to 05/18/2007 for example like this SELECT CustId,CustName,CustAddress,CreditLimit,dateStart,DateUpdated From AR_Customer WHERE DateUpdated = '05/18/2007'It doesn't show any results at all, it just showing the header CustId       CustName         CustAddress               
CreditLimit              dateStart                                   
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What I want  to ask is why is that happen, is it because the date contains hours--according to the database is the date contain hours like this 2007-05-18 17:30:23.000. I already use this operator <=,>= but it just showing the wrong result. Can you guys tell me the correct query, please. I appreciate any help. Thanks. FYI: I use SQL Server 2000Best Regards.  

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Retrieving The First N Records From A SQL Query In VS 2005

Apr 6, 2006

first off, I'm a TOTAL novice at this stuff, I'm just currently blundering my way through a complex site to learn stuff.
I'm trying to call the newest addition to a SQL database into a webpage, in this case, it'll be 'newest user', one result only. I've done several other data retrival sections using a datatable, but the guy who was helping me though it is unavailable at the moment and I get the feeling I've jumped into the deepend slightly.
Could anyone give me an example of how retrieving the First N Records from SQL should look in VS? Does it need to be in a data table or can it go in a label?
Sorry if this is somewhat vague, but as I said, I've really only been using VS for a week!

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Retrieving First N Rows From A Large Query

Feb 15, 2007

Sriram writes "Hi,

I want to retrieve only the first n rows from a query which returns a large number of rows.


select empno, name from emp where deptno=100

returns 1000 rows.

I want to improve the query so that it returns only the first 10 rows and not 1000 rows.

Thanks in Advance,

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Retrieving GUID From INSERT Query -- HELP

Aug 27, 2007

I have tried many code sample but I am very stuck

The primary key of my database (SQL server 2005) table is a uniqueidentifier.

I am using the following code to insert a row into my table:

myCommand.CommandText = sqlEvent.ToString(); //add the sql query to the command
myCommand.Connection = this.dbConnection; //add the database connection to the command
myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); //execute the insert query

I need to retrieve the GUID that is automatically generated when the insert command is executed.

Can someone help me? How do I get the GUID that is automatically generated? I have tried lots of things like using

string _id = (string)myCommand.ExecuteScalar();

and I am still stuck. I will really appreciate it if someone can refer me to some code sample.


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Select Query For Retrieving Data Using 3 Tables?

Apr 21, 2015

I want to retrieve the data from table "Document" and i need to check the below condition using 3 tables.


Here Project and Group is an another table.

Query : Select Document.Name from Document, Group, Project where
Document.ID = Group.ID and Document.ID= Project.ID.

is this right a way?

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Paging (retrieving Only N Rows From A Select Query) Like LIMIT

Jun 28, 2002



Suppose i execute a query,

Select * from emp,

I get 100 rows of result, i want to write a sql query similar to the one available in MySql database where in i can specify the starting row and number of rows of records i want,

something like,

select * from emp LIMIT 10,20

I want all the records from the 10th row to the 20th row.

This would be helpful for me to do paging in the front end , where is i can navigate to the next previous buttons and fetch the corresponding records.

I want to do something like in google, previous next screens.

So I am trying to limit the number of rows fetched from a query.

somethin like,

select * from emp where startRowNum=10 and NoOfRecords = 20

so that i can get rows from 10 to 30.

Has any1 done this, plz let me know.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Nested Query Retrieving Min And Max Values?

Jul 16, 2015

I have a nested query that retrieves a min value. I would like to know how do i retrieve the corresponding time with that.

my data looks like this

1212/31/14 14:51
12.42/19/15 23:30
[highlight=#ffff11]10.92/21/15 6:40[/highlight]
13.21/25/15 20:47

My min value is 10.9 and i need the date 02/21/15

my nested query is as follows

( select min(cast(f.valuestr as float))
from bvfindings f
where f.ObjectName = 'Hematocrit'
and f.sessionid = s.sessionid
and f.ValueTime > s.open_time)

the above returns me the 10.9

i modified the query

select min(cast(f.valuestr as float)),
from bvfindings f
where f.ObjectName = 'Hb'

but i get all values then.

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SQL Query Help With Names

Jan 5, 2008

hi i have one field in employee table
where the field name is employeename
where firstname + ' ' + lastname is stored in that field
how can i break them in 2 pieces so that i can store in 2 different fields and some reacords has got
firstname+ ' ' + middlename+ ' '+ lastname and i want to store them in temp tables how can i do that.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Query To Find User Who Last Modified User Roles / Access?

Dec 6, 2013

I would like to know if there is a way to find out who changed a users roles/access WITHOUT using the audit function. For example, if a user account was created and given SA access then changed to read only, how can I find out who made that change? I tried searching for an answer, but kept getting no results. I'm thinking this may tie into the sys.sysusers view?

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Get Table Names From Query

Mar 15, 1999

Using VB5|6/ADO/MSSQL6.5. I want to get the names of tables in a query. I.e. if query is "Select Name, Title from Employee inner join job on employee.empid = job.empid" I want a way to get "Name, Title"
In VB 3 we used the VBSQL.VBX which had 2 functions for this: SQLTabCount and SQLTabName.

Thanks in advance

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How To Get All The Table Names By Query

Apr 5, 2008


I have a database that have two handred tables.I want to get all the table name list.

Would you please help me if you know how to do this (query or build-in stored procedure).



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Return All Databases Names Using Query?

Jun 17, 2006

Hi, I am trying to get all the databases from MS SQL into a dropdownlist. However, I am not sure how to do that in query ... is there a way to retrieve all databases name using  a query in MS SQL? Thanks.

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Using Variables For Table Names In Query

Mar 19, 2006

Is it possible to use variable name to dynamically define a query in a stored procedure?  EX:

@Column = 'COUNT(*)'
@Category = 'Products'
@Table = 'Items. + @Category

SELECT @Column
FROM @Table

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I Want A Query That Returns Only The Column Names

Dec 16, 2007

I want a query that returns only the column names

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How To Get All Field Names In A Table Using Sql Query?

Sep 11, 2006


How canI get all field names in a table using sql query? Now I am not interested in the data in this table, what I am interested in is just the schema, i.e. all field names. Thanks.

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A Strange Problem With SQL Query Fro Getting Field Names

Aug 9, 2004

Hello All,

I have been trying to get this code work, but I could not. Every thing seems going well. However, The result of running the sql query is strange. It shows the field names twice.
Eg:) if you have a table called "newtable" that has two fields[Custnumber, Custname], you will get somthing like this [Custnumber, Custname Custnumber, Custname]. I have tried many times, but I couldn't fix it.

Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) handles Mybase.Load

if not page.Ispostback then

Sqlconnection = New Sqlconnection (connectionString)

WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Newtable'"

SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(queryString, Sqlconnection)


dataReader = SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)

while dataReader.Read()

Tablefields_txt.text += dataReader.Getstring(0) & ", "

End while

catch ex as Exception

msgbox("An error has occured: " + ex.Message,0, "Error Message")



End try
End if

Any help , please

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Two Different Tables, Each With Identical Column Names... Query Help

Nov 18, 2005

I have two different tables... one for all Staff, and another for all Temp Staff.  I need both to output to a datagrid, and so I need to grab both tables from a SQL query to output to my datagrid, but I can't seem to get the logic right for it to work.  Can someone give me some suggestions on why my results are blank when I'm running this query?  I thought a simple join would allow both sets of identical column names to coexist in peace...SELECT     TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.StaffDirectory.UserName, dbo.StaffDirectory.LastName, dbo.StaffDirectory.FirstName, dbo.StaffDirectory.Dept,                       dbo.StaffDirectory.Title, dbo.StaffDirectory.EMail, dbo.StaffDirectory.LocationFROM         dbo.StaffDirectory INNER JOIN                      dbo.TempStaff ON dbo.StaffDirectory.Location = dbo.TempStaff.Location AND dbo.StaffDirectory.EMail = dbo.TempStaff.Email AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.Title = dbo.TempStaff.Title AND dbo.StaffDirectory.Dept = dbo.TempStaff.Dept AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.FirstName = dbo.TempStaff.FName AND dbo.StaffDirectory.LastName = dbo.TempStaff.LName AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.UserName = dbo.TempStaff.UName AND dbo.StaffDirectory.MDNo = dbo.TempStaff.MDNoIs something wrong here?  It just doesn't work =(Any suggestions would be really appreciated.Thank you

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How To Query Sys Tables For Index Names And Columns

Nov 12, 2001

I'm looking for a query that will return all index names, the table the index is on and the columns in the index...

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Query For Searching 'names' Based On First Letter

Apr 2, 2004

I would like to search MySQL table for names by selecting the first letter of the name.
eg: SELECT * FROM names WHERE lastName "begins with" M (or Mi, etc)

Right now if I use LIKE I get all names that contain "M".


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