i am newbie to sqlserver and my problem seems simple, but i didn't find
information about it:
How can i display the
value of a stored procedure in the sql analyzer of the sqlserver?
thanks a lot,
I tried to display return value from stored procedure output parameter in Query Analyzer, but I do not know how to do it. Below is my stored procedure:
For some reason, I run a stored procedure in Query Analyzer and it works fine. When I run the very same procedure in MS access by clicking on its link I have to run it twice. The first run gives me the message that the stored procedure ran correctly but returned no records. The second run gives me the correct number of records but I have to run it twice. I am running month-to-month data. The first run is Jan thru March. Jan and Feb have no records so I run three months on the first set. The ensuing runs are individual months from April onward. The output is correct but any ideas on why I have to do it twice in Access? I am a bit new to stored procedures but my supervisor assures me that it should be exactly the same.
I have a problem with a stored procedure that executes properly when running it in Query Analyzer. When I call the SP from an ASP.NET application, it doesn't seem to run properly. I have verified that the parameter values are correct, but there is one update command that does not update any rows when it executes although it should. I tried stepping through the SP from within Visual Studio and it still does not work properly even though all parameters have the correct values.
Why would a SP execute properly when used in QA but not when an application executes it?
I am trying to see if there is anyway to BCP a stored procedure from SQL query analyzer. The statement works fine from the command prompt or from within DTS but not from SQL QA.
The bcp statement is as follows: master..xp_cmdshell "bcp "exec pubs.dbo.sp_employee" queryout dev01e$emp.txt /c /o dev01e$emp.out /T /SDEV01"
sp_employee has the script: SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE
I am trying to execute a stored procedure in Query anaylzer for SQL server 2005. I am not sure I am doing it correctly though, because I am getting an error message. Here is the command I am typing: execute DetaHistoryGet(84,885,34,"EndDate") Here is the error message I get: Msg 102,Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near '84'
Here are a few lines from the stored procedure. I have not included it all here. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DetaHistoryGet] ( @MarketId decimal, @OwnerId decimal, @QuarterId decimal, @SortExp nvarchar(50) ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON
HI, I have an interesting situation. I have created a stored procedure which has a select union query and it accepts some parameters. When I execute this procedure it takes 8 minutes. When I copy the script in stored procedure and run it directly in Query Analyzer it takes 2 1/2 minutes?? Same numbers of rows are returned either way in the result set with about 13,000.
I cannot figure this out and it is almost the same thing except that in Query Analyzer I declare the parameters variables and its values?
Hi. I am having a problem using DTSRun in a stored procedure or in query analyzer. My DTS package truncates a table and then imports data from an Excel spreadsheet into the table. The DTS package runs fine if I run it manually on Enterprise Manager or if I use DTSRun in a command prompt. However when I try to run the package in a stored procedure or in query analyzer as follows: ie Exec master..xp_cmdshell 'DTSRUN /SSQL SERVER /NPackageName /Uuserid /Ppassword'
The package does not return an error but it does not actually import any data from the Excel spreadsheet. It is able to truncate the table without any problem. I've tried all kinds of combination of using Windows user id that I know has access to the excel file instead of a sql login. I've run Filemon on the excel file and it seems like DTS is not accessing the file when I use the stored proc or query analyzer method.
If anyone could shed any light on this I would be most grateful. Thanks.
Hi group,I have a select statement that if run against a 1 million recorddatabase directly in query analyzer takes less than 1 second.However, if I execute the select statement in a stored procedureinstead, calling the stored proc from query analyzer, then it takes12-17 seconds.Here is what I execute in Query Analyzer when bypassing the storedprocedure:USE VerizonGODECLARE @phonenumber varchar(15)SELECT @phonenumber = '6317898493'SELECT Source_Identifier,BADD_Sequence_Number,Record_Type,BAID ,Social_Security_Number ,Billing_Name,Billing_Address_1,Billing_Address_2,Billing_Address_3,Billing_Address_4,Service_Connection_Date,Disconnect_Date,Date_Final_Bill,Behavior_Score,Account_Group,Diconnect_Reason,Treatment_History,Perm_Temp,Balance_Due,Regulated_Balance_Due,Toll_Balance_Due,Deregulated_Balance_Due,Directory_Balance_Due,Other_Category_BalanceFROM BadDebtWHERE (Telephone_Number = @phonenumber) OR (Telephone_Number_Redef =@phonenumber)order by Service_Connection_Date descRETURNGOHere is what I execute in Query Analyzer when calling the storedprocedure:DECLARE @phonenumber varchar(15)SELECT @phonenumber = '6317898493'EXEC Verizon.dbo.baddebt_phonelookup @phonenumberHere is the script that created the stored procedure itself:CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.baddebt_phonelookup @phonenumber varchar(15)ASSELECT Source_Identifier,BADD_Sequence_Number,Record_Type,BAID ,Social_Security_Number ,Billing_Name,Billing_Address_1,Billing_Address_2,Billing_Address_3,Billing_Address_4,Service_Connection_Date,Disconnect_Date,Date_Final_Bill,Behavior_Score,Account_Group,Diconnect_Reason,Treatment_History,Perm_Temp,Balance_Due,Regulated_Balance_Due,Toll_Balance_Due,Deregulated_Balance_Due,Directory_Balance_Due,Other_Category_BalanceFROM BadDebtWHERE (Telephone_Number = @phonenumber) OR (Telephone_Number_Redef =@phonenumber)order by Service_Connection_Date descRETURNGOUsing SQL Profiler, I also have the execution trees for each of thesetwo different ways of running the same query.Here is the Execution tree when running the whole query in theanalyzer, bypassing the stored procedure:--------------------------------------Sort(ORDER BY:([BadDebt].[Service_Connection_Date] DESC))|--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1000]),OBJECT:([Verizon].[dbo].[BadDebt]))|--Sort(DISTINCT ORDER BY:([Bmk1000] ASC))|--Concatenation|--IndexSeek(OBJECT:([Verizon].[dbo].[BadDebt].[Telephone_Index]),SEEK:([BadDebt].[Telephone_Number]=[@phonenumber]) ORDERED FORWARD)|--IndexSeek(OBJECT:([Verizon].[dbo].[BadDebt].[Telephone_Redef_Index]),SEEK:([BadDebt].[Telephone_Number_Redef]=[@phonenumber]) ORDEREDFORWARD)--------------------------------------Finally, here is the execution tree when calling the stored procedure:--------------------------------------Sort(ORDER BY:([BadDebt].[Service_Connection_Date] DESC))|--Filter(WHERE:([BadDebt].[Telephone_Number]=[@phonenumber] OR[BadDebt].[Telephone_Number_Redef]=[@phonenumber]))|--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([BadDebt].[Telephone_Number_Redef]=substring(Convert([BadDebt].[Telephone_Number]),1, 10)))|--Table Scan(OBJECT:([Verizon].[dbo].[BadDebt]))--------------------------------------Thanks for any help on my path to optimizing this query for ourproduction environment.Regards,Warren WrightScorex Development Team
declare mycur CURSOR SCROLL for select myRowID from myTable order by myRowID open mycur;
Fetch ABSOLUTE 30 from mycur into @id close mycur; deallocate mycur;
select @id this script turns me a value.
i create a stored procedure from above script and its syntax is ok; CREATE PROCEDURE SELECT_MyRow AS declare @cur cursor declare @RowID decimal set @cur = CURSOR SCROLL for select myRowID from myTable order by myRowID open @cur Fetch ABSOLUTE 30 from @cur into @RowID close @cur deallocate @cur select @RowID GO
my c# code using stored procedure is below;
Code Snippet try {
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("SELECT_MyRow", myconnection); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; myconnection.Open(); OleDbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); MessageBox.Show(reader.GetName(0));//here fails while (reader.Read()) {
The code above fails because reader reads no values, error message is "No data exists for the row/column" but i know exists. Can anyone help me, what is the difference between stored procedure and script ?
Seems like I'm stealing all the threads here, : But I need to learn :) I have a StoredProcedure that needs to return values that other StoredProcedures return.Rather than have my DataAccess layer access the DB multiple times, I would like to call One stored Procedure, and have that stored procedure call the others to get the information I need. I think this way would be more efficient than accessing the DB multiple times. One of my SP is:SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived, I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, S.Name AS 'StatusName', S.ItemDetailStatusID, S.InProgress as 'StatusInProgress', S.Color AS 'StatusColor',T.[Name] AS 'TypeName', T.Prefix, T.Name AS 'ItemDetailTypeName', T.ItemDetailTypeID FROM [Item].ItemDetails I INNER JOIN Item.ItemDetailStatus S ON I.ItemDetailStatusID = S.ItemDetailStatusID INNER JOIN [Item].ItemDetailTypes T ON I.ItemDetailTypeID = T.ItemDetailTypeID However, I already have StoredProcedures that return the exact same data from the ItemDetailStatus table and ItemDetailTypes table.Would it be better to do it above, and have more code to change when a new column/field is added, or more checks, or do something like:(This is not propper SQL) SELECT I.ItemDetailID, I.ItemDetailStatusID, I.ItemDetailTypeID, I.Archived, I.Expired, I.ExpireDate, I.Deleted, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailStatusInfo I.ItemDetailStatusID, EXEC [Item].ItemDetailTypeInfo I.ItemDetailTypeID FROM [Item].ItemDetails IOr something like that... Any thoughts?
This has got to be a simple one, but I could not find out how I have this simple proc for test purposes only...
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.RotoTest( @strSSN VARCHAR(11), @blnUseACHDate BIT = 0, @intInvestorId int = 0)ASreturn 5
Thats right it does nothing but return 5 and thats because I removed all the real code to simplify my question. When I hit this proc in SQL Query Analyzer.. exec RotoTest '123-45-6789', 0, 1 No return value is displayed in Query Analyzer. When I try something like this exec RotoTest '123-45-6789', 0, 1, intRetValue Output (in this situation I get wrong number of arguments) How can I get a return value displayed on my screen in SQL QUERY ANALYZER with out modifying the proc? I do not want to modify the proc in anyway (because I can't), I just want to display the return value
I've created a stored procedure which inserts values into a table and upon successful execution the RC column gets returned along with the Identity value (I'm using SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()), but I don't want to RC column, I only want to get the Id number of the current row. I'm doing this using the Query Analyzer.
Is there a way to suppress the RC column? I have run the same query on different servers and the RC col doesn't show up. I only want the ID value to put into an ASP.NET page.
While testing different query methods from ASP.NET (Output parameter, Return_Value, etc) did I set a flag within SQL Server?
I have a SP that return a dataset and I was thinking to execute that SP inside of other SP then catch the dataset to put into a variable or put into a temp table. What I know is you can not use recordset on output and input parameter in SP correct me if im wrong. I'm just wondering if I there is a work around in this scenario.
I am executing a SELECT statement that has about 500 characters of literal characters concatenated with the contents of a field from a table. I am then storing the result to be run as dynamic SQL. I am finding that when run this as select statement in query analyzer, the last part of the literal gets truncated. When I run it as a cursor and store it in a varchar(1000) variable and print the variable everything works fine. In addition when I put the select statement in a stored procedure and return this to a ADO recordset, the resultset is fine as well. But running the stored procedure in query analyzer truncates the results as well. The issue seems to be getting the results of the SELECT in query analyzer. Even running the stored procedure in the SQL area of Enterprise Manager returns a proper result. Has anyone heard of a maximum return from a select in query analyzer?
I have a package that I have been attempting to return a error code after the stored procedure executes, otherwise the package works great.
I call the stored procedure from a Execute SQL Task (execute Marketing_extract_history_load_test ?, ? OUTPUT) The sql task rowset is set to NONE. It is a OLEB connection.
I have two parameters mapped:
tablename input varchar 0 (this variable is set earlier in a foreach loop) ADO. returnvalue output long 1
I set the breakpoint and see the values change, but I have a OnFailure conditon set if it returns a failure. The failure is ignored and the package completes. No quite what I wanted.
The first part of the sp is below and I set the value @i and return.
Why is it not capturing and setting the error and execute my OnFailure code? I have tried setting one of my parameter mappings to returnvalue with no success.
Just wonder whether is there any indicator or system parameters that can indicate whether stored procedure A is executed inside query analyzer or executed inside application itself so that if execution is done inside query analyzer then i can block it from being executed/retrieve sensitive data from it?
What i'm want to do is to block someone executing stored procedure using query analyzer and retrieve its sensitive results. Stored procedure A has been granted execution for public user but inside application, it will prompt access denied message if particular user has no rights to use system although knew public user name and password. Because there is second layer of user validation inside system application.
However inside query analyzer, there is no way control execution of stored procedure A it as user knew the public user name and password.
Looking forward for replies from expert here. Thanks in advance.
Note: Hope my explaination here clearly describe my current problems.
I am using sql server 2005. I stuck out in a strange problem. I am using view in my stored procedure, when I run the stored procedure some of the rows get skipped out means if select query have to return 10 rows then it is returning 5 rows or any other but not all, also the records displyaing is randomly coming, some time it is displaying reords 12345 next time 5678, other time 2468.
But if I run seperately the querys written in SP then it returns all the rows. Please give me solution why it is happening like this.
There are indexes in the tables.
Once I shrink the database and rebuild the indexes, from then this problem is happening. I have rebuild the indexes several time, also updated the statistics but nothing improving.
I know this must be a very silly question but, what is the PLSQL string I have to use to delete a stored procedure in a database? Essentially I have to remove a stored procedure that comes from a database backup every night because it belongs to a user and that user has to be recreated in the new SQL Server 2000. Simply put:
1. Production database comes into test database 2. Remove copy of stored procedure since it can not be set to dbo user because there is another copy with the same name that belongs to dbo. 3. Remove user 4. Add user (this one brings login name since the restored one didn't) 5. Have a nice day
I've got everything except removing the stored procedure so I will really appreciate the help.
Hi, In SQL 2000, to debug a stored proc I would launch QA, right click and hit debug. How do I accomplish this with SQL 2005. I can't see that it came with QA. Thank you, Steve
I apologize for the long post but I am trying to give as much information as I can about the steps I've taken to troubleshoot this.
We have a stored procedure that builds a sql statement and executes it using the Execute command. When I execute the stored procedure through query analyzer it takes close to 5 seconds to execute. When I print out the exact same statement and execute it directly in query analyzer as "raw sql", it takes 0.5 seconds - meaning it takes 10 times longer for the code to execute in the stored proc. I altered the stored proc to execute the printed sql instead of building but it still takes the full 5 seconds and there were no changes in the execution plan. This makes me confident that the issue is not caused by the dynamic sql. I've used with recompile to make sure that the stored procedure caches the most recent execution plan. When I compare the execution plans, the stored proc uses a nested loop whereas the raw sql statement uses a hash join. Seeing that, I added the hash hint to the stored proc and doing so brought down the execution time down from 5 secs to 2 secs but still the raw sql statement uses a clustered index whereas the stored proc uses a non-clustered index and that makes the statement 4 times slower. This proves how efficient clustered indexes are over non-clustered ones, but it doesn't help me since, as far as I know, I can't force SQL Server to use the clustered index.
Does anyone know why sql server is generating such an inefficient execution plan for the stored proc compared to the execution plan that it generates when executing the raw sql statement? The only thing I can think of is that some stats are not updated and that somehow throws off the stored proc. But then again, shouldn't it affect the raw sql statement?
I have a stored procedure that selects the unique Name of an item from one table.
SELECT DISTINCT ChainName from Chains
For each ChainName, there exists 0 or more StoreNames in the Stores. I want to return the result of this select as the second field in each row of the result set.
SELECT DISTINCT StoreName FROM Stores WHERE Stores.ChainName = ChainName
Each row of the result set returned by the stored procedure would contain:
ChainName, Array of StoreNames (or comma separated strings or whatever)
Hi guys I know this is a really common question, and I have read loads of replies on it but everything I try does not work. I have written a small stored procedure in SQL server to upload images to a table and return the new ID using scope_identity. I have tested it and it works fine. here it is:******* @siteID numeric(18,0), @imgNum numeric(18,0), @title NVarchar(50), @MIMEtype nchar(10), @imageData varbinary(max)ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ONdeclare @imageID intINSERT INTO [site_images] ([img_siteID], [img_num], [img_title], [img_MIME], [Img_Data]) VALUES (@siteID, @imgNum, @Title, @MIMEType, @ImageData) SET @imageID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()RETURN @imageIDSET NOCOUNT OFF************If I run this in management studio express it runs fine and returns the ID under 'return value'. The problem I have is trying to actually call that return value in VB. If I try using these lines:Dim returnParam As SqlParameterreturnParam = New SqlParameter("@imageID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)returnParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.OutputcmdTest.Parameters.Add(returnParam)withcnBKTest.Open()cmdTest.ExecuteNonQuery() imageIDparam = returnParam.value.toStringcnBKTest.Close() I get the error "procedure has too many arguments specified"And if I try to access the return value like this: imageIDparam = cmdTest.Parameters("@return_value").ValueI get the error "@return_value is not contained by this sqlparametercollection" What am I doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Robsa
I have written this stored procedure but I get no return value (neither 0 nor 1). What I hope is when the transaction successful, return value 1. If fails, return value 0.1 set @TransactionOk = 0 2 3 BEGIN TRAN 4 5 UPDATE WhiteList_IMEI SET WhiteList_IMEI_Used = 1, Whitelist_IMEI_UsedDate = getdate() 6 WHERE WhiteList_IMEI_Code = @IMEICode_New 7 8 IF @@ERROR <> 0 9 BEGIN 10 ROLLBACK TRAN 11 12 PRINT ('Error. Contact Software Engineer.') 13 RETURN 14 END 15 16 COMMIT TRAN 17 set @TransactionOk = 1
Hi, I have been trying to this this for quite a while with no joy can someone please tell me the error of my ways. I am trying to add a new record by stored procedure, this I can do, but my problem lies with the returnvalue part of the procedure. I cannot get it to work. When I debug it tells me that the "Specified cast is not valid" see C# code as i comment the line where it errors. I enclose a sample stored procedure and its c# code. Please can someone tell me where I am going wrong? as this is annoying me alot SQL:create procedure SPUAddVehicleInsert @VehicleDetailsRegistrationNumber varchar(50), @VehicleDetailsMake varchar(50), @VehicleDetailsModel varchar(50), @NID bigint =null as insert into tblvehicledetails ( VehicleDetailsRegistrationNumber, VehicleDetailsMake, VehicleDetailsModel,
I have a stored procedure that returns an integer value, declared as:Public Function MyProc(..) As Int32 . . Return <integer>End FunctionI return an integer value, and can do this and get the value returned from the method, as such:declare @rc intexec @rc = dbo.MyProc <params>select @rcThis returns the value; how do I return the value to code and get the value; I've been debugging and that is my problem, I can't get the value to return.Thanks a lot.
Hello all of members, I have written a Stored Procedure.that creates a new account and then returns a value witch displays a result to me.if result is 1 "Username already exists" or 2 "E-Mail already exists".I did it with "Return" instruction.But, I don't know how can I get the returned value in ASP.NET(VB.NET)? Please help me. Thanks in advance
Hi all,Is there anyway to get a returned value from a called Stored Procedure from within a piece of SQL? For example, I have the following code...DECLARE @testval AS INTSET @testval = EXEC u_checknew_dwi_limits '163'IF (@testval = 0)BEGIN PRINT '0 Returned'ENDELSEBEGIN PRINT '1 Returned'END...which as you can see calls a SP called 'u_checknew_dwi_limits'. This SP (u_checknew_dwi_limits) actually returns a value (1 or 0), so I want to assign that value to the '@testval' variable (as you can see in my code) - but Query Analyser is throwing an error at me. Is this the correct way to do this?ThanksTryst
I have a Stored procedure (sql 2000), that inserts data into a table. Then, I add this, at the end: Return Scope_Identity() I have the parameters for the sProc defined and added to the Command, but I'm having a really lousy time trying to figure out how to get the return value of the Stored PRocedure. BTW - I'm using OleDB instead of SQL due to using a UDL for the connection string. I have intReturn defined as an integer I've tried :Dim retValParam As OleDbParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@RETURN_VALUE", OleDbType.Integer)retValParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValueintReturn=cmd.Parameters("@RETURN_VALUE").Value whenever I add this section - I get an error that there are too many arguments for the sProc. I've tried:intreturn=cmd.ExecuteNonquery - tried adding a DataReader - using ExecuteScalar - I've tried so many things and gotten so many errors - I've forgotten which formations go with which errors. What is the best way to do this in the code part (VB.Net)? Thanks ahead of time
I don't know whey this code does not return the values when I run it in sql server 2005 manager.set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_usr_Add]
@FName nvarchar(30), @LName nvarchar(30), @UserName nvarchar(20), @Password nvarchar(20), @Email nvarchar(50), @Country nvarchar(2), @AIM nvarchar(10) AS SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN
DECLARE @usrID int DECLARE @usrEmail int
SELECT @usrID = usrID FROM usr WHERE usrName = @UserName
SELECT @usrEmail = usrID FROM usr WHERE usrEmail = @Email
When i run this code i executes fine except when the two conditions become true they do not return thier values, nor does it return 0 when it inserts a row.
I have the following stored procedure which when exectuted within the Query Analyzer adds a record and returns the @SeqRunNo value. However when I call it in the from ado the record is added but the value is empty.
SELECT @Seq_No = QTR_SEQ_RUN_NO FROM Transmission_Quarter WHERE IID = @IID AND Tracking_ID = @TrackingID AND ADP_Code = @ADP_Code
IF ISNULL(@Seq_No,0) = 0 BEGIN
SET @LastUpdate = GETDATE()
SELECT @Max_Seq_No = CAST(MAX(QTR_SEQ_RUN_NO) AS int) FROM Transmission_Quarter WHERE IID = @IID AND ADP_Code = @ADP_Code
IF ISNULL(@Max_Seq_No,0) = 0 BEGIN SET @SeqRunNo = '0001' END ELSE BEGIN IF @Max_Seq_No = 9999 BEGIN SELECT @SeqRunNo = '0001' END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @SeqRunNo = REPLICATE('0', 4 - DATALENGTH(CAST(@Max_Seq_No AS VARCHAR))) + CAST((@Max_Seq_No + 1) AS VARCHAR) END END