RsReportParameterTypeMismatch When Executing Report With A Different Regional Setting

Aug 12, 2007

I have a date field in my report which takes the current date as the value. My default regional settings is en-US. If I change my regional settings to Germany, on executing the report, I get rsReportParameterTypeMismatch for the Date parameter.
Any help in this regard is welcome.

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How To Return Time && Number Format That Has Set In The Regional Setting Using Stored Procedure

Dec 11, 2007

How to return time & number format that has set in the regional setting using stored procedure.
Following is my sp for getting current date format from Sql Server.

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RsReportParameterTypeMismatch - When Passing DateTime Parameter To Drill Through Report

Jul 13, 2007


I have two reports in my project. One is summary and the other is drill through. In Summary report I have StartDate and EndDate Parameters which are DateTime type. Language settings on my workstation are set to Canadian English, and so are in the IE. When I deploy the reports to the Sharepoint WebParts based reporting portal, the reports run fine individually. However, when I try to drill through from summary report to the detail report, the following error is displayed, where the StartDate is 13/07/2007 (Canadian format dd/MM/yyyy):

The value provided for the report parameter 'StartDate' is not valid for its type. (rsReportParameterTypeMismatch)

Why do the reports run fine individually? Obviously something is wrong with Report Server processing the parameters, that it converts the date format to US English only when passing parameters to drill through report. This problem is eliminated when I change the language settings to US-English on my workstation.

Any ideas how can this be fixed, if at all? It would certainly be not feasible to have all the users change their settings from Canadian to US-English.


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Drill Through Report -- Passing Date Parameters -- Resulting In RsReportParameterTypeMismatch

Jul 4, 2007


I have two reports. One is the main/summary report and other one is drill through. When I pass the Start and End Date parameters from main to the drill, the original format of DateTime changes. For example, in main report the data is displayed for following date range:

4/7/2007 - 5/9/2007 (i.e 4 July 2007 to 5 Sept 2007)

which displays correct data.

However, when I click on the drill through link, it jumps to the drill through report but displays data for the following period:

7/4/2007 - 9/5/2007 (i.e. 7 Apr 2007 to 9 May 2007)

The reporting services is converting the value from one format to another of the report parameters when passing them from parent report to the drill through. When run individually, these two reports display data for correct date range. And you can imagine, the child report crashes with rsReportParameterTypeMismatch error if the start or end date had a day part greater than 12 (e.g 25/4/2007).

I can't understand what could be going wrong. All the parameters in both reports are datetime, so intrisically, it shouldn't matter even if the reporting services is converting or using different date formats as long as the data type remains the same. Is there a way to fix this and force the parameters to stay in the format they are provided in the main report?

Your help is much appreciated.


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RsReportParameterTypeMismatch For Null Values

Jun 8, 2007

I have a report that was fine, but now is erroring out. Changes were that we put SP2 on and added the Reporting Services web service.

The report is called using the ReportViewer object and has a number of optional integer parameters. All parameters have a default value of NULL. The code that populates the parameters is:

Dim paramsReport As WebForms.ReportParameterInfoCollection = ReportViewer1.ServerReport.GetParameters()

Dim paramsPrompt(paramsReport.Count - 1) As WebForms.ReportParameter

'-- Loop here

paramsPrompt(j) = New WebForms.ReportParameter(paramsReport(i).Name, prompt)

'-- Error here


It was never a problem previously to pass an empty string for an integer prompt, but now it errors out with:

The value provided for the report parameter 'program_id' is not valid for its type. (rsReportParameterTypeMismatch)

I can't figure out what is wrong - the constructor for ReportParameter only takes a string for the value, so I can't pass it a System.DBNull.

Did something change in SP2? Any idea what to check.

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Is It Possible To Know Whether Report Is Still Executing In Report Viewer? (Web Forms)

Apr 13, 2007

Hi All,

I have a Report Viewer and a Exit button in Web Form. Untill the report is processed i don't want to enable the button.

so Is it possible to know whether report is still executing in report viewer ?

I am using Remote Mode.

Any help will be appreciated.



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Is It Possible To Know Whether Report Still Executing

Feb 16, 2006

Hi friends
i've .net app where display reports from report server using SOAP api.
all works fine. my question is,
i have a export button on my screen to export to different formats.
whats happening is , as you know, when load report it says "report being generated" ,right ?
so our users clicking export button before report is loaded into report viewer control.
is it possible to know whether the report is still being loaded ?
Thanks for your help

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Error When Executing Report

Jan 17, 2008

Today we succesfully integrated Report Services with Sharepoint services.After that I was trying to implement the reports we made in Report Services into the Sharepoint site.The first report was ok, everything went well, no errors and the report was succesfully executed.Then the second report, it is a bit a bigger and more advanced report.It also has to be executed at an other server.I am going to explain how the server setup is.We have 2 servers, a x32 and a x64 server.The x64 server is the "Live" server, and the x32 is our "Test" server.On the x32 server we have MS SQL Server 9.0.3200 (SP2), it is the same as on the x64 server.When i try to execute the report on the x32 server, I got an error.The error I get from reporting server is:

An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.So I checked the error log, and then I got the following message:
EventType sql90exception, P1 w3wp.exe, P2 6.0.3790.3959, P3 45d6968e, P4, P5 2005.90.3042.0, P6 45cd6edb, P7 0, P8 00005283, P9 00000000, P10 NIL.For more information, see Help and Support Center at

After I had found the error, I had searched on Google what the message means.
I found some topics on other forums that said "Install SP2".
But that was not an option since we are on SP2.

Some additional information:
Just tried to run the first report on the x32 server, and it worked.
So the first report runs on the x32 as the x64 server.

Can someone tell me what to do?


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Regional Numbers Are Formatted Wrong

Jan 30, 2007


I am running reporting server on a "english" server with dutch regional settings.

My client and the client of the users are also a "english" client with dutch regional settings.

A dutch number should be formatted like 1.234.567,89

Unfortenately when I run a report I get the number back (non formated) like 1234567.89

How do I get it in the dutch format ?

With regards,

Constantijn Enders

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Executing A Function In Report Services

Nov 29, 2007

Hi all I have a function that I'm trying to make a report with SQL server report services. My problem is everytime I add a table I addd the function and I get the table with a red arrow pointing down, when I try to execute int sql server intelligence development studio it gives me an error message. can anyone help pleaes

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Preview Report Without Executing DataSet

Feb 29, 2008

Is there a way of previewing a report without executing the dataset? Problem is when I make changes to the layout of the report it is taking a while before the report renders.

While I am developing my reports and working on the layout, changing colours, fonts etc it would be good to have an option which uses local data only.

Is there an option like this?

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Date Parameters Format And Regional Setings

Oct 19, 2007

I have a problem with date parameters in my Visual Studio reports. I have set parameters €œStart date€? and €œend date€? as €œdate time€? fields, and the report works fine on my computer, but as soon as I put it in report server and start opening from other computers in the costumers place, the date stays right only about half of the times, I gues it depends on regional settings of the computer that opens the report. For example date 02/12/2007 changes to 12/02/2007 that in effect changes the month from February to December, and if the day is 13 or higher I do not get any result at all.
How should I set the date parameters that they could be correctly open and wieved from any computer no matter what regional settings are?

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Specifying Regional Settings In XmlConfigfile For SSIS Package

Jan 30, 2008

Hi All,

I have been playing around with SSIS for a bit, and i am running into the following problem.

I am trying to import 3 worksheets from an excel file.
The import must be performed on several servers.

I created a config file for this which contains the path to the excel file and the connectionstring, and the LocaleID's of the different tasks.

I have the following tasks :

1. preparation SQL task ( this calls a few sql statements which cleanup certain import tables )
2. data flow task ( this the actual import from the excel file to several tables, this what goes wrong )
3. execute SQL task ( this calls a stored proc which does some filtering the imported data into other tables ).

point 2 is giving problems.

Point 2 will only work when i change my computers regional settings to English.
If i have my settings set to Dutch, it won;t work. Even specifying the english localeID's seem to have no effect.

The problem is a decimal field in the database, and the difference in decimal separator. When i set my regional settings to English the values in the excel are notated like 74.54 which works. And when i have the dutch regional settings the same value in excel is displayed like 74,54. I haven't got a clue how to solve this.

Is there a way to tell the SSIS to not use the regional settings, but use the settings specified in the config file ?
And if this is possible how can i check if the correct settings are used ?

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Error While Executing Reports From Report Manager

Feb 1, 2007


I have deployed reports on to the report server. When I try to open the reports from report server, I get the error," Value does not fall within the expected range." This error message appears as soon as I click on any report on the report manager.

I am not able to find the cause of the error.

Does anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks ,


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Execute SQL Task - Datetime As Parameter (US/EU Regional Settings)

Feb 7, 2008

Here's the situation:
I have a ssis package which receives 3 dates as input parameters (3 datetime variables), executes different data flows and at the end inserts (among some other values) these 3 dates into a custom log table.

The problem comes while inserting the values into a log table. I added an Execute SQL Task that calls a stored procedure which inserts a record into a log table (sqlStatement exec dbo.InsertIntoLog date1=?, date2=?, date3=?).
In Parameter mapping section I set parameters = variables that hold the datetime values. The problem is that the dates are inserted into the log table in American format (mm/dd/yyyy, that's the server setting), my dates are in the european format...

Any ideas how to avoid it? Is there a way to write an expression instead of the sqlStatement in which I'd do some datepart-ing?

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Setting Up Report Services : Please Help

Mar 24, 2008

Hi, I am using SQL 2005 and I have just installed Report services.

I set this up once before and when I finished I could navigate to a URL that took me to a screen
that showed the different Folders where I had stored different types of reports. From this screen I could also
manage the access of users to which reports they could access. Almost like a report management interface I guess you could say.

Now, with this install, when I navigate to http://localhost/reportserver I only get a screen as follows.

localhost/ReportServer - /

Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:23 AM <dir> Data Sources
Sunday, March 23, 2008 5:23 AM <dir> Report Project1

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 9.00.1399.00

Can anyone help me with this ?



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Need Help: With Dutch Regional Options, MS SQL Server BCP Incorrectly Delivers Values

Aug 27, 2004

Hi all,

With Windows regional options are set to Dutch/Netherlands (or any other country using comma as the decimal symbol), MS SQL Server BCP Delivers incorrect figures to the target table.

The source table is a text file containing commas as the decimal character (As an example, in the text file 100.000 is represented as 100,000).

The target table is a Sql Server database table, with the column in question defined as a FLOAT datatype.

When BCP is run to deliver the data from the text file to Sql Server,
all figures are multiplied by 1000 because the input file for BCP contains a comma as the decimal symbol.

Thus, instead of the data being delivered with a value of 100, it ends up having a value of 100000

Is there anyone out there who is aware of any command line parameters that can be added to the bcp command in order to avoid this ? Note, the field in question is defined as SQLCHAR in the BCP format file.

Thanks for any help anyone may be able to offer.

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Data Mining Add-Ins Doesn't Work With Non-English Regional Settings

Dec 23, 2006

I tried Data Mining Add-Ins for Office 2007 - CTP December 2006.
Test settings: Windows XP SP2 english with Italian regional settings, Office 2007 english (RTM), SQL Server 2005 Developer (with SP2 CTP Dec06) and Data Mining Add-ins for Office 2007 (CTP Dec06).

If I keep regional settings in Italian, I get error like this:

Old format or invalid type library. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028018 (TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD))

If I change regional settings to English, the Add-in works.

I found this description as the possible cause of the problem: - if this is the issue, it would be necessary to change the ExcelLocale1033Attribute on the component.

Is there another workaround other than to install the Office 2007 MUI?

Marco Russo

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Placing Or Executing Vbscript Code On Click (Report Field)

Jan 8, 2008


I am novice to SQL reporting services.
I have created a report using SSRS.
In this report I would like to show a column value as button and wants to execute vbscript code on click.
Or at least execute vbscript code on click of that field (button is just an option!)
The code will launch another application (exe file or else)

Help in this regard would be appreciated.


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Error Setting Up Report Subscription

Apr 25, 2007

I receive the following error when I try to save a subscription after configuring it. I appreciate any insight that anyone has.

An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help

The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_add_category', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'.

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Setting Up Default Report Startup Properties

Apr 13, 2007


Is it possible to establish a set of default report and report body properties, perhaps in an ini file of some sort so that upon creating a new project and adding a new report item the developer does not have to go through the process of setting up all the interactive sizes, margins, paper sizes, etc each and every time? We have an established header that we incorporate on all reports and while in transition to the new Reporting Services it was my hope of finding something will create the first set of default conditions to help us automate the process just a bit.

Thank you.

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Setting Default Value Of A Report Parameter Dynamically

Jan 26, 2007

Hi all,

Does sombody have experience on dynamically set or change the default value of a report parameter?

Assuming: report parameters p1, p2, p3, p4 have been set up(and have their default value 'all') with the creation of the report1; report browseing is through reportviewer that embedded in the web application; datasource is datacube

What I want to do: based on the login user of the my web application, set default value of p1 as the user's username.

What I did is:

Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter reportParam = new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter("P1","Mary");

ReportViewer1.ServerReport.SetParameters(new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter []{ reportParam });

what I got when reveiw the report:

P1 has no default value, and p2, p3, p4 greyed and could not choose value from them.

Any idea and suggestion will be pre-appreciated!


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Setting BackgroundColor Of Report Elements In SSRS

Jan 9, 2008

Has anyone seen the error:

[rsInvalidColor] The value of the BackgroundColor property for the textbox €˜textbox14€™ is €œTransparent€?, which is not a valid BackgroundColor.

This is appearing when I set the BackgroundColor property in a SSRS report using an expression. What I'm trying to do is have the colour of the text and background returned by the stored procedure that returns the data for use in Matrix and Table. But the problem seems to relate to all controls in SSRS 2005.

Steps to reproduce are create a new report, add a TextBox.

Go to properties of the textbox and select the Backgroundcolor and select Expression...

Then add the expression:


Transparent doesn't seem to be a constant, but does appear to be a value you are allowed to selected (and is the default) from the drop down in the background colour.

The work-around is to use White, which works if you don't use a background image or change the background colour of the page.

However if you do us the "Transaparent" colour, then it does return the correct effect, but generates an error in the Output window within the development environment. I'm just ignoring the error for the time being. but has anyone else seen this error.


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Setting The Report Language Property Programatically

May 16, 2006


I want to set the language property of a report programatically. I get the language locale at runtime and once I get it, I need to go to all the reports which are published or still are on the local system (in rdl format) and set the language property on each of the reports.


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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Security Setting / Can't Get Them On Report Level

Aug 11, 2014

I work on test SSRS setup and trying to give one user enough rights so she can download RDLs from server, but no matter what I do on Folder leverl, on report level her security are still only as a <Browser>. Structure of our Server is:


I'm checking those in <Folder Settings>/<Security> where this user is OK (Browser, Content Manager, Publisher, Report Builder).

So she looks OK in all folders Home/NewReports/Misc, but on report level she still only a browser.

Our db team tried everything on SSRS server working with Site settings and Folder option, how to make that report inherit security ?

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Setting Prompt Text For Report Parameters Dynamically

Oct 31, 2007

Hi all
I hope someone can help me on this issue:
I am designing dynamical reports, that are abel to run in four different languages - so far everything works just fine for me (I select my headers and labels from a database). Only problem is the prompt text for report parameters. How can I set this text dynamically?

E.g. I have a parameter where the user selects a storage - this prompt should be "Storage: " in the English report and "Lager: " in the Danish report. I have absolutely no idea how to fix this.

I am greatful for any help.

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Setting Report Data Source Credentials Programmatically?

Feb 1, 2006


I've been working on an application that uploads an RDL to Reporting Services (through the SOAP webservice method CreateReport) programmatically. I'm having difficulty setting up the data source properties for my uploaded report. In particular the Data Source Credentials property.

The datasource for my report doesn't require credentials. By default after I upload the report to Reporting Services, the Data Source Credentials property is set to "Credentials supplied by the user running the report". How do I go about setting the Data Source Credentials property to "Credentials are not required" programmatically through the webservice?

Thanks in advance

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Setting Page Break In Matrix Report Based On RowNumer

Mar 17, 2008


Do some one has idea how we can create pagebreak in matrix based on RowNumber.Say I have 40 rows in matrix(I don't have group on which I can create a group by setting PAGE BREAK AT THE END)


I don't have any distinct value on which I can create Group like

= IIF(Parameters!PageBreak.Value,Fields!CategoryID.Value,1) and setting Page Break At The End


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Where To Find Detailed Error Report When Setting Up Mirroring Fails

Dec 14, 2006

I had a problem with mirroring that I only was able to resolve when I attempted to replicate instead. Replication gave me an error message that expained the problem; mirroring simply failed.

Is there any place where mirroring logs the details of what it is doing & why it is failing?

BTW, the problem was that the server name was changed after SQL was installed. Although i knew this, the forums indicated taht SQL 2005 automatically picks up the new name after it is restarted. This apparently is not true...


Dave S

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Reporting Services :: Available Parameter Values And Setting Defaults On Report Server

Jun 3, 2015

I have a report with a subscription enabled and the default values that are selected for the report frequently change.  I have our report server locked down so that the users can't change the defaults, but I now want to empower them to maintain this on their own.  Here is my dilemma.  When you have the available parameters set up to pull from a query, the defaults on the report server have to be keyed in manually, which is not an option.  The only way to get a check box there, is to explicitly specify the available values.I need my available values to be database driven and I need to be able to select my defaults on the report server using check boxes.

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Binding Report/Field 'language' Setting To Query/Parameter Result.

Oct 24, 2007


I have a report which displays a customers invoice, in both the companys local currency, and the customers local currency.

The report language is "English (United Kingdom)"
The fields showing customers currency language setting is set to something else, i.e. "France (French)" to display the Euro currency.

The application handles 34 currencies, the query returns the language string, ("France (French)"), to allow the report to bind its language setting to the querys output.

However, it doesn't work, a normal textbox will display the correct country name string, but Reporting Services cannot bind the language setting to a query result. So I also tried setting it as a report parameter, but no joy either (all currencys revert to USD).

I'm using =First(Fields!curFormat.Value, "myDataSet") to bind the 'language' setting, the result of this expression returns "France (French)", which is a valid option for this language setting, as it's in the drop down list.

Rather than create 34 seperate reports for each currency, are there any suggestions on how to bind a fields language setting to a query result?

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Change Default Zoom Setting For Reports Viewed On Report Manager Web Site

Sep 14, 2007

I've tried changing the default zoom setting by editing the RSReportServer.config file to include



<Zoom>Page Width</Zoom>
under the


<Extension Name = "HTML4.0" etc.
However, all reports still show up with the zoom setting at 100% on the toolbar.
I stop and restart the Report Server Service and it comes up OK so I know my XML syntax is cool. What am I doing wrong?

This is on a 2005 Report Server. Reports are built in VS2005 Report Designer and deployed to the Report Server directly. Reports are accessed via IE7 browser.

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Stored Procedure Executing Durations Are Different Between Executing From Application(web) And SQl Server Management Studio - Qu

Jan 24, 2008


I have a web application using Stored Procedure (SP). I see that there's a SP taking long time to execute. I try to capture it by Profiler Tool, and find out that with the same SP on the same db with the same parameter. The duration of executing by my web app is far bigger than the duration of executing on SQl server management studio - query window

Please see the image through this url

Any ideas for this issue?

Thanks a lot

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