Saving Image In SQL Server Or In Harddrive

Sep 24, 2003

I am trying to store about millions of pictures in Web server with lots of traffic. some poeple told me. SQL server cannot handle it and may freeze quickly. can anybody tell me which way is better and more efficent? store image in SQL server image field or store in server's harddrive?

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Problem In Saving Image ????

Mar 27, 2008

i am using textcopy to store image (named as mypic.jpg) in image column.
But i am getting error :
text or image pointer and timestamp retrieval failed

I guess this is bacause of image size ...
The default image column length is 16. I tried changing it but it's not changing and Books Online shows that the image column can store max upto 2 GB.

I just want to know also how to change that size to say 100kb?????

thanx in advance


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Saving Image To Database

Oct 24, 2006

Using: Compact Framework 1.0 and SQL Server CE 2.0

i want to save an image to my sql server ce 2.0 database on the device.
In the Compact Framework 1.0 the Image class does not have .FromStream method, and the PictureBox class does not .Save method.

Has anyone done this before in SQL CE 2.0 and CF1.0


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Uploading An Image And Saving Itz Path In Sql !!!! (plz)

Nov 1, 2006

well, i'm using vs2005 and sql server 2000.i've got this snippet for uploading an image and creating itz thumbnail and also saving the thumbnail and the original image in a folder.but i also want the path of the image and the thumbnail to be stored in sql 2000 database, instead of saving the images in sql.can some one plz provide me the way.thanx in advance.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click' Initialize variablesDim sSavePath As StringDim sThumbExtension As StringDim intThumbWidth As IntegerDim intThumbHeight As Integer' Set constant valuessSavePath = ".Image"sThumbExtension = "_thumb"intThumbWidth = 160intThumbHeight = 120' If file field isn’t emptyIf Not fileUpEx.PostedFile Is Nothing Then' Check file size (mustn’t be 0)Dim myFile As HttpPostedFile = fileUpEx.PostedFileDim nFileLen As Integer = myFile.ContentLengthIf nFileLen = 0 ThenlblStatus.Text = "No file was uploaded."ReturnEnd If' Check file extension (It must be .JPG)If System.IO.Path.GetExtension(myFile.FileName).ToLower() = ".jpg" Then' Read file into a data streamDim myData() As Byte = New Byte(nFileLen) {}myFile.InputStream.Read(myData, 0, nFileLen)' Make sure a duplicate file doesn’t exist. If it does, keep on appending an ' incremental numeric until it is uniqueDim sFilename As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(myFile.FileName)Dim file_append As Integer = 0While System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(sSavePath + sFilename))file_append = file_append + 1sFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(myFile.FileName) + file_append.ToString() + ".jpg"End While' Save the stream to diskDim NewFile As System.IO.FileStream = New System.IO.FileStream(Server.MapPath(sSavePath + sFilename), System.IO.FileMode.Create)NewFile.Write(myData, 0, myData.Length)NewFile.Close()' Check whether the file is really a JPEG by opening itDim myCallBack As System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort = New System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(AddressOf ThumbnailCallback)Dim myBitmap As Drawing.BitmapTrymyBitmap = New Drawing.Bitmap(Server.MapPath(sSavePath + sFilename))' If jpg file is a jpeg, create a thumbnail filename that is unique.file_append = 0Dim sThumbFile As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(myFile.FileName) + sThumbExtension + ".jpg"While System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(sSavePath + sThumbFile))file_append = file_append + 1sThumbFile = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(myFile.FileName) + file_append.ToString + sThumbExtension + ".jpg"End While' Save thumbnail and output it onto the webpageDim myThumbnail As System.Drawing.Image = myBitmap.GetThumbnailImage(intThumbWidth, intThumbHeight, myCallBack, IntPtr.Zero)myThumbnail.Save(Server.MapPath(sSavePath + sThumbFile))imgPicture.ImageUrl = sSavePath + sThumbFile' Displaying success informationlblStatus.Text = "Image uploaded successfully!"' Destroy objectsmyThumbnail.Dispose()myBitmap.Dispose()Catch errArgument As ArgumentExceptionSystem.IO.File.Delete(Server.MapPath(sSavePath + sFilename))End TryElselblStatus.Text = "The file must have an extension of JPG or GIF"ReturnEnd If End SubPublic Function ThumbnailCallback() As BooleanReturn FalseEnd Function

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Saving Image To Db Using ADO. Crystal V6 Problem

Sep 11, 2006

Hi folks,

I am really hoping there is someone out there with the answer to my problems??

I need to save customer signatures to our SQL DB and then display them on a Crystal Report. The problem is that the client uses Crystal v6. I am saving the image to an Image field using an ADO rs on a VB6 application. It saves fine and will read back fine. Crystal however has a problem and throws an error "Not Supported".(Later versions of Crystal erad the images fine)

Northwind Database has a Table 'Categories' which as images that crystal v6 is able to display. As of yet I have been unable to save images in this format. I have tried .bmp,.jpg ...... I have also tried appendChunk..

All the images on Northwind start with '0x151C2...'

My bmp start with '0xFFD8....'

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Saving An Jpeg Into Database And Displaying It Into A Image Box

Oct 19, 2006

can some one help me. im using visual 2005. its a web application.i have a database with attribute name logo. so i want to upload an image and save it into the database and than display it into the image box to preview how the image looks like.can some one please help me as i am very new in using C# codes and visual 2005

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VB (5or6) Does Something Wierd With Image Data While Saving To Sql2000

Apr 27, 2006

Vb stores an image (bitmap/jpg) in a SQL2000 image field. For somereason it doubles the size by adding 00 for each byte. But sometimes itdoesn't add 00 (0000.0000) but 01 or 20 or ?? and also the byte thatshould be transferd is changed...So SQLImageData = Imagebyte + 00and sometimesSQLImageData = CHANGEDImagebyte + xx.Some example data: (hex notation):A1 => A1 0003 => 03 00-----------91 => 18 2083 => 92 018C => 52 01Could anybody give me an explanation, because I need to know what ishappening, so I can remove te extra bytes added......I have already a image when I remove the extra bytes, but with somewrong data (on the place where things like 8C => 52 01 happen)....Thx,Geronimo

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My Dataset Is Saving Only The First Image Saved In The Database In Subsquent Rows

Mar 13, 2007

When i click upload image button when my database table has no any row, the selected image is saved(one row saved in table). If i continue and select a different image, i get no error sa if the image has been saved but when i view the images i have been saving, its strange even if i saved 10 records they all contain the first image that i saved. In short only the first image is saved the rest of the rows are just duplicates of the first row. so it basically becomes a table of ten rows but with same data rows(same image). Code is below.
Protected Sub btnupload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim intLength As Integer
Dim arrContent As Byte()
If FileUpload.PostedFile Is Nothing Then
Lblstatus.Text = "No file specified."
Exit Sub
Dim fileName As String = FileUpload.PostedFile.FileName
Dim ext As String = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf("."))
ext = ext.ToLower
Dim imgType = FileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType
If ext = ".jpg" Then
ElseIf ext = ".bmp" Then
ElseIf ext = ".gif" Then
ElseIf ext = "jpg" Then
ElseIf ext = "bmp" Then
ElseIf ext = "gif" Then
Lblstatus.Text = "Only gif, bmp, or jpg format files supported."
Exit Sub
End If
intLength = Convert.ToInt32(FileUpload.PostedFile.InputStream.Length)
ReDim arrContent(intLength)
FileUpload.PostedFile.InputStream.Read(arrContent, 0, intLength)
If Doc2SQLServer(txtTitle.Text.Trim, arrContent, intLength, imgType) = True Then
Lblstatus.Text = "Image uploaded successfully."
Lblstatus.Text = "An error occured while uploading Image... Please try again."
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Function Doc2SQLServer(ByVal title As String, ByVal Content As Byte(), ByVal Length As Integer, ByVal strType As String) As Boolean
Dim cnn As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim cmd As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim param As Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "Insert Into Images(imgData,imgTitle,imgType,imgLength,incident_id) Values(@content,@title,@type,@length,@incident_id)"
Dim connString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|safetydata.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
cnn = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString)
cmd = New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSQL, cnn)
param = New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@content", Data.SqlDbType.Image)
param.Value = Content
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@content", Content)
param = New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@title", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)
param.Value = title
param = New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@type", Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)
param.Value = strType
param = New Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@length", Data.SqlDbType.BigInt)
param.Value = Length
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@incident_id", id.Text)
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function

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Maintaining SQL, Defragmenting Index Or Harddrive?

Apr 4, 2007

Hello All!

I have a website with SQL 2005 DB .
DB size of 1.5GB with ~10 tables in it. The largest table has 200k of records in it (website users table), with 500 new records every day.

I've setup this database 4 months ago and didn't touch it since then.
I really have no knowledge what SQL needs in terms of index maintenances / hard drive maintenances.

Lately , the website searches started to be really slow , and I started to get timeout error and deadlock errors.
I have a few indexes for each table based on the recommendation MS-SQL Database tuning advisor gave me.

Some of the index's are :
Page fullness : 99%
Total Fragmentation: 24%

Other are :
Page fullness : 65%
Total Fragmentation: 99%

I guess I need to start maintaining the DB , defragmenting index or hard-drive?
Can anyone help me and provide me with guide/information on what is needed to be done in order to keep SQL running fast and happily?
or a guide on defragmenting index's and how ofen do i need to defrag?


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Sending Uploaded Image To Data Access Class When Storing Image In SQL Server 2005

Apr 20, 2007

I am using the 3-tiered architecture design (presentation, business laws, and data acess layers). I am stuck on how to send the image the user selects in the upload file control to the BLL and then to the DAL because the DAL does all the inserts into the database. I would like to be able to check the file type in the BLL to make sure the file being uploaded is indeed a picture. Is there a way I can send the location of the file to the BLL, check the filetype, then upload the file and have the DAL insert the image into the database? I have seen examples where people use streams to upload the file directly from their presentation layer, but I would like to keep everything seperated in the three classes if possible. I also wasn't sure what variable type the image would be in the function in the BLL that receive the image from the PL. If there are any examples or tips anyone can give me that would be appreciated.

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How To Save Image In Sql Server And Display That Image In Datagrid??

Jun 27, 2007

Hay Friend's
Can u plese send me the way how to save image in sql server and display that images in datagrid or other control also like Image control or Image control Button?? Plese send the coding in C#.

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How To Store Image In Image Field In Sql Server 2000

Jul 12, 2007

hi all,

i have created a table with image field in it. Now i just want to store a jpeg file in it but not finding any way to do so.

how can i store any image ? what are the steps???????

thanx in advance

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HOW To Retrieve An Image From Sql Server And Display It In Using Imagemap Or Image ?

Jul 6, 2006

Ok, the problem is that , i have a field called "Attach" in sql of type image, when selecting it , the field is getting data of type BYTE(). which am being unable to display them on an Image on the panel.

using the following code:

'Dim sel2 As String

'Dim myCom As SqlCommand

'Dim conn As New SqlConnection

'Dim drr As SqlDataReader

'Dim image As System.Drawing.Image

'sel2 = "select * from attach where att_desc = '" & DropDownList1.SelectedItem().Text & "' and doc_code = " & w_doc_code & " and subcode = " & w_doc_subcode & " and doc_num= " & w_doc_num & " "

'conn.ConnectionString = ("server=developer01;uid=sa;password=aims;database=DVPSOC;timeout=45")

'myCom = New SqlCommand(sel2, conn)


'drr = myCom.ExecuteReader()

'If drr.Read Then

' Me.ImageMap1.ImageUrl = drr.Item("attach")

'End If


Am getting an exeption on the following line Me.ImageMap1.ImageUrl = drr.Item("attach")

saying: Conversion from type 'Byte()' to type 'String' is not valid.

knowing that i tried converting using ToString but it's not getting any output then.

thanks for your help.

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Automating A Query And The Saving Saving Of Subsequent Results

Dec 13, 2007

Hi Guys,

I am trying to automate a basic task using SQL Server 2005 Express.

Currently I have a query script that I run and then save the results as a CSV file. I need to do this on a daily basis and so I am looking to find out how best to go about this. There are a multitude of third party tools that claim to be able to do this - can anyone recommend this or enlighten me of the best way to set up this automation.

All ideas gratefully received!

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Saving UTF-8 In SQL Server 2005

Jan 2, 2008

How can I save UTF-8 strings in SQL Server 2005? I don't want to use nvarchar as it would take a lot of space and most of my text will be in latin characters (and it doesn't fully support all unicode code points anyway as it uses UCS2, I'm talking about the supplementary plane here which I know is very rarely used and most unicode fonts don't support it but it's still possible to be used at least in the future). I read in this KB article ( that my only option is to use varbinary, I'm worried though whether this could affect performance as I never used varbinary before .. I read in the same article that I cannot use varchar to store UTF-8 which I can't really understand, doesn't varchar use the whole 256 values to save character data according to the code page used? what makes UTF-8 characters not valid for being stored as varchar strings? (what I mean here is that I can do the conversion manually from varchar to UTF-8 but I only want to save the data in the varchar columns)  Any suggestions are highly appreciated..

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Saving Files In SQL Server

Jun 27, 2004

Hello there,

I was thinking about saving some files in a SQL Server DB and then reading those back to the client for download. Any warnings that I should know about before doing so? The files will generally be at most 2mb in probably .pdf format. I've heard bad things about doing this in Access...but then again, SQL Server isn't access.

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Sql Server.. Day Light Saving

Mar 2, 2007


I have 2 operating System win NT server, window 2000 server

In Win NT Server
Sql server 7 with sql service pack 2

In Win 2000 Server
Sql server 7 with sql service pack 3

As the Day light saving time is changeing. Please let me know do i need to apply any Time Zone patching in sql server.

Thanks in Advace


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HOw To Saving Data From SQL Server

Jun 4, 2007


I have only read ( select access) in a sql server database(2000). I am able to scripts the database.

Can any ony have any idea how to extract the data from database?

not the backup of db, i don't have the access.

No DTS to extract data into text file.

some thing like save the table with data?

I have more than 300 tables.



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Saving DTS Package To Sql Server

Apr 5, 2006


I have a "Transfer sql server object task" in SSIS that transfers few tables from one database to another.

The task works fine and the project is saved on my c: drive.

I was trying to save the project on the SQL server and don't know if i am doing somehting wrong?

I have the following selections made:

Package Location: SQL server

Server: ServerName

Authentication Type: Windows

Package path: /TransferTables

Protection Level: Encrypt sensitive data with user key

Now when i hit ok i get the "No description found" error with the following details:

No description found (Microsoft Visual Studio)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.SaveToSqlServerAs(Package package, IDTSEvents events, String packagePath, String serverName, String serverUserName, String serverPassword)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Controls.PackageLocationControl.SavePackage(Package package)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Controls.PackageSaveCopyForm.PackageSaveCopyForm_FormClosing(Object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)

Does anyone have a solution to this?

Thanks for any help.

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Saving A Query In SQL Server MSE

Sep 25, 2006

I have created and run a query in Management Studio Express. How do I save it so that I can run it again later?

In fact, does MSE have this capability?

Many thnaks

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How Image Display From SqlServer To Image Control

Feb 13, 2007

I have learned lots of informative thing from your forums. I have little problem regarding “Display image from SQL Server on ASP.NET� I have done it and image display on my page from SQL Server. I have cleared you here I have adopt two different methods which are following for displaying picture.

2.image.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg)

but in both above methods I have faced little problem when image display on my page all other information can not display and I also want to display picture on my specific location on the page. My second question is can use any web control like “Image1� to display image from SQL Server where my pictures are stored.

Hope you will help me.

Thanks and regards

Aftab Abbasi

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Inserted The Image In A Column----how Can I View The Image

Mar 7, 2006

hi,i have inserted the image present in mydocuments using alter commandcreate table aa(a int, d image)insert into aa values (1,'F:prudhviaba 002.jpg')when i doselect * from aai am getting the result in the column d as0x463A5C707275646876695C70727564687669203030322E6A 7067how i can i view the image?pls clarify my doubtsatish

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1st Image Control Shows Wrong Image

Jan 30, 2007

In my application I have a local report with an image control in thedetail row of the table and the Value attribute set as="File://" & Fields!FQPhotoFileName.ValueThe first row in the table always shows the wrong image and it's always thesame wrong image. The problem is there even when I change the sort order orthe criteria for the underlying dataset. For example, I ran a small testthat populated the dataset with 2 rows and 2 images. When I sort by anycolumn (e.g. ID) in ascending ascending order the ID=1 row (the 1st row)shows the wrong image and the ID=2 row shows the correct image. When I rerunthe report sorting in descending order the ID=2 row (which is now the 1strow) shows the wrong image and the ID=1 shows the correct image.Any suggestions?

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Image Located On Web, Url For Image Stored In Database

Aug 17, 2007

I have a website and i am uploading the gif image to the database. i have used varchar(500) as the datatype and i am saving the file in the webserver so the path to it c:intepub....a.gif

my upload table has the folliwing feilds
UploadId Int Identity, Description, FileName, DiskPath varchar(500), weblocation varchar(500). I have a main sproc for the report where i am doing a inner join with other table to get the path of the gif..

So my question is how can i get a picture to show up on the report. .
What kinda datatype the gif file should be stored in the database? If it is stored as a varchar how can i access it and what is best way to reference that particular.

any help will appreciated....

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Inserting Image File Into Image Column In DB

Sep 20, 2006

I have inherited a VS 2005 database with a table that has a column of type IMAGE. I need to change the image for one of the rows in the table. I have the new image in a *.PNG file on my C: drive. What is the correct method for inserting this file into the IMAGE column.

Many thanks!

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Problem With Saving Data In SQL Server

Nov 6, 2007

         I have a problem. The thing is that when I enter the values in a text boxes like evendate.text = "02/11/07" and desc.text="hello how r u" then I click on Save Button and its save in the SQL DATABASE but after this if I click on Refresh Button every time from the internet Explorer its automatically again save the data in the database although I have empty the textboxes.
 The code is below:
<script runat="server">  sub SaveEvent(sender as object, e as EventArgs)         dim con as new SQLConnection("server=london-home; Database=tony; uid=rashid2; pwd=test; ")
      dim cmd as new SQLCommand("insert into events values('" & desc.text & "','" & DateTime.Parse(eventdate.text) & "')",con)    cmd.executenonquery()   con.close() clearform() display()     end sub    sub display()      dim con as new SQLConnection("server=london-home; Database=tony; uid=rashid2; pwd=test; ")    dim cmd as new SQLCommand("select * from events",con)     dim SDR as SQLDataReader  SDR = cmd.ExecuteReader()     if SDR.HasRows = true then     ViewEvents.DataSource = SDR     ViewEvents.DataBind()    end if    con.close()     end sub    sub clearform()    eventdate.text="" desc.text=""      end sub    sub Reset(sender as object, e as EventArgs)    clearform()     end sub</script>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title>
<style type="text/css">
<table border="1"  align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"><tr><td valign="top">
<form  id="prod" runat="server" enctype="multipart/form-data"><table id="display_prod" width="554" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left" height="400">  <tr valign="top" height="20">    <td>&nbsp;</td>    <td>       <table border="1" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">        <tr>        <td>PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lbl"></asp:Label></td>        </tr>       </table>      </td>      </tr>               <tr valign="top">       <td>         <table align="left" id="menu" width="150" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">        <tr align="center">                  <td><a href="home.aspx">Main</a></td>        </tr>        <tr align="center">           <td><a href="Events.aspx">Change Password</a></td>        </tr>        <tr align="center">          <td><a href="events.aspx">Events</a></td>        </tr>          </table>      </td>            <td align="left">               <table width="390" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">         <tr>           <td width="100" >Enter Date :</td>           <td width="243" ><asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="eventdate" BackColor="#FFFFFF" Width="100"></asp:TextBox> mm/dd/yy</td>                </tr>         <tr>           <td>Description :</td>           <td><asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="desc" TextMode="MultiLine" Columns="20" Rows="3" BackColor="#FFFFFF" MaxLength="200"></asp:TextBox> max 200</td>         </tr>         <tr>           <td>&nbsp;</td>           <td>               <asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnsubmit" Text="Save" OnClick="SaveEvent"></asp:Button>               <asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnreset" Text="Reset"></asp:Button>           </td>         </tr>       </table>          <table width="390" border="1" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">         <tr>           <td>              <asp:DataGrid runat="server" ID="ViewEvents" AutoGenerateColumns="false">                <columns>                  <asp:TemplateColumn>                    <itemtemplate>                       <table id="tt" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">                        <tr>                          <td><asp:Label runat="server" ID="eventname" Text='<%#container.DataItem("event_name")%>' ></asp:Label></td>                                                  <td><asp:Label runat="server" ID="pdesc" Text='<%# trim(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"event_date","{0:MM/dd/yyyy}")) %>' ></asp:Label></td>                        </tr>                    </table>                  </itemtemplate>              </asp:TemplateColumn>           </columns>     </asp:DataGrid>   </td>  </tr></table>        </td>  </tr> </table>

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Saving Datetime Format In Sql Server

May 21, 2008

I have 3 dropdownlist server controls on my webform for the dateofbirth field. One for the day("1", "2" format), one for the month ("Jan", "Feb" format) and one for the year("1994", "1995" format). When the submit button server control is clicked i need to concatenate the day, month and year in the format 01-jan-1994 since i have the dateofbirth field datatype as datetime in my sql server table. I have declared the date variable stored procedure as "@dateofbirth datetime". Provide me the full coding.
Thanx in advance

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Saving Files To SQL Server 2000

Feb 27, 2004

I have the need to upload a file via a webpage and then save that file into the database. I would also like to retrieve it and show it to the user.

Can someone show me an example of how this should be done. Also I am concerned of the pros and cons of saving files in the database. Is there a performance hit on the server? Will it make the database unstable? Has anyone had problems doing this?

Any suggestions, samples, and/or help are welcome.

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Saving A SQL Server Database And Objects

Aug 7, 2007


Would anyone be able to tell me how to save a database and all its objects e.g. Procedures and views etc. onto a CD and then open it on another SQL Server? For SQL Server 7.0 and 2000.


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Limit Saving DTS Package To SQL Server

Nov 23, 2005

Hi all, I know that you can save a DTS package to SQL Server (localpackage under Data Transformation Services in the EM).I wonder can I limit which login has the right to save DTS package? Imean, I would like logins with sa right to have this right but not forother ordinary logins.Can this be done in SQL Server?

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Saving BLOB Into SQL Server CE Database

Apr 8, 2008

Hi all,

I have a replicated table with a column which is used to store sound files - it is of type varbinary(MAX).

What is the best way to store a file from the filesystem inside this column on the PDA side (i.e. inside SQL Server CE) without loading the whole file into the PDA's memory, i.e. using some sort of buffering?

On full SQL Server 2005 I make use of UPDATE.WRITE() to save buffers inside the column - is there an alternative to this on SQL Server CE? Can anyone provide sample code / point me to samples that deal with SQL Server CE & BLOBs.

Thanks for your help!

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Send A File From Database Without Saving It To Server First!

Jan 2, 2007

I have binary files inside my database. and user should have the opportunity to download them from database to his computer. I don't want to retrive and save the file into the server first and then let him to download. is it posible???
thank you in advance

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Saving Various File Types To SQL Server 2005

Apr 29, 2007

hello,I am building a web page in 2.0 and i'm looking for a way to save various files uploaded by users (such as doc, pdf, cs, txt .... whatever). Obviously the normal way would be to store it on the filesystem of the web server (or any other middleware server).But I am asking if there is a way to store these files in the database, and not affect too much of the performance of the web page?I know a picture can be stored easily, but what about all the other file types?  I would appreciate if someone can spead light of the subject.Thanks,Tranquil. 

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