Scheduling Maintenance Activities

Jun 26, 2006

Am I able to do this in SS Express -like a backup or something or do I need to purhcase a SQL Server Agent (I believe I saw a 3rd party company always advertising this in SQL Server It's cheap -- just curious if I really need it.

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Dba Activities

Sep 20, 2006

can any one tell me what are the sql server dba activities?
i'm a junnior dba in hyderabad, my organization is product based company.

i need the general activities, so that i can become master in atleast some aspects.

generally what is the expectations of big organizations from DBA's? especially i'm plannning for H1.

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Can Not See Current Activities

Mar 31, 1999

Today when I opened current activity window on my SQL6.5 server, I could not able to see any activities listed. What will be the problem?

But sp_who works fine.


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Auditing Sa Activities

Jun 24, 1999

Someone had changed the SA password on one of my servers. I need to find out who did this. Can you tell me if there is any historical information kept on any of the system tables that can tell me who (what machine name) and when (date and time)this was done?
Does anyone have a 3rd party or inhouse developed task/procedure to report this kind of security issues?

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How To View Activities Of Companies

Jun 16, 2008

Hi, I've a table named Attività there I can have many type "IDAttivitaTipo" field:T TelefonataV VisitaP PreventivoC Chiuso CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Attivita]( [IDAttivita] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [IDAttivitaStato] [varchar](1) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [IDAttivitaTipo] [varchar](2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [IDAnagrafica] [int] NULL, [Data] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Attivita_Data] DEFAULT (getdate()), [Descrizione] [varchar](max) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Attivita] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [IDAttivita] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY] with "IDAttivitaTipo":T TelefonataV VisitaP PreventivoC Chiuso with "IDAttivitaStato" E Eseguita  (held)D Da Eseguire (not held)I would like to see the state of each IDAnagrafica (company) creating a query with X rows (X companies ... X IDAzienda) and 4 fields 1/0 (true/false ....bit) that tell me if there is or there isn't an activity (IDAttivita) in T V P C type for each IDAzienda (company) .... with IDAttivitaStato E (held)T -> 1/0V -> 1/0P -> 1/0C -> 1/0I've created a SP with a parameter "IDAttivitaTipo" that allow me to view all campanies (IDAnagrafica) stopped in the "IDAttivitaTipo"if I use 'V' parameter in the SPI want to see all the companies stopped in V (IDAttivitaStato E -> Held) ...that don't have activities in P and C state .... I'm not interested if there are activities in T stateif I use 'P' parameter in the SP
I want to see all the companies stopped in P (IDAttivitaStato P ->
Held) ...that don't have activities  C state .... I'm not interested if there are activities in T or V state
if I use 'C' parameter in the SP
I want to see all the companies stopped in C (IDAttivitaStato C ->
Held) ...that don't have activities  after C .... I'm not interested if there are activities in T or V or P state
I've tried with these query but the result insn't right ... I can't to see some activieswhere is it my error??IF(@IDAttivitaTipo= 'V') BEGIN SELECT
(case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica
= Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND (IDAttivitaTipo='T') AND
(IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then 1 else 0 end) as
Telefonata, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita WHERE
(Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='V') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Visita, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita
WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='P') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Preventivo, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM
Attivita WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='C') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Chiuso FROM Anagrafica WHERE ('V' in (SELECT IDAttivitaTipo FROM Attivita WHERE Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica)) AND ('P' not in (SELECT IDAttivitaTipo FROM Attivita WHERE Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica)) AND ('C' not in (SELECT IDAttivitaTipo FROM Attivita WHERE Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica)) ENDIF(@IDAttivitaTipo = 'P') BEGIN SELECT
(case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica
= Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND (IDAttivitaTipo='T') AND
(IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then 1 else 0 end) as
Telefonata, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita WHERE
(Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='V') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Visita, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM Attivita
WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='P') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Preventivo, (case when exists (SELECT 1 FROM
Attivita WHERE (Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica) AND
(IDAttivitaTipo='C') AND (IDAttivitaStato='E') AND (Privato = 0)) then
1 else 0 end) as Chiuso FROM Anagrafica WHERE ('P' in (SELECT IDAttivitaTipo FROM Attivita WHERE Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica)) AND ('C' not in (SELECT IDAttivitaTipo FROM Attivita WHERE Attivita.IDAnagrafica = Anagrafica.IDAnagrafica)) AND END

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Current Activities - No Items

Jun 4, 2001

We are having blocking issues on our server. Recently, I noticed that we no longer have any thing under Current Activity. When I click the plus sign beside it, it shows no items - that is, no process info, locks/process ID, or the locks/object. Does anybody know why and how I can reset it?? Thanks for your help.

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Auditing Database Activities

Aug 5, 1999

We are finding ourselves editing data within a sql database using tools such as MS Query, Access or VB. Is there anyway to log these edits? Auditing is set up within the application to log changes made by the users but not by third pary applications. ANy thoughts?


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Tracking User Activities

Oct 14, 2005

Sybase and DB2 both have the capability of tracking user activities ata number of levels: invalid access attempts to databases, table, etc.;creation/deletion/modification of database objects/users/groups,grants/revokes.For MS SQLServer, the only setting that I've seen in the documentationis access attempts (none, fail only, etc.)The monitor program has the capability of tracking the events that Iwant to be monitored, but it seems as though these settings persistonly while the monitor program is running.I'd like these settings to persist permanently and the event records tobe sent to the system log.I can't seem to find the right term to get this information out of theMS Books On LIne.Help!

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How To Monitor All Sql Query Activities On Sql Server 7.0?

Nov 4, 2004

Hi Gurus,
I have a database server running on a sql server 7.0. Some external app is accessing this db server, reading and updating some tables. For some reason, some updating actions didn't work. I just want to track those updating actions, and see if there're some logs reporting failure reason. Is there some tool in sql server 7.0 that could help me do that? Thank you.

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Calculating Duration Of Activities Per Hour

Jul 25, 2014

My data is in the following form:


INSERT INTO Temp VALUES('Org Name', '2014-06-20 14:25:00.000', '2014-06-20 15:25:00.000') - AND many more like these with different START_TIME and END_TIME.

The Task:

- I need to calculate the duration of the activities PER HOUR.

i.e. in the example above, if I want to see the productivity for 2PM (i.e. activity duration from 2-3PM), I should only get 35 mins (as the activity started at 14:25). In the same way, if I see the productivity for 3PM (i.e activity duration from 3-4 PM), I should only see 25 minutes (as activity ended at 15:25).

There would technically be many activities with overlapping times - for example, there might be 5 activities starting at 14:30 and ending at 15:10. In this case, if I were to see the productivity for 2PM, I'd see 150 minutes (as each activity starts at 14:30, so 30 min per activity = 150 min). In the same way, if I saw the productivity for 3PM for those 5 activities, I'd see 50 minutes.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: CDC Activities On Receiving Machine?

Aug 19, 2014

Is there a way for me to set up CDC so that all the processing (SQL Agent, etc) happens on the machine receiving the data? I'd like to move as much of the processing as possible to the destination.

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Auditing User And Security Related Activities In SQLServer

Jul 23, 2005

On the other database types, there is an audit capability in that yourecord such items asfailed login attemptsattemtped access to tables user is not authroized tochanges to databse schemachanges to permissionschanges to logins (add, delete, lock, unlock, passwrod reset)All I can find in the SQLServer documentation is the reference totracking failed logins when you set up a database, plus the Profiler'sactivities.Yes, I'm taking voer my first SQLServer database and have been asked tomake sure that this database is closely monitored for inappripriateactivity.Questions:1) Does SQLServer have this capability? (Sybase has this, which iswhere I'm coming from)2) Does SQLServer do this automatically or do I have to set up theevents to be tracked as happens with Sybase?3) What commands are there for setting up these events to be tracked?Thanks in advance!

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Customize Database Admin Activities By Creating New User Group?

Aug 17, 2012

The requirement is to customize database admin activities by creating new user group.

Need to create a group of user / dbauser1 which will have restriction in seeing the data but they should be able to alter database - add / remove the data file , increase or decrease the data file space when required.

This requirement came we wanted to create a new dba group they should not be able to any user data / any table but increase / decrease / add / modify space etc.

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Transact SQL :: Server Trigger To Monitor Member Of Sysadmin Activities

Jul 22, 2015

I have to make server trigger to monitor the actitites if sysadmin members. i need to get the login name,hostname and query which they are running.

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Maintenance Plan Wizard Vs Tsql Maintenance

Aug 17, 2007


I have a question that I hope someone can clear up for me. I have come across a number of different suggestions on DB maintenance, for example reindexing with the following script:

USE DatabaseName --Enter the name of the database you want to reindex

DECLARE @TableName varchar(255)

SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_type = 'base table'

OPEN TableCursor

FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName
DBCC DBREINDEX(@TableName,' ',90)
FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName

CLOSE TableCursor


My question is, doesn't the maintenance plan have this functionality inherent in it when you create the maintenance jobs to reindex? Is there a benefit to scripting things out vs just using the maintenance plan wizard for this sort of thing and any of the items it covers? I came from an Oracle background where this was a no-brainer but I am a bit confused on the choices with SQL Server.


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Analysis :: Creating User Who Can Only Do User Management Activities?

Nov 25, 2015

I would like to limit the role of an user In Visual Studio only to assign roles to other users for the cubes. Other than that the user should not be able to create / delete the exisiting cubes or dimensions.

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Maintenance Commands Affect On Log File / Log File Maintenance Without Log File Backups?

Jun 18, 2015

I am testing some maintenance tasks sql commands such as index rebuild, index reorg, update statistics and db integrity check on a SQL Server 2014 Database. This is a new non-production vendor database (DB Size 500 GBs, Log Size 25 GBs) which eventually will be created in production. Currently, it is in full recovery model and without log backups. The database has a whole lot of indexes. I am just trying to rebuild and reorganize all the indexes (that need it), in addition to trying to get an idea of how long these maintenance task will take and the space needed in the log file to complete these tasks/commands. I would like to execute these tasks manually (the first time) to gather the duration and space required information. Eventually, I would probably schedule a weekly job to perform this maintenance.

I ran the index rebuild task on the database and noticed that the log file grew by over 50 GBs. I killed the process and truncated and shrunk the log file back down.

1. Does the index rebuild, index reorg, update statistics and db integrity check commands all use the log file?

2. Does Indexs Reorg have less impact on log file then Index Rebuild?

3. Should a truncate log and shrink log file be performed after these maintenance commands?

4. Should a full database backup be performed after these maintenance commands? Or before the maintenance commands?

I have read and understand that shrinking is not good for the database (could lead to more fragmentation and more data file growth when data is added) and I know about rebuilding indexes when fragmentation is GT 30% and reorganizing indexes when fragmentation is GT 5% and LE 30%.

Since this is a non-production database maybe I should set the recovery model to simple, run the maintenance commands and leave the database in simple recovery model unless the vendor needs it in full recovery model for some unknown reason.

5. With the simple recovery model the log file should be reused in a circular manner and not grow during these maintenance tasks. Is this correct?

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Job Scheduling In Sql 7.0

May 30, 2002

I have set a job to run hourly between 8 am and 8 pm. I mark the schedule as enabled and mark the job as enabled. It will run for that day and then the enable check on the schedule clears out. I have several other jobs that run without this problem. Has anyone heard of this before and can this be effectively monitored?

thanks, mary

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Oct 16, 2001

Can anybody give me the steps to schedule Database backup and restores in 7.0?
I can do the backup and restores of the database without scheduling. I dont know how to do with scheduling.

Thanks in advnace.

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Scheduling Of Job

Feb 15, 2001

I've created a task which monitors the server, I want it to run every 30 sec.
But the scheduler in job allows to run at the most only 1 min. Is it the way to make it 30 sec?



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Scheduling A DTS Job

Sep 13, 2000

Does anyone know how to schedule a DTS job to collect data from another database?


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Job Scheduling

Sep 20, 2000

Can I use SQL Server Agent schedule to start my.exe?
I am not sure in command that I have to place in "Edit Job Steps" DialogBox.
It's not working just with path.

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DTS Scheduling

Aug 11, 1999

Hello all,
I am trying to schedule DTS package. Seems like I have two options
1. Save DTS package as a File and Run it using dtsrun function
2. Save DTS package on server and use scheduling wizard

If I use method #1 it works fine but you have ti create job, schedule it
and yada, yada, yada.....
Method #2 seems mach more simple but then I use it it does nothind.

Am I missing something?

Thank you an advance.


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DTS Scheduling

Jul 22, 1999

I'm having a little trouble getting a DTS package to run as a scheduled event. I have created the same one(an export to Access db on the same computer) as a local package and a repository package. Both will run normally when I start them manually from the DTS screen, but they will not run from the scheduler. It seems like this might be some kind of permissions problem, but it could easily be something else, since I've never used DTS before.


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DTS Scheduling

Feb 21, 2001

I created a DTS to transfer two tables from one server to another and set up a schedule to run once everyday. I could not get it to run. I got this warning message from evetlog:
SQL Server Scheduled Job 'Forum' (0x0E0AA96BB9A1654C94AA12CC8B854BC8) - Status: Failed - Invoked on: 2/21/2001 4:00:00 PM - Message: The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 1 (Forum). The last step to run was step 1 (Forum).
But when I execute it manually, it run successfully.

I am using MS SQL 7.0
Your help is much appreciated.

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Job Scheduling

May 19, 2002

i'm very new to sql server and stuff... so i'm lost here.
i'm using the job scheduling wizard and i'm getting a couple of errors. first of all i need this vbscript to run weekly... do i need to translate it to tsql, or can i just paste this into the job scheduler thing?

dim strSQL, oConn, objRS
const adOpenDynamic = 2
const adLockOptimistic = 3
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oConn = "my conn string with secure info you cant see :)"
strSQL = "SELECT BattleRD FROM BattleList"
objRS.Open strSQL, oConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
While Not objRS.EOF
objRS("BattleRD")=objRS("BattleRD") + 1
Set objRS = Nothing

here are my errors in the job scheduler after selecting the dates...

error 229: execute permission denied on object 'sp_help_operator', database 'msdb', owner 'dbo'


error 229: execute permission denied on object 'sp_help_targetserver', database 'msdb', owner 'dbo'

what am i doing wrong / what do i need to do?


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Job Scheduling

Jan 29, 2004


I have two jobs scheduled on the Agent. Each job has ten steps. The next step is executed only if the previous suceeds.

I want Job 2 to execute only if Job 1 suceeds. How do I schedule that?

I was thinking that I can have the ten steps of Job 2 as steps (11 to 20) of Job 1 with each step executing after the previous one succeeds. If I do that then I can get rid of Job 2.

Let me know what approach you would advise.


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Job Scheduling

Jun 24, 2008

I am trying to schedule a simple job to run a stored procedure in my database. The stored procedure runs perfectly when I do so manually, however when I ask a job to run it, it gives me the following error:

Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted [SQLSTATE 42000](Error 15274).

The stored procedure does create a linked server (to an ORACLE database) and executes some commands across it. I've tried doing the link server creation as a separate step in the job and it executes that just fine so it has no issues creating the server, it just dies when it tries to use it. The job owner is the same user I've been using the execute the procedure manually. I also run the procedure step as that same user. But I still have this problem. Someone please help me!!

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Job Scheduling

Oct 22, 2007


Is it possible to input values to a sql job so that the sam ejob runs for different parameters the same job runs for X on all 7 days o a week and for Y only on all weekdays...

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Scheduling SQL Job

Nov 15, 2007

My boss wants to schedule a job that will run on the Wednesday night before the first Thursday of every month, recur on the first Thursday, and again on the Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday following the first Thursday of the month.

I've already got the first Thursday scheduled. Is there a way to schedule the other days. I haven't been able to find any documentation on how to do it, if it is possible. And I've looked at the sp_add_jobschedule to noavail.

Any help would be much appreciated. Even if it is telling me it can't be done.


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Scheduling Bug?

Dec 20, 2006


I'm trying to create a subsciption for my report. In first creation I can do scheduling just fine, but when I try to edit my schedule, it's totally different. It shows value 1.1.0001 and when I try to change it, it's gives me first message:
value of '1.1.0001 0:00:00' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'MinDate' and 'MaxDate'. Parameter name: Value (System.Windows.Forms)

and after that when pushing OK it gives me message: "The required field StartDateTime is missing from the input structure. (rsMissingElement)".

Do you think it's a bug or is there something which I'm doing wrong?

Tero Kruth

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Scheduling With SQL Databases.

Feb 22, 2007

I know enough about Databases to get myself in trouple.  So maybe someone can point me in the right direction, or help me out.  I work for the American Red Cross in Provo UT.  We want to be able to put class registration on line so that someone can visit our website chose the class they want to take, register and pay for it all on-line.  Our website is hosted with godaddy and I am able to post a SQL Database.  I know that our website as it stands is very poor.  The people who have maintained it in the past have no idea what they were doing, my job is not the website, I am over Health & Safety Training, but have done some work with websites for fun in the past.  I know a little about Visual Studio and plan to rebuild the site using C#.  I can build a basic Database and interface to it with Visual Studio, Godaddy can help me with the payment part, but I have no idea how to set up SQL to allow scheduling.  Any help would be appreciated.  Even if it’s just a link to a tutorial.
Ed Hall
Director Health & Safety Services
Mountain Valley Chapter
American Red Cross

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Scheduling A Task Using DTS

Sep 20, 2005

Hey Guys!

I have a SQL Update Query that I want to run automatically everyday and
I have read through the posts and I do not understand very clearly how
to go about creating one.

The SQL query I want to run is this:

SET TotalFee = ExtraFee + TotalFee
WHERE DaysOverdue >= 0

Once I have made a DTS package. How do I declare it in my coding???

Thanks in advance!

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