Script Component Not Executed

Jun 30, 2006


I have a ssis project that contains a parent package and 2 child packages. The parent package loads data from multiple flat files into a database and then kicks off the 2 child packages using separate execute package tasks.

The child package has a data flow.Within the data flow data is extracted from a database. The data is transformed using a script component and then loaded into a second database.

The problem I have is that the second child package is not working. It appears as if the data is being extracted fine.However the script component does not seem to be being executed so the columns that are being transformed are not being changed and so the write to the database fails. When I send the error rows to a database table with all the fields varchar(200) the write completes but the transformed columns are blank.

Also if I put a message box or ComponentMetaData.FireInformation in the script component I get no output.

However when i run this project on my development machine it runs fine but when I run it on the staging server it gives the problems explained above.

Any ideas please????



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Same DTS Fails Executed As Job ,but Run Fine When Executed From DTS Designer

Mar 13, 2002

I created DTS a while ago and placed in job to run once a day (it worked fine for 3 months)
2 days ago I changed sa password and now job fails with error (Login failed for user 'sa'.), but it run fine from DTS !!!

1. My DTS created with domain Account DomainSVCSQL2000( sa rights and local admin)
2. SVCSQL service use DomainSVCSQL2000 to run
3. SVCSQL agent use DomainSVCSQL2000 to run
4. DTS use 'osql -E

Where should look for reference to sa ?

Executed as user: MONTREALsvcsql2000. DTSRun: Loading... Error: -2147217843 (80040E4D); Provider Error: 18456 (4818) Error string: Login failed for user 'sa'. Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

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The Component Metadata For Component DataReader Source (1113) Could Not Be Upgraded To The Newer Version Of The Component.

Oct 26, 2007


I have a package that has a data lfow task. this task imports data from a db2 database (using the IBM Ole DB provider fro db2) and adds it to sql server database table. This package was created on the server. then though version control (using TFS source control) I check out the package on my local machine. and when I open the package I get the foll 3 errors.

Error 1 Validation error. Import Account Num from BMGP_BDR: DTS.Pipeline: The component metadata for "component "DataReader Source" (1113)" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed.

Error 2 Error loading BMAG Download Xref Tables - bmag.dtsx: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ComponentVersionMismatchException: The version of component "DataReader Source" (1113) is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow. [[The version or pipeline version or both for the specified component is higher than the current version. This package was probably created on a new version of DTS or the component than is installed on the current PC.]] at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostCheckAndPerformUpgrade(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 lPipelineVersion)

Error 3 Error loading BMAG Download Xref Tables - bmag.dtsx: The component metadata for "component "DataReader Source" (1113)" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed.

Please advice.
Thank you.

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The Component Metadata For Component DataReader Source Could Not Be Upgraded To The Newer Version Of The Component.

Jan 23, 2007


I have a package which reads an Access file from a folder. My connection manager to this file is .NET providers for OledbMicrosoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider.

Package works from my computer. But when I execute it on the server as a SQL Agent job, I get

The component metadata for "component "DataReader Source" (1) could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed.  

I copied the mdb file to a folder on the server which my packages have no problem reading data from.

My packages run under the same domain account as defined in proxies.

Appreciate a help.




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Differentiate Between Whether Stored Procedure A Is Executed Inside Query Analyzer Or Executed Inside System Application Itself.

May 26, 2008

Just wonder whether is there any indicator or system parameters that can indicate whether stored procedure A is executed inside query analyzer or executed inside application itself so that if execution is done inside query analyzer then i can block it from being executed/retrieve sensitive data from it?

What i'm want to do is to block someone executing stored procedure using query analyzer and retrieve its sensitive results.
Stored procedure A has been granted execution for public user but inside application, it will prompt access denied message if particular user has no rights to use system although knew public user name and password. Because there is second layer of user validation inside system application.

However inside query analyzer, there is no way control execution of stored procedure A it as user knew the public user name and password.

Looking forward for replies from expert here. Thanks in advance.

Note: Hope my explaination here clearly describe my current problems.

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Use Of A SSIS Variable Of Type “Object� Inside Script Component And Task Component

Mar 16, 2007

In a Data Flow, I have the necessity to use a SSIS variable of type €œObject€? inside Script Component and assign to it the content of 'n' variables of string type.
On exiting from the script the variable of type object should contain something like in the following lines:
On exiting from the data flow I will use the variable of type Object in a Script Task, by reading each element in a cyclic fashion.
Is there anyone who have experienced something like this? Could anyone provide any example of that?
Thanks in advance!

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A Custom Component For Use As A VIEW In SSIS- Is It Possible To Create One MERGE Like Component With More Than 2 Inputs

Aug 13, 2007

Hi all
I'm into a project which uses a lot of views for joining 2 or more tables. Using the MERGE component in SSIS will be a huge effort coz it only has 2 inputs and I gotta SORT the input too.
Isnt it possible to have a VIEW like component that joins more than 2 tables and DOESNT need sorting??
(I've thought about creating views in database engine but it breaks my data floe in SSIS and is'nt a practical solution)

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Reference To Preceeding Component From Custom Dataflow Transformation Component

Mar 30, 2006

I am writing a custom dataflow transformation component and I need to get the name of the preceeding component.

I have been trying to find a way to get a reference to the Package object, MainPipe object or IDTSPath90 object (connecting to the IDTSInput90 of my component) from my component because I think from there I can get to the information I want.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

TIA . . . Ed

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Serious Script Component Bug - Clears Out All Code Inside Component

Nov 27, 2007

No idea where this bug crept in from. Have been using SSIS for 1.5 years now without hitting this problem.

I had a script component opening an XML document and parsing it using XPATH. I added some code that uses StreamReader / Streamwriter (closing one stream before starting the other). The code works without issue in my C# app.

And it ran without issue 2-3 times in SSIS. Then suddenly after running my package again, the script component says it completes successfully, yet nothing happens. I set a breakpoint on the first line of code - it never hits it. I add a msgbox as the first line of code - and it never displays.

I then close my package / exit out of ssis ... and then re-open it. When i open my script component, all of my code is GONE. All references that I added are gone.

I tried adding the streamreader/writer process to a dll I created from my c# app ... and added the DLL to the package -- same result.

I can reproduce this on 2 different computers.

Anyone experience this problem ? Any idea how to stop it ? Or debug it ?

Here is a slimmed down code sample of what causes the error :

Public Class ScriptMain
Public Sub Main()
Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument
MsgBox("xmlLoaded") --this doesn't display once the package starts "acting up"
Catch ex As Exception
UpdateXML("c:ulkasync_86281519_20070628045850225_4.xml", ex.Message)
End Try
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateXML(ByVal fileName As String, ByVal message As String)
Dim invalidChar As String = message.Trim().Substring(message.Trim().IndexOf("0x"), 4)
Dim rd As StreamReader = New StreamReader(fileName)
Dim xml As String = rd.ReadToEnd()
Xml = Xml.Replace(invalidChar, String.Empty)
xml = xml.Replace("", String.Empty)
xml = xml.Replace("<![CDATA[<![CDATA[", "<![CDATA[")
xml = xml.Replace("]]>]]>", "]]>")
Dim wr As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(fileName)
Dim xdoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
Catch ex As Exception
UpdateXML(fileName, ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
End Class

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How Can I Know When A SP Was Executed?

Apr 18, 2007

Hi everyone, I've got a question. How can I Know when was the last time that a Stored Procedure was executed?

I'm thanking for your help.


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Why Is This Code Executed Twice?

Feb 22, 2007

this code inserts twice the same record. I thing  it is due to the "Selet Scope_Identity" in the sqlcommand.If i remove the Select part, the inserts occurs only once. If i remove the line "comd.ExecuteNonQuery()", then the inserts also occurs once.
Is there something wrong in my code?
Dim connection As SqlConnection        Dim comd As SqlCommand        Dim connectionstr, sql As String        Dim iden As Integer        connectionstr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("econn").ConnectionString.ToString()        connection = New SqlConnection(connectionstr)        comd = New SqlCommand()        comd.Connection = connection       sql = "INSERT INTO table(field,...) VALUES (@fld,...); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()"        comd.Parameters.Add("@var1", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10).Value = txtvnm.Text        ...        connection.Open()        iden = Convert.ToInt32(comd.ExecuteScalar())        comd.ExecuteNonQuery()        connection.Close()

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Sprocs- What Actually Got Executed?

Sep 21, 2005

I know you can use sql profiler to see what sqlcode actually executed when you run a sproc, but is there any way toget this information in After executing a sproc, I'd like to send the sqlcode that was sent, to my Audit class. Is there any wayto retrieve this in itself?cheers!

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DTS Hanging When Executed Via A Job

Feb 12, 2001

I created a simple DTS which executes a VB standard exe that simply writes a string to an ascii file opened as append. SQL Server, the exe, and the ascii file are all on the same NT box (mine). If I execute the DTS myself the process works with no problems. When I attempt to execute the DTS via a job the job hangs with no apparent indications as to what may be the cause of the hangup. The SQL Server Agent is up and running and set to run under the system account. I have applied SQL Server SP3. The same problem was occuring prior to applying SP3.

Does anybody have any idea? All sugestions are appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Trace Executed SQL

Jun 29, 2004

Hi folks

Is there any (easy!) way in which I can see the SQL that has been executed. I'm using stored procs that create & execute other stored procs(via sp_executesql). At the early stages there are often trivial errors in the created procs that cause rather general exception messages that do not give much of a clue as to where the error is. (It's tedious to find these in the debugger) ... and was wondering if there's any trace output type option I can turn on to see what sql has been presented for execution.


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How To Get The Last Query Executed?

Feb 9, 2004

Hello, i have a trigger and i want to know the query that raised it, or want to retrieve the last executed query by the server. I think it's a hard question but i know that someone can help me... Thanks

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Begin End - Not Executed

May 14, 2008

hello, I have a big problem with a script.. some instructions seems to be not executed. I don't understand. If I execute line perline it's ok - but the entire block no.
Explain me and find the solution:




print 'end of script'



Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 9
Invalid column name 'ZoneUId'.

the error is on line:
UPDATE dbo.ACS_ACL SET ZoneUId = '000000001' WHERE ZoneUId IS NULL;

how is is possible because the preceding line is


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Log All Commands Executed In QA

Jul 23, 2005

Hi All,Is there way that commands executed in the query analyzer get loggedautomatically?TIAJoriz

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How Long Until SQL SP Is Executed

Mar 11, 2008

I have a program that allows various users to login to the sql server. On the login window there is a dropdown that lists all the databases on the server and the user can select which database they wish to login to. To get the list of databases on the server I use a login created for the program we will call 'worker'. The program logs in as worker and runs "SELECT * FROM sys.databases". Before I load the login window, I check to make sure the login worker exists or has been corrupted (in case a user deletes it or changes the password, etc) and if it has been corrupted or deleted, I recreate the login using the "CREATE LOGIN worker WITH PASSWORD = '123' " function.

The problem occurs after I recreate the worker login. The login is created successfully but when the login window appears and logs in as the worker login to get a list of the databases, I get an error saying the login failed for worker. If open the login window again, everything works fine (the worker login isn't created again as it already exists). Further, if I run the same code but put a break point in the code and step through everything, it works the first time.

Is there an amount of time that is necessary to wait for the CREATE LOGIN function to be executed?

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How SQL Commands Get Executed?

Apr 17, 2007

When we send any SQL command to database engine , how exactly it gets executed?

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DTS Executed As A Scheduled Job Fails

Mar 6, 2003

I have a SQL 2000 DTS package which executes without errors when run from the DTS design screen or by right clicking the package and selecting execute.
When I schedule the package and get it to run at a certain time or highlight the job and select start, the package comes back with an error saying there was a problem with a transformation.
I have tried scheduling the DTS by right clicking on it and selecting schedule and creating a new job and using DTSRun with an operating system command. I get the same results! Help!

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Package Fails When Executed By The Job

Dec 12, 2005

Hai ....,

I have a DTS Package that is used to dispatch mails to all the customers. When I execute the package manually by selecting it and then clicking Execute Package from the context menu, it executes to completion successfully. But when I schedule to execute it using Job, then I get the following error message:

... DTSRun: Executing... DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_2 DTSRun OnFinish: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_2 DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1 DTSRun OnFinish: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1 DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_3 DTSRun OnError: DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_3, Error = -2147220421 (8004043B) Error string: The task reported failure on execution. Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Help file: sqldts80.hlp Help context: 1100 Error Detail Records: Error: -2147220421 (8004043B); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: The task reported failure on execution. Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Help file: sqldts80.hlp Help context: 1100 Error: -2147467262 (80004002); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: No such interface supported Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Serv... Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

FYI: This Package is under machine7. When I copy the package to my system (machine3) and execute it using Job, it succeeds :rolleyes:

Please help me out of this problem :confused:

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Jobs Executed In The Past

May 16, 2008

How to find the jobs executed in the past for a perticular period.
e.g. jobs ran between 2-3pm in the past.

I am using sysjobhistory but not really able to use column run_time

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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How To Tell How Many Times An SQL Executed In V7 Or V2000?

Feb 21, 2006

Using the dm_exec_query_stats in 2005, I know I can get the number ofexecutions for a particular sql_handle, but is it possible to get thenumber of execs for a SQL in version 7 or 2000? Also is it possible toget reads/writes/etc in these early versions?Thanks.

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Determine The Last Time SP Was Executed

Jul 20, 2005

Hello -I am trying to determine the last time a SP was executed. Does anyoneknow how to do this? I'm trying to cleanup some databases.Thanks!*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Percent Of Executed Procedure

Jul 20, 2005

Hi!How can I get percent of executed procedure in MSSQL Server, lik inEnterprise Manager and/or dbMgr2k ?I use Visual C# and MSDE.Thank's for help, gregory

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How Stored Procedures Are Executed

Apr 20, 2007

I was wondering the way in which stored procedures are executed.
For example if I had a stored procedure (A) that executed a sub stored procedure (B).
And two different users where to execute the Stored procedure at the same time what would happen.
Would the second user have to wait while the first user had finished (A and B), dose each user get a copy of the stored procedure or can one user be running stored procedure (B) whilst the other is running stored procedure (A).

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What Order Are Datasets Executed?

Aug 4, 2005

I'm running a report that uses multiple datasets. One of which is basically a script written in SQL. I would like this dataset, let's call it code, to execute before the other ones. How can I ensure that this happens?

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Return Executed Value Of Field

Feb 11, 2008

I have a field in a table that has sql statements as follows;
'Low_Quote_Mortgage_' + REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR, GETDATE(), 10),'-','') + '.txt'

I am trying to create a proc/view to return the data in an executed form ie;

I tried using a function ;

create FUNCTION [dbo].[DynamicFileConversion] (
@dynamic_filename VARCHAR(100)
DECLARE @Static_filename VARCHAR(100)

SET @Static_filename = (@dynamic_filename)

RETURN @Static_filename

SELECT suptype_id, oen.dbo.DynamicFileConversion(REPLACE(dynamic_filename, '%day%', 'GETDATE()')) AS Link
FROM abc.dbo.ondemand

Didn't work...the only way i can think to do this is by first inserting the data into a temp table then using a cursor to go through each record and linking it back to the table ...just seems really inefficient anyone know a better way?

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Updates Executed Regardless Of Conditional?

Jun 30, 2006

Greetings all. I hope someone has seen this before. It's driving me up the wall. Here's the scenario. Import a table via bulk insert. Some columns imported need to have the first 6 characters stripped. Write a generic routine to do this. Here's the script:

declare @pattern varchar(10)
set @pattern = 'yn' --only 2 fields are to be used with this table

declare @cnt int
set @cnt = 0
while @cnt < len(rtrim(@pattern)) begin
set @cnt = @cnt + 1
if @cnt = 1 and substring(@pattern,@cnt,1) = 'y' begin
print 'updating f1'
update TempImport set f1 = substring(f1,6,len(f1)-6)
if @cnt = 2 and substring(@pattern,@cnt,1) = 'y' begin
print 'updating f2'
update TempImport set f2 = substring(f2,6,len(f2)-6)
if @cnt = 3 and substring(@pattern,@cnt,1) = 'y' begin
print 'updating f3'
update TempImport set f3 = substring(f3,6,len(f3)-6)

The result???

updating f1
Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 10
Invalid column name 'f3'.
Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 10
Invalid column name 'f3'.
Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 10
Invalid column name 'f3'.

Okay, ignoring the fact that the loop seems to run 3 passes, the table only contains 2 fields, f1 and f2. Since the @pattern is only 2 characters long this should not be a problem. The trace shows only 'updating f1' yet all updates are being executed. The 'if' statement seems to be ignored by the updates. What am I missing?

Thanks in advance. Floyd Shadwick

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When Does ConnectionManagerBase.Validate() Get Executed?

Feb 13, 2008

[Microsoft follow-up]

I'm pondering building a custom connection manager and within the Validate() method I want to initiate a connection to a SQL Server instance, check something out, and then close he connection at the end of the method. Here's the code I have so far:

Code Snippet
public override Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult Validate(Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.IDTSInfoEvents infoEvents)
DTSExecResult execRes = DTSExecResult.Success;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_serverName))
infoEvents.FireError(0, "SqlConnectionManager", "No server name specified", String.Empty, 0);
execRes = DTSExecResult.Failure;

//Establish a connection and check that it is pointing to an MDM DB
SqlConnection sqlConnToValidate = new SqlConnection();
sqlConnToValidate.ConnectionString = this._connectionString;
if (!IsMDMDatabase(sqlConnToValidate))
execRes = DTSExecResult.Failure;
catch (Exception e)
infoEvents.FireError(0, "MDMConnectionManager", e.Message, String.Empty, 0);
execRes = DTSExecResult.Failure;
if (sqlConnToValidate.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
return execRes;

I'm worried about the overhead of establishing a connection every time Validate() is called. So the questions are

When does Validate() get called?

Does it get called for every component/task that uses it?

Does anyone suspect that what I'm doing here is necassarily a bad thing or not?


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T-SQL: Different SELECT Executed Depending On Condition.

Apr 30, 2004

I'm trying to execute a different SELECT statement depdning on a certain condition (my codes below). However, Query Analyzer complains that 'Table #Endresult already exists in the database', even though only one of those statements would be executed depending on the condition. Any ideas as to a work around? I need the result in an end temporary table.

IF @ShiftPeriod = 'Day'
SELECT * INTO #EndResult FROM #NursesAvailable WHERE CanWorkDays = 1
ELSE IF @ShiftPeriod = 'Night'
SELECT * INTO #EndResult FROM #NursesAvailable WHERE CanWorkNights = 1
ELSE IF @ShiftPeriod = 'Evenings'
SELECT * INTO #EndResult FROM #NursesAvailable WHERE CanWorkEvenings = 1
SELECT * INTO #EndResult FROM #NursesAvailable

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Is There A Way To Find Our When A Specific Procedure Was Last Executed.

May 29, 2002


Is there any system tables or something , which one can query to get when a specific procedure was last run.

Thanks for you help.

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How To Get Recordset From Only Last SELECT Stmt Executed???

Feb 14, 2005

How to get recordset from only last SELECT stmt executed???

this is part of my code.. in T-Sql

Create proc some mySp
set nocount on
if (@SelUserID is null)
select 0
else if (@SelUserID = @userID)

select 1


select * -- select a.
from dms_prsn_trx_log
where @incNo = ult_incid_no and
prsn_trx_no = 10 and
trx_log_txt = @logText
if (@@rowcount != 0)
set @isForwardedByUser = 1
select 2 -- select b. I NEED This value.

set nocount off

here it executes select a, b.
But, I want mySp return last executed select result. which is here "select 2"

I thought set nocount ON does that, but it doesn't.
How can I do???

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