Select Based On Repeated Numbers

Nov 10, 2006

i have telephone numbers in my table and i want to select based on numbe of repeated numbers.. for example..




The first has foue 7s, second has four 1s and the thrid has four 9s.

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Search Repeated Record And Give Suggestion As Most Repeated One

Sep 4, 2007

I have problem, i wanted a query which will search the duplicate and then give suggestionmost repeated word
Table containing the records like below

Movie Name 
New Name

Spider Man 
Spider Man

Spider Man 2 
Spider Man

Spider Man 3 
Spider Man

Spider Man UK 
Spider Man

Spider Man USA 
Spider Man

New Spider Man 
Spider Man

Spider Man Black 
Spider Man

Spider Man Part 1 
Spider Man

Spider Man Part 2 
Spider Man

Spider Man I 
Spider Man

Spider Man III 
Spider Man

Spider Man Part II 
Spider Man
My manufacturer send me the data in this format and i have to allocate there new name
to do some comparison
I wanted to make this process automatic.
what i mean is i need a query which will give me a repeated records  along with suggestion
as new name.
I am fully confident that you  guys will help me out from this problem.
Looking forward

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SELECT The Repeated-same Rows

Feb 5, 2008


I am beginner on using SQL.
How can I select the repeated rows (five or more times) on a table which have the same ID's but different updated date. I do not need to group all the rows with the same ID,s but rows which are repeated many times according to the required reports needed.

Below are some information regarding tables and views:

VIEW name= dbo.tblCCInvoicesH
COLUMN DATE= ReadingDate

Thank you in advance...


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Select Command That Filter Repeated Value

Jun 14, 2006


Ihave a table With A Culomn That Is NOT Unique And Repeat Many Tims BUT I want To Have a Select Command That Filter Repeated Value And Show Only One of rows Whith Same Data

Thank u

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Distribute Data Into Groups Based On Existing Numbers?

Aug 11, 2014

i've been looking at moving one of our processed from excel (+vba) into t-sql to make life easier but am stuck.

We have lots of tasks that are assigned to work groups which we want to distribute evenly across the work groups. This is a simple task for ntile.. However when these tasks are no longer required they are removed which leaves the groups uneven. When new tasks are added we want to still try to keep these groups balanced.

EG Existing groups :

GroupName - Task Count
Group1 - 1000
Group2 - 999
Group3 - 998

If we were to add 6 new tasks they would have more assigned to Group 2 & 3 as they have less than group 1.

Task 1 - Group3
Task 2 - Group3
Task 3 -Group2
Task 4 - Group1
Task 5 - Group2
Task 6 - Group3
Sample tables
Create table GroupTable
(GroupID int, Name varchar(200) )
Insert into GroupTable values (1,'Group1')
Insert into GroupTable values (2,'Group2')
Insert into GroupTable values (3,'Group3')

Create table Jobs(jobid int identity(1,1), name varchar(100),Groupid int)

--Existing tasks

Insert into Jobs(name,Groupid) values ('Task1',1)
Insert into Jobs(name,Groupid) values ('Task2',1)
Insert into Jobs(name,Groupid) values ('Task3',1)
Insert into Jobs(name,Groupid) values ('Task4',1)
Insert into Jobs(name,Groupid) values ('Task5',2)
Insert into Jobs(name,Groupid) values ('Task6',2)
Insert into Jobs(name,Groupid) values ('Task6',2)
Insert into Jobs(name,Groupid) values ('Task7',3)

-- New tasks

Insert into Jobs(name) values ('TaskA')
Insert into Jobs(name) values ('TaskB')
Insert into Jobs(name) values ('TaskC')
Insert into Jobs(name) values ('TaskD')
Insert into Jobs(name) values ('TaskE')
Insert into Jobs(name) values ('TaskF')

This gives us 6 unassigned tasks and a uneven group assignment

<none> 6
Group1 4
Group2 3
Group3 2

This means the new tasks will be assigned like this

TaskA - Group3
TaskB - Group3
TaskC - Group2
TaskD - Group1
TaskE - Group2
TaskF - Group3

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How To Build A Procedure That Returns Different Numbers Of Columns As A Result Based On A Parameter

Nov 23, 2006

/*Subject: How to build a procedure that returns differentnumbers of columns as a result based on a parameter.You can copy/paste this whole post in SQL Query Analyzeror Management Studio and run it once you've made surethere is no harmful code.Currently we have several stored procedures which finalresult is a select with several joins that returns manycolumns (150 in one case, maybe around 50 the average).We have analyzed our application and found out that mostof the time not all the columns are used. We haveidentified 3 different sets of columns needed indifferent parts of the application.Let's identify and name these sets as:1- simple set, return the employee list for example2- common set, return the employee information (whichinclude the simple set)3- extended set, return the employee information (whichinlude the common set which itself includes the simpleset) + additional information from other tables, maybeeven some SUM aggregates and so on (I don't know forexample, how much sales the employee did so far).So the bigger sets contain the smaller ones. Please keepreading all the way to the bottom to better understandtechnically what we are trying.Here is a code sample of how our current procedureswork. Please note that the passing parameter we can eitherpass a Unique Identifier (PK) to retrieve a single record,or if we pass for example -1 or NULL we retrieve all theemployee records.*/create table a ( apk int primary key, af1 int, af2 int, af3 int, af4int, af5 int, af6 int)create table b ( bpk int primary key, bf1 int, bf2 int, bf3 int, bf4int, bf5 int, bf6 int)create table c ( cpk int primary key, cf1 int, cf2 int, cf3 int, cf4int, cf5 int, cf6 int)create table d ( dpk int primary key, df1 int, df2 int, df3 int, df4int, df5 int, df6 int)insert a values (1,1111,1112,1113,1114,1115,1116)insert a values (2,1211,1212,1213,1214,1215,1216)insert a values (3,1311,1312,1313,1314,1315,1316)insert a values (4,1411,1412,1413,1431,1415,1416)insert a values (5,1511,1512,1513,1514,1515,1516)insert a values (6,1611,1612,1613,1614,1615,1616)insert b values (1,2111,2112,2113,2114,2115,2116)insert b values (2,2211,2212,2213,2214,2215,2216)insert b values (3,2311,2312,2313,2314,2315,2316)insert b values (4,2411,2412,2413,2431,2415,2416)insert b values (5,2511,2512,2513,2514,2515,2516)insert b values (6,2611,2612,2613,2614,2615,2616)insert c values (1,3111,3112,3113,3114,3115,3116)insert c values (2,3211,3212,3213,3214,3215,3216)insert c values (3,3311,3312,3313,3314,3315,3316)insert c values (4,3411,3412,3413,3431,3415,3416)insert c values (5,3511,3512,3513,3514,3515,3516)insert c values (6,3611,3612,3613,3614,3615,3616)insert d values (1,4111,4112,4113,4114,4115,4116)insert d values (2,4211,4212,4213,4214,4215,4216)insert d values (3,4311,4312,4313,4314,4315,4316)insert d values (4,4411,4412,4413,4431,4415,4416)insert d values (5,4511,4512,4513,4514,4515,4516)insert d values (6,4611,4612,4613,4614,4615,4616)gocreate procedure original_proc @pk int asif @pk = -1set @pk = nullselecta.af1, a.af2, a.af3, a.af4, b.bf1, b.bf2, b.bf3, b.bf4, c.cf1, c.cf2,c.cf3, c.cf4, d.df1, d.df2, d.df3, d.df4fromajoin b on a.apk = b.bpkjoin c on b.bpk = c.cpkjoin d on c.cpk = d.dpkwherea.apk = ISNULL(@pk, a.apk)goexec original_proc 1go/*Currently the above SP is a single SP that is basicallyreturning ALL possible needed data. However most of thetime we might need to call and retrieve a simple employeelist.So we thought about modifying the stored procedure byadding an extra parameter that will indicate which setof columns to return.For modifying the stored procedure in order to get avariable name of columns returned and avoidingrepeating code, we built 4 objects: the storedprocedure being called, one table function and 2 views.One table function so that we are able to pass a parameter.The views since they do not accept parameters they arealways joined at least with the inline table function.The stored procedure generates in its body a dynamicSQL statement, where it queries the table function andthe views, depending which set is required. Here is acode sample of our current design (you need to run theprevious code in order for this to work).*/create function _1_set(@pk int)returns tableas return(select a.apk, a.af1, a.af2, a.af3, a.af4, b.bf1, b.bf2from ajoin b on a.apk = b.bpkwhere a.apk = ISNULL(@pk, a.apk))gocreate view _2_set asselect b.bpk, b.bf3, b.bf4, c.cf1, c.cf2from bjoin c on b.bpk = c.cpkgocreate view _3_set asselect c.cpk, c.cf3, c.cf4, d.df1, d.df2, d.df3, d.df4from cjoin d on c.cpk = d.dpkgocreate procedure new_proc @pk int, @set int asdeclare @sql nvarchar(4000)if @pk = -1set @pk = nullset @sql = 'select * from _1_set(@pk) fs 'if @set 1set @sql = @sql + 'join _2_set ss on fs.apk = ss.bpk 'if @set 2set @sql = @sql + 'join _3_set ts on ss.bpk = ts.cpk 'exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@pk int', @pkgoexec new_proc 1, 3go/*For executing the new procedure, we pass parameter 1for the smaller set, 2 for the medium size set or 3for the complete set.For example when we want to retrieve the common setwe pass the Unique Identifier of the employee to theSP and then we pass the type of set we want to useas the second parameter (1 for simple set, 2 forcommon set and 3 for extended set).The SP has the IF and dynamic SQL to add more JOINs.We would like to know what you think of this approachand if you know a simpler way of doing it.For cleaning up the test objects run the following code.*/drop procedure original_procdrop procedure new_procdrop function _1_setdrop view _2_setdrop view _3_setdrop table adrop table bdrop table cdrop table dAs always I would appreciate any feedback, opinion,comments, ideas and suggestions.Thank you

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SQL Server 2012 :: List Of Order Numbers Based On Stock Availability - Filter Results?

Dec 23, 2014

Trying to build a list of order numbers based on stock availability.

The data looks something like this:

OrderNumber Stockcode quantityordered quantityinstock
123 code1 10 5
123 code2 5 10
124 code3 15 20
124 code4 10 10

In this case I would like to output a single result for each order, but based on stock availability order 123 is not a complete order and 124 is so the results will need to reflect this.

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Select Any 2 Numbers (was Help)

Dec 5, 2006

I have a table that have ID_Number,Telephone_Number,Contract_No and Telephone_Type. lets say one id_number has one contract_no with different telephone_numbers and Telephone_Type so now what i wanna know is how can i select any 2 numbers if i have more that 3 per id_number in my table bear in mind that my table has about 200 000 rows.

ID_Number Tel_Number Contract_No Tel_Type
123 555-22 5 home
123 444-12 5 Business
123 546-12 5 Cell

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Formatting Numbers In A Mixed Column (numbers In Some Cells Strings In Other Cells) In Excel As Numbers

Feb 1, 2007

I have a report with a column which contains either a string such as "N/A" or a number such as 12. A user exports the report to Excel. In Excel the numbers are formatted as text.

I already tried to set the value as CDbl which returns error for the cells containing a string.

The requirement is to export the column to Excel with the numbers formatted as numbers and the strings such as "N/A' in the same column as string.

Any suggestions?

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How To Select All Rows Starting With Numbers

Feb 1, 2008


I have a table with one column

Shop Name
123 Shop
#56 Shop
Astar Shop
Best Shop

I want to write a sql select statement and produces the following result

Shop Name
123 Shop
#56 Shop

Please help me on this


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Reporting Services :: Select Text Field Dataset Based On User Select Option?

Aug 4, 2015

I have a report that uses different datasets based on the year selected by a user.

I have a year_id parameter that sets a report variable named dataset_chosen. I have varified that these are working correctly together.

I have attempted populating table cell data to display from the chosen dataset. As yet to no avail.

How could I display data from the dataset a user selects via the year_id options?

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How To: Create A SELECT To Select Records From A Table Based On The First Letter.......

Aug 16, 2007

Dear All
I need to cerate a SP that SELECTS all the records from a table WHERE the first letter of each records starts with 'A' or 'B' or 'C' and so on. The letter is passed via a parameter from a aspx web page, I was wondering that someone can help me in the what TSQL to use I am not looking for a solution just a poin in the right direction. Can you help.
Thanks Ross

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How To Generate Serial Numbers In Select Statement

Aug 3, 2007

My problem is one of my query is returing party_codes . now i also want a column which returns serial numbers along with it . the serial numbers are not stored anywhere. they should be autogenerated. My query is combining two different databases and its using union in it so i can not use count in it . Is there any other way i can acheive . for eg Now my query output is party_code ---------- R06048 R06600 R06791 (3 row(s) affected) I want it like party_code serial number ---------- ------------- R06048 1 R06600 2 R06791 3 (3 row(s) affected)
The serial number column should be auto generated in the select statement it self Is there any system rowid i can use . Please suggest

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Count Number Of Values That Exist In A Row Based On Values From Array Of Numbers

Apr 16, 2014

How to count the number of values that exist in a row based on the values from an array of numbers. Basically the the array of numbers I want to look for are in row 1 of table [test 1] and I want to search for them and count the "out of" in table [test 2]. Excuse me for not using the easiest way to convey my question below. I guess in short I have 10 numbers and like to find how many of those numbers exist in each row. short example:

Table Name: test1
Columns: m1 (int), m2 (int), m3 (int) >>> etc
Array/Row1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Table Name: test2
Columns: n1 (int), n2 (int), n3 (int), n4 (int), n5 (int)

Row 1: 3, 8, 18, 77, 12
Row 2: 1, 4, 5, 7,18, 21
Row 3: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Answer: 2 out of 5
Answer: 4 out of 5
Answer: 5 out of 5

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Select Query With Records And Sequential Numbers

Apr 5, 2014

I have a problem. In my database I have the following numbers available:


What I need is to get a select query with records and sequentials numbers after it like:

101 0
104 1 (the number 105)
105 0
110 4 (the numbers 111,112,113,114)
111 3 (the numbers 112,113,114)
112 2 (the numbers 113,114)
113 1 (the numbers 114)
114 0

How can I do It?

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Query Analyzer Shows Negative Numbers As Positive Numbers

Jul 20, 2005

Why does M$ Query Analyzer display all numbers as positive, no matterwhether they are truly positive or negative ?I am having to cast each column to varchar to find out if there areany negative numbers being hidden from me :(I tried checking Tools/Options/Connections/Use Regional Settings bothon and off, stopping and restarting M$ Query Analyer in betwixt, butno improvement.Am I missing some other option somewhere ?

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I Need To Update A Table With Random Numbers Or Sequential Numbers

Mar 11, 2008

I have a table with a column ID of ContentID. The ID in that column is all NULLs. I need a way to change those nulls to a number. It does not matter what type of number it is as long as they are different. Can someone point me somewhere with a piece of T-SQL that I could use to do that. There are over 24000 rows so cursor change will not be very efficient.

Thanks for any help

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Select Based On Nonexistant Value

Jan 21, 2004

Hey all, I'm having an interesting problem, but also keep in mind I am certainly a newbie with DB's and SQL but here's what I got:

I'm making an application that creates quotes for our customers. I want to create a Quote Number that is based on the largest of the last number in the DB but only based on that company. For example:

CoID QuoteNum
123 1
123 2
666 1
123 3
666 2
666 3

so if I created a new quote for CoID: 666, the QuoteNum would be 4. Easy enough. But the problem arises when I create a new quote for a NEW COMPANY, one who's CoID is not already present in the DB. So what I have so far is this:

SELECT QuoteNum FROM Quote
WHERE QuoteNum = (SELECT MAX(QuoteNum) FROM Quote
WHERE CoID='222')

but since 222 does not yet exist I get an error: "Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record."

So how do I tell the DB to ignore that error and perform another task should it arise? Any help would greatly be appreciated. THANKS!

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SQL 2012 :: SET CMD Value Based On Select Name

Oct 21, 2015

I am trying to move files to directories based on the file status. If the file contains the Flag='E' then I want to move it to an "Error" folder, otherwise it will go to a "Processed" folder.

Here is my current code:

DECLARE @cmd varchar(500)
WHEN Processed_Flag = 'E'
SET @cmd='MOVE /Y C: empmyfiles*.dat C: empmyfilesError'
SET @cmd='MOVE /Y C: empmyfiles*.dat C: empmyfilesProcessed'


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Select Statement Based On A Date

Feb 19, 2004

i am not getting a result back when i run the query below.

select * from users where DateCreated = '2004-02-19'

so i went into the table and looked at the record. for DateCreated field i have both date and time. ex: 2004-02-19 08:40:00

how can i select this record with out using the time in the select statement. what i want to see is how many users signed up for a day. any ideas?

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Updating Based On A Select Iteration

Jan 8, 2001

Okay I'm going nuts.

I have a table with a max key value in it, and another table with a few rows in it. I'm trying to update the two new rows with key values that are iterative from the MAX value in the first table. Could anyone point me to some good LOOP...UPDATE, etc resources or pointers before I go postal?


Example: first table has a key field, last value in it is say 1000. The second table has two records. They need keys too, and those keys need to start at the last value in the first table + 1, so 1001, and end on the last row of the second table, or, say 1002. I cannot figure out how to read the last value of the first table, and create an update loop to iteratively update the key value in the second table based on the max value of the first, and looping based on the number of records in the second, in this case 2.



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Select Query Based On Datetime

Feb 12, 2002

I need to select certain rows based on a "datetime" column. I need to select rows from 8am yesterday until 8am today.
In Oracle I would use:
select * from foo where TIMESTAMP >= trunc(sysdate - 1) + 8/24 AND TIMESTAMP < trunc(sysdate) + 8/24.
This would start at 8am yesterday and end at 7:59am today.

How would I do this with T-SQL?

thank you,


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Select Random Row Based On Weights

Feb 9, 2007

I have a table with two columns: value and weight (weight is smallint).

I want a query that will return the value of one row at random with the added requirement that rows with a higher weight have a higher probability of being chosen. Any ideas?

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How To Do Update Of Select Columns Based On...

Jun 21, 2007

the following criteria.
i have the selection all done but am trying to figure out how to do the following:
if column4 < 0 then add column4 to column3, move 0 to column4;
if column3 < 0 then add column3 to column2, move 0 to column3;
if column2 < 0 then add column2 to column1, move 0 to column2;
add column3 to column4;
move column2 to column3;
move column1 to column2;
if column0 > 0 move column0 to column1, move 0 to column0 else move 0 to column1;

these are all numeric data types.

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Select Record Based On Max Date

Sep 12, 2012

I have the following table:

Occ_Num Feature_Num Trans_Date Peril_Desc
123 1 1-2-2012 Water
123 1 1-11-2012 Ice
123 2 1-2-2012 Other
123 2 1-13-2012 Other
123 2 1-19-2012 Wind

I want to select each Occ_Num, Feature_NUM, Trans_Date, and PERIL_Desc but with only the Peril that was part of the max trans_date.

So i would want the following from above:

Occ_Num Feature_Num Trans_Date Peril_Desc
123 1 1-11-2012 Ice
123 2 1-19-2012 Wind

I'm having trouble with the syntax need to accomplish this.

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Select Product Based On Date?

Sep 23, 2012

Product Date
pd0 2012-08-11 18:45:55.780
Pd1 2012-08-11 18:55:17.020
pd2 2012-08-11 19:06:58.623
pd3 2012-08-18 12:00:01.193
pd4 2012-08-25 12:13:04.077
pd5 2012-08-25 17:28:30.347
pd6 2012-08-25 18:23:16.473
pd7 2012-09-18 18:29:58.360

I want select the product based on from date and to date.

For Example

I want the select the product date in between 2012-08-11 to 2012-08-18

Note:dont check the time.

I want the query for select product based on only date not depend upon time

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Select Latest Date Based On ID

Dec 3, 2012

I want to select the latest single value based on ProductID. The value should be the last value inserted from the Date column.

I want to use this as part of a query to delete this value when a button is slected in ASP.Net C#.

Here is my code which does not work

select basketID, SessionID, UserID, MAX(Date), productID from ShoppingBasket
where userID = '1'
group by productID, basketID, SessionID, UserID

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How To Create Set Of Records Based On SELECT

Oct 10, 2014

I have a set of records that will always be the same. A template if you wanna call it that.

"SELECT ID, Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5, Field6, Field7 FROM TABLE WHERE Field2 = 000"

This returns a 20 record set. The user will click a button and create another set of 20 records, where they can make changes accordingly.

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Create Function Based On Select

Mar 3, 2015

I have select to split FullName on LastName and FirstName columnselect

Substring(FullName, 1,Charindex(',', FullName)-1) LName
,Substring(FullName, Charindex(',', FullName)+1, LEN(FullName)) FName
from Table1

Is it possible to create function based on that select? If yes. How it to do?

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Add A Column Based On A Select Query

Mar 5, 2006

Supose I have the following select:

Select Name, Age, (select TelNums from Telephone)
From Person

The problem is that (select TelNums from Telephone) can return more than 1 record:


I was wondering how I can make a select to return the tel numbers like: 'tel1,tel2,tel2'

»»» Ken.A

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Select Records Based On Number

Mar 8, 2006

I'm trying to select records that occur more than once. I'm trying to base this on the email column. So basically I want the query to look something like this:

select * from table where emailaddress count > 1

Can someone provide me with the correct syntax? :)

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Select Based Upon Multiple Criteria

Sep 13, 2006


I would like to get records from a table and present a result set based upon the search fields

the search fields could be any of the following: PNo, Year, JNo, C1No6, C2No3, C3No3, C4No3,

they could enter any combination of these however if they dont enter any of the above then the search should not retrieve any thing. the table colunms are listed below and asample data set is also shown below.

Currently the only way i think it can be done is by writing multiple queries with different queries to be executed based upon the search field that have been filled? can it be done in a stored prcedure? and can it be done using non-dynamic sql?

Name, PNo, Year, JNo, C1No6, C2No3, C3No3, C4No3, RefImage

adam, 01, 1999, 099, 3yh333, 888, 989, 999, ref1999099.jpg
Brian, 01, 2005, 029, 3yh323, 828, 929, 929, ref1929099.jpg
sid, 04, 1989, 039, 3yh343, 838, 939, 939, ref1993399.jpg
jack, 06, 1996, 069, 3yh633, 868, 969, 969, ref1669099.jpg

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Select X Record Based On Row Passed In URL

Aug 3, 2007

Hi all - this one has me stumped... PLEASE HELP!!!

I have a back/forward navigation link that passes a URL.startrow number (lets call it n) - based on n - I only want to select the record that is the n'th record based on a sort order (gall_order) - (SQL SERVER).

<cfquery name="gallHomePic1st" datasource="id" maxrows="1">
FROM gall_home
ORDER BY gall_order asc

For e.g. - I want the 7th (14th - 21st etc) record based on gall_order asc.

Thanks guys - this has me stumped!

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